DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OIIHOON, MONDAY, FEBRUAU 11, 1007. ILSTOCKTON THFQLP WHITE CORNER. A Giorious Spring Season of 1907 jo showing vt tho new spring merchandise mirrors fash- Oar no prettlest Ideas. Our success In tho past has, only Ion' n0,"S dctermlned for greater efforts In tho future pade us m ogrogsive era and a progressive Btoro. Each season This Is a p predecessor; nnd the smnll crevices of Impor haS.f0rnitrln Come In and see tho hew goods. ttliuu '" . Long Gloves In Silk 12 or or Wd. 16-button length. Black, White or .- ..!. niiifo so compe tent to Provide them as this glove rtore. White Waists i nnerb showing of dainty, white lawn waists fresh from the oanufacturers. Newest patterns embroideries, laces, groups or .m,il tucks and pleatlngs com- mso tho most unusual and elabor ate sort of beauty work. The itjles aro numerous nnd perfect la every detail. New Dress Ginghams A largo shipment just reached us comprising all tho latest pat terns for spring tnakp-up. Fancy itrlpos, plaids, checks, otc, In the French Foll-De-Nord ginghams. Also tho fine baby checks. SPRING SHIRTS FOR MEN CO dozen of na good n shirt as 7Go would over buy wo'ro offorlng at tho exceedingly low price of 50 CENTS EACH All now spring patterns. Tho assortment comprises both golf nnd nogllgeo Btyles In Mohair, fancy striped Madras, etc., with attached cuffs. See Commercial St. Window. r I m mimnum inn m mini i in m i mm ii CURRENT EVENTS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST I Compiled by the Daily Journal For the Public .Schools ill I I M I M II 1 1 Ml I M 1 1 M I HI M 111 I 111 II 4"i-H III Ml II I The English parliament assembles seven years 550,000 nutomobiles have Tuesday February 12, in tho presence l built, costing $250,000,000. of King Edward and Queen Ale.au- t ouy 2? ,' arin t bers of parliament nnd .ndtcntions aro Thursday tho National American tho opposition to the government has Woman Suffragists meets in Chicago, nindo gnins. Scnreitv of bread stuffs has com-. J.'10 Prt iro anil stool manu. pcllod the Mexican government to J0"8 " "r country reached i. i i i 1 i it. 4,32,000,000 for tho past year,, a largo lower tho import duties on wheat. lncrenso over 1905. I Tho first train in two weeks has At Snn Francisco Saturday 350 been put through tho snow blockodo .Tapaneso immigrants nrrived on ono from Wnllncc, Idaho, to Missoula. vessel. All wero admitted but one. Professor Condon, for mnny years at who was diseased, tho hend of tho geological department No new school laws havo been on of tho University of Oregon, died at nctcd at this session of tho legislaturo Eugene, this morning. but mnny have been prepared by tho In tho United Stntes in tho past state department of education. LINGER GRAND THEATRE. fhursday. Feb. 14. )regon's favorlto young nctrcBS. Miss Margarita Fischer !And her own company. Oponlng I'll : treat Blue Grass Derby Prices, ovcnlngs, 1G and, 2Gc. Tho Von Jossen Concert. Ruely If ever has been scon so piny of Salem's musicians nnd thoso ho really enjoy tho best of music i ai audience at tho Grnnd. This in Mr, von Jessen's second nppenr- sce beforo tho Salem public nnd he presence of so many of tho best fculal people nnd tho enthusiastic bceptlon accorded him gave ovi sac of his being recognized ns an ptlit of the very first rank. Tho program was strong, from m beautiful Andnnto In F. bv shoves, to tho tromondoiiB Rlgo- p. by Verdl-Llszt, not n llttlo or f: number npponrod. Th Adanto was playod with fault- Mi technique and finish, nnd was puowed by tho difflcult "En Route," 'ooddanl Tho various chnngos In po and accent, together with tho rtra work, makes this second num- 't a very brilliant concort gem. an. , Carlton Smith wns at hor . nr Interpretation, articulation rm musical tomnoramnnr f9 ber i favorlto slncor. Th mi. w obllgsd her to rospond to an wore arte each of hr mttni.nra m cerUlnlr pleased tho nudlenco Kwaingjy & next number vnn n,n opta sons. In D-flat minor. This consim of four movements, Be flrt a Stmnir drnmntlx n,l Dnmn L w - .M.V MUU DUIUU" fn martial strain, with all tho f tolorlna and shados as only a creied by Chopin, tho sec Sheni with a . ii.n.. ?wdi for a wish. th hir , v... " March, that is moro widely Ca ny othor of Chopin's PyU0M.nd the fourth tho pon GENTLE OREGON MIST, UwMwoallHkeand f .,fcUeoitttop!eulnByou Htrocoriyou aro just as ""Plasod at our store TOttlela tho Oregon '"Nare. "foot. i otHbeat of every. 