-m vp- DAILY OAPlTAIi JOUHNAI, flUiBM, 1 mrnnl'ATlY 7. 1007. - , orbgoh, Tf "'"".': iOTloURNAL'S EDITORIAL JAG HOFER BRosTiSiroTrsrrTJo,.,.. who will give Oregon omWAlTBTANIW FOIl MtOailKSB, iikvk-".. CIOVKIINMKST. AND NO DlXHlADEl) LAKOK. TIIK WHM HOUSEWIFE OF flIHKlKOO.V. By Sarah Van Husklrk. A certain prim housewife In Slsklboom Prided herself on licr dlnlng-rooom Jlor table-cloths novor wore spotted or mussed, you could not liavo detected on atom of dust in cranny or crovlco or chink. 'Twos the most Sprucely, liopt hall In all Christendom, And hor curtains woro novor askew. All lior tidies and rugs woro "Just so." Tlio scarf on her sideboard was wondrously wlilto; Tho silver was. always amazingly bright. Hor collection of dolllos unstained wob n slsht. And alio had a largo family, too. Though tho nolghbors in vaguo speculation, And In onvlous mystification Conjectured and reasoned and Biirmlscd nnd guessed, This rlddlo of freshness nnd neatness their best Kodcavors defined 5 for not ono of them wist Tlint tho family nto in tho kitchan. -o CAN TIIU STATU HELP OPEN TIIK HIVEHH? XI locke Tho stato of Oregon will bo askod to help opon tho upper Columbia 11 V(ir Washington, Idaho and Oregon ara to bo nskod this year or next to jirovldo f 100,000 EACH FOIl THAT 1'UHPOHE. Now that Is only a beginning. It tho stnto enters upon that whoro shall it stopT Tho appropriation for aiding tho fudornl govornmoni to puronaso inu cks at tho falls of tho Wlllnmotlo IH ON A DIFFERENT IUSIH. Tho nmiroiirlatlon for tho locks s n limited nmount. Jt ib uouuuui If congross will ovor not If tho stnto does not forco It to. Tho Iniprovomont of tho chnnnols Is oxcluslvoly tho power of con grcsw. Tho nurchnso of tho locks and canal In tho intorlor of tho stnto IH A DIFFERENT MATTER. Tho throo stntos can put 1300,000 Into u single rapids on tho uppor Columbln nnd then not molco It navigable To nld In tho puruhnso In tho looks nnd onnnl Is a spoolllo, limited proposition. THEY AHK NOW IN EXISTENCE AND ARE SUCCESS FULLY OPERATED. It Is rory ilohutful If tho state can help opon rivers that aro tho 'boundary lino botwoon n number or states nro Interstate streams. n lood'H commerce. Not until February, 190G, did tho valuo of our Imports ovor roaoh 1100,000.000 In n alnglo month. For flvu months of that cnlendar yonr Import figures exceeded that amount. Tho yoor 1000 shows NO .MONTH IN WHICH Till-: FHJURKH 1)0 NOT HXOKHD 9100,000,000. Deoombor Is tho record breaker, with Imports of very noarly 13R,000,000. Thf to- Inl Imporls for tho your woro 11.321.004,001, an increase of fifty per cant, slnco 1001. Our Imports for the yonr averaged 16.000.000 a day. Ruudnyti includ ed. HAH TIIKIli: HKRN TKN HOURS MOItK IN TIIK YKAlt they wouli'. have exceeded l.800.o(t0.000. Yet while our Imports sine 1001 have Increased only a little lets than twonly-thruo per oont. No figures nro available on which there might be based n comparison of the growth of domiMtlo trade nnd foreign trade. Tho total value of tho product of our farms, factories. iuIiiob, forestx and llshorloe for the year 1000 may bt given AH A LITTLH 1.IISH THAN yao.ooo.ooo.ooo. Tho ItKurea for last year are In all probability about $27,000,000,000. Assuming that llnwo figures reproaout approximately our (otnl produc tion. It uppenrs that the percentage of export to total product has de cllnml about onedinlf of ono per cent. That In easily accounted for. have something Ilk 10.000,000 inure mouths to fed than we had In 1900, 10,000.000 more Imskd to clothe and 10.000,000 more people to house. Till! INCHHAHH IN TIIU NUMHHR OF