rrr7rw0r -nm- n ''frJmmTm m -'wTTy' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1007. Vo More Alcohol As now made, Aycr's Sarsaparilla does not contain the least particle of alcohol in any form whatever. Tou get all the tonic and alterative cttects, witnouc summation. Avers Sarsaparilla When a stimulant is needed, your doctor will know it, and will tell you of it. Consult him freely about our remedies. The new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. I C AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. IULTNOMAH GETS SIX SENATORS tfttor Fteht Over the Rcao- portlonment of Senatorial uisincis i The reapportionment bill as fnr as relates to sttito senators passed e state senate, yesterday afternoon Iter a bitter and acrimonious fight iblch was In progress for nenrly two ours. The commlttco mndo a ma orlty and a minority report, tho lat- ir wing presented uy bonnior nou- pn This cave to Multnomah conn tight senators. Tho majority gavo i same county only six nnd a joint utor, just as sho cnjoyB at pres- :t Thcro was vcyr Httlo opposition mm to tho adoption of tho major- report except by tho Multnomnh pgatlon Malnrkey, Hodson, Beach it Halle) mndo strong speochos In pr of the minority roport and ide every effort to delay consldern- ba of tho matter Hlnghnm, Hart, oth and others dofondod tho inl- r!y report nnd advocated tho pass- p of tho bill Myt .in af i motion made by the Is .WTiah dohgatlou to gain tlmo n t.pfpj down and the bill was Ired oo its final pawn. The apportionment as contained lu Ml Is as follews: l' -Marlon 2 '-Linn 1 i J -Lane 1 '-Un nand Lane, 1. G Douglas, 1. 0 Jackson, 1. 7 Josophlno, 1. 8. Coos and Curry, 1. 9 Denton nnd Polk, 1. 10 Yamhill, 1. 11 Vnshlngton, l. 12 Clackamas, 1. 13 Multnomah, G. 14 Multnomah, Columbia and Clnckamas, 1. 1G Clatsop, 1, 10 Wasco, 1. 17 Crook, Klamath and Lake, 1. IS Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel er, 1. 19 Morrow, Union nnd Umatilla, 1. 20 Umatilla, 1. 21 Union and Wallowa, 1. C'- flrnnt Itnrnnv nnil Mnlhnnr. u , .,, .. ..-.-..., WATER CODE KILLED Recalls the Saying of the Old Jew Shylock That There Be Land Pirates and Water Pirates, One as Bad as the Other. i. 23 Dakor, 1. 24 Wf.shington, Yamhill, Tilla mook nnc. Lincoln, 1. Thoso who voted no on tho final passage, of tho bill were: Dalloy, Bench, Hodson, Johnson, Kny, Mn larkoy, Lnughory, Nottingham, SIchel Smith of Mnrlon, Whcnrdon. All tho rost voted aye. o - Even from tho Mountains. Ballard's Snow Liniment 1b praised for tho good It does. A suro euro for rheumatism nnd all pains. Wright W. Loving, Grnnd Junction, Colo , wrltes: "I used Ballard's Snow Llnl mont, last wlntor, for rhoumatlsm and can recommond It na tho best Llntmont on tho market. I thought, at the- tlmo I wns takon down with this troublo that It would bo a weok boforo I could got about, but on ap plying your Liniment several times during tho night, I was about In 48 hours and well in throo days." Sold by D. J. Fry. fwKlnd VftH TTnvn, Al. T-. .J. .-, i.t-i. .- .- asa for over 30 years, has borno tho Biematnre e y ... ..,. nnd has boon made under his pc- Uyjrzjt'Ji'j,, sonal supervision ulnco Ita infancy. A.7Z "' '"ctcc Allowno one to deceive you In thfe. uounterfeit8, Imitations and"Just-RS-ffood"ar tmfe JJInicnts that trifle with and endanger tho hea--a of " and Chlldren-Experlonco agTitn&t Expcri -Aofc What is CASTOR I A Pjjoriji U a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pftr iTtni Ps ml Sot"infir Syrups. It is Pleasant. It JJ2 neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotks Cjf?,?00 ts tQ Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms JTuap Povcrishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 4 fl 1 , cves Toetu,ff Troubles, cures Coastipatio Heiiih csr tfc wln!latea tho Food, regulates the 'Crini nwels Ehhiff healthy and natural sleep. vuudreu's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. -INE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears th Signature of w Uu Ton Bb0 Always Bought s'"u For Over 30 Year. u "MMu i, ' i n in Despite tho horolc efforts of Mr, Porklns, Mr. Dobbin nnd sovernl other slncoro supporters of tho pro posed irrigation codo tho prlvnto nnd corporate Interests woro far too strongly organized, nnd this, takon together with their never censing ob structlonnl tactics, which wero qulto obviottB and carried on to tho point whoro .the pntlenco of Mr. Campbell and soveral other membors was en tirely exhausted tho substltuto bill for house bill 4G, Introduced by