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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
mums. THURSDAY, FKimUAllVil , . ., 5 nAlf.Y OAlMTAIi -. ALUM AN UNSEEN DANGER INFOOD TO QUARD 'SHIPS against the unseen dangers at te, the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label your protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it does not ay pure cream of tartar hand it back and Sap plainly - nmfAi I 11V IMU POWDER ROYAL Is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder-a pure product of grape -aids the digestion - adds to the health fulness of food. SERVICE PENSION BILL Correct Text of An Import ant Measure K II. Itvnn, of this city, ha so ,u -J from H. B. Ryan, his brother, who is clerk In the U. S. pension de barment at Washington, D. C a cor rrct copv of the service pension nc. or F-bruary 4. 1907. It provides for al' vetorana of the Civil and Mexi can wars. The Washington Post DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL my uoi'icii linos., Ptullnlirr mid Proprietor. . lly Mull. 'Dally Journal, ono month .... 36c Dally Journul, three- month ..11.00 Dally Jaunial, ono year 4.00 Weekly Journal, ono year .... 1.00 lty Carrier. Dally Journal, per month .... 60c IN Till! HPOIITINO woiu.u. Haling. Hlchurd Oroker'M mnro lllukutown, wlio Id onlorod In the big hnutllonp to bo run In this cunutry In the wring. wan n starter In n hurdlo rnon nt IjWipariUUiwn, Ireland, a few dayn ago. Bho carried U3 pound ' ran second to u four year old with 149 pounds on hla hnck. John A. Drake will race few If tiny horse In hid color thU ywir. llu U Mill nn enthusiastic turfman and will bo a frenuunt vUllor to the Jockny Dlnb traoks as usual, but hf will not take nn noma pnrt In I lie racing game again until ho can Ktarl n number of horses, tbo product o' bU own brooding establishment. Charles lyou, IiuUvlllo, Ky., will tralu u utablo ot trotters for M. Oikoff. Moscow, Russia, thl year. Lyon loft tor UuiisIm, taking with him llrllllant Qlrl. 8:08 V. Buslo J. ShauH, and Toloru. 2:094, bought In thU country by Oskoff. llurlow ami O'Nell still have a bin lead over tbo successful owners at New Orleaus, Thoy bavo won over $33,000 In Hake and pursea. Hd ward Corrlatin come aeoond with 110,000 and Pat Dunne and Charlie Wilson follow with about S000 vacb. Meadowtherpa stud made fatuous nry 10. Tbo noted brood mares to disposed of by his widow on ronru hy tbo Into Col. J. B. Popper, will bo bo sold nre: Htylltono, Lady Popper, l.nJoa, Ondlna nnd Miss Dixie, dams of Home of the moat prominent thor oughbreds on the American turf. Moadowthrops slook fiirm will bo void ut tbo sumo (Into. Yachting. Tbo sloop Conomo. 27 feet wntor lino, II foot over all bus boon sold by Jnmoa A. Towor, of HoHton, to lloo. C. Ord, of Portland, Mo., sIih wiim doslRiiod and built by Toulon at Mnnohostor In 1897 and U ono of i in, fiiHimt In ber class. honlona Hopes oanoo, built for in dofitnso of tbo Itoyal Cunoo clubs In lurnutlonal trophy has taken the wntor. Tbo sale of the stonm yuobt Taurus by J. II. Hunan to a Huston yutoht muii In Announced. Hbo Is 180 feot over all and was built on tbo Clyde. Scotland. Hbo was formerly owned by tbo prlco of Monaco, who made u number of extended rrulses on ber. ono of which look blm on nn ex ploring expedition to the fnr north. The HI foot steam yacht "starling, owned by the lulo W. U. l.ookhnrt. has been purchased by tbo Klootrlo Until compnny. whloh will use bor as n tandor for tbo Milliard siimnrlne bout during their government tests In Mu rob. A. C. Post, of Newport N'ows, has purohiuod C. M. Uoosnthal' 100 feot steam yacht Maretta. Me will cruise with bor In Chesapeake bny. Thoro will bo International races between (lorman nnd Amorloan Bonder Koarse boat a at Kill next Au gust for a oop presented by tbo Cler- t a man omporor. O- ' - SOME LITTLE CKtUMBS Fee Sufferingfrom Piles, Unnecessary Allowed Jefferson Myers and Various Baby Homes Ah a balm to bis wounded tool ings, nnd partly In recognition