DAILY. CAPITAL JOURNAL, flALUM, ORHCXg T ,.msiIAY. FBnnCAIlYO. 1007 Xjwu - '' iM 1aBiBisum""' , Ml SPRING MEKCHAWiwEi OF THE NEWEST ANU BBS i " - TUB VEItY X J!Ki:iH "if vti.-jr., - -"" ' ,. -.,. pvOLVKD MY THIS FASHION .MAivr.no w. ..... ""-""-' lni.SGIIT IS A I'UTK.va- - flUAHPI.Nfl TI1KM AH SOON AS TI h All. WJJ CHOOSING AS BAItLY AS POSSIULK; I-OIt lURLMGll INHI'KCTF Till'. SPRING ABTOllTMfcAl ' OH. AM TO lO CAN 1IB CTB1K --F l'Oll IN HlTI'I.Vfl THINGS THAT MUST HI. MAUI, n '" ; "- HmMuftw PKIUIAI'H IN NO OTIlim STOIU. JIKBMI OK WINTKII, COM TUB 1'J flUAHPlNO TIIKM AS SOON AS TH INHPKCT Tlir. HVlUSa A8HOHTMK Q;OH IK MlTl'INO THINGS THAT M i l II l I IW llll I ' Under Muslins Tho present nasortinont o( lc plcstlo undorwcnr nro oxtromoly varied mid nllractlyo, presenting an oxtbndod rango for tho solco- Hon of comploto outfits of gnr mint for spring and summer. Thoro U n crlHyncHB and delicacy about tho trlmminga Hint ull worn' on with tlnlnty tiutOH admire. Tho nhnpoa, bIzob nnd workmanship aro excellent In ovory respect. A full rango of sizes Including odd alzca reudy. TODAY ONLY TittiriAiV HPPCIAL BALK Nl'MHHK SI1H "A,"?r SX ilSrcck .peclli.1 c offer ... exceptional bargain Jn the newest mid luteal styles In MUSLIN. PETTICOATS will. .! mfflo of 'self material, flounce will, two .. .of lace Insertion, bottom trimmed will, -nrndld quality le- "J ' '.' "' , J, every iK-nney of IJM but for this wile we offer them nt the unum.ally low price of $1 . i l, .rami Xu,. ...1.1 1 H::lll n, i... Wc.l..c.l..r- IUr.JT.il Wash Fabrics Covert Jackets For Spring Wear YoBtorday'a express brought uu ii flno showing of tho nowoat styles in Covorl Jnckola. Each coat is mndo of KngUah Covert, twonty-flvo Inchoa Ion;, oollnr trimmed with velvet of con trastlns color, satin lined through out. Bltoii rnnuo from Misses of 14 to tlio roKHlnr 42 plsca. $10 A Splendid Showing of New Wiiah Fabric It Ih tho Rrvntoat aolccotlon In tlio city, showlnB ovory now mid populnr putlern nnd color, which InHi.roH rholco picking for nil. You, too, will Brow cnthiiBlnBllo when you bco buoU pretty mater ials for wnrm wonthor wonrliiB. Tho prlco, In ovory Instnnco, Is njuoh lower thnn you would ox. poet to pny. ISnrly choosers cot host selec tions. Percales Just Received The llnoBt lino of poronlos ovor shown In Hnlom nro now rondy for your choosing. All colors nro rop resonted, nlno thOBo populnr stripes, chocks nml polkn dots In red, black nnd bluo. Dress Goods No othor ptoro prctonds to mnko Btich n bIiowIiib of dross goods of tho newest weaves nnd colorings. Horo enn bo found cvorytliliiB that's now nnd good nt JiiBt tho prlco you wnnt to pny. Our Btock has novor boon moro cnrofully se lected offering tho newest goods at modest prices. 1 i'l I J Spring Oxfords FOU WOMHN Tho now spring modols are linndaomor thnn over. Now ton turos udd to tholr grace, sorvlco nblcnoss nnd good looks. Tho mnkes nro nil tho best, nnd nB n graceful bIioo gives tono to a hnndBomo coatumo, your footwonr Ib ns much a mntter of attention ns gloves. In ovory Instnnco tho atyloahoro nro choson to tho hour T Mo7JleieM&&oiU wrnjm4.ii:m jMMm Men's Suits Tho gronteet clothing value glv Ing ovont In this city continues with values thnt must onrnostly ImproBS mon who want good, prac tlcnl clothing. It Is our nnnunl olonrlng of nil wlntor buUb that's tho causo of this gront reduction. Tho world's very host rondy to wear clothlnc Is Included In this great .movomont ovory populnr fabric, stylo nnd pnttorn Is repre sented. Sizes rnnuo from 3Gc to 40c. Values rnngo up to J22.C0. Into that city every ;;ek, nnd thnt chances for work nro growing -poorer every day It ha been raining seveiei, .