TOWWM'1' w-mmmi' Do You Like Honest, Square Dealing ? Dr Kerce's world-faraed medidn arc put out under the belief that JJwtT TthelXossible guaranty of merit, and that the most Intel SlX knerw what thcytnke into their S vScr tZ a, food, drink or tnedicine. Although it was a bold jto Sec and quite ou of the usual practice of makers o proprie- mete, yet Dr. Pierce, some time ago, decided to publish broad aTdohallbottlcwrappcrs all the ingredients entenng into the sU!o" or make-up, of his celebrated family medicines. A square ZK K assured every one using his medicines for one knows ctly what he or she is paying for when purchasing them, since every jngtcdlctit is published in plain English on the bottle-wrappers and to Jreciness of the same aUexttd under solemn oath. These several ingrcdi ents are selected from among the very best known to medical science for the cure of the various diseases for which these medicines arc recommended. DAILY nAT. JOmtNA. SALBM, OREGON, OSVL Bargains MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Salem Good Dome Market." SALEM MARKET. The moit eminent and leading mod- Jeal teachers nnd writers 01 nil mo aeveral schools of practice liayo endorsed Mil of tho Inrrrdlcnt entering Into Dr. Pierce's medli mo In the strongest pos- iblrunm. The milkers or ur. rierco n Mcilclncs bcllovcvilmt ntclllRcnt nconla dortpt lii their mouths like lotVf lyouiiK blrU nnd gulp aown whatoVcrJil"tteNeiVM incni, cmier in the way oTToiWr; WW or rncuicino, without knowing soinNtilhg of the BfonertlfS nnd iiannle-4 character 01 fk' ffnnU cmnloved. Thev liMtove. T"'. :""... . . i . i ...... . T"n rr i r1""" t Ujtt lies Jit Um BiTiPrilu.-nti-d. Willi. JB.7MI n) trhirh'Jliai T8 roI at ytoTiTf niado nTTrrn'a iniwl eim-a fly from the roots of plants found f rowing In UIO UopUIB 01 our American forests'. They nro so compounded that iktv cannot tin htmn in any att. ertn t the mnt diUwto xcommi or child. Hy mm publicity Dr. I'lorco lm taken his wedlclnwt out of tho lint of secret nos trums, of doubtful murlt, nnd mndo them HKMKDIM OK KNOWN COMPO SITION. They aro therefore, In n class sll by themselves, being absolutely and lit every sonso nom-sccth, lly this bold step Dr. I'lerco hns shown Mint Ills formulas aro of such excellence that hn Is not afraid to subject ilium to tho fullest scrutiny. There is a rVitfye of honeitu on evory tsottlo of Or. Tlerco's mediomes In I lie fall list of Its Ingrodlmita duly attested jm eorrect under solemn oath. No other medicine put up for Kennrnl m through druggists cnu mnke claim tl any such distinction, and none other lHU T)f. riorce'a medicines havo any ch jmtwioml endorsement of their llMNNllenta. Buch troft$$ionul endorse mmi shcrald hare far mora weight with Asm aJHIcted than any amount of Iny, or SMpfoftonat, endorsement, or lestl- generally employed and yet bo harmful, in tho long run, to most Invalids when lu uso Is Iens: continued, even in smn! doses, cost Dr. Pierco several years ol careful stuuy nnu moor, wim miu mu skilled pharmaclsls and chemists to assist him. Naturally, he docs not care to plvo nwny his scientific nnd exact processes for preparing theso medicines, but ho docs wnnt to deal in tho most open manner with nil his patrons and patients, nnd under this frnnk.opcn nnd honest wny of denllng, they may know exnetly what they nro tnking when using hlM medicines. What Do They Cure? This ques tion Is often nsked concerning Dr. Pierce's two lending medicines, Golden Medical Discovery" nnd "invorite Pre scription." . ,, .. ,. . Tho nnswer Is thnt "Golden Medical Discovery" is n most potent nltcratlvo or blood-purifier, and tonlo or Invigor ntor nnd nets especinly fnvornhly In ft curntlvo nnd henllng wny upon nil tbe mucous lining surfnees ns of tho nasal passages, inroai, iirniiciiiiu niuvn, .L. CM . the exct proportion of ... t & ..... .1 l. Fw ltl.imn'a w44(hm m well as tho working formula MHHHtmr of preparing tho same, and Mm afHtelally devlml apnarntua and np Hei emplovHl In their manufacture, M-e wWawld from publicity that Dr. hem's proprietary righto may ho fully yratfl (AA fr9tn such unprincipled lmi. IsitoHi m mlf hi be piratically Inclined. TWe prirtIon of these medicines 4shoul the uso of a drop of Alcohol, so nch, bowels nnd bladder, curing n largo Jier cent, or cniarrnni cases wucuilt wiu llscnso affects tho nnsnl passages, tho (ns lir.tdl InrVflY. lliuit, .i.t. ..i .