Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1907, Image 1

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no. ;w.
Railroads Were
aisled Worse
dy Elements
it;Hiinp Threatened at
the Hands of Leg
Lpnto. Cal., Feb. 9. A mile
, Southern Pacific trncK wont
MIkon iato Friday, ns a result
break In the Yolo loveo. This (
ig & gang cut back tho lovcea,
the water Into tho Yolo basin, l
ng tho pressuro ou tho levees, (
rf.maee Is very great. Gov- ,
i" - w
Olletto will Invoko stnto aid
? the gap In the levee. Tho
la Washington nre using boats
from house to house.
Lwnn. Or . Feb. 9. Thoro Is
laproreraent In tho flood sltu-
Thero has been no trninc over
La, tnr unrno dnvs. Hundreds
Liors nro marooned here. Tho
id Is paying their expenses.
rood continues. wasnouis
he tracks caused slides.
Ingham, Wash., Fob. 9.
vashonts and lnnd Blldos
tut Bclllncham oft ontlroly
the outilde world. Conditions
owing worse. Bridges nro out
i Great Northern and Northern
and the tacks nro blocked.
traffic In Northwestern
li suspended.
"Washington County Boys SUtil Fnth-
, . or's Money to Buy Guns.
.Forest Grove, Feb. 9. -Two small
boys.cnmo In -from Gales Crcok and
proceeded to lay In a supply of boots,
firearms, jewelry, etc., with which
they no doubt Intended traveling to
ward the frontier to mako a start In
lives for themselves. Many youths
form opinions of lifo In tho wllde,
wldo world from reading cheap nov
els, and the boys were of the age
when such trash appeals most strong
ly to their minds, and It Is doubtless
where they got tho idea.
They wero well equipped with
funds, having abstracted their fath
er's purso and contents from Us hid
ing place, and they paid cash for
their irchases. Thero is said to
havo been $115 in It.
They put up for the night at the
Sloan hotel, but their actions looked
suspicious to the landlord, who called
up tho lads' father over' the tele
phone, and he said to hold them,
which? was done, nnd tho elder of tho
boys has been sent to the reform
school and tho other taken home. It
is , said that the father has always
been kind to tho boys, but kindness
does not always count.
Tho older boy is eloven nnd the
younger seven years of ago.
Wns Found Guilty.
Knnsas City, Feb. 9. Albert
Crone this morning was found guilty
of tho murder of Bertha Bbwlln
July 19th, last. Bertha was walking
with Frank Kern, Corno's accopted
rival. Corno attacked and hurlc.
thorn over n bluff. Tho girl was
killed, but Kern recovered.
Of the Railroad (Am
ission Bill By the
Comes Up Monday at Three
O'clock for Special
In their provisions, and, instead of
reporting bnck house bill No. 2 fa
vorable with amendments described,
as, thoy doubtless intended, they re
ported back houso bill No. "129,"
and this error practically nullifies
the report. Representative Edwards,
ofjLnno, a member of tho houso com
mittee, was very much- surprised
when apprised of tho fact of tho fl'-
ing of the report nnd laid tho wholo
blame, for the breach In tho relations
of itho commlttco at tho door of Sen
ator Nottingham, whom, ho stated,
was tho most painful thorn in the
sldo of tho committee in Its efforts
to, arrive at an umlcabla settlomont
oft tho dlBputo.
In an article published In tho Port
land Journal of last ovenlng Speaker
Davey 1b placed In tho position, and
quoted to that effect, of having an
nounced or threatened that ho would
take the lead Jn the effort to defeat
tho Chapin bill, but when Been last
"I am In favor of tho Chapin bill
It must bo passed by Republicans. It evening Mr. Davey said that ho hud
OUcllt to lin flYOCMitm! Iiv Ttnnnlill. ' i.I ..i i i . u i
!?. .Init'.l l.i n iM1....1 ...Mnnr
. MUVtl IJIUVvU H llil VMllftUlj' tMUIIft
ought to bo executed by Ropubl
can hands and brnlns. If that be . iBht! thnt the fnrt nf his noaltlon In
, .,, r ,. M
tho matter had boon greatly oxag-
trenson, call mo guilty." Speaker
Frank Davey, In an intcrviow, re
sponslvo to tho chargo that ho was
In leaguo with an alleged clique to
bring about tho defeat of tho Chapin
railroad commission bill, as pub-
geratcd and distorted, and,' In ex
planation of his attitude toward tho
rncaBUre, said:
"I am not fighting or Intending to
fight the Chapin bill. I havo novor
llshed In a Portland newspaper last believed tho govornor Bhould havo
'Frisco Street Car Trouble.
