VT'i" " .,. TmtlTAltY 14. 1007. BAIL CAMTAI JOPTtNAL, 8ALBH, ORBOOtf, TniiHH.fi. - "" upr. sswvr"'7 ' j AN ART CRAFT8 WOMAN. JMIm UrM C. l-Trin of Chicago and Her Work. 0t of the prettiest studios of Cnlca. ), et with cnucii Korgeotis with f?ra Mt peacocks nnd other pieces of Jeff' Wry of marvelous dcHlRn, Is thnt of tho Mt crafts woman, Miss Leonlde C. L jrarou. Behind locked doors In Interior Mwms ro carried out the secrets of the chemical processes of the LsYftroti aHer, Both her Jewelry nnd her copper nro JoMwn everywhere, hut recognition hns mm)r conic Intcly. A tew years ngo, when Miss Lnvaron bcjrnn to tnko enro rf hor"lf nnd her mother. It wns hy Mm uphill work of water color point ing. It wns ycurs before inatcrlnls tild bo IkiiirIU for worklnK In Jow. ky or before tJi"ro wnn nny money to ssr. MIRI LKOMIUB C LAVAHON. Htsra for tho neccsfary burning tip In cfeemlcala. Many experiments had to t mado boforu alio hit upon tho secret M tho Lavaron copper, and every cent Ifcat she ould lay hnnds on was need 4 kwforo sha got the right luster nnd tits rifrht plsy of colors. Then one stay k had nn exhibit, and every ptoee soM. Moreart firms came with yrsposahi as to tho oicluslvo handling mr coppr. m.1. U.OM a....lnllv ihn alpntllnu I AVrm nn. nniinfc s '' ---," 4ta to Afsrchlnn out tho world for rare stones to cut up ana set in jow lry delgs. It Is no longer neces sary to look for orders, and not the least luterest of her work Is tho way to Is watched by Jewelers not only m to hf designs, but as to what sb luys nnd tho disposition that she makes of rare stones. Tu start n guild in this country, In which peoplo who Mtart as aha did can leant, Is the am bition of Miss Luvarou.-Chicago Trib une. The Itatir'a rinrlhlniK. Baby's best playlhlng are thou h electa or find for himself. And play things for tho baby do not mean toys tboiw gnyly pnlutud and Intricate thing! that cripple tho infant nervous system br nn attnmnt to solvv thctn. Toyi ntay U m for tlder twya nnd glrK but they are harmful when given at things of amusement to tho tmby. Thlt truth was brotiglit home to by baby htmself. Llko matiy othur fondly fool lull parents, we bought toys for the baby Iwforo ho was ablo to hold them in his clumsy little fingers. Wo piled them up about hint as soou us ho could U alone, hut as soon at bsby could crawl nround tho houso In toUl us In his simple batty ways that ))a wanted playthlug. not toys. Bo thi toya were cartel out. and baby soon trathem) fwr himself a mlseellnneout anrtiuiiil it oAA nnd kiuIk that oldM pQpU would never havo Utought of, but which suit hint exactly. And what ar the thing that bahy hould have Well, you iuut let yout own baby tell you that. As for out own. I dig into the hwtp. and I find ftro spools, thr pasteUutrd boies, an empty eoffM can, two bits of ribbon. 4 rover wltlwut the Imx and on took without th rover, out ruto. a tta fcox, h pair of baby'a woruout shoea, a key and two rattle We hare aln aJdwt to th plln a little rubber chick that squeak, sa Herbert Henderson tu the Mother MagmHue. W savel this front tho lot of lays orlglnaUy pur rhaseil for him, but ho has very Itttli a for It Wo wero ivufideut th qutMtklns of the chick when It was squoej would greatly nntiwe hltu. but lu this wt wertt tHmx4uted. and baby Imply drove more defply home tht fact of the vaot dllTetvtiew letweo llrtytWifg ail toys. Ttw fivortte playthlur for hint ar tin? j- ie' isra tqir lie fttnuoes hint self uttki tbMs. imtttHg ami iretnor tag the covers- It 1 a simple opera tloa and tloeo net rtutrw the study anj worry that are Uwwtnlrl by lutrlett