,t FAIR TONIGHT AND m i A TL Y CAPITAL JOtTBNAL. It -I SALEM, OBJBQOW. MONDAY, FEHRUAK 11, 1007. NO. 37. CLUSION CONFERENCE ENDED JEROME BARS OUT WOMEN FROM HEARING THAW TRIAL RAILROAD COMMISSION FIGHT VJ?" $25,000,000 TURNED LOOSE ILIC MORALS OFFENDED of Details Thaw Trial ;WillDirllo Dcbauchy kte New York Million aires York, Feb. 11. Tho first becmeot In tho Thnw trial to- Ihe edict from Judgo Fltz- that, except six nctlvoly on- raeiripaper women, no member rentlo sex would bo pormit- conrt during tho romalndcr t case. The announcement 1 1 bun ot comment from tho if tcandal mongers and sen- takers drawn out by tho til spring weather. Thaw en- mrt at 10:30 looking frosh nnd In good Bplrlts. Evelyn Thaw Is again to go on tho stand today. Jcromo Objects From Start. t Harry Bhowed disappointment that no member of his family was I present when ho entered. Delmas ac companied Evelyn to court and left her In tho clerk's office. Sho greeted her husband when brought In. J. D. Lyons, president of tho Union Na tional Bank, of Pittsburg, was tho first witness called by tho defenso to Identify Thaw's will. Joromo ob jected to Lyons as n witness, and raised a contention that tho will bo temporarily bnrred, becauso no evl donco was Introduced to lay a foun dation of proof of Thaw's insanity. Jerome Insisted on further proof of mental weakness. This brought from Dclmaa tho first word upholding Dr. Wiley. DolmnB declared it as his intention In tho defenso to show Thaw's eccentricities, and then clinch tho caso by introduction of export testimony, of which ho de clared ho has plonty. Question of I'ubllc Morals. Thaw's uttornoy Is today ondoav orlng to devlso means to forco tho introduction of defendant's will as ovldonce. Ho Is likely to permit Ev olyn Thnw to rest thoroughly beforo recalling her to tho stand. An agreement to protect public, morals mpmpmmmmmm b. Hi aa cTnrusi PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE A GREAT RICECUTTINGSALE OF RELIABLE MERCHANDISE to mlety Is great, tho prices aro tho lowest wo over quoted on ble goods. Read ovor carefully this price list of monoy-savers. W Tdi. Fancy Dress Silks, yd , ESc. "ucrSllk Organdies, yd., 49c FttlPV Wnnl n.. n.i n, J9t 811k Finish Madrass Walst- fefi. Td., 35c. ttthMpdng In Dlack Dress Poods. It Fency Plaid Dress Goods, yd., 15c. TWool Dress Goods, yd., 69c mr Dress Goods cheap. "Mk 7Hc Embroidery, yd., Tds. Fancy Dress Gingham, fit Wt Double Width Percales, yd. S.Unen finish, yd., 6c m!i ndard Cal,co' yd- Linen, yd., 1Ac. of yards of Muslins USMa' bara'a Oc. ieW5r Crash Towcl,nss, yd. L1,CtUa KSht Gowns, price' ?&i!UCkT0Wel8.3 1-3c U ,t Dletehed table LIen gU Curtain Sc,rimm h16 Handker- 4rIS7DeU8'Pr,cel5c CS" PrIce 25c- - ' "' Price, 59c. 10c Frilled garter Elastic, yd. Ec Ladles' 35c Undorwear, prlco 25c Boys' 25c Doublo Kneo Hose, 15c Children's 15c Doublo Thread Hose, 10c. Ladies' 18c Fast Dlack Hoso, 10c. Dettcr ones at salo prices. Best sans Silk, ball 2c. So Whlto Pearl Buttons, dot. 4c Best spool Silk, spool 3c Thread Lace, 4-In wldo, yd, 5c. Flno Linen Laco, yd. 2c 8 l-3c Llnon Laco, yd. Sc. Remnants of Embroideries cheap. Remnants of Laces at any price. 35c Fancy collars, prico 15c. 15c Fancy Collars, prlco 9c. 25c Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 4-ln wide yard 12 c. 7o Silk Taffeta Hair Ribbon, yd., 3C Children's Underwear 10c, 15c and 19c 11.50 Black Petticoats, price 98c 500 New PlaMiSilk Waists, price $3.25. 85c White Lawn Waists, only 49c 11.50 White Lawn Waists, only 89c. Men's 75c Dress Shirts, soiled, price 35c Men's Underwear, half price. Men's 85c Heavy Work Shirts, price 49c Men's Overalls, all prices. Laaiea' Coats and Suits, half prlco 17.90 Silk Petticoats, price $4.50 Ladle' $2.25 Dress Shoes, $1.45 Lace Curtains, pair, 39c, 49c, 75c, l.i aad up. Isultee, cmw aad se tle heatkl- fyl laJIUnAMr wa (KicR l.n.l-. 