,- fri JO DAIliY OAPITAIi SOVMJAU BAfcBM. ORltOOW, B,1 Tdtfay IS KKMNANT HAY. Short lengths of scusotiablo ami dc- fednlle goods at . . iii A Half Price OUR $1 4.85iALE Is attracting wide-spread attention among the wcH dressers who are quick' to note the won derful values, Every garment offered in this sale is ALL WOOL and absolutely new -made by America's foremost manufactur ers. The values range up as high as $25. MISSES SPRING SUITS JsWcut spring style, AV'o nro showing mhiio oxcccdlngly good vnl Wen fn Misses, Hultsj BJxcs range from II to 20. Made of pretty mixture am) check In, tho ncrtcst Won style. .TncUctn in full wit In Hunt, ihrct-niuirter akeve, collar mid citlfa trimmed with broadcloth of corrcKpondliig color, nrnjly act off by funcy braid mid button. Bklr( flit ry fiill.wia.plnlled. Tho wholo going make up the prettiest suit that Is to ihj ahowii this Mason. Tlio Vnluo cnimot lw duplicated nt anything near tho price wo nro T A A rC offering this new creation '. P "J WASH GOODS As usual tills popular storo lo showing tho greatest nasortmont In tho Wlllaniotto valloy. Kvorv nl tho Willninotto vnlley. Every doslrablo fabric, tho latent weavos tho nowost prlntlnga nro bcro. Many stylos shown hsro nro not to bo soon oUowhoro, nnd wo arc living up to, not upon, our repu tation ns tho groatost valtio-glvlng storo In tho city. Embroideries Wo novor ltnd such a beautiful collection of flno ombroldorloa at such llttlo prjeea. Tlicro nro em broldorlos for practical purpose. Tbo dalnlly llttlo .edges for trim mings nnd tho wider skirtings and flounclngs. So mo exceptions rI values at 12 1-2c 15c 19c NEW SILKS Unquestionably tho most Im portant today's storo nowa. The varlotlos nro greater which In cludes tho latest Now York nov olty JAP SILK. In tnrtnr plaids nnd blnck nnd whlto chocks in nil slzos. Our prlco Is vory modest, tho quality considered Kafir1 Sptolnl JUL Spring Oxfords Wo nro showing n dccldodly now Oxrord or uotni-paioni, wmen r ia iiritrht. smooth, ullnblo lonthor, eliminating tho danger of crack ing easily cleaned docB not burn tho feet. Wo havo this lcnthor mndo up In n nowly do slgnod last. Co mo In nnd soo this now Oxford (t Ask for stylo of 1001 $DJv csfr. J2eiieiS&&ortA CITY JSEWS A noWojtlon of lentmrtant Yx gewphs far Yow OofisiderAtsoa Itollrr Skating- Two fccsslons nt tho Auditorium rlnlt tonight, 7:30 to 10 and 10 to 12. Admlislou 10c, skates 25c. New Cottage Hotel Mrs. Susan 8talgur, 11. O. For sftho nnd William Btnlgcr aro tho Incorporators In tho Cottage Hotul Ce-mpnny, which filed articles nt In corporation yesterday. Tho capital took la (5000. MHHter llmHii" Wry Popular Something less than a thousaud children of all ages attended tho mmUdoo thin oltomoon at tho C-rnnd Opera House, and aro being highly MANY- A MAN Is a ctltlo bscauw ho like to bs aMtriry. You can go contrary to Um ttM ot jour own frUneU and mljfcfwra d bob time get the fcK c tU; but go contrary to ths sttsUtis of saUr and you 'will at way fX th worst ot It, K NMwr Scys Sfctcr Why, BpaeUele It wt b. HaUra won't aoetvt Just spec UMm though; they must right atnaUalsa, W ftrs tfc ktea two dwa, ana tw price art ffnn sV BARR'S JEWELRY STORE CaAa j ll(iAv9nc Saataav ontortnlnod by "Duster Drown," nnd his dog "TIqo" nnd numerous others of hi speclnl friends. This Is ono of tho brlghtost nnd best ot tho populnr mimical comedies ot tho year, nnd, whllo It strongly appeals to children, It Is none tho loss Interesting to old er people Tho songs nnd Jokes nro bright, now nnd catchy and tho chor us Is simply great. Time. Set for Objections March 11, 1007 at 10 a. m., has boon sot as tho tlmo for tho hearing of tho objections to tho final account of Kmaniiet Irwin, tho administrator ot tho estato of Churles I.. Irwin, du-ceased. Personals Mr. and Mrs. K. Urock aro In Ma rlon for a short visit. Miss Josslu Btqut went to Mehama today to visit relatives. Miss Daisy Harding wont to Port land to spond tlunday. J. A. Qrlgsby and daughter loft to day for-a visit to Eugene. Mlts Mabel Kennedy, ot Wood burn, Is visiting la tho city. