I i 1007. DAILY CAMTAIi JOCRNAfc, -f TM.MlTMtl It J.O, . - . 4 f BALKM, OREGON. WKUaw' SCHEME TO MAKE OFFICE Job Put Up to Create Place For Dirty Cur Said Nottingham "This provision In tlio Chnpln bill to nppolnt tlio commission by a board was navor considered In tbo commit tee room; whoovor says It wan tolls a. falsehood. It wns the net of three j-ovoltUloniiry members of tlio house eommltteo who wont bnok on tholr HKrcomont to support tlio compromise Bingham bill who concootod this plnn iu ordor that a job might ho ""1 for a dirty cur" This wns a part of tho denuncia tion Hint wns given to tlio flrnt sec tion of tho Chnpln bill by Senator Nottlnr.hnm yestordny nftornoun In tho uonnlo whon tho Illnuhnm bill was under consideration. This la known as 8. 11. 129 nnd Is Idontlcnl with tho Chnpln bill Unit wah jinss J by tho Iioiimo except that the Clinpln bill provides that tlio commls atoaors shall bo appointed by a board composed of tho govornor, tho nocro try of stato nnd tho stnto treasurer. Tfee IllnRlinm bill provides that tho commission dirll bo appointed tem porarily by tho govornor. Tho Ulnglinm bill was tho rosult of n rompramlso tlmt wns nuulo In joint commlttoo; tho sonato mombets boliiK unanimously In favor of the permanent appolntmont by tho gov ernor nnd thu liouso mombers declar ing In favor of an ulcctlvo commls Mlon. Tho niiiKlmm bill wait tho romprpnilHO muasuro that all nursed to. After this had boon settled thruo of tho members of tho Iiuiiro committee- being a minority of tho Joint rofumlttoo got together oiitsldo the rommltloo room and drow up whnt Is known as tlio majority report In the fc-tmso but what wns rrnlly n minority report of tho Joint committee. It Is aM In tho lobby that this brllllnnt chcfita omltintcd from tho fcrtllo liraln of 0. A. Wostsato, chnlrman t tho Hupubllcnn stnto central com-1 Do You Like Honest, Square Dealing ? Dr. Pkrcc'o world-famed medicines arc put out under the belief thnt publicity l the best possible guaranty of merit, nnd that the most Intel ligent people generally want to know whnt they tnke Into their atom achi), whether It tie ns food, drink or medicine. Although it was n bold step to tukc, and quite out of the usual practice of mnkcra of propric tary medicines, yet Dr. Pierce, roiuc time ngo, decided to publish broad cast nnd on nil hU bottle-wrappers nil the ingredients entering into tlu composition, or make-up, of his celebrated fnmily medicines. A square deal Is therefore assured every one using his medicines, for one knows exactly what be or she is paying for when purchasing them, since every Ingredient i 'published in plain Jingtish on the bottle-wrappers and tkt twtrcintu of the same attested under solemn oath. Those several Ingredi ents are selected from among the very lxt known to mwllcnl science foe the cure of the various dlscaws for which these medicines are recommended. Ttte mit eminent nnd leading mod-' tea! teacher nnd writers of all the j aawrM schools of practice hsva endorHl ' eh of th ingreuleiiti filtering into l)r. ITcwo's in.; neo in uio strongest pos- Iblrtonn The makers of Or. Pierce ne4tclqe IwllevtT list intclllitrnt people da rVt Villi to oifl their mouths like lotvlh ime hi lid RUlp down whklvt litem, rimer in or medicine. His way 0 without kroufuc IhliiR ol the HutterUcs and larml istacter 0! m asents cmnloved. bel'i M-iin-rnlSrwUhramrniai ifopf ;uta4iJft5iinif ci-w, p.'tff: i iifiiiir Dr 1'ierco's meUiciiwOm iiisitd fiei medicmeOni n root of plants f nuiiy from uio roou oi pianu lounu rawing in uio uepun oi our Ainenesn foiwU IVy sn so comjmundeil that y wMi m Aarw in (my aw, ckh f ise mw "fwrf twHWMWMiM. m enen duUIiciiv Dr. 11erc Iim taken 1 iu MHlichiM out of the 2Ul of hforrt not trami, o( doubtful merit, au4 inada ihtlU UKMKIUKS OK KXOWM COMIX)- mOH. Ttiey