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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL. BAT, ,E.M. ORF,ON. ' "UAHV 18, 100 TTALJOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG HOFEiTMROS., pMnto - pp'1""" DBVKIiOPMBNT, GOOD m irtirVtvAf-KTTvNDS roii ntoaiiESS, GOVKItNMKXT. AND NO HKOIUDEI MBOIl. tiii: ix)V or womhx. -'?' ra l lovo Jilm, my lover." tho moldon said With downcnst, happy oye; Hut tho good wife Mltttlng within hor door rtikml tm with a mild surprise! Tho kettle Hftk on tha glowing hearth ,? To tho hlrd In tho cage nhovo "Now whnt do you Know of lovt. my child, Pray, what do you know of lovo?" ' f- '' I lovo him, my himhnnd," the good wife Bald -, With n amllo of contontmont aweot, " Ab alio laid tho table and browed tho taa And kept tho hoarthstono noat; ,1 Hut a Imby Btlrrod In Its tiny crlh 7 And a mothor hunt nhovo , And Mnllod na alio crooned In ft tender tono, Now what do thoy know of lovo?" Ellxoboth Clark Hardy, In Oood Housekeeping I Till: OIIKUOX ItAlIiUOAI) HITUATION. tho ,..ii..ii ti.nt n irmnt inniiv rnllrond oxtonidonB all ovor United Btutea will ho cancelled for tho bIiiwIq reuHon thut money cannot ho Boctired to pay for thework anil mntorlalB. Tho Investigations ordered by congress and stnto legislatures liua now Btruck tho country with full force, and It la IMPOSSmu: TO HKUUIIh lUIMtOAIMONHTIUKTION. It IB Btatcd that Mr. Ilnrrlman has stnckod up $100,000,000 ont of tho earnings of hla roadfl with which to mnko extensions. It la wild that ho la uhout tho only rnllrond operator In Iho country with rtndy cbbIi. It la Btatcd by Wall Btreol opnrntora In clroulnrn Juat received that President Hooaovolt hna mado poaoo with boiiio of tho largest cnrpnra tlona, and whllo the laws will bo enforced UK WILL IMlOTKOT PltOP MIITV AXI INVIWT.MKNTH. Enormous ndvuiicoa In pay roll hnB cut down the earning capacity of nearly nil tho great rallrouda of tho country. Tho only way they can got Increased Incomes for bottermeuta la by raising freight rntea. Tho Oregon Hltuntlon la nn ncute one no far 11a rnllronda are concerned. Thla Btnto Ih ontlroly at tho mercy of Mr. Ilnrrlman. and will Buffer on tlro collapse of all oxtotialon work undertaken If thorela not 11 railroad commission created that (UN IIKTAI.V TIIK nNlMIlNOII OP T1IK HIIIPPKUH AMI TIIK I.NTHHHSTH AT TIIK HA.MII TI.MK. Thla cannot bo expected. Oregon will hu oruoltled by a political inn- chine coiumUilon. -0 UX.N KOI'AS A U V I ) IWHXH K. PHENOMENAL DEMAND FOR COOPER MEDICINES -n siaiaiflBBBBiBBaiaiaiasaiaiaiaiaiaiafl!1 WluKiumk l, t? a ra ilawasssssssjsssssssssssssy"-"vy . T? BBBm tatfiV" Mr. T. H. McGlnnlss, 2141 Central Ave, Cincinnati, O., say: "I have had catarrh, foracvenycar8, and have tried almost every advertised remedy without receiving any benefit. One bottle Cooper'o New Discovery has effected a com plete cure. I have gained In weight and feel stronger than I have for years. My head is clear, my appetite good, my food digests perfectly, and my whole system has been greatly benefited by your wonderful remedy. I amdecply grateful for the remarkable cure the medicine has effected in my case." Signed: T. IX. McGINNISS. From AH Over the