T fr; "fi&Wf sFfr '.ojtjo- to- DAILY OAPKAIi JOUKNAL, SALBM, 0RS60N, MONDAY, FEBmJAJtY 18, 1007. 3 t SCOTT REPLIES TO CRITICISM LcThat the Cotinty Court Has Pccn P5 j f MnH-Pfs Fntirlv Out of F' ZSinn ' U JUHOU.VUU.. f ' a is the county court has " ..,.1..,! rolntlvo to "fffor the Present year I W'" ',,,- ,ourt and 4ja".: n..,o county, a ,iupw.'" . mnd0 rnt r. :.,; for . CLrxrb'J It th me ,uu"" . IP1' . . t n.mtv iiuleo. iz:zm p'"-. it wni mlB-lend- KwoneiriMTawaroof idlag features .... , story ha toW i in B . . . HI...., fnilnilfltlllll. ..! in mako with 'lire B" 4-" Victor hare I any hard fool- - .. t J. tmrt rt Bud jtnrfJ him, dui i uu iiiw lu .. , ' .i . .i.t nmnttnl nf tnXfiS ..i. .j Ia nil ntimnses for , prior to 1901 and lnforrod , . ..i..nr tvno roannnfllblo rj&j all of said sum for Bald ... to what extent the ccfun-1 fl-j i. ilitti rcslionllblc ' h total amount raised for snld xpn Including tno levy lor uhb ri In round numbers, s,jsa,-- , ' I. l.uln.l MHll All I mi ariMnnc wsh luvieu uuu wr I ai follows. Hi, .JU.I'JU 4 Ui, proTldcd for by Wlaw .,i3", instate school tax ullmUrmt tnldler tax. Eriitd by atato law. 903,920 xi tax, provided uy i Italaw 3,072, ltit, lefled by city I igSCJU iuo.iuu ! school tax. loTled I Mrsebool dlitrlcts .... 303.82G !il road tax. levied by Mipwple In road dis till 13,287 I Alton ntA hv nlhom in county court . ...$1,G71,993 til nn levied by the Bctr court 817.7GR lol ion levied during & lut ten yean, In- Sstoa this year's levy , 1 2 .3 8 9 ,7 r, 1 fctnlr tax during said ton years Wtt county had anything to do fl bike last Item for county and abarpotei. amounting to $817.- Mich of this tax lovled by the tJcosrt la provided by tho state iaJ It for the payment of coun- -s, eonorer. Jtiatlco and dr ift court eipcntes, over which tho Bij court has no control excopt ' w that exhorbltant charges nro iitli by people attending upon courts as witnesses and Jurors. J till b remembered wo havo elowd several very expensive jjfckl cases In our circuit court" ti vtre. not able to account for Baaing our tax levy last year weaat of said expenso wo woro "wltlootand dollars short boforo pJ cams In upon this year's tax V All ot the month of January, 2e day, vas taken up by the court In the trial of criminal .fl alio be remembered that all Wuouaty officers' salaries were 3 hen I was first elected to Tsd they have all been raised z tt time. ,C,ni b that the amount raited upon levies made by ?yeoort during the last ten TSZ? t0 by Mr' Durbln r3aty-tonr and ono-flfth nPr V11 Appetite itts digeaUve organs tho S7i,theprprPcr- Vl It makes the lSl nch lengthens e, Zr. na had lltiikJ., , fcv"lu e "titatefw ttti?2 today. "a, 100DomL no ot any i Fen- cont of tho total sum raised, that ho Inferred tho county court waB whol ly responslblo for. It mlgh ho added thnt If Mr. Durbln would pay tho county tho amount that tho exports found him short and that ho 1ms sov oral tlmc3 acknowledged and prom ised tho county court ho would pay, tho tax levy would not bo qulto bo high as It Is. Wo havo boon very lenient with him rolntlvo to tho mat tor, relying upon his word that ho would sottlo tho sum that ho ac knowledged to tho county court was duo. I know nothing as to whether or not Mr. Durbln's property was assess ed too high this year, but It rather looks llko from tho casual observa tion that ho hns not been nssossod high enough In formor yenrs. How ovor, thnt Is n matter between ho ami tho nssosBor. Thero Is no necessity, whatever, for tho county court and assessor to havo any understanding ns to what valuo should bo plnced upon proporty In mnklng an ussess mont. Tho stato law provides that all proporty shall bo assessed nt Its true cash valuo. Tho county court, tho county nssossor nor nny ono else hns nny right to say that property shall bo assessed nt othor than its cash valuo. Tho county court makes nn esti mate of tho total sum required to pay for tho things that tho majority of tho taxpayers domand nnd makes a levy sufficiently largo to covor it. If tho, proporty