r'Wl M i. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL , ,w piiiuAV. FEURUAIl 15, 1007. m - IN 1 H.1YI . A34I - - """'"' -- I DAILY CAPITAL JOnRMAL " Hr IIOKKB IlltOg., IKUbcrff Mid Proprietors. TuiseKiraiejrRAEs: Djr Mull. DWr Journal, ono month . . . 3Dc DwMy Journal, tlirco month. ..$1.00 Dally Journal, ono year . . . . . 4.00 Weekly Journal, ono your .... 1.00 Ily Carrier. Dtty Journal, per month .... COc FIGHT ON WATER CODE State to Be Cinched For Reclamation Service Wlion houso hill No. 4C comes up for consideration In tho sonnto strong oppoHltlon to Its pnssngo will ho do vofopwl. Tho reasons tho opponents to tho hill filvo it ro ,not Hint they tiro opposed to some chnnges In the wntor laws ot tho stato, hut that thoy will fight tills hill hecutmo It wtfdB tho water laws of this stato to tho reclamation norvlco of tho Unltod fttntes, They nay tho hill was draft ed hy tho United Statos reclamation norvlco officials mid Hint It will fast en nn ImmenBO and coBtly htirenu to Oregon that will nut ho for tho bono 1U of tho hoBt Interest of tho stato. It Is argued that tho hill provldos for tho lognlUlngof an Imaginary wntor right that was not legally Ini tiated umlor tho existing laws and thnt la considered to ho an extreme ly dniiKoroiiN pleoo of legislation to enact. Tho till tumpowors tho statu ontcl necr to iimko nil rules and regain tloni, and change or add to suld rules and requirements at any (lino. niul a I no makes nil IiIb rules and rog iilfllona n part of tho provisions of tho hill. . Tho statu engineer Is given the liowe to dutortulno nil losses on water In transit liiAntronms, or In reservoirs, not only tho sot-page and ovnpornllon therefrom, hut ho can innko rules to establish us many Imaginary new losses nil ho desires, and theruhy ruin thus whom ho de sires to drive out of business, hy ii continuous system of foroliiR them Into court without any expanse lo lh Htnto engineer In fact, tho hill pays tho statt engineer fur fomenting trouble. The slat engineer approve all Hreuunts of hlii own deimrtHtetil, and they must be paid without any fur ther Inspection. If tv proposed sub stitute Is uueted. than add to this tho appropriation of 1901, ho will ox pond ovor 131.000 annually, and per haps $10,000 some years. Tho statu engineer own make rules and regulations, and new rule., then additional rules mid so mi lth nut end. lo positively prevent any person front appropriating water or const rurt lug works whum he might ileslro lo prevent, and then give eoni frlund h Up where to fusUw oHto n good thing. A gmft llst mtrnked In suoh provisions. The stnte iiRlnr will usurp Uis funcllou of the ourls. wherein he practically djmlleles tho waters, and afterwards tho eeurts are called upR to ratify the state engineer's deoUlstM. Tho stain engineer Is give the power to prevent a lend uwur from trnniferlng his water light, or a part of It, without suit In Ik elreult court. Tim unmask a rrt f Ui Tie WOffi&CJt Folks THKV UAVi: MOUK OH l.KSS Ml'KlNUiH WITH HANKS. MANV 01" THKM COMK TO THIS HANK WK A1TKKCI.VTK THKIH PATHOWOKj WK IX V1TK OTHMItS. XO MATTKIt MOW KMAM.THKIU m'HINKrrt, WK I.SVITK THKM TO (X)MK, ALL TKANti.UTIONH WITH THIH HANK AM. COXHIUKUIU) OONFIUKNTIAK Sitm State Battle X JC PAGJK, EHAJU). nrbltrury and dangerous powers that tho hill If enacted, will delegate to tho state engineer. Tho hill provides for nn assistant state englncor at a snlnry of $1800 per annum, also as many other as Blstants as tho stato onglneoc may deslro. That provision Is a rank graft. Sections 33 to 42 Incluslvo of the hill nro not necessary until tho court have ndjudlcntcd water and Issued decrees sufnclcnt to furnish them work, which can not occur Inside tho noxt two to four or porhaps six years. All that Is necessary until that time nrrlvos Is to ompoyor tho Btnto engl noor, or his assistants, to moasuro and npporltlon tho water to tho dif ferent work, In conformity with tho decrees of tho courts. That will fur nish an amplo stato administrative wator system. Furthor upproprlntlons for hydro graphic or typographic surveys should not ho allowed, for tho rea son thnt ton thousand dollars por an num Ib now available for ubo In that donartment. Tho United States al