n ., x- mmnVtYOX 10, 1 DO . - "- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, tr.nr. nrtvnmt HATtjii ..rr- mi i pm"i "- -- HAVF YOU HEARD ABOUT DR.jymGHTSJASlGREA rvi AMSMtirt "I FT To His Patrons January 1 , 1 908 Anchor $200 Diamond Ring Free. LMAlVlUINL UH I given . . ... ..m nmondTvill be appreciated. This will be by far the latest diamond ever rtsrLMtt outdo Sa,em s emns " ine i SZZZJoSi foa, and the hen apprec.at.on of to new system o, ; - ;- - vou investigated Dr. Wright's methods v m . .. . .- ! l-ll- ....! f hinh rlncO IVflfK UK M'S ' "" A cotioon free with every dollar spent at this on ice ana a die miliar u. . ...5.. - I not afford to delay longer. .. en, Ni rUavvo for examination. , tff? A Dnr f-haf- -HI' 4SilfB mESH JUL. iw - , i.Ain fnwnv TT-tiif. i irn.f. liiui sii !- w j- I llllll tj f T Ilk7 W r r " - DR. B. E. WKIWII STEUSLOFF BUILDING . . Cmrlat 1ft fa 12. The Painless Dentist. fM1?. ? t0 b af1 .. g g.v......., , m, Mn.fMrntiiitiuwinimmufcOiitiiiw iJkiiriidiliMiMMMMMMMMlNiiaillHUIBlUJIIIll'i"w'w'",",,,-'t7'w'w COURT STREfr Phone 206 1 eajtjLAff-JfJfJU WORDS IN THE INTEREST Or HOUSE BILL NO. 286 ( Continued from imKO guvonJ annually In the Btuto of Iowa, upon tho basis of one-fourth ounce pur day, and tho extremely tow average of ton birds per square inlto for 200 days, amounted to 1,750,000 pounds, or 875 tons. Tula rntlo for tho whole country would produce slurllliiR Ar urea. Think of tho luhor Involvutl In dalrnyiiiR tho woda tlmt those aaeds would produce. Tho cost would run Into millions o.' dollnru. Such Ih tho great benefit from even ono spooler of our feathered friends. Tho mournlnc dovo Ib c"dltod with nn enormous capacity for wood sued. Tho bandits It confers on man uro Incalculable. Recent Investiga tions by tho I' H. IiIoIokIoiiI Hiirvoy dvimrtmont of cKrloiilturo shows thin plainly. Tho examination or tho eon tout of 237 moiunclm, of tho dove, shows over nluety-ulno por cent of Its food counlMttt of voKotuhlo luntlor In tho Bhnpo of aoodn, couhIiIIiir mainly of tho Hood or woods. In ono slomnoh woro found 7-100 Heodi of tho yellow wood Horrol. In an other, 000 soode of barn Kraa or fox-toll In Ntlll nuothor, 0200 sued of othwr vnrlotloM of wood need. A Hit of all our nntlvo birds, and h monger statement or tholr wo nomlo valuu would nil a volumo of hlR proportions. Williams HoRora Lord, In hla book entitled "lllrda or OroRon and WanhltiKton," duMarldoc 140 spoolm or tilnU, oncli ono with tho oxcuntlon borort itiontlonod, poi mohhIoii an oootiomlo valtio or Rreatur or lew proportion. Woro nil tho bpnufiU to the Inhnbllnntu or Oregon. aHiliiR from the proiouoo of thiM 'vIiikoiI trlbiHi ,of our fnrwltt and fleldn. tahluaied nml nuuiiumI up. tho rotuilu would tnKHr Uie Iiiiiik Inatlnu. and Htlr tho htort with khUI turo for mi oh k oottlww, yt prlMliw boon. I am ludobtiHl for iniioli or tho data lioroln Rivon, to tho U. B. bio logical Biirvoy roportu; to Wewl and Dearborn In thttlr oxoullunt ntniulnrU work "lllnla In Tholr Itotntlon in Man"; to Win. Horw inl In hU "nirdii or Orogou and WnnUluKton" ami othur nuthorltlM. In Kuropo and tho Nrltlith hlot. where birds aro so uumerouM, huwt pexti tiro prnotloHlly unkuown. Oh auttiurlty bUUm Unit tho chlurh Iihr alono. Iihb dMtroyjil In tho Untiwt RtatM. wltltlu tho ktt half owHlttry Bruin to the vlu of vr flOO.000. 