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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALHM, OXBGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY D, 1007. --.. . Neff York. Feb. J). Thero was n . . ...... innlr n mat nftor line ffnen ui he Christmas from the toll or dress ing, but now tlmt tlio exodus to he south lias become as well an es ibllslied custom as a trip to tlio ..lorn In Europe, it Is necessary hat the woman who makes such n .m must mnko a thorough and com mute, outfit, for the winter outfit It a no wise fitted ror uio buuwiuiu iimo This migration in greater numbers tlinn over before, from till ..nnrts. has already sei in. i-or Kome weeks past now, in fact before he holidays, preparations "avo ucen nine on early and Into in tlio gront dressmaking establishments In this citr. . . For tho womnn wlio must stay in. home and who does much of her own ewine theso advanco stylos jiro or Inestlmablo valuo and usunlly this class aro to bo scon dally roaming through tho grent stores taking notes and buying whatovor bargains they cm that will bo of ndvnntngo to thorn la their spring outfit. To buy tlio cottons and wash goods now, Is eco nomical and Insuros your getting styles and fabrics that will not bo found later on. Even in hats, early It is, you can pick up a hat noth ing like which will bo scon later In tie season for at Easter It would scorn as though tho only thought the milliners had was to turn out as any crude oddities mado of choap materials for the tunny, nil on a. few patterns, and chnrgo as much as pos sible for them as much as their audacity and the foolishness of thn buyer will permit. A hat bought now oftea has a stylo and distinction that Is missed In tho Easter sales, except pou pay woll up nbovo tho twice ten figure. The first thing to bo brought out by the houses that enter to tho south ern resorts aro the linen and muslin frocks, and anions thotn ono finds Hftle that is radically now; of courso, oddities and freak looklnz clothes ro brought out all tho tlmo, but fringes are taking plnco moro grad ually all tho time and most of th roodels seen are planned on thoso lines seen during tho past thro. "Mnths. Th.-y follow nccopfod llnca nd Ideas, which aro olovorly modi-. Md and adapted to tho summary (rtrlcs. First to bo noticed, that Is the princess model which hns beer o very popular during tho past twe wwns. and for which anothor sea Ma is an assured fact to jmlgo fiom ike new modils shown. Both the lMvy and soft linens and musllnB W USed. and from tho nxnnrlnnnj. rned in the past tho drossmnkors wo learned pretty woll what and " to do tu Ket the bast and most mlng results for all flguros, for is no doubt about It that 11 j" are I mean that tho ownors nwrea are princess mad. It ac- for some of tho sights one 'every day on the stroots with ., lhe a,4 of tha modistes art the H'CCftM Wa lier Inti.mlp.l trr soae. V a tall u-nmnn !.. , ; JJ"4 flgure tre Is a rather severe U8t, or a Bnrt nf , ... weeatho two; the sldos and front ,.7, V036 fllUns nn(l tho back loft tu ilT. tbe 8houltl8- Tho orlg B1 of the miwie . .1 . , ... !"itTenenv: ::::r::mT Tom. vea(ier -.,. ,.n . iiunshajeof lavender silk cov J " ,RVe a a white hat trim- " With lnl. . Asoiw anu uoia bands. J Pnncws draw o. Ir'tefl from white omhr0i,ior iZt!m' WIth inwrtlon trw " .""""ww- Still another 'aed wi.s ? llnm o'aborately W,CVnm,0D- JoaInB the ". On f an Ifasot ot ,n' u Urd ,; v ' eut a ,n one d tV? I. the va,st and clinging !I&6t,.t a,' a&ted to Immense ICriS l Tm' Sheeatlste lth iri.VT """"eaaacrtrlra, "" ,ri lace Insertions, in! Satisfaction No Prize Hm Omumonm Ho Orookmry Never Sold in Bu!!x. 1, 2, 2V2 and 5 Pound Tina Only J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco J MM-44 Latest New York Fashions j 44,,ltlt1iaiIMa'''8''''l'i set bauds of tho laco ran from the shoulders 'to wnlst, nnrrowlng In their downward courso until they nearly met at tho waistline, below which they wero continued on tlio skirt broadening grnudnlly until they mt tho trimming on tho bot tom of tho frock. For gaining height this model is n sood ono. That tho olbow bIcovo for these flno goods Is to domlnnto sleov models Is n fact to bo accepted with, out question; and nearly nil tho new tailor-made costumes show tho neat trim short skirt, an examplo of which was part of a brown cloth two-plcco costume, whoro tho skirt was ar ranged In stitched pleats bolow the waist lino. From tho pleats the full ness falls In graceful folds to the fool. Tho llttlo coat Is faced with tiny rovers, mado of brown and white checked volvot. Tho collar anil waistcoat aro also created