9Wm9VJ vlWJ 4nr VHnlcpgt SVOYBROS: Camr af dal mi Omt trt as much as possible was made be tween Joromo nnd tho attorneys for tho defenso beforo trial, to admit as littlo of n character of blackening testimony and inuendocs as possible. It now scorns thnt the agreement must bo brokon, that Jorome, too off sot Evelyn's testimony, will bring In to tho spotlight reputations of many Now York millionaires. Evelyn will attack tho Thaws who advertised that ho lived only for his wife. This introduces testimony that after tho mnrrlago Bho frequently responded to tho call of tho groat whlto way. They will almost seek to show that Thaw's crusndo against vlco, In which ho enlisted the support of An thony Comstock was carried on for selfish motives, nnd that the crusado was undor a soiled bnnner. Such tactics will result in only ono thing Tho dofenso will resort to tho Bamo method, and tho trial will becomo a delving into tho muck, holding up to vlow of tho virtuous In tho darkest orglos of tho half-world. Toddy Takes Hand. Washington, Feb. 11. Tho Pres ident has askod tho postmaster-general to tako stops to bar from the malls nowspnpers printing Bnllclous details of tho Thaw trial, If ho enn do so undor tho law. Tho following ofllcinl announcement was mado this morning at tho Whlto House: Thu President has communicated with Postmastcr-fSeiicral Cortolyou to learn If ho Is favorable to plan to bar from tho malls paivers Riving full and disgusting particulars of the Thaw case. Ho does not know wheth er It Is feasible, but if It is he wishes it done." Dohnas Wins Point. After a long wrangle Lyons was allowed to tostlfy that ho had received prior to April 1005 from defendant the will over which controversy wns mado. Lyons declared tho onvolopo containing the will was unbrokeu from tho tlmo ho received it until he Bourron dered It, tho lnttcr part of November 1900. Attorney Qlcnson then took the stand nnd testified onvclopo enmo into his possession with seal unbroken No vember 11. 1000. Evelyn Resumes Stand. At this point Dolmns again offered the will In ovidonco, but Jerome's ob jeetton, on ground of passing of will from Lyons to Qleason without .being opened, was sustained, nnd tho will wbb temporarily laid 'aside. Evelyn was then recalled and instantly tho court room aroused from drowsy dlsln terestness to excitement. Thaw's wlfo was clad in tho simplo costume 4hat has characterized her throughout the trial. As sho entered the shuffling f feet ceased, and necks were cranod and nil eyes followed her down tho nislo to tbfl stand. The Famous Kate Read. Delmas asked Jeromo to prodaco the noto Evelyn wrote to her husband nt 't tho Cafe Martin on tho night of the tragedy. Several minutes elapsed be. . fore it was produced. In the interim the ' eyes of all in tho court room were cast upon witness soarcbingly. She was composed and smiled several times at her husband. Tho girl identified tho . note and said she wrote it. Delmas read the note to the court. It read: ! "Tho b. was here a moment ogo, nut went out again." Jerease Oalss a Point. "To whom did B refer!" asked Del mas. "To Standford White." "Now, I'll ask you," said Delmas fyery gently, "If you ever heard Thaw speak of sny threat being mado against his life by .Whiter Jerome objected and court sustained him. The question was reinstated but Jerome again objected on ground that question didn't bear on insanity of defendant but had to do with a plea ot BeiMierea, which bad not yet been established by Thaw's 'attorneys. Insanity Bxyerta te Cte Oa. Thaw's attorneys went Jnto confer ence, press stably concerning the new line of testimony, and "change of pro gram xoreeu upoa taera by ruling one of much of tkeir testimony this more tng oa technical objection by prosecu tion. It is said. DelMM will put Insan ity experts on this afternoon. Jerome's objection, was sustained The court also sustained his objec tion to the question, about malefac tors Thaw is alleged to have said White set ne his trail. Evelyn said she knew Thaw carried a pistol at one tlsse la IMS, In New York, bat bollpveJ ho nover cnrrled n weapon when not In New York. "Did you ovor Bay anything to your hiiBbnnd about tho visit you mado to May McKlnzlo nt tho hospi tal when sho was HI, at which moot ing Whlto wns present?' 