DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1007. rhroat Intiahs f B "Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will ten you now ui..vjhw .j -.-. .. ..... ..b ... ... throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask blm about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then do as he says. Get the best medicine, always. ih'fannum of U our prprtlom. Lowll. Mm. REVERSES ITS ACTION. JOOL 5LVAMS HERE L .n.tlon for State mid County wp-.TZ.i rw3 Is teachers examination week rbW i lc .. indies and 5,8rn are in the city computing t sec Ids ntences and .mil ties, dlsecuub QnrlntcndGnf !,w . .j. tn obtain a permit Sr into the duties of a pedl- 'ae .......ia nm belnc hold I'm B. church and tho test for papers will bo finished this n while the sUtoaZ will itnwe until ba uru,. "--" : the examinations w ...-. County. Flora M. Llveslcy, Woodburn. oulso K. Weniger, cay. . ,,. nrnif.iw. silverton. fo-lnnlfred B. Roman, Salem. tirr Brassfleld, Saicm. rtydo Bonney, uorvais. Nellie Williamson, oaieui. r. W. Canfleld, Silverton. nx..t r. smith. Sllvorton. libra Artllng, Portland. Audrey Hicks, Silverton. - n Pnhnrlv. SllvnrtOIl. larlo Goodknecht, Sllvorton. JCaro B. AndorBon, ugenc. 'irrrta noss. Silverton. kola Grlbble, Aurora. Eitclle Orettlo, Salem. ivit,i !.. Snloni. IjIUI. - uia. rmct Wnnillmrn. Margaret Brown, Woodburn. R L. Young, Mt. Angei. i.iiilo Houc. Salem. Mrrtlo Boen, Salem. Ira Cox, Chemawn. Retta Joseph, Woodburn. Anna Eiastham, Turner. Lloyd Robinson, Crnwfordsvlllo. Katie Shelloy, Stayton. Mary E. Cox, Chemawn. Gertrudo Quick, Silverton. Maoel Magness, Amity. lf.knl llAfivnii Qnlnm Mabelle Norwood, Portland. vjninia .Mnneue, junction uuy. Maud Simons, Salem. Martha A. Skcrslos, Liberty. nooma uuveri, junction. Vtrna V. Tompkins, Amity. ArmtnU Plillllnu. Htnvtnn. . WIIa Pnfft .TnlYnronn Olive Lund, Silverton. Catherine Stnmllsli, Sllvorton. nunc. John Wright, Eastonvlllo, Wash. Sjlrla Jones, Gervals. imei urinKman, Aumsviuo. Mar Coodp. MnnmnnMi. Anna WInt.r, Hult. Lorena H Smith, Macleny. Gladys Riches, Tumor. ume lampueu, saiem. Mattle Slfgmund, Salem. R W. Canfleld, Sllvorton. Ethel Allen, RIckrenll. Slater Frances of Rome, St. Paul. .Slater Mary nictrude, St. Paul. Vora Storey, Woodburn. "" Simpson, ooumirn. Tlirco Acres nnd Liberty. Bolton Hall, n lawyer at 5G Pine street, New York, Is the author of a book with tho above title. PINE STREET ISA LITTLE NAR ROW FINANCIAL ALLEY that runs off Broadway pnrnlllel to Wnll street. That a man up In nn ofllce build ing In the very heart of the' Now York flnnnclnl mcnlstrom should write ruch a book Is n wonder. Mr. Hall Is a student of the soclnl problems nnd THE LAND QUESTION CROPS OUT IN THE ROOK. It is Intended to open tho eyes of the city man of small means, and tho working mnn on precarious wages, to tho feasibility of getting a living out of from ono to three acres, either with or without giving up his pres ent occupation, and withemt cutting hlmsolf off from near neighbors, also, TO SHOW THE POSSIBILI TIES OF INTENSIVE' CULTURE. His publishers aro Macmlllan & Co., and wo shall bo glad to call further attention to tho work when It appears. , o You'd bottor paddle your own canoo, For that's what you'll havo to do, For when you aro In hard luck And want to borrow a "Saw-buck," All you'll got is Bmy-pa-theo, Unless you tako Rocky Mountain Tea. For salo nt Dr. Stono's storo. o .GIRLS WILL PLAY Senntc Reconsiders Its Voto and En nets Compulsory Pass Law. Tho senato Thursday at noon placed H. B. 241, entitled nn act to appropriate lands for corprornto pur poses on Its flnnl passage nnd It fail ed to carry. This Is tho bill known as tho compulsory pass bill. A vote was taken to reconsider and tho bill iwn3 passed by a voto of IS to 11. Senator Hedges mndo n speech in op position to tho bill. Most of the I lawyers in tho sennto regard tho bill , as clearly unconstitutional and some lot thorn seemed to regard it as n Joke. New Version of Duster Drown. Tho attraction