Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1907, Image 8

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ewws3MSSS!3SSESS'1 ' ""' m WMWWHW
In connection with our successful $10 suit sale we
have taken about 75 of our best suits and placed them
nn snecial sale.
Every suit we guarantee to be absolutely H Wool
and tailored uirougnouE smcciy di iwiw, p "
stand back of each one of them.
Remember these are not suits bought for special
sale purposes but are the pick of our stock which is
All are newest styles and made from choice $1 4.85
. r iw s it o
fabrics values range Trom io.du to $ad
Our undor inulln mnlntaln tho
htKh stnndard of duality, cvon
though tlio prices nro bo very low,
In good materials, in fullnoBB nnd
ahapo In dotnlls of ntylo nnd
finish, thoy best show tholr supo
rtortty. Thoro Is not n garment In tho
lot o cheap Hint tho work on It
nan boon Blighted, npd from tho
lowoBt ltrlccd to tho flnent, bUoh
aro full, nnd (juullllo tho best
Drawer c Hi 911.00
(JOttHM flc to 9c1.no
Corwt cover . . . . .f5o to ?!J-no
Om'wIso 7 " '
mn i-.nn
Dress Goods
Simmering mipplonosB tho soft
nos of fabric thut cling nnd
How will bo tho koynoto of tho
spring favor and hoiiio of those
HtatarlnlH will glisten nnd Kllnt
tholr way itralKht Into jjaur henrt
Tho -rolor, too, nro inoro oxquU
Uo than over,
gome of tho iiattorno will sur
prise you assuredly by their In
Mnko your selection as early
M poewlblo Btock Ib nt It bout at
Ili I m t 1 t1 ft
Special Sale No. 31 9
For OHf next Witlncmlny apt'clnl uo oITit ii lino lino of
Twenty-two; Inches squnro with u three-Inch runio Sntcon covorod
nn opportunity to provldo for your summer comfort nt n little mon
oy. Tho aofft or don needs n few inoro cushions now's tho time to
think of thorn. All wanted colors . . 43$
So phono orih'ni taken. ,Nono wold until HUM . in. Wednesday.
Ncwlost Idon In Torchon lncos
this aoason'a designing. A
Krnnd nsBortment to ohooso from.
Such Reed vnlues woro novor bo
foro offered for tho prlco of
All tho llttlo Improvomonts
that ro to mnko for goodnosH,
comfort nnd Btylo nro embodied
In our showing of now Oxfords for
this senBon's wonr. You'll appre
ciate tho vnlues, too.
In our laco and embroidery de
partments wo show, perhaps, tho
finest vnrloty to bo found In tho
Wlllnmctte vnlloy. Wo Intend
that this dopnrtmont Bhnll tnko a
front rnnk In the minds of lovers
of flno Iucob nnd embroideries.
Scores of pretty stylos In spring
lacos nnd ombroderlos nro now
shown In this department nt un
usually low prices. Your plnns
for onrly spring sewing should ln
clude n gonerous supply of those
fine valuos.
Bxclnmntlons of ecstney greet
ovory view of our wnlsts tho
largost and most exqulslto dlsplny
ovor Bhown lu this city. It Is
tho pick of America's nnd Eur
opo's finest styles at prices made
most moderato by direct dealing
with great makers and Immense
puchnsos, All tho prettiest nnd
host In Lawn nnd Linen, prettily
trimmed. Tho stock Is at all
ways abreast of tho times. You'ro
suro to find hero the choicest of
stylos and at prices tho economist
50c to $1 3.50
v Tmmt CttMrfttlfl
MtMHtouwyei Orchestra
At tho Auditorium rlnlMonlght.
rmr (4lim Hoy Hhot
Koy llnrnes, son of Mr. nnd Mr.
Thomas llarnes, formerly of this
eWy, wu Bitot by thluves nt tho fami
ly kouiQ nt Alliance, Neb. Tho
thieves wr! makluK n cleanup nf
tfca building when Hoy entered tho
room nnd was shot and killed by ouu
of tho thug.
