' ',&&. , iiTH ' nMJABg . "1 DAILT nAPITAL JOO 8ALB ORgOOJf tm 1 i i ji? J n.VIUi wnii I'lloailKflS. "-7-- ,m HO """"'1 KMWKtW OI-' VOUTII. CBJItli Lothorbury Hold In Eugene Ilcglster.) There's a bright bouquet, so rich and gny, Of iho swwUit flowers that bloom; .. . ... r.iir iii n fnco so rnro, " Thin. Tnevor clouded with gloom. . -. .!. l.itrirlnrB anil . . hn been lclt lor w. cither city and "scconu story n porch-climbers. nlcn alwny9 have acces The merennnts mu mnrV.. on the Willamette river. Tie ny own little girl, with a daffodil curl, . . ..i, .t,.i Mhe: Antl :s; i p-j ijjj- muBt wanc And tho spring time flowers decay. For her violet eyes like summer skies- ' Oh. sad Is tho thought todnyl Will be wot with team, In tho coming years, And their lustor bo washed away. And tho rose of tho South, In her check and mouth. Will blossom, nnd fndo and fair, And tho daffodils raro In her goUen hair Turn whlto at Tlmo's Btronuous call! Ah, this crown of years, wo roplno with tears. And yet It Is best I know; Though wo deem It III. 'tis our Maker b will. And perhaps sllo'll bo lovler bo. Though hor oyos may fade to a softer shade, Yet tho lovollght will linger thoro; And tho HIIqh whlto with a llvory light, Will blosflon nnow In hor halrt -o- a .. ,t OnfO grouuw .".. .V-a n "dancer mar . i- DnrMniu! they have a num." m The waters are now '-'' '"""J already, to put It mildly, this mark, so tnni ronum. VKIIV I1I8AGKKBAIILK. iiaSIOIBN'TS AX VllVSV The mcrchW.3 are MOVING OVT Ol - tQ , for per. I IA)OIt QUAIlTBItS and tho people are getting Bonal Bafoty. . do8troyed and there have A eood deal of water front propert has been been many narrow escapee from drom b. nnvmMan of 'Portland AH these things are duly chronic e tho BerloU80BB of the and need no touch of exaggeration to ompna situation. r.r.re tho merchants will get down Ilul bye-and-bye tho waters w "" thc hlgh 8potB which they to business agaln-tho people "lJrnJ , bo ..Portland again." have been commpelled tc .hit. and Port and will Umt h0 u'n will not JKKK AMJ uiiii""- "'.,,..- nHvoralty and tmu spirit of tho Oregonlan may be eho B" wmodlfy Ua JKALOLHV of tho , l.-ifTiriif.' it win Bnare hb m' more fortunately .Itualod dtlwo!Pugetj ASYLUM FOR EAST OREGON Legislature Paves Way for Establishment of Such Institution A TUIili HKI'OIIT Ol' tiii: THAW TIIIAL. .. ,., ,.rtni .. boonlwiuK Its readers tho fulleat report of tho Thaw trial of any paper outside of ""J- Ul0 ,,a. m?" amo roi,or1t' rhon, ll ls xonsld red ulltlmsto bo handled about four thou.d 1 mllo. -Mro This Is an Independent press -port. entirely d 1st net om tho Assoc. np7 Atirstrrbiohtout .. m - thoro Is uo utteinpt nt padding and m tuning. . o ' ' JAl'ANKHU NICWHI'AI'KIt IN A.MKII1CA. ti... i..imtloii of Bonato Joint reso lution No. 1, by Smith, of Umatilla, -.. rnii n by tho hoiiBo opons mo vu, .u. "; .. t f WBtorwayB development, location of a branch state Insane ..,. ,.,8S0Ur logUlntro istorn Orogon, una. in .,., ,,, crotor NFW WAYS TO GET TO MARKET Washington, Feb. 9. Probably ..nnr i.nfnro In tho history of any ono pleco of loglBlntlon has congress been peltloned for Its passago by so many states, aa has been tho case with tho rivers and harbors bill. This wook Htrong expressions of opin ion wore rocolved from Illinois. In which state govornor Donecn devoted much bpoco In his message to mo 4-M-l I 1 1 H-HH-H-H I II II II III 1 1-fr-H-Hi TTT1 - . rrj Phoenix Sulphur and Liquid Spray THE STKONOEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST SPlUY OV MVHKET TESTKI) V THE EM'EIUMENT STATION AT , VALMS HY PKOP. CORDLE AND FOUND F1UST.CI,J HtlCES ,UtE THE LOWEST IN T1IE CITY. BLUE STEM WHEAT Wo Imvo n car of fancy Blue Stem seed wheat coming fo, .... Y'nui,i..iTtnii. This one of tho finest lots of wheat here, nnd It will pay you to secure