f ,, -v.ir'? tw SJ v. T,,FR' showers and cool- TSfl, T AND THURSDAY. JOURNAL FIRST EDITION, V. M.t SMCOND EDITION, 4 P. M. EK i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1007 NO. aa. Normal School Combine 9 ig GETS KNOCKED OUT IN HOUSE ',x;fmr-"WsT ' .wyrtw --. fj- $,'."' ri jELM AS WILL DEFEND THAW GEN. BRAGG WANTS WAR BARGAIN WEEK AT SALEM I ftULKEY ! LEADING THE FIGHT tit House Refuses to Kill the Bill to Cut off Two Nop mal Schools The Normal School Comblno got a ,lj-blow In tho houso this morning. sen the houso rofused to lndeflnlte " postpone tho bill limiting tho hooli to two Institutions. After i hour's debnto tho managers of tho nhlne moved to kill tho reform 11 and lost. President Mulkey, of Ashland school, who was for erly Knator from Polk, nnd ono of t Monmouth faculty, held an ini tiate conferenco with ex-Senntor irtcr, and now lines of attack nro tog formed. Tho .result In tho ohm was a surprise, but it Is under :ood tome will change their voto on getting further concessions for their pot school. Prosklont Mulkey is ono of tho hardest fighters and best or ganizers In tho state and has had ex perience in handling tho legislature In this particular lino second to no man in thoatato. Miller Forces Issue In Semite. . Tho question of tho future stntUB df the normal schools of tho state has como up for final solution, so far as this session of tho legislature Is concerned. It cnino about this morning by tho third reading of Scn ato bill No. 7, which Is tho pet meas ure of Sonator Milt Miller, to rctlupo tho number of normal schools to two, ono In Eastern Oregon nnd ono In Western Oregon. This precipitat ed a lively fight for a short tlmo Tho author of tho bill mado n strong plea for It. Tho Polk county sena tor moved Indoflnlto postponement, but this failed nnd aroused tho lro of Senators Miller, Beach, Whealdon, Johnson and others. Tho opposition to tho normal schools is now ready for tho frny, and tho subject wna mudo a special ordor for Thursday at 2 p. m. Senutor Miller insists that ho will put every member on record on this Importnnt subject, and pro- (7 CHICAGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE E A POWERFUL SALE OP New Dress Goods AND SILKS THE CHICAGO STORE Salem's Headquarters For Silks and Dress Goods OFFERS DURING THIS SALE THE GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OP EW SPRING DRESS GOODS AND SILKS THAT WAS EVER SHOWN IX SALEM. TnEY ARE THE LATEST IMPORTATION OP NRElGi AND DOMESTIC SILKS AND DRESS GOODS NOW SHOWN BY THE LEADING HOUSES IN NEW YORK AND 01IIOA. GO. HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ARE THE PREDOMINATE 0 FEATURES OP THOSE BEAUTIFUL GOODS. THEY ARE EX CURSIVE STYLES AND PATTERNS AND CANNOT BE SHOWN BY l OTHER norSB IN SALEM. - Spr DUTIFUL NEW tog Silks -oasof yards to select m au tho now evening SStT1? 8bades and fandy &. F0W 8torea that eV(r S2L. ! oors ol thelr e8ta- rmi&,en have buut UP htiJFl rcPtatIon for sell- e, have- We have more wa big stores m the largo ionr adjoining states. Wa aSdor,D5Ktal88alepmtyD r2eUSiiv7,a yard: beauful CO,0r8 and b,a , auk. from 65c - - .v. NEW SPRING Dress Goods Half tho entire sldo of our store is completely filled with beautiful Colored Black and Fan cy Dress Goods. Every yard of this mammoth stock is stamped with nowness and are the same styles as are exhibited now la Marshall Fields' windows In Chi cago, the houso that Is always foremost In showing up the new materials for spring trade. We have Dress Goods to suit any pockctbook and polite salespeople to wait on you. We show pretty foreign Dress Goods from 39c yard to 75c; still better'froin 85c to 1.25 per yard. Remember you have thousands of yards to select from. 5?!aASMit ohowihg stork. ?!!egwjBRos. Cmwrn f Cmmm--cW Mi Ctirt Stmt WISCONSIN WARRIOR ON JAPAN Declares That Mere Talk Will Not Do Fond dit Lnc, Wis., Feb. 5. Gen eral Edward S. Bragg, known as "Ironsides" In tho Civil War. and formerly consul nt Hong Kong, t,oday declared that all talk with Japan was "popycock." Ho said tho Japanese woro tho moat insinuating, bwoII headed class of people In tho world, duo largoly to their rocont victory over Russia. A break between