United SUles Siartlin A. counts are Received of the Unprecedented Re sults Obtained With L. T.Cooper's Remedies. The wonderful new medicines Cooper J New Discovery iiilSilissa has read numerSu aclounfs in the newspapers, have become In cat demand and have had a tremendous aalcj thla do nafo?1hese famous remedies Is increasing, jt vorv citv the sale and results obtained from Cooper shcw Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief has been marvelous. DREAD CATARRH. If vou are troubled with a foul smelling breath, inflamma Hon and soreness of nasal cavities and air P"B" d the dronoing of a nasty mucous from head to the throat, there Is a dull heavy frontal headache and ringing sounds in your head and ou find yourself gradually growing deaf, beware of catarrh. Cooper's New Discovery should he taken internally to ex pel the catarrhal virus from the system and heal the mu cous membranes of the nasal cavities and air ;paagci. It heals the tissues of the throat and bronchial tubes, and frees the entire system of all catarrhal poison. Cooper's Quick Relief should be used In connection with Cooper's New Discovery for catarrhal headaches and in all cases of catarrhal deafness to open the eustachian tubes and restore the nerves of the car to their normal condition. Cooper's New Discovery sella for $1.00 per bettle: six for $5.00. Cooper's Quick Relief coats 50 cents per bottle. You can get them of leading title. Carried 1 1 11. aU. Followlnc 1,111a .. first time. """By S. B. 243, providing. Ing P. C. Reed for Oon ' while fish commission S- B. 244, McDonald ,, 9n r,,ci. -.-.. ..., reiat,. ",(: roads S. B. lighting plant. QPEN FORUM 1-H-M II H J. C. PERRY .in..uj ai. Feb, $ Wfl Tnilfnnl .... ttntn linntt Ih CTi. . ' .., UUv.u . oaierawneactr6s inuuu, doiiamnn Bourne Jf elected U. S. senator it'pw to know you and a few of uv oeon muorqeu by tho peonls 1 support of Mr. Bourne Inn,. A man who has been elected M iiuuinu nun ho airings on htn,y man who has the education u( uy to uo moro than any an 1 halls of congress for thettatto( gon, who could have beta e! tho old way. It la a grand tribute to Mr to bo elected by tho people M great atato of Oregon. Ihnj Bourne well onough to knot lis appreciates tho honor Terr and will not disappoint the t of Oregon. I predict hewllUji work for Oregon. DAVID -j Kit 1 1 or T. T. floor lltus Into an unnecommry rao hoonuao this paper dliouaaea aonio of tho miiiiiiliiRloaa nvwapiipor pollolou thnt Imvo nothliiK but roaowator to aprny ovor tho loKlalaturu. Tho alinplo truth la tho luKlahituru nooda th hoan and aorubbliiK broom nppllftl to It ulto frvquvntlr. AXI TIIIIX A W)T OF PU.M.MICK HTONlf AND IMHIXPKWAXTB TO HOOT. Ah IWItor door waa not muntlonoil In tho nrtlole, It la not Juat nppni ont why ho should have hWii Into n niK unlotw tho shoe III him rather uucomfortuhly. llo triad to nliulllo tho orltlolam off on Kdltor I,yon of tho Albany Her ald, hut Hint uentleinnn any Ilia oliars of CO.VVHUTIXO 1118 PAI'HIt l.Vm A UXHY'H I'HUI'UMIl ATO.MI'HH ho fur na the llalHtur U oon cornwl la talae. "Never louohwl ua" ahouted Cpt. I-yoH. Hut why It should Iirv tuuehd Uruthwr dr w ennnol for I lit lift of ua mw. Hurwly h lma