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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
IWpr':-:Fiff9 ' 'flf -'"-Tf 'm r i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORMGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1907. IS r r WJViMHV'MfMMJKSi .HH-- -tWTW onRDSlNTHtliiiKi i5 - .... niinrnnrlntlon iso Th0U"7 ,,e of colonlz talis ioi "" ot $300;, f ii and domestic :;::: :r - ... ,. g01c.i.v i,.is boon formed in Port T h ".poe or bringing Wi 1 and oil..-r n birds to E0rTl. "M.c.s of which are g." le and worthy tho host SParI,1 " . ,..,oii8 few. Neeefe- lopol0,"r. ...... manned within iMrTt 1 Mcle.e to bring wlth !Pur,l .. .. ii... iirlmn trtid su- f'" fa' '!' ..r iwtlnnd the lovo- bnrlun ti"'1 - "...., ...nlva,p-r9. I IrBUvllurii."'i'"e" -"" Th, wonomir phase 01 U.e uu-.,.;pffy,,lulnorcondRrylm-,,"l" i..0m this standpoint the Sctvb." that th. ftnto should ?j a can- So rat is the Lortnnc- nnd intimately nwrn 2rf"n th. -Ifare of tho ngrl- imral and horticultural Interests It , be count m. that congress lnsort ", , tn,. .riiiultural appropriation bl,l pas 1 a f.-w days ago. an item carrying $44 4Jo for th piirpos o oaklnpas.l.-utinratudyo tho food habits of North American birds and mamma!' in their relation to ngricrul ture horticulture nnd forestry. In ihr past unr.-Hii has pnssod other appropriations which have hoon woll Ocnt und.r tlu- direction of tho ngrl raltural il i.tmont of the biological jurvi Kvnmi- Knows something of tho iwfulti" "f blids. and no one Is ho devoid of I hi beautiful, who does not in a cnatu tu lis degress tnko an iaiiTist Iti. and possesses somo nt tailim'tit leu. our feathered gong- hak.- t.ik. n Hi" l'liin o t,uly tne halns uiid ham of the wondorful inc.-mu" .mil diligence of those rest lew emit im and their Inuatlinnlilo aluo to man Tho subject Is nlmost Inexhaustible, but enough is known. and sufficient data ha nlroady beon obtainul to form a fairly accurate imcpti..n of their Intimate nesooln tlon ui n.iiuie'H economy as It, ro bios ' hi welfare of man. It h.i-" ln thiiiiKht desirable to pivo to Un honorable members of our leglskitme the briefest kind of a brief iiiiKiuui or the oconotuc phase ufbml lit' as it i elate to our ngrl ( ami horticultural Interests, so that Hi. i. in determine more In (lliKnih ihr merits of house bill T in.", 1 1 urn "Birds nnd the re latum in man" by Wevd ami Denr I..IM) , .i.iii.i.iul work ou economic ornnhnii.j i imp .': "Birds hi a il4.u. th. liioHt actlv. members of ih anini.i! klnndoui They have rinj i in iilaiiim and respiratien: re uhim nit In on the alert during all wanuti- .if th- er; trmel lonjc dig inrts m inu'iaiinK or aearrlilnK for t'Hxl r. .ii i.n,. fuintlles. often two or m.. i i,iMti In it summer, nnd In tfoit f i. iiu fdr their slso n pro H'i('Uj in., hui nf work. Ueciiinie of 'in- m. vimiUI .xiR'ct them to re 'i" 1 1 . aiHinint of food to keop ''i ih. in. i ili v are so constantly nr-mli'i. and the studies that have Ethnt so far as my inquiries nitvo u. . tondod, only one speclos of the bird Vl isv , fHU,ny workB in"ry without a com- IJIIGOSV PWiBOtlni! hge bnlnnco of good In pilepsy Fits St Vitus Dance Arc nerv dease$, an(j unless fnrrkM kaj to deatrucUon of ton r .,1 and body. The jveak, u'tcted nerves must have ? , rniiinp tr strengthen "d i.hunba to health. wr.Jh os Kestorative Nervine "a reriarkable nerv e tonic and tunulant. It strengthens the JJ"' relieves the nervous rain aiul rtrresh wg lKHlv-l,uiMi,ig Ucep and S. ''t ",e seldom tutor .11,.'.' ,h!". n hour. My m ru ..'