am Iherefor. In a c1m alt by ihemttlve, Ujlmr abtolutely and In very M'tM fWH-sffrrf. Ily Uiii W14 tep Dr. lime has shewn thatlds (mnula areot ueltexcllenea that he la not afraid to M'tyrcl liitm to Ute fulfoit Nfttllar Ttiera it a Awly ott c'r) battle of Dr. Pt(' uiediaino in the full M of u ivgrellnM duly ntttMtud M (wrtwet uudev saleuiit oath. Nolher medicine put up for general m Ummtli druggltu can make oiaim to any ue dliUncUon, and noite mher thin Dr Pierco's mdlclne4 have any ftuoh irftiiiMil endoreemenl of theur IngredlenU Such inMtimil endorse unit should hv (ar more weight with Ik aAUctcd titan any amount of lay, or ftM-profetsioua, euaorwnieut, or teU- SvwRIA 9 (X Ciur, (ha exact )ironc-rtIan of eh Ingredient iiKd la Dr. tierce's' w4Mhm well m iho working formula1 r HMMRtr of nrviuuinK Uie i&me. and Mm mwwlsHy deviled apuarntui and aj- eamiojva in Wkwr maauuau w, i wMhbeJU (rum nututoty uiai lr. kk .a.u- fteww's jMffteUrr riihw may W fully null nkiii fmm tuch utictrineiiued tmi- K2 (aAo m might be phuclly itillndJceAt stamps for paper-cov Tkwk bMoanOion of imm khmicIun iiWat &b4 u of a drofi of nkotvoj, mlttco and that Its chief purpose wns to provldo a place for that political war horse. It Is nlso charged that Speaker Davoy favored tboso revolu tionary tactics and that the plan to crcato a board Ip appoint tno com mission was sprung on tho house without being considered In the Bon nie, with his full approval. Whon S. B. 129 wns road for tho third tlmo Us onemloa began to fili buster. Bonators Doach and Bailey wero particularly active nnd motions to lndoflnntoly postpono, to lny on the table nnd to go Into tho commit to of the wholo woro Bticcesflfully voted down and the wholo bill was put on Its final pottage. Aftor Senators Ulnglinm, Hnlloy, Boach nnd Mnlnrkoy had mna spaochos on tho mensuro Just roferrol to. Tho sonntor said that In fair ness tho sonato bill nhotild be on- actod nnd ho bad nBsiirnncos that It would also pass tho house. Sonntor IllnRlinm mndd one of the nblo speeches of the session In favor cf tho bill. Uo said that It wnB n rompromlsa inoaBtiro ngrood to In or dor to conciliate the liouso members of tho Joint commlttoo who doslrcd un oloctlvo commission; that ho knew his constluonts wnntcd n commission nppolntcd by tho govornor who should havo tho powor of removal. Ho said iho liml over two hundred lottorfl from his constltuontn asking Hint tho Dlnghniii bill bo enncted nnd tltnt not ono of them favored either tin oloctlvo commission or ono ap pointed by tho board. Ho said tho board provision In tho Chnpln bill was novor considered In commute nnd ho strongly objected to threo moil on n house commlttoo dlrtntlng to tho sonato nnd to a great majority of tho peopls of this state what they should do. "I want this law In a shapo," lm Bald, "so that I can say to tho gov ornor of tills utnta: "Yon shall put competent in on on this commission and wo will hold you porsonnlly ro Bponslblo for their official conduct ' Whon tho vnto on tho flnnl piusago of tho bill wns taken nonrly every mombor who votod no explained his voto In n mnnnor of nn npology nnd Instead of explaining argued for tho Chnpln bill. Johnson who Is snld to opposo any kind of n commission nindo n long nnd nrgumontntlvo speech. Coko explained and so did Hart and Bmlth, of Mnrlon. Tho ayos nnd noes on tho flnnl oiihiIovihI and ret so harmful, hi tliB tung run, to most invnlld lt its uo I luiist ooiitlnuwl, evn In mull , das, eml Dr. lireo rtnorul vsnrs of can-fiil study nnd labor, with the nld ol okilteU pluirmneUln nnd clitmilttd to tuwUt htm. Naturally, he does not enrv to pw nwny Ids aciPiilitlo and oxsel proe for prvpsriuu thwo medicines, mil he iKhv want to dal in Urn tmwt ohii mnnner with all tils patrons and iiniients.nml under this If