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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1907)
yr: .VWTFW 1 .' (J I llfi- ? 4 Si E LEAVES IT ALL TO GOVERNOR Railroad Committee Decides Chief Executive Should Be ResponsibleFor Commission After mature deliberation and ox haustlve dlsctiMlon the Joint com mittee on railroads has finally nrriv d at tho conclusion to lanve the ap pointing power of tho proposnd rail road oommlsalon In tba hands ot thi governor. This wr decided upon nt a mooting Into ywderday nf ternoon and the only tlilnK that remains to bo agreed upon 1 the construction of Boctlon 20 of the Cbapln bill, which ileitis with the demurrage fonture of tho railroad regulation ineniuro. Tills latter fenti're of tho hill Is the ono which Is most atromiously oli jocled to by the railroad nttornoys who havo appeared bofore tho Joint commUteoB and laid baro tholr elciu of llm tH and eoasldornblo 11iuutil will have to be given to the mlnutwt dotnll to ninko It tho most sound and equitable and Impervious to tho Icgnl nttneks which nro moro cortnln to bo inado ngnlnHt It. It Is a enso ot In Jlin against Injun and tho shrewdest legal talout In tho stuto Is bolng put to tho most critical tost. Not only this but all or tho wuitorn stales, nnd ospoolnlly Washington. Califor nia and Idaho hnvo turned tholr yo to Orpgon to tnjio tho lnd with the raolproonl demurrngo fen turn and the result or tho toot of this law will be awaited anxiously. "In deciding upon the method nt creating this commission which was nn fixceudlug dedicate- mutter," salt! a promlnont and Influential member ot the oommltteo, "we were tip ngulnst a protly serloim proposition with only the nno question beforo lis: Which shall' It be, appointment by tho govornor or election by the ponplof Tho cluineiit or appoint' mont by the loglshituro did not outer Into tho question very sorlously bo couio thoro would bo ooitnln to on hiio a political conflict tbut would up HOt tho wholu thing and result In lib soluto failure, not only of tho ob taining of tho html rosults but tho downfall of thu Republican party. Tho committee decided that tho best rourso to pursue was to loavo tho n tiro responsibility with ono parson then there would bo no question (is to where tho whole thing rested." Tho ontlro measure has been threshed out. sort Ion by seetlon, mid. there Is soaree a vortlou that hns not boa nlterfd In some slight degree and tho rouunlttee lining to be able to report the amended bill back with favorable rwoniuiandatioNs. It Is liudewtoed thai one af the inetHbere of the otiHoulilo, Junes, of Polk and I.IuuoIh, la tilll ttwldlag out upon bW original stand of demand ln that the enimnlMloH be solortod by t We sunt board and he threatens to bring la-o minority report to tket tract, lie. however, may sunVr a rnnt In opin ion before the rrttltal women t or rlviHi and Jala bauds wlitt the ovei whelming majority. t'ldiiiiibla MuUi Apiutula(lm. Colnmbla roomy has taken tk lead this year In atertlaa the work tor ike tt felt Ilratly It ex propriated tlwe for a exhibit nnd iippoluud a cottiaittifo to take charge f ike display. The Cause of Many Sudden Detiih. Toot u a lirr iivtjiHot ta tale eoiuwrv iuumuiih u in'utMiiMco. JAW' MsevMKUIeN .oUltUaike era ymttmA t H lwrt ll. cmmf )mtiituHi'4, brail Ijiliwr iir Milm air o4ltK tllr irii t.f ih tin thra '. f kulitrt liuulilr ) i.M..nllu(u(aiue tin kfclltri laiimin. -.1 i.i.. ".ii -. Iimih i- ri ""! mill ! e vital , i .uitiiik' I'nUiiti lh UUdWr, u iW ltdtirt lliriuivr (neck tU Mid Matlr nil In ti. Btul.Ur troul'lr jlu.i !. uuli Itvm IrikMaruttlil l llir kiituria awl rtiu . MjiIii. iiuitkvi l. uNrr 'rfalUk. ultlir k.Ie ll i rr- Kg t vitu uiV !' H)Ulr by uiun , U Inn i wailip.KiXil, Um ti k. .