Mr. Perkins, wont down to a disgraceful defeat at tho hands of tho houso yes terday afternoon nftor the bill had boon considered section by section and aftor a greater portion of tho day had been devoted to Its considera tion, owing to the dilatory tactics of Its mortnl enemies, and adopted wth only ono Insignificant amendment. The real cause of tho defeat of this measure, under all of these fnvorablo Indications, is r. deep inys tory to the minority membors of tho houso. Some of thoso who voted ngalnst tho bill pay thoy did so bo causo tho western portion of tho stnto was not exomptod from tho pro visions, whllo othors say thoy oppos ed the action of the houso in sever ing tho emergency clnuso from th bill, nnd this loaves tho matter In n position whoro It is merely n mnttor of coujecturo nnd speculation. Soma contond that tho defeat of tho monsuro wns duo to tho voting down of the proposed nmondment to exompt tho westorn portion of the Btnte, that Is tho torrltory lying wost of tho summit of tho Cnscndos, from tho provision of the bill until 1921, was the direct causo of tho death of tho measure whllo othors say that this amendment wns proposed In tho Interest or certain corporations which desired to hnvo an opportunity to gobble up nil of tho vnluablo water rights that romnlu unclaimed during tho fourtoon-yonr Intorlm. This amendmont wns offorod us a rom promlso nnd, so It Ib claimed, with a vl6w to ameliorating the objections of u. certain olomont on tho floor which wiib opposod to attnchlng tho regulations to wostorn 'Orogon where thoy are not applicable, but It Is significant to noto that tho mnjorlty of the delegates from tho Wlllnmotto vnlloy not only votod for tho meas ure without tills amondmont but oloed -tholr dlsnpporval of Its adop tion. Thou, ftgalu, Ib claimed that tho defeat of tho bill wns duo to tho sev ering of tho omorgoucy clnuso, which oxcK'iud the peoplo from n vote upon It In caso thoro was a doslre to invoke tho referendum but tho principle nd vocatcs of the proposition of abrogat ing this Aoctlon wero thoso who had been rosortlng to tho morost subter fuge and slightest protoxt, Including Roprosen'ntlvu Coffey, tho loader of the opposition, and Wilson and Kubll,. who nro said to be pccunlarly inter ested In tho defeat of tho wholo measure. Tho principle argument In troduced by Mr. Coffey, tho spokes man for tho other two gontlomen, was that it would bo a violation of the legislators oath of office and of the explicit provisions of tho stnto ronstltutton to Ignoro the people's rights under tho provisions of the initiative and referendum. Their argu monts refmed to cary groat wolght with the majority, for, when tho qucatlouof tho measure was put to final void tho result was dccldodly in favor o'f Its defeat.. Tho only wtlvatlon that ,1s left for tho bill is the possibility of a recon sideration of tho voto by which it was defeated, and it Is understood that a cortaln member votod against it for tho purpose of that privllego yesterday aftornoon, or that a simi lar bill, which was introduced in tho senate by Senator Whoaldon, bo passed by that body and adopted by the houso. Soma action of a doflnlto naturo is anticipated today, in which caso moro doflnlto conclusion may bo leached according to tho result. The only delegate from Marion county voting against the passage of the bill was Representative Simmons, of Montior. What Ails You T Do yon fcol weak, tlrpd, despondent, bivo frcquont hoadnchos, coated tonuuo, bitter or bad taste In morning, "heart hum," belching of gas, acid risings In throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spoils, poor or variable- appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yohive any considerable number of thbovo Tsywntoms you are suffering froraxllouMiftsVWptd liver with Indl CMtlonaiATpcpSrtwik Pr.PJfrce' Kolrfrn Mnllcal Picovprv I mariw'iin nf to nvv vnluablo medicinal rrlnclplo known miHilpal sclonco for the ppnatirntrin,' ,ij Mich abnormal concjttlon It la n. mi.;i eftlclent liver invlgorator. stomxeh toric, bowel regtilator and norvo strongtlioncr. The "(tnldon Medical Discovery "Is not ft patent modlclno or socrot nostrum, a full list of Its Ingredients being printed on Its bottlo-wrappor and attested under oath. A glance at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful hablt-forining drugs. It is a fluid extract mado with puro. trlplo-roflned glycerine, of proper strength, from tho roots of tha following natlvo American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root, Stono