of tbo fnct "that ho could not afford to buy ponnuts for nothing" tbo ways and moniiB commltteo Inst ovonlng recon sidered Its action by which It rojoct ud tbo claim of lion. JefTerson Myors, for tCGOO, as compensation for 33 1110111118' Horvlco iiH commissioner of the I.owls & Clark fair, first fixed the nitiount nt. $31100, tbon cut It to I3S60. nnd llnally tigroid upon an nllownnoa of 3000. Tbo committee uls agroad upon an allowance of $8600 for the purohuse of ton acres of land nml the construction of a sbwl ut the situ of tbo Chnnipoei; monument, for the holding ot the an niiHl celobrntlon; rind also coiupro mlsed tho claim of M. L. Kicks for $2723.60. over payment on statu land certltlcatos. Tho commltteo also reported a spe cial bill cnrylng an appropriation of $8000 for tho Hoys' nnd Girls' Aid Society; $0000 for the Florence OrlUcndon Home; $10,000 for tho Pntton Home; $0000 for the llaliy Home, nnd $10,000 for the Oregou Historical Society. Tfcc Wo-sHf Folks THKV HAVU .MUHIJ Oil I.1SW Ml'ltlN'KKM WITH HANKH. MANV trt'THKM CONK Tt) THIS MANK, WK A1TKKCIATK T1IK1 PATKONAK WK l.V VtTK tnHKIW, NO MA1TKR MOW KM.YU, THKIK Hl'HINKsW. WK 1NVITK THKM TO (X)MK. AIL TKANH.(7rK)N WITH TMM MANK Alii: CONHUIKItKO CONPHIKNTIAU Setkaat Sttt Bak L. K. PAGE, Prtakt riNuuuit atul Moat KlfctlTP. T. J. Chambers, Kd. Vindicator, Liberty, Toxaa, writes Dec. 36. 1005: "With Pb'aiuro and unsolicited by you, I brar titltnony to the curatlvo power ot llallard'a Morohound Syrup. 1 bate used It In my family and can chsorfully afflrm It I the moit ef fective and beat remMy tor cough and cold 1 bavo over used." 8old by D. J. Fry. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 30 years, and am still hunting for trouble In the way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, outs, sprains, or a case ot pllee that llucklen'a Arnica Balvo won't quickly cure." wrltoa Cbarlee Walt ers, ot Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It cures every raso. Guaranteed at J. C. Jtrry's drug store; 35c. San 1-YiiurWco IWuuW lUglng. Ban Franotseo. Feb. 14. For the third tlmu Bau Franolteo hat offered $1,800,000 of sttvel bonds and re ceived no bid. It la dlffloult to de termlne whether this U because the bonds are not regarded as a profit able tnvetment at three and a half per eent or because of the lack of con fldono tit tbo present mualolpal ad ministration. Aa the bonds are of such an amount a to bar the small Investor legislation will bo sought br which tho bond may be Issued In denominations of ten dollars which would plaro them In the reach ot many thousands ot people who have ' small savings which would be glad j to Invest In rata seourltte. even at a low rl of Interest OAslVOXlXA. BOMKT1IINO NKW Grape Fruit Marmalde AN APPKT17.KH YOIT WILL KNJOY KOMKTMINO YOV WILL I.1KK ON B,LK AT TMK Moir Grocery Company 43 Stato S, 1o 1M 8aThe McCtimbor scrvlco pension bill, granting a ponsion io ; i son who sorved nlnoty unya or muiu In the Union nrmy during uio v,ivi. ..... i.. ., mnrn In the war, or sixiy uu - - war with Moxlco, nnd maKing u for nnv nonslon attorney or claim agont to recelvo componBatlon for presenting a pension claim, was imod through tbo bouso yesterday, without an nmonumoni, unu u, voto of 19G to 20. Tv" Sulloway. chairman of the mmmlltco on Invalid pensions, nnd Chairman Loudonslngor, of tho com mittee on ponslons, mado Uio ngni fr thn moaHitro. which wns conBldor- od under suspenslpn of thorulcs, per mitting no chango to be mauo in a. Sevcrnl chnngos wero proposed, however. Mr. Stephens, ot Toxn, wanted tho 250 survivors of tho Creek, Semlnolo nnd Illnckhawk wars Inrludcd. Mr. WcokB, of Massachu setts, Bald ho hnd rccolvod lcttorn from old soldlors aaylng that they would iirofor a medal. Mr. Sulloway ropllo dthot ho thought thoy could oxchango tholr pension for n medal If ho bo doslrod. Mo wont on to ox nlaln that tho bill would not entail , nn nnnunl oxpondlturo of more thnr $0,000,000. 