Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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M.t 1 1 lkltl - MKiBBW .
H-B-H 11111 1-1 j;
Men's bwts
At a Woadetftilly Low Price
It iwi't the caso of the llrst fellow Hint come Retting llio
W In the '. The lrtt will bo n good jw Hie llrst. Otn
rtatm Mr urging you to hurry n m tliat you will bo one of
tli. fortiinnto ones to benefit by tlio wile.
Most of these milts nro mndo by tlio Hurt, Blinffncr &
Mnn factory mill J'. Alder & Bros, from ALL WOOL mn
ttrlaln. Tlivy nro nil uiMo-iInto In ntylo mill pattrni una yon
will ilo w'H to tnko ndvnntJiRa of thin wile KOW. Remember
the Tnlum rniigo up to 9SOJ10, but during till sale go ut
tlio low price of
Pick from the lot at $10.00.
Shitt Waists
No othor'Btoro In this city at
tempts to bIiow bo ninny pretty
wnlsts. Tho showing Is tho bCHt
wo'vo Iiml and ombrncca ovory
thing from tho plain overy-dny
waist to tho flncat of ahoor linen
evening waist.
You'll ho surprised at tho low
prico they havo boon markod. W
would ndvUo mi curly auloctlon
whllo tho assortment Ih nt Its
Wast Goods
Bo many protty things for tho
worm wonthor wearing that wo
cn not find wordB to describe
tlioin Como and boo for youraolf.
Wo know yon will llko thorn, mid
such llttlo prices nro nttnohod to
"Wo hnvo gathered togothcr nn
uncommonly flno Bhowlne of om
broldorlea on finest Nainsook nnd
BwIhb In nil wnntcd widths. Jink
ing up season Is ut hand and you
will need a great many. Prices
on tho ontlro lino Is much lowor
ttinn you'd oxpect.
Yoh'iii, wo hnvo thorn In nil tho
newest nnd host tho hoiiboh hits
brought out. They nro noted for
lit, stylo, comfort nnd durability.
Htep In todny mid lot ub show you
thin lino of grand bIioo vnlues.
Boy's Stiits
f riiDPFNTrvmidUi
WhHW-"44" out o
Now Is tho tlmo to out-fit that
young boy tho now school torm
nlmost doninndB now clothes. Wo
hnvo placed on Bnlo a flno lino of
boye' two-pleco Bulls In bIzob rang
lug from & to 12 yonrs. Vnluoa
rnngo from I3.B0 to tl (fry tr
Bpoclnl prlco 4CDVF
Boy's and Youth's
A romnrknble clinnco to save
on tho young ninn'B ovorcont. Kv
ory oho of tho newoat BtyloB and
fabrics. It Ib your opportunity.
Vnluea from $1 to $1200.
$2.50 to $8.50
-r, n.rman emperor will visit tho
king of Spain nbout March 1st.
The principal largo railroads of
the country kill on an average about
pno person dally.
A Bubmarlno cable Is to be laid
(rorn Seward to Unalaskn. a distance
of 700 miles, on tho AlaBka coast.
effort Is being made at this
BMBlon of the legislature to raise tho
iirt,i nt the ace when children sha.
M compelled to go to scnool fromtf
"Ven to nlno years.
A oromenode 12 feet wide nnd
threo'mllBB long la to bo constructed
along the shore of tho ocean nt Sen
side. A woman suffragist nmendmont
has been passed by tho lower house
of the legislature, and tho question
nI?al nto bo Biimbltted to tlio peopio
Comiiilttco on Irlrgntlon Will Soon
Hnvo Proposed ImW Complete.
C. W. Mnllott. of Ontario and or
Malheur, npponrcd boforo tho com
mltteo on Irrigation yesterduy nnd
gave evldenco rogardlng tho proposed
water bill. Tho so-called arbitrators,
Hon. W. K. King, of Ontnrlo, nnd
Attorney lllnck, of Albany, have
nbout succeeded In harmonizing the
iirrnrnnroH of oiiluton that oxlstod
between tho mombora of tho commit
tee, nnd It Is now bollevcd that a bill
will bo roportod next wook thnt will
bo satisfactory all around.
A HrH wt lgsrtMt rara
for Yw O UwaMen
Don't lorgut tho danco nt Tioga
ball tonight. Peerless orchestra.