root. Black Cherrybark, CJuoen's root, Bloodroot, and Mandrake root. Tho fi'llowlntr leading medical utborttle. amonir a hia of othors. extol tha forcsroing roowfor tiiocuroof Juntsticli nllmpnti i8 tho atwTosjrmDlotiMlntllcatoi I'rot.K. Hnrtholow. M. I).. of Jotr.,-Mn McO. ColWsrc. I'hlla,: I'rot. II. O Wood. M U..of Unlr.of 1'a.t I'rof.KdwIn M. Halo, M, 1)., (it Ilahuctnann Mod, Collcso, CJilcntroi Prof, John Klnr. M. I) . Author or American Dl.tm'iuatorrj Prof. Jno. M. 8puu. dor, M 1)., Autliorof 8oclflo Medicine! Prof. Laurence Johnson. M. U.. Med. Depu Unlr. of N. Y. i I'rof, Klnler ElllnirfooKLM. D.. Author of Materia Modlca and Prof. In Bennett Medi cal College, Chlentro. Semi namo and ad drow on Postal Card to Dr. B. V IMircc lint falo. N. v., and receive Jrt booklet Klrirtf extracts frota wrltlnwot all tho atmvo medi cal authors and manr others endonlntr. in tha stroncxMt rxvdhlo term, each and ovurjr I" crodlent of which "Ooldon Medical Dlsco orr"l composed, f uy Pierce's Pleasant PolleU rejnilato uid invumrato ntomach. urcr ana mweli. Thoj niir lx ed In conlunctlon with "Ooldon Mrdlrat UIeorery'lf IxiwoU art) much coa itipated Tlwr'm tiny and augar-coated. wuiii ! miiiieiti i tiaf itiiitw L CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ! tlHf 88 llflHf 11 liatiiHltM FOK RAIiB For Sale. A flvo and a Htx-r,oom houso, with from ono to six lots with each, well located in Bast Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schcnofleld, 21st and Marlon Sts Salem. 1-28-tf For Sale. 34 acroa of choico land, good 9-room houso and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and well; 10 acres of hops; sltuatod three-quarters of a mllo from car lino; land all in cultivation and will be divided it desired and sold in two lots. Address W. A. Liaton, 370 Court street, Salem. 1-26-lm For Sale. My 80-acro farm, four miles south of tho business center of Salem. at Llborty, will sell in small tracts to suit purchaser, or ontlro tract at a bargain, or will rent to right party. Call on J. C. Johnson, at Salem, or addross J. II. Daniol, Eugene, Oregon. 1-17-lm For Sale. A good driving maro, wolght nbout 1050. Apply to II A. Clark, Pleasant Home addition. Sixth and B. strocts. 2-l4-3t 'JlBHHIHHlHtfl CJ j. m flP O 3PIX j. Ibhh, jmmmmm Tho above cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar nntoijd gas and dust proof. Econom ical and durablo; for tho particulars inqulro nt A. L. FRASER 8H Stnto Street, SEEDS This Is tho Benson for select ng yo'ir Bocds. Wo havo a D largo cargo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and mako a specialty of farm soeds, as well as thoso for tho smaller cropt, above all wo insist upon new and puro seeds. Get our Hat. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. n&W0MEN '"' noberttne rives what tyery woman moat delre- prfect oomplexlon It brlns that soft, mooth, frah, clear tint to the cheek that anot youthfulnew. It will bring beauty to thote who lack It. It will retain It for thoao who already posstsa It. it will enable you to iucccfully combat tho ravacM of weather and time. Don't doubt-don't argue. Juit try Robertlne. Your druuelit will give you a free aample. All drug glta keep Jlobertlae. CASTORIA "He lmhMl muL CfcllirM. TIm KM Yn Ktvt Akvtyt lufirf m I &AAjtf kl r a atr" f For Sale. Good yountf pony, woK broko to rldo. Inqulro of W. D. Wheeler, at Highland storo. 2-ll-3t Found. A pnekago, containing a now pair of boy's pants. Ownor enn havo samo by calling at Jour nal ofllco and paying for this no tice. 2-15-3t FOIt HKKT. ior itcnt. houso kooplng rooms, furnished or unfurnished; hot and cold wntor; gas and oloctrJn light. Inqulro nt 416 Court Btroot or phono G44. 2-lG-tf LODOBS. Forest-rra of America Court Sh.r- wood Forostors, No. 19. Moots Tuosdny in Hurst hall, Stnto stroot Loo Abblo. O. It.; A. L. Drown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of 1. Castle Hall in Holmnn block, cor ner Stato and Llborty strocts. Tuosdny of each week at 7:30 p. in. 'H. W. Hazard, C, C; W. I. Staloy, K. of 11. and S. Modern Woodmen of America -Orogon Codar Camp No. 52 4 0. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt S o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.; F. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. DIckoy, C. S.; P, L. Frazlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union.