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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
lis f ,'vpP ' u DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1007. 5 "; XLSTOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER. A Glorious Spring Season of 1907 I . i.... t Mm now qnrlnp tlinrphnntllan mlrrnro fnoTi- our advance bii b ;-- " - "- ; ", --;-;" " Z" l- inn's newest and prettiest m. Ions nev .,,minnii for croi Our " ui.of iilnno. Our Riicrcaa In the nnct trest ana pre.-"-" - - j0nnini3il for greater offorta In tho future. .te us mow Ul - has only -and a progressive store. Each season .-..I. nn . .. ii n nroKru3 " f d ahead of its predocossor; and tho small crevices of Impor fec'lcn'fllled In. Come In and see tho new goods. Long Gloves la I Silk 12 or or kid. lG-button length. Black, White or ... innn nttitn ro comne- nrar iw - -- -tent to provide them as this glove itore. White Waists i nerl showing of dnlnty white lawn waists fresh from the manufacturers. Newest patterns embroideries, laces, groups of wall tucks and plcatlngs com- . i iiniiBiinl nnfl ntn nnr peMtneniustuuuou... .... ate sort of beauty work. The ityles aro numerous and porfect la etery detail. New Dress Ginghams A largo shipment just reached us comprising all the latest pat terns for spring make-up. Fancy stripes, plaids, checks, etc., in the French Foll-De-N'ord ginghams. Also the flno baby checks. SPRING SHIRTS FOR MEN 50 dozen of as good a shirt as 76c would ever buy wo'ro offering at tho exceedingly low price of 50 CUNTS CACH All now spring patterns. " The assortment comprises both golt and nogllgeo styles In Mohair, fancy striped Madras, etc., with attached cuffs. Seo Commercial St. Window. M HOUSE FAVORS BILL TO KILL TWO OF THE NORMAL SCHOOLS rand Opera House JOHN F. OORDBAY, Mgr. ImilDAY 3IATIXKK AND NIGHT KKIMUAKV 10. Ihe Record Making Musical Comedy taster Brown ! By It. F. Outcault. New and up-to-dnto. Bubbling Irtr with fun. tat Cast Catchy Music tty Chorus Lively Comedy jintl nonnr burns brigade. 20 iuo soxo hits so PRICES llitlneo 50c and 2Cc. fight $1.00, 75c, GOc. Box office open Saturday 9 a. m. HE IS AN UNSELFISH OFFICIAL (LINGER GRAND THEATRE. Nuirsday, Feb. 14. )rtgon's favorlto young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer And her own company. Oponing ill fte treat Blue Grass Derby Prices, evenings, 15 and 25c. Hi M free Lectures on Phrenology TIOGA HALT,. UTCIUIAY, FEBRUARY ltf. t H:18 p. m. JEAN MORRIS ELLIS T YOrM'a n.. . . .. i . ,i"Hni i,aay oloUj, Graduate of tho Fowler JelU Imtltute, New York, will a couno of WCWB AND PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMl V AT tnvc lecture to close with tr mmlnatlons of persons se rrom fh -...i "we COngUltnH -j t , -.. uuu imrcno- eutninatlons .-i.. -n.. i 'brotth.Tloita. 'v " Sheriff Stevens, of Multno' mah Only Officer Lobby ing In Interest of His Deputies EARMERS COLLEGE $150,000 Corvallis Educational Institution Goes the Eugene Institution $25,000 Better. Indications Are That Mouse Will Pass Smith Bill to Kill Two of the Normal Schools Without Naming Them. LONG WAITS 8ml.. duZ: : !aa . Convenient Wew el.. .. j. . Tr""' " you can hare any " l kind! Of MeCtEM ra,, r&ru "'tttBhiT.r rtacruons ro werni attention. H. HINr.FQ Us n Ma Kraiuatc 4 Commercial HrC " "at door to C4ti Thoro hnvo beon many state and county ofilclnls In ovldonco nt tholeg islaturo lobbying In tho Interests of an lucroaso of their own salaries but Sheriff R. L. Stevens, of Multnomah, stands nlono In tho unlquo and mer itorious position of making a special trip to tho capitol In tho Interest oC legislation to secure an incronso In tho salaries of tho clerical forco In his department. "I hnvo been a clerk myself for a good many years and I havo novcr asked for an incronso In salary but somo of my employers took it upon thomsolvos to knock mo and I mado up my mind thnt If I woro ovor In n position whoro I could do so I would seo that my clerical holp was paid nt least fair living wago. The other ofllcora aro taking great pains to