'asked Dol mnB. "Yes," answered tho witness. Jeromo nnd Dolmns again hnd a spirited contest as to tho nmlssnblll ty of tho evidence along solf-defense lines. Tho nnswor was ruled out. Tho question' ns to tho effect of Boo ing White, upon her husband wna nlso ruled out. Questions ns to tho statement Thaw mndo to hor rognrdlng relations of Whlto with other girls regarding asking n repotltton of her husband's prepoBnl was ruled out. Court adjourned up on rcquost of Dolmns, so thoy might hnvo time to prepnro tho export tes timony, for lack of which moBt of his questions wore ruled out. No Obscene News. Now York, Fob. 11. Unite J States District Attorney Simpson to day sont n wnrntng to nil newspapers that overy publication which prlnU obscene mnttor concerning tho Thaw caso will be prosecuted under section 3893 of tho federal statutes. Simp son acted independently of tho Pros ident, nnd didn't know nt tho tlmo of the lattor'B order to Cortolyou. Tho Prpsldont has frequently Blnco tho Thaw trial becan expressed him self fbrclbly oti tho question, rtnn early ordorcd nil nttachos of th Whlto Houso to watch carofully and provont'by all mennB any of his own children gottlng hold1 of papers con taining tho details. . o WATCHDOG OF THE TREASURY 9T FRISCO PARTY YIELDING To the Magic Influ ence of Teddy Sentiment For Japanese Ex clusion Growing on Coast Propos.es to Turn Loose the Idle Coin of Uncle Sam Washington. Fob 11. Sccrotury Shaw announces thnt ho will buy $25,000,000 worth of four porconta nt 1,10 premium. In an Intorvlow with Hon. John H. Albert, of tho Capital National bank, he says: "Tho seprotnry of tho treasury has made this movo to toko ndvantngo of tho scarcity of money in tho finan cial centers, and secure theso bonds for cancellation cheaper than ho could when money Is not so scarce Tho tightness of monoy onablos him to kill two birds with ono stono pay off tho public 'debt and put money in circulation. According to tho best financial judges It is a good thing to do." , -i e Stnoot Cue. Washington, Feb. 11. Tho Sraoot caso was brought up In the eonato this aftornoon by Derry, of Arkan sas, who urged tho adoption of tho resolution reported by the commit tee or privileges and election, hold ing that Smoot is not entitled to his seat. 3'Tf.H Two JwMcJal Circuit. Washington, Feb. 11 Fulton's bill, establishing two judicial cir cuits la Oregon, was reported favor ably by the seaate Judiciary commit tee today. Wnshlngton, Fob. 11. Mnyor Schmttz nnd tho othor CnllfornlniiH with htm havo received showers of tolcgrams, not only from San Fran cisco, but from California nnd othor stntos on tho Pacific coaBt urging them not to innko any consecclsons without positive exclusion ot Jnp uncBo, Many of tho, messages are threatening. The delegation knows, ns tho result of tholr conference's end thnt forever tholr political ca reers aro ended, unless tho coaRt peoplo got what thoy want. So ho ImilBtB upon nbsoluto exclusion. Thoy themsolvs nro yet unable to 'flghfti dut hqw tho" Presldbnl "enn inako bucIi n gunrnntcti. Ho cannot promise that congress "will-pans an oxcluBlon law or thnt tho sonnto will ratify n reciprocal treaty. Tho coaHt pooplo demand thnt tho President lenvo tholr affairs olono, yet thoy de mand thnt their roprcsontntlvo ro coivo a guarantco that tho President Interforo with tho leglslatlvo and tronty making prorogntlveB of con gross. Tho Schmltz party fcol their work groatly hampered by tho San Francisco press, sovoral payors nl rcady having announced tholr uncon ditional surrondor to tho President, nnd It mny bo stated authoritative ly that this Is truo. Still thoro Is n general bollof thnt tho President wIM win, but nothing has boon said to tho Prosldont by any mombor to wnr rnnt tho assertion that thoy will glvo in. It cannot bo denied, howovor, thnt Schmltz and othors havo felt the President's magic touch. It Is now planned to end tho conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon, Woodburn, which mny Bprcad to oth or points nlong tho lino when it bo comes known. Dr. J. F. COOK WKUL Mmr AUi PATnMm. FMl AJTT itU Mt. C9L Woodburn, Or., Feb. 11. So strong has tho fooling ngulnst Japan J 080 labor grown and bo Intonso the fooling of rcsontmont against tho ac tion of tho Southern Pacific Com fpany In displacing whlto labor on the jsoctlon gangs with Japaneso coollo .labor, that a crowd of about 75 white ( citizens of Woodburn waited upon ithe Japaneso section crow at tholr shacks Saturday night, nnd gavo ,them notlco to loavo tho dlgglns or suffer tho consequence, which, It Is 'understood, would bo the blowing up of tholr shanties with dynamite Tho Japs stood iiot on tho order of going but packed up bag and baggage, nnd set out for othor and