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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
"T WWW ?T,r"Ji'i 3 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAilfti, OMOOS, FRIDAY, EEDRUAltY 15, 100; 1 V ' s- When you ouy Lara you get more than you bargain for. It's heavier in your stomach than on the scales. is a foe to digestion. If you yjtt stomach of an ostrich you H hardly withstand the ravages of ffl-y. You have probably j this out and already given up rt f 'Tis ?f S orvl Anyone can eat Ctid siirfccoow.iththo Sect shortening. It is a pure vege . Product, made fern e best beef vegetable oil. It is neutral in taste and odor. JbWmCI r JaBW 3r BalKflLaB Coitolene. is never sold in bulk It is put up in carefully sealed tin pails. When you buy lard you have no protection as to quality you simply know you are getting LARD never mind the grade, it's just LrA-R-D. On the other hand, every pail of Cottolcne is uniform the product is guaranteed. You take no chances whatever. In the face of these facts just ask yourself if you can afford to use hog lard when you can get pure, healthful, nutritious Cottolene. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest poitible award) over all oUter okinB fat. at the recent Loumana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENL another GRAND RIZE. "Home Helps" a book of 300 choice recipe; edited by Mrs. Rarer, is yours for a Pc stamp, if you address The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago. A NEW FEATURE Thi patent alr-llgtil top on thU pallia for the Purple ef k.lnaOTTOLENE clean, fre.h and wholo.omei It ' P'"""1 ?L ffiSklr" all dUaaroabl.odoraof th. froc.ry. audi as fl.h.oll. olc Nature's Gift from the Sunny South FAR ON SALMON KING laker Davey Roasts .Hon. R. D. Hume D. Hume, "salmon king," "king Itf, and several otner wuu- n aliases, of Iloguo river famo, I dealt a solar plexus last night in feouse when, with the assistance aker Davey, Jones, of Polk and ioln. and sonio others, Jewell, of Iphlne, succeeded in securing the te of his bill In the houso by bierwhclmlng vote, which con- i a provision compelling Mr. be to remove all obstructions at oath ot the Illinois rlvor, in or- libit salmon ma find tholr wny lUt stream during the opon and nine season, which nrogrosB, as iJtweil explained, has boon hero- kt Impednl by reason of a wire stretched across tho stroma. howev r, was not accomplished lout plunging Speaker Dnvoy and luwter of Douglas and Jackson, Ralatie of assertions nnd retorts which bordered dnngcrously upon tho personnl before tho colloquy terminated. Whether or not Mr. Ilumo will bo ablo to hend tho bill oft beforo It re ceives tho fnvorablo consideration of tho sonnto and tho slgnnturo of tho governor remains to bo seen, but, ac- cordinK to his own boast ana asser tions, ho la a fighter and a Btnyor, and tho result of this scrap will bo awaited with interest. Tho battle was pitched over tho question of whethor or not house bill No. 114, by Vawtor and Jewell, should tnko prec edence on tho calendar ovor house bill No. 290. by Vawtor, tho formor of which was mado a special order for 8 o'clock last evening, but Mr. Vawtor's motion to substitute IiIb own bill for 114 was voted down decided ly. This showed that thoro was an organized alignment of forces, nnd this fact was mado moro apparent whon Snoakor Dnvoy roslgnod tho chair to Rodgors of Marlon, and took tho floor. In explaining tho motlvos of his bill, which ho claims was drafted by Mr. Vawtor, and tho authorship was assumed Jointly by them, Mr. Jewell said that everything wns lovely and ,, ,...-.