Wt MU Hiving
MIm Margarita Fischer aud com
ay Thursday, February 14th, at
tVo Kllngcr drand theatre.
Tko Kutlrc lllll of rrv
If you want to gel up tho most
cowploto dinner It U nn louver neo
eoaary to k to a doieu place to Ret
lull your supplies. Wo furnish
I meats, fish, oystors, poultry, grocer
lev, vegetable, fruits aud nil tho
dollcauleB of tho Keason. I'liono 217
Furrlngton & Van 1'nttou.
KtoutU'uuMij'er Orvhentm
At tho Auditorium rink tonight.
It Will How' Yoiil-
If you like good coffeo drink Oold-.
on West llloud. It la tho bent going, '
and only 10 conta n pound, 3 pun ml a
fl.OO, at II. II. Hugan's, 42!) Court
Mmlo Irgo Cnntlug
Tho largest casting ever inndo In
Bnlem wa moulded at tho Balom
Iron works Saturday. It Is n latho
bed for tho now latho nt tho Iron
work nnd weighs 5800 pounds.
Iliiklut-hx Mra'a Ixgu-
Thoro lll bo a meeting of tho 8a
lam Dutlueia Meu'a league this ov
oiling at 8 o'alook nt Union llnll, on
Stnto street. All members aro urged
to be present, butlnots of Import
ae will come up for eonilderatlon.
lecture Is "What I Saw In tho Great
Cities." Mr. Ilofor will describe tho
great scenes nnd events occurring
during his recent trip to Washing
ton, New York, lloston nnd Philadel
phia, and his woll-known nblllty ns
u lecturer Is sudlolent nssiirnuao thnt
tho evening will be IntoroBtlug, entor
tnlulng nnd Instructive. Admission
,10c. Fill tho house. Doors open nt
7130, lecture at 8.
Rtmidetinviiyor OrvhoKtrn
At tho Auditorium rink tonight.
W. G. Pmnk is In Aumsvlllc on bush
8. C. ltoby Is in AumRvllle on bunl.
ltcprK0HtNtlv6 nud Mrs. Kubll arc
In the alty.
MN. Uhi 11. Hatsli wont to Portland
this morning.
George Itudolpu has gone to Silver
ton ou buntnoM.
Attorney T. 8. Mlnot oanie up from
Portlund today.
. i--l Attnntnrr fflr Sfill
. . str in hl itvvuihk .-
past season, iv
TS'wrightfSi- Helen Cal
hreS ami M.V Smith left today
f0TrrrtJimk who has been" visiting
reiatlvos here left today for his home
at Inwoo.1, Iowa
visitinVMrs.' O P. Hopf has returned
to her homo in Portland.
J Johmon, who recently bought out
one of the leading livery establish,
ments in Hubbard left today for that
CiWrgt John Holman and daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Meyors, have gone to Port
land for a visit.
Mrs M. N. fJiapman has gone to
vWt her daughter, Miss Chapman, at
Tosenh, Oregon.
Miss Collins of Portland, who has
been visiting her brother, P. xl. Collins
and family, of this city, has returned
to her home.
Jnmcs Uaino one of tho lending
stock brokers of San Francisco is Jn
the city on legnl business beforo tho
Mrs. t'. L. Watt, who has been in
Washington and I'daho in the interests
of tho United Artisans, will return
homo this evening.
Iloprcsonlntivo P. W. Knowlcs has
returned from a visit at his homo in
Dnfur He ii accompanied by his
wife who will visit Salcjn friends nnd
the legislature.
rr ..ml Mm. W. II. Moon and chil
dren, of Jefferson, have gono to Bay
City to reside. Mr. Moon will engago
in tho Bawmlll business tlicrc.
