1007. 9AILT OAWTAI ZOVKNAL, iAHMJ 44-H-H 1 1 , 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I " 1 1 H I BH z TALK ABOUT TRUSTS f CURRENT EVENTS OF HE SUITS ! HISTORICAL INTERS ftf Compiled by theDaily Journal for the Public ! OMOOK. ..... FEBnOAlff 14, 11 I 1 bsWsWMbbsswsissss-- B 11 tjff " ii ' ' ' ' n samass .,v " i Highest Qaality All Wool Stfits Representing the Products of America's Best Manufacturers Vabes Range ap to $25. Be sate sunt get one al $14.35 Shirt Waists Exclamations of ccstacgroot ovory vlow of our wnUtitliOi largest nnd most oxqulslto display over Aliown iu this city. It i. tho pick of America's and Eur ope's flnoRt stylos at prices mado HiOftt modornto by diroct dealing with great makers nnd Immense puchAHOs. Ail tho prettiest and boat in Lawn nnd Llnon, prettily trimmed. Tho stock is nt all ways nbrcaat of the tlmon. You'ro Hiiro to find horo tho choicest of stylus nnd nt prices tho economist welcomes. 50c to $1 3.50 Torchon Laces Nowost Idens In Torchon lucci - this season's doslgnlng. A Krand assortment to ohooao from. Buch good vnlucB wore novor be foro offered for tho prlco of 3c Lace Curtain Bargains Laco curtains, of which there nro from ono ot threo pairs of n kind. They consist of Hotting hnms, llruBsel Not, Colonial. Point do Luxo, In White aud F.cru. Values rango from J1.2G to (10 por pair. Reduced One-Third Spring Oxfords All tho lltllo Improvements that go to mako for goodness, comfort nnd stylo are embodied In our showing of now Oxfords for this soaaon's wear. You'll appre ciate tho values, too. Embroideries In our laco nnd ombroldory de pnrtmontB wo show, porhnpB, tho finest vnrloty to bo found In tho WUlutnutto valley. Wo Intond that this department shall tnko a front rank In tho minds of lovers of flno lacos nnd embroideries. Scores of pretty styles In Bprlng lacch nnd ombrolderlcs nro now shown in this department nt un usually low prices. Your plans for early spring sowing Bhould In clude a gonorouB Bupply of theso flno vnlucs. Dress Goods Simmering Bupplonoss tho soft ness of fnbrlcB thnt cling and flow will bo tho koynoto of tho spring favor nnd somo of lliose mntorlnls will gtlston nnd glint tholr wny straight Into your hoart Tho colors, too, nro moro oxquls Ito than over. Somo of tho patterns will sur prlso you assuredly by tholr In-gonulty. Waller Thomas Mills will speak Irt this city Friday night at the nrnnd Opera House. Mr M'1'3 has been for 35 years a student and Itcturcd on social econ omy Ho Is author of several books vSlc'h have enjoyed a wide circula te is a man of rare ability, not only n forcoful but pleasant spoakor, and presents his thoughts in a way easily understood. Many .- log his discussion he has his audience wild with laughter, and tho next moment deeply interested in his sub- ject. o Personals 44I Many woman suffragists In Great now lines it is expecte4 j n.i..in prr serving sentences in jail, will bo raised on freirtt..?! .,,,. thn civo up tho right to money for extensions. ... .i afrnHnns for tho right ' Tho National Wnm.. , -"' :sl?S-.Su- 53 Senator Fulton has oeen Biveu , J T i : 'x nfrairs. nnd w 11 taKo pnn in mo - " ': " D "u u" -"iUfc,. ana. ' ,1 , hn nrownsvlllo rlot-i" cent adranco In . V nT by c lored troops, who woro dls- The telegraphers' 8rlke J ,ns uy. T .... .MMt. BO "a won