somo of It. and get f .. i.. onnosin. Wo nro inaklnc low m-hro In i. ror inc coiiuus ""- - - - --- "iwri some now variety here nnd glvo tho farmer n chance to tl dwngo his sccl. rinco yuur ." - w.i- largest jJ tltc car Is sold. D. A. WHITE & SONS v.r. CODIEltOIAL STREET. Phojh Tw i iw-w-m-4-m HWWWWMIBHIMM'WI tm Men Ate Well Dmi If They Have Their Clothes Made By TOHN SHOLUND, The Opera Hotise MERCHANT TAILORJ a s Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. miWMMWWMWWwww,w"' ...... i f..,.wi uMtii n notiv of thu Jiuinnwe Now World. THIS omen mm uuuu ... - - (MllNMiSK It U a laruo twolvo-pogo newspaper I'HI.M'HI) IN II". UU.mjji. liAN'OUAOH with sonlo JapanoBo Inttrprutntlon. Till Proprietor I. F. T. Kurnnnga. and the editor. S. oyedli.iM. th . ... - I. ...... ..I. nlllnim III Pllllforllllt. o,tuCS7::::":ru,:t;':r;: ,.. .,, lo,1. ,-. bUKliiess inon and tailoring men lu Cnllforyln. Home of the urnutost Industrie of thu elate ooulil not be eerrleU on wttliant thorn, ami farming oporatlons would be imyoflblo without A IHtT DIW1. OF THK AHIATU' I.AIIOII. In Frosuo ttounty the Jupanwa labor makw all Hie rnleln orope. una thay are the bmtt and Ui iiilokt laborer lu other linen. OrKon eniild mploy t advuntHK tlioueemle of the better ; jHimneea farm Uborr.. HU'l th. MMd erowlng up to briieli MIO III HTANDKOMltHIIOWOlMlHINtMM.UAllIlD l'l' AXD MAIHI IMlODl C Would ll b wf to liuve tbe JaWH.e laborluK elan come Into onr 1 eineeouK state In muinreelrleie.1 maimer? IHflTHIt WW OUU ImMJ. (JltOW LT TO imtwii. Is thure any nrminient Rd for Chliio exoliiHlon tlmt U not equelly Hood for Japiinwo uxolusltint llHlWfen tht) two It U aenernlly admitted that Chine lnborere wouW . . ..I.. LsiiMJiu ai.i.v ifit imum luinoit. nrr wh do .not uo iirvitmuiw WANT HVHX TIIUSK TO Fl-OOD OlMt FOUXTUY. From n imlloimt standpoint, ll Is In b rerltd thnt Ihe matter has tictiome mi Issue. The peoyle of Jepan would bo far better off to remain In Jupnn. , . . Hor Instance. If ihe Amorlcons InimlKrnted to Jauan In siifh number n It) monopolUe any form of Japnoe labor or Industry. WOl'I.D NOT JAFAS K JUHTIFIKD IN KXUI.U1U.MI Tlll., t.. ..niM.1 u. itiHt it in iiafe tu ii'law unrtMtrloted Immigration from aw of ltu Aslatlo iHiunlrlwi. If we an to remain the dominant and hlgh- mi- i...viir.iiii.iiit nlidiilit uol luicourtino Jaimnwio Immigration, Japanese wetupUun. uor Japaneee inonopollrallon of any Mold of Industry. ThU problt'in has yet to be settled and we doubt It being settled peaeefully. o . n..intn in aiiHturn l.nj...... . iintlclpailon of tho adopuon uy hw people at tho noxt gonornl election, preliminary Bteps toward this end are already bolng tnkon by tho east ern Orogon dologatlons In both i.mnMiM of tho nsBombly. Sonator Hmlth'H roBolutlon bookh to mona thnt Hoctlon of tho constitution whicii provldos that all stato InBtltulons Bhnll bo locntod nt tho Boat of gov ornmont to grant eglslntlvo author ity to locate Htnte ItiBtltutloiiB In other parts of the stato and lognllzo adopted a rosolutlon urging gronicr approprlatlbns for tho Mississippi rlvor and declaring that th.. four mil lion people of that Btnto nro eager for tho development of tho Btream trn.inniitmilv tho atrongost docu- memt rocolved wna a roaolutloii mlmitod bv tho loglslnture of Arknn Has, and passed unnnlmouBly by both tho hoiiBo and Botinto, In which tne notltlon of tho National ItlvorB and Harbors congrosa wns honrtlly on- UorBud. This poltion asks for tho an CJmtiu other parts or the Btaio aim i. . w,rorlnHoIl of $50,000,000 at the location of all Instil,. Ion. which l0 government for th. are already In existence oleowhoro. ' M 0, fho rlvore and har- Tlmt tho commlttoo on wayB anil ."''",. Tlm XrVnnKnf, ,Hme belloviHl that tho ehancoB of , '- . thBt the ndoptlon of this propose.l nmemi- rnfrnlnlnK to tho