yv n -rvj t ; A TL Y 0 APIT AL JOURNAL. ZZ:::: K w 8ALHM. OmW,, MbNl)TvV, FKIJHUAItY 18, 1007. ,,--..-.- . . . -iri-'' . 1 51 - . . ," -; ..,- -.( 'j- Jrf-- fr j S"! iNTTNG GRAFT IS CONTINUED mse Defers Flat Salary Four Years Amends Davey Bill Out Off Map-Enormous Lobby to Maintain Water Monopolies. firro ; EASTERN OREGON tea Foot to Pass Water f For Section Beyond the Cascades Id k! surprise will bo sprung on LnitttMi afternoon when that frUiM op ai a special order tho Ataithm of the water code law, I en the calendar as S. n. 235 M loMijr from Eastern Oregon, 1 tr Will II King, of Ontnrlo, L ij conjunction with tbo mora- ton that scctlorr ttBt of 4tho Cascades, who liavo nil nlonG been endeavoring to work tbo bill through tho legislature, havo about effected n compromise to hnvo tbo 1)111 passed In nn nmended form, to mnko It np pllcablo only to Eastorn Oregon. It la understood thnt when tho bill comes up nn amendment will ho add ed thnt tho provisions of tho bill shall apply only to thnt portion of the state that lies cast of tho Cascades. Another lobby Is hero thnt has all tho tlmo been working to defeat tho hill. It Is given out on good authori ty that theso Interests will mako no objection to tho pnssngo of tho bill In Its amended form. Tho Ever-llusy Lobby. Tho work otytho lobby In tho Ore gon leglslaturo has reached Its zenith. Besides tho. well organized and busy lobbyists thnt nro ongaged In shaping water codo legislation, Astoria has a lobby In Salem today, a dozen strong, to protest against tho mm store PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE IHEN SPENDING' . YOUR MONEY Cenilikr run-fully ulivtv Is tho best i!nco to spemLlt. Wo can kJwilho convincing proof, mid thnt Is get our prices. You cannot til CHICAGO STOUK when yon want, reliable merchaiidlw sold fwll prices. Head en: rcss Goods Silks ftwadi of yards of now iwmanauiiu ioidnt little i oniy raako five cents J.H oar One dreis enmla iri let them an. tftan Dre8. oiii.. VI , JWU Bilks, all colors, yd. 25c " iisew BUU, yd.... 49c - Itrd.M anv. ...i ., . j silks at the same ratts rrnttvH. I! Dms Goods, yd..SDc -, -... uuvus, jru, ,OUC Pw4 Dress Qoodi, yd.Ortc i ai small prices. Of nrAm ) Had i.ji .. kT "' J"u,.a ,". i BTO"' NaIn. cwuZ : rr"aa 1awn. Pi . .... KSi "c India Llnon It '7C Wash Goods It Is Impossible -for us in such little spaco to give full particulars about this wonderful varied stock Wo are here with tho goods and at tho right prices. 1000 yards Standard Calico,' yard ,..-.4c 9c Linen finished Porcalcs," yard U 12 c double width Percales. yard ..Be, 12 '4c Dress Ginghams, yd., .0c m Millinery LADIES COATS AND SUITS We have now one, of tho beBt milliners in Salem to tako care of your millinery wants. Miss Rndall.pf OldfrJClng's or Portland This young lady had charge of their millinery department for four years. If you want a trim med hat for $2.00, J2.50, J3.60. .50,,. 18.60, ?8.0 $10.00. $12.00 or $16.00, you can rest as sured that you will get all that 1b coming to you in stylo, workman ship and artistic taste, and at about half what youk havo to pay elsewhere. 