OHtmlufcloticra In Wi1oii,
Tho comity commlsslonora nro In
acsslon todny nnd nro ongnged
In wrestling with tho uiunl batli of
routlno bills against tho county.
KX-CollVllt ttt'U ny
John LUktiiskl. who U said to ho
nn ox-convict, llugorud too long
Hround thu (lowing bowl yesterday
and after ho reached an nmlablo
franie of mind, Imagined ho was n
inashor nnd began to follow young
women about on tho street, leer
lug at them on ovury opportunity.
Chief Olbnon rudoly Interfered with
ills love making and plnoed hltu be
hind prison bars, llu U tluro yet.
Tho Hfilon.
At thu auditorium rink tonight,
7t30 to 10, and 10 to 19. Admlmluu,
10o( akatwi, Sic.
Two rkwln
At tho Auditorium risk tonight.
7)90 to 10, and 10 to IS. AUiulutOH,
10ci akatM, 36c
Ladle Kervo Huppc
Tho Indies of tho First I'rosbytorl
nn church will servo n supper In tho
church parlors on Wednesday even
ing, February 20th, from 5 to 8. Re
member tho date.
lvntnto Kcttlnl
In tho matter of tho cstato of W.
8, McKondo, deceased, tho flnnl ac
count of Hlohard Olnxton, adminis
trator, has been approved, nnd tho
cstnto Bottled and cloHod.
0 '
U & rrltlo bccAUso bo like to be
eoutrary. You en go contmy to
tha wUU ot jour own friends and
neighbor and soino tlme get tho
VMt of them; but go contrary to tU
dktatt of tuturo and you will aU
way get tho worst ot It.
K Naluc Sys Spctcr
Why. Sptctacka It must bo.
Nhturtt wou't accept Just apec
tel though; thwy must bo right
fwtaolM Wo ran glvo tho kind na
turo dMMNMdt, aud our prlcv art1
right, too.
Mlsa lioonn lllrsch Wunt to 1'ort
land todny,
Attorno) Hlohnrdson wont to Port
land on buslnims.
F. Muollhnup roturnod to Port
land this morning.
Hon. Walter M. 1'enrce, ot l.n
flrnudu, Is In tho city.
Mrs. A. J. Hodge ot Albany la
visiting Bulem friends.
J. K. llnlloy Inft this morning for
l'onmt Orovo on business,
Judgo Wtlllnm (lallowny roturnod
home to MoMlnnvlllo today.
Mlits Wtlln Montgomory, ot Port
land, Is visiting friend hero.
Mrs. J. 11. Linn lino returned from
A Bevarnl dnys visit In Portland.
Hargrove., roforoo; H. Utter, um
pire; Hub Paulus, timekeeper.
(Ivo. OrnvtHj the comuierolnl man
arrived In this olty this morning.
Mrs. H. I). Allen Is reported to bo
quite 111 with nu uttaok of the grip.
Holland K. Pgo loft this morning
for Portland on a short busluess
Fred Dosi tho well.known Wood
burn butlnes man, Is In tho city on
Senator and Mrs. J. A. haycock
left this morning for their homo In
Governor Ohambcrlaln was among
tie PortUud-bound paeugers this
MUs Hthyl M. ltoslter. ot Port
laud. Is visiting Mlsa Lena Molntlro
over Sunday.
Superintendent Jautos of the pen
itentiary went to Portland this morn
lug on bu.lne.
Max M. BUUlock, who has been lu
tho olty several days, roturnod to
Portlaud today.
MIm Itoso Scbwlnuen, who has a
clerkship to tho veuate, left today
for a visit lu Portland.
Ml a Mbl Kennedy, attvr a visit
la. tho city, returned this morning to
ker bowa lu Woodbura.
MU Carrie Danaeman, ot Condon,
wo&t to QorratlU last otonlng to vis
it friends. over Sunday.
County tkhool Superintendent
MoorM, K. l Kaultlug, Mri.'CaaiHl,
MUtiw Lick, Carter and Marlatto
left this morning for Hubburd, to at
tend tho toachors' mooting which Is
bring hold there.
Mrs. J. T. Joiiob nnd daughter, af
ter u visit horo loft this morning for
their homo In Jefferson.