000. Tho U. H outlmttlaelml oiHmU Blou ritort Hint Ui Injury mwmi. by looiuta In Kaha. Ihwu and MU ourl In the ywr 1ST! aoHiitl tu 143.000.OOQ huhU of rmU. ralMwl At t40.OOQ.000. Mr. H. W. )rttlyiunR. of Att. Tatwr a Yoteran bortloulturUi, Informs mo, that wuro hla orohnrd doprlvod of thw prtMience of bird. b would at owuo ct it down. dMpatriiiK of prodHoluR fruit without thttlr niMUtaucit. U ta woll known t)Mt apple xm nVt tho Krttwt and mot prWt at number of liuwt pmu, and kiuour thinto U tho wolly apUU. jmr ' tmpa th totwt dtmoult to tombat. A few ywtrt nuo I notlotM lu my own orchard a pair of KftHn lluuot of Imported variety, biiHlly feedlnB on woolly nphlH In ona of tho npplo truo. I wntchod thorn rlonely for about an hour, and durliiR that time, they continued tholr moal. In about a wook nftorwnrtlB I found that thoy bad completely donned my apple trees of this uoxIoiih tnfloot, nud thoy were badly Infoatod. What tho Chlnoso phonHnnt la to tho hunter, bo Ib tho bird family 'Ken arally, to tho agriculturist and lior tleulturlHt. An tho ClilnoHO phonsant has multi plied, o wo bollovo that tho Hurop imu boor blrdn will nlflo find thlu a conRonlnl cllmnto for thalr propoRn lion nud (lovuloptiiuut. Ah OraRonlauB, wo are proud of our frut, o)eelnlly our applou, which tuko rank na tho beat lu tho world. Tholr production, howovor, ontnlls on tho orchnrdlxt Rrent labor In combnt tliiR tho Insect peatH with which tlm treea nro Inroctod. Tho lndiiHtry promlHiw to uhbuiuu Immense propor tloiia In the noar future, yluldliiR n IniRO and Increasing rovanuo to tho state. With tho lucronHod area plant ed will oomo n corresponding, If not an Increaswl ratio of Insect poatH. To Increase tho bird family to aid, and aaHlal tho orohardlat lu hla bat tie with these enemies, aooma not only desirable, but a self evident and Imperative duty, especially when It la known that tho varletlou to bu Im ported nro Htrlotly luHocltlvuroua or weed Hood-entltm blrda. Tho nRrloulturtat will alao roeolvs hla aharo of tho lienolltH from boiuh of tho species to bo Imported, notably? tho akylarka and llnnetB. lloeldoa all thin, thoy uro hour blrda, par excel lence, and woro tho atato llborally Blocked with those BouRBtor, thalr lovely hour would prove a aouroo of purtNtt plwtsuro and Inspiration to our own people, and at the wune tlma form a ureal attraction for vlattor to our balovhl atata. Your do-operation In thla moro than worthy object la hanrtly nud ouutldHntly anticipated. Vry rwapaotfully yours. II. FAM.OW8, lrM. Sour Dlrd Club. o Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollara Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that oaunot bo on rod by llalra Catarrh Curo. V. J. OIIHNHY & CO, Toledo, O. Wo, tho underalunod, have known F. J. Cheney for tho laat 16 yoara, and bollovo him perfectly houorabbi In all builuaaa trauaaolloua and llnau elally able to carry out any obliga tion made by his firm. WaldlnR. Klnnun & Marvin. WkotwMte OniKsUti, Tolmlo, O. llall'a Catarrh Cure la taken In Urunlly, natlnR directly uiwn tho blood and inucoua aurtaaea ut tko ayatem. Ttfatltuonlata went fra I'rtoo 71 couta imr bottle. Bald by all druRRlata. Tako Hall Knmlly IM1U for oon itlpatlon. and fourth Judblnl districts, Enact ed. II. II. 311. relntluR to the fruit lu Hpootor. Enacted. II. II. 329, innkltiR It unlawful to gull trooa not true to name. II. H. 208, provldliiR for n dairy and olieoao nml dairy Inspector. Tho tlmo for special ardor to con Bldtr S. II. 23fl, rolntlng to tho wntor codo, wiib continued to Monday at 10 o'clock. Tho following new bills woro In troduced and rood for tho first tlme: 8. II. 218, Loughory, to loRnllze public and prlvato corporations. 8. II. 2, Mlllor, of lilnn, to provide for tho disposition of public monoy caino up on Its third roadlttR, nud Women Need a natural laxative ami tonic vrhwt troWciJ with UiIh4 drprtHH, Hcrvouuirta or a enteral lutt-dowu nMHhtKMt p( the aytttin. Nature rfiodi omtkly, and rcgu htiiy u cuaUuhcd by the um o( xeecham'4 Seiutto KrUUy Aftontoou, A larRO number of heum htm wtir red for Ut nkkiuI lime and rt firrHl. It U notlabl that tkd houa ha uoKleetwtl to aet en aeoate blUa and haa devoted IU time alwojt xelualvwly to kuHIuk own UUh eaaoted. H. I). 