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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
i w-1 3 DAILY CAPITAL JOCBNAL, 8ALKM, ORHGOY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1007. s rs, ' jl. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER. A Glorious Spring Season of 1907 dvanco showing of tho now spring merchandise mirrors fnsh- ?Uf west and prettiest Ideas. Our success in tho past has only ion ne more determined for groator efforts In tho future. Thl is a progressive era and a progressive store. Each Beason t ccd ahead of its predecessor; and the small crovlces of impor- baS.. nfliied in. Come in and see tho now goods. lecuuu "- Long Gloves in 1 or 16-button length. ik or" kid. Black. White or Grtj- No place quite so compe tent to provide thom as this glove itore. White Waists a suncrb showing of dainty white lawn waists fresh from the nmnufacturers. Newest patterns tubrolderlcs, lnccs, groups of imall tucks and pleatlngs com pose tho most unusual and elabor ate sort of beauty work. The itylcs are numerous and perfect in every detail. New Dress Ginghams A largo Bhipment just reached us comprising all tho latest pat terns for spring make-up. Fancy stripes, plaids, checks, etc., in the French Foll-Do-Nord ginghams. Aho the flno baby checks. SPRING SHIRTS FOR MEN 50 dozen of as good a shirt as 76c would over buy wo'ro offering at tho exceedingly low prlco of 50JNTS EACH All now spring patterns. Tho assortment comprises both golt and nogligeo styles in Mohair, fancy striped Madras, etc., with attached cuffs. See Commercial St. Window. TELLS HOW TO OVERCOME CATARRH Prescription Which Sufferers Should Make Up tmi Opea House JOHN F. CORDHAY, Mgr. SVWV m m iATUWAY MATINEE AND KIGirT FinmrARY 10. lie Hccord Making Musical Comedy" luster Brown Dy It. F. Outcault. t New and up-to-date. Bubbling oier with fun. treat Cast Catcliy Music tlty Chorus Lively Comedy and IIOIIUV BURNS ItUIGADE. 20 1HO SONG HITS '20 PRICES lUUnee 50c and 25c. Slfht J1.00, 75c, 50c. ox offlco open Saturday 9 a. m. Jfaad Opera House JXO. V. COUUItAY, Manager. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18. Tlw NYver Falling Delight W. E. NANKEVHXE'S i FVOItMOUS TRIUMPH ''Human Hearts. " ISTOUV FROM LIFE PRESENTED IV DRAMATIC FORM Ibonndlng In Humanity, Rubbling oicr with Joyous Cninedr RflHiiK mill Realistic Situations ArouM tlu Spectator to tho UlUliOHt Pitch of Enthusiasm. ' V.c ZOc, 2T.C F offlco open Monday at 9 a. m. TONIGHT ! H j .H Free Lectures on Phrenology TIOOA lLVLTi, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. at 8: IS p. m. MRS. JEAN MORRIS ELLIS Tho world's most omlnont Lady Phronologlst, Graduate of the Fowlor and Wells Institute Now York, will commence a courso of LECTURES AND PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. Each lect-nro to closo with froe public"" examinations of persons se lected from tho nudlonco. Privato consultation and phreno logical oxaminations given dally in tho parlor of tho Tioga hall. DINGER GRAND THEATRE. 99 londay, Feb. 18. 5gon s favorite young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer IN A five Act Comedy Drama La-Belle -Marie Bvate Wardrobe i"4. venlnrs. ik h . Ha ' w he fervescence .f Man U unon a ... rtenUh the magic k.r..Thal8 "hat will hannen ;"rD&WnKwd pastry it you &? Perfection Powder tHUu,h.maadIlJigh. ;eriTJl teiMkn: B,oruy ol EPPJ-EY - Senators Boforo going home, why not lot mo fit you with a pair of good glasses, which will bo a comfort and pleasure to you? Wo can fit tho most com plicated oyes; nearly 30 years' ex perience. Wo do our own grinding, and lensos duplicated on short no tice. CHAS. H. HINGES Export watchmaker and graduate optician, 123 Commercial street. Easy to find, next door to Capital bank. Unless all signs fall, this will prove a hard Beason for thoso who are sub ject