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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
W talKWNi i':vl rt MIB m ANP TOlD.U AIL Y CAPITAL JOUBNAL. xvn. SALKM, ORggqy. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1007. NO. 12. HE OFPIGIAL (. .4 111 rv PAS SESARE .. KNOCKED OUT vemor Chamberlain Also Vetoes Quarter of a Million Dollar ipropriation for State University-Also Bill to Raise Salaries at rtlandrree Locks Bill Goes Through House. UNIVERSITY APPROPRIATION IS VETOED AW TRIAL WEARIES in Nesbltt May Go Over Story Again York, Feb. 16 Evelyn Thaw lei to tho Tombs early this ej-to spend all tho time of tho tnours anowcu visitors on Sat- wm ner nusband. Sho waB Intercoptod at tho prison gato by Dolmas' messenger, requesting her prosenco at tho attorney's ofllce. No oxplnnntlon was glvon. "After a while," said Evolyn. "I must see Harry first." Tho messenger Insist ed, but Evolyn paBsod Into tho gntos, tho messenger following whispered to her Inside. "Woll, I'll go then,' 'and drovo away, Bonding word to her husband that sho would return soon. Thaw demands of hla attorneys that they not permit him to bo sent to, tho mnd house. Tho conference this morning Is bqlloved to bear on this. It is re ported that Jeromo will endeavor to securo tho testimony of Mrs. Ella Ncsblt, Evelyn's grandmother, -who GERMANY " -ANNOUNCES - POLICY IYRISC0 PUBLIC SCHOOL IIICAGO STOKE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE p A GREAT RICECUTTINGSALE Of RELIABLE MERCHANDISE M farletr I8 crcat. tho nrirvn n h 0 WA ,. I, ,. -'- vmw iuiiloi. T3 UlVi 4UUICU U4 fnuie goods. Read over carefully this price list of money-savers. 1 Idi. Fancy Dress Silks, yd , !r Silk Orranrilpjivri J9 Fancy Wool Dress Goods, 8 Finish Mndrass Walst .Jd.. S5c tkigalns In Dlack Dress r PUId Drew Goods, yd.,' f"Weol Drew Good, va ro. 1 Drtu Goodi rh ' . 1 He Embroidery, yd., -Fy Drew Gingham, 1 WG. 'feb!eWldthPercle8,yd. Ufln finish. -rA mu l Uwm a i Hfc Standard ' Calico, yd., lL,Mn,yd., 7 He 01 nrda of Muslins IWS"B"C- , - v,Ma i-oweiing8, yd. Night Gowns, price ttT0.,. .... . . j ""i table Linen kith,to Haadk- 1fiSSS' ? -Z!r uric, kq- -- wwv r-!!!y AiTMm woo wmm 5!!1B. 10o Frilled garter Elastic, yd. Co Ladles' 36o Underwear, price 2Ce Boys' 2Gc Double Kneo Hose, lEc Children's 15c Double Thread Hose, 10c. Ladles' 18c Past Black Hose, 10c. Better ones at sale prices. Best sana Silk, ball 2c. 8c White Pearl Buttons, doi. -4c Best spool Silk, spool 3c. Thread Lace, 4-In wide, yd, Gc. Fine Linea Lee, yd, 2 He 8 l-3c Linen Laee, yd. 3 He Remnants of Bnarotderles eheap. Remnants of Laoea at any price. 36o Fancy collars, price 15e 16c F-anoy Cellars, price 9c. 2Gc Silk Taffeta Rlsfcoa, -In wide yard 12 He 7o Silk Tatteta Hair Ribbon, yd., 3He Children's Underwear 10c, 15c and 19c. 11.60 Black PettWoa., rlc 98c 600 New Plaid Silk Waists, price 3.26. 86c White Lawa Waists, ealy 49c 1.G9 White Lawa Waists, oaly 89c. Men's 76c Dress Skirts, soiled, price 36e v Mea's Underwear, half price. Mea's 85c HeaTy Werk Shirts, price 49e Mea's Overalls, all arlees, Ladles Coats artSatfa, kalf price 17.90 SJlk PeHtosats, vrtee 4.G Ladlea' 92,25 fereas Skoes, $1,45 Lace CartalM, pair, 39c. 4e, 76c, S1.M aad u. I. eea ad m the fceaMti. fat mHHaiey wc sum shewing. Aggressive Foreign Attitude No Part of Program Borlln, Feb. 10. (Copyrighted) Chancellor von Buolow, In outlining the policy of tho government, follow ing his first Interview, today made a statement that It wbb entirely Incor rect to Bupposo tho result of, tho oloc- tlons would produce a tondoncy to onact nn Aggrcssivo foreign policy. Tho estlmntea for submission next weok will bo practically tl?e snino as before Tho emperor, ho says, has no warllko tendencies, as so many forolgn nntlans presume Ho desires to pr 'servo ponce. Tho ques tion b6foro tho electorate waa to re tain or nbandon Gorman Southwest Africa. Tho retontion of thnt coun try, ho holds, is not nggrosslvo