. Uu '. wuh nfc and I ' w i M ;.t... "'.. """(.V-i . "9 oKhl k twet ' 1 Ud UUwj only a I tT7j iL,'.,"i tl bitr. ,W-tonr f, "u, "y this an ff ?r .' J1 ,t tho merits 5s4k!,VfTitil- 1 ' that my w. .... '" e. S. Bolon, Oa, flil.Tl!L "rvina , tU5 HhlLM Medical Co., Elkhart; Id Or nuuM: dill inu. xjb far been made show that such Is i.hii.. i, Wo will first consider very briefly the amount of food consumed by birds.' A gull, kept and fed In n garden, devoured In ono clay fourteen mice and ono rat. . Mr. Montgomery, .lr., of West Chester, Ta., gives tho result of his observation nnd studies of tho food consumed by four long-earctl owls, nonr bis ro&ldoneo, during a period of fifty-nine days. Tills couslstcd of two brlds, ono shrew, ono common mouse and throe hundred nnd forty five field mice. Other observations show Mint ono owl consumed In two and forty-six ' days, twolvo small birds, ton shrews and six hundreds mice or nn avcrngo of two and one- third nnlmnls per day. A crow In cnntlvlty consumed four nnd olgthy- throo ono-hundreriths ounces of food per day, or Its own weight in rour days, an equivalent of slxteon hun dred grasshoppers. as as example m mu vuruviu ui tloatllngs, ench bird consumes nbout ton tlmos Its own weight between hutching and flight from tho nest, and when It Is known" that tho food Biipply In most cases, consists of ovory variety, a faint idea can do formod of tho vast number ot Insect po:-U cUstroyod In this way. Tho rapidity of digestion Is mnr volous. young birds digesting their rood In Jrom ono to two hours. One young robin takon rrom u nest nnd fuel by hnnd. nto from fifty to soventv cut worms -por day, and nftor matur ity ono hundred nnd sixty-five cut worms In ono ilny. l-'lvo young gold Illnchos wero fed almost exclusively upon soods of the Hull thlstlo, tho product of more than ono thistle homl Dome cnviueu amongst thorn at onch inonl, and tboy woro fed ovory half hour on an nvor ngo. A rumlly of four song sparrows, seven days old, woro fed soventcen grasshoppers and two spiders In C7 mluuloB. A brown thrnshor at ton visits In 120 nilnutos. fed to ono young bird just out of tho nest, ono spider, one cut worm, ono hairy caterpillar, two Carolina locusts, seven rod logged loousta and threo other unidentified Insects. Two bobolink ilodgllngs woro fed within twonty mlnutos, nlno grnBS hop)ori ono bird escaping, tho re maining ono was fed olovon grnBs hoppor In two hours. Four chipping sptirrows about flvo days old, dovourod thlrty-sovon grasshoppers In olgbly-nlno mlnutos. A single chippy latoly out of nest, was seen to take food (chlolly grass hoppers), thirty tlmos In sixty-live minutes. A brood of throe chipping spnr rows wore wntchod ono ontlre day, and tboy rccolvod food 187 tlmos, al most entirely of Insects. Tlieso fow obsorvntlons out ot hun dreds that could be citod are suffi cient to establish tho facts that birds, as a class, consume nn enormous amount of food. Wo will noxt take up tho kind of food etiton by birds, and In so doing, brevity sbnll bo kept In vlow. At this juncture it may bo stntod Ills favor, and that is mo yauow bellled woodpooker. whloh glrdloa and often onuses tho dontb of treos In his search for sap. The flicker feeds Inrgoly on nnta, the ratio to other kinds ot food being Hftv-slK nor cent. Ho Is also fruglv- orous. but this largely consists ot the wild varlotles of fruit. Ilia principal food it tints. These Insects, bosldos being wood borers, caro for, protect, nml Dornotiiule plant llco or aphis, which Infest, and are vory dostructlve to planU and vegetation In all parts of the country, causing Borlous loss to our horticultural and agricultural Interacts. The bluebird la also a vory useful member of the bird family. Ilia food Is varied. In March, thirty-eight per cent consists of out worms, crick ets and grasshoppors. In April, large numbers of dung boetles. In Mny. spider form twonty-flve per cont of his food, nlBO largo numhors of moths, catorplllnrs