more comfort ablo parts. For many years past tho South ern Paclllo has boon displacing white labor on section and othor work gangs with Japaneso coollo labor, and a feeling of bitterness has de veloped to such a stage that more troublo Is threatened If tho practice is uot abolished. Should tho company Insist in fur nishing Japs for tho section crow at Woodburn tho demonstration of Sat urday night may tako a more serious and violent turn than tho former one. It Is not known hero of whom the "white cap" party was composed, but It Is understood that some of the most prominent men woro In cluded In tho moveraont. Neither Is there any knowledge here of what the company intends doing In the light of this uaexpected actios) on the part of the white population of At Snlom for Bovornl yenrs white soctlon crows hnvo displaced Japa, and It wns gcnornlly suppoBod thnt this policy waB going to bo oxtond od all nlong tho lino. Tho Inbor problem In WcBtom Oregon has been tho most serious ono tho rall rondB hnvo been up ngnlnBt. Stole 82.1,000 from HiihnIh. Moscow, Fob. 11. Ten nrmod men this morning stolo $25,000 from a government messenger -nnd escaped. They dropped at $35,000 In their flight, but got nwny with tho romntudor. FIGHT ON RAILROAD COMMISSION Speaker Davey Defends Him self Against Accusations Thoro will bo nil kinds of fireworks. In the houso thlH afternoon when. ChHpIn's , railroad cnmmlmlon bill is reported buck, by botji a majority of tho joint committee and the majority of tho houso committee, for. cpHstder ntloti. Thu majority of tho joint (join nilttuo still insists thht tho commission shall ho appointed by the govornor,, one to hold ofllco until 11)08, when tho nlllco becomes electivu nnd tho othor two to hold until 1010, while tho ma jority of tho house committee, headed by Jones of Polk, and Lincoln, demand that tho commission be appointed by tho stuto board nnd they claim thnt; thoro is enough Itepubllcan votes in thu house to miHtuln thorn in their con tcntlon. There is plenty of ovMenco that tho hand of tho uhlof executive is taking n prominent part in tho gamo- of politics involved, either directly or Indirectly, but tho Jones, Holt, King opposition to his making tho appointment think they will win out and then pass it up to the governor and lot him veto tho (blll if ha sees fit. Tho joint com mittee held a conference at 1 o clock this afternoon and tho matter will conio up at tho appointed hour, 3 o'rlock, on special order for final de cision, Thoro was a rumor ufloat this morning thnt It had been agreed to lot tho Chapin hill puss over today nnd await tho action of tho sonata upon tho IHnghum bill, which Is a copy of tho riinpln hill, tomorrow morning. This report, however, Is denied by Chairman Coffey of tho houso commit tee, who says tho Clinpln bill will bo given full and duo consideration today. When tho house resolves itself into a committee of tho whole Sneaker Dnvcy will take tho floor and will stand out for his contention that tho commission should bo created by Ite publlcan votes und brains, but that, if ho Is defeated in his contentions, ho will bow gracefully to the will of tho majority and stand by tho bill In whatever form it is agreed upon. Jones of Polk and Lincoln also takes thht stand and Buys ho will stand for tho bill even if bo Is heatttn. The three bolting members of the house com mittee were indirectly accused of be ing in leaguo with the Jfairlwan sys tem in one of tho commltteo meet ings, or words to that effect, when ono of tho members of tho committee re marked that "we aro up against the Ilnrriman system," but tho remark was explained nway afterwards. The bot tle on tho floor this afternoon, if mat ters do not tako nn entirely different form than whut Is now presented, Cromlscs to be a royal one and will e fought out bitterly, Thoro Was a meeting of tho Joint railroads committees this afUrnoou, all being present except Jones, King and holt, and It was agreed to report tho railroad commission bill, giv ing tho governor power to appoint, naming ono member for two years and two for four years. The moot Jug was harinoiftotifl, and, so far n thoso present are concerned, all were unanimous for tho roport. . , Ctycatfe Mwriie. Chicago, Feb. 11. -Wheat 80 U 0 80? cera 4t. oals 40040, m ll I JO .1 a J