PRODUCKRS has not beu euffloieul to create a proportionately larger surplus of produoU fur export. The lutroftM In our Imports IH LVDIOATIVH OF WHOLHSOMK COX. DIT10N8, nnd the entire showing of Imports mid export In tneuurog ing. o- NO AXXEXATIOX OF CUHA. Tho boom for "adding anothoTaTTo the flag" by the annexation of Cuba scorns to bo petering out. f ABOUT Hero and there n sangu.no new?liaper contlnnos to talk Ml T TIIK NECESSITY OF am;.vviiu. rw" " thin dlBgulct cf a protectorate. ,. n croat ma- Kvon tho effort made only a few weeks ago to reprejmt J1 Jorlty of tho more BUbstantinl Cubans as demanding that Uncle Sam permanently take tho island in charge MMmlsonWrtMcU TIIK WOODPILE WAS NOT IHO KNOUOH TO CONCLAH NKOKO LURKING IN ITS REAR. . Meanwhile, wo aro hearing less and lees about Ins urr e .lion , " n Ing and dynamiting of railways, destruction oi iwu. troublos ns reasons for annexation. .,...,, .,,. TEMPORARY CUHA IH ORDERLY AND PEACEFUL UNDUE Tllfc TliMl OHAHi HULK OF GOYEHNOH .MAGOON. uplf bo Even if tho Cubans demanded annexation, that would not In Itself bo a reason for it. ,.,-r unnf vnn TIIK UNITKI) STATES IS NOT HOUND TO MAKE ROOM I' OK EVERY ALIEN COMMUNITY" THAT SEEKS ADMISSION. Such application., of course, always will bo hailed by alwgccw as pointing out tho way of duty or manifest destiny or some other pretext for lumbering up our own union with useless states and unasslmllnblo peoples. . , ,,,.. Tho cltUons of this country, however, will bo Just as freo to decide up on Btich npplcntlons ns they aro to docido about tho admission of Alaska as a stnto. ,..., ...,. i- HUT THERE IS NO HEAL DEMAND IN CUHA IOR TIIK ANNEXA TION or for any moro of a protectorate than now cxlslts. A fow Cubans may want it nnd many Americans boiucu tnero nro ir. Ing to promoto it. Dut It hnB boon pretty woll demonstrated that annexation would bo rosentod If not resisted HV TIIK HULK OF NKAHLY EVEHY CLASS OF THE CUHAN POPULATION. "An Immonso majority of tho Cubans," Bays tho Havana Post, "nro suro to bo dlscontondod with permanent American control. They nro unquestionably In favor of A HEl'UIIMO OF TIIEIIl OWN. Annexation or Buch a protectorate as would bo virtual annexation, would monn that tho United States took n partial view of tho matter a onosldodnoss suro to boar fruit lator on In tho plaints and outbronks or discontented BrtbJectB whom tho American pooplo nro not willing to roc ognlzo mm cltlzenfl." Like other Intelligent Cuban lenders, tho nowspnpor quolod sonslbly ro rusoB to oxpoct nn Ideal government over to bo established In tho Isl and, but Itbollevos that IT WILL HE KAK HUPEHIOH TO THE AVEH AK LATIN-A.MEIIIOAN OOVKHN.MENTS. Foreign capital nnd domostlo Industry will be protoctod and will ylold fair returns. "Tho United Stntos," Bays tho Post, "will soe that annrchy dooa not suporvone. It Ih undor no moral obligation to nmko Cuba nn Eden, whoro not oven un npplo can bo plucked without roproof or chnstlso inunt." THIS IH COMMON SENSE nnd tho recognition of It would put an end to tho lust of tho talk about annuxntlon. Tho Cubans will lmvo to tnko up tho burden of Bolf-govornmont and loam to carry It without stumbling. o High Grade Bgh Pri rice- faek.J in Full Maiur Bottlu h CJfi lAfolEgrala GOLDEN GATE1 J&lgtf hi-.. .n. BxtragT 'A.1ways the Same Sold on 1 WM J I J. A. Folger & Co. 1 San Francisco LET OHEOON HAVE ONE HIC SCHOOL. LHT W1ILL KXorOH AM)NR, un the 0riOH The bill that pawed tho neuate to put two (Khiontorf tuxlbnok oummUslun should be defwttwl in the house. It mltnlUiHl by H but those, who were perfeotly Mttlallftl with the textbooks