from the samo material, whllo tho blouso of creamy Bills Is adorned with laco to match. Tho short sleeves aro trim mod with turnovor cuffs of the check ed velvet. With this suit Is worn n soft crushnblo felt In white Just now bo fnshlonublo becnuso ot their soft ness can bo shaped to suit almost any face. A bandeau raised tho hat to Just tho right angle, nnd was dec orated with trimmings of gold gallon twist of brown nnd n whlto wing on the loft side. Linen frocks promlso to bo moro In demand than over. Laco and won derful embroideries blossom out on nil of tho now Importations, but the llnncn frocks that will mako the strongest appeal to tho avorago wom an aro thoso bIiowIiik a Jaunty coat and skirt, which suggest Btiramer outings and aro practical ovon for tho woman of modcrnto mcniiB. Many nro soon trimmed with othor colors nnd OBpoclally Ib this truo of thoso linens othor than white, for In Btnnco, n light modo shndo ot ltnon was trimmed lth n warm shndo of blue, a black with lavender, n groy with rod, Whlto will bo fashionablo this spring and summor tlinn It has bcou and last season was a record break er for tho whlto gown; thoreforo In vesting In whlto goods for tho sum mor dross at this tlmo of tho year Is not so foollnsh n proceeding nS might bo supposed. The light weight cloth, tho veilings, tho crepo do chenes, plain or embroidered; the chiffon cloth, whlto scrgo for the coat and skirt model, and all tho fancier goods nro in great demand, indeed tho other day when visiting tho stores for Information tho white goods counters aro tho most popular of all. Whlto taffota atid tho novol ty Bilks must not bo omlttod from this list, and tho employment of sill; of all these coodB is fashionablo at present. Tho black and whlto sown Is to' bo much worn during- tho coming summer, but Its latest development Is tho strlpo In theso two colors and thoy will bo soon In all aorta of com binations; and It well mado with the Btrlpes matching, will bo a boon to the short woman. Practical women will bo glad to hear that tho Paris modlsts have been making' many mohairs up Into tailor-mades for tho coming soauon. A quantity of theso dresses are said to be now on their way here. Among tho, English mohairs that sell for 11.20 a yard there aro chocks, strlpos, shepherds plaids, black and whlto gun-metal affects. Halr strlpos and hair-checks arc plentiful as aro most of tho effects character istic of wool suitings. CATHERINE MANN-PA."YZANT. ... Ifuuttag for Trouble. "I've lived In California 20 years, and am still huntins fpr trouble In tho way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts; sprains, or a case ot piles that Bucklen'a Arnica Salve won't quickly cure." writes Charles Walt ers, ot Alleghany, Sierra Co, No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It cures every case. Guaranteed at J. C. Jerry's drug store; 25c. PROVIDES FOR MINE INSPECTOR Miners of tho stato nro interested In a bill by Representative Mooro, ot Baker county, creating tho ofllco of Inspector ot mines, providing for the appointment of deputies, defining tho duties and fixing tho salaries of both. Tho bill creates tho ofllco ot inspec tor of mines and authorizes tho np pointment by tho governor of that officer who shall bo a qualified nnd practical minor with a thorough knowlcdgo of underground workings In which ho shall have been engaged for at least flvo years and his ap pointment shall bo for a torm of four years. Tho appointment shall bo mado from among thoso who nro rco omended by both tho working minors and tho initio owners. Tho salary of tho Inspector shall bo $2000 per an num nnd ton cents n mllo will bo al lowed him for ench mllo actually travelled In tho dlschargo of his olTl cll duties, as well as nil necessary oxpenscs, printing' and compensation of deputies, but tho amount of such in II en go nnd expenses shall not ex ceed ?1000 por annum. Bcforo enter ing upon the dlchnrgo ot his duties ho shall fllo n bond In tho sum of $G00. Tho appolntco must not bo an em ployer or In any way Intorestcd In nny mlno In tho state. At least onco each year tho Inspector Is required to visit each mlnlnc country In tho stnto, and to cxamliio all such mines for the purposo of determining the condition ot such mines as to onfety and to collect Information nnd statis tics rolntlvo to mines nnd mining and tho mlncrnl resources ot tho stnto. Tho Inspector under tho law will havo tho right to ontor nnd oxnmlno thoroughly every mlno with In the stato at his pleasure. If ho finds any mlno or any pnrt thereof in an un safe condition It la his duty to promptly notify In writing tho own ors of