Miss Llla Bwnfford wont to Oregon
City this morning, where sho will vis
It relatives for a fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mooro8 loft
this morning for Albany to bo tho
gucstB of Mr. and Mrs. Howltt.
MIbb Jean McCIure, one of tho
sountu BtonogrnpherB, Is spondlng
Pundny nt her home In Portlund.
Miss Allele Qulnn, ot th6 loglsln
tlvo force, loft this morning for n
visit at her homo In Oregon City.
Mrs. Hosh Plummer, who has boon
visiting Mrs. Claud Gatch, left this
morning for her home In Portlnnd.
Mrs. C. It! lloughman, nttor visit
ing her fathor, H. O. Smith, left this
morning for her homo In Mt. Angel
Jos. Fountain, tho well known
Jortersoii merchant, after n sovoral
duys visit here has returned homo.
Mrs. M. C. Parsons, who has boon
visiting Mrs. O. P. llopf, returned
this morning to her homo In Port
land. Lot 1). Ilrown, ot Dallas, Is spend
ing Saturday nud Sunday nt homo.
Ho Is uuo ot tho Bonnte stenogra
phers. Frank Warren, ot tho Columbia,
nnd U. 1). Hume, ot tho Hague, two
nr flrnrrm'a Malinnn Vines, nist nl
I -" " '
Miss Mnry Howell, ot the state
hnuso force, loft this morning for a
few days' visit at her homo In Ore
gon Olty.
O. O. Hunt, tho accommodating
clerk ot tho Salem Hotel, left this
morning for a visit at his homo In
Mlsa Alma Hall, who has boon vis
iting her aunt, Mrs, Homa Huntor,
left this morning tor her homo In
Mr. J. Q. Kvans wont to Port
land todny to attend tho bodsldo ot
ber mother, Mrs. Holverson, who I
vory ill.
Mr. and Mr. L, W. Humphreys,
who havo boon vWUjng in the olty,
returned this morning to theft homo
In Portland.
Her. H. Lolsman, who assisted Inf
tho funeral sorvlcos of the lat Rtv.
J. Meullhaupt, returned to Portland
this morning.
Mr. Orr Royal left today tor Tual
atin, to visit ber husband, the dec
trlclao. who la working on the new
electric railway.
11. J, UUcsing. manager ot tho
niaeringjOranUo Co., was among tho
Portland bound passoagors who re
turntd last ulgbt-o
A Itngpil Hero.
Mr. Eckhnrdt and his clovor com
pany, who hnvo ontortnlnod tlio Sa
lem pooplo bo woll during tho past
two weoks. finish their ongngoment
hero Sunday, and will then mnko a
tour of Southorn Oregon nnd Califor
nia. Tho play this wcok, "A Ragged
Horo," Is gaining much favorable
comment, tho play bolng full ot good
comedy, yet containing u plot thnt
teaches n moral truth, It Is a produc
tion that will Interest nil. Miss Vcrn
Ilrown BlngB "Sweet Adollno" and
"Stars and Strlpos and You" In her
UBunl sweet voice, which 1b mndo
jUjQro cffectlvo by approprlato pic
tures. Frank Howard, either as a
dapclng comedlnn or a ragged horo,
fllla tho bill exactly. Tho ontlro
cant Is good, nnd tho show doaorvea
tho llbornl patronngo which It la re
Portland to
start East after tho great auuw
blockade In Eastern Oregon left tha.t
city Friday. $
A railroad franchise has been st
cured from congress for a lino from
Cordova Bay to Eagle on tho Yukon
river. '
President Hill of tho Great North
ern railroad says he must either
double track his present line or ouuu
a new one ncross tho continent.
The Red gross,oclety of vynshjng
ton is Bonding largo sums of money
nnd seed wheaf to the starving peo
ple of China.
An American explorer In Egypt
has discovered tho tomb of Queon
Tebe, of the ancient PhnraOhs, nnd
her remains are enclosed In a coffln
covered with gold sheets.
Sulem Schools Growing.
Tho school statistics for tho past
term show a nourishing condition in
nil tho public Bchools. Tho schools
nro not only full, but more space Is
being nrrnnged for In some enses.
In the high school most of the rooms
nro being provided with more black
board space, and one rbom Ib being
flxod up which has not been In uso
before, nnd will bo occupied by Prof.