(, mi MdUbeJoV inhUv, It .xmrtH. innu.uv uImW artae aid iftal! n W, , )mtt it. awl . HMw lM Uiu4.ul IMMMllsyof iMm witMnHsi s- tMt.M ibraatb ttw dw, ! iw v i i 'ik nirnn-iiiMsrj Wt of iitt) ) ..! : MkMi i Mlkw if ItHMldetbr tM,,',,., j . wwl waS'lte( ; ) uMm tUbi U mUi X all 'il,,jl. litlN4rl u.l WMMtattar M '- . .. tn b Mi4ebattW m . t,wka ' .i Htw it)- Cvt4y MMta l . ir.l. . .lw,l i, teih9t fc" .uir4 ii Ml m k Co.. HittgH.K.t.. v ubM WtriUHJl IHJNHmmi rvalue,! ili.t KrtlHM ( tM tbU rwfwi k.i h, MWM Ik KilHk Sntf. KOi4.,H,t b lack lie FATHER WILL NOT KNOW IT When Irrigation Code Gets Through Committee Bill it Will Be a Sorrowful Sight Well, It has flnnlly boon decided that u code of walor Jaws has been at loaBt half wny agroed upon, nftor numerous mooting of the Joint com mlttoo, during which pyrotochnlcnl displays of tho hisliot order were tho prodomlnntlng foatures, but it will bo a enso or "Que! What a duocod good timo I must have had last night!" whon the Perkins bill, whlofi hns boon cut nnd slushed un mercifully, nwnkos nt tho dawn of tho morning and vIowb its 111 shapen linos In tho luglslatlvo mirror. Tho Inst mooting of tho Joint com mittee was held last evening when tho grcnter portion of tho tlmo was tnkon up In listening to what Attor noy Will It. King, of Ontario, ono of tho best utithorltloH on Irrigation lawn' In tho northwest, appeared be foro tho little cotorlo ot oxcoodlngly critical Judgos and poured forth an almost ondlees chnln of convincing nrgtunont Infnvor or the board of trado bill. When the committee flnnlly nettled down to IiiisIiipmi, with a strong will und mighty pen, It stnrtod right In at tho very founda tion, the very first seetlon of the code, which Is the vital one and re modeled Its lines In such manner that It will hardly be recognised when the amended hill appears before It father In Its new eult of clothes. The first section, which Is the basic principal upon which the entire bal ance of the coda dependrt, provides that all waters or the slate (rom all sources belong to the state nnd sub Jeot to equltnblo distribution for beuellolal use has boon altered to re tain tho old cbmmoii law doctrine of rlparlnn and priority rights and thls'tlBuglng In tho mnnufneturu of notion will prnctlcully leave comll tlons ns they exist today; to be fought out by means of ondlota ami oxpaii slvo lltlantlon. If the Portland hoard of trade keeps Its word, an stated In the letter sunt out to nil of the mem bers of tho legislature, no attention will ho paid to what tho legislature has done. If the hill Is iiUm-ihI."'1 u,w wt rwwv9 "'"" "t"0'" amended or mtiltllated, but thu iiie """'- Hon of Ita adoption In I to original! A considerable number of hatiee form will b submitted to a vote of ."His waro read for the llrat nnd twe the people nt the next general elec Una by lurnlclug the referendum. It Is lw) the purpose of the com' tain, It to understood, to deprive; ttta slate easlaear or inurli of the power aad aaatetante which Is dele gated to biw wader the original bill and this will means praetloal re jection uf the board of trad bill aad the uhtOutlou of the Ulniham aat ure. ' Q' I'lwiMint and .Mot KiToctlvo. T. J. OiMtmhMW. 1M. Vladiealnr. Liberty. Tasas, writes Dec. tl, 1903. "With pleasure and uaeollrlied by )ou. I bear teat lin nay to the curative power of llallard't Itorthouad rrm. I htve used It la my fatally and m ebeerfullr atari! It Is the moat f fertiva a Ml beat nmmlr for coughs and eolds 1 brv ever u4." Sold by U. J. rry. "' Q-" MI.I.KU IIVTIIIISItXATIl iIk's liiabUIty t) UiiiplH))! rar AerhleHt lllll .Met lliTimt. i Wbva I be soaai met yeater4 .arieruuoa li beard tbe mdrn report of tbe ruNtmiite oa fleaator Coabow's seaate bill No. S, aieVIeK emohuers liable for amMeats to employee, Tbe bill i-aase ap oa atottoa to laaaialtrly potipoae fartbor roaablerattoa of tb ttvmi.r Tbls uiotloa m rerrted by a t ul 31 to ?. The tx votla la 'h. aoMtivs were Klttuheai. Cabl-h-)I. (Mbw. HeUa-. Miikr of Una. HSMllb