such property who shall fqrth wlth proceed to plapo tho dofectlve pnrt of tho mlno In n snfo condition nnd within flvo dnys after receiving notice ot Its faulty condition or bo liable to n flno of not moro tlinn $G00. Tho Inspector ahull bo ro quired to kcop an ofllco at tho capi tal building at Snlom and keop a rec ord ot all mines examined and tho condition of tho snino. Ownors ot mines nro required not later than Juno 1, of each year, to forward to tho Inspector a detailed roport show ing tho character of their mlue. tho numbor of men employed and an esti mate of tho maximum number of men that will bo omployed for tho com ing year. Tho unsafo condition ot any mine within tho stato may bo reported In writing to tho Inspector by threo or moro porsona and on this Informa tion that officer Bhall visit tho prop erty bo reported and If ho llndB the mlno In tho condition thnt haa boon represented ho shall formally notify tho ownors In writing and thoy will bo required to rostoro their proporty to n safe condition. Pending compli ance with his Instructions In this re gard, tho Inspector is empowered to cIobo tho mlno until tho ropnlrs aro mado. If the ownor or ownors of tho mlno so found to bo In an unsafe conditions thrill refuse to make tho ro pairs bo ordered by tho Inspector, that officor shall roport tho fact to tho nttornoy gonoral of tho Btato who shall Immediately commenco an ac tion against tho ownors so notified who shall bd liable to a flno not to exceed $600 for such refusal. With tho consent of tho governor tho Inspector Is authorized to ap point such deputy Inspectors as muy bo considered necessary, they to ro colvo In full for such compensation for their services $5 a day for the tlmo actually engaged In tho per formance of their labor. Upon conviction of any chargo of bribery or wilful noglect of duty, the Inspector shall bo Immediately dis charged by the governor and will also be liable to a flno of from $200 to $5000 or by Imprisonment In tho Btato penitentiary not loss than out' or moro than five years. a Even from the Mountains. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is praised for the good It does. A aura cure for rheumatism and all pains. Wright W, Loving, Orand Junction, Colo, writes: "I used Ballard's Snow LlnU ment, last winter, for rheumatism and can recommend it as tbe best Liniment on the market. I thought, at tbe tlmo I was taken down with this trouble that it would be a week beforo I could get about, but on ap plying your Liniment several times during tho night, I waa about la 48 hours and well la three days." Sold by D. J. Fry. Bargains Get yourself a now homo now Wo havo aomo cheap, on easy pay raonts; good house, corner Mill and 22nd stroots, $S00. Ono 6-room houso and. lot, 22nd street, SG00. Good 4-roora houso and lot, 21st street for $400. Good 4-room houso and lot, 20th and Mill streets, $450. Good 6-room houso and lot, 20th and Mill Btrcets, $S00. Good 8-room houso and 3 lots 21st and Chcmeketa stroots, $1,500. Two houses North Liberty, 2 lotB each, $G00. Nlco ncrcago property cheap. An 80 ncro with 6-room houso, barn, orchard, etc., for only $900. 35 acres flno bottom land, near Marlon, .with fair Improvements, cheap, $900. A beautiful t)2-acre, good Im provement, otc, near Tumor, flno houso nnd location, $3,200. Soo mo for anything In my lino If you want work, or want holp of any kind, lonvo your order horo. R R Ryan 510 Stnto Street. eawc iUi DR. KUM . Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR "Will treat you with Oriental herbs and cure any disoaso without operation or pain. Dr. Kum la known evorywhore In Salem, and has cured many promlnont pooplo horo. Ho has lived in Salem for 20 yeraa, and can be trusted. lie uses many modlclnoa unknown to white doctors, and with thorn can cure catarrh, aethma, lung troubles, rhou matlsin, stomach, liver, and kidney dis eases. Dr. Kum makes a apoolalty of dropsy and female troubles. Bis remedies euro private diseases when everything else fall. Ho haa hundreds of tcetl- moniala, and gives consultation free. Prices for medicines very moderate Persona in the country can write for blank. Send stamp. If yon want some extra tine too, gut It from no. DK. KTJM BOW WO CO., 107 South nigh street, Bulem, Oregon frill.' iii?ut fiTATi"!,' HI.' filPR" YOU KVKU HW Ib Ullom'8 bread. It's frosh dally, wholesomo nlways, nourishing, strengthening and flt for tho whole family. Ono thing moro whllo you'ro reading It's good to tho taste," Do you know of any good renson why you don't buy Ullom's broad? No? Then why don't you buy It? C. ULLOM. Cnpttal Bakery. TtJnlc.' HARPER