Eastham. This room Is on tho baso-
mont floor.
Miss Ruth Mylrolo has nrrlvod
from Sonttlo to tako up nor work as
tenohor of nlgebra In tho high school,
nnd will occupy tho room which Prof.
Eastham vacates for his new npart
monts. On Thursday, Friday nnd Satur
day 13 studentB took entrnnco exam
inations to tho high school, but this
Is only n few of tho number who In
tend to enter.
Old Folks Testify
For some time n inemhor of tho
Q. W. Putmnn Co., has boon recom
mending to nil nged peoplo of Snlem
his cod llvor preparation, Yluol, to
bo the best strength erentor In the
world for old pooplo. To all such the
following will bo of IntereBt:
Mr. A. J .Rnrkor, of Evnnavllle,
Ind., wrltes: "There Is no other
medicine in the world equal to Ylnol
for oldorly people. I would uot tnko
a thousand dollars for tho good It
has done mo."
Mra. Sarah J. Wind row, of Chi
cago, 111., write: "Vlnol l a Godsend
to old people. I am "C ynrs old but
I feel active nnd well today, thanks
to the vitalising utteots ot Ylnol."
Mr. Joepeh Ranks, Decatur, 111.,
writes: "I w In my 7Sth year, and
Qwng to tho ood liver oil prepara
tion, Vlnol, 1 feel bsttor and strongor
than I havo for years."
Vlnol Is not a patent medicine, but
la a real ood Rvor preparation from
which tho useless, Indigestible oil
lms boon oltmlaatnl and tonic iron
a noodtul constituent for the blood,
Vlnol tones up tho dlgestlvo or
gans, makes rich, red blood, healthy
body material, and sound, stsady
nerves. In this way It ropalrs worn
tissues, checks tho natural decline ot
tho aged, builds op tho run down,
tlrod and deblllated, and never falls
to replaoe weakness with strength.
II It falls we return to tho nur-
chaser ovory dollar jM for It. Q
W. Putman. druggists.
Note. White wo are sole agont
for Vlnol In Salem, It Is now for salo
at tho leading drug store in nearly
every town and olty la the country
Look for tho Ylnol agency In your
High School Wins 12 to 8.
Tho Snlem high school five proved
tho hotter ovor tho Albany high
school game In Uio Y. M. C. A. gym,
In tills city, last night In tho second
gamo ot basketball In which thoso
two teams havo met this year. The
Bcoro resulted In 12 to 8 In favor ot
Although tho gamo was Blow it
proved Interesting throughout. Al
bany got tho first basket after eight
minutes ot play, and nt tho end of
the half tho Bcoro was 6 to G In fn
for of Salem, Albany petting ono
nioro basket and ono foul and Salem
threo bnsketB.
In tho second hnlf Albany throw
threo fouls and Salem got three
nioro bnskots, loaving tho final score
12 to S In favor of S. II. S. Salem
throw no foulB throughout tho gnmo.
In tho lnttor part of tho game time
had to bo takon out n couplo of times
for ono of tho visitors, who was
slightly knocked out. Tho lino up
and ofllclals were:
Zenith Girls lu Salem.
Tho Zenith basket ball team will
meet tho Willamette girls in a re
turn gamo this ovonlng In tho Uni
versity gymnuslum. Tho teams
played In Portland In tho Rlnglor
gymnasium two weoks ago nnd'tho
coro was 19 to 2 In favor of tho Wil
lamette girls. Ab that was tho first
matohed gamo for tho Zenith girls a
much bettor Bhowing Ib looked for
this evening. The local team has
Charcoal StopstjJ!
Wonderful Absntlil,, ti.
.... 1 iwt. . .
coal When Taken i il. V
' of Stuart' m.. Vl
. Trail Package Seat ft 1
"""-w" :, 8irapie
nbanrha 1 flfl tlmaa it
,. , " na own Ti
gaB. , Where does tho m ,.t1
18 JU$ absorbed by the chriJ
n nilKaiiftAai Mn-i. "
from all impurities and m.
That's whnt happens in 0B,
ach -whOn you take one or J
pdwerful purlfl-rs sclenco hu"
Ydu belch gas In corobait
times', by -accident, greatly to-,
own Humiliation. That i.
thero IB a'great amount of an
ormea in your stomach by i
ing fooa. Your stomach li j
gesung your ioou proper.