out. Thov .J!1 mlssou uy uiu .. Huston, of Hlllsboro, ner cont hrlvnnnh t- -.. tt..io.i ctnfna snnato is ore- ...l ..,, .. ... WM UINWU u' - J.BI ill narlng to take action looking to tno C(j-8t The They mcik! in Vlrsi u looking to tho j :f WMt- hi prohibition of tho liquor tramo in Tho mayor and aiders a, A f.lrtn cvnnn will lnnnn.l 41. - . l "" o " "oii.i mo sireeUolj a tho railroads ennnot Bell bondB land, and thus determine , to sccuro money for construction of kind of pavement to lay ,n )tl)! GOOD Goods & )o7jeieUSSi GOOD Goods TOMORROW IB HKM.VANT DAY. Khort length of MtiMounhlo mid do pciitlablo Kootla nt HALF PRICE CITY MEWS A nHMM t lwHeiwtt rr ftfUk for Yiw OimllwHwi l0H't I'it to Hear Ilov. Wnltor Thomas Mills nt the dram. Opera Home Friday nlxht. 1(0 Is ono of tho Krcntest orntom on political nnd labor question In thu United States. St 1FctHw uml Hm-lnl Tho Udles Aid 8oclt' and Kp worth Lohkuo hnvo nrrnnnod for n inualcnl nroKram, U'cturo and social Friday ovonlnu for thu bonent of Lesllo M. K. ohurch, on Bouth Com Hterclftl struct. Tho Indies havo add ed a Kitchen nnd mado other Im provements, and everybody should buy a ticket at 10 cents. A NVw Nk-IM Club Tho "Kappa Hho Nit" U the nnum glvea to a U9 fraternity which Inn Jjmb orRonUtNl trontly H the city. JtIio "frnf 'is to give a series of 'dances in Tioga ball, tho first to be given tills cvunlng. Tho hall has been bountifully decorntod for the occasion. Hofruahtucnta will bo norviHl, nnd no expanse has boon spared by tho orgnulintlon to mnk this ovont ono of tho moitt ploasnnt social tunotlous ot tho season. I'.vcrytKMly Is cordially Invltod to hear Hov. Waltor Thomns Mills, of Ghlcago, on Bootnllam nt tho annul Opera Hous Friday night. 2t i:intHl Ollkvo Tho First Christian Boleneo ohurch elected officer last night, as follews: F. V. Wutcrs, Oeo. W. Johnson, V. A. Moorf, Mrs. B. L. llayden and Mrs. J. Q. Wilson, trustees; Win. MANY A MAN U a critic betauM & Uk to be Mtnury, You cam to coitrary to Um khM ot your own trta a Mltr aai some Ubm H WM of thfaij but ko coatrary to ta ditatM ol aatur and you will a- waf t tWa fortt ot It. Why, 8Htc) it ut ka, Katuro woa't acoapt Jut pw fed tltouKst; they vi a rlsht scl-. Wa can clva Ua klai aa tr dumaads, and our ftricaa ars rMtat, too. BARRS JEWELRY STORE occurred la Contra Costn county. California, Iiuh been appointed by tho Marlon county court administra trix of her fathor'rt ostato, lior bond being llxed In tho Bum of i-1000. The deceased's porsonnl proporty In this state Is valued at 12000. Valentino Hull Tonight Tho Kuppn Itho Nu fratomlty will ontorlnln tholr friends tonight at Tioga hull. In ono of tho Bwollosl dancing parties of tho season. Sweet Valentino will preside nt tho function nnd a goneral good tlmo will bo had by tho numerous Invited guests. A Correct Ion ia Monday's issuo ot The Journn' wus printed a statement that Miss llattiu Hargrove and MIs Olive Kel ly woro soon to loavo for Ilnkor City Aluker. clerk; Miss lilooro, tronsurer; to tnko charge of tho mllllnory de- Mrs. Fimnobuker, organist. . imrtment of a storo owned bv Mossrs. MoHvoys. This article was an error In tho fact that thu Messrs. MoKvoys will hnvo no Intercut In the storo. (tt'iumu Hrrvicr Tho German Heformcd church will hold Sunday evenluir thulr church, corner of