not btwH irwMttHK the liwialHtitrw to uudllutwl Mil da eoluu. The CflpttHl JoiiinhI tltH wot eoiHloiuu IniltvlihiHla. It comlauina prne tlo. It ivm my that tli mwii who wlllH u dully wpr AND DOKS XOTIIIXO IHIT HI.OUIIHU OVHU Till! IMIttSIIXT OU AXV OTIIHII liKdlSliATllltK 18 A (IK.SUIS. Tho people nrt not paaalHK Jiulitmtut on men no much as un pmotlcw nml thoy thoiiRht thy had got rid of polltlowl hoaa. Thoy hav In theory, but lhy have nut sot rhl of tho muohluu, nor Ita lHirnaltea. Thu uiHoUlue or which lldltor C1r iiutKoa himself n part aud la nlwuya roady to dttfend, ami make hlmnelf Ua Hdvoeette and apologist, hna ooat tho iiraiiU Of Oregon datrly Tllll OMI IMI'IIIIATIVH UlTI'V IS TO AllOldSII IT. Of tHiurae wo do wot wetta to ahollah Mr. deer. He has hnd hla own ftrluc with the UlHe and oitKht to be the Inst to daftad It. o Tllll MOST llltU'ril'lHt MAdA'.IXIi The rrttftawwa of lirtewe, 4s'. V , la r all Um wsti lmHUful iwaKa SlHe reeolve! nt this aWee. H Is lHMHUMI (row sow to oaver. TIIK CoVriLYlS A ml OitldlXAl. AXIt Vtllllill. IU hhtloMpky. kM nthteel toadeMetw we of lk rlekt ri TIIKY TIIXII TO 1IU.MAX1.H Tllll HIUDIIH, Tho tlluatrntltm aad ttrlaUHK are wrka of art. Tke tyj la m dellRht It roada 1UU. The e) hwatBer (or more. Tho matter Her the typoRntky blur the 1aioa. mentally hot optically. Tho rofrwihltiK breath o( tho orontor oomea forth from Ua ik to greet tho worker In any dopartmeut of Ufa. Tho prtlel part of tho Orafttman U that any aaWUIWer U made ond of h elHb of home balklara aad can got ulaaa aad votrtpaitow (or bulMluw any kind ( a hoiuo l'KOM A .lOO HUXdALOW TO A MAX HlllK dUttttV Btlakno)', Ike wlm. will have h Krent IhHurh um Amerloaa Ufa and nuunori and iHKrtatUaUon of all oJb,v of noalety. -O ' XATIOXAIi 11(1K OOM'HIlHXail. Mlt. IIHVAXON NIAVSI'Al'l.US. In nn nddroaa to tho Minnesota editorial uaaoclatlon Win. J. Bryan atnted that nowapapora wore losing their political power. llo thought thoy were solely given up to the SOllDII) PUUPOSK OK MAKlXd KlXANCIAIi (JAINS. He snld 11 man ainart onough to od It n paper raroly had monoy onough to conduct It, and men with money onough to own a papor raroly had hoiihu euutiuh to run It. If ivny man hna over been trontod kindly by the newspapers It Is Mr Ilryan, and ho Is tho laat man who a hoiild accuse unyouu or subordinating Idouls "exclualvely to aoek Ihmnclwt gnlu. lilt HAS HAD SOMHTIIINd OK .V IMXANCIAI, SUCCKSS HIMSKI.K. We are free to confess that tho large uewatmper In the IiIk cities have lost Individuality and been subordinated to nioney.iiiaklng. Perhna thla la Inevitable. There la so much wealth in the world uow. few enterprises are left that do not have to (( t'PON A MHUC.W TII.K ItASIS. If Mr. ltrymi 1ms any curiosity to behold a uewspspor that supported htm n 11 re without hope of nuln or pecuniary reward WH WII.I, SKXD HIM A SAMPI.K COPV. And furthermore thla poper hna never had any regreta that It did so. Motion of Campbell II. B. 324, re called from engrossing committee for cxnmlnntlon. Motion Campbell vote by which bill passod bo reconsldored House resolved into commlttco of whole for consldorntlon section. Amemlmont to section 35, by Free mun, striking