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas left today for tholi homo In Newport. Mlis Nellie Derby will leav for a visit In Portland this afternoon. Mrs. O. G. Savsgo wont to Turner today to visit her mother, Mrs, T. W. Darr. Hal D. Patton went to Portland this afternoon to remain over Sun day. Miss Dcatrlco Murphy, ot Port land, Is hero visiting friends at tho Sacred Heart Academy. Mrs. Philip Thomas and daughter, Mlsa Norma, left for Nowoort today. Judgo Durnett wont to Albany this morning on business. W. M. Workman, who has been visiting In tbo city, loft this morning for his homo In Myrtlo Creek. P. 0. Thompson, who has been vis iting his son-lu-law, Paul Hansen, has returned to his home in Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Davis, of Port land, aro hero for a short visit to relatives and friends. Guy is a former Salem boy, an! Mrs, Davis was formerly Mlsa Dana, Wilson, ot this city. ASYLUM SALARY , RAISE Tho house this morning defeated by one volo the Reynolds bill pro viding for nn Increase of the salaries of tho superintendent and all of tho phyalclans of tho Insano asylum, nnd making provisions for two addition al physicians. This ball carried an nggrcgato lncreaso In aalnry appro priation of $0400 for the biennial period. When Spcnkor Davoy, who was on tho floor of tho houso and Toted nyo on tho passago of tho bill, found that it had only received TO amirmntlvo votes, or lacking one of being enough to paw) It, changed his voto to no, In order to bo nblo to movo a reconsideration. Speaker Davoy also commanded during tho morning session thn Monday would bo tho last day fdr consideration of houso bills, oxcerit thoso sent back from tho sonnto for convenience which means that thero yet rcmnln about 200 bills to bo dis posed of U 10 hours' work, nnd there will bo n wild scrnmblo to put through pet measures nt tho jlov cnth hour. o - 11 Don't Put Off Until tomorrow what you can do to day. If you aro suffering from a torpid llvor, or constipation, don't wait until tomorrow to got help. liny n bottlo ot Horblno nnd got that llvor working right. Prompt ness about health saves many sick snolls. "Mrs. Ida Qrcsham, Point, Tex., writes: I used Ilcrblno In my family for hix years, and find It does al It claims to do." Sold by D. J. Try. o Tlio Osteopathy Hill Itofrrn-d. After n spirited dnbnto tho bill lo croato a stato board of osteopaths wns recommitted to tho commlttuo honlth nnd public morals. Tho son nto has amonded tho general medlc nl prnctlco act so as to glvo tho os teopaths n member on tho state med ical board, who will cxamlno their applicants to prnctlco, and It pro vides that they shall bo exompted from examinations In materia mcdl en nnd thorapoutlcs. Tho sonnto bill will probably bo enacted. o Itcslgns iU-r Position, Miss Nolllo Dorby, tho omclont clork In tho Mnrlon county recorder's nmco, has resigned hor position, In ordor to tnko n needed vncatlon nnd visit Portland frlonds. Sho tins boon In tho recorder's oulco as clork for tho past thrco years, ami hor valu- nblo services will bo greatly mlsso.l. o Collins- Wood. A mnrrlngo UccnBO hns been Issued by County Clork Alton to Smith Col lins, of Mnrlon, aged 20, and Wndln I,. Wood of Marlon, aged 24, A. II. Wood acting ns wltnoss. Haiti Combination to Heat. Chicago, rob. 1G. Tho National Woman Suffrage Association spout n largo part ot tho day complimenting tho Oregon votors who favored tho movement. Miss Koto Gordon, of Now Orleans, declared that thrco corrupt luwyers, supported by no grocs, Indians, Chlneso and corrupt nnd lllltornto whites, managed tho anti-suffrage campaign In Oregon. i.O Hobs Kchool and Church. Chicago, Feb. 1C. Frederick A. Holbrook, dlroctor ot the American Boating Company, was arrested on orders of tho United States district attorney on a chargo ot conspiracy with furniture dealors to control tho trade In school and church furniture, In violation ot tho Sherhman law. o Train Operators Nino Hours. Washington, Feb. 16. Tho com mlteo has ordered a favorable report on tho btl Ulmltlng tho employment ot oporators, having to do with tho oporatlon ot trains, to not