DAILY OAT-TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBOON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1007. WVL Mam Ayer'a Pills are liver pills. They act directly Is why they cure constipation, biliousness; dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if heN knows a better laxative pill. We cer ulnlv do not. If he docs, then use his kind. ffin?JmlfUotirpwprl"'.. -owill.Mm. nit CBb- oornllnr . we veu r ThlM"' ' . ' "nrt a SSiS- or 0,0- I TwVrooks and the car- l"1"'" taxed for. -ineu l.tnretbat,ru to & amend tho bird protec tlXanrone can shoot all (V"!., he pleases It thoy '?,Sft At ho time when jftX .mail fruit, Ilk. L J berries, in Oregon tho "vlnts full of young K7 Ii a very appropriate Z i elrlllxcd person to turn Sill the Parent birds. . wn appropilatlnff 3000 for n m ippw" .,.- win bo WaV ": ..'..f nnv '. .nA..nees will bo mado Si of Srafts. The State , Society reaenw "" " " ,u cruelty in all parts or tho -i.- twe are no humano or- Ciioni. Recently a lot of tnon ET wi tortured a lot or coons .Lebanon or ociu. " -- JdfJ of It ami soni uu ub An to arrtit and punish tho iitori. They mado an oxam !vtlm that will not soon bo pgta, H It wero not ror this ilatlon all tho sea gulls and other beautiful and harmless iid been killed oft long ago ;Sportiand summer resorts of norrinucd graft and Us or iTlo not llko tho way Tho Capl cJnmil Ii conducted. They tako ism tt Iti fight on tho mnchlno till oa the taxpayers, Thcso Sri object especially to tho black Mb the editorials, and tho big AisH icross tho page, pointing J oiklng conspicuous tho ag icjsi of tho growing multitude itoueiers and sycophants or of Sra. Ons er thorn, who tins i& (hole gamut or offlco-loot-cnplarly dovotcs a hair-column editor ot this paper, tolling kiltie man ha Ji. In tho mean pTti Capital Journal turnlshos wie stun tor tno peopio to fftjiil Iho peopio ot Orogon Hn la a pitiable condition In- It they had to rely for any help jitnloi flatterers of official- let hold of nowspapers turn- 1 Ortton needed nbovo all ( u a governor undor tho nl of the machlno to have snnc W ni letallted all tho acts or uVcfaUture. And that Is what a & tomnor would hnvo dono. jito-bs hoped that Governor Chamberlain will hnvo tho ncrvo to hit some moro ot tho outrageous and uncalled-ror appropriations by hla vetos. A mnchlno governor at this Bosslon would cost tho pobplo tho di rect primary law, tho Australian bal lot, would hnvo rlvltcd legalized of flclal passes on tho stato rorcver, and scores of other bastard creations ot rank partlsanlsm with no other mo tive than to obuso tho power glvon by tho people, and do thlngB thoy never dared breatho of boforo nom ination nnd election. -o A IiASTING EFFECT. Thli Kvldence Should Prove Kvcry Claim Mntlo for Bonn's Kidney Pills In Salem. Relief from tho pains nnd aches ot a bad back is always wolcomb to every backache BufTororj but to cure a lamo, weak or aching back 1b what's wanted. Curo It so It will stay curcd.j It can bo dono. Horo's tho strongest ovidonco to jirovo It: Jacob. B. McCoy, retired, living on Capital St., beyond Mill Creek, Sa lem, Ohio, sayB! Thoro has boon no reason for mo to chango my good opinion or Doan's Kidney Pills which I oppressed through our papors thrco years ago. I procured tho romody at Dr. Stono's drug storo at that tlmo and received tho moat gratifying re sults from its uso. I was relieved or kidney complaint of sovornl yoars' standing. Tho prlnclpnl symptomB wero In connection with tho klduoy secrotlons and any strain or over exertion ofton caused hemorrhages of tho kldnoys. Nothing I had found In tho wny of mcdlclno gavo mo any satisfactory relief until I got Doan'a Kidney Pills. Thoy gavo prompt and lasting bonoftt. I hnvo recommend ed thorn evor slnco then whon occa sion has arlson." For snlo by all dealers. Prlco 50 conts. Fostor-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Statos. llomomber tho namo Doans and tnko no other. o Smiles lkSiuMdscalBcm-daof ",. TIs wlso, to, advertise. Loam to walk boforo you rldo. a Thoso who rend, may best succod. Pay tho press, nnd gain success. Toll tho good things you think by tho uso of printers' Ink. m m It Is not Thaw who Is on trial. It Is Stanford White. w k What Is tho dlfforonco botweon a man with two living wives and n woman with two living husbnnds? LaMcaDi2es0nn fhwtr.it. lWXBWns neither frw nor MaeraL kahootic. iJMasunrmi - csi: fc5j3fc I rS&SSSfe -j-nuttions.rcverjsh "J Soahire of ijO'0HK. CASTORIA For Infanta nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r