values bo assessed high tho rato will bo low; If tho property values bo assessed low the rato will bo correspondingly high. During tho first four yenrs of tho ton years referred to, tho tlmo cov ered by my prcdocessor, Judge- Ter rell, including tho first six months of my first torm, thero wcro expended annually, upon an average, 10,333 for tho road and brldgo Improvement. During tho next flvo years of snld porlod, tho tlmo covered by my ad ministration which brings us up to tho present levy, thero woro oxpended anuually, upon nn averogo for road and brldgo Improvement tho sum of $43,550. During my first torm of ofTlco thoro was a great domand from tho people for bottor road lmprovomont. Tho main Issuo between Mr. Corby and myself In tho campaign of 1004 was upon tho question as to whether or not tho tnxpayors throughout this county would sustain Mr. Noedham and myself upon tho policy that wo had Inaugurated rolntlvo to road Im provement. It was ratified by giving us a greater majority voto than any county Judgo or commissioner has over received in this county boforo. Owing to this fact, wo havo since mado lovlos sufficiently largo to cn ablo ua to continue our policy of highway Improvement In tho mannor that seemed to us to bo demanded by tho majority of tho taxpayers. Last year and tho year boforo wo ox ponded for road and brldgo lmprovo mont, Including special lovleB'mndo by road districts, an average of $01, 628. When wo went Into offlco wo found the county very poorly equipped with necessary tools nnd wachtnory to do road work. Wo now havo three rock crushers and two steam road rollers, twenty-four, whocled scrapers and a number ot largo slip scrapers and a number of road graders for each road district. All ot which aro In good condition and nro absolutely ncccs sny to bo had in attending to tho road work as It should bo attended to. This machinery reproaenta an asset that is worth; to tho county bo tween fifteen and twenty thousand dollars that practically cost tho tax payers nothing, owing to tho agita tion for better roads, tho people havo volunteered enough labor and money to pay for all ot said machinery Most ot thlB machinery will servo ho county for years to como with but little repair. Wo have dono away with moro than five miles of culverts and bridges by cutting down hills and using the earth In making fills. We aro now, and have been during tho year lest past, manufacturing con crete culverts that have met the gen eral approval ot all who have careful ly examined them, and we intend to replace all wooden cslverts with them aB fast ns tho work( can practically bo done. Wo have nlmost completed twenty two miles of macadam road nnd have about fifteen thousand yards of stone crushed to bo plnced upon tho roads this year. If wo woro to hold tho road ex pense down to what It was boforo I wont Into ofTlco tho taxes would be materially reduced, but wo feel thnt tho Increase In populntion nnd busi ness of tho country demand a larger expenditure for road improvement than It did In former years. Wo are aware that taxea nro high, but think that it is not fair to cen suro tho county court for all of the burden of taxation, Inasmuch as nl most two-thirds of It Is caused to bo levied by lnws pnBBed by tho legis lature nnd by city councils nnd the peoplo In school nnd rond districts, over which tho county court havo no control. Out rf tho totnl taxes to bo raised this year tho county court had nothing to do, whatever with $218, 547.95 of it. All that wo arc respon slblo for it $120,289.14, Of which sum $0000 Is for street lmprovo mont ndjacont to tho court house lot, and $30,000 for court house improve ment. Wo estimated that thoro would bo $0000 robato on tnxes this year and $4000 for delinquent tnxes that would not bo collected. Lnst year thoro wero expended for salaries of county olTlcors, and for coroners, Jutf tlco and circuit court expenses the sum of $31,737. A Inrgo proportion of tho remainder of lnst year's lovy was for road nnd brldgo lmprovo mont and is nn