11 M. BENSON I 1,ATC STREET dorous presto or fanfaro of trumpets in ono mighty Jubilee. In splto of an orchestra playing overhead, which distracted him very much, Mr. von Jessen wns equal to tho great task of playing this mas terpiece. His Interpretation was a "nrvpl. nnd his tcchnlquo bowlldor Ing. Only a few of tho great pian ists attompt this horculoanon task, yet MV. von Jesson played not only this sonn.tn, but his entire program without notos. Dr. R. A. Heritage has nlwayB held a warm spot In tho hearts of tho Salem people, and Friday night was no exception. Ho was greeted with a storm of applause After tho "Dancing Master" urla, from Mendel ssohn's "Son nnd Strnngor," ho re sponded to a hearty oncoro by sing ing SchuWt's "Wanderer." Ills plaintive, rich tones ns ho sang "I Find no Home," would causo his hearers to think of how many times he hns changed residence, so that porhnps ho really folt that ho was "A Stranger Evorywhoro." Tho four Chopin numbors next on tho program woro played with a mastorly conception of Chopin Only a few pianists really scorn to understand this groat artist, and Mr. von Jesson may bo truthfully styled "a Chopin plnyor." His own threo otudos woro vory ploaslng nnd showed tho touch of the master hand ns a composer, as woll as a conc&rt pianist. Rut tho grcnt - -i-Mo," what shnll bo said of that? It was beautiful in melody, tromondous In technical dlQlculty and masstvo as a wholo. Tho execu tion wns so exceedingly woll done that thoso who heard It will novor forgot how ably Mr, von Josson mas tered ovory difficulty nnd gavo a ren dition not excelled by tho world's best pianists, and equalled by only fow Such concorts aro productive of much good, and If tho pooplo could bo drawn in somo way to listen to a number of such entertainments how much hjgher would go public sentl raont, and bouw the public would de test tho popular "rot" that now they seem to rollsh. It is hoped that Mr. von Jessen will recelvo the support that will warrant him in giving such concorts from time to time, and that' our people will glvo him oncourngomont so Btrong thnt ho may romain per manently In Salem. If music Is to advance from Its present low state In our beautiful Capital City wo must havo masters to lead and educate. Now that wo havo such a master as Mr. von Jessen let us boo that we keep him. BY A MUSIC LOVER. o Houso Eoutlno Monday. In thot houso this morning, II. R. 33 t. lfpvnnlilq rniritlnHnrr ilin ulnnr. iutondent nnd assistant physician of mo insnno asylum, was mntlo a special order for Thursday nt 3 o'clock. House bills 351 to 395 woro read for tho second timo niul referred to tho appropriate committees. Tho committco on ngriculturo mado fnvorablo reports, which were adopted, on tho follewing: S. B. 83, Rowcrmnn, forming tho Seventh District Agricultural Society. S. R. 02, Smith of Umntllln, provid ing for the Third District Agricultural Society. S. 1. 100, Johnson, for tho establish ment of Eastern Oregon Agricultural societies. II. B. 200, Belknap, providing for tho Central Oregon Agricultural So ciety. HOUSE PASSES BILLS Fight on the Measure to In crease School Tax Tho morning session of the houso was dovoted to listening to tho re ports of. standing committees on about twenty bills referred, a number of bills were rend a second tlmo nnd re ferred to tho proper committees and twolvo measures wero disposed of on third rending, of which four wero passed, two failed to pass and tho lmlanco wero re-referred for correction nnd amendment. Thoso passing woro H, B. 120, by Dnvey, providing for permanent records of elections in ouch county; Mo. 01, bv Jones, of Polk nnd Lincoln, pro viding for conventions of district school heards: No. 07. by Stcon, providing for display of United Stntes ling on pub lic school buildings, nnd No. 21)3, by Bcnls, providing for a cluleso ami erciitiierv liiHiirclnr to fmsUt Vnml niul ., T. nnn rt a i .( i 1 - Z . . . .. ------ i. .u. oov, iirit-r, n-guiuuug biuck . jumry commissioner Bailey, running at largo. ymx tho houso adjourned Friday Xl'Iio same committee recommonded afternoon it wns sitting in committco thnt II. B. -14, Bnrrctt, to exterpato 0f the wholo in consideration of tho Canadian, Russian nnd Chlncso this-' sovernl proposed tax laws, which order tics, do not pnss. Tho houso refused, of business wns carried over until this to adopt tho report ami tho bill goes on tho calendar. II. B. 110, Slasher, regulating stock In Morrow comity, wns referred to tho delegation from Morrow and Umatilla counties. if Tho committee on claims recom mended thnt II. B. 252, Diivoy, appro, prlutiiig $100,000 to pay Indian war veterans for horses, do pass with thn amendment that