Jf In TjjF Use La For Over erviUPPCB. I Thirty Years CASTORIA Ono Is considered a bigamist, and tho other a masher. Tho Thaw trial distracted public attontlon from thd International Crisis between our country and Ja pan. , .. Thd-Tresldont Is In tho hard pre dicament or trying jh exclude the Japaneso without excluding them. Do kind. Do gentle. Do patient. Do charitable. It pays In'moro ways than one. Tlio land grabbers will bo gtad lt( Oswald West 1sa prompted to bo rail road commissioner. j. ' Tho railroad commission will mnko a first class political burying ground. In age or youth, do not conceal tho, truth. Yestorday and tomorrow aro a long ways apart. Klndnoss Is good, to glvo or re ceive. Why aro divorces so popular? Bo- cause tho dovll Is In tho game. What is tho dlfforonco botweon n mortgago and a divorce? Ono closos a bargain, nnd tho other Invites ne gotiations for n contract, o Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. , F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We, tho undorslgnod, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho Inst 1G years, and bollovo hlra perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions mado by hla firm. Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon ln tornally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot tho systom. Testimonials sont froo, Prlco 75 conts por bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Wnut to fllvo Good OoviTiunent. Tho legislature has docldod to nd Journ at ono mlnuto past '12 o1clock Sunday morning, Fobruary 24th. From January 14th, tho day ot pr ganlzatlon this will bo 42 days, jflr two moro days than tho tlmo men tioned In tho constitution, and pay ror which the members can draw. Albany Herald. t o Hunting for Trouble. "I'vo llvod In California 20 years, and am still huntlnc for troublo In tho wny of burns, sorca, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a caso ot pllos that Ducklon's Arnica Salvo won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walt ers, of Alleghany, Slorra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It euros ovory enso. Ouaranteod at J. 0. Jerry's drug stere: 2Cc. Bo Yon Open Your Mouth Llko a young bird and gulp down what ever food or mcdlclno may bo ofTorcd you ? Or, do you want to know something of the tomposltlon and character of that which you tako Into your stomach whether w food or mcdlclno? Most Intelligent and sensiblo people pow-a-days Insist on knowing what they omploy whether as food or as medicine. Dr. I'lcrco bollovcs they have a perfcer tight to (nUi upon such knowledge. So he publlshcs.MicaaricaM and on each bottlo wrapper. whaOiTSTiNdlclnes aro mado r,l ThlsJie feels .Ifon! to tin wpsikp thp mnrrt i" . him -jj; .-, r." i-iiwh.i Hi4 tny infrrrqirms ot which hl medicines ii iiiiiiiiiimiiiiinim ! TRANSFERS IN jj REAL ESTATE ii i iiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiim Tho following deeds havo beon filed for record In tho offlco of tho Mar lon county rccorder: J. Mathol et ux to D, F. and K. Jerman, lot G block, 80, Sa lem, w d $1200 Ewald company to B. W. and R. Stubbs, lots 87 and 88, s Ewald rrult farms, w d.... 1107 J. P. Murphy et ux to Shorm Swank, fractional lots 1 and 2, block 9, Aumsvllto, w d. , 300 Jefferson Myers ot ux to A. M. and M. It. LaFollott, lot 14, ', north block Cartwright's ad dition to Salem, d w 5000 W. A. Cuslck et al to J. h. Sp ranger, 13 acres In t 7 8, r 3 w, w d . 2C22 L. and M. A. Brown to O, L. and C. E. Drown, land In Marlon county, w d 10 L, and M. A. Brown to O. h. , and C. E. Brown, lots 2 and 3 of eec 13, t 9 b, r 2 w, w d. . C John Slegmund ot ux to Peter Ziollnski, 30.01 acres In t 5 c, r 2 w, q c d 1 L. and M. A, Brown to O..L. Brown, land In Marlon coun ty, w d .- 1 E. S. and M. Smoot to W. W. Westonhouso, lots 89 and 90, S. 8. F. P. No. 3, a e d . . . . 175 Jr. ana OjYf Hojllstcr to I. P. m Brown, lota 1 nnd, 3, .block -4, A HojIJsterannexNo. 1 to ard made are studied nnd underUKMi"Tliu moru will tlii-lr superior curative vlrtur For the euro of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities and derangements, giving rlsn to frequent hoadaches, back, ache, (lniK(?;n?