teys. llio bttu are nude hy men and rK)UtiM iHlHtU U Mve t(tew. 1 put them lout lite l4 w of the baby Is t tto tujur)' I Hm 'WW's delleato ue Ytts s)-teut. Tuj, loch block Iias, rtt' aud rvbtwr rings t VkK will do no Uanu. but tvtu tUw w kf iof& at! for a woU tM M Hx? cec of an old Vo4lc MssBiM lsalAft sVMstf4ft U fBlsWaBBBj' A T m Aft nflhHMlC MM IKIfpttffBMlC IslM Ab1MMPbibOT aaW-kMi aa. islsa a BbUAbM ABBBtSSBaft tMsV . W m m fMsf liw. A saLsasm T" t' Hi V risaT BHvPHnpkjri) I HHslHvIRp11 ! "nTil ruin the wost expensive owb. An III fitting shield wll mar It As uncomfortable .Weld will detrac t ftja iixo pleasure of wearing a "stunning creation," a pleasure dear o woman heart There lire many points to con slder In selecting a shield. SUo, wol&nt ,nd material vary to suit the taste or varied purchasers, hut the quality ihould ho always of tho best. Vhcn wo consider tho great number of man ufacturers of drcsa shields, who nro toiiHtantly studying the needs nnd tastes of women In respect to their commodities, wo may feel assured that for every woman thcro la a shield which will exactly suit her. It is cer tainly worth while to stop nnd think obout this and then to experiment un til that onn 'right" shield Is found. I'netf Crrnm. i .ir.li.fliful rronm la suitable for facial massage, nnd when propeny mndo of pure, fine, fresh Ingredients It will not cause n growth of superfluous hair; Ono ounce of white wax, one ounce of spermaceti, flvo ounces of oil of sweet almonds, one nnd three-fifths ounces of rosownter, twenty grains of powdeced borax. Dissolve borax In rosownter nnd phico tho bottle In n warm bath. In n porcelain kcttlo hent wax, oil and spermaceti. When all are Incorporated romovo from tho flro ....1 nnlir In tlin rmtowntur. Heat tO a fL UVH"I" - . thick fluff by using nn egg bentcr. Just before tho mixture Is cool add n fow drops of oil of rowi and pour the cream Into small Jars which havo been slightly warmed. To Make liyelttu, Thoro's n now way of making thoso trouhlcHomo eyelets, discovered by n girl who Is locally famous for Invent ing labor saving Ideas. It conslstu In running tho eyelet nronud and then cutting It from end to end nnd button holing It, making tho stitches ns deep its thoso upon tho usunl buttonhole, but reversing tho stitch so thnt tho odgo Htltohtm back upon tho material In stead of nround tho open edge of tho eyelet. It Is about ouellfth as hnrd to do as tho usual way, nud tho differ ence In length of tlmo is even more mnrkod. Cathedral Wall Taper. There Is it beautiful cathedral wall papur eminently suited to tho library or den. It consists of paper panels re sembling tho fromo for stained win dows, and lu tho center, In place of the windows, It Is filled with n solkl rich color red, hluo or dark green. Tho nntmllnu In so rlovcrlr dono that It closely resembles real woodwork, and Above n deep wnlnscotlng tho effect Is striking. Tho window draperies with this paper should preferably bo a plain color tho samo in snauu as tue rounua- CMtlcago News. """"'""""' """" IIniuiait Towels. A nlco way to finish homemade tow els Is to scallop tho ends and thro Inches itbovo tho scallops have n fancy drawmvork atrlpo. Tho monogram or Initial la then embroidered, long, nar row letters being tho mont elfloctlvo. llttck, damask and n good weight blrdsoyo can nil bo dono lit this man ner, and for much hns tlmii tho cost ot nn ordluary towel you get it very good quality of any of these ineittloned ma terials, nil coining by the yard. hT phors. Have tho soles of new shoes varnish ed before they nro worn. Kelect shoes that havo not