ways has, nnd It Ib perfectly Bnfo to stato, always will, moot all such con tingent appropriations by apportion ment. Ton thousnnd dollurs annual ly Is positively available for that purposo and now wo nro asked for nnothor unnecessary appropriation to add tlicro to. SecUon 0 of tho empowers the slato onglnoor to tax and collect many useless tributes from tho peo ple, hut section 2-1 oxomptH tho recla mation service Section 49 cinches the poople on misdemeanors which Includes violations of tho stato en gineer's whims, but exompto the reclamation service. That Is on the prlnclplo that "tho king cnu do no wrong." Sections 24 and 49 of tho hill and section 0 of chnptor 228 of tho 1005 session laws "providing for Unltod States rcrommondatlon to np point stnte onglnoer," plainly show both tho onrmnrks and brand ot the hill. Tho snmo element nfter cinch ing the stato or Idaho with a slmllnr nllllotlon, tried the snmo thing In the Vnshlugtnu and California lugUla- MAY ATTACK THE HEART Why Illicumatlsm Is Always, Dan gerous. THY DIt. WILMAJIH, rirta iiii , KVKS p IMHOOUHAGEI). These PJlls Havo Cured Hlicuinntlsm In Almost Kvery 1'onn nnd la Ailvnnccd Singes. Rhoumatlsm may ho Inherited and this fact niakos It concluslvo that it Ib a dlBon'so of tho blood. Ithoumatlsm Is a painful inflam mation of tho muscles or of tho cov erings of tho joints and Is sometimes accompanlod by BWOlllng. Tho pain Is Bharp nnd Bhootlng and does not conflno Itself to any ono part of tho body, but after settling In ono Joint or muBclo for a tlmo, IcaveB It and passes on to nnothor. Tho moBt dan gerous tendency of tho disease Is to attack tho heart. External applica tions may glvo rollot from pain for a tlmo but tho dlscnBO cannot ho cured until tho blood Is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Plllo nro tho boat medlclno for this purposo as tholr action Is directly on tho blood, mak ing It rich, red nnd healthy. When tho blood Is puro thoro can ho no rhoumatlsm. No ono who suffers from rhouma tlsm should fall to read tho caso of Mrs. Ellon A. Hussoll, of South Goft St. Auburn, Mo. Sho says: "I had boon sick for flftcon years from lm pruo blood, brought on by ovorwork. My honrt wns weak and my hands colorloss. I wns troubled with Indl gostlon nnd vomiting Bpolls, which enmo on overy fow months. I hnd no nppotlto and used to havo nwful fnlntlng spoils, fnlllug down when nt my work. I frequently felt numb nt ovor. My head ached continuous ly for flvo yonrB. "About two yonrs ago I hogan to fell rhoumntlBtu In my joints, which Imnnmn an Inflict T nnillit linriMl' YVnllf. tupros, hut they wore very I'romptlv. Jonl8 wflro BvMm ftnJ injoi! gon loglslnturo two yours ago with u like men sure and, unfortunntolv for Oregon, secured u part of It. They come back hero this session with n more pernicious muasuro than tho former ono, also a most dhfhollcut I emergency clause, nothwlthstaudlng that station 8 of tho not of congress that created tho reclamation survtce contains tho follewing: "Nothing In this net shall ho eon strued as affecting or Intended to mo torrlhly. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wcro rec ommended to mo by a friend hero In Auburn, after I had failed to got well from tho doctor's treatment. When I hogan taking tho pills, tho rheumatism was nt Its worst. I had taken only a fow boxes, whon Hie headaohos stopped and not long nft orward I felt tho pnln In my Joints becoming loss nnd loss, until thoro was uono nt all. Tho stiffness win tvtimt niitl I tiitvit ttftuni limt nni tn affect th laws of any stale or torrl- (nni ()f (ho ,.,,,. , nm ft por, 1(11 i IIIW nUHIDIIIIjr uiu IIIIUIIOI in etirrylug out tho provisions or this net shall proceed In conformity with such laws." r TIih principle nnd entire slruoturt of tht hill nrw directly at war with thv hMt lutrts or th pvoplt or OroH. Pleasant uiu! Most HITecllvo. T. J. Ohnmhors, 1M. Vindicator, Liberty, Tuxas, writes Doc. 35, 1002: With plsasuru nnd unsolicited hy you, I lisnr tetimnny to tne curative powor ot Uallard's Hurohouud Syrup. I have usd It In my family and can cheerfully alllrm It Is tho moU of- fi'utlvo and best roinedy for cough nnd colds I have over used." Sold hy D. J. Fry. Xlor of Orvgtm