Mrs. A, Mnsou nnd two children, of
Portlnnd, who have boon visiting Sa
lem relatives and friends left today
for Klamnth Falls. -
Miss Uossie Comeint", who has been
vlsltine- her sister. Mrs. Sam Sicwcrt
in Portland returned homo this morning.
. . o-
J. II. Cnmpbel, Seattle.
Mrs. Cnmpboll, Seattle.
Frod Beobo, Tncomn.
K. W. Drlghnm, Portlnnd.
T. McNcclnn, Portland.
O. McDonnld, Eugene.
II. T. Tuckor, Eugene.
P. W. Tucker, Eugene. ,
Will U. King, Ontario.
A. II. Goodwin, Rochester, N. Y.
C. J. Henry, Portland.
A. J. Ness, do.
II. V. Evn, do.
W. A. Camp, do.
H. TebbottB, do.
- P.. Rhodes, do.
n. D. Slglcn, do.
r, N. McArthur, do.
Geo. M. Trowbridge, do.
II. Rothschild, do.
J. "W. Drown, do.
A. M. Drake, Bend.
J. M. Lawronco, Roscburg.
Mny C. Yost, Roseburg.
J. F. Warren, Nomo, Alnskn.
I. L. Patterson, San Francisco.
T F. Dromnn, Snn Frnnclsco.
Ilofor mid family, Salem.
t. A. Horltngo, Snlem.
A. Von Josscn, Snlom.
Mrs. Von Jcssen, Salem.
M. L. Honnoch, Chicago.
J. R. linker, Chicago.
J. F. Stem, Minneapolis.
Dinner's Com-?
Docs Your Stomach v
petlzlng aroma of Kn..v. -
iub, uu uu ieoi mat yoa
down, onen vnm. . ..
' " ' luuu"i. Eli
your ears and cat with a M
Kiisto. overythlnp o i.
- o "v ore jo,
not feel any bad effects lro
in ouior words.
can yoar
la a critic becAU.e ho like to ho
ctrAry. You cu o contrary to
tk wUbw of your own trlonda and
Bvaigkbor. tvd woiui tteia gtt tho
t 4 tkeMi but so contrary to tho
ktatM ot hturt am! you will a
war tfc worat of It.
Why, KiwctMlM H MtMt b.
Ktun wo't aoevjtt Juat apeo
Im(m thoufk; they wut b right
(BfHftlta. W caa gtva the ktatS na
dpuuuds. aud our prlwti ar
, tiKJ,
Sum mrt t9$m
Irftily Artist lu Hut
Miss Mabel Randall has taken n
position at MoEvoy Hros.' Chicago
store lu charge of their mllllnory de
partment. Miss Rundnll has been
with Olds, Wart man & King, of Fred Logg lma returned to Portland,
Portland, llvo years and with n Salem . ""r " worn.
firm ono y.enr, nnd Is ono of tho most
Mrs. 8. T. Thatcher Is the guest
rcinuvos in urooks.
Wis. Drown, the produo buyer. Is
in Portland today.
State Land Agent West went to
, iMrtlnntl yesterday.
tasteful and experienced artists In
this Una. 8ho will bo pleased to
meet customers old and new In httr
A Snlem WmltllnK
Can! a nnnouuco tho wedding
jMUs Ruth Gabrlolson to Chauncey
MIm ltogor CVualocnit. DUhop, both of this city. Wodnos-
Word U rwselved from .Mr. and d" Venlng, February 20th, at tho
Mr. J. IV Roger, who aro at Lo homo ot Mr & 1' O- U- Oa
Angclf. that thlr daughter, 12loa brltlon.
nor. I much Improved. Tho young1
lady ha just gone through a slego KtoutUniiik-yrr Orxluxr
ot Uphold fever at the Good 8a- At tho Auditorium rink tonight.
iuarlta& hospital, and hoc many
friend will bo glad to know ot her Oregon' Kuoritc
recovery at thl early date. The Young actress, Mis Margarita
family will remain in tho outh for Fischer and hor coiunauy at the
otuo week longer.