auk. open and hoiiMl way of ilonlinu, they tuny knuw exnrlly nhat Uiey are taking when untufi his uedieiiu. NVlut Do They Cure? This ques tion u ofttm nikwl CHtneenilna Dr. llerce's tw leAdlne mrdleincs. " Golden MtnlHjnl ltwowmy" nnd "Favorite Pro- MttitUvHt." The swiwer Is thnt "Clolden Metllcnl ; Dikhivuia U a imut jmient alterative or lOotKl-jmrUUir, and tonto or tnvUr- . aun ami iu witwlaiu lftraWy In A curative suit liMtltnt war uinm nil the uititHtui lining turfnws us of the nam) Panama, thrtMt, biuiu-hul tW,ftoni- nen. itttnru ami biauuer. curing a latce tmr wut. f eatarrlwl ee whether the i iUao nffti-u Ihe iiumiI nnuacee. the , throat, larynx, bwnohin. ttoinaeh (a oaianhal d) fHtia), bowel iui mneons diarrhewl. Waddrr. litems or other ntie urprnn J'vn in the chronic or uwtirauw suf oi ineM aneQitons, it U often Meoelui In ctfcctmt; oures. Hie " Favirtt Prncriiliun is adviaed for the cte f ouo clnxi f dlMo only IIkwo iHHHilir Meaknewe. drrsnse nieuts atut trresuUrities Incident to women. It is a juiwerful )et gen tly aotlnit Invigorating tonic and itrvncthnilnt nervine. or weak, worn out, -er-wtrkeit womenno matter what Iim csumhI the urvak-donn, "Ka vorite I'rwwtivtion " will be found moat dfectii in building up tho tren)(tht regulating tho womanly functiom, tul dulnif iwiin ami brineinc about a htalthv. vieorvus condltwuv ol Uio vrholo t)-tem. Women suttering from dUewoa of long standing, are invited to consult Doctor Pierce bv letter, trxi Alt ckrrfrond enc-o it lld us slrictlr private and cmiiy coiiBjeunw. uareos vr, u. V, nerve, IIuKalo, N. Y. Dr. PkiYo's Med(ca) Advlior (1009 agesi u sent fr on rv4p of XI one- ..- i stamps for doUi-bound JLiUmss Muov, paBsngo of tho Bingham bill follew: Ayes Bingham, Booth, Bower man, Caldwell, Coshow, Hedges, Kay, Mnlnrkey, McDonald, Miller of Linn, Miller, of Linn and Mnrlon, Mulit, Nottingham, Scholflold, Smith of Umatilla, Wright, President Haynos, 17. Noob Balloy, Bench, Coke, Cole, Hart, Hodson, Johnson, Laughcry, Laycock, Slchel, Smith of Marlon, Whoaldon, 12. Soon afterwards the Chapln bill enmo up from tho house In rogulnr ordor and Boach and Balloy tried to Bet It to a voto but their tactics woro defeated by Malnrky, Nottingham, Booth and Bingham and ths Chapln bill was laid on the table. , -o MAJORITY GAIN FIVE VOTES House Promptly Law Bingham Bill on Table By 32 to 25 Whon tho sonato laid tho Chapln bill, as nmonded by tho liouso and nnsBud, upon tho talilo nnd nuopiou th Bingham bill, which was Idon tlcnl with tho oxcoptlon thnt It con tained In Hootlon 1 tho provision giv ing thu governor tlio solo appointing powor of tho railroad commission ln BtOAil of the bonrd as Clio house elect ed to provldo, It reckoned without Us host If It had any ldon tho liouso would swallow thtt dose without en tering at least some kind of a pro- tost. As n multor of fact tho house, or at luast tho majority bonded b) Spuakur Dnvoy, was qulto eqiuil to tho occasion and when tho Ulnghaiii bill wns passed up to tho huuuu for disposition tho liouso did not concur In tho nctlon or tho uenntu. In stuad tho Iioubo, which waB a great surprise to tho sonato lobbyists which thronged tho floor of tho low or brunch of tho assembly nnd exor cised every effort to Induce tho mem bers to stand by tho sonnto notion, promptly voted to lay tho bill on tho tublo and thu action was suited to tho word by depositing tho Instru ment upon tho furnltiiro by tho de cisive voto of 35 to 2G. It developed that, during tho Interim, tho Davoy followers hud galuod strength of five votes from tho previous day's rosultH und when tho vote was countod It was found that tho nnmos of Del knup, liuverldKU, lleutgeu, Council nnd Knowles were enlisted with th mnjorlty. Speaker Duvey and the liouso sup porters of the contention that thv stnto