to catarrhal disease Tho coming months will bo a har vest for tho doctors and patent medi cine manufacturers unless groat caro Is tqken to dress warm and keep tho feet dry. This is tho advlco of a well known authority and should bo heeded by all who aro subject to rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles and espe cially catarrh. While tho lnttor Is considered by most suffors an incur able disease, thcro aro fow men or women who will fall to experlonco great rellof from tho following sim ple homo prescription, and if taken In time It will prevent an attack of ca tarrh during, tho cutlre season. Hero is tho prescription which any ono can mix: Fluid Extract Dande lion one-half ounce, Compound Kar gon one ounce, Compound Syrup Snrsaparllla "three ounces. Shnkc well In a bottle nnd uso In toaspoon ful doses nftor each meal nnd again at bedtime. Thoso nro mostly vcgetnblo ingre dients nnd can bo obtnincd from any good proscription pharmacy at small cost. Tho Compound Knrgon In this pro scription acts directly upon tho ollm Inntivo tissues of tho kidneys to mnko thom filter and strain from tho blood, tho poisons that produco all forms of catarrhal affections. Rc lief Is often felt oven after tho first fow doses and It is seldom that tho sufforor over experiences a return at tack within tho year. This prescription makes a splen did remedy for nil forms of blood disorders nnd such symptoms as lamo back, bladder weakness nnd rheu matism pains nro entlroly dtspollod. As this vnluablo prescription comes from n thoroughly rbllablo source, it should bo heeded by ovory njjlicted reador. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NOTES poso to give this spring for tho bene fit of their friends. "" , ' Leslie Church Social. Thoro was A dolightful musical so cial and lecturo at Leslie church Fri day night, attended by a full houso. Tho choir has becomo qulto nn at traction, nnd rendered sevornl choico selections by tho mnlo quartet. Miss Davison sang a beautiful solo. Col. Hofer's lecturo on "Tho Great American Cities" was highly appre ciated, nnd ho was glvon a voto of thanks by tho ladles. That part of tho town Is making Improvements, sevornl now houses are going up, nnd tho school grounds arc bolng Improved by Janitor Lowery. MinHmiHMiinnmHmmmmmminHHiij i SPRING MODELS HIrIi School Girls Lose. In ono of tho best games of girls' baskotball seen In this city this sea son tho Wlllametto fivo defeated tho Salem' high school girls 11 to 9. Tho gnmo VaB played last ovonlng in tho Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, and wns Interesting all tho way through. Tho , first half ended in 4 to 2 in favor of , tho high Bchool, but In tho second I SCWlNg done. mm w. u. picKea up nnu won oy tho scoro of 11 to 9. Thoro woro really no stars, all tho girls playing a first-class gamo. Tho lineup was as follews: Wlllninotto Misses Coryell nnd Bolknnp, forwards; Mann, centor; 9 correct models for iueicau anq a. mann, guards.- High school MIssos Lick and Phole, fot wards; Rudolph, contor; Mcl.nuley nnd Ackcrmnn, guards. POST OFFICE GROUNDS Plans For Improvement Pub lished ani Bids Asked Orange Special 1 doz. 35c Oranges... 30c 1 doz. 50c Oranges... 40c This is tho best price that has been made on oranges this sea son. Bend or phono your order In early. Wo also have a full lino of fresh vegetables Includ In lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, parsnips and carrots. Remember tho place. Moir Grocery Company MIIUiK Tho "Mlv-rp" Ilft'vceii "tho Irish" mill "tb Dutch." A vory onjoynbl i tlmo was hud at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Knuff ninn, Tho ovonlng wns spent In play ing games and music, also sevoraf boIoh woro sung. "Tho Dutch" won all tho prizes, "Mrs. Phillip Flshor taking tho first, Mr. Otto Zwlokor tho second and Mr. Albort Knuffman