for tho coming Sat urday afternoon nnd evening nt the Grand opera houso 13 tho now vorslon of Buster Brown which bo fnr this, season has been making now record for ntttendnnco whorover It hns boon prosontcd. In tho htBtory of musical comedy tho continuous success of High School Girls Will Tackle WH- lanictOj University Damsels Tonight. Tho high school girls nnd the fair maidens of Old Wlllnmctto will play basketball tonight nt tho Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, nnd tho contest promlsos to bo ono of tho most spir ited games that Salem has seen for many months. Tho rivalry botweon tho two schools Is keen, nnd tho high school girls aro determined to ornBo their rocont dofent off tho map of lo cul sporting events. Tho lineup fol fel fol eows: Willamette Cornell nnd Bolknnp, forwnrds; Shopard, center; Mctcalf nnd Salomon, guards. High school Lick nnd Pohlo, for wards; "Rudolph, contor; Glrnrdln nnd Ost'rnndor, cnards. o Even from tho Mountains. Ballard's Snow Llnimont la praised for tho good It does. A suro euro for rheumatism and all pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo , writes: "I used Bnllard'B Snow Llni mont, last winter, for rhournatlsm and can rccommond it na tho best Llnimont on tho market. I thought, nt tho tlmo I was taken down with this troublo that it would bo a week beforo I could got about, but on ap plying your Llnimont sovoral times during tho night, I was about in -iS houra and well In throo days." Sold by D. J. Fry. aaaH-MMKaaLK aaaW- .-' iaaVav . aH kaaav a l fc ' aaakt Hr . 'SaW' aaaaaal Hat V-W.vj'.aaaB "rrnrA , iflv aaaaal aaaaaaHka'slHaHlabL'aaaBaaH aaaHv'flalaH aakH aaHaW' laHaHI s aaaaV 'hhhp, kaanat , aaaaH kaaaaaaB iaaaaaaH. aaaaaaal i AHaMam aaH aaaaaaaat N flHaaaaaaav kaaaaaV I A Klnil Vftn TTnvn A1m-.. T .i . .t- .- 1. i - unjB juuuui, turn WHiun m uots. ur ocr au years, lias boa-no tho slgrnatnro of s ,.q w and lias been xnatlo under bis por- 9Ut&yAjrt sonal supervision slnco its Infancy. cU4Z Allowaoonotodccelvoyonintbls. counterfeits, ImitaUons and " Just-as-iiood" ar bafe JWUncnts that trilio with and endanger tho bea..i of u m& ChUdren-Experienco against 33xpcri -at. What is CASTORIA rjjeru is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par- "" d Soothiuij Syrups. It is Pleasant. It R"w neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic wiin U ff0 U Iu Kteo. It destroys Wor Tp Foverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wu;k1 jr Jt reUeves Teetlalngr Troubles, cures Constlpatioa WLi cy Ifc ftsslmilatcs tho Food, regulates the Wrmi Rovrcl9 Klitny lwalthy and satural sleep. - vauareuH Panacea-tho jMother's Friend. ''flNE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bear th Sifnatur of tjr W'Su'X" Kind You We Always Boup use For Over 30 Years- VCarr&u. .-m. i j BiiBtor Brown has uovor beon oqunllcd. Unlike othor stngo produc tions thoro Is no reason for Buster Brown ovor growing stnlo because of tho productions ovory week of Its Inventor, Mr. Outcnult. In mnny of his, weekly contributions to a great number of tho most prominent Sun day nowspnpers thoro aro Ideas which whon stnggod, provo very nmuslnt;. While It Is tho Intention of tho man agers of this play to keop It up to dato too frequent changes cannot bo inhdo as that would not bo fcnsnblo. Tho strongest and largost company It hns ovor had Is now ongnged In Its presentation. Tho organization i numbers CO mostly girls, who can dnnco nnd sins: and who wonr artis tic costumes gracefully. o Human Hearts. Tho forthcoming annual visit of "Humnu Hoarts" will no doubt bo warmly welcomed by tho lovers of all that Is good- In molodrnmn I "Human Hoarts" Is beyond question, ono of tho strongest and most inter esting plnys that has over visited our city. Tho author belongs to that all too small group of, drnmntlsts, who understands how to reach the heart and hold tho attention of tho audi onco. In "Huinnn Hoarts," ho has constructed a play that will novor grow old. Tho prlnclplo thomo of tho placo Is