knock tho efforts of their clerks to secure nn increnso in ordor to keep their dopartmont expenditures down within tho zono of fnlso economy but whatovor Incronso I may securo in tho oxpondlturo of my dopartmont wll bo for tho bonoflt of my clorks whoro It rightfully belongs.'" Sheriff Stovons Is asking, In a bill which has been Introduced in the house, for an Incronso of from $75 to $90 per month for his clerical dep uties," who also perform pollco duty and $100 for his regular pollco dop utlos. o The Texas Weader, Cure all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gist, or two month treatment by mall for $1. Dr. B. W. nail, 2936 Olive siret, St. LoaU, Mo. Iad for testimonials. Sold by fttoae'a drug atore. dw-lyr The Effervescence Of spring Is upon us, and all nature Is leavened with the magic of lire. That's what will happen to your baking and pastry it you tiso Eppky'a Perfection Baldag Powder It's mado at home, and Its high cat testimonial Is that It Is used at homo by tho great majority ot our best housekeepers. C. M. EPPtLEY Manufacturer Satem, Oregon When recess was taken nt noon tho house, In committeo of tho whole, had under consideration houso bill No. 340, providing for nn appropria tion of $150,000 for now buildings, ropnlrs and Improvements at tho Ag ricultural College. Deoporato effort is bolng mado by Cnmnboll and n fow others on tho iloor to cut tho ap propriations for tho sovcral itonn down, but tho bill will doubtless pass aB It stands this afternoon. Will Kill Two SchoolH. Thoro Is no question, according to presont Indications, that tho house will adopt tho prlnclplo laid down by tho sonnto In limiting tho number ot normal schools ot tho slato to two, and provldo for tholr solcctlon by v board to bo composed ot tho gover nor, secrotnry of Btuto, stato troas- uror and two outsldo pnrtles, to bo selected by tho governor. This Is qulto ovldont from tho sentlmont ox pressed nt hint night's mooting, whoa tho Smith bill of tho senate, which wbb passed by that body, was up for consideration under special order. Two sections of tho bill woro adopted whon tho commlttoo aroso and roportod progress, nnd thoro ap pears to bo no doubt thnt tho houso will adopt tho bill whon considera tion of tho monsuro Is resumed. Vawtor, Jnckson and Jones, of Lin coln and Polk, were tho champion of tho normal schools, nnd tried to amend tho bill to provldo for three schools, but tholr chief opponents, Rodgors nnd Campbell, succooded in keeping tho limit down to two insti tutions. After Lciinl Slinrps. Notwithstanding Speaker Davoy and several other members ot the houso pronouncod tho measure un questionably unconstitutional, th houso this morning passed Coffey's bill, No. 3G3, prohibiting attorneys from soliciting business from por sons Injured by accident and other wise whtlo they aro urrdor care and treatment In hospitals. Mr. Coffey explained thnt tho purpose of tho bill was to shut off "legal plratos" from Inciting patients to bring damage" suits against their employers for in jury while engaged In their work. Mr. Dye, of Clackamas, contended that It should bo amended to In clude legal counsel ot manufacturing companies and railroads, which worn exempted from tho provisions of tho bill, to prevent thorn from Interview ing Injured persons whllo they were weak and excited, for tho purpose of securing a settlement ot claim. Speaker Davey's announcement thnt, in hie belief, tho bill was un constitutional, because it wns clear ly class legislation, was the cause of a spirited colloquy, brought on by Ilayer, of Multnomah, whon the next bill came up for consideration, who aroso and seml-sarcastlcally re marked that It would probably save the houso somo time and worry if the speaker would pass upon tbo constitutionality ot this and other bills as they camo up. At this Mr, Davey aroso and, and In a vofco of thunder, resented tho remark by de claring: "The speaker will announco right hero and now that whenever he thinks a bill Is not right or as It should bo, ho will Insist upon and contlnuo to