had the soles blackuned before they leave the factory. Tho vnrulsli mnkoH n smooth, glossy sup fuw that Ih Impervious to watur nnd so toiu-huns tho lonthor that It wear miiili lougor. VtOHt liwlher limits of tho mannish last, vtirnhthtHl. can lw wont with much comfort, tht feet fool Ing wnnn nud dry even on it wet jmivo ment Tltu 1'lacUvt llul. To tlulsh a placket holi, tuko it Isngth wl strljt of the g-od twenty litche loug and four Inches wide nnd sew on each sldo of tho skirt opening. Void strip In half and row on loft hninl sldt of skirt ThUo your acUsor nud out ufi otto-half the width of the strip that goes on right baitd side of skirt. KU tho strip down on skirt antl stitch b; hand. Itom aiM cw on skirt fasten irs evory two Inches. Kllrhrn lrnrriirnl. Tttese will Ih fovttul itseful whert there are no seali Wept lu tho Wltehen A tumblerful I halt a pint; a wluo- gfossful Is half n gill; oue quart ot nour tMjuHU n oumi-, one quart or nn sifted WKr iHjual wte atul a halt pounds; a pint of butter equals s pound j a pleco of huttor the slie of at egg equals two uunces; teu egg weigh about a pound. Ilust SlMkla. Hers Is a remedy that has never fail ed: Havo a teakettle full of boillni water wt the tovr,; take the garment dry, out u lewou In two, squeu th Jukv n the siwta and hold over tht steausUtg s)MHit of the tivtkettle; theu see how readily the a of rust yield to thl trMtmeut. A lotUnt ot taualii nud rautitlior equal (tarts, applied to th uose and worn with a spring clotheiplu will tnaVo the uostrlls smaller. There la a pateuteil dorltv that come for tht purpose. To produc ahlntng results oa th lulrront and windows try rubbing theu over with thin coU starvb. and wlpluj C with A feft ckth. T jvt tc4 tmrMslssk abM Mm saMtk iltlu aaJ twIttM ot ksa sainnli k avatlti- sssbbbsb) safTnl) W ts nw-ss I VBak aSalaV atesaaa sbbM AbH Yb1BBbb aHBsM bsp(( "' BPssbw "s afsj "rf bSbb r fcfcHi Btjajt VtsaUi In H BATTLE OVER BOXES On tho ground, as advanced by Kodgcra of Marlon, thnt it womu work too groat a hardship on tho beer drinker, and thnt there waB no distinction drawn betwoon vnluauio nnd inferior grados of huttor boxos, required to be rottlrnod under penal ty of a heavy fine, undor its provi sions, thua working nn Injustlco upou somo donlcrs, which objection was raised by Chapln, ot Multnomah, the hill introduced by McCuo, of Clataop, nrovldlnK for tho cleansing nnd ro- inrn nt Inn croiiin canB. tubs. miiK nnd boor bottles, etc., encountered hnrd sleddlni: when It enmo up for final pasaago In tho houso yesterday nfinmoon w th the refill it mm u rnnnit itflolf landed lit tho merciful l?l hands of tho corporation com mltteo for ronnlrs nnd a gonoral courao of treatment. Whon this hill wont Into tho hands of tho commltto on horticulture, na Mr. McfJtio oxDlnlnod, It provided only for the cleansing Balo, use nnd illannHltlon of lllllk CI1I1B, DOltlOS, Inra. boxes, otc. nnd waB Introduced at tho Bpeclitl rcquost of tho dairy 1111(1 confectionery IntoroBta of As torla who nlilp hundrcdB of gallonB of milk nnd lco cronm,to the boiich during tho summer Benson nnd to protect thorn ngnlnBt Iohs of tholr iiriinorty. When It enmo hack, how- ovor, tho bill hnd boon nmondod to ns to Include boer bottleB, old boxos. otc, nnd tho fnthor, Medio, did not rucognlxo hlH child, hut ho stood for tho substitution wthout a murmur nnd did his host to eocuro Kb pass- ago, hut It rnn ngnlnst u Borlos of stings nnd llnuliy liounuoreu nnu drooped nnchor In tho harbor of the corporation committee. Mr. HodgorB ohJootloiiB woro of a Boml-Joshlng chnrnotor, hla conten tion