moro than nlno hours In any period ot twenty-four. Ailanu on Trial in Idaho. Wallace, Idaho, Feb. 16. The prosecution made the opening state ment this morning In tho casa ot Stcvo Adams, on trial for "timber lotting," and who la also accused ot complicity In tho assassination ot ex- Governor steunonborg. Harry Corbet Dead. San Francisco, Feb, 16. Harry Corbett, brother ot tho ox-champion, was found dead in bed this morning. It is stated that Corbett dropped dead as he waa about to step Into his bathtub. Physicians were hastily summoned, but Corbett was past help when they arrived. Places for iMwyrrt, Washington, Feb. 16. The senate today passed a bll ldlvldlng Oregon into two Judicial districts. BARON R0THCHILD BLUFFING "Baron" Itothchlld, the lono star of Democracy In tho lower branch ol tho legislature, wont on record yes terday ns being oponly oposcd to tho dlctntos of tho supremo ruler ot tlio party of the state, when ho voted against sustaining tho chief execu tive's veto of tho Multnomah county Juvenile conrt bill undor tho pretext, as he explained, "that tho Portland boys ought to be taken caro of and, therefore I voto aye." ' This waB upon tho question ot tho passago of the Port ot Columbln bill, which was passed by both branches of the legislature nnd vetoed by the R&vernor on tho Bround that It at tached additional oxponsos to the taxpayers of tho county, notwith standing tho governor's veto. The only dissenting vote was that of Drlx, of Clatsop, who may hnvo been still stinging undor tho offocu of tho p'asasgo of tho port of Columbia bill. This mensuro extends, In the dis cretion of tho people, to tho other counties of the state tho authority to establish Juvonllo court such as has boon maintained in Portland nnd quite successfully tho pnst two yonrs to bo supervised ovor by tho county Judge but tho govornor nttnehod his mark of disapproval to the mensuro becauso It heaped an oxtrn burden of oxpense upon tho Multnomah tax payers for bonoflts which thoy had been enjoying horotoforo practically gratuitously. Whon tho hill was rond, together with tho moesago from tho sennto nnd tho toxt of tho gov ernor's voto tho only romnrks modi upon tho question of Its pnsnsge were thoso of Freeman, of Multnomah, who stated, In effect, that: "Mr. Chnmborlnln hns undortaken to sny that tho Mulnomnh dolegntlon, which had this bill undor serious con sideration nnd pnssod upon It unnn imously, doos not know what our nconlo want. Tho bill Is an exceed ingly morltorlouB ono nnd It should pass the houso itnnnlmously." (Anil It practically did.) o FARMERS BURLESQUE COMMISSIONS Quito In kooplng with tho spirit of tho present session ot tho legisla ture, and llkcwUo In harmony with so mo ot tho propositions that have boon In tho creation ot commissions to hnvo control ovor practically ovory Industry in tho state's category, Rap rosontntlvos Purdy, of Washington, and Simmons, of Mnrlon, Introduced n Joint burlesquo resolution this morning providing for tho appoint ment of a farmers' nnd tnxpayors' commission, describing his duties nnd appropriating M, 000,000 for carrying out tho purposes of tho res olution. Tho full toxt of tho resolu tion, which created considerable amusomont follews: Farmers' nnd Tiivjijiyers' Devolution. "Resolved, by tho houso, tho son nto concurring, that tho speaker of tho houso, the president of tho son nto and tho attornoy-general bo and thoy hereby aro authorized and di rected to appoint a commission, con sisting of five farmors, one grocery era of said farms. Said commission nted Trades, who shall receive an an nual salary of 110.000 each, and all necessary traveling expenses. The commission to havo free transporta tion with powor to appoint one thou sand deputies to tako chargo ot all tho farmrs of this state; to dlsposo ot all tho products and pay ovor the surplus, If any there be, to the own er sot said farms. Said commission shall appoint five hundred deputy ex pert farmers, who shall receive a compensation of M0 per day each, and all necessary expenses of what ever nature, and the balnace of said deputies shall receive 15 per