of UnaillU aad W rlgbl. ttotb Marion's senator eud Marloa' Joint wNMttor voted la kill tbe bill. K. US waa taoaoalloly pot puatsl . It. It wa tewoiattbl paelpaaeit Tbe coMUHttta rwupndd tbat 8. II. 8 4 mm. AJt4Mw4. Tbe jtHlMaty iMMMMttaoa tbut fi. It. IS rfcUK to tbe dvtl w.r cklasa ajalaat tbe gowrauseat 4v Kanmtble reports wro wade oa X. W H, Ul, I St. isS. wbkb wr aaip4ed. Ta MIu!iN bills wro latro tael aad read tor iba Hrt utw: 8. H. l$t, Hdoa. aa set to do rter the Aseooiatad Prv aad Urn liar or4UltatKHs eoanuaa earrlart. W. 1S.8, MalarUy. rwgardlug U Milag baadft for tret Itaprovomeata. Thu u a local weasura aad was r- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OKKOON, TUMORS Overwhelming Proof Vegetable Compound succeed! One of tho prcatest triumphs of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound is the conquering of woman's dread enemy Tumor, Tho growth of a tumor Is so In sidious that frequently its presence is wholly unsuspected until it is well advanced. Bo called "wandering pains" may come from its early stages or the presence of danger may be made manifest by excessive monthly periods accompanied by unusual pain, from the abdomen through tho grojn and If you have mysterious pains, if there are Indications of lutlammatlon or displacements, secure e, bottle of Lydla B. I'lnkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from natlvo roots nnd herbs, right away and begin its use. Tho following letters should con vince every sulfering woman of its virtue, and that It actually does conquer tumors. Mrs. May Try, of 800 W. Colfax Ave , South llond, Ind., writes : Dear Mrs. I'lnUham : "I tnho cront pleasure In writ ing to thank you for what Lydla K. Finkhntu's Vegetable Compound hns done for me 1 also took the Hlood Purillcr in alternate doses with the Compound. Your medicine removed a cvst tumor of four ycap' growth, which thrco ot the best physicians declared I had. They had said that only nn operation could help me. 1 am very thankful that I followed n friend's ndvlco nnd took your medicine. It Jins made mo a strong and well woman and I shall recommend It ns long as I live." Mrs. K. V. Hayes, of 20 HugglcsSt, Boston, Mass., writes : Dear Mrs. IMnkhnm: "I havo bocn under dHTorcntfloctqrs' treatment for a long tlmo without rollof. They told me I had a llbrold tumor, my abdomen was swollen and I suffered with groat pain. I wrote tn von for ndvlco. von replied nnd I followed your directions carefully nnd today I am a well women. Lydla K. IMnkham's Vogctnblc Compound ox polled the tumor and btreugthenad my whole sybtem." Mrs. Perry Ilyors, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, write : S. II. 184, Ilnynoe, defining the crime of burglary. 8. II. ISfi, prohlbtlng cunvlctx from wearing apparel. B. 11. 1SG, Caldwell, to discontinue the state. normal sohool n't Drain. 8. U. 187. Johnson, to amend the code regarding thu, settltmunta of estates. 8. I). 1SS. to dispose of the rentals oud time and refarrtd to the several eouiiHltleea. II. II. Ill, creating the Oregon li brary commission was plaead oa Its naal pasaaie sad enacted. tly unaalmoue eoaeeat Senator Mil ler of Uhh Introduced a bill regard ing forgery of public documents. o .. i No Dirforoiit-c. No dlsHttcttoa ta made aa to la kind of Piles tbat Dr. Ltoahartlt's leia-Hohl euros. The Names Internal. tCxteranl, uieotiiag, Ullad, Itcblng, Suppurat ing, etc , are simply names ot tba dif ferent stage rbrough which evory rasa will paaa It It continues loaf enough. Pile are reused by coafeetlon or stagnation of blood la tbe lower bow el, nnd It takes aa lateraal ramody to remove tbe cause. Dr. Looubardt's Uew-Rold Is a tab let taken Internally. It la a perata ettl rare. Money back If It folbv lre at druggists. Dr. Looo- bardt Co., Niagara Palis. N, Y.. Pro. prlotore, Sold by Dr. S. C. fttouo, Haleta. Itlftiuit I'i-oiii thu Rrue. A proailoeat waaafurturer. Ww. A rVrtwell. of Lusoms, N. C . ro tates a woot remarkable experience. Ha says: "After taking leas tbaa I boula of Kloetrie Hitters. 