- - - and Charley says" it seems good to see the Oregon sunshine. Joseph N. Teal, the Portland at torney, was In Salem yesterday. t .utnrney P. H. D'Arcy went to jeff rson today on business. V. E. Churchill, of Albany, was Salcni visitor this morning. Gideon StolU loft for Portland this morning on a fev; days' business trip. . . S c Bodertscher left this morning for a few days' business trip to Port land. r rr nr,lnor. the superlntedent of the Boys and Girls Aid society, is in town. - j Walnco Cole and Rhea Coio. of Oregon City, are vlstlng friends in Salem. . .... mim zoe Miller, of Amity, is visit ing Mrs. Thos. Holt, an old Iowa friend. , , , 1) O. MrGee, of Seattle, who has been hero on business, left today for Host burg. T R Burr and A. J. Cook, of Wis consin, are in the city, looking for a location. ' ' Mrs. C. A. McClnln has gone to Wilbur, where sho will vUlt friends, ninny chnnges. I). II. Wyant, of the Oregon Slona Pnlnt Compnny, loft todny for a busi ness trln to Corvnllls. George L. Baker, tho well known Portland theatrical man. was in Sa lem Inst night John Cnrmlcliaol, the hop man, re turned yostortlny from a .business trln lo Portland. Prosldont W. II. Downing, of the stnto fnlr board, was In the city yoa tcrday on buslnoss. Qeorgo King, tho fish commission er, nfter a buslnoss visit in tho city, left this morning for Ynqulnn. Mrs. McCullough, nfter n visit with her dnughtor, Mrs. Coopor, has ro turned to hor homo In Albany. Dr. Byron K. Miller, Dr. A. C. Pat ton nnd Dr. A. J. Pnxton, of Port hind, nro in tho city. W. W. Smith, nftor a visit In tho city, returned this morning to his Reasonableiw For the St J $10 -.. c gestlve Power, mT J? . tho Stoinnch Do lu r! Kspw;lnlljrWhenUcr Nothing to ir.y! Not with drugs, W . v fnrppmonf nt .1in...i. ..-. . i U1HUSUT6 )). as nro natwrnliv , . . nlnmn rtli9 Cnl.itn that digestion require. nZ trogenous ferments, an .C tlon of hydrochloric lti your food falls to diKjst,tfc ijoaiiivu iuut some ot theji, nro lacKing in your dlgeatlt,, rnius. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableuj. noming out tnese natural i necessary to digestion m placed at work in the ku ach and Bmnll Intestines !cp luuau ui Kuua Ut-'VU. iUet tlio gastric glands and bring tho dlgestlvi orgm their normnl condition, Stuart's Dyspep'sla Tablets j ucon suujectcd to critical tests at homo and abroad i found to contain nothing tural digestives. Chomical Laboratory. Ttl address, "Dlfllndo," Londoa. phono No. 11029 Central i lum St., Frenchurch, SLE.C London, 9th Anw; I havo analyzed most card box of Stuart's Dyspepsia (which I bought myself at iu chomlsts's shop for the manufactured by the P. A.