board should have thu appoint ing power now take thu position that. Inasmuch as tho house bill was be fore thu somite In Its ultarcd condi tion before nctlon wns tnkon upon tho llliiKhnm bill, nnd laid on tho table In favor of the Ulnglinm bill, It was up to tho senate to tako up the liouso bill nnd tnke action upon It before the liouso was required to tako nny further stepe in the mat ter. As the situation now BtnmU It Is certainly most ludlorous nnd there Iu a question of which will be tht first to take the Initiative in deter mining the tlnnl result. It Is report ed, however, that tho majority force of tho house are working quietly but determinedly upon tho problem and that they will force tho Issue upon tho somite by suddenly calllug tho HltiKham bill up from the table, amending tho first soctlon to couform to tholr doinanda and pass both bills up to tho senate for consideration Whloh over way tho matter tunm It Is now certain that tat railroads tiro holding tho winning hand since, If they can keep tho two houses at variance, which Is their game, then will bo no railroad legislation this season. On the other hand, tt the bill Is passed up to the governor us amended by the house it is kioU cer tain that ho will vnto It and wh It up to the people for final decision and. by this means tho railroads will havo at least trained muoh time and lost nothing. Sumo Intoreeting develop ments am expected to materialize within th nuxt day or two when some Interesting results are natlel pated but the opposing stde4 wilt hjive to resort to a con reroute and count noses before anything definite can be expected. - -"O . Tww Morw Ctoptuml - Deputy Sheriff Mlnlo and Ksoh Apturd two mora of the truants from thu reform school yesterday af ternoon la Mission Dottom. Thoy bad A Urely ehau. but cventuallr outran tho boys, Wesley Kiel and Knsd Uica were the two returned last evulRgc Several others or still at Iwi. TO CUKE A COUGH. A noted authority on lung trouble advises that as soon as a old s contracted, tho following miple treatment should bo given Tho ingredients can be purchased from any proscription druggls at small cost and easily prepared In your own home. It Is said to be Jo effective that It will break up a cold In twenty-four hours and cure any cough that Is curable. Take a half ounco Virgin Oil of Pine (Puro), two ounces of Gly cerine, and eight otincos of good Whiskey. Shako well nnd take In teaepoonful doses ovory four hours. He sure that tho Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) Is In tho original half-ounce viuls, which nro put up expressly for druggists to dis pense. Hach vial Is securely scal ed In n round wooden enso, with engraved wrapper, with tho nnmo Virgin Oil of Pine (Puro), guaranteed under tho Food and Drugs Act, of Juno 30, 190C, aor tal number 451, prepared only by Loach Chomlcal Co., Cincinnati, Ohio plainly printed thereon. Only tho adultornted oils nro sold In bulk; thoso create nausea and never effect tlio doslrcd results. CONTAINS fio lbs cf NUTRltUNU A lll'XDHKI) POINDS OF IIUKAD contains 80 pounds of nutriment, 100 pounds of meat only 35 pounds of nourishing mntorlal. That's whv bread Is called "tho staff of life." Look at the difference In cost nnd got from Ullom's bnkory wholosomo broad thnt not only supports life but Is tippotlzlng nnd delicious to tho tasta. THE BEST "STAFF OF LIFE" YOU EVER SAW Ib Ullom's bread. It's frosh dally, wholosomo always, nourishing, strengthening and fit for the wholo family. Ono thing moro whllo you'ro rending It's good to tho taste. Do you know of nny good reason why you don't buy Ullom's broad? No? Then why don't you buy It? c. ulixi. Capital Bakery. MMIHiniH J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. tl Funeral Director and Kmbaltnor. A complete stock of the most