constitution to rtr,:: J "',", " f Do they lUT It they're not tX ACTL.Y right. let us mako thorn o. Whon wo lit you, wo nt you AC CUHATEI.Y Long exporlenco, every necessary scientific apparatus and tho requlrca knowlcdKO on abllng us to correctly uso tho same, our own complote workshop, with every fnclllty-ovcn to tho grinding of spoclal lenacs-aro all at your ilUpol here, assuring a service not posslblo with others less fortu nately eaulppod. Agaln-lo your lnso KIT, or nearly nt? meat mem iu ui "'""""', , l ! from uuing for any oBpoclal appro .r"ll . , Z L: : Pr.at.ona for development within tho mm v.. .' - - - prlntlon of $327,000 for tho oatnli confliioe of their own stntos. Thoy ..:... , . ..., i.uii.iine hor. recognise inai tne worn is mo u ...i HBIIIIIHIIk Ul l" " " -I rnr ilui fmniile nntlonts was not urnnted nnd only $90,000 innde awll able for the purchnse of additional tlonal Importiince, nnd. with nn nde- iliiato appropriation each year, the1' fell assured thnt the rivers of their ground and the erection of a tempo- ! eommonwenl h nr. corlaliiD rSiwI.. to provide relief for uree. eventually to receive a jnet ehnr.. ru creinM rondlllone. Whether Conre-i.m.. Joseph I 11 uisd, I .'... . . i ii,..r- will of Loulenim. who Is president of the Iff ll l ""l" i.ji.in. "... mtikv prellmlHHry provisions for the Munsell 'Optical (b w eeUibllahmeut of a branch Institution In eastern Oregon at thle seeslon Is not dellnltely settled but It Is under stood that mi effort will be untile tn secure u contingent appropriation of not lees thun $50,000 to prepare for an emergency should It arise. Economy Is a strong point witn any of the Aslatlo eouiilrU. If we r to remain tho ilominant ami nign- ., Qnrnftarllln A Jy dewlopHl Amerleen teee IN IHWHIWHIOS OF UlMt OWN WRNTIIV. HOCXi S SarsaparHlQ. A mor gooi than any other. It is thc only medicine of which can truly bo sau! 100 IOSES ONE DOLLAR tOUTUNlVrt TIMW OFTUOUlll.lt. l)ltownK Inmleal editorial appenre lu the Bwttle DaUj1 Tlmtsi Shall wo mourn or shall we JoorT Shall wo let fall a few tears of ten dor sympathy or shall we let v a n pasta of aatdonle mirth T It It butler to forelve aud forel or shall we return like fur like In suvvrs and Rlbest hor hera'e old I'urlUml, settlluB dawa to the bottom of the Willamette tiaUn. devastateU by slorm. submerge by flood, comtuerelally protirato nnd IsloMttnl from the world. 1'oitUnd has never khown hny in ri" for 8altK or Taeama. or tho I'ukH souud co unlry genorally. In our tittle strumle with the vagaries i uriM t. iin. vnttrii.iri nrArt.nitt ate it tttuikti ilurlnc the Ulter part I oMail November, wheu tho suildrn nolln rlrere of the xalley to tle oil ill tor uy or u uinwrwevi our wn. i "v" llevn't we ea sometbluic at various llm In Fuuet sound, uewspa ir awut eioeuUo rains lu Orvgon. from whloh Whlugte, throuBh Providential fatrr was ,emptT lUven't weswu In print ami heard la sfxiVen word, saeers hhU )eer frow Seattle and Taoouu about 'the Webfcmt State1 aod The Haley rltata meaning OresoaT Y. If retriMpect Is not plsytng fantastlo trlek with in emery. W are orry our ood friend over there arv DHOWNHD Oil' AOAIM "We say ACIA1N, beeauso It hapjMin almost KVHUV YU.IU. Th (vowerful lorreata from the mouniains aro vnr snort; eou. tbe timber Is tut away and the laJ ate eleare4 up Ihe floods descend wife rrlly than of )ere, rise hlfker and, of course do more dtmasft, lul are koaer uutf. W4U anjhuw. 