Hrtr JHdR OtHirgtf H. Wlllhuns, formtr ms or of Portland, former atturnor gHral of On UtiUwl States, and thi NMttor of Ik OrgtiH War, Is In tkt elt) today. -o- A Htllrh In Time Will save nine. Ro will a bottle ot Mallard's Herehound Syrup alwayi kept on hand ssvo many a spell ot slokuetit. A sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mrs. 8, Hot 8prlngs, Ark., writes: "I kocp a bottlo o( llalUrd's llorohound Syrup In my tuodlotno chest, nnd thank my forethought mauy tlniM, It has prevented many qvore spells of slckne." Bold by 1). J. Fry. v fsctly well womnn nnd owe my health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nctunllv make rich, new blood and have cured such disease ns rheumatism, nervous and general debility. Indigestion, nervous headache, neuralgia and lo comotor ataxia. As a tonic for the blood and nerves they are unequalled. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold hy all druggists, or will he sent; post paid, on receipt ot price, 50 rents per box, six boxes tor $8. 50, by tho Dr. Wllllnms Medlolue Company, Sohenectndy, N. V. u .. . Hov. C. H. Cllue, n prominent Meth odlst minister ot .Portland, was here yesterday, attending the funeral or the late llev. Jamee Naugle. Iter Cllue wue at one time ixtetor of the church here. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 30 years, nnd am still hunting tor trouble Iu tho way ot burns, sores, wounds, bolls, outs, sprains, or a caio of piles that Hucklen'a Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walt ers, of Alloghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It cures eTery case. Guaranteed at J. C. Jerry's drug store; 25c, 1 BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT f RY'S Dm Store I mv fiwvwwy fip Mr ilk SOMETHING XKW Grape Fruit Marmalde AN APPKTIZKH YOU WlIJ, K.VJOY HOMKl'HINO YOU WtU. UKK ON 8ALK AT THK Moir Grocery Company AJLJt ai..- gu WM 1M VETO IS NOT SUSTAINED DEFENSE Of INSANITY IN THE THAW Juvenile Court Bill, Passed OverGovernoro,1:jua,rar (W. S. Clark, Law Editor Cyclopodl a or Law and Proceeduro.) From the opening address of tho defendant's counsel In tho trial of Mnrrv IC. Thaw for tho killing of i Stanford White nnd the examination 8 unit UIU uiu Insanity, nnd " ' ! that the form of Insanity reneu up- ' on will bo insane delusion, that is, KaV BUI tO Purchase tlOCK an lnsano delusion thnt White had VKt nf CaDital iS PaSSed I ruined the defendant's wife, or nn in taSl 01 jAVum . !gano dBlUBon thnt it was necessary for tho dofondant to kill White In . , nt a n on soir deronso or In dorenso of IiIb -wire, The juvenile court bill. S. B. .0. ol ddualon that tho homU Deach, vetoed by the governo r yes- Jf J of ProvIdonco, and was to Si defendant tho agent ot Provl o'clock. A call o tho house a , commlttlng lt. Thoro Ib also asked for' . .thV2Tor Coket'Bomo Intimation that Questions a to ZTotZc rS5STt- IrreslBtiblo impulso ?nd emotional ErsraJts rdorew until 11 o'clock. Tho bill was then of Interest to our readers to publish uniu ii oMt.n.. fniinwinu Rtntoment of tho law .... nm vnin iinnnniiuiiBiy. " -.. ...0 ' Avorab o reports were made on procured from Mr ravoruii .Clark, tho author of ino lOlluwuib. i ,mi i, ,! rnlnn'. s H 142. Malarkey, to protect "r" u" .n " - -"" t ", "; ZZ ml .ins editor of tho Cyclopedia of Law regarding' and Procedure, known na "OYC." Ho says: 1 "To Bay that a man Is guilty of no crimo In Now York If ho kills nn- William L a number of lives' of traveling public. 8. B. 247, Bingham, salmon fisheries. S. B. 131, regarding tho protection - .-....,. I. TTntntlllti rnlltltV ii ii. 223. for relief or Klamath other while Insane, although true as Wator Users' Association. Tho senato then took up tho third rondlng or bills, nnd disposed or the follewing: S. Il, 202, to regulnto tho Issuance of tlmo chocks. Enacted. 8. B. 219, Bnlloy, u bill to provldo piny grounds for chlldron in Port land. Knncted. S. 11, 191, Malarkoy, to authorize the formutlon ot rolglous corpora tions. 8. 11. 187, JohtiBon, rolntlng to clta tlon upbn holrs to ostnto. Knacted. 8. B. 189, Mlllor, or Linn, rolntlng to public records. Knncted. 8. I). 