1 feel Ilka on rUlag from tbe grave. JT trouble to Brlgbt's disease, ta la DUbotos etage. I fully believe H)ot trfc Bitters will rare we perm neat ly, for it bos already stopped too liver aad bladder compllcaUoem wblrb bave troubled mm for yea.' Unaraatoed at J. C. for ry druggtaL trieo only It eoata lift W'ultmae. tb tUmajt KMUoooa.- v?m wm roroatly exbtb Hvat bb toaao tolau la Salem bay bona soul to tbe MtoatetmU roekjlto In Portlaad lot is moatbs for sioaj. lag. tt'Mtata pllrorod books aiud otkor arUato troot auwy iStrtlaaM dottora' ojMgas. Uou't lut Ott f atu totoorrow wbat you can do to day. m sn aonoriac trow a torpid Uvor. or eomxtiauloa. Hoa't wait khui tomorrow to got beta. Day a WtDe of Herbtae aad gt tbat Hvur worktog Hsbt. Prompt aos about bHb sovos many slok spelts. Mr. Ma Qretbam. Polat, Tex vfittes I ud Herbin m mv WT?ISESDAV, FKimuAnr 0, 100. " 1 CONQUERED that Lydia E. Pinkham's Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I was told by my pnyaioiuii -, - aiim i t.nmnr nnu umv x vui- i.ll.. ..! 4nltf T.VI Vegetable Compound. I am not only cured of tho tumor but other female troubles and can do all my own work after clgh years of suffering. Mrs. S. J. Barber, of Scott, N. Y. writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "Sometime ago I wrote you for advieeabouta tamor which thedoctors thought would have to be removed. Instead I took Lydla E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and to-day am a well woman." Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vandcrgrlft, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I had a tumor and Lydla E. Pink ham's Vogotablo Compound removed It for mc after two doctors had given me up. I was sick four years bofore I began to take tho Compound. I mow recommend Lydla 13 Plnkham's Veget able Compound far and near." Such testimony ns above is con vincing evidence that Lydia E. Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for Tumor Growths as well as other distressing ills of women, and such symptoms as Ucarlug-down Sensations, Displace ments, Irregularities and llackache, etc. Women should remember that It is Lydla 13. I'lnkham's Vegetable Com pound that Is curing so many women Don't foriret to Insist upon it when some druggist asks you to accopt something clso which ho calls "just as good." Mrs. Plnkham's Imitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of femalo weakness nro invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass., for advlco. She Is tho Mrs. Pinkham who lias been advising kick women free of charge for moro than twenty years, and beforo that sho assisted her mother-in-law, Lydla E. Pink ham inadrlslug. Thus sho is especially well ipialllled to guide sick women back to health. SPEAKER IS PROUD OF TOKEN Mr. Davey Presented His torical Gavel By Oregon Historical Society During the afternoon session of the house, yesterday, Speaker Davey was called from tba chair for a few mo ments and Into his private room, wbere he was made the bappy recipi ent of a handsome and historically valuable token of the esteem and good will of tbo Oregon Historical society, In the form ot a beautiful and highly polished gavel. President George 11. 