that Drawn had, that the textbook oonunlsslun did wood work In It first adoption. It wu oompod of buslneee meu and rfluttl men and one edit ontor. It wan seleeled by Oovomor 0r and WAH ONE OF TIIU MOST COHMHNDAHl.K ACTS OF HIH AUMINISTUATION, Tlinro I at iirtwant one "eduenlor" oa the LHiuunliwton the president of the Mai university and a man wku Mas for many years proeldeut of a Mate normal nohool. To rtfiulre the governor ta name two were "edueatore" would Ue to put the "Mdtioators" In control ut the eummlMitoa. sad tie the hands of the governor as to who he shall nppelni. Uiult-r the old system that was aliolUhed TIIHHE WIlltK ALL HUf. aiTOIIH" aud Oregon HAH Till! WOlthT TK.VTIIOOK SYHTHM OF ANY 8TATH IN THE UNION. ALL THE lKMlKH WEItH FUHNIHHHD HY ONK XMPANY AND ON TUII.MS OF ITS OWN DlOrATlON. The bill that Is now iu tlu house should be onlled a bill to tie the hands of the governor and destroy all rttonlbtllty on the part or the chief oxeoutlvo who should b hkl rHmalbla for the nppoiatweots. Huoh a law a nut ntttded as thtvre Is nothing In tho law how to arereut tho governor from naming ono or moro "educator." Wllimn DID THIS DliMANO IXH TWO HMVATOUS" ON THH TKXTIHMIK )MMISSION OUIUI.VATIW Did U not originate lth the so-onllwl "deiHtrtHteut nf anoefiaload onta" that la compoM'd of some of the same whftol beek agMt who eoutrolKHl th old textbook commlwIuH la the Interoat ef the AtMertoaR Hook Cot 1 It net a faet that the state tthel maohlae In Oregon I coating more and inure (o bo run by the (tgonu of tho textbook liuWlloam, and la It not a fact that at the educational coaveHttea held at PorOaad Nov. is, THitm: wimik ixivii nu fivi: tkxthook aoknts on the I'WXmAM? The Capital Journal can give the uamaa of wma at then textbook Ageula whw wore on that program and who ate alated for Institute work in varioua iarla of Ou tate If they are wauled I1Y ANY COMrUTHNT COMMITI'HK KMPOWUHUn TO INVIlSTIOATIt. Tho vepresentatlvea of the people should uet throw an)' power of se lifting aehool textbooks Uark Into tho bauds of tho sokool luaohlHe. Klrat class Hueatore do aot care to be mlxinl un Iu (he commerolal Biruggle for the adoption of uxtfeooka. NKOOND UiaHS 'KIl,0.TOILS" WHO. AUK 1IVTIN KUCH JOHS AMK NOT WANTKH HlTgillU t'HOFI.K. M the tinea bo drawn rigidly la thee umltera and let) the toxlbook The tliuu has como when the pottle of Oregon, regardless of party, should demand one largo state normal school. If we are to have any stnto normal school nt all, LET US HAVE ONE THAT WOULD ME A CHEDIT TO THE STATE. Ono or the speaker In tho debate yesterday mid of ono or tho stnto normal schools that It bail three hundred children In IU training cluseee. WHAT A CONCKITION OF A STATE NOH.MAL SCHOOL! Will you nnd any training classes or children In the Indliinn stnto nor mal school or the lowa state normal school. Olt THE WASHINGTON STATE NOH.MAL SCHOOL? Shall the Oregon statu school system ! forever ruled by a lot or katydid machine itolltlclaus who do not want Oregon educational luatlu tlons put on the plane of other states. It is a shame to maintain at state e.pHse four state graded schools where some of the couraoa are not muoh higher than In an ordinary gram mar school. Oregon people should nrouso nnd DEMAND A CONSOLIDATION OF THE IIUST POHTIONS.O FTIIK FOUH NOH.MAL SCHOOUS, tho beet In- structure, and provide Hint all who nro doing professional training work may enter the ono state normal sahool, and cut out all the stuuing or grade work into so-onlled state normal schools. The four normal sohonls of Oregon are all on the same plane or development, and