up to dato funeral goods at prices the most reasonable la the Wagner Building, Phone 70, 3S3 Court St.. Salem tHtiissnmmtMHaj BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store Prices Abwfetciy Lowest fWf -Jvflt -rS7A I fr ' ' IIP ill ll ' lopvriaHTr '"r "i OUR 8IEATS ABB ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo .take especial caro to buy none but tho best, and our cuBtomorB can always depend upon getting tho best In tho market nt right prices when they buy nt our market. E. 0. CROSS, Stnto Street Mnrket I'liono 201 FOB JOIST AND FLOORING Tho best placo to ouy is whero tho best stock of lumbor Is carried. Tho ontlro building trade know that thoro Is not n floor stock of lumbor than that carried by us. Wo nro ready to All tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build er waiting. Thnt.'s a very Important point. Near S. P. passenger dopot GOODALE LUMBER CO. Phono 52 Main. It's Going Fast And given perfect satisfaction. Every sack Is guaranteed, nnd tlint nccouutH for thu rapid increase In sale.. Also it is still mmlc of OLD WHEAT nnd Is the best flour nt nny price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At nil first class grocers. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Dcsians COPYRIQHTS AC. Aaron undtnc a ikotth and description mar qaleklf arrtaln par opinion free whether at intention U probably ptenthl, Cummunloa. (lonotrlrtlreonBileaiUL HANOBOCK on I'atenu tent (roe. indei nirencr tur iKunun tuuenta. I'&tenta taken thruuub Munn A Co. reoelr Scientific jFHtiericatt. A liandtomtlr IllaJtrtteJ wteklr. Tarrat etf. rulatlun of ny arienutle loarnL Tenoa, SJ 19ATI four tuoath. IL ikiidbTAll nAwiu4Al Ii MUNH S Co "t. Hew York T MranciOSSce.reuVahlctolI.C." CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. " Wa Me Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. ijTjjrra r "J sgsa3!sss?ssi SfW fa SaJeyDr,s.G Stone Oraer n ..l. f .Va""ttoti "WUUB nelth and l bu"ng flour JJ rr.o,iH iigiaaa rcnu. A rv... nf v,.; . vu.4BC "k "Ul 'oaiimi, '"u luinn you H ""oluu' With Self-rlslng u. n j,, you can make brmjJ like tho PurlUnisJJ make. WI 3-B Pancake T,l la also a pure fowl. J Trnrln rlnln . . Hut, aau an resi lf-1. .i ... . . s u,,k mn wun water and I uu u uoi griddle. il Al IFN'C R D D cix.. .il ,,c u "ILUUKfl i-nciuc uoast factory, B Cnl. Eastern Fnctorr. UwT Wolf Mills, Mnnawa, j. J Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy ones that ercry va iiBos during the cool months fori clothing, nro awkward tWi iiuiiuiu ui. uuiuv, ivny nOlMSJt to the laundry when they needi lng? "V-m.'ll nt.. ... .. juu ii uub uin ravu jourteill) of hard work, but you wlllhTtC returned to you In a better cow than if you tried to wash tlta i homo. Wo mako them cleaner, n fliifflor, and do not shrink then. I truth of the matter is, that at; I man who will compare a hula blanket from Tho Salem Steaal dry, nnd a homo washed one, t not, holp but notlco the dtfa Tho homo washed ono -will Ui streaked, feel sticky, look hspn amoll badly, whllo tho one tain tho laundry will bo perfectly t swoct And fluffy. Yours for n rrr ,l SALEM STR5I LAUXW," Phono 25. 130-108 S. V Suont wlsoly is the lonreeoH satisfaction. Why not ipw of It -wlsoly now buying i ubT Baker, Lawrence I Bacceesors to IUirltt 1 . H. S. Gile & Wholesale Groecrsa1 mission Mewiij In dried tho m it sU drm prt-' Special v, ior sale a f in. ...... oitMnp macblBSC '"ft M..W- . for a largo dryer; wm price. HOTFI Ol Oonwr o f3ovat s4 ( m. . mA moderS ( Oatr particularly Jjjjj" . .4Va At A tTGM H '""l" v: "..miui ad upward. Hsndeoisi rj aHrsctlT. VT Qtrm 1 . SU WSIOKT-DIOIB' Salem Fence Heatlqaart" tor Fcaciw Hop Wire. "b,S isjfltinp. Pickets, Gftt.4 P, & B. Ready RooflJ Walter Mfl 250 CurfSt S T -TZMlAy j.n- -j TtnmU m. T mr0 wt' B B B Mf i!" "weaerw W