tho appropriation bo niiuio $50,000. Third Bonding. II. B. 12S, Dye, to compel public corporations to provide scats on street cars nnd providing punishment for failuro to do so. Fulled to pass, II. B. 250, Davoy, providing for pormnuont roeords of eledtions in onoh county. Pnssod. II. B. CO, Boveridge, to provido for purchnso of textbooks and mipplios at exponso of districts. Referred to en grossing committco. II. B. 01, Jones, Polk nnd Lincoln, providing convention of district ttehool boards. Passed. II. B. 07, Steen, providing for dis play of United Stntes Hag on public school buildings. Passed. IL B. 105, Edwnrds, to lncrenso tho rovonuo for public school purposes. Motion to re-rofer for correction of de fects lost. Motion to indefinitely post nono lost. Ito-rcfcrred to committee on judiciary for further consideration, II. B. 305, Dobbin, relative to screens at inlets of ditches. Ro-referrod to committco on fisheries for correction. II. B. 337, Upmeyer, by request, to morning, but owing to tho Intoncss of tho train Chnirmnn Newell of tho com mittco on assessment nnd taxation was not present nnd further notion wns postponed uutil ho could bo pres ent nnd explain tho amondments which havo been incorporated. Recess wns taken nt 12:15 until 2 o'clock this afternoon. Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Ro ward for any enso of Catarrh that cannot bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Chcnoy for tho last 16 years, nnd bollovo him perfectly honorablo In all business transactions nnd finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions mado by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnnn & Mnrvln, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cnturrh Curo Is takon In ternally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, Testimonials sont freo. Prlco 75 cents por bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ttf fMemiiiiMittf iitttMietji DRY GOODS BARGAINS 9c Outing Flannel, yard 7c 12c Outing Flannel, yard. c Child's 25o Knit Waists, each in MIssob 2Go Iloob, pair. lRo Chlldron's Heavy Cotton" Hose, 3 pairs for. ... 35c Ladlos' 1.00 wrappers oach .63c Ladtes' $1.00 Union Suits, largo sires, ouch 00c Ladles' 75c Union Suits, each ...-15c $1.00 Bcdsproads each..... ....;,........ .69c Toweling, yard " . .-Mic Corsot Cover Embroideries, yard 23o Wldo Embroideries nnd Insertions yard ....' 10a Seo our goods nt lc, 3c and 5c, big assortment. ' i Rostein & Greenbaum COMMERCIAL STREET wf AGREED ON CODE OF WATER Irrigation Committee Will Report a Substitute Bill on Water Laws 91SO for MorriHon A vnnllnl. linn tmnn i-lvnn In ih.t provide for taxing and killing doga flrout cQurt Jn thQ mi q , Indefinite Coffee Are you satisfied with your colfee? If not. we w&nt you to try Chase & Sanborn's. We are tho only agonts for them la Salem and we know that thero aro no iner flavored coffees on tho market. We want you to bo satisfied with your cofee. Moir Grocery Companry W MAM W nnd disposing of revenues y postpoueu. II. B. 203. Beals, providing cheeso nnd creamery inspector. Bill considered by section by house in com mittco of tho whole, Roported favor nbly. Passed. Recess until 12 p. m. o Frofeceor Condon Dead. Thomas Condon, for many years oc cupying tho Chair of Geology at the Oregon State University at Eugene, passed away this morning iu extreme old ago, and after very llttlo suffering. He has been in retirement for noma time but until recently led a very nctive lifo, hearing classes at tho University and lecturing at Eugene and elsewhere. He has collected ono of tho most valuablo geological muse ums on .the Pacific Coast, and written many books and pamphlets on his geological discoveries. He was for many years a Congregational minister 'at The Dalles. The town of Condon was named after him, as was tho town of Fowl, where ho mado one of his 'greatest discoveries, ne has made bis i home for many years with bis daujh. ,ter, Mrs It. 8. Bean, at Eugene. The funeral will be heldWednesday, and ,hts old friend, Rev. P. S. Knight of tun citynas ueen asicca to omeiaie, ' o Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 20 years, nnd am still hunting for trouble In the way of burns. Bores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a case of pile that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walt ers, of Alleghany, Sierra Co, No use jaunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every 'case. Quaraatee at J. C. Jerry's fdrui; stere: 25e. ngnlnst Llvosloy for for of tho plaintiff. o (150 In favor Wnlknwkl-Wiver A marrlago