tho consola tion. After the prlzos woro given n sup par wns sorvod, which copslstod "of different favorlto Irish and Dutch dishos. Thoso prosent woro tho MIssos Zoldu and Mabel Gorman, Iluldn, Clarn nnd Augusta Zwlckor, Matll day Byrn, Martha Buttos, Pearl poylo, Josslo and May Bonsou, Colin hnd Bosslo Wicko, Poarl Phronotton, Etta ayward, May Brown, Rosa Kauffmnu, Alta Davenport, of Sil verton. Or., Mr. and Mrs. Zwlckor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Phlll'lp Flshor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alllo Massoy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pulmor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Qlovor, Mrs. Max Frlbort, (Ms. J. J. Knuffman, Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry W. Savago, Jr., Fred Brannlng, Arno Campbell, Ned, Jack and Herbert Qnmblo, Ray Luslgnont, Ray Benson, Albert Golhlar, Baby Glover, Joaoph, Henry nnd Albert Knuffman. Tho Invitations wero a sort of an odd get-up. They read something llko this: M You aro invited to attend a gener al "mix-up" botwoen "tho Irish" and "the Dutch" Saturday evening, February 9, 1907, at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Kauffman, 1425 North Winter street, Salem, Oregon. Somo of tho guests hardly knew what to mako of them. All present agreed that It was Indeed a general "mix-up" between "tho Irish and "tho Dutch." Tho Dutch nt tho sup per table spoko In their own lan guage, but tho Irish, not being smart enough to convorso in their own togues, borrowed tho Yankee tongue, which they used to a great sufficiency. A DUTCHMAN'. Elks' Dance. Tho Elks gave a most enjoyable dancing party Thursday ovonlng at their new hall, and It was well at tended. The Elka' orchestra, under tho direction of Prof. Stoudonmey er, furnished delightful music for the affair. Tata Is but oce of naay of tbM affalra nthkh tka KIka pro. In this Issuo Of Tho Journnl ap pears tho official advortlsomont of the postolllco department for bids for Improving tho present postolllco grounds and approaches. Tho plans and specifications nro In tho hnmlB of Postmnstor Farrar, and bids nro to bo submitted at Washington Mnrch lCth, honco Mr. Farrar must havo tho same In his possession by March 5th. Brlofly tho plans provldo for tho present circular walks, and also tho rogulatlon straight walks of comont along tho four streets which sur round tho block. Tho old drlvowny at the roar will bo romovod nnd olr cular drlvoways will como In from Cottngo strout for mall curriors and wagons. Hitching racks of two-Inch galvanized pipe will bo oroctod nt tho oast nppnmch for tho convonlenco of vehlolos. Thoro will nlso bo a straight comont walk from Church street to tho main door, nnd ono from Stnto streot to tho side door. In tho spaces botwoon tho walks, which will bo (Mod and soodod down, thoro will bo beds of (lowers and or namontnl shrubbory. There Is to bo a bed of 200 square foot filled with CO rosgs and allko bed with .15 poon Ioh. Asido from this the postmns tor .will havo discretion In tho mat tor of shrubbery, and thoro is pro vision for CO rhododendrons and many othor ornnmontnl shrubs. On tho whole Salem will hnve postolllco grounds as hundsomo as any on tho Pnolfio coaBt, and such as will forev er bo a credit to our city. OUR NEW of Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets Are Ready for You Get the right shape before you fhavc your spring !