Capital and noM for thonuelvea, nnd will in no Marlon strtusts, Bunday evening nt;wn' connected with tho Chicago 7:30 o'clock. AU Qormsui Invltod. .Htoro ItrtU sorvlcvs at,Tho oung Indies will go Into busl- llov. Bchnuelle, ot preach. Portland, will AftiUu ntiil Again I'eople of all cUwei admit that they are more than pleas) to bo able to go to one store for all their supplier, such as groceries, mwits, fish, poultry, oysters, vegtabls, fruits, and evurythlug noodod tor the tabic. Farrlnjjtou & Vnnl'atton. IVayrr Wn Ixws For the first time during the prt out seaslou ot the legislature, tho senate was opened with a Reed, long, old-fauhloned prayer. Tho minister lwte4 by tho sergeant at arms was Iter. Dr. Kimball, ot the theological seminary. Ho prayed sewn minutes. 1'rovloua to this one aud a halt minutes was tho record. Iuigly.HoltAii County Clerk Allen yesterday Is suedi a marriage license to Kokoo lutagley, ot Kllverton, as4 36, and Daisy Hobsrt, ot Sltverton, asl 2T' U 1. Aldrtch acting aa wltneas. To AmUiUr l-"4crV Kttc Floreaco Kmy, daughter of tha late B. V. MUckwell, vho deatlt lvy llowcr Iknd A message has been received here containing the sad news ot tho death ot Lovy Dower, who died yesterday nt his homo near Gates. Ho was the accommodating bailiff of the last seselon ot tho circuit court, aud ha many friends In this city. Tho fu. nornl services will bo held at Mac Hay. Friday, February 15, 1907. o Funeral Notice, Tho funeral ot Mrs, Anna Vercler, who died in Cambpell. California, February 13, 1907, will b hold from tho Preabyterlan ohareh la this city at 10 o'clock a. m., Friday, and will bo conducted by the pastor ot tho church, Dor. II. T. ltabcock. Mra. Vercler was long a raldent ui ouuiu naiem, ana Has iaany trlenda In the city who will bo pained to learn ot her death. She tear ono daughter, lira. 8. I. Hayes, ot Campbell, California, nnd one son, Andrew Vercler. who Uvea la Polk couuty, uoar Salem. Mrs, Mamie Kmmcrson, "who fcai bn vtiltlng Mrs, Coaoor, ot tho YlUamett Hotel loft tbla jaoralns for aer bow in Saa Franclo, Hon. S. B la In the city. Harry Mlnto loft today for Cham poeg on buslnoss. Mrs. A. O. Condlt hns returned from a visit in Portland. J. A. Sellwood loft today for his fnrm In Yamhill county. W. L. Jonos, tho Jefferson barber, was In tho city yostordny. Mrs. L. II. Shirley wont to Tur nor today to visit relatives. Kx-Mayor Wntors wont to Port land this morning on buslnoes. Attorney Cnrson was among thosa who went to Portland this morning. Hon. Claud Clntoh want to Port land this morning on business. Mrs. O. G. Moisnn, of Oervals, Is In' the city to visit rolatlvoe. Miss Udna Jones, of llrooks, wns visiting in the city this morning. William Sellwood, of Portland, wns visiting In tho city yostordny. Attorney George Illngham and A. M. Cannon went to Woodburn thlH morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charloa Gray and son, George, left today for a visit In Portland. Albany, whoro sho will visit friends Albany, whoro sho wll lvlslt friends nnd rolntlves. J. T. Wontworth, of tho Cnpltnl Commission Compnny, Is In Portland on business. Col. W. F. Ilutohor, tho woll known Ilnkor City lnwyor and poli tician, Is In Salem. Judgo Alox. Swook, of Portlnnd, chairman of tho Dsmocrntlc stnto central commlttoo, Is In town. Joseph