San Francisco, Feb. 8. Tho board
of arbitrators in tho dlsputo between
tho street car men and tho United
Railroads denied .that an ngrcoment
had been reached.
i n
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, Fob. 9. Wheat 78
80, corn 4C 047, oats 40 040.
Cortnin It is, however, that when
tho Chapin bill Is roportcd back to
the houso on Monday, as nmondedi
and comes up for consideration un
der speclnl order of business at 3
o'clock In the afternoon thoro will bo
somo developments that will bo both
interesting nnd sensational in chnr-
tho power of appointing tho commis
sion permanently. I am a peoploM
man; have full faith In them and
their ability to chooso their ofllcors,
nnd I havo been In fnvor of an oloc
tlvo commission. I wnB willing, how
ever tho govornor should bo nllowcd
tojappolnt until 1908, nnd ovon to al
low ono of his naming to remain In
To Prove Thaws Mind
Was Unbalanced
Error in the Proceedings Will
Grant Defendant a New
cw Dress Goods
Salem's Headquarters
For Silks and Dress Goods
BY jiik LEADING HOICKS rv ww vrmir vn mnm.
WGH QUALITY AND LOW PRrmis attk mm PitcnnuiVAT.
Regular 25 Cent Dinner, Including Dessert
By using Mead Tickets.
Now York, Feb. 9. Thaw's will
Is to bo Dclmas strong point to
ward establishing tho defendant's in
snnlty. lie hopes to socuro Jerome's
consent to its introduction Monday.
"Tho will of Itsolf," said Dolmns
this morning, "Is of sufllclont ovl-
donco to show tho effect of White's
cruelties ou his mind."
Evolyn Thaw vlBltedhor husband
this morning for two hours. Qlonson
nnd Peabody called for a short con
ference. Charles Owens, under sub-
poena by tho stnto in tho Thaw trial.
was arrested today and reprimanded
for Intoxication. Ho wnB dismissed.
Owens Is supposed to know tho
whorenbouts of Nolllo Leahy, former
ly Evelyn's maid, whom Joromo Ij
anxious to bring Into court. Owons
says ho don't know whero sho Is.
Throo Justlcos of tho supromo court,
whoso names aro withhold, express
tho opinion thnt Thaw is cortoln to
gain n now trial, If ho Ib convicted
this tlmo, on tho grounds of a Blight
orror. Tho orror was mndo thoy
claim in poimlttlng Evelyn to lean
j forward In tho witness chnlr, and
I whlspor to tho prosecutor tho names
1 of men and women sho know In com.
puny oi wnito. ProvloiiBly It was
Review Jnpnneso Question.
Washington, Feb. 0. Mayor
Schmltz, of San Francisco, the
school bonrd and secretary of stato
had a conference with tho President
for over an hour this afternoon on
tho Japnneso situation. At tho con
clusion Schmltz stated It was only
proltminury, thnt no decision could
bo roportcd, that tho visitors moot
ngaln Monday or Tuesday. Ho
added that tho tlmo today was de
voted to tho presentation of both
Bides of tho controversy. Schmltz
was spokesman for tho' delegation,
and prosldorit fo rvlows of tho ad
ministration. It Is said tho Presi
dent mndo no definite promises to
tho visitors todny regarding exclu
sion. Tho conforonc owlll bo oxccutlvo.
Tho Cnllfornlans aro sworn to sccro
cy. Nothing will bo given out from
tho Whito IIoubo. It is bolloved
nothing will bo mndo public until tho
negotiations with Toklo aro concluded.
Ho Snvctl His UaughU-r'8 Lift.
Novnda, Cal., Fob. 9. Profossor
E. II. Armstrong, principal of tho
Grass Valloy lluslnoss Collogo, whllo
attempting to rescuo his dnughtor
from their burning homo, recolvod
probably fatal Injuries. Whllo car
rying the child down stairs ho missed
his footing nnd fell full longth. Ho
was stunnotl, his clothing caught fire
nnd ho wns torrlbly burned. Tho
child and mother escaped.
AnnrclilHt Group Found.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 9. -With tho
nrrest at Moscow of olght studontB
nt n femalo somlnary and a numbor
of mon, tho pollco bollovo thoy havo
located tho contor of a propngnndn,
which has rosultcd In tho assasslna
tlon of Govornor Aloxandrovsky nnd
other oinclnls recontly,
Wnrui NEW
ig Silks
(S Of -rrA. . ....
""the new evening
- Bnaaes and fancy
Few nfn. .1.-1
.. -.v wjbi, ever
door of ,i ..