imperialism. The Question Has Been Amicably Settled Great Britain Seeking to Foment Controversy iu Japan . Shooting Lunatic Arrested. Tho Hague, Feb. 10. An Insane mnn today fired flvo shots at MlnlBtor of Justlco VnnRaalte, missing each time Ho was arrested, Washington, Feb. 1C Mayor Schmltz and his delegation received ninny telogrnms thlB morning con gratulating them upon tho settle ment of the Jnpnnoso difficulty. Thoy liavo not rescinded tho order exclud ing tho Jnpaneso from tho public schools and are not likely to do so. It Ib agreed with tho Prosldont, how over, that no Jnpnnoso child of prop er ago, applying for ndmlsHlou to tho schools will bo excluded. Thoy will simply construo tho stato law as not npplylng to tho Japancso, wherons formerly thoy hold tho word "Mon- Igollnns" as Including Jnpaneso. Tho dologntlon Buecodcd In bringing tho administration to their vlow of Hym- Reckless Legislature Dealt a Few Blows Just For a Reminder x Freeman's Compulsory Pass Bill Among Those Chamberlain Has Wisely Killed tiii,...,...CT..J,..g...'.m .r. - - . . . .w.w.wwwiwi wiviu.iwVfW ; ; Why eat at home when THE ANGCLUS is living 5 ! ! ; ; Regular 25-cent Dinners for $1, by using meal tickets. 2 ! !! CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY I; w9lttlleHfrH4444HMletaJlSJttfjtejj,W CanMr f fft mi Cmrt tr Is vlBltlng her daughter, Mrs. Isaac J. Galbrnlth, at Spokano, Wash. He la quoted this morning as saying that Evelyn's mother was not tho right soft of a woman tq bring up a daughter. Jeromo is reported to bo after Mrs. Nesblt's testimony to les sen the effect of Evolyn's story. It is said that Dolmas today, for the first time, learned of Evelyn's connection with tho divorce suit of Mrs. George Lederer, In which Eve lyn was named as co-respondent. Evelyn has always maintained that sho was named without cause Del mas wanted to know all about It. Forty minutes after bis summons Ev elyn returned to hcr husband, accom panied by Selmas and O'Reilly, Lato this afternoon a conference of all tho attornoys was had with Thaw and his wife It Is stated that Delmas fears a surprise when Jeromo cross-examines the girl. At the conference today tto Im portance of keeping nothing from tho attorneys will be urged, and another recital of ber life will bo held. Re crudescence of tho Lederer incidont is attributed to Abe Hummel. It U intimated that Hummel onado the revelation to Jerome In retaliation for ber portrayal of him ontae stand. COOK JUMP JHHQv JnHHMHPfi fNl JULf pathlzlng with tho vlowo of tho Pa cific coast people, and bringing tho President to swing tho big stick ovor congress, WalBh nnd Doylo loft to Inspect tho school systems of other Eastern cities. Schmltz and tho oth ers roraaln to attend tho labor ban quet neit.woek. Johnny null Dlpn In. London, Feb. lC.-Tho Times dis patch from Toklo this morning de nies, with apparent good authority. that Japan has agreed to any solu tion of tho 13an Francisco problem, the l,asi8,o which would bo exclu sion of Japanese labor from America. British officials think this report Is erroneous, nnd some high in Interna tional affairs declare that when tho emperor passes upon tho negotiations tho expressions will bo moro start ling than anything that has yet ap peared In the controversy. e Thaw Trial Meaday. As the resul tof the conference of tho Thaws and their attorneys this afternoon. It was decided that Evo lyn will be the. first witness Monday morning. Tboy will continue direct examination along lines tending to show her husband's insanity: Prob ably Jeroase will temporarily walva cross-exanlaattoa. In event ho docs so, another attempt will bo rondo to Introduce Thaw's will. It Is reverted that Mrs. p)naa and Howard Neefefti awakeaed by Eve- knew Vefore. hava 4it&ed tn K'sko ji I an eert to Taw'sHf. aid I protect the iavsjfcter's fatare. ' Tho Capital Journal prddlotlon thnt tho mnohluo wore In tho unddlo granting enormous appropriations for