JOURNAL, 8AMM, OHHCO.V. """" FEBRUARY 18, 0T. , VAXtit CAVITATj ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE, ft C ? f I HOFER BROS., Ptlb!ls andPropfletogs THE JOUIUirsfANns'iroirriro J " GSS, I1 tf LOPMRNT, GOOD OOVF.KNMKNT. AND NO mfllJAfcJ'-W LABOR. OLD TIMF.S, OM FIUKNDS, OLD IX)VK. Thcro nre no dnys llko tho good old days, Tho days when wo woro youthful I Whon human kind woro puro of mind, And speech and deeds woro truthful; Doforo a lovo of sordid gold Rocamo mnn'B ruling passion, And hoforo each damo and maid hecamo Slavo o tho tryant Fashion! Thcro nro no girls llko tho uood old girls . , Against ho world I'd stnko 'cm ' ' As buxom and smart and clean of heart As tho Lord know how to mnko 'oral , Thoy woro rich In spirit nnd common Benso, ' And piety all supporting Thoy could bako and brow, and had tough school, too, And thoy mado such llkoly courtln't , Thoro nro no boys llko tho good old boys Whon wo woro boys togotlicrl . Whon tho grass was sweot to tho brown baro feet That dimpled tho laughing heather; Whon tho lark sang to tho summer dawn Of tho beo In tho billowy clover, Or down by tho mill tho whlp-o'-wlll. Echoed Its night song over. ' 1 ' i Thoro Is no lovo llko tho good old lovo Tho lovo that mothor gavo usl Wo nro old, old mon, yot wo plno ngnln For that precious grnco Ood gavo usl 8o wo dream and dronm of tho good old times, And our henrts grow tenderer, fondor, As those doar old droams bring soothing gleams ' . Of heaven nwny off yondor. 1 v , o PROHIBIT HACK 80ICIDK. Tho Sunday papers had wholn pagos nbout tho now wasp waist, which Is considered tho propor thing nmong tho fashionables. Thoro woro columns of directions, tolling womon how to produco tho now shnpo, and WHAT KIND OF CONTHAITIONH TO WKAR TO IIIIING IT ABOUT. Of courso. thoro may bo n lot of womoh In tho world of such character that It would mako no difference to tho world what thoy wear. Hut for respoctlblo wlvos nnd women who mny become mothers such Instructions nro almost dlnbollcnl, nnd SHOULD UK IlAItltHI) FROM THU I'HICSS. Publications of millions of coplos of such Sunday newspapers cannot but havo n doadly offoct on thodovolopmont of tho rnco. To strnnglo millions of bright and progroBslvo womon In such ma chines, nnd Inventions of" fashion, MKANH INSTRUCTION OF Till', HACK. To stop raoe sulcldo tho laws Bbnuld prohibit publication of such fnshlon plates and descriptions of how to distort tho human form divine INTO Till: SIIAPKH OF AN'IMALH AN lliltDS ANH INSF.CTS. . Bitch publications should not bo allowed to clrculnto In tho mnlls. o Tim iksui: of frki: uwkh. t Tho greatest political lusuo In wostorn Orogon today, from tho stand point of the shlppors and producors, Is freo locks nnd canal nt Orogon City. Thoro Imvo boon throo conventions held In wostorn Orogon tho past year whero tho iluiitnm! has boon unanimous THAT THU TOLLS I IK TAKKN OFF COMMKIICJK IN THK WILLAMlCTTi: VALLF.Y. This Imiio was mado very plain In tho'oloctlon df u congressman and In tho last Juno election, nnd Is tho ono thin Congressman Hawloy nnd Senator Fulton nre plodgod to bring nbout. This lue will grow with ouch campaign until It Is brought nbout, nnd U Is ilia duty of this Uglslnturs to pass th Jons bill TO HRLP 1IUINO CONORRSHIO.VAL ACTION TO A FOCUS. Tho whole state of Oregon Is mors Interested In Improvement of Its wntorways than In any other Issue before tho people. Look nt what the state has appropriated lu tho last ten years to Im prove transportation fnrllltlwi for Portland nnd eastern Oregen: For tho Cascade Portago Tlallwny CG.000. For the Colllo Portago Hallway 1GG.O00. For malnUnnuco of both tho above 21,000 For right of way of Canal nt Tho Ballon 100,000 TOTAli APPROPRIATIONS FOIl COLUMBIA .1.1,W0 Tho bill has already passed tho sonnte to glvo eastern Oregon $00,000 more to complclo tho portage rond from Tho Dallos to tho Dig Eddy, nnd Oregon. Washington und Idnho nro to be asked to glvo 9100,000 KACH FOR THK JOINT IMPROVEMENT OF THK UPPER COLUMBIA. Does It not look as tbuugh western Oregon had u right to ask some help In return for opening tho