Mii i. o . c,r eo-
7 " Wm bare bum up
L-i r". :
dnH?'r?Jo,nlB states. We
lfor25eT P"ttyDreaa
k, fi! "P: w,d heavy
F lpt from 65c
-iSSlMw cwowiwe TOK.
Dress Goods
naif the entire Bide of our
store is completely filled with
beautiful Colored Black and Fan
cy Drew Goods. Every yard of
this mammoth stock Is stamped
with newness and are, the hbs
Blyle aa are exhibited now In
Harskall Fields' windows In Chi
cago, the house that Is always
foremost In showing up the new
materials, for spring trade. We
have Drew Goods to suit any
pocketbook and polite salespeople
to wait on you. We show pretty
foreign Dreea Goods from 39c
yar4 to 75c; still .better from 85o
to 11.25 per yard. Remember
you have thousaads ot yards to
ett from.
Conor af CmmT
dal aid Cttrt Stmts
-a!ter-whea tho oppowftlerffycVgraat-
Ing tho governor unduo appointing
powor in tho creation of tho commis
sion shows Its hand.
Already thoro has been a serious
and apparently unbrenchablo split In
tho Joint commltteo on railroads of
tho two branches of tho assembly,
notwithstanding it was understood
and glvon out that a compromlso had
boen reached upon tho mannor of
tho creation of tho commission, by
giving tho govornor tho powor of ap
pointing tho original mombors of the
commission, and tho granting of tho
concession of tho railroad that they
should thereafter becomo eloctlvo by
tho people, but at loaBt four mom
bors of tho Joint committed have
"bucked tho trnceB," and havo UnoJ
up to fight it out to tho bitter end
beforo thoy will concodo a singlo
pplnt. Thoso four nro Jones of Pell:
nnd Lincoln, Holt of Linn and King
of Harney and Malheur, of tho houso,
and Senator Nottingham of Multno-
inuii, oi mo sonnio, ana mo entire
blame for tho bolt Is heaped upon
tho shoulders of Senator Notting
ham. It has been understood all- along
that Representative Jones was stand
ing out strong for leaving tho ap
pointing power in tho hands of tho
state board, and would not give In
,to tho will of tho majority to give
jt.he govornor tho exclusive right to
namo mo ursc commission,, out it
was announcod that a compromise
bad been reached to tho effect that
the governor should be permitted to
name the personnel of the commis
sion first off, and then mako tho mem
bershlp oloctlvo, as follows; The
term of one member to expire in
1908 and tho other two In 1910, anl
it was expected that a report to this
effect would bo handed in on Mon
day. . Such Is not to bo the case, how
ever, since Jones, King and Holt
have prepared a majority report of
the bouse committee, find havo al
ready passed it Into tho desk amend
ing the first section of tho bill to pro-
I vide for tho appointment of tho com
I mission by the state board, governor,
secretary of state and stato treasur
er, one from each of tho two con
gressional districts and other from
I tho stato at large; not more than two
ui iuu tuuiuiisaiuuers 10 do 01 one ,iu
llitlcal party; two to go out and the
i vacancy filled by election by the peo
ple In 1908 and the third in 1910.
In preparing this report, however,
the members of the committee got
Senator Bingham's bill, senate bill
No. 129, confused with Chapin's bill,
Bose bill No. 2, wakh are Identical
ft&Bntll mohut when-ho lnBlBlt
ed thnt'. two of tbcm inuat bo nllowcd
to hold until 1910, I agreed with oth
er Republican members of tho houso
that ho was, asking too much, nnd
thnt I would stay with thorn In cur
tailing that power.
"I havo agreed with Mr. Teal, Mr.
Chapin and Mr. Gcorgo M. Corn
wall and other advocates of tho bill
on Its main principles, but I diffor
with them on tho details. Thcso gen
tlomon do not think thevpcoplo cau
bo trusted I do. I havo abiding
faith In tho wisdom and Integrity of
tho Republican party, I havo fought
Its battles for 33 years and havo
novor been ashamed of It. I will do
what I can to protect It now from
falling Into tho trap set by Its ono
mles. I am for tho Chnpln bill. It
must bo passed by Republican votes.
It ought to bo executed by Republi
can hands and brains. If that bo
treason, call mo guilty." .
agrood botweon counsel that tho
names bo unmentloned.
Dolmns Is reported to havo today
insisted that Thaw tako tho stand in
his own dpfonso. It is practlcally-do
cided that dbfondant shall 'tell his
own story. -His -story of montnl tor
tures and sufforlng'H from tho roall
xatlon of his wlfo'H persecution, with
out ability 'to right thorn, visions of
a puro soul blackonod by a conscien
celess envoy of Bntnn, nro oxpectod
to Burposs In dramatic interest Evo
lyn't tnlo of ruin.