'IV-t of Ben'lco Pension Hill. I Any person who sorvod nlnoty dnys In tbo military or naval service of tho United States during tho Into Civil wnr, or sixty days In tho war with Moxlco, nnd who bns been lion-, ornbly discharged tberofrom, nnd who baa roachod tho ago of sixty-two yonr or ovor, shol upon making . proof of such fncts, nccordlng to Biich ruloH and rogulntlons ob tho Bocrotnry I of tho Intorlor may provldo, bn ' plncod upon the pension roll nnd bo outltlod to rocolvo n ponsion, as fol fel fol eows: In ense such porson hns roachod tbo ago of sixty-two yonra, $12 per month; tevonty years, $15 por month; seventy-llvo yonrs or ovor, $30 per month, nnd such ponsion? shall commence from the dnto of the filing of the application In tbo bu reau of pensions after tho passag nnd approval of tills act; .Provided, that pensioners who nro sixty-two years of ago or over, nnd who tire now receiving under exist ing laws, or wIiobo claims cro pond ing in tbo bureau ot ponslons, may, by application to tbo commissioner of ponstous, In Biich form us bo may proscribe, recolvo tbo boneflts of this not; and nothing horoln contained shall provent any ponslonor or por son entitled to a ponsion from uroso outing his claim nnd rocolvlng a pon sion under any othor gonornl or apo dal act; Provided, Hint no porson shnll ro colvo u pension undor any othor law nt tho same tlmo and for tho same porind that he Is recolvlng n ponsion undor tho provisions ot this act; Provided, further, thnt no porson who Is now rooelvlng or shall here after rocelvo a groater pension under any gonoral or spoolal law than he would be entitled to reoIve unrtur tho provisions horoln shall be pen sionable under this act. That rank In the servlco shall not bo considered in applications filed hereunder. That no pension attoraav. claim egent, or other person -shall ho en titled to retelvo any compensation ror services rendered In presenting nny claim to tho bureau ot pensions, or seourlng any penslgn undor this not. Pyramid Diiir Co. Have Found Per fect, Quick and Painless Itemed)'. You Can Try It Fire. Wc offer you a trlaP packago or tho Pyramid Pllo Curo absolutely without cost. There Is enough In the aamplo to glvo groat relief. Do not hosltnto, fearing that It will harm you Womenflio Heroic Work o D, A In the Unued S'jtct( rcner i.ori)s Afttt vnt nniv doos the Pyramid Pile Curo curo piles painlessly, but with out Inconvonlenco or tho Interrup tion of your business duties. It acts ns a healing balm to tbo lrrltutcn mombrnno of tho rpctum, giving new life to tbo deadened blood vessel'? nnd causing tho ulcerous condition to pass away. Immediately upon start ing to use tho Pyramid Pllo Cure tho patient will find tho congestion rniinvml nnd tho swelling diminish ing as well ns tho disappearance of that awful .eenso Qf Itching. Itcad tho record of this wonderful cure: "I bought C boxes of Pyrn mid Pllo Curo Just beforo leaving tho U. S. for tho P. I. last May. I had as bad a case of piles ns there could be. I suffered from piles slnco tho enrly Bprlng of 1000. 1 contracted thorn tho piles from n mild enso of dysontary In Luzon, P. I., and carried thorn all around the lslnnd, China, Jnpan nnd back home for 4 years. I used all klndB of pllo cures known, but I could never got a curo or ovon n fow hours rollof, till In March, 1905, a friend gave mo tho Pyramid Pllo Curo and it gave mo Instant rollof. I used 5 boxes nil told and not n vUlblo sign of piles hnvo I now. I don't know how to begin to thank you. I romaln, your faithful bellovor In Pyramid Pllo Cure, T. T. Heffnuer, Co. I., 9th Inf., Mnnlla, P. I." Thoro is no mothod bo safo or so Inexpensive. If you nro a sufferer from this dlsngroeable, distracting, painful and dangerous nflllctton, wrlto ub for a frco trial package which wo will send to you nt onco. Wo aro suro that you will bo bo great ly holpod that you will continue to uso tills trentmont until cured. Pyra mid Drug Co., 79 Pyramid Dldg., Marshall, Mich. 50 cents pnekagos, just Uko tho snmples, for snlo at nil druggists. " o Smiles TJio encrgUe. tolialrTcluC! long been called the YanvZT! Amerlcu, nud Chilean wn,-,T V becoming ns emancipated , Blancn Illllman,' a dark frSJ gin, quuo young, but li. and handsome, came to tlJ X nud scholastic course !!