being that It would work n hardship on boor drlnkors If they wcro Btibjoctcd to u lino of $10 for evory empty bottlo they failed to re turn to tho orlglnnl owner, Inasmuch nn after tho ordliinrly boor drinker hnd consumed nbout dozen hottleB of beer ho wiib not nccountnblo for tho bottles nnd thiro should bo boiiio kind of proviso mndo for such a con dition or n limit drawn somewhere This occasioned n hearty laugh, hut whon .Mr. Chnpln Interposed hla ob jection thnt there wna n vnBt dlffor onco In tho vnluo ot tho sevornl kinds ot butter boxos on tho mnrkot nud the rstttll donlor should not ho com pelled to return, nt grout oxpense, n box thnt only cost In the first place about 25 cwnta, It was decided that some kind ot distinction or claaalll cation should ha provided nnd the hill was sent it hustling Into another committee to be made mors present able fur serious consideration. The Pain Family You know them; they are numerous, and make their presence felt everywhere. The names of the family are I load ache, Toothache. Earnehc, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu ralgia, otc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated. Headache makes you miserable; if the stomach nerves arc weak, in digestion results, atul you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. T And Dr. MtW AntM"tn PlUs an irtlUnl rmM- fer oMYixalRir hd achs nettrmUct and dktrvMtuc tns of all sorts. I hv w4 iWm fer th t mm ri In tkls eatvioiiy wtia lb bt f rulu." MUa JOQ MRKlltUU Itru. lad. Dr. Mil Anti-Pain PIIU ar told by yur drusQlst. vho vsiM auanntt that th 1rt packto vill bntflt. If It falls, h villi return ywir monty. dc. C4nts. Novtr acid In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind INBKPKXDKXCE STACK. Dally exwpt Sunday, Utxts Wll lamotte Hotel, St) era at 3 p. m., coa nutts with motor for Monmouth a&t Dallas at :I5 p, m. Lev4 lBa r&ilac at 3 a. su rhoas Mala ITI. KAI.ril BUDLONO. A Whole Medicine Chest. , ki.i. f DEAN'S KINQ CAOTU8 OH. In time ot emergens itre inT dollsn. PROF. DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL ' w... .i .h. wnfit trbed wire cut with- , out loavlngs scar If u.eain time. . I u- .k.,...nd. of teittmonUU tbt rrore 1IJIUCIIM "- , thl.f.ct. ivrowBrotHvalockihoBli I k,,plt onhDd.forlt Is spoiItlTS euro xor im. braliei. old eorei. iwelllnai. I opB wounili, biraeii and uddle glU, etc ( KINO CACTUS OIL tltquallrvslos0'" I ... .Mm.ni. .,f ilia human race. It titnsg. utlUJ-J teot!ilnir.plent rP'r a f liralt a wouttd from the bottom tip. cm h. .ir.iiril.n In ISc.. COc. and it bottlei, ' ti and IS decorated cam. Bent prepaid If joor drug-gilt cannot auppir J VJ urw t. vr.nalD. Clinton, iowo. For sale by 0. W. PUTNAM CO., Dmggtsts. 135 North Commercial 8AI1EM. OREGON. ttfYtftiii A lll.il'llr.u lutein ui nii..i . -..r.... iim.vivu s-hTl lirilMTI contnlnB SO pounds of nutriment, 100 pounds of meat only 35 pounds of nourishing mntorial. That's why bread Is rnllod "tho staff of life." Look nt tho dlfferonco In cost and got from Ullom's hnkory wholesome broad that not only supports llfo but Is nppctlzlng and delicious to tho tnsto. TUB BEST "STAl'F OK LIFIS" YOV KVKR SAAV Is I'llom's bread. It's frosh dally, wholwouitt always, nourishing, strongthfsnlng and nt for tho whole family. On thing mors whilo you're rdadlng It's gocvl to the tnsto. Do you know ot any good reason why you don't buy Ullom's broad? No Thin" why don't you buy It? C. ULLOM. Ctipltnl Bakery. MMIWtMMIMWiaiMMa J. W. BOLLEN Manager Safem Undertaking Co. Funorat Director and Embalmer. A CoUlpluto Stock ot the . moit up tu date funeral caoda ' ' at prices tho most reasonable ' In tho Waguer Dulldlng. .. mono 70. 