grout Willamette valley waterway that affects every ton of freight produced lu this part ot, Orogon Whenever Portland has askod for numoy for tho Lewis and CJnrk fair, nnd whenever Portland has asked for monoy to open the Columbia, THIS PAUT OF Till HTATK HAS CHEERFULLY ASS1STF.U. With what thoy uro usklug for at this sojmIou, 160,000 for extoudlng Ujo portage, and tho flOO.OOO thoy will probably ask for beforo tho loglMaturo adjourns, tho stato will havo voted over a million to help Port laud nud eastern Oregon Interest. There should not bo a dUteutliig vote In tho sonalo ugalnst tho Jonos' free look bill that hs passed tho houso. THK JONES' HILL IS NOT X DIRECT APPROPRIATION, but Is mado contingent on congrvn lakluir action, just as tho appropriations for tho locks mil canal on tho Columbia were. 8onntor Fulton and Congressman Hawloy, and tho rot of the Oroftbn delegation nro to do tho rest, after tho Jones' bill has been passod 'up ... lir.i . t.t hni.t nn tiihir hands In securing from coucrets nn III I HO lit tlV W w swt "I- " -j - appropriation TO Pl'HCHAHK, OH llUlMi FREE LOCKS AT OREGON CITY. Tho Oregon delegation In congress, consulting with tho engineering department, nro to carry to conclusion the project for freo locks and canal as contemplated .In tho Jonoilll. or tho money will not be spoilt. ThO Imuo of fro clocks and canal nt Oregon City is otto that entors Into stato and national poltlcs. It cannot bo avoided. Tho peoplo can soq moro relief and benottt lu free waterways than In anything die. "O ' ' THK KAISER'S 'VICTORY. Tho socond elections la Qormany In thoso districts whoro only plurnll ties uud not-uittjorltlwi. wore obtalneS at tho first balloting, have been completed, with tho result that tho new rolehsUB is a victory for tho kaiser's colonial, naval nnd military policies. Tho Socialists havo been sroatly reduced In tho law-making body, and THH KAMKU'8 PMST OF "WOUtU lt)UTICa( IS 8KKMINGLV K.V- The SoiuiUti ar rcdUcea from s pmthlong ovof tUty to forty-thrco members. Tho patty Is thuBeprlved of nearly one-third " " JhBJ: though Its vote at tho polls Ihcreased 10 per cent and It remains numer Ically tho most powerful of tho German political parties. . ,. , .,. It polled 3,251.000 out of 11,110.000. ut In the seco nd o nj to tho doubtful districts, the scattered voters Alb HSW AGAiasr 80CIAM8T8, MAKING TIIKIU DKFKAT CKHTAI.N. ---..iinr A study of tho now membership requires a knowledge of the ' Peculjr division of parties In Germany. There are Liberals, Conservatives, radi cals, Clericals and Socialists. w Chancellor von Duelow plays ono.set of representa Ives against another In n manner sometimes confusing to a people accustomed to .hear a 1L HATK WITH HI5PUIJMCAN8 FOIl AND IH3I0CKArS AGAINSl A writer, easily understanding Grrnian politics, discusses ..election nnd tho new mombershlp no follews: Diu.,B wumi "The kaiser was determined not only to weaken tho social U J. "OM 1IB CALLS THK KNIV.' IIUT TO JIAKK IHMSKLF IN I-.PLNDKNT OF THK CBNTKI8T8 or CIorlcalB. It Is admitted by tho Liberal leaders that In this twofold purposo ho has been decidedly successful. STANDS IN WITH THK HOLDUPS. Tho Cnplal Journal wns in error In saying tho legislature had put through a bill lo glvo hold-up men n llfo term after third convictions The bill that passed makes It a life term ON THK FOUIITII CONVIC .TION TO THK FKNITKNTrAHV. That Is Just about as good as nothing. Tho death penalty bill for hold ups wns novor oven considered. Tho Instances whoro a robber Is sent to tho pcnltontlnry tho fourth tlmo nro raro ns hen's teeth. Tho hold-up man mny bo cpnvlctod of robbery threo times nnd then COMB OUT AND THHKATEN YOU FOR YOUH MONKY OH YOUR LIFB. Whllo ho leclslaturo has dono somo few good things, It shows a dis tinct predilection to stand In with tho rest of tho hold-up artists. o A VICTORY FOR HKFOR.M. No ono need try to dodgo tho Issue land monopolies nro doomed In this country. Tho presont processes enacted Into law, by which tho public lands nre systematically mnsscd Into tho hands of largo syndicates ARK THK CHIMB OF TUB CBNTUHY. Tho