exercise -the' right of bis prcrogntlvo in so stating for the bon oflt and onllghtonmont of tho mem bora, which Is his duty." Votes Down Interest. By tho dcqlslvo voto of 37 noos nnd 22 ayes tho houso this morning killed houso bill No. 373, introduced by tho ways nnd mentis committeo, nnd established tho prcccdont against tho pnyment of lntorost on certifi cates of allowanco ot claims against tho Btnto, which has beon the custom ovory slnco tho history of tho stnto begun, whonovor a dofl cloncy In funds occurred. Tho bill carried an appropriation of $20,000 for tho payment of lntorost on de forrcd claims, nnd it effects bankers nd brokors, principally, who havo mado It a business horotoforo to cash tho certificates of stato em ployes, and business mon furnishing supplies to' tho state, etc., nt a dis count nnd thon present n claim for interest besldos. Mr. Rodgors, of Mnrlon, on tho pnr.t of tho ways and menus com mitteo, oxplnlnod nnd xlefondcd tho bill. Tho bill camo up for consideration yostardny nftornoon, and wns voted down, but Mr. Rodgors secured a re consideration of tho voto by explain I ii l thnt, In his belief, ,1110 mombors of tho house did not understand the purport at tho bljl. EXPENSE BILLS PASS SENATE EYERY BODY GETS IN Officials and Ex-Officials Getting Grafts The Self-Annointed and Solf- Appointed Dispense Public Funds House Bill Previding: For Malataiiance of State In stitutions Agreed to By Senate With only a fow minor changes tho appropriation bill for tho main tonanco of tho rtato institutions, known aB houso bill 284, was adopt od by tho sonato this morning. Tho bill carries an appropriation of $1,- 237,40, and changed only a few Items. Tho houso had cut down tho amount allowed If or traveling ox ponsos of porno ot tho stato officers from $2000 to $1000, Tho sonato restored this to $2000 for each of fleer. A part of tho Multnomah dele gation, led by Sonator Dalley, want ed to cut out all tho traveling ox pens ot stato ofllcora, In anticipation ot a law being onactod compelling railroads to give free transportation to railroads, This failed. An amendment was added provid ing for now desks In tho sonato chamber, tho money to coma from tho stato houso fund. An effort was mado to havo In cluded In this bill an appropriation for a lighting plant for tho stato In stitution, but as this matter Is In tho bands of a special committee It was left for that body. It is bellovcd tho houso will con cur la the few slight amesdraonts. It was significant to noto during tho houso proceedings that tho bill providing for tho creation of tho First Central Orogon Agricultural District Soctoty nnd for tho appoint mont of two commissioners by the govornor was passed without a clnglo noto of dissont. Yostordny was tho first tlmo thnt Mr. Bones, tho tnllcot legislator ot tho nsscmbly, gnvo audiblo expres sion to his vlows on tho floor ot the houso. Theso remarks woro In ex planation of his bill for tho protec tion of doer, and It passed almost unanimously. JSloveu Now IIIIIh. H. D. -130, Kubll, Axing salary of treasurer of Jackson county nt $1, 200. II. D. 431, ways nnd moans com mitteo, to provldo for payment ot sundry claims. II. U. 432, ways nnd moans com mitteo, appropriating $2500 for pur chaBO of ground and oroctlon of au ditorium at Provisional Qovornmont Park, nt Clinmpoog. II. D. 433, Drlscoll (by roquost), relating to lions of mechanics. II. 11. 434, Dobbin, to provont the docking of tntlfl of horsoa, II. IJ. 435, gamo commlttoo, pro viding bountlos for killing cortaln animals. II. n. 430, McCnllon, oxomptlng J. C. Whlto from spraying nnd In spection Iiiwb, II. U. 437, Ilolknnp, fixing salaries of officers of Crook county. II, 11. 