& Tcmplo Chambers, LobJ&J and havo to report that 1 ( find any trace of vegetable cd oral poisons. Knowing Ouj dionts of tho tablets, I ia( opinion thnt they are adaptable for tho mirposatoi they aro intended. (Signed) John R. Brooke,?: F. C. S. Their is no secret In ttai ration of Stuart's Dyiptlal Their composition Is known among physicians, u!i by th erecommendations ot (M censed physicians In the They i CITY NEWS A ftoMrt(n at lwefMU fr. mafia tit Ymmt OwmWnntltn Von .Itwn I'ourrrt I'rldny Bvenli.B Tho Indlo who will bo tlio patron cbbob of tho concert ulvn by Arthur von JesBcn at tho Urn ml Opurn llouno' I'rldny evenliiB nre: Mm. K. M Walt, Mrs. Win. llrowu, Mr. Geo. 11. Ihlrntitt, Mr. A. N. UhbI., Mr. W. II. Ilyrd, Mr. W. I. Cnmpholl. Mm. J. II. Coleman, Mrs. H. B KleniliiK, Mib. Clnud (lntoli. Mr. H. J. Hendricks, Mrs. Kdwttrd lllmoh, Mr. J. F. UuhIic. Mr. IMm. Moure Mr. P. U. Unymond. Mr. F. W 8lHttcor, Mr. II. I). Thloltvu. Tho iimiiM of lt)o Indie would he Kunr HUllMt llf l)l IHItlCHIrt. UVllll It WO lltll not know what kind of an artUt Mr. ""tr untn VtU )'U"K. whn Fry, 000 High street, mid tho Inter ment will bo In tho Odd Follow' cemetery. Hov. P. . Knlulit win conduct tho funeral, nanlRted by Hov. F. 10. Dull. I'ncltlo loduo, Masons, will oftlcluto nt tho Horvlcoa. The fu uural will bo promptly at 2:30 o'clock. Krtlem Military lMntl Will furnish music for tho lnns ituurado nt tho Auditorium rink to night. Admission, 26c. (Vlebnttl.tB Agwln G. A. Waaaman wiu found hut ov onliiB poaaoMud with tho uvll spirit of rum nnd i"eor, and wua escorted to tho city Jnll, where ho pnt tho nlKlit. "Cnuulit In tltti Web" Will coutlnuo nt tho Kllnttor Grand von Jomou 1. Mr, llrlHrU' VuuerHl ' 11.o iuuerak ol .l. (1 Harbor! will tm held Tburdy afternoon front tho roaldenro of hu iwinlu-Uw, n j 1 XlEt EL I JC0 ARE THE WINDOWS Ofi THE SOUL U'l lu nil the llttht you can. It U H'lloua to dilly-dally. When yon tit4 Bwv at ail. ou tiosd them. atui hwhI them badly. Ym May Kt Tfcftak Ywr Nttil TWm Thtr nrt defvota of vlilou which am hard to dtftc-U vxcvpt by a acl I'ulftlo watnluatlon, and It uot cor rrtvd lo tltn may run Into somo thlup ihtrlou IndcHHl, Vur your own aatUtactltm let u tfwtnlUA tUvm. "A KaKKod Hero" will bo offered with an ontlro ohnngo ot speclultlo. A Xw Itettnnint BulliKk 11 rut hor. well known roatauruut nporntlv In this city, arc about to uihii a rMtaurant In tho bulldlnR formerly oeepled by F. K. tlhafer' harniNui atoro ndJoluliiB the Salem Gun toru Thy xpct to bo ivady for buslniKHi In a few week. Adding Another l'mm. II 13. Moores & Co , the Job print ers, have purchnsed tho small cylln dor pros from tho olJ stnto house printing plant nnd nro Installing It In tholr utiles ovor Bnkor, Lawrence & Baker's grocery storo. IncroaBod bUBlnoB hn mndo UiIb move neeos- toy, and It will prove n lino addition to tholr oqulpmout. "See Caught lu the Web" Moving picture nnd othor high claaa vnudovlllo between acts at tbo Kllngor Grand tonight. Cluckumi.M Mju. Mlttslng John Hock, n mnn well-known In Oregon City, disappeared from homo Monday ot lnt week, and nothing has been heard from him since. Ho was Janitor ot tho IlnptUt church. Miinquerailn Ticket On aalo ut tho box ofilae. Maskqrs must got their ticket and rosurvo tholr skate- lu advance. Dr. It. A. llerltttgi-. At tho opera house Friday night. MftMjuermle At tho AudltariutH tonight, 7:30 to 11. Mask will bo rtuuoVed nnd prise awarded at 9:30, after which tbo public will bo altowed to skate. Notice to Fruit Grmvi There will bo n meeting of the fruit growers held nt tho Grange hall, corner ot Coinmorclal and Con- tor streets, Salem, Or., on Saturday, February 9, 1907, at 1:30 p. in., for the purpose of organizing a fruit growers' union. Addresses will bo mndo by Prof. C. I. I.owls, of the horticultural department ot O. A. C. Corvallls, and Hon. H. D. Shopnrd. manager of tho Hood River Fruit Growors' Union, Hood Rivor, Or. AM persons tnterostod In the fruit Inter ests are requested to attoud. By or der of tho committee. 