1 times, of. the society, made tbe presentation address, which wm responded to by Mr. Davey in language tbat was quite In keeping aad characteristic of him upon all oeraslous. In aubstnaca a follews: "Oa behalf ot tba Oregon Histori cal society I herewith preaeut you a gavel, as your emblem of authority In connection with the body over wbksh yon are so ably presiding. It ta made of woods surgoaiive or Im uortaot phasen of Oregon history, wblrh I will briefly Aeserlbe: "First, the yellow wood Is tho Orvgon grnpv. first mentioned In the Journals of Lowto ud Clark, rlawl aod by nn Rngllsb botanist uaund lnrah about IsSO. nnd adopted as tbo state Mower of Oregon, upon my motion, at the meeting of tbe Oregon Horticulture! morlety at Hood Hlvor July. Utl. Second, a pleco of apple wood from a soodllag planted u VBcouver m ISM the Mm aeouUgff fruit In Amorteau territory wtt ot tho Kooky monntalna. Third, a ptroe ot ltoyal Ann oborry. ntariad In iOWn In is5 hv Uottderton Luutllng. baalod br Him IwHh SM to ! other setone. cr tag tttatat to o-..oo. Sf, Mii Mt 9m at Miiwnubee. rioefcama eoun-ty-the am mi .m fruit of tibo Rookie. "Tbo bandlo U uiad of two kli.di m woeg: Wrot. tbo lighter oiord b.(i aorvlao.borty. from tba dotin laad ebttm of Morton M. McCarver aeo Oronon CHy, tba rot tarrltortai oapstal ot Oregon. -Saoand. a ptoco of Orogou yaw. wbleb grew near ib iu CHat8. poag tbe plaeo u-l th flrst Aniftr. " lrt governmoot oa the Pacific coast bora, on May. 1543 have to be operated upon, I wrote to lor advice, which i followed care- rlls B. J'inkhnms mJ?, &! ', OUR MEATS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especial caro to buy nono but tho beBt, nnd our customers can always depond upon getting tho k. ir, thn mnrket at right prices when they buy at our market. B. O. CROS8, State Street Market Phono 201 FOR JOIST AND FLOORING Tho host plnco to buy is whoro the best stock of lumber is carried. Tho ontlro building trado know thnt thoro is not a Oner Btoclc of lumber than that carried by us. Wo are roady to fill tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho bulld- Or wnitlng. That's a very Important point. Near S. P. passenger dopot GOODALE LUMBER CO. Phono G2 Main. It's Going Fast And gives perfect tmtisfnctlou. Every snek is guaranteed, nnd that nccounts for the rapid In Mies.. Also It Is still mndo of :OLD WHEAT and is tho best Hour nt any price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Hour At all llrst class grocers. yiUHWIsHMMtHIMMI BIG i FIR . WOOD SAWED AND UNSAWED AT VOGET LUMBER AND FUEL COMPANY HOTEL ORFfiON Comer of Seveuta and Stark Streeta Portland, Oregon. The Mir and n. Vt.i -m i. t Caters pirticulirlj- to resident ef: 8v lem and other Oregon cities. European plsa. Free baa Bate $1.00 per Jny . vrm-r. acomcat grill la" the Wet, aad uricu a i -. i 9rilWr m?vbIi IiwSp le attractive, Ifcrjy Capital JooratJ ni. 1 B B an'js-'J bniHr.-r"'"! "t, uonr in - buoa old . " Knol iircmL a .t " -o"uu B B Bto:,nK ivua ui Self-risln,, n you can make wS ; "u uruanj, WUKU, 3-n pn-.t. . u ,.. --"- Ibj .0 ""suapnrofoM.l Trado riBlns and all M Mark mir win. . l on a hot grlddk ALIEN'S BBBPLooii Pacific Const Pn,. . ,1 r-... w " "W "' -.... .Mim inctorr.iul Wolf MJlis, BlnnawiJtkl On the Stool of Repentance 'UtOMT la whoro a mun finds htataj takes his linen to any UmfcJ tho Snlom Steam Laundry, lh conscicnco don't prick, tom i nnd cuffa may nnd rnakeyoai clnto the smooth dzos. lotlW holes nnd exqulslto color tell thnt you can always rely oa 1 at tho Salem Steam Laundr,ih prices. SALEM STEAM LAVtt)M Phono 25. 130-100 S. V Suont wisely is the aoureinU satisfaction. Why not epeadii of It wisely now buying us? Baker, Lawrence & I Successors to Harritt a . H.S.Gile&Ci Wholesale Groecrslai mission McfchaiH In tho rot' t all tla3 dried 1 Ar prodW h, ' Special . iur sate a fe! tner -Ann nllclnir machinI for a largo dryer: will & prico. CAPITAL COMMISSI 267 CcrajRcrctf -? n 41Q 11 rnone i Cash Purchas Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Pn The Fashion Si . n'i m upto-aaio jivc 1 ho for picnics and "j 44. CHA& W TAJ 247 and S49 Hig SnUm Fence n nw oi a lleadquartcni for V8 . Tis Wire. Hop wire. - bjk Netting. Pickets. Gate. t AMaf. All at loMt Prt Walter M( if . ' ' .MJ u ... M,..-.k a,,; zz JTiSVS ? ST ?50 CSt Sa WMQgT-DI03OEX0ir WH. Cbt. Sljlliotli,i'laWWiilfiWW'iiilliiiiiiiiiMi