0. Uarrett. maklitR nmda hi towH uf Onruellua atreeta, wna rn aeted. H. IU 548. erMllas a board of par dow w favorably rtyrlet aul aftr a dteeuaalon rreierml to 0. coHimlUte. II. II. S3. provtdlHR for imylag la dlan war veteran, wnta favurwb'.y adapted. v Undor the hoad uf third rtwdlaR of home bllU, tho following wej die lvd of; H, It. 3JS. rtlttiK to th ackoo1 tiuperlataudont of Wallowa. Enact - II. 11. 313. ttxliiR talarlw la third fra5urHj jgE jjBB was made a r pedal order for fi:30 o'clock. Senate Joint resolution 1, provid ing for five Judges of tho supremo court, ander a proposed chnngo In the constitution, enme up on Its third rondlng. ISimcted. S. It. 181, McDonald, relating to closed season for doer. Ennctod. S. It.. 28, Smith of Umatilla, limit ing uteechos to live minutes for rost or session. Curried. 8. H. 1 12, Malarky, limiting tlmo of work for railroad men to 11 hours, put on final, pasaugo. Ennctod. S. II. 214, Coke, RrantltiR rights of way to rallronda through public landa. Enacted. Iteport of commltteo on ronppor tlonment. Hero woro two reports. Majority report recommended 3. B. 212 pass with amendments. Senator Hndson recommended bill do pass with amendment. Majority report' wns ndoptcd. After a wrnnglo the mnttor wns taken up nt tho present tlmo and the' bill as recommended ndoptcd. o Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; cold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for SI. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo otrcot, St. Louis, Mo. Bend for testimonials. Sold by Stono'a druc store. dw-lyr "'"' 'a,wnnVallMw i You'd bettor paddle your own a) For that's what you'll haTeto4 For when you are In hard luck Ana want to borrow a "Saw-bui All you'll set Is smr.ri.i.tti. Unless you tnko Rocky MoatUlf i eu. For salo nt Dr. Stone's store. INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Daily except Sunday. Leai to! lamotto Hotel, Salcrn at 3 p.D,J nocta with motor for Monmouth u Dallas at 0:15 p. in. Leaves kif pondonco at 8 a. m. Phone 179. RALPH BUDL0NQ a iliair KSHssaKB' 'aHisalESEsrHkVBWaJssnlvu Ml BBBBr4BjgBJsnSSlM3H8sVHHMinSKBiVSBJaBnrBSBSJ BSSBSSMg mt -- , - . i r Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquctte Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OKKROX NfltSEItY CO., ' 'n-?1 J'RS S.VI.HM, OHKGO.V. iiHI'liW (!K.vn.WMKN: : ' i"'i'iiSsiW YO.U ASK ME TO C1IV1C YOU A HHl'OltT OF THE l.NCHEASE OF MY l'ltAM.l'lTTIS WALNUT THICKS SINCE T11KY HEflAN TO HEAH. HAPPILY I HAVE THK 1'KIUHICS AT HAND. -wajaaBBMMSMBjBBW WHEN YEA I IS OLD, 11)01 " H2 LUS WHEN I YEAItS OLD, 11)01! R20 LUS WHEN n YEAItS OLD, 11)011 ,70() LHS WHEN (I YEAItS OLD, 11)01 0,000 LHS WHEN 7 YEA KS OLD, UK).-, lli.iWS LHS WHEN H YEAItS OLD, 11)0(1 21,81-1 LHS TEH OUT-PIT HAS PltACTIQALLY DOU1ILED EVEltY YEAR SINCE TDK THICKS CAME INTO HKAKI.VO. MILS. E. M. VROOLVN, WALNUTMICHIC SANTA HOSA, CALIF. NOV. 22, '(Ml. THIS (JHOVE CONTAINS .15 ACHES AND IS PLANTED WITH 1,000 FIRST (tENEHATION (WAFTED FHANQUETTE VALNUT TREES. AlHER l'lLLlNtJ ALL ORDEItS 'W DATE. AVE STILL HAVE A V'KW THICKS OFTIIK YUOOMAN STRAIN FRANQUKTTK WALNUTS. THKSK ARK ONK- EAR, SECOND OENERATION FROM 1005 CROP OF MTS, SSIE AS ON HORDER. INTERESTED PARTIICS SHOULD WHITE FOR FltEE ROOK ON WALNUT CULTURE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE THIS STOCK FOR THEMSELVES. WK PAID MRS. YltOOMAN $(1,110.55 FOR THE 1000 CROP OF M'TSOYKIt $100.00 PKR ACRE, THE HT1I YEAR FROM PLANT IXtl. THIS IS TDK VARIETY THAT IS DESTINED TO JUICE THE WILUXMETTK VALLEY FAMOUS AS A WALNUT SECTION. GET STARTER RHI11T ITS MORE THAN HALF THE RATTLE AND USUAL LY ALL THE PROFIT. CALL AT OUR OFFICE ON 12TH STREET. OR AHDItKSS , , lk tii-HiivwM tflWKPlfeHW) ifKfrranquettJ Oregon Nursery Company SALEM, OREGON UJauiiBHHMSti isEssH r?