out, bill adopted and passed. o HoiiKo Tliursibiy Afttrnioou. iment, control, etc., of all lands lnur lloutm reaiimed eonalderatlon (it 'lug to the state from any and nil house hill No. 340. appropriating j anuroaa. Bill reported favorably as $110,000 for new bntkllnies, remlra ! amended and puaeed. and Imprnvemeuta at the uKrlruUurul House In committee nt the whole oullege In committee of the wholo. i for consideration or eiiKroeeed house lllll favorably reiwrteil mid puased. ! bill No. 17. to avoid contagious dls Hoiue remihed Itself Into ruiiniilt-1 eso hiiiouk shtvp. tc. Favorable tee of the hoU for roiiHidoratlon of J report and hill mused house bill No 321. proMdlng for the' H 11 4t'o, Knowlea. relating to ucquUltloii. rlaaelllratlou. manage- ' rioted aesiuin on Columbia Passed While tha JatHealown oxiiqsIUoh will be kIitwh ovor larKoU' U the Rlorl ttoatloa of the army aad navy, there la to be a hmw ooaforowco la New York April i truly natloaal la dlutatuloac Tho treat arWUraUoH wrt to adjoat dlKecoaoe WeAwooa aatloaa Uto aaaemble at Tk llaaee. ike oaHltal of Holwad, la Jane, aad Habile a- llmeni In Um I'Httad &tlM WILL 1IHKP KIIAPIt H KHIdMHUATIONS. I The ineraM ta Kw York neat April will be carried out la the lars 01 aaamU' rvoaia la ta oxiy, la or the Bretet repawn are adveo tUwl to taka part aad aakr Uko Oardlaal dlbWoa. Ww. J. llryaa. aad ltd ward HoreU Hale ui attend tko sesaloa. The headquarter of the motemout l In Btoa -at SI Be40n street aad. ttkll It has uo a)tHmrtatloaa from tho state or nation, TIIK WOIIK 1HNK IX Tllll CWSH OK I'lUCK lUPrWHHX NATIONS IS A imiaT oxk. Tho head of til iHovwt la probably nearly In tho hands of oao man. Kdwln D. Moad, uwd kU laAaenco U trutly na laternatlonal one (or tha benefit ot mankind. Mr Mead (s also oue of tho kadars ot tko great VnllarUa society ot tk Uslted fitates that has Us hcadquartera la Bostotu lsattasa Staple Dry Goods Bargains jj ...19c ...2&c Coraot Cover Kmbrolden. yard Dntnty Kmbrolderles aud Insertion at 3c a ard and up Corset. Job lota, oarh Uoa Knee Panta. jwlr .moo a uiacK uua wutte Twined QvrahlrU. oach 40c l-adlea' Union Sulta. oack ,.....,,,.,, , ,.ie 11.00 Wrapper, eaeh .......... !!!!!!!!$je 1 1. 26 Wrapper, oueh , '!!!!!'.!!tc He down Safety pins, down ....... .,'. .'.'.". Ic mau sue aiev)' Pine, doaon.. Pins, paper Hjivv nitv iiAn mi l-idtes" oxtm alse 11. UsjWu ulta tor. s.hH ; M-a' Cotton Urawors, atteelal. ialr ,.,..,.,. Uidlee' Dreea Sklrta. ood value, at , Ha Clullnce VMuuital v.l 3ood Kast Color Cal lc. ard ".!".! ! ! . . '. . 1 '. '. '. , ' ' ? 8e our U Sc. 6c aud loo auortmonu. lc ........,, .,,,,, lo "so tie 11.2S SRostein & Greenbaum COCROAL STREET Scnuto TliurMhiy Aftcmoou. When the senate met Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, II. B. 92, relating to the salmon flshorlos was Indefinitely postponed. Favorable reports wero mado on the follewing: II. B. 23, relating to salmon fish eries on the Umpqua. S. U. 53, relntlug to prlvnto luitoh- crles was Indsllnltely postponod. S. B. 132, relating to tho board ot Hah commissioners, was ludellnltoly (lost poued. S. B. 51, relating to flsharlas was Indefinitely postponed. S. B. 32,creatins the otuco