holdings of hundreds of thousands nnd millions of acres In tho hands of slnglo Individuals, firms and corporations will hnvo to bo un done with revolution nnd possible bloodshed. Congress Is slowly awnkonlng to this situation, and TUB PROSKCU TION OF TIIBSB GIGANTIC LAND FRAUDS HAS ONLY HIM UN. Tho houso commlttoo on public lands has capitulated to tho Presi dent nnd agreed to nn nmondmont to the public land law providing for leasing Instcnd of salo of government coal lands. This Is a groat victory for tho principle that tho peoplo should not part with tho title to tho soil, mineral or tlmbor. Lot thoso who take off tho tlmbor, or tako out tho coal or minerals pay a roynlty for doing so, AND SUSTAIN TUB GOVKRNMKNT HKVKNUBS. Tho ImmenBo holdings will finally havo to bo thrown open to sottle mont, and tho barbaric titles now In oxlstence cnncollcd nnd destroyed. Any stop In this direction should be balled as a Htop In tho direction of fundamental reform, nnd TUB RBTURN OF TUB LANDS TO TUB PBOPLK. Whon tho corporations own tho mines, tho wntor, tho land tho forests and tho rnllroads nnd waterways; what Is thoro loft for tho peoplo? Notjilng but slnvory. Tho taskmasters of Bgypt woro not n clrcum stnnco to the lund barons of today. v o TUB SHORT 'WRIGHT GOODS HILL. If thoro bvor wns a bill framed upon principles of common Justlco nnd elomontnry honesty, It Is tho bill hoforo this legislature requiring that n pound packngo or can of anything SHALL CONTAIN A POUND OF HIXTBBN OUNCBS. Yot thnt bill to kcop tho manufacturers and wholesalers from plain direct robbery uf tho consumor Is throatenod with dofent In this legisla ture. ' Tho grocer who sells sugar or prunos must give full weight. Tho dnlrymnn who put up buttor must dollvtr full wolght OR MB Sl'IUBCT TO TUB PRXALTIKS OF TUB LAW. Hut tho cracker trust, tho meat trust, the cannery trust, can put up twelvo-ounco puckagos for u pound right nlong, nnd the retailer must sell It or be undersold by his lets conscienceless competitor. Thu plain truth Is. this cIush of frauds has procwdod so fur that the consumer generally IS ROIIIIBD AIIOUT FIFTY PUR CBNT ON ALL UK IIUVS, that Is susceptible or this robbery. Shall It bo sulil that there was not onough character In this body of lawmakers to doclare that n pound Bhnll be sold for a pound. TUB SHORT WRIGHT GOODS HILL SHOULD PASS WITHOUT A DISSBNTINO VOTB, or let It be understood tho short weight vote Is short of common honesty. Let this legalised plundering of tho mnssos through tho helpless re tail trade bo forover stoppod by this legislature. o TUB UN1VRRSALRAISB OF SALAHIKS. It Is stated that throe-fourths of tho bills In this Ieglslaturo nro to raUo salaries and IncrenBo tho compensation of officials. Most of tho bills ralso tho salaries of county offlolals, and LNY GRANT NF.W IHCPUTIKS AND FBBS NOT FORMRHLY ALLOWKR. It Is understood that In tho senato tho bill to Increaso tho salary of tho county clerk of Marlon county Is mado to go Into effect at tho be ginning of tho noxt term. That Is sound In prlclple becauso thoro Is a phraso In the constitution saying nn otnclal's salary SHALL NOT IIB INCIUIASKD NOR 1)IMI ISIIRI) DURING HIS TKRM OF OFFICK. That Is tho true principle Tho salary of the office which tho candl dato soeks and accopts the nomination and election for should prevail. Tho governor might do well to establish this prlnolplo and veto all bills In violation of this principle. Thoro Is no Justification for tbo universal raise of salaries. In a few years all tho peoplo may bo less prosperous, and only offlolallsm will bo living on the topmost wave of prosperity. Tampering With tho Primary, Tho sentiment throughout tho state U In favor of letting well nnuugh ulono, ns far ns the primary taw Is concerned and tuiy tampering with thnt provision of tho law which confer- on tho people the right to directly oloct by their votes their candidate, for IJu(1k1 States wnator will b deeply rwtjnted. Glandalo ,ews. I o PILKS QURKH IN O TO U DAYS. PAZO OlivTMBXT Is guaranteed to euro any coo of Itching, Bltud, Blooding or Protruding Piles In to