34 Court Sf R.lam rtMftMgat3t CAPITAL COMMISSION" CO. 2R7 Cemmercts! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and AM Farm Produce. . -- -.-MnaaaaaaaMsawassaswassaBaw , sm tOJ 1 l WeoivniaHr tj5 ' 'fcMBmR(5ttjffifa isBssaw V3SgiAsgCr r Tc--' r n OUR MEATS AIIH AIAVAYS THE BEST. For we tnko especial care to buy none but tho best, nnd our customers can always depend upon getting tho best In the market at right prices when they buy nt our market. E. O. CROSS, Suite Strwt .Market Phono 201 ! FOR JOIST AND FLOORING Tho best place to ouy la whero the best stock ot lumber la carried. Tho entlro building trndo know that thero Is not n finer Btock of lumber thnn that carried by us. Wo nro ready to fill tho lnrgcst contract promptly. We don't keep the build er wnltlng. Thnt'a n very Important point. Near S. P. pnssonger depot GOODALB LUMBER CO. Phono 52 Main. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every nock Is guaranteed, nnd that ttccountfl for the rapid incrensc in sales.. Also It is still mndo of OLD WHEAT and is the best Hour nt nny price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all first class grocers. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE ' Trade Marks DeaiaNB OAUitDlnuT. jBi fr Anyone landing a sketch and daacrlptlon may quickly aatartaln oar optnloa fr whethor as snl frk OldMl aiieuey for iocurtiitf Mtenta. I'ateou taken tnroaab Uunn A Ox recelte tftiial iwk, without charge, la tho A bandaomalr IUstratl waakly. Tmat tr. cuUUo of avoy ftcioUI VuriiAJL TtUaX t tatXr IrUlalUaat. f L. &UaabTaal tbialMiawalaaa. rtewjofk w&sszsmm nr WHISKY A DELIGHTFUL UEVKItAGB A SAFK ST!Sa-L.lXT A GOOD 5IKD1CIXK For sale by A. SCHRHtHKR. limTjn HALHAcO LU S'r. - uo ueami j ""uiug uonr taj , -V.1UU good 0,j k NCW EnoU..i rlrrlif t,i ... " 1 y think you Boston, touv .'! Self.rlslngn.B.BT! YOU rnn tv.,.1.- . " in rr oreM k "kethoPwlUiaJ; make. ""l B Trado Mark 3B Panr-it-. n. Is also a pure f. , rising and all tttbl " m water and , uu u uoi gnaaie. ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR CI Pacific Const Factory, & j Cnl. Enstern Factory, Ij won iiuns, aianawa, ru. Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy ones that CTcrrti uses durinu tho cool monthj!w clothing, nro awkward tMjsj handle at home, why not mi to tho laundry when they need iB" , You'll not only savo yourself 1 of hnrd work, but you will hieOn returned to you in a better cottti than If you tried to wash u homo. Wo mako them cleaner, tnM flufllor, and do not shrink thea truth of the matter is, that ly mnn who will compare a unite blanket from Tho Salem Stem dry, nnd n home washed oct, not help hut notlco tho dlZi Tho homo washed ono will ti Btronked, fool sticky, look hirpj amell badly, whllo tho oct rat tho laundry will bo -perfectly sweet and fluffy. Yours for work. . SALEM STEAM LATJNBW,' Phono 25. 130.160 S. Lfetrtf Spont wisely is the oureI satisfaction. Why not ipet nf it wIhoIv now buying ' Baker, Lawrence &Wi Successors to Harritt ft H. S. Gile&Ci Wholesale Gxoecrs id mission Merck In tho mt.- t U m dried 1 'm Pf01 Special or sale a f ' Ing auo slicing maehinei; a- !.. Hrrert will s ' . price. Salem Fence Headquarters ' '' . f cinqs' Hop WJre, Barb "WW xT.ti TxinVnia. Gates, Bms P. & B. Ready Ik. Waller MoATJ 250 CotirtSt 3.. HATFI rsrtJ", "ri Tie awnr a nw-- Mt 0W partieularfr ? fUa. Tree bs 'TZSi uA .pwasrd. Ili .. aJ I . t. Urn ittrMtlre. TUr -" WKWKT-OlCflaBW TicFsHion TarsBSrly ssf . . twarr . " . d , UrM-a I., aad I a4rJ, fBBHMfc'BBati5Pi