of state was reported hnck without recom mendation. S. B. 2. relating to depositories for atate funds wns favorably reported S. B. GO, to soouro Interest on state moneys wna Indefinitely nost- poned. II. II. 213. rolatlve to district at torney was favorably reported. S. B. 1G5, relatlvo to salnrloa of school suiierlntendonts was Indofinlto ly Met)oned. H. B. 63, relative to oxamlnntlon of steam engines, wub Indofinltoly postponed. S. B. 208, rolatlng to public landa was favorably reported. S. B. 65, rolatlng to tho uso ot water was Indefinitely postponed. Substitute S. B. 235, was mado special ordor for Friday nt 3oolock. S. B. 109, relating to vendors ot drugs was reported favorably. H. B. 344, rolatlng to fruit Inspec tors was favorably recommended. H. B. 229, rolatlng to tho salo ot fruit treos favorably reported. H. B. 293, rolatlng to inspector ot che8e favorably roported. II. B. 266, relating to salo ot cer tain lands, favorably roported. Spoclal committee reported visit to soldiers' home at Itweburg. Found home in good condition. Report adopted. S. B. 296, relating to executors, aa Indefinitely postponed. Tho voto of tao governor to tho juvenile court bill was road and was wade a speelal order for today at le o clock. .1. B. 119, relating to misconduct of ull!tary officers, was Indefinitely Post naed. On "ittlon ot Johnson the veto to reconsider -H. B. 241, regarding tho appropriation t lands for corporate rurposes. was bAcn. Thl is tha Walnuts. Editor Jeurnal: There Hit deal said at this time aboit planting of wnlnuts in the W3 etto vnlloy. Thoro could bo no more prA thing for tho farmer to do 1 they only planted trees ib'J public highway of their fuel I When Neapolitan conqaertd 1 many ho compelled them to English walnuts and cherrla 1 tho public highways, and It 1 places tho stnto receives enotjU tho nuts to pay expenses el la tho public highway la jood 1 Hon. Whon wo remember 1 treo nt ten years old In CiES brings from eighteen to ttf InrB per tree, If our public Vi wero planted to English vi would soon haw road montre to build Reed roads without iu taxos. Suppose the first lets!! Salem had understood then!j tho English walnut and i'mw Instond of the maples. tr' now bo enough Income ftnul tn mnro than nay ah inewi .,Dnn it would take W lIIOUfl -" j hundred trees to plant attLiai public highway setting a rot o sldo of tho road whon tho tr-es cornels''' ,,m- tliam nt the 10 jt!s tnn .iniinrs iier trco It 'O' $4000 por mile at this rstl If tho roads 01 KOt out ib j . . ... ...ffl.lnnt In BIT ' WOUKl UO uim - ..MKtM Of tM 1 i.n..n n linlnnco fOf ' unu ui " - jai monts. They would not nw" nny other taxes after a" food product some of oj -ni. hn there UM 1.111... vnlno In tWO EDI""' na thoro Is In a pound ot E. C years was proporly X&T tii nnra mmEI) IX T" " n tr riTK'TMENT l to euro any case of Ittj Blooding or Protrudlo JT , aays or ""vv The Way toWci 1.m fwk nirnllTA tSSA .... -nd i siiuui saviK. --- . . . nan cum rti!UinriJ rarnliimi. and In a k 1 .rill linrn n COmPf Many a man "''fJJ'w tliQ fact uwi " .7; j n ItusiluVUI OPPOri""". itself ho ww in a advantage of it. Start a saving ami begin to CfaJtelN1 "BVaisory pass la under a, mis