-lown pain or distress In lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom. panlcd, ottumc. with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms ot v cakness, Dr. lMerco's Favorlto Prescription Is a most eOlclent remedy. It Is equally cIToctlvo In curing painful periods, In ulvlng strength to nursing mothers ana In preparing tho system ot tho expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth snfo and com paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre scription " b most potent, strengthening tonic to tho general systom nnd to the organs distinctly feminine. In particular. It Is also a soothing and Invigorating norvlno and cires nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and orgunlo dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of ciedlcnl authorities of all the several schools of practlco, recommend each of thn several Ingredients of which "Favorlto Prescription" Is mado for the curo of tho dljonscs for which It Is claimed to be a curo. You may read what they ayortf)urVby sendlna a postal card request for a free booklot of oxtractt from thn leadlnir authorities, to Dr. It. V. I'lorce, Invalids' note) and Surgical In Mltutn. Buffalo, N. Y.. and It will come to you by return post. w3rBK.pi5PB5ri & Tho abovo cut shows our brick- lined. Torrid Zone Furnaco. Guar antood gas and dust proof. Econom leal and durablo; for tho particulars Inqulro at tA. L. ERASER 238 Stato Street. ! CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Mmmnoiii(Hiiiiiamninn-nif mii rOK RALE s. For Sale. A five and a six-room house, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located In East Saloin. Good bargains, Isaiah Schoncflold, 2lBt and MaHon Sts., Salem. 1-28-tt For Snlo. 34 ncros ot cholco land, good 0-room houso and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and well; 10 ncros of hops; situated throo-quartors ot a mllo from car lino; land all In cultivation and will be divided it desired and soli' In two lots. Addross W. A. LIston, 370 Court stroot, 8alom. l-2G-lm For Sale. My 80-acro farm, four miles south o tho business contor of Salem. at Liberty, will sell in small tracts to suit purchaser, or ontlro tract at a bargain, or will ront to right party. Call on J. O. Johnson, at Salem, or addross J. II. Danlol, Eugene, Oregon. 1-17-lm Fountl. A package, containing a now pair of boy's pants. Ownor can havo samo by calling nt Jour nal ofTlco and paying for this no tice 2-15-3t FOB, RENT. i-or itcnt. itouso keeping rooms, furnlshod or unfurnished; hot and cold water; gas and olectrio light. Inqulro at 415 Court stroot or phono G44. 2-lG-tt LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sh.r wood Forostors, No. 10. Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato stroot Leo Abblo. C. It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Ccntrnl Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty stroets. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, O. O.; W. I. Staloy, IC. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America -Oregon Cedar Camp No, 5240, Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt S o'clock In Holman ball. W. W. Hill, V. 0.; F. A. Turner, Clork. PHYSICIANS AND SPnOjBONJ. Dr. 1). B. Griftln, tho Specialist cm Morphine All drug and ltquer habits, which ho euros In 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Ore. Phono 508. John Doyons, Business Mnnagor. r ' IXJ: Stdyten: vr d' , M. Green 'to 30.01 acres Wf 5-'s'r3 W.'T , 150 n r CirAar, 'in TtatAiAaUn'kAt' " v II' " "" VJT "'?M-""TV seeds! This Is tho senson for select' ng your soods. Wo havo a largo cargo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and make a spoclalty of farm soods, as well as thoso for tho smaller cropr, abovo all wo Insist upon new aud puro scods. Get our llstf. TILLSON & CO. 151 .Hich a Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall, J. A. Dlckoy, C. S.; P. L. Frazlor, , Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and ponslon Insuranco; 2, , 000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supremo organizer, Dox 432 Salem, Orogon. It. R. Ryan, socroctary, 640 Stato street. MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox- port tuning, ropalrlng aud polish ing. Loavo ordora at Goo. C. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr A. M. Bunnell Wonvor ot portlors, rag carpots and rugs, old Ingrain carpets mado Into rugs any slzo de sired, also rugs and carpots for salo, In school room ot Pentecostal church, 104 South Twolfth stroot, Salem, Orogon. 3-8-3w Concrete Work. Got ray prices on stdowalks, curbs, sopttc tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 569. 