day and all necessary traveling expenses of whatever nature "In ordor to cary this Into effect, thero shall be and hereby is appro priated out of any roomys in tho state treasury not otherwise appro proprlatcd, the sum ot $1,000,000. "As tho poaco, health safety and dignity ot tho stato demands that this resolution should go into Imme diate effect, nn emergency Is hereby declared, and this resolution shall ba in full force and effect from and attor its passage. INTEREST CLAIMS ALLOWED A Bill Lost Twice Taken Up a Third Time and Passed on Re-Consideration IteprenctatlTO E. L, Jones, of Clackamas county and Mr. .tm. went to Albany this afternoon to visit friends until Monday, After voting down the bill pro viding nn appropriation of approx imately $20,000 for tho payment of Interest on certificates of nllowanco or claims ngalnst tho Btnte, which were hold up on account of tho lri voklng of tho referendum upon thp general appropriation bill last yea?, twlco In succession and upon the same day tho houso of ropresentn: tlvos Is placed in tho unique nnd un precedented position of having tnken n second reconsideration of its pro-, vlous negative action nnd reversing Its previous Judgment by tho voto of 57 ayes and 20 nays; three absent and not voting. Whllo tho bill received the requi site nitmbor of votes to secure Its pnssago Speaker Davoy was unde cided upon tho point .ns to whethor tho houso had nny authority to re consider n voto upon a bill moro than onco, nnd this announcement from tho chair set tho minds of tho legis lators a buzzing, nnd tho question of tho constitutionality of tho bill or violation of parliamentary usago thon bocamo tho ordor for discussion Tho rulos of tho houso provide Hint a question may bo reconsldorcd upon tho samo day, or within thrco days thorouftor, but It Is gonorally under stood tho rules of tho nssombly do not touch explicitly upon a. point of pnrllamontnry law Robort's rulos of ordor prevail, and Robort's rulos of ordor upon this question provldo thnt no quostlon Bhnll bo brought up for reconsideration moro than onco. Tho spenkcr announced, undor thoso circumstances, that, whllo his authority was not distinctly pointed out in tho matter, tho only thing loft for him to do wns to declare tho bill passed, which ho did, and It now ro- mnltiB for nnyono who wishes to con test tho action of tho legislature to do ho. Hut It Is the provalllng opin ion nmong legislators who nro versed In legal technicalities that tho legis lative body Is supremo in tho mntter, and that its actions nro not rovlow ablo In tho courts, so far nB pnrlln montnry usngo Is concerned. Tho only recourso that Is now loft open, In enso thero Is a desire to dofoat tho mensuro upon n technicality, is for soma mombor of tho sonnto to arlso to n point of order nnd demand tho oxhlblt of the records of tho housp concerning tho consideration and passage of the bill, basing his point upon tho Joint rules ot the two branches of the nssombly, nnd do pend upon that body to sustain his objections. i Roconsldorntlon of the bill waa brought about through tho tufluonco of a lobb;: of somo of the most prom inent merchants nnd business men ot this city, who busied themselves among tho members of tho houso yostorday nftornoon nnd succeeded In convincing thorn that nn Injustice was being perpetrated upon nt least a majority or tlio noiuors oi inoso certificates, who cashed them upon faco value, and with tho understand ing thnt they wore to receive a rea sonable rate ot Interest upon them. Among thoso who wore tho strongest opposors ot the bill when it waa twlco defeated In tho houso wero Representatives Vawter, Northup and Purdy, who apologized for their Arm negative stand upon previous consideration ot the measure and their contradiction of tho represen tations ot tho conditions surrounding tho necessity for making tho appro priation by Mr. Itodgera, ot Marion, by stating that they had been con vinced that the majority of the claims for Interest was Just, but It was thought that (a seggrcgatlon of thoso claims should be made, and a motion was made that the bill