hlghor education, lias proven true But tho combination of treasury- looters reckoned without their host whon thoy nssumod that the gover nor would not veto tho saorod Insti tutions of rich, rnmpnht nnd preda tory odlelallsm. llltN tliu Kugfiie liiNtltutlon. Tho governor has votood 11. B. 37, Eaton, appropriating J2G0.0OO for tho inalntonauco of tho University of Orogon. ThlB bill failed to meot tho approval of tho oxocutlvo, bocauso ho bollovcs tho amount Ib exccsslvo and that tho moasuro Ib extravagant. and docs not specify what tlso monoy Is to bo used for. On Blmllnr grounds tho governor has withhold his approval of H. B, 180, Drlscoll, lucroauing tho salary of tho auditor and his deputies in Mult nomah county, another Increase of stall-fed officials. ThlH is not tho only salary grab bill that tho governor will "tako a shot" at, 'and It la, understood that ho has In contemplation tho vetolni? of sovornl sena,to IjIHb, but as tho sonato Is not In session today, they aro not mado public. Kills OMrkl jPass Illll. Roprosentatjve Freeman's ridicu lous measure, maklrig It comnulsory on all railroads exorcising tbo right of oralneat domain to furnish with out compensation, frco transportation to all stato offlcors. with tho cxcod- tion of notaries public, was tho first bill to bo. returned to tho house this morning without thu governor's ap proval. Tbo bill s H. B. 341, and carries tho misleading, tltlo 'An act to regulato tho appropriation of land for corporato purposes." Tbo governor's action" In votolns this bill created no surprise, as It is regarded as clearly unconstitutional by almost ovory lawyer In tbo legis lature, and tho greatest surprlso was manifested when tho measure was enacted by the .sea-ato and the oora from nccuptlng fro transportn tlon from eommon cnrrlorj. Thoro Is a probability thnt thc bill cnn. by tho use of tho party whip, bo pnHHvri through tho houso ovor tho veto, but It will nrobablv bo nut tn Bleep forovor In tho sonato. J ho governor also returned tiii mprnlnif, with IiIh veto. II. B. HB", SluBlior, which InoroaBod tho omolu moijts of tno Hherlff of borrow coun ty, and Bought to ro-CHlnbllsh a sys torn of fees, which wore to ho coN lostod by tlm sheriff nnd rolnlned by him. In bin mcHsngo to tho hnusn Mm govornor said his chief ohjoctlon to mo compuuory pnsu moasuro wan that It wns a direct slap In tho fnco of tho people who voted for nn antl paBs bin, that wns not mado a law owing to tho nbsonco of an enacting olnuse and tnnt It was wrouir tn rm. nto a law that was dlnmotrlcnjly op- pn-ue to tho demands of tho noonlo expr.BBed at tho noils. The uavamnr also said that ono of tho railroad uystems doing business lu tho stato, the Southorn Pacific, had novor'o. orclsod tho right of eiiilnnt.dpmaln., miso thnt tho bill would bo retroac tive In tho casos of the other roads already established. Ho looked on tho measure an an effort to thwart tho Will of the people who domanded an anti-pats measure, When the veto messages wore road In tho hoHso at 1 1 0,'clock Mr. Eaton, thd sppRsor of tho University annro- prlatlon bill was anxious to have tho jwatter taken tip at once and consld orfld. Speaker Davoy called his at tention to tho fact that many of tho members were away, and that It re quired 4t votes to pass tho bill ovor tho veto It was thon n creed that all tho voto rooasurcs bp mado a special order for Monday at 2 o'clock. a ioka.wltea It was Jlrst Introduced. and It was considered to he a stab latrodueed to kill off the Wllof ab ater HMm, forbidding public OH- Holler KxpfewloH. Now Ydrk, Feb. 1CJ Tho steamer Valldlvla, which arrived today from Kingston, reported -at quarantlao that on, Fobruary. I3tiv the boiler of a donkey euglasr exploded, killing s -vea and JaJKrlngthreo; Ambu laacei wore seat to tba tiler for the wcHiaded.' The ileathfsmd iMJurlea were eaaeei by ,the txploilo or steaw. m Kl't L v mr L.J.., ' SsV-f ' I lf1 b'A w4fJ- 4 :tW i IVfWf1 :'X ,J Zh m n