Hope, and has not so mo author written "Hope springs ontor nal In tho humnn breast." Hopo, tho one bright rny of sunahlno, that breaks through nnd lllumlnos tho clouds of despair that almost over whelms poor Tom Logan. Tho hopo of a good, puro woman's lovo; the hope of brlghtor days; tho hopo of an honest man, unjustly accused of crime, that tho criminal will bo de tected and his good nnmo rostored Mr, Rold has handled his subject with tho consutnato skill and ease that shows tho truo dramatic in. stlncL Tho lovo Interest Is all ab sorbing, Tho comedy element Is in troduced in such a way, that It be comes relevant to tho story, al the cllmxes aro worked out nnturally and logically. "Human Hearts" will be seen at tho Grand opera houso Monday, Feb. 18. ; 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i n i i-H; I TRANSFERS IN jj REAL ESTATE j; ) II I H 111 I III 1 1 I H I II I I I'M "w . Tho following deeds havo been filed for record in tho offlco of tho Marion county recerder: N. and J. Anderson to B. C. Blnegar, 40 acres, t 1 a, r 2 w, w d 12120 Henrietta Holvorson (by guard Ian) to B. 0. Blnegar, 40 acres, t'7 b, r 2 vr, g d.. .. 1000 N. B. Mllster to Mary Itedlngs et al, land in Marlon county q c d 709 Verdict for Dr. Pierce A3A,IN6T THE Ladies' Home Journal. Sending truth after a lie. It Is an old maxim that "a He will travel seven leagues while truth Is getting Its boots on," and no doubt hundreds of thousands of good people rend tho unwarranted and malicious attack upon Dr. It, V. Pierce and his "Favor! to Prescription "published In tho May (IDOI) number of tho Ladles' Home Journal, with Its groat black dis play headings, who novor saw tho hum ble, grovolln rotractlon, with Its Incon spicuous heading, published two months later. It was boldly charged In tho sland erous nnd libelous artlclo that Dr. Pierce's Favorito Proscription, for tho euro of woman's wonkneses and allmonts, con tained alcohol and othor harm fill Ingredi ents. Dr. Plcrco promptly brought suit against tho publishers of tho Ladles' Home Journal, for 8200,000,00 damages. Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. Uok, the editor, maliciously published tho article containing &uch false, and dofamatorj matter wKk tho Intent of Injuring hli' buslncurfurthcrmore, that no alcohol, oi other fyjurlous. or habit-forming, drugs aro, or wcr ivere, contained In his "Fa- lotion"; that said medicine nn native medicinal roots and no harmful Ingredients what- that Mr. llok s malicious statn vorlto Is mad conta eve me Ifrtlieretrnptlonprlntoil ere wholly and absolutely false. Xj-iUiLiU jyfaui.uouoiai llyv w ere yu-eii to ncknuwlotUn; lint they lliul LhtariltHriitiiflvp of "Knvnrlln Prn. Si-rnnton." froin i eminent ebemlsts. niro whom certWT that It did.nnt.cnntnln iT cohoL QXiim:;iLlJlU A I ICRttLlAani4nMigT 1 hpp fuL'ts irci-u nisi) nmnn In th liT.l ol mtivpn tho notion In Uio Supremo Court. Hut tho builncvtot Vr. I'lorco vrnt crcfttlr Injured by tho imbllratlon ot tho llbolom artlclo with iu croat (lltnlay hcndluiM. wlillo hundred of thousands who road tho wickedly dotamatorr articio never saw tiio humbio srorounir ro tractlon. sot In small typo and mado s(ncon spU'uoim as jjOiilblo. Tho mattorwnv how ever brought beforo a Jury In tho Buprcmo Court of Now Voik Stato which promptly rendered a verdict In tho Doctor's favor. Thus hli traUueers camo to Brief aud UioU boso uUudurs woro rofutod. 4avalHL&&!rvcjj2sBaK'ttk 3SfikttlaaKSaV jrWilaiHaBaaaMaaaBaBaaaw faH i IHII alaaMSaalaHHSHiaHBvi aB'JHIaBkawFfiaaViHavBn Val'-VHaHaWslanivHL flH HlaaaaHinHaaaHaHiaa'iv f aV aW I Hail Mffluniin I laVl MBB&fiMalaarHaVaEiUnL mtJll(HalHHf llllflf IBf lIDiailHI CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT -Hwifiiifiiiiif miiiiHHttmmi FOR KENT. Booms for Kent Rooms of all kinds Furnished nnd unfurnished. In quire at 415 Court Btreot. Phone G44'. 2-4-tf TOK RAXB Cockerels for Snle. Several cholco Whlto Plymouth Rock nnd Blnck Mlnorcna, pure, at bnrgalna. T. 11. Blundcll, Mornlngsldo. Phono 1372. 