Wright will loavo today for Astoria, where he will rosldo with his soii'ln-law, A. J. Henderson. Mrs. W. P. Knowloa nnd daughter, Mia Kna. of Durfeo, ar ovlsiting Representative P. W. Knowloa In this olty. Uev. Wm. A. Daly, formor pastor of St. Joseph's church, ot this city, but now pnstor of St. Mary'-u of Portland, Is In tho city. Krnest Dudon, prosldent of the Lincoln Annuity Union, after nu offi cial visit hero, loft today for Port land. Ho wiib nccompnnled by Stnto Orgnnlrer II. O. Montgomery, who has bueu in tho city organizing a lodge. Frank Dlackorby, of Sllverton, wns In town today. Ho Is postmaster and a political leador In that part ot the county. Mrs. Albort Jessup, ot Dolse, Ida ho, after a visit horo loft today for Gugeno. whore she will bo tho guost of friends. J. O. Storey nnd J. C. Hrnohor, leading lumbermen of Portland, nf tor taking In tho legislature, loft for points up the valley. Uev. K. L. Young. K. II. Bryant and Presiding Elder Rolland, of Portland, nrrlved In the city this morning to attend tho funeral ot tho la'to James Nauglo. Attorney George Morrow, of Port land, Is up to take lu the legislature, and mako on official visit to the United Artisans tomorrow evening, of which ho Is ono of the supreme officers. crazy, proporty values thoro being far beyond reason. Ho says the towns nro not growing very fnst nt prosent, but as soon aa tho rallrond is completed a good many peoplo are expected t come In. Ho says there is a genoral report to tho effect that tho railroad compnny may pass up until Mnrshflold and North Bend, nnd ostnbllsh a town at somo otnor point on tho coast In retaliation for tho rofusnl ot those cltios to nllow a bridge to be built across n portion o tho bny. .. n ' IjUDIrY STATUTE LAI Bill Will Be Introduced ing toCompilatioa New Code ! A bill will bo Introduced a J legislature, probably today. i vldo for a now codlflcatloi ct i Cirnti'H Kluventli District. Tho soiiato this morning pnssod tho .--., i 1... -M- Tlfcn nt fill. mil inirouueeu , ... -;;.:- statute Iowb of tho state. TtJ Ham. Sherman nnd Wheeler, cronting "n ..;,........., .iwrfrt. n i. com- P80d b,n Gives the aupreraad 111B lllll JIIUIU1U1 ..a...w, - posed of tho counties which tho author ropresonts, nnd for tho np polntmont of n judgo and district nt tornoy thorcfore, leaving tho seventh district composed of Crook and Was co counties nnd proslded, over by Judgo Brndshnw. Ab originally In troduced that bill called for the cren tlon of tho twelfth district, but, slnco tho bill providing for tho eleventh district to bo created out of tho third failed, tho sonnto nmonded Mr. Plko'8 bill to rond tho eleventh nnd tho houso concurred In tho nmond- mont. It hna not been definitely de cided who Bhnll bo appointed to tho nowly created olllcos but E. V. Llttle- llold, of Morrow, is being most fav orably considered for judgo and Jw A. Collier, of Fossil, for district attorney. HOTHIl ARRIVALS. WORKING OX THK COOS IUY RAIIJIOAD. K. 1). Ehy, maohlnUt at tho Fra cr Iron Works ha3 returned to Eu gene from a trip to Coos Bay, com log over tho route of tho proposed Drain-Coos Day extension of the Southern Pacific railroad. He reports a targe rorco or men at work on fou tunnels, two abovo and two below Elkton, and that the work ot grad ing In several place is being rushed. It has ben reported that work on tho lino bad been stopped, and that the project possibly would be aban. doned, but, according to this from Mr. Ehy, it looks as though tho company intends to carry out Us orlgtaal plana. Mr. Eby saya that the people ot tho Coo Bay towns aro real estate Wllalmettc. C. F. Swlgert, Portlnnd. J. K. nurdott, Arlington. F. 13. Morgan, Chlcngo. F. J. Hard, Eugene. Herbert Keith, Eugene. D. McGnrlty, San Francisco. Chan. Rednoll, Chicago. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallls. II. G. Hay, Portland. II. E. McGoo, Portland. J. F. Logan nnd wlfo, Portlnnd. F. J. Martin and wlfo, Seattle Elijah Smith, Emplro City. T. W. Radcllffo, Chicago. F. S. Bonnctt, Tho Dalles. E. T. Merrill, Albany. W. T, Marshall, San Francisco. S. E. Larabec, Montana. C. E. Larabec, Montana. T. N. Ayre, Roseburg. Chas. A. Jones, San Francisco. E. H. Flagler, Cincinnati. W. F. Butler, Baker City. II. Q. Hay, Portland. C. F. Swolgort, do. Jno. Blakely, do. J as. Llndsoy, do. ' J. C. Brachon, do. J. O. Storoy, do. L. A. McNary, do. Alex. Sweek, do. Welle Gilbert, do. J. G. Keeley, do. S. B. Huston, do. S. B. Miller, do. B. M. Townsend, do. A. B. Davis, do. W. C. Smith, do. W, B. Ayro, do. F. 8, Stanley, do. Jesso Sterns, do. J. G. Kelley, do. a 8. Trulllnger, North Yakima. N. II. Perkins, do. J. W. Brown, do. E. L. C Farrln, Coos Bay. W. J. Hatfield. Portland. Mlsa E. GUI, do. Salcra. Geo. II. Illmos, Portland. A. Anderson. O. O. Miller. - E. T. Kruger. C. A. Smith. Chas, Bucggraf and wife. J. Krebs, Aurora. H. K. Fisher, Haines. It G. Price, Gates, Harold Boget. -t John BurC . Glenn Perclval. Geo. w. Rogew, Chicago. the authority to appoint twoc sloncrs to nrrange and codify ill statuto laws of tho state. In coat about $20,000. Ono of tho alleged necesillil this being dono Is that In tie 1 Snn Francisco, a year ago, rt I bound volumes and all thepto Bollinger and Cotton's Asa Codo of Oregon wcro desfej There aro no codes of Orern i Bnlo, and thoro Is now MlJ ttu largo demand for copies. Thoro nro other reasons ilji bill Bhould bo adopted, so Its f claim. They say there wtrii orrorB In tho Bellinger anl i codo, and aevoral legislatures 1 boon In session slnco then, imi Important lnws havo been and other lmpornnt laws hiitl chnngod and repealed slnee! nllntlon. Most Inwyors say It is tlmtep other codification of the lsn o r Tax RooIch Opcnwl Tho county sherltt'i ott of tho busiest places In tif houso today, as tho tax ro aj vesterday opened and buj.1 coming In to pay tho MM u , DIED. nmVER. At his home la Oregon, February U, l"1' Ttowor. need 52 year. Ho was well known la u havlnc boon bailiff of U nlnco on tho committee oa TJnoMna n wlfo h6 leSTtS S Ernest Bowor, now In CaUfe a daughter, Bertha Bower. nnrnl cnrvlrpfl Will t)0 hCN at Macleay ot 11 o'clock, ment will tnko place in uw cemotory. ToTecTrn Af tho flSuTf' air miles west of MobA ruary 13, 1307, Mojh XI- Tlrnoalnr was a f"" i 1R7R. nnd Wtt Well W" J loBt, havinB first resided where ho resided wK ..... t. ,.. Tilt dee ho was the father otJJ, Ar onrf Tturh C. Br1 city. MftNF.Y TO L ""V" T Otw LaM '; IkxwkkUmf rraak Mtji3 0 wK tii;- 1J CeaacaereUl f!. NEWTON 4nii 1,'ni. K-l. A SOOO " .j,!)! ... il?.B. -"".,. volgbt aoom "'jtt-li A. Clark, riea - -?- ; iireka to rw. :raiPi mmvxm, r- ii&h&itm. EEl