2-C-3t Senator Itniley'K Brother Hurt Senator Bailey, of Portland, yos torday recolved a tolephouo mos sago tulltng him of an accldont which occurred to his brother, who Is a line mnn. omployod by tho Portland Tele phone Company. Ho wus fixing some wire on a pole, when he lost his bal ance and fell 40 foot to the ground. Ho osonped with only a broken Jaw, nnd will soon recover. homo in Clnckamns. Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway, tho states and Canada. well known and ablo ndvocnto of moBt popul r of nil remedl equal suffrage Is in tho city. Mrs. C. S. Rockenfleld. tho widow of tho late C. S. Rockenfleld, left this morning for hor homo in Portland. A. Noltnor, who has been In the city in tho interest of tho appropria tion for tho Monmouth State Nor mal, left Inst evonlng for Portlnnd. Professor L. R. Trnvcr, formerly or this city, but now of Portlnnd, was hero yosterdny on business. Miss Leln McCully, nfter visiting hor cousin, Mrs. B. O. Schucklng, ot this city, loft this morning for her homo In Portland. Sheriff Cvor wont tt Portland on buslnoss this morning. Rev. J. Bowersox, of tho United Evnugollcnl church, of Portland, who conductod tho funeral services ot tlio lato John Stnlgor, returned to his homo this morning. Goo. W, Whitney, who haB boon in tho city, attondlng the funeral of tho lato John Stnlgor, returned this morning to his homo In Woodburn. digestion .dyspopsla, wattr insomnia, loss ot appetite, i cholln, constipation, dystal kindred diseases originate ,1 Improper dissolution and tlon of foods, because then oughly rellablo and barmlau or child. Stuart's Dyspepsia TabMM onco n 8nfo nnd powerful ono grnlng of tbeso tablra Btrong enough (by test) tod 000 grains of steak, esetm will digest your food for JM your stomach can't. Ask your druggist for 1 1 puckago or Bend to us freo trial Bamplo packajii will bo surprised at tbo i A. Stuart Co., 64 Stuart 1 shall, Mich. $100,000 FOU fjKATTI.K FAIR. Mr. W. O. Smith Tho aweeUvoleciI lngor of Salem, will bo heard In two solo at the Grand Opera House Friday night. Personals BARFTS JEWELRY STORE IbhW ndl I au4v Sis cbm "A 1UkM Hero" CommenoluK Friday at tho Kllnger Grand win bo tbo laat jtlay altered by Kokhardl'a Ideal In this city, a tho company ai booked through to California, rouiequontly tbuy will oloto In thl city next Sunday oven ., . . ,, , ., , . The btehvllippy Mx-tlng Making Moro llmim F. K. Bhafor, the harae man In tbo Turner block, I putting In now balconies, shelling and show ease. In order to accommodate hi growing trade. The ork U being pushed and tho Increased space will bo available utlhlu a wk, when additional stock will bo carried. Mjuquctttdo- At tbo Auditorium tonight. Admis sion 25 cents, IKm't Fall to Wltwco KckhardtV Ideal In "A Racgva Hero," at the Kllusor Grand, com tuember ot tho local loJeo of A. O. wenelns Frldajf. TbU company will u. Wr., and the member of that oc ciow belr enuastent In SAlem dr havo beea Invited to attend hl Sunday evealag wltb tat play, funeral tomorrow afternoon. Tho evangelistic meeting at the First Presbyterian church, that aro