Investment and not nn expenditure as some would nt first consldor. Tho total lovy made by tho county court this yonr for nil purposes Is nlno mills, ot which four and fifty-five hundredths mills nro all thnt' tho county court Is responslblo frir. In addition to tho abovo levy tho city of Salem lovled seven nnd ono-hnlt mills. As -to tho court houso lmprovo mont, will sny that thoro has been, wo thought, n general demand for sovornl years last past to havo our court houso Improved. Tho vaults nro very much crowded and by some, considered not to bo burglar nor fire proof. Mnny important documents nnd county records nro now stored In tho nttlo whero they would bo de stroyed If tho court houso would happen to hum, and In such ovont would bo a grcnt loss to tho county. Bovernl grand juries havo criticized tho county court for not making tlm county jail more sanitary nnd sccuro nnd not providing for a lavatory for ladles. Wo havo boon waiting to mako such Improvement to such tlmo as wo thought tho tlmos nnd buisncBs of tho county would justify without creating any great burdon upon tho taxpayers, nnd to such times as all of tho needed Improvements could bo mado. Wo feol that tho peoplo wcro never in a bottor financial condition to mako such improvement than they now nro. If wo havo mado a mis tako relative to tho good times, wo nro sorry for it. Tho lovy Has boon mado and I know ot no way that tho taxes can bo robatcd. Such is not my opinion alono, but It is that of tho district n"Uornoy and other com potont lawyers to whom I havo sub mitted tho question. Personally, wo nro not at all de sirous of making any changes in tho court houso becaiiBo wo tool that It Is a great responsibility to do so. How over, wo woro prompted to do so, feeling that It was tho gonoral desire ot tho peoplo and that It is neces sary for a proper safo guard of our county records nnd, not desiring to Bhirlc responsibility, wo gavo notlco through tho papors that wo Intended to lmprovo tho court houso and gave a general idea of what that Improve ment would bo. Several weeks aftor the notice was given, wo, having heard no objections whatever, ar ranged with a competent architect to draw plans and specifications for said lmprovomont and mado a levy to cov or tho oxpenscs of the samo. Aftor tho levy was mado for that month, an actlvo effort was mado, by a tow peoplo residing in Salem to havo said improvement deterred ono year and to havo the lovy that was made for that purpose robatod. Such a re quest was mado beforo any effort was mado to ascertain what improvement was noeded or what' our plans were and not until otter it was too lato for the levy to bo changed. Everything that hns been done by the county court relative to Improve lng tho court houso and making the tax lovy has been dono by tho unani mous consent of tho wholo court. Tho extra tax for street and court houso Improvement will cost not to exceed $1.26 upon each thousand dollars ot assessed values. If a per son bo assessed at $3000, his tax for said Improvement would not exceed $3.75, or thereabouts. If we were to use all of the floor space In the basement wo could, I think, get a very creditable Improve ment without changing tho outside ot the building, llowovcr, before UiWiWMfcWfclijWgiJWfclhi VYml-L. rl Llm Fxsco9-in)8aaf t8fltt8f ftt88tctBtee8a8 'ft Why not renovate your walls byl putting on a new coat of our NEW DESIGNS in our spring line that is just coming! Special Prices on 1906 Stock. ftAAAAMUJiAAslAAAAfltAAAl ) fi Now is a good chance to have your old furniture worked over and MADE LIKE NEW. We can make over your Couches, Settees, Chairs or Mattresses cheaper now than during the rush season. So let us figure on your work. We may save you from buying a new piece of furniture. We have the! best workmen in those lines and we will guarantee ourl i work. Remembertthe big furniture and carpet house, f UphoUterinrf I - - t MHIMMiHMMMMMHMOWi THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 177 LIBERTY STREET using tho spneo that Is now