Ktoudrmthyrr Onrliosirw-
At tho Auditorium rink tonight.
iKIIngvr Grand theatre, Thursday,
.February 14th, In the celebrated
I drams, Tho Great Dluo Qrasa Der
Want)' Cuutriliutlun
Sheriff Cbrlsttuan came
EchjjJU in Junctloa
i ii wcoarui meairuai company
iTDiffu lias un nmifint ruviv.i. t ,t
frow Th Dalle Saturday night to Klla,ir Grand for the past two wwk
4atver vbarl a hirer to tho pern- pJavtl It's last cnggmnt hre lt
tntlary authorities, Tho prisoner '" t0 erawJeU houao sad left this
vae ntoNNd to servo two year for 2?JS!L2riw XlnXr ? fiU
.., Jw - - .engagement there, Th membera of
ifcry. , iDtt eewimar hav luada man fin.i.
- I in Balem and it is to bo bop4 that
announcement that Hoa. K. Hoter jht and deubtlw will bo freeted by
Sfljl deliver a lecturxj ua Friday v a d lwu,
mlng. Fvbruary JSth at tho I-eUol
M. K. eaurch. South Salem, under NtotMkttnvi-rr Qrvftetr-
tketr au$ilt, Tho luhject of tho At tho Auditorium rlak toatght.
County Court.
The oounty court of this county nd
jouruod last Saturday until tho 20th
Inst., when they will rc-nssemblo and
complote the month's buslnets. Thero
is to bo a convention of county road
supervisors on tho 10th nnd 20th, after
which tho court will tnko up road
work and other matters of especial in
terest to tho gentlemen who look after
our highways nnd bridges in tho coun
try districts.
Miss Leona Hlrseh has returned
from a visit In Portland.
Hollln K. Page lma returned from i
business trip to Portland.
City Recorder Moore spent Sunday
visiting friends la Albany.
George Watt, the real estate map,
rruiriuHi iu roriHinu louur.
I Miss Jessie MeAlister, ef Priamllc,
0f is vliitlng Salem relatives.
mis Kiiwueth l"oweli has returncl
frem a visit in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. F. IV Fnrrlngton are
in -tcwpon mr a guort outing.
Milton Price after a visit here has
returned to his home in Oregon Citv
MIm IUith Whljipk haa returnel
from a visit at her homo In Vancouver,
lunacy iiienaruson toe Unlversltv
student has gono to Portland to reside
J. M. Lnwrenee. repdtar nt .
United States land oftlee at Rosebur-'
is in the city. '
Rreentatlve and Mrs. Hendrlck,
cf Caseade Locks, uave returned from,
a visit at their homo.
Joe Fwotalae, the Jefferson merch
ant went to Portland ou business to
day. Miss Bra M. White, after i, viilt
er?. h" """d to her borne in
Booti Mills.
Tewle Larkln of larqnam is
rte4 to arrHe In the elty todar tha
guest of MUs Helen MeCoy T
Mr. Miller and mother, of Lyon
county. Iowa, arrived in the elty this
morning to visit Salem nliii.
Mr. Unawood Jones, wife of Rep.
reoentatlv Jone of tlatkaaias conn
ly. la in Salem this week.
George M. Trowbridge, managing
editor of tho rortlaad. Journal i$ $S
the city.
Mtn Minnio M. rtnaleard spent
Puaday visiting her parents in Pert,
C. K. McArthur is In Rim ...i t.
Ml.l"r tdiag elerk in tho Hoasd
, 1- tienwo woo ttm maaaser of
ftw Tillsoa IMeklujf H, fof uJ
Vinol builds you up
and keeps you up
stomach tnko care of
anything that you put Into ih
nro thousands and thousands oil
plo win do not know rw ..'!
hnvo n good, strong, healthy ?3
zz' "":,"':.' .?"wkfc.