WHISKYSa v sssra " AislllllllllllllllS The Aristocrat among thn I I lilsklca of tho Old School. I 1 Without a peer, I I For sale by 1 I X OStUBBfliCB H 1 '' u.v OlIU MEATS ABE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tnke especial caro to buy aono but tho best, nnd our customers can always dopond upon gottlng tho best in tho markot at right prices when thoy buy at our market. E. O. CROSS, Stato Struct Market Phono 201 irOB JOIST AND FLOORING Tho host plnco to ouy is whoro tho best stock of lumbor is carried, The ontlro building trado know that thoro Is not n fluor stock ot lumbor than that carrlod by us. Wo are roady to fill tho largost contract promptly. Wo don't koop tho build 6r. waiting. That's a vory important point. Near S. P. passongor depot GOODALE LUMBER CO. Phono G2 Main. It's GoingFast And kIvcs perfect Hiitlsfactlon. Every suck Is Kimruntevil, mid tlmt iiccotuitH fur tho rapid lucreaso In sales.. Also It Is mIIII nmde of OLD WHEAT Urn tuid Is the best flour at any price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At nil llrxt vIiisn (grocer. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAoc Marks nrniQNB CopvmaHTS Ac. .jR7i- ..-. m tftinl.n frna wfiMtflftr l Anrone ndlnir a it mi mm dMCrtrrtion mar ..r.k.1 ..rfin mi (minimi fre wliHtlier af 9u"rTr"v:..YYi rj;r:.v:vr-vw..r.. ..ii "jaftteiL'.rtfflWnfSivais oil VmXmuia tpiitfrM. OMU airenof furtBCwriiikjalaiita. txttJ fwtiu, without charua, In tbt) Scientific JUttrlcait. 1 Btt-4 lUlton of ujr cteiHIOo Journal, Tenn. II w 1 four mouth, I L. boMIrallnlwler. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 2fi7 Con'.jr.erci2! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. PILES R'ffiL' iHnMffion A AUUMM B Uuu 1t4mfmt, g.r'll Uuf Itulm lUm Ut tt" Dr. S. W, ), KnKU, W. Tfc. Hu.l "TUfllr. mIiumJmU 'MJm." Pt. U. I. McOttt, Clwufcw. TM.,rliMi "la ttnl Wmi.1 kti. I..M m ,! u ul imm." frntt: M Cutft. (udIh Vim. KM J fl-MIITIW UO, thHCfltn. PA." 5W fa Skm by Dr. 5. C Smc 0AU. fH fKe MMfLC WSmm BBBBBBsi BsstsW ISBN H I ISA lH BBw. M omtfr B B B Oraor a package of this famous health and brain building flour and enjoy somo good old fashioned Now "England Brown nrond. A chanco at a right hot loaf will make you think you are in Boston, With Allen's Self-rising R. R. B. Flour you can mako broad just llko tho Puritans used to make. tl-B Pnncnko Flour Is also n puro food; solf rlslng and all ready to mix with wntor nnd bake on a hot grlddlo. Trudo Mark ALLEN'S BBB FLOUR CO. Pacific Const Factory, San Jose, Cnl. Eastern Factory, LIKle Wolf Mills, Mnnnwa, Wis. I Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy onos that ovory woman uses during tho cool months for bed clothing, aro awkward things to handle nt homo. Why not nond thorn to the laundry whon thoy nocd wash ing? You'll not only snvo yoursolt a lot of hard work, but you will havo thorn ruturned to you la n bottor condition than It you tried to wash thorn at I101110. W mako thorn clonnor, Bwootor, flufllcr, nnd do not shrink them. The truth of the mnttor Is, thnt any liu man who will comparo a lauudorcd blanket from Tho Snlom Stoam Laun dry, and a homo wnBhod ono, could not holp but notlco tho dlfforonco Tho homo wnshed ono will bo dingy, strchked, fool sticky, look lumpy and Hinoll bndly, whllo tho ono oont to tho Inundry will bo porfoctly clean swoot nnd Huffy. Yours for Biiporlor work. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phono S3. t:i(Ul(18 S. Liberty 8t. Spont wlsoly is tho sourco of muck latlBfnction. Why not spond a little if It wlsoly now buying groceries of IB? Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Ilarritt Lawreaee. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Groecrsjaad Com- mission Merchants In tho nib"" it nil tlmos for dried l arm produco of all , 1 Special ior salo a fow apple par Ing .in a slicing niachlnou; equipment for 11 largo dryer; will mako a low price HOTEL OREGON Corner of Seventh and Stark tHies, Portland, Oregon. Tho new and uodorn botel of tbe eUy "steia paxthjnlnrly to residents of Sa lem and other Oregon eltles. Europesa plan. Free bus. IUtes tl.OO per Vay ud upward. IlandnouMat grill Ja VU Wet, nnd prices as low as ia pisses m attnustlve. Dally Uspltal Josraa) u Ale. WRIOHT.DIOKKN80N KOTBX. CO. Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Oatoo, Shingles and P. & B. Ready Roofing, All at lowost prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. The Fasfeion Stables Formerly Stapson's SUVles. Up-to-date livery and eab Hss FuasTsl turnouts a jpeelalty, Tally so for pleales aad exeursioas. Pkea 44. OKAS. W. YANNKH, PMf. 47 aad 249 High Street.