Inovltnblo. Whenever this :
Just tnko ono or two ot Stuart'n
cpnl Lozenges right after oatta
,yoiu wui oo surprised hon
ithoy will act. No more tdcli
no more sour risings. Eat Q j
Avftnt nnd what you want, asi i
if th,oro Is any gas going toiy
ou,' ono of thoso wonderful lltikl
sorbors, a Stuart Charcoal
will' take enre of all tho za m
.., ,L ...... , " m
Aim ii. win uu more inn I
Every pnrtlclo of Impurity fa i
stomnch nnd intestines Is color t
J carried awny by the charcoal. SVi
scorns to know why It does tlh,
It docs and does It yromJei
You notice tho difference la foci
petito, gonornl good feeling, ul i
tho purity of your blood, right w
You'll havo no more bad tuM
your mouth or bad breath, AH
from drinking, eating or tool!
Other peoplo will notice your 1
breath quicker than you villi
solf. Mako your breath pure, 1
nnd 8Woet, so whon you talk tot
you won't disgust them. Juti
or two Stuart Charcoal Lozecgcu
mnko your breath sweet, an! i
you feol bottor all over for It
can cat all tho onions ani i
foods you want, nnd no oaesiil
tho dlfforonco.
Dcstdes, charcoal is thelMtl
tivo known. You can take a i
tiAvft.l nnrl nn hnrni will rraik '1
Is a wonderfully ensy regulator.
And then, too, It Alters yoarl
ovory pnrtlclo of poison or I
Ity In your blood Is destreK)
you begin to notlco tho dlft
your faco first thing yosfi
Stunrt'B Charcoal Lohjmi
mndojrom puro willow cbareotM
Just a llttlo honey Is put In tos
thom palatable, but not too m&J
They will work wonders is j
Btomnch, nnd mako you feci tit
frosh. Your blood and OTt'
bo nurlflod.
Wo want to prove all thlf tJ
bo lust Bend tor a frco sampUt
Thon nttor you get It and uU
will llko thom bo woll thatyon
go to your druggist and Bt'
box of thoso Stuart's Cbirceall
Bend ub vour namo and adJrai;
day nnd -wo will at once ecd rM
mall a cample package free.
F. A. Stuart Co., 54 Stuarn
Marshall, Mich.
been praotlclng hard and. promlso to Orar Lal Bueh'a 1e,I
glvo tho lovora ot tho gamo a good
evening's entortalnmont.
Water Rapidly Receding
Tho water In the Willamette rlvor
nt this city has fallen to tho 17-foot
point this afternoon and still falling
Tho highest notch reached during
tho freshet was 31 feet and 3 Inches.
UoatB can now go through the locka
at Oregon City.
Men Wasted To cut oit
. , .ovM Of ""
wooa ior bic, ---Inquire
at State and I"
or nhOBQ 1413-
coaaMer Paxtine ToUet AntbepUc a
acccsaitr lo the hygicBJc care of the
perwo and for local treatment of
toalnlM ill. As a wash lu cleaaalns.
lerwlcldal, deodorinag and hcS
qualities are 'catraonHaary, Fora
at Doit. Sample free. AddrtM
TW K. Paxtoa Co, Boatoo, Mavk
Funernl Director and
A corapleto stock of tho
most u to date funeral goods
at prices tho most reasonable
In tho Wagner Building.
Phono 70. 383 Court St.. Salem
AM. Bnwiell Wearer eT Ij
carpoU made Into ruaa i
. ... , .-a ana wr i
sale. In school oll5j jJT
Salem, ureguu.
NocwkJk Ufrkwi Fkc
lawwatic Soctety
Frank Meredith, Resident Ageat
OlBce vrlth Wm Brown h Co., No
129 Comaereitl atrtot.
- . m - -!! StTW
CockercM ior v' i
iiri.u Ulvnmuth ROC T
.. nt
Miaorcau, p - , . ..a.
H. Blundell, MornInfV
t T. WoOifcl
pert tuaing, rci .(
- ..na order
WlllB music store, 0i
PolSSdKoy ring, wl,jj'
key- own!.r;!
calling at i" ---
for tkl BOtlco.
.- nsvt.l tioeklaCO
UWR. uvt w JMHI
, .-. tyifc'