occupied by tho Bherlff ho should havo a roas onablo componso for vacating Bald quarters for tho reason that thoro was n tacit understanding, nt least, botweon ho nnd tho peoplo wnen no vm n rnndldnto for sheriff, that ho would havo tho samo privileges, quar ters and compensation that woro had by sheriff who recontly precoded him. If tho said quarters do vucamu u Mm hn Hiinuld bo duly compensated in wimtnver sum thoy shall bo worth to him during tho remainder of his term of office. Upon the othor hand thoro nro peoplo who coutond that tho sheriff or his deputy, snouiu ru maln In tho building or nenr tho jail tor a matter of convonlenco and safe ty. If tho sheriff's quarters can't bo used by us, I think a very credltablo Ipmrovemont can be mado without changing tho outsldo of tho building. If wo find that we cannot do bo. I think wo will not mako any improve ments at all. Wo do not caro to it. ..i'.'mnnnv In mnkltil! spenu mo jujuimo o ...w, - an improvement that when com- . . 1 .l anfl.. niotwi uiii im rrnrrmeu unu uui ou.ia factory to tho majority, 'and such as will soon have to bo dono ovor again Respectfully, JOHN II. SCOTT, IU'diico It (o Junk. Appointments ns railroad com missioners for party sorvlces will bo a dlsgraco to Oregon and will knock tho railroad commission Into n use less heap of pot-metal. Albany Democrat. O' Our Investment In AthUthn. It Is ostlmated by Itoprosontntlvo Farroll, ot Multnomah, that Dnn Kolly is worth 4125,000 to tho stato. This Is tho vlow of Multnnmnh boun ty, which wishes to mnko tho fast sprinter Its protogo nnd linker coun ty will hnvo to get busy or It will lose Its honors In that connection Kelly holds tho world's record. linker City Herald. A tlssuo builder, reconstructor, builds up waflto force, makes strong norvos nnd muscles. Some peoplo do not renllro what n great remedy Hoi lister's Ilocky Mountain Tea Is; 35 cunts, Tea or Tablets. Tor salo nt Dr. Stono's storo. The Texas "Wonder. Cure all kidney, bladder and rheumatlo trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for II. Dr. B. W. Hall, 3920 Olive street, Bt Louis, Mo. Bead for testimonials. Bold by Btono'i druij storo. dw-iyr o All Honor to Milt. All honor to' Milt Miller for tho action ho took on tho question of tho nrimnry election law nnd statement No. 1 recontly In tho stato senate. Forest Grove Times. o Your Opinion Don't Count. If tho houso railroad commission bill passes the senate and becomes a law Governor Chamberlain will ap point one commissioner, a Democrat. Secretary Denson will appoint a sec ond, a Republican, nnd Treasurer Steele a third. Each officer will bo resDonslblo for bis favorite. That is just what the business Interests of the stato wanted to avoid. Cot tage Grove Western Oregon. Old Ttisty Inctibatofs This Incubator has certainly made good wherever tried, It nover falls to hatch tho highest per cont of hatchable eggs of any Incubator on tho raarkot. Our prices nro fur low er than other incubators that will not glvo you tho guarnnteo that you get bore. Call for catalogue. Phoenix Liquid Sptxy The strongest, best and cheapest spray on tho market. Highly rec ommended by all who have tried It. You cannot mako It is good or as cheap as we can sell It to you. Bo Burn nnd get tho I'HORNIX. I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 H I It I Bulk Seeds A cnmploto stock ot OAIIDKN SEEDS IN HULK. Ilomombor that our seeds nro fresh stock, truo to namo, no old packages to work off. Sweet Peas Now is tho tlmo to plant Swoot Peas. Wo havo a largo stock In nil tho different colors and the fancy mixed varieties that havo pleased bo mnny in past seasons. Onion Sets Wo aro tho largest dealers la tho city, and can fill your or ders, both wholesale and retail Trices right. Blue Stem Seed Wneat Our car at last arrived. Most ot it Is sold, so that It you want Bomo send In your order nt onco. Field Peas Our stock Is first-class and we aro making low prices. D. A. WHITE 8c SONS 255 COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, OREGON f n