H days or money refunded. EQc, Job for tho Undertaker. Tho prison Jute mill. To got It. or to forget it? That Is the quw tlou. Farmers, get a move on your selves; onll meetings; get together; resolvo resolutely and go down to Salem prepared to ho heard; else em balm somebody. Moro Observer. Pleasant and Most Effective. T. J. Chambers. Ed. Vindicator, I4hety, Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: "With plcasuro and unoiicip h Sot,t bear, testimony to the curattvo iucr m uaiiaru-s norenound Syrup, I have used;, it in my family and can cficerfulljj affirm it j3 the mot cj fcctlre;,and'best romedy f0r cough and, wlda L have, ever used."., Sold by D. J. Fry. JFOLGER'S GOLDEN GA MOCHA AND JAVA t4-W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jl I 1 1 II M I II I IIH CiOIFIFIElE H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i H-HIIIII-H 41m . nlnqen trk -inruA.aMA f Ticait. jiiuoiiM w uiiuuuiii.t: iu our manv friends and customers that we have secured tfie selling agency for this well known brand of COFFEE. We claim this coffee superior in flavor and cups to any coffee en Uic market. Every pound has the guarantee of the manufacturer as well as our own. Try it ' Packed in one, two and a half and five pound tins. Ml I II 1 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II H 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-H i. BOTH R, f;PARFD phc blAIC mwBsiB w ia.a 35 I "IiiSl1, Central Grocery eeaeMta wo 43 oatjCBes)aoi)8 jijaattjtM Staple Dry Goods Bargain; Corsot Covor Bmbroldory, yard tJ Dainty Bmbroldorlcs nnd Inoortlon at 3c a yard and up. Corsets, job lots, each 1)1 Roys' Knoo Pants, pair i ,.,l'M Mon's Black nnd Whlto Twlllod Ovorshirts, each Ladles' Union Suits, each u $1.00 Wrappers', each . , Ill $1.25 Wrnppors, each VM 10c dozen Safety pins, dozon .v. . . . , '. Smilll slzo Safety Pine, dozon ..& ,,... .!j Pins, paper '. ' ' H llcavoy Gray Hoso, pair .......,,.H Ladles' oxtra slzo $1.00 Union Suits for, suit ',.,', ..11 Men's Cotton Drawers, special, pair ...ii Ladlos' Dress Skirts, good valuo, at Ij 9c Outing Flannel, ynrd 'b 3ood Fast Color Calico, yard Soo our lc, 3c, Re and 10c assortments. Rosteiti & Greenbaum COMMERCIAL STREET fit To iA'gnllzo Suicide. Tho Idaho loglslauro has mado u now law, which Is known as tho "post measure" It provldos that upon petition of 100 rosldent tax payers of any county In thnt stato tho commissioner mny levy a tax for tho extermination of crickets, grass hoppers, rhodonts and other posts. Tbo Dalles Chronicle. a Young- married people and old ones too, That havo no children to laugh and coo, i Fnd their troubles will "Little ones" bo, Find their troubles will "Llttlo l ones" bo, .Sold nt Dr, Stone's store. I o A Word to .Mr. 1. Head. Did you ovor loplc around you and sco what ono or two men could do to build up a town, and thon, did you ever consider whether you was helping along tho cause. If one. or two mon can do much, what can 300 mon do If they work as hard as the one or two work. You Just think about that, Mr. Dead Head. Oregon Orlano. o A SUtch lu Tlmo Will save nlno. So will a bottle of Ballard's Horehound SvruD alwavi kopt on hand sava many a spell ot sJcknoas. A sure euro for coughs. colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mrs. S , Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I keep a bottla of Ballard's Horehound Syrun In mv medicine cheat, and thank my forethodght many times. It has prevented many savero spells of sickness," i .'' S0d by D. j, f, kf , ; . Ono on the Colonel "Wo do not know -ril, i.nrcl lets some ncople get boll nowspnpor for nnyway," IiH thu Salem Capltal-PoiterputlC we havo often thoutbt tit thing, only In larger trp. reading and trying to th mnunderlne rot. In cok!i Jumn doses, of tho CapltiK Irrlgon Irrigator C, ,y sa t aTtXJ ,w v,TUWwi! &y?um The Way toWi For tho average mn U I small vmg. - i- . mrt saw rcgu""j - .4 rolnK, nd In wlu have a cowi""' ., ..n natt V "' " r ." yA W tho Tact uu " ,rJ i money systemUU-V ltelrllOwaswaPl!l, aavanrogo u . , Start a sarin ns and begin io miiniinwi """"""" "" "