109, Caldwell, relating to Itinerant vendors ot medlclno. Enact od. S. B. 81, Kay, to Bocuro addition al land tor tho stato capltol build ing grounds. Enacted by a vote ot 20 ayes to 0 wys. It appropriated $30,000, nnd Includos tho Motschnu rosldonee on Stato Btreot, which Is to bo convortod Into n governor's residence. Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rhoumatlo trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 OUvo stroet, St. Louis, Mo. Sond for testimonials . Sold by Stono's drug Btoro. dw-lyr a general proposition, lt Is tod Indofl nlto. It is necessary to go further,, and nBcortnln what is meant hy tho term insanity, for it admits of do grccs and appears in various phases; and It Is nccossnry to go further still and nscortaln whnt is meant by tho torm under tho lnws ot Now York, for tho law of this stato on InBnnlty as n dorenso differs from tho law in somo or tho other states. The Test ot Insanity in New York. "Undor tho ponnl codo ot Now York (Bcctlons 20 and 21), ns under tho lnw In nil othor states (12 Cyc ICC; 21 Cyc 42) n mnn is not re sponsible tor a homicide committed whllo Insane, it tho InBnnlty wnB bucIi that ho did not know tho nnturo nnd quality ot his net or did not know thnt It wttB wrong. On tho othor hand, to exempt from responsibility In Now York, although lt is othor wlso In Alabama, Now Hampshire, and some ot tho othor 8tntcs( 12 Cyc 1C9; 21 Cyc CCR), tho Inannlty must, bo such ns to havo this effect. In this stato section 20 ot tho ponnl codo declares that 'an act dono by n porson who Is an Idiot, Imbecile, lun ntlc or Insnno, Is not a crime.' But section 21 expressly provldos thnt porson is not oxcuscd from crlmlna' llnblllty as an Idiot, Imbecile, lunn tlc, or Insnno porson, except upon proof thnt, at tho tlmo of committing the alleged criminal net, ho was Inlinrltif nnn. . son as elthor m a,5t:'to , " li not to i nature and qualltv ... ' doing, or (2) not to J net was wrong." nA . ". a vldea thnt n . .7."110!)! commit, nrnlilt.lt-., " vw tho tnlml nf n ' " " - " I'LTSOtl .t. shown to have been i,' knowing tho wrongtutaea?! , a liu ueienBOtOtt tlon therefor.' ' "These provisions prescrJ ........ tU8s Known to ii. I Now York, and therefore ,m man may bo to somo ext uuu .,u kis another, and aft medical exports mayagrwj tlfylng, ho Is nevorthelwi $ responsible ir, notwlthstaSdi? tion, ho knew tho nature ti . ty or hla net and knewtiitiS wiuug. ruopio V. Crist, IN j o-, i-uupio v. biivermau in i 235. Whether ho was Iuhmi. nn extent Is a question fori tho aoienBe must intrcdwt ovldcnco of Insanity, but U tnon tno jury, in order to i must uo convinced ot bit i yond a rcaBonablo doubt Insane Delusions. "In order that insanity i successfully set us as a detnel prosecution ror homicide, It iu necessary that tho defendtcii havo boon totally Insane, uli unujuvjin, uui uiuuuinaoia, Or H anno delusion, may be luUdatij oxompt, although on all otlttjJ jeets tho accused may hare UtiiJ f octly uano. Whdthor It Ii or i Now York must bo dotoralsrfljij plying tho test laid dovnltt 21 or tho penal codo abort t nnd therefore an Insane delubu dofenao IT It was such as to pn tho nccusod from knowing tin turo and quality ot his art, I knowing that lt wns wronj, ill othorwiBO. Pcoplo v. Taylor, ID Y. 398. Tho rulo ns to this pi; Insanity Is correctly Blren a! Cyclopedia of Law nnd CC7, In subBtnnco ns follows dofondant Is partially lnust,! It, subject to lnsano deluilouwl cortnln things, but la other i sane, ho Is not crlm!nU,i bio If tho homlcldo wonld bi ablo or Justified In case IU 1 woro ns his delusion leadilM botiovo them to be; but If till clde would not bo JustlnMr ciiBnblo under thoso clrcunrt tho. delusion Is generallybeMi froo him rrom responslblhty. (Continued oa FajeMjl H FebttssLty, the Shortest Month, The Biggest Redttcti .1 IN Cpyiiit I90 " H of fcutptlm SUITS AND OVERCOATS i III i 1 1 1 1 1 III 11 1 1 1 u n 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 II II HH11 ?1 : LOOK THEM OVER 1 1 1 1 n m n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n u 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 htH-1I men 's all wool Especial values given in yotmr Siscs 15 to 20 yeats. Out Shirt Sale will close Saturday evening ! 'iiiiimum Salem Woolen 136 Comtcal St. Mills Sti SalaiM. 0cW wJ