-,. wns enthusiastic ovor its prospective success. When a fow days later, however, tho "king" hlm- Bolf put in an appearanco on tho scene, having mado an especial trip from San Francisco for that purposo, Mr. Jewell Bald thnt Mr. Vnwtcr Buffered a BUddon change of hoart, and decided that tho jointly prepared bill would not do at all, and Intro duced his bill as a Biibstltuto for it. Ho explained thnt, on account of tho monopoly enjoyed by Mr. Hunio on tho Roguo rlvor, tho fisher men nbovo him were not nblo to enrn a decont or comfortnblo living out of their craft, and if tho obstructions nt tho mouth of tho rlvor wore re moved nnd tho closed scnBon extend ed so as to mako it 4G dnys in tho spring nnd 45 days In tho fall tho flsh would havo an opportunity to got up tho strenm nnd tho cntcu equitably divided among tho fishing Intorests. MoBBrs PorkliiB nnd Vawtor lined un toKOthor In favor of tho Vawtor bill and stated that tho Biibstltuto bill was drawn upon an oqultnblo basis, and was fair to all pnrtios con cerned, but tho ronl troublo bogan whon Dnvoy took tho floor and ox ploded tho whole thing by stating that tho only real contention, bo far aB ho waB nblo to dlscorn from tho argument adduced by both sides, was over tho bcoMoii which compelled tho romovnl of obstructions from tho mouth of tho Illinois river, and thon ho got down to buslnoss and nssortod that Mr. Hume wns tho agency which brought nbout tho sudden change ot heart on tho pnrt of Mr. Vawtor, and concluded with a bitter denunciation of th' "salmon king" of tho Roguo by stating, In substnnce: "This man is forever making his boasts and spouting to tho newspa pers thnt ho has a perfect right to cotno here whenever ho sees fit, nnd thnt 'they cannot keep him away;' tolling what the leglslnturo enn do, nnd what it cannot do. so far as his interests nro concerned. Wo are get ting tir el of thoso things, and it is about time it should bo stopped." Ho said n lot more upon tho same Biibject, which could not bo cnught, and his words hnd n sort of subdued ring of sarensm to them thnt brought a suffused flush to the cheoks ot Mr. Vawter, who snt silently by and paid apparently Indifferent nttcntlon to the remarks, but whon Mr. Dnvoy had finished he took his turn nt the wheel Ho stnrted out by saying that Mr. I Davey know Uttlo or nothing of tho conditions existing In tho territory Involved In tho dispute, and thnt ho I was not qunltflod to cntor into tho discussion upon any pretext, nnd wound up hv snylng: "Mr. Davey is as wrong In this as ho is In nil o'her things thnt como up for discussion beforo this assem bly, nnd his argument Is ns unreasonable- os It Is unreasoning." Things thon took on a qulotor turn for a time until tho bill camo un for final pnssngo, whon Mr. Davey nroao upon tho point of personal privi lege, nnd, In a soml-snrcnstlc nnd Ironic tone, ridiculed tho heated ex pressions of Mr. Vawtor, and Bnld tho whole trouble soomed to bingo upon tho fnct that ho hnd hit tho "null upon tho head, mid thnt tho truth hurt." Mr. I lunio snt complncontly by, near Mr. Itnckloff, of Coos nnd Curry, during the wholo ordonl, and his face wns ns oxprosalonloss ns thnt of the Egyptian sphinx. KIDNEY TROUBLES The kidneys nro essential organs for Kcepltig tho body free from Im purities. If thoy should fall to work death would ensue in very short tlmo. lnilmnmntion or irritation caused .. .....ininn ilnrntitrompnt 1UIV UVDU1UU itiimiiH .v.-..-0 --- v Bprcad to sotno extent to tho Kidneys nnd affect them, The cause can be so fur removed by using Lydla l. Pinkhnm's Vegetablo Compound that tho troublo will disappear. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, t 111..-. - 1. lln.lm rl font. RWCll- hip under tho eyes, nn uneasy, tired feeling in the region of tho kidneys, sho shoulU loso no mua " " MISS KATE A.HEARN u.A.HlMra tfitnliiinnf Vit1t Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound It may bo the means of saving her life. ijtawj!0 " MVsUhSmS ham's Vegetable Compound for J ftflXS, na 5r btaSl made mo strong and well. LVdin t nntl hnrbs and Organic DIsenscs. w ijwoiws w. a- -?-.--, dthor s LyS"a 5SS Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is excellent. Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female illness aro Invited to write ik. innithain. nt ijynn, mbbb., iui ..,... T1IK PKRFKCT, "WAY. Scoith if Salem Citizens Have lnrn id It. If you suffor from hondachc. Thoro Is only ono wny to cure It, Tho perfect way Is to euro tho kid neys. A bad back moans sick kldnoyB. Ncgloct It, urinary troubles follow, Doan's Kidney Pills nro mado for kidneys only. Aro endorsed by Snlom pcoplo. W. J. Carlton, of 14CC Third St., Salem, Ore, snys: "Doan's Kidney Pills, which I procured nt Dr. Stono's drug Btore, not only strongthonod my kldnoyB but thoy speedily romoved tho bnckacho and lamonoss. A rem edy thnt nets with such prompt and boneflclnl rosults ns Doan's Kidney Pills Is worthy ot all confldonco. I enn conBclontiously recommend thorn to others for I know I novor hnd nny modiclno of tho kind oqunl to thorn for curing bnckacho and kidney troublo." For snlo by all donlors. Prlco GO conts. FoBtcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho unltod States. Romombor tho nnmo Doans nnd tako no other. -nW" ir ,3j 1 fin 1 lM Danderine rf Grew This Hair AND WE CAN PROVE IT. UUT t. i JL ' acs ! IT ..-1 SRV .-4 'i. Little Frncei Msrlo Knowlton Is tho diih tcr of Dr. E. W, Knowllon, the CUeorettr of this cret blr-Browlng remedy, nd ber beautU tut hair km growa whoUr by the uw of tlli great tonic This little girl had no more hair than the aerace child before uflnj Danderine, while now she ha the long t and most beuiUul head of golden hair eer posted hj a child ot ber ace In the world, Danderine makes the tea'P bealthr and fertile and keepi It ao. It 1 the greatest acalp feitlll er and theretoro tho greatest halr-produclng remedy ever dlicorered. It U a natural food and a wholetomo medicine for both the hair and acalp. ETen Mc. bottle of It will put more genume iuo iu ju "- -- - any other balr tonic OTer made. -o- IX THIS WOItlil) OF HPOIIT. fit -I 7HkIi .i VMS L-tir: fe Mft, "T' ? r IIB HOW at all droggUti, in three site., 25 cents, 50 cents SK JHSEnHHalaB Pitrp rn ahow how quickly DawUrkM acts, we will v- MmhaMMtml rntllU tend a large sample free by return mail toanyone i ' I lllFMiMlHIff -, ..,i ,? advertisement to the KmwH nrM S',s ItlJURiL.1 hteithBameand.ddrm.nacentsiaallveror " 880 o .miw Buvwrf, OMa. Up to pay postage. lx Dion Korr. the gentlomnn rldor, has n promising four yoar old by Chorister, which ho has named Chorlst. Ho is a porfoct jumper und Mr. Kerr has plnnntd to tnko him to Cannda nftcr tho Dounings mooting. If ho mnkos good on tho Cnnndlnn circuit ho will raco him nt Donnlngs again in tho fall. Whon Light Nnto started in n race at New Orleans recently ho wus bnok- nil nil nvnr tho rnnntrv nnd hla Vlo tory wouid havo boon n costly ono to layers. Ho ran well for bovou fur longs and then was beaten. In a race noxt day ho was neglected in tho betting and at 40 to 1 defeated a good field, Cbarloa F. Sanders, an eastern horseman, who went to California about 12 yearB ago, died recontlv Ha at ono tlmo in tho east trained for tho Into Adolph Nelson, tho first cateror at Morris Park. Among tho horsea handled by Sandors for Nol son tho Potentate Korcheval 0. Kearner Is undor .an engagement to rido for Harry Paynq Whltnoy this yoar. Charles Marvin, aged Bixtyrcigth yoars, ono of the most famous driv ers and trainors of raco borBOS In America, died recently In a Kontucky hospital. During his caroer ho own ed many horses of national reputa tion and probably won moro victories with harness horses than any other American trainer. "William Cherry the jockey, Is now training for Henry McDanlel at Hot Springs. Ho will try to got Into con dition to rido daring tho coming sea eon. Kansas has Just elected a senator who Is said to bavo parollcd himself from tho plg-sVIa to the toga. Dan ny Maner, Tomy guras and h. Lyae should tnko courage. My keeping their oyo on the mnln chance some day thoy mny bo serving tholr conn trv for J7&00 a year IiiHtend of tho paltry Hum of $30,000 which thoy get now. Pugilism. Johnny Carroll, ono of tho clovor est woltorwolght Hghtora In Now York, is out with a ehnllongor to light nny of tho best mon In his class. Ho Is nnxlous to moot Martin, Snllor llttrko, Honoy Mojlody or Willie LowIb. Ho knockud llttrko out in ono round last yoar. .Too Falvoy ills backor and mnnngor, Is willing to post a forfeit of $1000 to bind n mutch with any of tho topnotchon. Johnny Allon, tho Phllndolphln flghtor, and Darkoy Allon, tho clovor Uttlo Englishman, havo boon match ed to light ton rounds for $f00 aBldo. Thoy will enter tho ring nt 112 pounds. Tiy declaring thnt ho will not Inter foro to provont prlzo