being conducted by Measr. Steele and Hoppy will contlnuo throughout tho week, after which tho evangel ist wilt go to Dallas to hold a series of meeting. Tho mooting lu this city havo steadily luoraod in Inter est, and the attendance U very good. Fuy Grandprt Yellow Kid, Alfonso and Gaston, and many, other characters will be represented at the masquerade this evening. Admission, SS eonta. Was CluHer Member- Mr. M. O. Harbord was a charter Julius a Wotfe, ot Sllvorton, Is In the city. S. B. Houston loft this afternoon for Portland. II. K. Jorgeasan, ot Dallas, Is vis iting In tho city. Rov. Father Moore left thl morn ing for Portland. Mis Helen Stolwer, of Jefferson. la visiting In tho city. Mrs. T. M. Rogers left today for a visit In Portland. Hon R. II. MtUfferty, ot Oak land, Ca).. 1 In the etty. Hon. C. 11. Hardy, at Eugene, was In the city last eveuing. Dr. B. A. Pierco returned this morning to his homo In Portland Harry Mauer left this morning for a visit In Kugene, Dudley Evans, ot Portland. Is vis Itlng tho legislature. Hon. W. 11. Wehruag. of Hlllsboro. was lu Salem yesterday. Dr. W. E. Carll. ot Oregon City, was In town yesterday Hon. Will R. King, of Ontario. Is In Salem on lecal business, Caaa, P8h haa returned from San Francisco, whero ho baa put In everal month at the ara.ti... tN ho ajr that hundred ot mechanics Ways and Menus Commltteo Cut Down Kcttlemier's Hill Fifty Thousand. Tho Joint ways and means commlt teo hold a session this afternoon nnd. cut down tho Sottlemlor bill to give the Seattlo Fnlr $150,000 to $100,- 000 by n vote of five to three. ThoBO voting for tho wholo amount wero Rodger8, ot Marlen: Drlscoll, ot Portland, and Carter, of Ronton. Tho commlteo alBo had tho insano asylum betterment and Improvement matter up for consideration, and have practically decided to allow 1150,000 for bettorments, repairs and othor Improvements, and 190,000 for tho construction pfta now wing, setting asldo tho proposition to es tablish a separate institution for fe male. Inmates at a cost of )327,000. Tho commltteo Is In session this af ternoon. Tho committee on banking will hold an open meeting In room No. 3 ot tho senate chamber tonight at 8 o'clock, when tho state banking law will bo taken up. Circuit Court Hasla j Judgo Burnett held I iW"K In ilonnrtmont No. 1 0t V court this morning, and, iSl acting tho following t Journed to 1 o'clock p. -M February 11th. Tho suit of tho Tootle, Tlfnrtnr fflCflntlIO COBPMJ' Hobson Mercantile Coffl this mornlnc settled. In tho action for tnoJ Payne against Peter cent nnd dlsbursomentBeri court in favor of tho 122. ntinrlaa VnllchD. 01 rived recently to attew"1 eolloEO of this city. m now. vm.T.pn At the faW t ,.., ofmflt. FebTPff. i nnri Mrs. Cm-9-' M ACS - daughter. Fuuerul Notice. Tho funeral services ot tho late Mr. George Collins will bo held Thursday, February 7, 1907, at 1:30 p. m at the First Methodist church. Rev. W. 11. Selleck will conduct the services and tho burial will tako place In City View cemetery. ..MONEY TO THO"! Orr Lada Bush' Norirk&tJWo Fraas: ereu..-i - ( 0e wltb wm. -" 111 Ooaaaaer! Order ot Waahlagtoa. Tho funeral services ot the late sister, EIIxa Mosher, will bo held at tho family home In Englewood, at 1:30 p. m., Thursday, February 7. All members are requested to attend, it possible. NEWT crssw" way. galem, Or. 5 ye old, v t, at XMWf sirt.