Amor ica and Japan was possible but not Imminent. Tho recent boycott of American goods ln'Chlnn wns caused largely by Japanese, who discovered thoy couldn't compoto with Ameri cans, nnd stamped Amorlcan goodn with Jupaneso trndemnrks, but for got to eraso tho Amorlcan firm names on tho other sldo of tho pack ages. Tho California schooiuos tion should bo settled by California. Ono Chinaman was worth two Japs, ns far as character nnd manhood are concerned, said Goncrnl Dragg. poses that nono shall avoid tho re sponsibility. In this connection it might bo said that tho normal combines havo boon forming thick and fast for tho past week, and all kinds of compromises aro in tho nlr. Tho latest nnd prob-. ably tho most fnutastlc proposition Is to have a bill limiting tho number to one in, Eastern Oregon and two in Western Oregon, presumably Wes ton, Monmouth nnd Ashland. Theso aro to bo provided with no money for permanent improvements for this torm, and all are to bo organized un der ono board of regents. Senate Morning Session. In tho senate this .morning S. J. M 5, Coshow, memorializing congress to glvo tho stnto a part of tho rent arising from pasturago of public lands was favorably reported. S. B. C9 was Indefinitely post poned. Osteopathy bill. On recommendation of tho com mltteo on game four bills woro In definitely postponed. S. B. 745, by Coke, to provide su premo court commission, was favor ably roported. S. B. 123 was Indefinitely post poned. Tho following new hills were Intro duced And read for the first time. S. B. 192, Haynesi (by request) to amend charter of Tuulutln acade my. Pacific University. A number of bills were read for tho second tlmo and referred. S. B. 40, Bingham, for liens on logs, was enacted. S, B. 58, Kay, no enacting clause, and was re-referred. To approve contract with John Mullen. 8. B. G4, Coshow, to regulate titles to land. Enacted. S. B. 1C3, Coshow, relating to school superintendent of Douglas county. Enacted. S. B. 169, Cole, pertaining to sixth judicial district. Enacted. S. B. 156, Miller of Linn and Ma rlon, allowing stock to run at large. Referred. S. B. 50, Mulit, relating to death from Injury. Enacted. , 8, B. 87, Bowcrman, to locate county high schools. Chicago Markets. Chicago, Feb. '. Wheat 78 & 19, com 46 &41, oats 40 40, RAILROAD MEN HAVE HEARING THAW LOST BY GLEAS0N Ask to Make Further Suges- tions About the CommiS' sion Bill Tho rnllroml committors of both houses hnvo gouo ovor tho Chnpln bill section by section, and 'agreed to report it almost as drafted. Thoy huvo mado n few minor changes, and loft tho appointing power with tho governor. It is understood counsel for tho railroads will nsk furthor hearing this evening, which will bo granted. It Is not expected that ninny changes will bo conceded. Consorvntlvo friends of tho bill Bay it will pnss both houses, nnd that tho Interests of tho shippers nro so largo tho commission will bo creat ed to stand for their interests In so curing concessions, and nt tho snmc tlmo mako no war on tho railroads They uro to bo treated fairly and' oni courriged to 6VoloTlliV"lHata"'jrod' all Its Industries. To hold their own" with othor states Oregon shippers say thoy must havo tho samo weap ons of solf-defciiHo In tholr hands that tho legislatures of other stntgs aro giving their shippers, nnd n commission appointed by tho state Is tho least thoy will tnko. A bill and a commission fair to all tho Intorests of tho wholo Btnto and not controlled In tho Intorost of Portland nlono Is what thoy hopo to secure at tho hands of tho legislature nnd tho governor. o SALEM BARGAIN WEEK. Movement of Salem HiibIiichh Men to BrliiK New TrnUo to This City. California Lawyer Has Been Put to Work was called, but oxcuscd without Im portant testimony. Probably ho will bo called later. Martin Grcon, news paper man, called and tCBtlilod Unit ho was nt Thaw's .sldo lmmodlatoly after tho shooting. Ho said his oyca woro popping, his lips hanging down Attorneys wrangled ovor admission of Green's opinion as to defendant's Insanity, when court announced re cess to 2 o'clock p, m. Now York, Fob. C. First day of defense In Thaw tr,lnl rovonlod the fact that