438, lloutgon, for sopnrato board of county commissioners of Multnomah county. II. n. 439, Rothchlld, rolallng to hilling of bonvor. II. H. 440, Vawtor, to nulhorUo rnllroads to build brldgoa ovor all streams, bnys, otc, of Orogon. Third Itmdliig IIIIIh. II. II. 130, Mooro, to crooto In spector of mines nnd mining, spe cial ordor for 10 n. in, Passod. II. II. 373, ways and monns, for puymont of Intorest on cortiflcntos of allowanco ot olnims. RcconBldora tlon. Failed. II. R. 151, Rones, for protection ot door. Passed. Moru Claim Allowed. Tho ways and moans commlttoo this morning Introduced tho sundry claims npproprlntlon bill, carrying n totnl of about $7000, ItomUod as follews: Joseph F. Rollly for arrest and con vlctlon of John Jones for placing ob struction on Southern Pacific track near Tangent, $300. Joseph Day, expenso Incurred In pursuit of D. K. VIckroy, fugitive $157.40. J. Connor, oxponBes Incurred In pumilt of C. E. Farnham, $74.35. L, Q. Carpenter, expenses Incurred In pursuit Gregory 71. Snyder, $125, 05. O, M, Radar, expenses Incurred pursuit Oeorgo Rurnott, $42.15. Jnmos K, Lawronco, expenses pur suit J. II. Slattory, $154.25. L. C. Hartman, oxponsos pursuit Hal Lawrence, $182, Teat & Minor, legal advlco to Low- Is & Clark commission, $100. S. A. Hughes, material and labor furnished building nt state fair grounds, $107.50 St. Mary's Uonio, at St. Paul, for supporting nnd caring for Indigent children, etc., $C08,13. St. Agnes Foundling Asylum, at Park Place, caro orphans, etc., $529.50. Harry Jones, contractor, labor In construction of flshwuy at Oregon City, $334. J. R. Whitney, stato printer, for printing reports of board of horticul ture and gamo warden, $103.80. Irwin-Hodson Company, supplier to clerk of stato land board, $14.10. Chfti. 8. Moore, for expenses ad vanced stnto nnd board In trip to Deschutes irrigation district, $113- Expenses AUornoy-Gonornl Craw ford In trip to Washington, D. C , $274.82. John W. Reynolds, services ren dered In Wnshlngton-Orogon bound ary Halt, $525k J, B. Putnam, sorvlces as doputy bailiff Buproino court, October 1, 1903, to Janntiry 1, 1905, 343 days, nt $1.50, $514.50. Mrs. Emily H, EiUhugh, claim ot lato John H. Fltahiigh, Indian war votoran, $129,98. Jefferson Myers, services na com missioner Lowla and v Clark exposi tion, $2500. NORMAl! SCHOOL PROBLEM Fight Began in House Last Night on This Vexed - Question. Tho question thnt'lina worried legislators and tnxpayors for Bovorn yoarB, whothor Orogon Bhnll hnve four ,threo or two normnl schools, camo up In tho lowor houso last night, nnd on adjournment was yot unsettled. Tho normnl schools wns tho po clal ordor of tho ovonlng. Four or flvo different bills nro boforo tho houBo, nnd ono bill, S. R. 134, has pnssod tho Bonnto. This waB Intro duced by Smith, of Marlon, nnd dooa away with all normnl Bchool stRtutea, crontOB n normnl school board, con sisting of tho honrd of education and two moro mombors, whom tho gov ornor shnll appoint, who shnll select and establish two normal Bchools. Thin vlrtunlly throws tho responsi bility of killing two schools on the govornor, nnd It Is openly said In tho lobby thnt, whllo tho domanrt from tho people for only two schools in gonernl, tho chlof object ot tho arrangement Is "to put tho govornor In u holo." Tho fight was sprung last night by taking up tho sonuto bill. Th frionds of tho different normala. Monmouth, Drain nnd Ashland, mado a Hplrltcd fight, but tho houso decid ed to consider tho sonuto bill first and thon wont Into tho wholo nnd took up tho Honnto bill, section by Boctlon, It wob conceded thnt tho fight would co mo up on section 1 na that carries tho moat of tho bill. Howovor, thle was adopted by a lnrg majority, As tho mnttor wbh con sidered In commlttoo of tho wholo n record voto could not ho takon. Tho commlttoo rose, reportod progress and askod permission to sit again, At 0:30 o'clock tho legislature ad journed to allow tho mombors from Multnomah, Washington and Colum bia an opportunity to do some Im portant commlttoo work. o Oldoon Statu wont to Portland this nftornoon on business. Ho will visit Senttlo boforo returning homo. OJtHTOTiIiL. f.MHtTHEMW-ftmK feafe imimiiwiwiiiiitny i Branson's Goods It Is gottlng to bo a genuine testimonial to tholr worth to say that your groceries como from our store. Wo buy only tho bust linos, and our custom ers aro always pleased. H. M. BR-VNSON I STATE STREET T