and Juno booties. In Juno winged nnta, spiders. niona urlng worms and ground beotlea. In July, grasshoppers, crickets, June beotlea and spiders form hl9 principal food, in August, locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, moths, caterpillars, otc In September, nine-tenths of hla food ponslsts or red-logged grass hoppers, cut worniB, caterpillars, otc Th6 cat bird, although partial to fruit. In a great Insect destroyer, in- Opice Perfection Sold 'on Merit JAFOLGErUE 3 0OIB SPICES Always tlae Same J.A.FoigcpisCo. San Francisco i eluding In his menu nil tho principal varieties of Insect pestB. Tlt-mlco, creepers nnd wrens dc vour largo quantities of Insects gath ered from tho bark of trees" In sum mer, besides ImmiMiso numbers ot weeds during tho Into full and winter months. In tho spring nearly eighty per cent of their food consists of In sects. Orioles, blackbirds, crows, and Jnys ont largo quantities of spiders, myrlapods, crawfish, earth worms, sowbugs, linlrsnakcB, Biinlls, tree toads, snlamnudors, lizards, snakes, nnd oven mlco. Out of forty-olght por cont of animal food forty-six por cont consists of Insects. During summer, snout beetles, curcullos nnd weovlls, as well nB Bollworms nnd tinny worms, also grasshoppers, form part of their diet, more than thirty grasshoppers being often found In tho stomnch of a stnglo bird. Tho owl, hawk and bat family, nre exceedingly useful In tho destruction of enormous numbers of mlco nnd other rodents, boBldca Insects and cornitn of many kinds. Out of G75 pollots (rogurgltntcd romnlns of nnl- mnlB etc., consumed) tho romnlns of 1S21 mnmmals. small birds and bntrnchlana woro fqund, chlolly mon- dow moles, a speclos of Held mouse, nnd out ot tho lnrgo quantity of food only four nnd three-fourths per cont consisted of birds. Thero can bo no quostlon of tho groat usefulness of tho owl, hawk and bat family to the agricultural and horticultural inter ests, ospoclally tho former, in Eng land, flold mlco sometimes throatou tho oxlstonco of crips by oating the roota of plnnta. Whoro tboy becomo abnormally numerous, huwks nnd owls soon dlscovor tho fact, congro- gato In largo numhors, nnd eradicate tho posts. Tho bluojny, notwithstanding hla bnd roputntlon, Is crodlted with nn nvorngo ot twonty-throo por cont of nnlmnl food, ronching as high as sixty por cont In tho month ot Aug ust, nnd consisting of beotlos, grnss hoppors nnd caterpillars forty-two per cont of IiIb rood conBlstB of acorns chostnutB as well as othor largo seeds of trees and shrubs. Tho natlvo cuckoo devours onor moiiB quantities of onterplllurs. In 129 BtomaohH of cuokooa oxamlnod, 2771 catorplllars woro found, nn avorago of twonty-ono in oach bird. In May nnd Juno whon tho tont cat orplllars ore defoliating fruit trees, thetjo insects constitute ono-half of the cuckoo's food. Ono stomach ox amlnod was so full that ho hnd evi dently dovourod a whole tont colony of catorplllars. Tho meadow lark Is Invaluniiio to tho farmer, aa hla food consists of sovonty-flvo por cont of insocts. and twolvo por cent of weed seod. Tho robin la a vory bonoflolal bird, although chargod by Bomo, ospoclally small fruit growors, with eating fruit to an Injurious extent. This how over, has not been my own exper ience In growlqg fruit for tho past tweftty-throo yoars. Tho robin's food, according to tho U. S. biologi cal Burvoy reports, consist of culti vated fruit 7.77 per cont, wild fruit 44.33 por cent, Insect food 43.78 por cont, and miscellaneous 5.22 per cont whloh shows an economic balanco of good work to his credit. Tha tree snarrows aro onl) wiin ub In winter, bo that tho benefits derived from their prosenco Ho in another dl- rcctlon from that of most other birds. Thoy destroy Immonae numbers