-...-. . r . catarrhal dyspepsia), bowels ias mucous diarrhea), blndilor, uterus or other pelvic organs, liven in tho chronic or ulcerative singes of theso affections, it is often successful in effecting cures. Tho "Pnvorlto Prescription" Is nd vised for tho cure of one class of dlsenoes only those peculiar weaknesses, derange ments nnd Irregularities Incident to women. It Is n powerful yet gen tly acting Invigorating tonlo nnd strengthening nervine, i or wenk, worn out, over-worked women no matter what has caused tho break-down. "Fa vorite Prescription " will bo found most elfectlvo in Uuliaing up uiosirengxn, regulating tho womanly functions, sub sroi k'on Plerco by letter, tttt, All correspond dulng pain and bringing nbout a healthy, 01 in id fmtn standing, aro invited to consult Doctor UUIUft y.t . Win. m... vigorous condition Women sutfcrln in whole svstein. from diseases of long tin la imiii ni itrieuv Tinvsvo ana sacredly confidential. AddrcM Dr. It. V. Ilprco, Huffalo, N. Y. Dr. Plcrco's Mwllcal Adviser (1000 pages) Is sent frre on recolpt of 21 one rent stamps for psper-oovored. or 31 ttnmps for cloth-hound oopy. Addreas as nbovo. Stelflcr'B Market. Dealers In flsh, game nnd poultry. Hlghost cash prlca paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. Local Wholesale Market. Whoat 57c. Local whoat 65c. Oats 35c Barley 122. Flour 83.25. Mill feed Dran, 18.00; shorts, 1921. Hay Chcnt and clovor, J7.00 per ton; Umothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 25c. H0nB lie; young chlckonu, lie. DucJcs 10c; gceso, 8c; turkoys, 1301Cc. Uuttor 3Cc; butter fat, 35 He. Onions 55 57c por cwt; potn toos, 83 85c per cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; primo to cholco, 13Qil3V4c; modlum to primo, 10120. Chlttim bnrk 5 V4 3 Cc. Tropical Fruits. Bananas G V4o por lb. Orangoa 12.75 3.00. Lemons J4.OO0J5.OOO. Itotnll .Market. Flour 11 per sack. Bran C5 por Back; 1D.5O0$2O por ton; shorts, 00c por sack, $22 0 24 por ton. Hay Timothy, C5o por cwt, choat and clovor, 15c por cwt; 19.00 por ton. Outs $1.30 por cwt; wheat, 7Gc! rolled barley, $2G0$27 por ton. Hem 35 c. ApploH GOo to $1.00, according to quality. Butler Country, 23 025c; cream ery, 40c. Livestock. Cnttlo 1100 01200 lb stoers, 3Ka Lighter stoors 23 023VSC. Cows and heifers 90001000 lb, 3 04c. Block fcoga O0 6&C. llom 1750250 lb, fat, $0.00 $0,2. 8hop Go. Lambs Go. Veal Drousod, 6 08c. Hogs Drossiid, 8c. 22nd 21st not vourself a now homo now We have some cheap on easy pay ments; good house, corner Mill anu 22nd streets, $800. Ono G-room house and lot, Btrcet, $500. Good 4-room house and lot street for $400. Good 4-room house and lot, -sum and Mill streets. $450. Good G-room houso and lot. ZOtn and Mill streets, $800. Good 8-room houso and 3 lots zist and Chemeketa streots. $1,500. Two houses North Liberty. 2 lots each, $600. Nlco acreago property cheap. An 80 aero with li-room houso. barn, orchnrd. etc.. for only $900. 