llllV u. (juuu "I'l'llllC,
V.. 1
xuu iuu nuvu nn aii.h...Aj
stomach and n fetching apwtl!esB
uvurjr iiivui, mm every day, u
bivu juur siomacn a rest, m
Bomcuung eiso take hold o
ioou ror you nnd digest It as it
into tho stomach, something iu
iinriiiiesu uut inai really dofji
worK oi digesting, quickly and t
This ."something" Is StuarlVlJ
popsla Tablets, the most effcctlujJI
tlo tablets In tho world for Jjl
anything that may bo wroart
your stomnch. Ono ingredient 4
theso precious llttlo workeni
3000 grains of tho coarsest on
est food put Into the stomach.
of i , 3000 gralnsl They are 1
nn nrtiflclnl stomnch, became tal
net just liko tho stomach, they dl
your food, Just ns though yoadsl
havo n. stomnch at all. It itp-jl
tho stomnch with tho digestive!
which havo become weak ail icafl
Then your Indigestion, dy
sour riBing, brash, belchtngi, m
ity, fermentation, loss of ip
nvorslon to food, hloaty fM
heartburn nnd nausea, will U
more. You can then cat anyta!
you wnnt, nil you want, whecci
you wnnt, nnd your stomacairint
flno boforo nnd nfter yonr es
Your nppetito will bo a tMcri
plcnsuro to havo, your meals Qi
n plonaure to cat nnd relUh. 1
your digestion will bo thoroojhi
soothing to tho wholo body.
You can't do your work seJi
bo cheorful, or' havo cnernreri
or nmbltlon, when your stoaiA
bnd. Mnko yourself feci rood 1
a henrty moal, feel good all
clear your mind nnd maksyooi
llfo. by tnklng Stuart's Dy
Glvo your Btomach a rest, to Re
right Itself, then you need fear
Ing. Sond us your nnmo and idfcs
today and got a free sample pitbrl
of Stuart's DyspopBla Tablet! tjJ
turn mnll. Aftor you hare trWO
samnlo. you will ho so tkon
convinced of whnt they edi
you that you will go to your tew
druggist nnd get n GOc boxoftl
Send us your nnmo and addrwn
dny nnd wo will at onco sendycU
mnll a sample pnekago free.
F. A. Stunrt Co., 53 Stuart
Marshall, Mich.
Norurtefc Ualon Ffcc
Frank Meredith. Rttf'J
OKce witk Wm. Browa Ca,'
129 Commereial street.
Ott tii k. Baak' . '
. i
u "---- " cut w"
nn,l fftf 1o. B&WCd &
Iaqlr at State and 1 fn
or phono 141.
Our delicious Cod Liver
preparation without oil
Better than old-fashioned
cod liver oil and emulsion
to restore health for
Old people, delicate children,
weak run-down persons,
and after sickness, colds,
coughs, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles.
Try it on our guaranty
cxmiHer Paxtine Toilet Antkootic
necesaity in the hygienic carccVtke
Jrsoa aad for local trcataaost ml
ItalaJne ills. Aj a wash iu dasrsiac,
Semlddal, deodoriilng nd liMtUac
qualities are cxtraordiaary. For sale
m-mmm 11 11 I
. ixt nijji Wearer
nr rrnaU and ru
carpata "a4e Uto m
i..i -i- mo aaa ST .
1. 1- -..Vsvnl rflOIHH'
B1D, 1 mnw "" jj-v gmm
churtsh, 194 South xssp.-n
saiera, urw.
. .- a srrl
-..i. , ..h nock a
..- rA. at UttTL
H. lua4ell, Morslafcl
Plaao Twmx-U L. "Woo.
pert tuning;, repainw T.
in tjuta order
Wllla music store, ahj,
Fowl Key ring, UJJ
key. owner --; pm
callUK at thla o "-j
for tfcte notice.
r " J,7m
1XJOC Ul Bec'"V1 - I '
Flnaer ---,
owtk eWhlnt:
rtyrtcfSuZr J
. t ai