flghtB tho Itov. Governor II. T. nuchtel, Colorados now prencher-govornor, will probnbly mnko IiIb stnto tho homo of glove con tests In tho; future According to tho commlttoo In charge of tho fund for Terry McOov em, nftor paying nil expenses there romalnH n hnlnnco of nonrly $15,000, which will go to tho stricken pugil ist's family. It boglns to look ns though tho mammoth tournoy Idoa Iibh boon nbandoned nnd thnt tho Hrltt-Onns championship will bo tho only ono decided, In tho Tonopnh nroa In Mnrch, If ovon that goes. Somo poo- plo are peHHlmlstlo enough to think that tho Ilrltt- Gnus affair Is In none too good Bhnpo, and, nil things con sidered, tho rumor-mongors can hnrd ly bo blamod for wnxlng huhpIcIouh. Potor Follx, tho glnnt eolorod hoavywolght of Australia, Is to be Jack Johnson's first opponout In a battle In Australia. Tho mon aro to Imttlo twonty rounds in Molbournc onrly In Mnrch and Johnson is guar anteed $1C00 for his onil. If huccohh- ful In boating Follx, Johnson will lu mntched to fight Hill Squlros., in tho Kllncer Grand to n crowded houso, The play Is very similar to "In Old Virginia," which lias boon played hero, and Is full ot thrllllni: situations nnd good comedy, through which hi woven n pretty Uttlo lovo Btory. A real llvo horso Is used In ono of tho sconoB, and, conuldorlng that last night wuh tho anlmnl's llrst nppenranco bofore nn nudlanco In tho rolo of "Queen Mnb," tho racor did tho part well. Wllllntn Wlntorhoff. ub "Frank Pntton," of course fallB In lovo with tho heroine. "Noll Sholby," (couldn't blntuo him) nnd his nblllty for eith er mnklng lovo or doing stunts In trngody cannot bo quostlonod. Ho bus n oloso rival In Truman Do Home, ns "Jim llurko," for ho can net nnd King to beat tho bnnd. Louiso Koblnson, ns "Knto Hil ton," played tho part with dignity, and snug a very pretty Uttlo number bb n specialty, linrry lllnnchnrd, ai tho "Colonel," nnd Kleanor Kvorott, In the rolo "Althen Peyton," woro clovor and, togothor with Jay Avory, tho man who Is nt homo either bo hlnd tho cornot or on tho stngo, handled tho corViody. Tho villain always has a dlilloult rolo to jncot tho approval of tho au dlonco, but Wnllnco Roberts, nn "Jiimos lllltnn," dosorvoH spcolnl' montlon for Ills work. Tho struggle; to his death appoarod Vory real. Tho play was well nttondod, and nftor tho nnnotincointnt that tho company would atoy In tho city "ob lmiL' ns thoy llkod ub" and tho last net ovoryhody wont home satlsllod MAIKlAliiTA VISCII Kit. OiMuiiug IVrforiiuuico Itst Night Cluvvr Crow civil Hoiihc (Iciou HlMH'inltlCH. Margarita Fluohor, tho enchanting Uttlo actress, Is bore, and whether sho Is tho historic Bllvorton hello or not, sho Is clover mid pretty, and be longs to Marlon county, too. Sho and her company presonted "Tho Grent Dluo GraBS Dorby" hiHt night Don't Put Off Until tomorrow whnt you can do to day. If you nro suffering from a torpid llvor, or constlpntlon, don't wait until tomorrow to got help. Iluy a bottle of Horblno nnd got that llvor working right. Prompt noss ubout hoalth Bavos many Blck spoils. "Mrs. Ida Groaham, Tolnt, Tox., writes: I usod Horblno In my family for six yonrs, nnd And It does nl It claims to do." Sold by D. J. Fry. Hail I in Kffcft Several days ugo at tho roquoBt of tho Kansas toglslnturo Governor Chninborlnln tolugraphod his opinion of tho workings of tho Oregon dlroot prltnnry lnw. Governor Chamhorlaln got n message last evening from Gov ernor Stiibbs, of Kansas, to tho ef foot that tho KansnB loglslnturo had onactod a law similar to tho Oregon moaBuro and thanking tho Oregon governor for his Influence In behalf of a good caiiHo. i Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott's Emu' ssion to bring back health and strength. But tho strongest point about Scott's Emulsion U that you don't have to be sick to get results from it It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre; vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick ad well, young and old, rich and poor. Aad it contains no drugs ad no akelteL ALL'ORUQOISTIII 10.'AND fl.OO. w &a kj a : Ufi i-. ry - t l aw' m , (, W vl! ti.' IW J Li? Li.....l'fa.- . f.Jt