16 Suits, sale prlco ,,$8.d $15 Ladles' Coats, nsJBO, $7.00. $6.50 Silk Petticoats, prlco. $3.85 QHOVH3MI rroxK. Ctriir tf cl jh Cmrt ttmte pnssngo of tho Port df Portland bill. There wns a caucus of tho Itopub llcnns of both houses this afternoon( and It wns ngrccd to permit tho gov eror to appoint tho Port of Portlnnd pilot commission, Instead of having tho stato board mnko tho appoint ment, as was originally contomplntod by tho bill. A big lobby Is present from Hood Ilivcr, that will mean still another light for tho creation of Cnscado county. Mr. A. A. "Jnyno, Mr. Du vldson and others equally as nctlve aro in this party. Judgo Zora Snow heads n lobby of sawmill mon and loggers, who wnnt to work a bill through tho legislature allowing mills to uso Btreams for log ging purposes later In tho Bcason than tho present law. permits. Tho biggest lobby of tho session Is expected from Ktigono to work for tho pnssago of tho University appro priation bill ovor tho veto of tho governor. All kinds of posslbto THAW i TRIAL RESUMED White Was Ruining . Daughters of Americans The Avenger Did Not Wish Him Killed But Exposed Now York, Feb. 18. Captoln Lynch, In charge of tho court squad of detectives, notified Justice Fitz gerald this morning that Juror Bol ton, whoso wlfo died Thursday. ItftetlMgglll 8f fWftfrffffff !! 0,NH WILTjAMITTTU tai. iEY I'AHMKIl'fr-niljTw- rolIowl-B Hfiltii fed statement of one Wllliimctto Ynllcy fwrnier of.tlio lockngn charges inld by him on his croptcof--lDO(l. Ho CNtlnuiU-N that in tho Inst twenty yciirs he Iiiih paid lwtui'i'ii three mid four tlioutumd ilollnrH lockngo MmrgrM on IiIn crops. STATU OK OUICtiOX TO A. !.. IiA KOLLI5TTIV Dr. flO OT8. I'KH TON LOCKAOK CIIAKORH PAID TO TIIK GKNEHAL KLECTDIO COMPANY, CHOPS OK 1I)0. 107 TONS AVHKiVT $ 8:t.rJ0 100 TONS IIAHLKY . M.flfl 30 TONS FltUIT lfl.00 TOTAL 1XJCKAOK TAX FOIt 1000 , ?liH.no Tho avenigo Wlllamotto Volley fornuv 'im)S' more lockngo chnrgo tlmn Ills tnxcx or thrctihiiig blllH amount to. iwniititiiwnni mm iiainntn satlon with Thaw, jamoly, that col lusion hotwecn the defendant's at torneys, Jerome and tho friends of WJiIto existed. Wagner Injected one or two points, snylng: "Thaw said that ho had no Idoa of killing White up to tho very tlmo ho Bhot him. Thnw said his sole purposo had been to get avldonco ngnlnst White nnd send him to th; pcnttontlnry for of fonsos ngnlnst young women. Thaw told mo thnt Whlto -employed three methods to ruin young rils, ono to seduco them. ono.l drug them nnd third physical forco, A recess wns taken at 12:40 until 2 p. in., whon tho admissibility of Thaw as a witness will ho .consid ered. Tho Judgo will read a copy of tho wil Idurlng tho recess. Tho defense- will attempt to introduco only the olghth clauso of tho will, which Is supposed to rofcr to the legacy tq Ipvclyn Ncsbit-Thnw, and White's nt tempt to ruin young girls, f Tho jury wns freed nlNjinch tb, and will not bo gunrded horoaftof. A greater crowd Bought admission this afternoon.- Dolirms-placed his arm-about Thaw in n-fatherly way and JKjnSiJorcd . to hini ns court i- vr ANOTHER -VETO IS MESSAGE i Smith Bill to Locate Two Normal Schools Is Held To Be Defective on Constitutional 'Grounds as Only Reason opened. n r-tf .. f trades and combinations aro rumored and ovcry possible effort of tho high er education dynasty can mako will bo brought to bear. It Is said that tho fato of tho O. A. C. appropria tion bill is hanging in tho balance, and all tho supporters of tho aristo cratic collego rulo dro banding them solves together to keop tho appro priations allvo. Thoro s soma talk thattho frlonds of tho farmers and business men In tho Wlllametto valley will make tho passago by. tbo sepntp of ho Jones freo locks bill tho price of any appro priatlons at all for tho big. schools. i. TIx) Jap QwcstifMi.Scttlcd. .' Washington, Fob. .18. Tho Jap anese question camo before tho houso today, immediately after'the session was called to o'rder at "11 o'clock. Bennett, of New Yoron Je'half of the houso conferees, secured, consid eration -of tho confcroncoiyrcport on the immigration bill, which passed tho uonato Saturday, A tost vote In the- houso this after noon Indicates tho' prospective adop tion of the Japanese exclusion prop osition,. Dy a voto of 190 to 104 a motion was carried laying on the tablo an appeal from tbo speakers decision that tho Japancso amend ment should bo properly Inserted In the immigration bill by the senate and tho house conferees. Washington, Feb. 18. The houso adopted the Japanese coolie exclu sion amendment this afternoon. Dr. J. F. COOK MMMMI CUHUb SMf MR 4WK would report for duty in tho Thnw trial this morning. Dr. Urltton D. ISvnns was called by the dofonso as tho first witness to- dfl-ii' Dr. Francis L. Patton, former prcs ldont of Princeton Unlvorslty, ar rived at tho court houso this morn ing. Ho will testify In regard to tot ters written him by Harry Thaw. Mcl'iku Talked Too Much. Lawyer" McPlke, Judgo Delmas' partner, has Just loft tho' court room and it is reported ho had quit tho caso, cbnsrlncd at tha criticism hoaped upon him by tho othor attor neys for" his discussion of the caso and statements' In the morning pa poro, voicing Mrs. Thaw's disapprov al of bis action. Consravy Against Tliatv. Dr. Evans testified that Thaw said that the Arm of Dlnck, Olcott, Grub cr nnd Doynge and the" district attor ney wercMn a conspiracy to "rail-road'-blra to Mio asylum, that they were White's friends. Ho said it was all right to talk about his being Insane, but there was nothing to It. WitHted White PHBlkriicd. Dr. Evans testified that Thaw said: "I novcr wanted to shoot this crea ture, this beast, this blackguard. I never wanted to kill him. I had no deslro to kill this vile creature which was devouring tho daughters of Americans. I wanted him to suffer tho humiliation of publicity. I wont to seo Comstock, Jeromo's detec tive, but got no real assistance" Dr. Evans" left the stand" at 12:05. Charles O, Wagner was rocalled'at iz;io p. ra, Evan told of other examinations of Thaw. He declared that' Hart ridge was always kind and gentle and treated'TKa'w as a1 child or broth er, lint that T('aw' was cxploefve' rind' unrfawoBfctile id his - dewaricW 'Dr. Wgr cdrreter ted' MMe 'oC the pe4ta awAe'by Uvas 1hW eitwws 'Threi Sfoi-y MciiNiircN. Tho houso hns put on Its working clothes and got right down to busi ness from tho hour of convontio", 9 o'clock, until tho noon hour arrived, and succeeded In dlsifoslngrof 18 of tho list of G3 bills up for third rend ing. Among tho most Important measures rccoivlng 'favornblo 'consid eration And passed wore tho special' appropriation bill, carrying n total of I101.7C0 for now buildings, ro- pairs and Improvements of tho asy lum, penitentiary, blind school, ro form nnd muto schools. Tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific bill exposition bill, carrying $100,000 and an emorgoncy Clause, and tho bill which was de feated on Saturday, providing for un increnso in the salaries of tho asylum physlclanH nnd providing for" two ex tra physician's, whlchsjieakor Davey moved a reconsideration, and 'suc ceeded In convincing the houso mom hers that It was a meritorious meas ure, to tho extoni that It was passed almost unanimously. There was a strong fight put up agalnBt tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc ap propriation bill, principally by Jack son, of Douglas; Fnrroll, of Mtiltno mab, and one or two others In com mittee of tho whole, but every effort to reduce the amount to $35,000 or even $CO,000 was promptly voted down, and the Inst and most deter mined effort' to