of rag weed and other noxious weed seeds, estimated at a quarter ounce por. day for each bird. A writer to- thaNew York Times. In 1M. . U- mated thft tho weed seed destroyed rnnnllimpd on DSCO t'lcbtj Good Buys in Real Estate Five-room houso, 2 blocks from car line, small barn and out build ings, lot CO by 150. Price $750. Modern cottaco of flvo rooms, all plumbed and wired, good woodshed, lot 7G by 150 feet, septic tank Price $1600. Eleven room house ono block from cnpltnl, lot CC by 138, easy terms. Price $3000. Six room houso modern basemont septic tank, plumbed, wired, good barn, lot 50x150, shrubery and fruit, content walks. Price $2000. Six room houso on car line, 4 lots, 75x150. Prlco 1500, easy terms. Nino room house, plastered, clos ets, pantry, basement, soptlo tank, barn 20x34, woodshod 18x22. Thlfl placo is threo blocks from court houso. Price $2625. Seven acres all In cultivation, good house nnd bnrn, plonty ot good fruit. This plnco Is on a good crushed rock road 3 miles from Salem. Price $1200. Ten acres all In cultivation, good flvo room houso, barn and woodBhod, good mixed fruit, well fonced, 7 acres In oats, 2 Vj miles from Salem. Prlco $1900. Twenty acres; 10 acres In cultiva tion, balauco In pasturo, two small houses, barn and out buildings. Plon ty of small fruit, woll wator, mllo to storo, 4 miles from Snlom. Price $1800, will exchango for Btock ranch. Sovonty-throo acres all In cultiva tion, good houso and bnrn; 2 acres of Italian pruncB and othor mixed fruit : fences aro mostly woven wlro; wator pumped through tho houso and barn; good well and windmill; one mllo from school and R. It. town; 3 work horses, 2 cowb, 3 dozou chick ens nnd all Implements necessary to run this plnco; ono top buggy, 1 wagon, 15 tons of liny, 30 cords ot wood In woodshed. Prlco $5000. Ono hundred ncros, 3V4 miles from Snlom; 70 ncros In cultivation, bul. in pasturo nnd good tlmbor; 7 room houso, barn 42x5C, smokohouBO, Wood Bhcd, chickon houso, two wells, 30 royal ann cherries; 1 aero of apples and othor uinll fruit; fences mostly wlro; ono tenm, ono cow, sot of buggy hnrncsa, hnrrow cultivator and plow. Prlco $87.50 por aero, or will trade for city property. Tmniitv noma? 0 nprnn nf Itnllnn prunos; 4 acres of apples; balanco In cultivation; house, barn and spring houso; V mllo to Shaw. Prlco $1G00. Flttcon acres; 5 acres in prunes; G ncrcs in apples; bnlnnco plow land; good G room house, bnrn 30x40; good fonccs; 2 wells; ono mllo from Hobo dalo. Prlco $1800. Eighty acres; G7 in cultivation; IS In pasturo and tlmbor; 30 ncros in wheat and chont; 7 acros In clever: 5 room house, good barn nnd gran ary; 4 horses, G head of cattlo, nogs chickens; 2 wagons, 3 sot ot harness, all Implements, hay, gralu, otc. Prlco $8000. Wo havo city property to trndo for small tracts out of town and farms to trndo for city proporty. Also have Colorado Springs proporty nnd Pueb lo, Colo., proporty to trado for prop orty hero. Wo havo ono hundred ucros ot good land ncur Salem to trado for Salem property. If you want hop ranch, tlmbor grnlu, fruit or grazing lands see us. Sovoral houses for ront. Call it you want anything In itiHuranco or notary work. . RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Mooreo block, Salem, Ore. Roforcnco, any bank or business houso in tho city ot Salem. --nm nmtvuu nw tmm.'ii u gQ dI Qf nutrlmcnt, 100 nnnAa nt Pounds ot meat only 35 pounds of nourtehing material. Thats whv bread la called "the staff of life." jjj at tne dlfferenco in cost and f(ora UJlom,B uakory wholesome on 1fa but aad deUcou8 to tuo JtRHC i t-t! 