8tUe asd Taeoma bae alwaj'S bn able ta ke their fct?Ads abte wir. aad to kwt tbelr ft IHIV a. well, ll w tine atd aquatlo iort have uevr btvn slbla oa the strteU t Twenty-five Cents Per Day Hl'hNT FOOLISHLY W1I.I AMOUNT IN THN YKAUS TO NOTII1NO DHfOSITHD IN Ol'H SAV IN(!S DKFAUTMKNT IT WILT. AMOUNT TO AIA103T A THOU HAND DOLKVUS. OlKX A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH VS AND LKT VS 11KL1 YOU 8AVK. IXTHIIKST COMIMUNDUD SKMIslXXUAbbV, SAvkigx Depattmeat Capital NaUoaalBamk (NhIIohhI ltlvers and Harbors con gress, has ileclHreil that the organi sation will bring all lulluunce to bear to gain the point to which It Is pledge. He contends thnt with an expenditure of $KO,000,000 annually the rivers and harbors of tho coun try will not only be developed sclen tllU'ftlly nnd quickly, but their devel opment will increase greatly tho rnmmorclal activity of the United State, and. as a consequence, foster the national prospsrlty. To the end that tho Intluonco of the organisation be Inoronsod, J. F. 1S1II son, of Cincinnati, Ohio, its secre tary, has just Issued a rail urging ewry river Improvement association, commercial organisation, rlty, town, state and ImltvidMal latereeted In tho question, to become member of the National Riven and Harbors eon- grew, u Is howed that this call will1 be responded to ontnuslastleally and that the attendance at tho next con vention will establish a record. At the last convention, hold hore In De- ember, delegate wep. present from thirty-two states, two torrltorloa and the District or Columbia, while the governors of fourteen states and tho mayors of twentj-six cities Bont rep reasntatlvee. 11 Is recoenlsed hero In Washing ton that the need for an addiiinnni system of transportation in thle ooun I urgent. The rongeetloa of traffic on thu railroads. ruuini i.. . famines In tho aorthweet and finan cial suffering la the midst of plenty. J has opotted the eye of congrosa to i inu inoi mat iamethiMa- mua .n H,n j to supplomt the existing ohannols .of coHUHorce, N'aterallr. tntinn : .. . . .. " is ioonschi en me waterways of the country, for the Halted states will have the moet BUBRlficont system of rtvors aad harbor of any nation In the wertd oace tbejr are devolpod. n TO CU11K A COLD IX ovr nv . i ie ua.va.iivb u -Mrfiarri ...iful mukorYYUPIC.WDC0-" U.lierllne gives what overy woman m.t d.sire-a perfect complexion It brings that soft, smooth, -fresh, clear tint to tho cheek that Oinotcs youthfulnew. It will bring beauty t thos who lack It; It will retain ir for those who already possess It; it will enable you to successfully rombat the ravage ot weather and lime. Don't doubt-don't argue. Just try Rouertlne Your drugslst will Klve you a free sample. All drug riHts keep Robertlae. BQAfiiMElNl t.-R '7i rj: ,t sz.: irrvVr"S)a -"SiO TOC ZS&W -Tm JSjgCg "rJErBTO'NB'SDEDil Docs a strlcUy csih toil ono. nnd no one owti Uji iaeki shelves, eonstai i cases aro loaded with dnrAJ notlon.s toilet artle. Hnuors of all klndi for i nnnps. Dr. Stone li ('l in modtclne and hii bUuS oxpcrlonco la tne prsell fl tine ate free, nuovr .n.i nniv reuular prices i rv- Cn can 1)0 fotsl ' -rnm Salem. Oregon, ftw',' raornlnc until 0 st slftt H Headquarters tor Fo Sale 160 acres. GO In cultivation, oa main road. 6 rallea from Salem; more than enough wood to pay tor It. Price, $20 per acre, $1200 cash, balanoo $400 per year at 6 por ceat. S00 aeros, 100 In cultlyatloo, 26 In hops, good buildings. A fine stock farm. Price, $15 per acre. It yoa aro looking for something good see DERBY & WIIXSON BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitro! AND ALL Spray Material AT ?. Meat-eaters who ra lnr In their choice a lamb, veal ana v-- ji como and examine otfja ...i ht e851 wh0 mways 1 1.. W J qualities, """.rtjeji eat mcatB. and e '3 bo tender nnd of Cg Our prices aro m a ih ouallty. eltt' ft r..i m as tho quality. Phoue 205 A BEMJTlrU Send stamp Take LAXATIVE BUOMO Quinine FRYS DrHC ti- Tablets. Drtjgsuui refund money if ' iX ' UrUg OlOre 1L S1" t--0UM: .E-w- "w ' Prices AbsrUotPlv ! signature on ecb bor. S tc. Vl ADS0Ke1y -OWSt I iTestlHionlal, J. i clears uw .ttW IwperfccUons,- m beaut lHprocs M rw&fflgw$mmk ,