2-1 1-tf miHIMIMWMIIHHMI i Gold Dust Flour IlUdo by TUB HTDNKY POW-I BR COMPANY, WJnay, Ortoa. j UaAe for issdly use. Ask your Z gTocsr tor it. Braa and shorts j S always on band. 1 P. B.WUacc f AGET BBtmBMasjgigasisB O. C T. CO -STEAMERS- POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVK IOmLAND MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FKTOAY AX JO A. M.t TUI8DAyf THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AT :04) A. M. VOU CORVALIS TUB8DAY, THUR8DAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT P. M. H. P. BALDWIN, Agt BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. OALnJOItNIA BAKKHY. Thomas ft Cooley, Props. Butt & Weadcrotli Fine wlnos, liquors and plgaxs. We handle the celebratod Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drougb. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers pf all kinds ot sawmill machlnory, Hop and fruit drying stores, etc. Manufacturers ot the Balom Iron Works Hop Press. Contractor nnd Builder A. J, An derson, contractor and bulldor, es timates furnished free. It will pay you to seo mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 416 Court street, or phone G44. 2-15-tt NEW AND SECOND-HAND flOOPB. New nnd Socond-Iuuid uockw. Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, d lak es, granite and tinware of all kin Oive us a call. O. L. McPeek, 178 South ConsaercUl St. 8-18-17 OSTEOPATHS. Dr. B. H. White Qraduato ot Kirks- vlllo, Mo., undor founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Broymaa building. Commercial street. Phono 87. Resldonco 390 Summer stroot, cornor ot Center. Phone 1219. Treats acuto and chronic diseases. Examination froo. t, 11-17-tf f1" - - ' ,' . gg PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Ban Plumbing, hot wrVw and stoam heating and tlnnlag, 104 Commercial street PheM Main 192. 9-1-ly ' M. J, Petsel Plumbing, steam aM gas fitting. Bucoeeser to Knox A Murphy, 220 Coameretal street. 'Phone Mala 17. DRAYMEff. R. O. CaBunins Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and transfer llnv. Prompt service la our motto. Furniture and ptaao moving a spoclalty. Stand at 158 South Commercial stroet Phoaa 17G. Bosldenco phono 968. 8-4-tf 8ABII AND DOOR FAOTORIBS. Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer i sash, (Kvrs, mouldings. All kinds el house finish and hard wood work. Front street, bet. State and Coert, WANTED. Wanted To buy baled Btraw. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotol. 2-4-tf i , Wnnlwl Young lady wlshos position to tako caro of child. Address "O B, A,," caro Journal office. 2-15-3t Two Boys Wanted To' soil papors. Inqulro at Journal ofneo. 1-30-tf Wanted to Buy Hoavy draft horses, wolgtft 1400 poundu and upward. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotol. 1-2 8-U Wanted. A boy to work and lenm trado. Must bo strong and Indus trlous. Wostloy Edwards, 470 Bouth Winter. 2-10-3t Wanted. A man with team to put In 23 rcros of grain on tha shares, lis miles from Salem, nu tha Onk Grove roud. Phono Farmers 17x1. O. F. Anderson. 2-10-3t ICnlitrged- Our meat market ea Kast State street has beon doubled lv slzo and wo aro bottor prepared th.Uv dvor to sorvo customers. Prompt soi-vlco and tho host qt meats' our mottil, Call or phono 199. B. U. Edwards,, Prop w Wanted Thrco salfsmon for ounew county, Township nnd RaliVoad Surveys of Orogon. Thoso surys aro a splendid compilation ot f tn figures nnd drawings, and ot uil dorful viiluo, Countlos and toAris nro fully Indexed, nnd population ot each aro glvon; rallroadB plain ly shown and dlstancos botweon ol stations also shown; congressional districts outllnod, numbered and populations glvon. Othor toaturos too numerous to montlon. A splon did opportunity for onorgotlo mon. Rnnd, MeNally & Co., Chicago, III. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OrriOB OITY HALL. For water service tpply at" ottee. Bills payable monthly In sdvasss Maka all eomplalnti at tbo riffle fKHMfWU. PI1.I-1. IWMWRVi i nwwnwi vvvvfl i S B I AB,n, Cm u ttuu , m a KimniMi, ,I40MUI. WUUilulil.WUliir, M-. u,h wit YHihhi. -------- UmrCD-CBIBACCO...t ft. Unutnm. , 'SoHln Salm by Dr. 5. C. Shut' 66 YEAH EXPERIEN6K ijTjnrra Trad- Mark- nrwaMi Ochviimht- Ac. qu Anyone ndlst: tUb and (UKriirtlon ulcklr crt-ii) our opinion frw on uecrt-ln our oplulon lr MliMbar M ..lln (a h.-t1 nl(atlvLli lion, nrlrtl f COnadntUL MAHb- in( irv. ,um. Hiiiviii init.iunlAA. oa I'suau MCUrllUI PMi. 1-aMiiu uun tlnoU fctaua ui. rtlT4 $Pm nutlet, without cbtruf, la (u KNUIK nmxKW A Vanil-Aniklf cuUUoa o. wr ri jovw IPt m. WMktf. T-uvt4r tifcil nwd-tyr. C.rrtWjlrt - r v-, nn-,i n 1l,i y- --" x ..j, a -.t