be re ferred tor adjustment and seggrega tlon, but tho motion was lost and the bill was adopted as It stood, llegla Karly Monday. Tho lower house adjourned at noon today to meet again Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The senate did not meet today having adjourned Friday night until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. It is expected that both houses would be In .session ev ery day next week, not only during the day time but nlso ic the evenings The house is behind the senate In Us work, and it will require late even ing sessions tor thts branch ot tho legislature to clear its desk ot work. Charcoal Sto ds fat On Your stond Wonderful Absoiblmr IW-... - ,i in.... . --"""Oirka Of Stnnrt. m. rW " -'iarcol I'ozengcs, Trail -Package. Sent Frt Charcoal, nure. imi ., ' absorbs 100 times It. own toS nuwa liiiviu UUCH I lit ttns i is -Just absorbed by the chsri! tho gas disappears and thtr i. . n pure, frcBh sweet atmosphere frnitl nil ln.n.lil . "'W ...... .. ."Tmica ana germi nch whon vnu ni .... . & Stunrfa' Charcoal Lozonirr. iv ? t: powerful purifiers science hu ,: i You heirh rai In .. ., , " " ' '"'"J'.nj, tai uuiuB, uy ucciuent, greatly to ( uvyh jiiiiuiuuiion. mat li hA, thero Is n great amount of m mi, formed in your stomach by f,rnni uiH luou. i our Biomach is not bcniuib juur iuuu properly nn inovltablo. Wheuover this happjtl j unt iuuu unu or iwo oi Stuart'iCi com jozonges right nfter eating, ypu wm oo surprised how qq thoy will act. No more bekhlnt1 uu muru bout risings. Eat all want nnd what you want, and ti It thero. Is any gas going to bo fo; ..., w..u iuchi nuuueuui lima ti sorbera, n Stuart Charcoal Lozem, will tnko enro of all tho gas. And It will do moro than lfo Every pnrttclo of Impurity la tmi stomncu nnd intestines Is going to I carried nwny by tho charcoal. No ot sooma to know why It does this), V it does nnd docs It wonderful!' You notlco tho difference In your ,- potlto, general good feeling, and I tho purity of your blood, right ava You'll have no moro bad taste I your mouth or bad breath, tit from drinking, eating or imoklt? Other pcoplo will notlco jour bt breath quicker than you will jotr solf. Mnko your breath pare, fin and sweet, bo when you talk to otht you won't disgust thpm. Just o or two Stuart Charcoal Lotengeivl! mako your breath sweet, and mi! you fcol hotter all over for It. Yoi can cat all tho onions and odon foods you want, and no ono an ( tho difference. Besides, cbnrcoal Is the bed 1: tivo known. You can take a wl boxful and no harm will result. !l is n wonderfully easy regulator, And thon, too, it Altera your l!( overy pnrtlclo of poison or li lty in your blood is destroyed, you begin to notlco tho difference your faco first thing your tli complexion. Stuart's Charcoal Loientd v- mado from puro willow charcoal, Just n llttlo honoy Is put la to nu! thorn palatable, but not too seL Thoy will work wonders la jw stomach, nnd mnko jou feel fine fresh. Your blood and breath it'J bo purified. Wo want to prove ull this to roi so Just send for n free sample teda: Then nfter you get It and use It, J will llko them so well that yoa go to your druggist and get a II box ot these Stuart's Charcoal onscs. Send us your name and aaaresn day and wo will at once send yoni mall a cample package free. F. A. Stuart Co., 54 Stuart Marshall, Mich. DIKD. rrTiNRT.T. A tho family home I whnniinnd. Friday. February 11 1907. at 4 p. m., Mrs. B. J.Ow nnll. need 69 vcars. The funeral services will ' dueled bv ROV. W. H. SelKtx i ,i. nin.,.h imriortaklne parlon dav nt 2 li. ra. Tbo burial w ' in City View cemetery. iMoncu a ther home la Creek Monday, February U, !.. r. XT im.lpn. Sited 1" o ....! .nrviffs were AJYrnm ,h moreue at D, the burial took place In the cotrietery. ..MONEY TO LOJ THOKMX.1 Ovar Laaa A Base's .J, Noewjgiilfatoaft" Ch&ago Markets. Chicago, Feb. 16. -Wheat 78 77,U. com 46ft, oaU 40)4 040. 0-wRhWsa. Haw' 119 Ceasaasl NEWTOOAV 1okJ ...... t. ronlT at trade. uw - - inuuB. ,,--- South Winter. r-? r- nitktaO Want. a --- , 23 ecrea "' " - t 1U milea from - - oQWTw. zru 17x4. v, tr, - '