2-9-6t For Sale. A llvo nnd a Blx-room houso, with from ono to six lots with each, well located la East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 2 1st and Marlon Sts., Salem. 1-28-tt For Sale. 34 acros of cholco land, good 9-rootn houao and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and .well; 10 ncrea of hops; Bltuntod ' threo-qunrtorn of a mllo from car lino; land all In cultivation and will bo divided if desired and Bold in two lots. Address W. A. Ltston, 370 Court atroot, Salem. l-26-lm For Snlo. My 80-acro farm, four miles south ojT tho buslnoss contor of Snlom. at Llborty, will Bell in email tracts to suit purchnsor, or ontlro tract at a bargain, or will ront to right party. Call on J. C. Johnson, at Snlom. or address J. II. Dnnlol, Eugene, Oregon. 1-17-lm rX)DGES. t4 Iorcfl(eni of America Court Sh.r wood Forostora. No. 10. Moots Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato atroot Loo Abblo. C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Ccutrol Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Cnstlo Hall in Ilolman block, cor nor Stnto nnd Llborty stroots. Tuosdny of each wook at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hatnrd, O. 0.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Tho above cut shows our brick- lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar. nntcod gas and duBt proof. Econom leal and durablo; for tho particulars Inquiro at FRASER SS8 Stato Street. SEEDS This is tho season for solect ng yo'ir soods. Wo havo a largo cargo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and mako a specialty of farm soods, as well as thoso for tho smaller cropr, abovo all wo Insist upon now and puro seeds. Got our list. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, ' I Gold Dust Flout I Mde by TUX STDNXT POW-t XX OOMPAXY, WdJWy, Org0B. f UUM for favraJly um. Ask yoort grocer for it. Bran aad horti always oa haad. P. B. Wallace i AlYEOMX (' O. C T. CO STEAMERS- Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. G240. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt S o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOOD. Now and Sccond-Uantl Gootto.-- Bought and sold, also range, ' Btoves and cooking utonslls, disk es, granlto and ttnwaro of all kinde Giro us a call. O. L. MePeok, 170 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly L '"".' ' . "i """55a PHYSICIANS AND SUKGEON8. Dr. I). 11. Grinin, tho Siwclallst oa Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho cures In 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Oro. Phono 5G8. John Doyons, Business Mnnngor. 51 PLTJWBMW. Xheo. M. Unrr Plumbing, hot watMl and atoam heating and tlnnlaj, 164 Commercial atroot. Phom Mala 102. 9-1-ly M. J, rotzel riumblng, atoam aa4 gas fitting, Sucowsor to Knox H Murphy, 220 Commerolal atrMt. 'Phone Main 17. DRAYMEtt. It. O. Cummins Successor to White Cummins, oipross, delivery and trnnsfor llnw. Prompt service k our motto. Furniture and plaao moving a spoctalty. Stand at 158 South Commercial Btroot. Phone 17G. RoBldonce phone 968. 8-4-tt Wootlmcn of World Moot ovory Fri day nlgh nt 7:30, in Ilolmnn hall. J, A. Dickey, C. S,; P. L. Frnzlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl dont and ponslon Insuranco; $3, 000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid Good ngonts wanted, J, H, C. Montgomory, supremo orgnnlzor, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. R. Rynn, Bocroctary, 610 Stnto atroot. MISCELLANEOUS. Htnij't'd or Stolen A whlto Angora cat. Finder will bo rownrdod by leaving anmo with MrB. Z. F. Moody, comer Winter nnd Court, 2-13-3t Plnno Timer h, L, Woods, piano ox port tuning,' repairing and polish ing. Loavo ordors nt Goo. C. Wills' mu.ilc storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr A. I. Bunnell Voavor of portlors, rag carpotB and rugs, old Ingrain enrpots mndo into rugs any bIzo do ulrod, alHO rugs and carpets for salo, in school room ot Pontecostu'. church, 104 South Twelfth street, Salem, Orogon. 