llconso was this morn ing Issued by County Clerk Alton to Joseph Walkawskl, of Hubbard, aged 29, and Miss Barbara Weaver, of Hubbard, aged 19, with Fannlo Weaver acting as witness, llnnd Concert Tho Salem Military Band gave a vory onjoyablo concert on tho cor ner of Commercial nnd Stato stroets yesterday afternoon, Tho weathor was Ideal, and a large crowd soon gathered to hear tho music and en joy tho sunshine, Tho concort had not been announced, and many of tho musicians were absent, but tho band rendered soYeral creditable numbers, which showed that tho boys aro still practicing, and are prepared to furnish new and excel lent programs to tho Salem music lovers, when tho weather pormlts. A Stitch la Tlmo Will savo nine. So will a bottle of Ballard's Horehouod Syrup alwayr kept on hand save many a spell ot sickness. A sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mrs. 8 , Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I keep a bottle of Ballard's Horohound Syrup In my medicine chest, and thank my forethought many time. It baa prevented many severs s!I or sckae." gold by D. J. Fry. Aftor wrestling with sonnto bill No. C5, Introduced by Sonntor Whoaldon, providing for tho regulation nnd control of wntor, tho committco on Irrigation has ngrood on a substitute bill which will bo roportod In tho sonate this aftornoon. Tho substi tute bill differs In many Important lnstnncos from tho orlglnnl bill, which wns drafted under tho direc tion of tho roclamatlon sorvlco of tho United Stntes government, nnd has boon In Incubation Blnco Inst summor, whon It wna consldorod by tho Irrigation Association, which mot In this city. Many objections havo boon mado to tho original bill, which cntorod far too much towards otll otaldom to suit tho plain pooplo. Tho substitute bill doos nwny with somo of tho most glaring features of buroauueracy, but onough romnlnu to Insure a stormy tlmo whon tho monsuro comes up on Its final pas-Bago. & NVOMArTS"HOME I W Kvon from tho Mountains. Ballard's Snow Llnlmont Is prnlsod for tho good It doos. A suro curo for rhoumatlsm nnd u pains. Wright W. Loving, Orand Junction, Colo , writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Lini ment, Inst winter, for rhoumatlsm and can recommend it as tho best Llnlmont on tho market. I thought, nt tho tlmo I was takon down with this troublo that It would bo a wook boforo I could got about, button ap plying your Llnlmont sovoral tlmos during tho night, I was about In 48 hours and woll In throo days." Sold by D, J, Fry. Halnry Grub Compromise. In tho sonnto this aftornoon Ulna- ham forced tho Issuo on tho "salary grab" bill, to ralso tho pay of mom bors from 3 to $10 per day. Tho committee finally roported a com promlso for $300 for tho sosslon, which was ndoptod 14 to 16. Bing ham led tho fight, and mado strong points for his sldo, whllo Johnson mado an equally stern demand for tho ralso. - e Pleasant tuui. Most Kffectlvn, T, J. Chambors, Ed. Vindicator, Liberty, Texas, writes Dec. 2G, 11102: "With pleasuro and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to tho curatlvo power of Ballard's Horohound Syrup. I havo used It In my family and can cheerfully affirm It Is tho moit ef fective and best remedy for coughs and colds I havo over mod." Sold by D. J. Fry, o CASTOR I A For lufttats ui GklUrta. Tin KW Ym Hart Always Utfri JVvrV wmi I THE BEST MAGAZINES AT BARGAIN PRICES Any magazine, no matter where pub Ilshed, can ba subscribed for through us at special wholesale rates. Wo offer this service to get mere readers familiar with THE READER and TUB HOME MAOAZINE. To pay you for your Interest and patron age, we offer you an actualash saving on all magat fnes that you want. Here are tho most prominent and popular periodicals at bargain prices. Vou can get for your homo three migaslncs for the usual price of one. If you don,'t find what you want In these- offers send for our complete catalogue, IT IS FRUE. Htgulif Vtk tu Yw wnVHMfvn XUw KlMfM MtflfulM 3.00 Total . $5.00 J $3.00 FkJM tWwtMJWfnm . 41.UJ I HfMO MtfMIM l.UU HarW lunr 1.00 Total . $11.00 er Me $2.00 Ttrm Till Cmtnl Micizlm AgMcy TK BotU-MwtUl CHn larftanapslU Indiana xJ(3K5Mr XrogjJ 22 Good Time to Renovate the Watch Now's a good tlmo to havo your watch looked aftor. Wo give this dopart mont especial attention, and uso only tho very boat ot material la repair ing. Watches ropalrod by us aro re llablo tlmo keopors, and aro undor my porsonal attontlon. CHAS. H. HINGES Export watchmaker and graduate ojttlctau, 123 Commercial street. Ky to Had, next door to Capital bank.