'JnvSk omtti ipilI13ai? Lq OUR MEATS ARB ALWAYS TIIK WKST. For wo tnko ospcclnl caro to buy none but tho beat, nnd our customers can always depend upon gottlug tho best In tho market at right prices whon they buy at our market. H. O. CROSS, Stato Street Market Phono 201 FOR JOIST AND FLOORING Tho best placo to buy is whoro the best stock ot lumber 1b carried. Tho ontlro building trndo know that thoro 1b not a flnor Btonk of lumbor than that carried by ub. Wo are ready to fill tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't koop tho build or wnltlng. That's a vory Important point. Nonr B. P. passongor depot GOODALE LUMBEIt CO. Phono 52 MAin. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every uncle Is guaranteed, mid that arcouutH for the rapid lucrenso In sales.. Also It is still mndo of OLD WHEAT nnd Im thu best Hour at any price. USE ONIjY Wild Rose Flour At nil llrst cIiihm grocera. THE BEST "STAFF- OF LIFE" YOU KVKIt HAW Is Ullom's broad. It's froah dally, wlioloaomo always, nourishing, Btrongthoniug nnd fit for tho whole family. One thing more whllo you're roadlug It's good to tho taste. Do you know of any good reason why you don't buy Ullom's broadT No? Thon why don't you buy It? C. ULLOM. Capital Bakery. HililHMIMIHi'? It J. W. BOLLEN Managor Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmor. A comploto stock of tho most up to data funeral goods at prices tho most reasonable In tho Waguor Building. Phnnn 7fl. 383 Court St.. Salem Htl t Ornor n package of this famous health and brain building flour nnd enjoy somo good old fashioned New England llrown Urcml. A chnnco at a right hot lont will make you think you nro In Boston. With Allen's Solf-rislng U. 1). B. Flonr you can mako bread Just llko tho Puritans used to mako. 8-H Pnncnko nonr is also a puro food; solf- B Trndo rising nnd all ready to Mark mix with wntor and bako on a hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S BB6 FLOUR CO. Piu'lllc Coast Factory, Snu Jose, Cnl. Kastern Factory, Llttlo Wolf Mills, Mnnawn, Wis. Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy oiicb Hint ovory woman U803 during tho cool months for bed clothing, nro awkward things to hnndlo nt home. Why not send them to tho laundry whon thoy need wash ing? You'll not only savo yoursolt a lot of hnrd work, but you will have thorn returned to you In n bettor condition thnn If you tried to wash them at home. Wo mako thorn cleaner, Bwootcr. Iltifllor, nnd do not shrink thorn. Tho truth ot tho matter is, that tiny hu man who will compnro n laundorod blanket from Tho Snlom Stonm Laun dry, and u homo wushod ono, could not holp but notice tho dlfforonco Tho homo washed ono will bo clingy, Rtronked, foul sticky, look lumpy nnd smoll badly, whllo tho ono Bont to tho laundry will bo perfectly clean, sweet nnd fluffy. Yours for superior work. 8ALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phono 23. 1.1(1-100 8. Liberty St. Spont wisoly is tho source of much 4Rtlsfaction. Why not spond a llttlo of it wisoly now buying groceries ot us? Baker, Lawrence & Baker t Successors to Ilarrltt & Lawrence. M. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Groecrs and Com mission Merchants In tho drlod mil1 tt nil tlmos for inn produco ot all Special iui salo a fow apple- par lug mu siloing mtichlnos; cqulpmont for a largo dryer; will mako a lo.T price. Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wlro Fencing. Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gutoa, 8bingloo and P. & 1). Roady Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St, Salem, Ore, The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's aHahlea. Up-to-date livery and cab line. Funorsl turnouts a specialty. Tally ho for plooles and excursions. Fhon 44. CHA8. W YANNKE, Prop 247 and 249 iHgh Street. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commerces! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. i o