'Frisco Delegation Has Con
ference With President
Chicago, Feb. 9. After weeks of
examination of talesmen a Jury to
try Shea, president of tho Interna
tional Teamsters Union, and ten
othors, on a chargo of conspiracy to
ruin tho 'trade of Montgomery, Ward
& Co., during the teamsters'' strike of
1905, was secured today for a second
trial, the first resulting in a disa
greement. Will begin testimony
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 9. Sovon
dead miners wre taken from the
Wanaroie. colliery of tho Lehigh &
Wilkesbarre Coal Co., at 5 o'clock
this morning, tho burning timbers
having. killed them. Ono other Is be
lieved to be dead.
Otto Neumoyer has returned from
Kansas City, where attended the
wedding of David Evans and Miss
Toklo, Fob. 9. Tho undercurrent
of sontimont among tho Japnneso
pooplo is contemn for tho Amorlcan
press that is printing Bonantlonnl war
talk. Tho Japaneso pcoplo undoubt
edly truBtRooBovolt. Tho likollhood
of a populnr domand being made up
on tho Mikado to open war is ndt'np-paront.
Quuko Found Criminal.
Milan, Italy, Fob. 0. -Tho San
Francisco earthquake has rovonlod
tho whoroabouts of a certain Floron
tno sentenced horo two years ago for
tho murder of two soldlorB. Ho es
caped and was slnco untrncod. Ilia
nnmo appears In a flat of thQ earth-
qunko injured; Just received. -'JSxtra-1 -
dltlon procoeds woro begun,.
CV jf-i-j. ,
. CoirtH IN'fonti. .
Chlcngo, Fob, 9. Judgo Morwot
called his court ot tho unusually
oarly hour of 8 o'clock this morning.
Twolvo minutes later he signed the
dlvorco donroo of Laura Curtis from'
Chnrlos Curtis, who alleged ho used'
hor head for a punching bag. Tho
Judgo says no more 10 o'clock courts.
Washington, Feb. 9.- A confer
ence on tho Japaneso question bo
tweon tho Presldont nnd San Fran
cisco officials will bo hold at 3 o'clock
this afternoon. It was procoded by a
call upon tho Prosldont this morn
ing by Mayor; Bchmitis, In company
with Kahn and Hayes. From tho
Whito Houso thoy wont to tho stato
dopartmont, Metcalf was present at
this morning's talks.
OflBinlng, N. Y Feb. 9. -Of two
trainmen killed yesterday In a wreck
of the Adlrondacks express, near
here, It was learned today ono was
Alfred Armltago, son of an Albany
millionaire, working as fireman to
prcparo himself thoroughly as a
practical railroad man. Ho had re
fused a position of Importance in
Now York Central oHcea, The sur
vivlag train wen were arrested,
Monoy for Columbia.
. Portland, Or., Feb. 9. Tho logls
Intlvo committees or Oregon, Wash
ington nnd Idaho mot horo todny and
decided to work In harmony In Bocur
Ing nppropriatlons for the Columbia
nnd Its tributaries. Thoy formulat
ed no courso of action, but it is un
derstood that each stato will bo
asked to givo $100,000.
Mrs. Mitrha Smith Dratl.
Donth came to Mrs. Martha Smith.
of this city, this morning nt 0 o'clock
after n short lllnous. A few days
ngo sho wns taken sick with sovoro
palnB In tho stomnch, but soon bo
camo bottor, and nothing serious was
feared. This morning Bho boenrao
suddenly worse, nnd donth camo in
n fow minutes. A poat-mortom ex
amination showed a blood vossol
broko insido tho heart. Mrs. Smith
was 75 years of ngo, has rosldod lit
this city sovoral years nnd Is tha
mothor of Mrs. J. N. Smith. Sho
loavoB gflven children to mourn ler
death, n daughter, Mrs. J. N. Smith,
of this city, and six sons, J. N, Smith,
of tho Capital-Improvement Com
pany; D. M. Smith, of Calgary, II.
O,; Albert And Frank Smith, ami
two Bons iq Knnsns, The funeral ar
rangements h,avo not boen completed
but they will bo held at tho ramlly
home on Hlghlnud nvonuo, and prob
ably tomorrow.
Postnuittti-r nt Mftc-lcay,
At Maclopy, Marlon county, Timo
thy N. Drake, vco R. W. Craig, re
signed, bus been appointed. ,
n. -
Tciiiponuu-o Worker Hlrk -
Mrs. Katherlno E. Sherwood is
seriously sick at her homo at 402
South Commercial street,
Dr. J. f . COOK
wmmm me wm hmit all our
mmmmt call ok. bk, cok.