35 acres Dno bottom land, near Marion, with fair Improvements, cheap, $900.' A beautiful T2-acre good ,1m nrovoment. etc.. near Turner, fine houso and location. $3,200. Soo mo for anything In my lino If you want work, or wnnt holp of any kind, loavo your order horo. OUR MEATS ARK ALWAYS THE BEST. For we tako especial caro to buy none but tho best, and our customers enn nlwavs depend upon getting tho best In tho market at right prices when they buy at our market. B. O. CROSS, Stato Street Mnrkct rh6no 291 R Ra 510 Stato Street Ryan fitli"tt 9 1 A STRICTLY HAND MADE O JljL KJ EL X Wttfc fcono wovea la every seam and bearing the aever wear out quality, Is E. L. IRVIN'S $3,50 HAND MADE SHOE i A fcJgtanajti i ttevclopfcig for this shoe among ffft wfco wamt oVy let ni long wear wHh com fort s Ww wtadtig ,iaflLlllf lPr- iBf ill -lumPs ffi3BSt9l A v'o f&f X-S32nni Mil 1 W I urrrsr n ..v. , ": ",Blm bdlngflonr; wuo gooa old ti cw Engk Ilrriirl .. right hot loaf JJ 'uu in"t Jou M, uion. vm Sclf.rlslugD.B.,,. you can rnakebresij imo me ruritaa, i mako. 8-B Panoiir. m i ., 'm. ib uibo a pare food-1 iraao rising and all tttii iuui . mix wua crater aali on a not griddle. ALLEN'S BBBFL0iJ Pacific Coast Factory. Rm i Cal. Eastern Factorr. ilI Wolf Ulls, JInuawa,rh.: B B B i E. L. Ivin & Co. i !! PRACTICAL SHOEMEN I !! ! Koill trwrw to OrKuln Dnnltu uttlon was iaken 8tur ilay ttwiMHu tit a fruit growers' umtluit. 1M4 at OrauRO hall, to or KnUv m fruit crewvri' Httloa lu tha tJAlcm dlttrkt. This action U tho outcome of th work of a commute Hppolatvd at tho last tnwtlud of tho korilcultural wtl-ly. Tho principal !drs made at tho xaeotlui; by rrofvor C 1. lvu of th depart nvtat of hartJcultur at tho O. A. 0 ' ' ' Kv frMi k MwiHiv, Sllr4' Snow Li aim tit is prll fcr It swhI H doe. A sure cur (or rheumatism aud nil Mltn, Wiimkt "Vf, lAUfCt Qranc Junction, Colo, meat, last winter, for rheumatism and can recommend It as the best Unlmeut on tho market I thoueht, at tho tlu I as taken down with this troubU that It would bo a wek before I could set about, but oa ap plying your Unlmeat several times during tho ntebt, I was about la 48 hours and well In thro days." Bold by U. J. Try. CASTOR I A IsisA KsiisW VstsM sissAift A fBBMkMis law MSI I SI iSffrfl KfW9fm ISSSJH wssbsjs. sSsij dsr f m tfTp !& PORTLAND SLRKKT. Wheat Club, CO 70c; valley, 08 ff 69c; blue etom, 71072c. Oats Oholco white, $29. MlllMtuft Uran, $1C Hay Timothy, $13 $14; nlfnlfn, $14. Vetch $7.50 ft $8.00. l'otutoes $1.00fl$1.25 por cwt. Poultry Hens nnd mixed chick ens, lSHtrHo; young rooster, i-r 13c; dressed chlokons, 20ft21c; turkoys, live, 171 So; turkoya, dressed, 20 (T 21c; gceso, live, 10C ducks, lBlCc; pigeons, $1.00 12c; duoks, 10(TJ18c; pigeons, $14? l'ork Dressed, OIJOHc. Hoof Dressod, 65V4c, Mutton Oft 7c Hops 114J140 lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 20?21c; eastorn Oregon, 13 (J 18c Mohair S0O 28c Huttor Fano)' Creamery, 3Gc; atoro bultor, 10 H 17c o Croat Investment, absolutely safe, brings returns, giving surplus earn ing tower of youth till old ago, se curing comfort and health In your declining years. That's what Hollls tor's Itoeky Mountain Tea does. Dr. Stone's drug store. ... . i o liQOAI T1MK TA1ILK. DR. KUM , Wonderful CHINESE DOaOR Will trtst vou with Oriental herbs and curs any dlseaso without operntioa or pain. Dr. Kum Is known ovorywhere In Salem, and has cured many promlneat people here. Ho has lived in Haicm for 20 voras. and can be trusted. He uis many modlelnes unknown to white doctors, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung trouhlos, rheu matism, stomach, liver, and kidney dis eases. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy aad female troubles. His remedies core private diseases when everything else falls. Ho has hundreds of testi monials, and gives consultation free Prices for medicines very moderate. Persons In tho country can write for blank. Bend stamp. If yon want some extra fine tea, gut It from us. DE. KUM BOW WO CO., 107 South High street, Salem, Oregon. FOR JOIST AND FLOORED Tho boat piaco to uuy is whoro tho boat Btock of lumber is carried. Tho ontlro building trade know that thoro Is not a flnor stock of lumber than that carrlod by us. Wo nro ready to