2-8-3w SAgH AND DOOR rAOTOXUW. Frank M. Brown.--Manufacturer ef sash, doors, moulding. All kindt ei houBo flntih and hard wood irerk. Front atroot, bot. Stato and Court, WJaJfTBD. Wnntotl To buy bnlcd straw. J. Connor, Wlllnmotto hotel, 2-4-tf Two Boys Wnntotl To Bell papora. Inquiro nt Journal olllco, 1-30-tf Wanted to Buy Honvy drntt horse, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Wlllnmotto hotol. 1-28-tt Enlarged Our moat mnrkot on EnBt Stats strcot haB boon doublod iu bIzo and wo nro bottor proparod than ovor to servo cuBtomoru. Prompt Borvlco and tho boat ot mentn our motto. Call or phono 109. B, E, Edwards, Prop. Wanted Goatlomnn or lady to travel for morcnntllo houso of largo capi tal. Torrltory nt homo or abroad to suit. If doslrnblo tho homo may bo usotl nB hoadquarterfl. Weokly salary ot $1000 per yonr nnd ox potiBos. Addross, Joseph A, Alox- undor, Salbm, Oro. 2-13-3t. Wanted Throo salesmen for our now count;, Towushlp nnd Railroad Surveys of Orogon. Thoso flurvoyu nro a Hplotnlld 'compilation ot facta llgures and drawings, and of won derful value Countlos and towns nro fully indoxod, nnd populations of onoh nro glvou; railroads plain ly shown nnd dlstnncos botweon all Btntlons also shown; congressional districts outlined, numbered and populations glvon. Other foaturot too numerous to mention. A splou did opportunity for onorgotlo mon. Hand, McNnlly & Co., Chicago, III. Concrete Work. Get my pricoa on aidowalkB, curbs, septic tanks and cemont work of any kind. All work guarantood flrst-claas. M Ward, Highland add, Phono 669. 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD it la worth more than any othor bread, yet tho price Is no higher. For ialo at your grocor'a. CALIFORNIA BAKEHX. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. I WATUR COMPANV W SALEM WATER COMPANY omen orry hall. For water lervico kpply at oMh. DIIIi payable monthly In advaa Make all complaints at thr oifloa, umm mi m fmm fewie mumuvmu pills. I A tut, Cwiw Riuir fcf lam it HMtHiml. urn liiwi TB rait. i'.i ari ipi i hinlUiM. tmtMtif, UiMtatUUliiu kl-M IUN.i-4. MumU kIMck(. Vlll a Ikw u Kill, h M Mil IH k' UUM MBi Ml uUtt w O Unirco MioiOAL CO., ea r. Ununia, nu Butto & WoHdcroUa Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Wo bandlo the celebrated Kellogg and Caatla wbUkicB. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drougb. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr glem Iron Work. Founders, ma chinist and blacksmiths. Manu facturers ot all kind of awm!H machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturer of the Salem Iron Work Hop Press SoM In Skm by Dr. 5. C SfrW Jl Rocky Mountain Toa NugBttt A Hoi; Mtdlolat for Uoay FwU. Brlajn Oollia Hltb and Ra4 YlgK, A ip"frta for Coontlwitioii. ln.lltlon, lAitk ami Kldosy Troublm. HinplM. Kaienx. Iinpur IllooJ Had' Ilreatli, kIukkUIi lowU, Heutecl and llackaclM It'a Itocky tlounUlu Tm la Ul Irtt form. M cent a Ijos. QrnulM ma4 by Uoiuma !avo CounxY, Million, Wis. MIDEN NUCQETS FOR SALLOW KWJL1 60 YatARB KXIKRIKNCK POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVH PORTLAND MONDAY, WF.DNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUKBDAY, THUKHDAY AND SATURDAYS AT : A. M. VOU OORVALM TUKDAY, TMXhtDAY AND gATUHDAY ABOUT P. M. U, P. BALDWIN, Aft Dr. 11. II. White Graduate of Klrkf vlllo, Mo., under founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Breymaa building. Commercial treet. Phono 87. Residence 390 Summer troet, corner ot Center. Phoa 1219. Treat acute and chroak dleeuea. Exasalnatloa free, ll-17-tf ijmijra AnnnmoiMn kikiuaaaadcnp Dvicklr crtlu our otuU)0. fr " :r'.T;;r...:-;,ir.T: i.aiw.v ou r i.l ftnuA. llMttJl AifMUAT til MMAirfilrf I Trade Mahks otaiQNe Copyrioht Ac. MO CUT ir h icuu V?... l'ttil Uk tbruuKb Muuu A ' muni nrtlu. nillMMi- ciiarv. la ISO SckNtific BNteriCaii. A 4owelr UltrU4 y ' ffBiiaWillTMH OA MF ftievnaff -ir-,fcM -, fU I EVVum tea s- vzzrrz Ktwat w le P"' (raN IBUniinr VMt-Wi 'V s