- Sick, accl dent nnd poiiBlon insuranco; J2, 000,000 plcdgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted. J, II. O. Montgomery, supromo organlzor, Uox 432 Salem, Orogon. II. It Rynn, socroctary, C4G Stnto Rtroot. MISOKLLANKOUB. I'iauo Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox port tuning, ropnirlug and polish ing. Leave orders at Goo. C. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr A. M. llunnell Weaver of portlors, rng carpets and rugs, old ingrain carpota mado into rugs any slzo de sired, also rugs and carpets for salo, in school room of Pontocoata'. church, 104 So 6th Twolfth street, Salem, Oregon. 2-8-3w Concrete Work. Get my prices or sidewalks, curbs, soptle tanks and cemont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 689, 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth mora than any other bread, yet tho price is bo higher. For sale nt your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKEUY. Thomas k Cooler. Props. Butte Ik WcRderodi Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Catl whiskies. Cool and refreshing boer constantly on drough. South ComraorcJal street 9-3-lyr gIem Iroa Work. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Slem Iron Works Hop Prcse. Contractor aud Ilulidcr A. J. An derson, contractor and builder, es timates furnished froo. It will pay you to seo mo beforo you build. Satlsfaqtiott guaranteed. Call at 416 Court street, or phone S44. 2-16-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and Sccoad-ilaud Goods. Bought and sold, also ranges, Btovcs and cooking utensils, dish es, granite and tinwaro of alt kinds GIvo us a call. O. L. McPook, 17 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly S"""""" wmmmmmmmm lammammmammm PHYSICIANS AND SUKGEONS. Dr. D. II. Grlftlii, tho Specialist or Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho cures In 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Ore. Phono 668. John Doyons, Business Mnnagor. 08T20FATHB. Dr. U. H. White Graduate ot Kirk. vllle, Mo., under founder of O toopathy. Room 21, Breymaa building, Commercial street. Phono 87, Residence 390 Sumner street, cornor ot Center. Fhomej 1319. Treats acute and chro< diseases. Examination free. 11-17-tf "II I Theo. M. Uarr Plumbing, hot wates and steam heating and Un&lat, 164 Commercial street. Phoae Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Fetsel Plumbing, stoara aa4 rrs fitting. SuccMwor to Kaox K Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phone Main 17. DRAYMEFt. It. O. Cummlne Buccossor to White Cummins, oxprose, dollvory and transfer lint. Prompt sorvice is our motto. Furnlturo and pIkbo moving a cpoclalty. Stand at 1R8 South Commercial stroot. Phoae 176. nosldonco phono 968. 8-4-tt SA8JI. AND DOOK rAOTORIli. rranlc M. Brown. Manufacturer e sash, doors, mouldiugs. All kinds ej houso finish and hard wood wefk, Front etreot, bet. State and Oeurt, WANTBD. Wanted To buy baled straw. J. Connor, Wlllnmotto hotol. 2-4-tf Wnntoil Young lady wiHhoa position to tnko caro ot child. Addross "O. B. A.," caro Journal ofllco. 2-l6-3t Two ItoyH Wanted To soil papers. Inqulro at Journnl ofllco. 1-30-tf Wnntetl to Htiy Heavy draft horson, wolght 1400 pounds and upward. J, Connor, Wlllnmotto hotel. 1-28-tf H Knlurgrd Our moat market on ISast State Btroot has boon doublod In slzo and wq nro bottor prepared than ovor to iiop'o customers. Prompt sorvice nnd tho host of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. I). 13, Hdwnrds, Prop. Wanted Throo salesmen for our now county, Township nnd Itnllroad Surveys of Orogon, These surveys arc a splondtd compilation of facts llguros and drawings, and of won dorful value, Countios and towns nro fully Indexed, and populations of oach aro glvon; railroads plain ly Bhown nnd dtstnncos hotwoon alt stations nUo shown; congressional districts outlined, numborod and populations givou. Othor foaturoa too numorous to mention. A splen did opportunity for onorgotlo mon. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, III. WATKH COMPANY "WfM SALEH WATFR COMPAQ OFHOB CITY IIALL. For water aerrlce uppl at ofllee Bills payable monthly In ulrase Make all itninpUtnti nt (be ofllee, Winilllflnt1INIFWCHFaiU mmmmmpiLL A Sw, bnur liuu ac hmiHw mwn. lllflt III I T fAJt. ! Btnt B(lt U. hflMMUf. WUIw4MmiMUIl,tlMrUiM wUtruittt. u,u.rw. lfM'nHtrtMai a. um m4 t f4M m U UWITCHIICWt M.. M T. UMfva. . 'Sold In Sikm by Dr. 5. C. SHt 60 YCARH KXCKRICNOK 9 iTjJHil4 S J A 1 1 3 k I fvi ' Thaw: Marks ... .. Anroa MMlng kUti h4 Wl ?f qulWlr wMtUia our cptutoa fr wlwifc ji."ri V2Z2 riw'T.rsTr.aM U ' ."-w--w mm m ' ------ - ,...l.ilu - --- - - --- IH1 I Sckiwtfc nmnm. d CXm&fC7rMC ' liife $