fill tho largost contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build er waiting. That's a very important point. Near S. P. pasaongor dopot GOODALE LUMBER CO. Phono G2 Main. Time. Card of Southern Pacific Trains lu Kltcct at Sm Pi&ruary , 1007. Toward Portland. No. 185:35 a. in., Oregon Kx prtwa. No. IS S:S0 a. ui Cottage Grove Passenger. No, 122:45 p. tn Shasta Ex press, No. 14 9;2S p. m Portland Ex press. No, 222 Arrlva 11:03 a. mH de part 11:3$, Portland fast freight. No. 336 Arrlco 10:40, depart ll:3S, way freight. Toward San FtoucIko. No, u U:l$ a. m., Shasta Ex press, Ne, 178:33 p. n Cottago Grove Passenger. No, 159:56 p. m., California Ex pr. No. 131:31 a, m., Saa Francisco Express. No, 231 S 33 a, m Portlaa fast freight. No. 32S Arrlra ll-SK . . , ,. wnvwv . THE lUvST "STAFF OF LIFE" YOU EVER SAW Is Ullom's broad. It's fresh dally, wholosoine always, nourishing, strengthening and fit for tho whole family. Ono thing moro whllo you're reading It's good to tho taste. Do yon know of any good reason why you don't buy Ullom'a bread? No? Then why don't you buy It? C, ULLOM. Capital Bakery. HOLUSTcn's Ricky Ptoufitarn Tea Niwgeli A Buy XtdliUi U B&17 Ptspk BHart CKU Halts sad Butvti Vltw . . VTJSI,e l2f Ouwilpnitaa. ln.llitloZ lireV IIOUMTS t)R(M ClHrf, MJlMLVir f tWiH-N NUUQEIS FOR SAIL0W PE0P It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every sack Is guaranteed, and that accounts for the rapid Increase in saleo.. Also it is still made of OLD WHEAT and is the best flour nt any price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all first class grocers. Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy ones that em uses during tho cool month yi clothing, nro awkward tlhsVl nanuio at nomc. wnynotiaij to tho laundry when they tail Ing? You'll not only saveyoumlliJ of nurd work, but you wlllhttS returned to you In a better as. than If you tried to vuhttai homo. l Wo mako them cleaner. flufllcr, and do not shrink tin truth of tho matter U,tbttu)l man who will compare a IijjI blanket from Tho Salem Stem I dry, and a homo washed mm not holp but notlco the Hi Tho homo waBhcd ono will Ul streaked, feol sticky, look In nmoll badlv. while the oct 1 tho laundry will be perfectly si sweet and fluffy. Yours fori work. 11 SALEM STEAM LU Phono 25. 130-1M 8. M 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijjjwra Hnnnf wlBOlV Is the WSW1 satisfaction. Why no'.ip"' of It wisely now buylsj 1 us? Baker, Lawrence' Successors to HirriliSJ H. S. Giles 0 Wholesale Gtoe.( 11 1 c miselon In tho nib dried t t ara ere' Traoc MAfMtB ntusNi CopvmaHTs Ac Anfooe MOdlnt iketcb aad dMerlpOoo tu9 ejuleklr tertJn out oirtnon fro whather M tOTtatloo u probablf 1 WUaS?B.n.n'2t ati( twatuvuthau nfUrVvVnt 1 nmncj lntM favkatn fhmueh Vnnn A iVv. TiasiialTil aUij alttiAnl nhanu In tka lioo 9n WfWmm nvt) n mvw ) w scKWiiK JiaKticaii. A tkodoalr lllQftn4 wieklr. Twat 4r culetloa ol my attnUSe laamu. Tmi,ai j 1 1 f our nwaUii, H. fiuU by aU s4 fin). tmmmttJJiMti .... j. and CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 2fi7 Conunercis! St. Phone 179 J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director Embalmer, A complete stru-v nr , . " "W " Bbwl f Bloat un to date funeral goods ; at prices the most rtasoaahlo. In tho Wagner Bullilag. .! Phoa 70, 333 Court 8tu, Salem : '. Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. Spedl v.. torsaltsl' 1 - .lllnV m&AtSlt ' tQK HUU ii"o . for a large dryer; prise. HOTEL 0g Portlaw! Ths w ei ssos " Otton parilly ' laaaar"r pla.. we a Jl ft u4 BWrd. Hajlf"" fil West, aad ! ILtfJ ei Ha. M WIsW-DICflCww Salem finxc Hartrs x.-..l TliVaL 0t " leiuui p. b. r AUatoww"? DTI PQ orrrl 2 t?3TTs. TlifsFjfw-lt-1, wwww- ., rt-rtjw- M ELlT- jr-wf- ww"- rl?f.t7- aViWat UU&7&GZt ;v hW 4Bart at IU2S, way frtst. SHkSkmbyDr.S.CShM tail mu ut u.. . m l-,wr - ww rtm wru m