with the exception ot Aahlnnd are not carrying on work that require high school training before'admlttlng students. Ashland la maintaining n high school AND DOES THE l'ltui'Aii.x. TOHYWOHK TIIHHE. Let us onll things by their right names onoe In a wniie uiougn tlie political heavens full. Ut hs get. out of the rut of anyliig we have four state normnl schools when we have not com- iwrei in omer amies. LKGISImXTOHS WILL taken ut once. In Portland la ono that presents Itself without argument as ono worthy of careful consideration. Our plan is to form n legal entity, giving it power to levy taxes, condemn land nnd es tablish playgrounds In tho city. The leglBlntlvo body is tho only power that can crcato another body ana glvo It powor to levy taxes and con demn land. ( "A quarter-mill tax for tho first flvo yonrs would bo sufficient, giving un annual rovenuo for tho play grounds of $50,000. During tho sec ond flvo yonrs, a levy of ono-olghth or a mill would bo enough, nnd dur ing tho third nvo yoars wo think ono tonth or a mill would bo sufficient. "A playground commission should bo crntod with proper powers, nnd thon submit tho plan to tho people for tholr ratification nt tho next elec tion. The porsonnol of this commis sion is n detail to bo worked out lator. Wo hnvo thought or placing on It tho mnyor, tho Judgo or tho Ju venile court, n roprosontatlvo or 'tho Y. M. G. A., tho superintendent or tho city schools, or others who might bo HUggostod. "A lnrgo nuiubor or tho heaviest taxpayers or Portland nro honrtl'.y In favor of tho plan. Wo should hnvo these playgrounds in several dlfforont parts of the city." Judge Fnrer SpenUs. Judge Fraier addressed tho dele gation on the need of tho play grounds, aud what they would be like. He suld that thoy should be equipped with opon-nir gymnasiums, with baseball and footbnll fields, nnd room for children of all agos to romp and play. He cited Instances of gangs or boys about whom numorous com plaints have boon made to tho Juve nile court. The boys had thon boon supplied with baseball parnphornulln and flelds to piny In, and no com plaints had ovor slnco bpqri lodged against them. "Gangs of boys gather at first on I tho street comers, simply becauso I iney uavo no oilier piaco to go," said me juugo. -soon they got to smok- TRANSFERS .REAL ESTAi 'Ml Tho following real mUu. havo been placed on recwiiS offlco of tho Marlon m... M Nottlo Biggs to R.N. and By C. Woodburn. a P. nnd n. VIlllcTo. .V.". Fcssler, 80 acrej. 0 fcot!" , sec 34, tBs.rlwB,,' P. and B. Vllllger to Step.l rubaiur, ov acres, o ofj y4,80c34, t58,rl S. B. Frost et ux., to Jol " ouiuuwooa, ;i acres, 1 1 ' h, r a w, w a. P. S. Knight ct ux., to Huti. E. Frost, 11 acres, t7i,,j,j vf, q c a i( l M. Oiesy et ux., to a. w.Dlmltt' tju.ua acres, sec. 35, tU;j r x w, q c a G. W. Dlmlck to M. S. 8arock' et nl 39.09 acres, sec. JS,j. l s, l w, w a u. nnu u. Kcndei to j. r Ebncr, land In Marlon ecu- ty, w d Wo offer Ono Hundred DoEsJ ward for any enso of Citing cannot bo cured by Hall's I Curo. P. J, CHENEY & CO, Totyl wo, tno unuoraigned, btrtt F. J. Clionoy for the last 11 1 and bollovo hira perfectly Iks in nil bufllnoss transactlonu-Jl dally ablo to carry outtirt tlons mado by his firm. Waldlng, Klhnan & Hit Wholesalo Druggitts.TtM Hall's Catarrh Curo It tut tcrnnlly, acting directly iM blood nnd mucous surdcein systom. Testimonials tan Prico 75 cents per bottle. &) all druggUts. Tnko Hall's Family PiUi ki stlpatlon. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE I Will troat you with 0iM and curo any dlsea6 wltkoat t or pain. Dr. Kum is known em Salem, and has cured mttj pi pooplo here. He hai lived a? for 20 ycras, and can be trtfj uses many modicines uaxMnil ,lnitnra nnil with UtB Cll catarrh, asthma, lung trwttj matism, stomach, liver, wi oases. Dr. Kum makes a peIaltje!li and female trouble. HU euro nrivato diseases wki r elao falU. Ho baa hundrwi monlala, and givea eouolUO Prices for medlcinea very Persona In the country e ' hlnnic Bend atamp. T von want some extra i' It from ua. DR. KUM BOW WO J 167 South High street, Bam ' The Multnnmnh ilal. II Wl l Will ..,,,..,,, .... -- .. JUUbV. S3UUI1 lllUi Kit iu union- 1IHI.I THE sc IIHMK gatloa of Relators yeaterday nftor- Ing. swearing, toiling vile stories and """" I noon voted unanimously nnnrmiii nf ii... i. nn -. ...i.i.. the plan aubwUted to them bv th ... Iorti.i ... .TL ...!?-...... lh Yo "an break any gang of bad 2: "rr-f --27XTa!?Z Public PinygmuiuN Will I ..'colic tho Attention of tho IicgUInturv. l'uullu playgreund for the ehlldron of Portland now ahrn aaaured, and ate to provide for them will ho Twenty-five Cents Per Day SPKNT FOOLISHLY WILL AMOUNT IN TEX YKA1LS TO XOTHIXtl SAY- UHltlKITHU IN OVU l.uj IlKl'AHT.IlKX'r IT WILL AMOUNT TO ALMOST A THOU. l.NI lK)LUltS. OPKX A K,VV1NS ACCOUNT WITH US AND LET VS HELP YOU SAVE. INTHltHST COMimWDUD SaMUVXNUALliY. Sariags Depgulmeat Capita! Natloaal lUmk In v In Ia itint iUhh 111. a J HOWr ta Urv v. ..i ... . lw uu """ "Ju "" i u. na and oh.1, ..I .r.::".:,." wnw tro l. no boy living who does not A committee of olght Portland men held a conference with the llult nomah delegation and presented the Plan that had beea worked out. In proaoatlng nn outline of tholr scheme to the delegation. W. M. Cake stated ta Om cotumltteo that no bill had yet been drawn, bat It was the Inten tion of the eommltue to get the idens of the legislators and then frame the win. rne uelt!e was asked to approve or reject the plan at once. o tWat u futMr action wore taken it could be taken laimod lately After lUtenitis to ta atatemeats of tho oommlttee th. dehagatloa voted uaaalmoH ladoraoweat of the ptaa. aad romted to s.wt aio reaaoaabU weaaaro to nuke it oaora- TIo Coiinulttec, Tho eowmlUe. eoneMed of Jdg. A. U Vtft. W. M. Cke. Qoarge w H't, Mrrta T. Da, AraoW Itotk wU LioiHl Wpatwonk. aoW w. MeAU la and J. K. tL W. M. Oako addrd the delega tion, saylag Id imh The nd r PeVMc playgrounda llko to ongago In athletic sports." Mrs, Mllllo R. Trumbull explained the workings of tho Chicago play grounds system. She snld that It had bean tho moans or decreasing Ju venllo delinquency at least SO per cant. The committeo will begin tho work of framing a bill creating tho public playgrounds commission at onco. It will ho sont to some member of tho Multnomah delegation, who will In- troauco it at tho present session of tho loglslaturo. With the unanimous Indorsement of the lawmakers from Multnomah county. It Is believed that the bill can meet with no opposition slnoa Portland will be tho only city affected by it. TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY. Toko LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If U falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'8 signature on each box. Sic. o j. m t c aa, jg 9 i BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitro! AND ALL Spray Material! AT PRY'S Drug Prices AbsoWely I V A BEAUTIfUL S?Bd stamp fr T,sllmoiilU ot t . . i. riiwiiideiloa, ' ririirs iiiv f - .ra iM BEAUTYSWN bciiealcJuI rvsulta are money rciunu. -rj cHiciuvSTKi; ano r.,Uou l'lacft ' f.-.rDjerlf . ..t u ,.. for th r". been located at JeffJa for TtluruooH. A -f-f-'' ifeiisiiiijL