& Woman's M L jl colV 35N phln, bolDR i-ndnatjj ,n . ' ln1 ... . ..... " uiiuu u e,j vigorouj as4 i leg sn. miakca nuuux tliat puo easily outstripped btt mates In their studies. St nt to possess an indomltablt rj frrcat Kiuuness or ticart. sat m absolutely fearless ot mu, tnt flood, which goes far to muifr for any woman, largo or tttls. Illllmnn was in medial Santiago when the ValwnlM auako occurred. ImmcdUteljike to tbo overwhelmed city Utb hours, when nil Valparaiso i nnta were stunned and I thinking, Dr. hlnnca IlUlmu lzcd nn nmbulanco corps ml relief work in nil quartea li solf directed everything, fow piles, established temporary nnd put nurses to work In tt wna tho Clara Darton of tat wiinn ivnnl wns telecraobed t United States thnt a ChUeaa f nuca Illllman, had organized u lanco corps for earthquake t former friends and ncquaia this country recosnlied at m hnnd of tho former medical This Is the tlmo to plant ourly puns nud rndlshoe. Tho Salem Journal man has raised a storm among nowspnpor mon bv dtelurlng thnt thoro Is no tnsto to n tlcnl Kiss a 2-montbs-old bnby nnd tlcnl. KIs Bn 2-months-old bnby nnd thon nn old mnld attor sbo bns oat en onions, thon a Slwash nnd se If thoro Is nny difference In tho sen sation. Albany Democrat. It Is a mnttor of taste. Glvo us tbo baby. Tho logUlaturo will. If thero Is nny monoy loft, voto Itself gold medals. www Xo bill has yet boon passed to reg ulate skating rinks. "Mllo. Bob Walktr.' llanrtt'H unby. Thoro Is a story out that may re sult In a legislative Investigation,, It Is said that Itenrcaontatlrn Tinrrntt. who wont to consult his constituents mis weoic, really went homo to wcl como a now baby at his house. A Stitch In Time Will save nine. So win a bottle ot Dallard'a Morehound Srrun i..v. kept on hand aave many a spell ot ickbcm. a euro curo for coughs, colds, bronchitis mH ri,nnni.. cough. Mrs. 8 . Hot 8prlnga. Ark., wrltear "I keep a bottle ot Dallard'a uoronouna syrup n my medicine chest, and thank my forethought many tlmea. It has prevented many severe -apella ot aickness." Sold by D. J. Fry. O -A- m 1? 31 XtX-eV . Readyfor New Year Now We are always prepared for aay occasion and our line of atock la just aa good and almost as com plete aa It was for Chrlatmaa. At the Samo Old Stand. A. L. Harvey's Cor. Court and High Saleaau A unlquo young Frcnchrosa n, TCiiftlah lining WllO OUXit Bl boon tin Aineruau, w Mil. W knr. nronrlotor of n fashlooiwi lu Paris. She Is Uko an Amtrial muu, -with ber udependenw tin lift fllo. nob Walter was bora vis cd In tbo Freiuh ioluuyof i early longed for a career in iwi went there She t'rst obtilrfj ploymont ns a sliiRer, uamtri nologlHt at prlute em ci.. ,i. laiinim in nerfect I i. nni.i ml wns juccesaWI .. . . .. ,i ...... i Binull fOC IIOIII IISCH " " j, plratlon. Sho planned nwi orlglual entertuinmenw, " dancing In a cage oi n" " i. ...... i., i..r n Innre auo a ' At lencth. Feeing there l pect of brilliant conimwuij vaudeville, she nbaudonednwi ed an automobile buslne j bold, original metlxd J1 reached tho top lu her "! says Hbe succeeds uy for herself, trusting u"v MI.. Foster, UbarJ-jiJ .. . ..... .. v Yo1 Next Warner mo " y, ture will bo urged to e UeurworklugdayforcbU e4 In factories. At pre pemlU children to , .... ,.. knur B . MIm Idly P. Foater, feeW , -.n-otfwi rnna ' v threughoat the "W! AwMnrauiu. " f-. .ji Uw-Udofectlveeoo-( ter found even It rTL ..?;s even thrust Into ";, M she abould not K " that thoy were w rj Many a time too. xuera ou v-j - . t ey from them and a saloon wltn u. Am.rlca'a We" Km rears aro a M- ..i. a roltoa. rd study singing. ?M,-i and high asplrauc --- t 111 UW fc.f .,,mentBe.bcrf IaairuaKe. and WeraWf, la a girls' acboo w" Berlla and studied jn neu. and leanwIJJJJ" Pkeae 216 fey dlBereatUaSST7 hy't ri J