striko out tho emer gency clause, by Jackson, .of Douglas, metjlwlth Ilka treatment at the hands of the house, and the bill was adopt ed '$8 a w'hOlo with a mighty shout of 'approval, and passed In a like masner. ' When tbV final vqte was taken there wrs 10 negative "votes against It, the principal Objectors being Jacicson, 'of ' Douglas; Farrell, of Multnoranh; Jones of Clackamas, and Vawter, who explained that they werje not poreonally opposed to tho bllllj but did not believe their con stituents would npprovo of such an amount, and they opposed the "high handed manner in which tho bill had been passed and tho leaving on of the emergency clause, which dpprlved the peoplo of a chance to express their wishes upon the measure at tho polls." Tho necessity for tho emer gency clause was explained, bowov or, as being" essential to the Imrnrd ato use pf the monoy, and tho state cannot afford to, bo nlggardjy In tho amount of money appropriated ' for the" purpose of staking as ejchlbjt. Tho houso spent tho morning" nmcndlrg tho Davey bill to put tho stato printer on a tint salary and provldo a stato plant. Whon it was put through Its author could hardly rocognisu It. Tho appropria tion was knocked out. tho salary' raised fram..3QP. Qto$lQQJ).,a.BdJHe. tlmo for-golnR- Into rKoct ewonded' .beyond tbo tcrra,o the prcsont.oBl lal. Thu tonu H,,'lJprBhablya"BS tha bill alto wink inieroston cairns : ngunst tho state, many of which nro licld, by Salem business men for sup plies furnished tho state. To Veto Normal School Hill. Thoro aro Indications that tha governor wU voto"'the Smlthtdll to abolish nil present1 normal schools and crcato a commission to Jocato , two out of tho prcsont four. Ills ob jection will he on tho ground, It In i surmised, ihat tho commission Ib em- .powored with loslslatlvo functions, and no action taken under It would bo constitutional. Tho veto was filed this afternoon. It Is short, simply stating that tho legislature should not shirk respon sibility. Tho bill Is mado a spoclal order for 3 p. m. Tuesday. d Printer on Flat Salary; Tho bill to put tho stato printer on n flat salary wns? considered by tho houso la-commltteo of tho wholo this forenoon, amended and passed. Tho salary wus Increased to 4000 a year, tho law not to go Into offoct untl 1910, tho and or tho present printer's term. Stato Printer Dunl wny was very active on tho floor of tho houso, and his frlonds protected his Interests at every point In tho consideration of tho hill. W. II. Ayer .Misquoted. Tho Journal owes Mr. Wm. D, Ayor, of Portland, a correction on tho statoment thnt ho was In confer ence with anyone nt Salem, ob to the composition of. the railroad commis sion. Ho says ho has nlwnys favored tho governor appointing tho commis sion if tho stato had one at all, but he is not sanguine that any kls& of a commission can accomplish mdch. l(o says there has been no complaint in Oregon of rebates, discrimination or favored classes of shippers, and Jf hr could have his way ho would havo no legislation beyond requiring tho Harrlman lines to spend In Oregon for equipment and extension tho money they mako here above fair profits on tho capital invested) Ho says Oregon needs extension and bet tor equipment far more than a rail road commission. Those voting no upon tho passago of tho bill wore: Drown, Farrell, Donnelly, Gray, Edwards, Farrell, Jackson, Jones of Clackamas, Kubll, Merrymati Pike, Ilacklltr, Simmons, Stoon, Upraoyor, Vawter, Wasbburne Jowe) and Purdy, the last tw.p of whom voted aye, but later changed; ; tk!r votes to no. r ,sVMwwr"-