-WfB"iW I I UWWl "II nn a i .We show a great variety of all the I every figure. Our Prices I on this weH known fc .11 Mill I ! , ll I I II .brand of corsets are much lower than the contract list which we re- "rUW," RIBBON GIRDLE fused to sign. 11 frw t T 'P?r ! i!i VIY fcA ,m 7x i " XiiSVJ hXWW0& rAlrr&rJ x3?zscm (i sy Wvn)rf y&iw I &fnJ I irWfW J 1 llrJL W CV S.X mJJr i h: Mm fan Jfflm T-m : jf Wlv m ffAWK eTwI i Ml l ll -. si I Jj&rs'sted (Sz4A Jesre' I &&TJ8rM&k&t ' iwmhhw wttaai FIYE HUNDRED ATTENDED CIIICK10.V 1XDU8THV OHOWIXO. Many of I he .ltitfiidvntH of Salem mid Vicinity Iluying Inciilmtortt. H. O. White, ono of tho leading grain and produco merchants of tho city, In speaking to a reporter thla morning, said: "Boyond a doubt thoro Is nioro money nnd moro stir In tho chicken industry than thoro has been for years. Thoro Is a great demand for chickens and eggs- at' present, In fact tho production of poultry and eggs will not moot tho demand for the noxt fivo years." Many of tho local enthusiasts aro go ing Into tho business extenslvoly. Promlnont among thoso who havo re cently caught the fover nro J. A. Ilemlngton, 8nlem; Milton Brown, Itouto No. 3, Salem; J. S. Brokaw, Frultland; C. E. McElwaln, Frult- land-, Frank Harra, Llborty; J. W. Chamberlain, Eola, and John Mc Crow, Maclcay. 4y-m "Hello Girls." How to be healthy and happy and be a phone girl. Ring us up for a package of Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea with full par ticulars; 3S cents. Tea or Tablets. For aI at Dr. Stage's store, o jk. m p mm a-t-r. ll 1M &tf ! gU czym&& Mills Lecture on Socialism nt the Opera House H. U. Mlntou prosldod and Intro ducod Waltor Tlioiuns Mills at tho Grand Opura Houso to lecturo on So cialism. Thuro was an audlenao of about GOO pooplu out and tho speak- or was applauded at many points. A groat deal moro onthuslnsm wns mnnlfusUd than nt any provlous mooting conducted In tho Interest of Socialists horo at tho Stato Capital. Mills Is u newspnpur man, and ho certainly hud tho crowd with him, which was largely mudu up of the oducnted people of tho town. Ho Is to roturn In a month nnd looturo, again. Tho Socialists havo ten lec tures on tho stocks for Snloui, nnd aro going to make hay while thoro Is no othor campaign on. Mr. Mills took in a lot of subscribers for his Socialist dally paper, to bo estab lished nt Seattle Ho Iiub already 12,000 subscribers, and hopes to rnlso that to 20,000 boforo starting publication. REBATE ADVANCED RATES Raise on Account of 'Frisco Fire to Be Refunded Groat Investment, absolutely safo. brings roturns, giving; surplus oarn- Ing powor of youth till old age, so- curing comfort and health in your declining yoars. That's what Hollis tor's Rocky Mountain Tea does, Dr. Stono'a drug store. II. B. TIiIoIhqh, of tho Salem un derwriters an noun cos Hint all monoy uolluotod ai premiums on firo Insur ance pollolos ulnco May, 1000, whon mi udvnnod of 25 por cont was col lected on account of tho San Fran cisco firo, will bo refunded to Salem pulley holders. Tho idvanco him boon taken off, restoring tho old rntos by nil companies carrying poli cies at Salem. This result hns boon groutly promotod by the efforts of Mr. Tlilolssn, nnd will bo vory mtioh appreciated by tho Insured. It Is understood this red notion nffectu nil business In tho stnto. o A .Htltch In Time Will novo nine. So will n bottlo of Ballard's Horohound Syrup nlwayt kopt on hand cava many a spoil ot sickness, A sura euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mrs. S , Hot Springs, ArV writes: "1 keep a bottlo of Ballard's Horohound Syrup In my medlcla chest, and thank my forethought many tlmoi. It baa prevented maay rere spalls of sickness." Sold by D. J. Kry, ' OJkMVOaRXUa,. BMnO liriWYK:t All - , t IsM f&f) "Tnko Your 3h-Ililae," Llko a man, but bo suro It Is tho right medlclno rightly compounded. Thoro Is danger In drugs, unless brains attend to tho mixing ot thom. Prescriptions brought horo aro pro pared by duly iUalllotl and experi enced clerks who know tholr busi ness thoroughly and never mako mis takes. We also carry a full lino of druggists' sundries, perfumes, fancy ' soaps and toilet articles. But with the best of service our prices rule low MK1) Cmm aWMRMAOT. i " ll j M Hit "fS 4'ii W la