Qlcasoii wns no match fo' Jerome, nnd tho complete breaking 'down of tho export witness put on tho stand to provo Thaw tnsano has changed tho wholo program of pro ccoduro. Gloason has been ' with drawn from tho firing lino, nnd thnt eminent Pnclllo const criminal law yer, Dolmns, of Snn Francisco, was put to tho foro.tbaa.);. Following counsel of nttdrneior Thaw, provlouB to tho opening of court this morning, It was announced thnt DelinnB, assisted by O'Rollly. will bo In charge of Iho dofonso throughout tho remainder of the trlnl DoIiiui.h Make Good. Dolmns is In charge of Thaw's case, nnd Gloason Is merely a spec tator. He brought tho prisonous hopes from darkness Into light nt tho morning session. Ills effort to removo from tho Jury tho dBnstroua ImproBslon Dr. Wlloy's fnlluro an nn expert mndo was partially success ful. Bowman wns a good witness. Jerome couldn't discount his testi mony. Apparently It is Dolmns' plan to set beforo tho Jury all dotalla lending up to tho tragedy boforo any attempt to provo IriBniilty. v Court Union on Experts. A big crowd flocked into tho court room this nftorno&n,. gaily drosHod women giving tho plnco tho npponr- alenaon. Hnrtrldo. Mcllko.anc0 oI - "VfUlnoo, Thaw was dls- nnd-Penbody-wlll.nct.lm-nn-advliloi'y- cuiiuciiy. Dolmns Ih well known In Oregon where ho wns Invited a fow years ago to add re w tho Stnto liar Asso ciation. Ilo has' boon prominent for tho dcfeiiBo In boiuo of tho greatest criminal rases on tho Pacific const, nnd thoro will bo a match of wits nnd nbllitlos botweon tho champion criminal lawyer of the Pacific coast and tho lender of tho criminal bnr of New York, ouch as has novor beforo boon witnessed In 'Ms country. Tho commltteo of tho Salem Busi ness Mon's Lenguo havo undertaken a very commondablo onterprlso In es tablishing a bargain week at tho dullest tlmo of thoyoar. By co-operation of all Intorests and every lino of morchandiso to offer bargains for one week thoro will result a great Influx of additional business for ev erybody. Tho solectlon of tho week from February 18 to 23 will glvo people all over tho Willamette val ley a chance to como hero and bco tho legislature In session, and at tho same time do the most profitable shopping of their lives. Tho array of bargains in all lines will astonish them, and families can fit them selves out at a saving of ten to twon-ty-flvo por cent. It will bo proven by tho figures that will he published that Salem is the cheapest city In tho stato to trade far cheaper than Portland. and thousands of dollars of trade now going to Portland right from thjs city will bo kept at homo. Tho Busi ness Men's League aro to moot Thurs day evening and take up tho details and there will bo offered tho public at least a quarter of a million dol lars' worth1 of merchandise at prices that no city in the stato can begin to competo with. It Is hoped to mako "Salem bargain week" a great success, and fix It permanently on the map of Capital City enterprise Watch, for the announcements. ; Caaby Store nobbed. Canby, Feb. 6. Burglars entered a hardware store at this placo last evening, and stole $200 worth of valuable knives and razors. So far there-Is no clue to the Identity of the thieve. . . Delinns Take Charge, Jerome oponed tho proceedings with n long objection to tho intro duction of certain testimony admit ted yesterday. Ho discussed Insanity tests. Tho CountosB of Yarmouth, Mrs. Carnoglo, Mrs. William Thaw, Joseph and Edwnrd Thaw entered during Joromo's speech. Tho pris oner wns faintly smiling, Dolmns cnllod Bonjnmln Bowman, doorkeep er of Madlaon Square theatre, to the stand. Uovvman said ho know both Whlto nnd Thaw. Delmas' questions led him to stnto .thut In 1903 Whlto camo to him aftor n nhow and asked if Evelyn Ncsblt had gone homo. "I told him yes," contlnuod Bowman, "nnd Whlto said l wns a liar, using much pro fanity. I told him to go on tho stago and seo for himself. Return ing ho drow a rovolvor, showed It to mo, and said: 'I'll kill that s of u b beforo daylight.' " Few Ladle AWro Shocked.. Bowman said five days lator Thaw told hint of White's threat. Ho Bald Whito's faco was black with anger when tho threat was mado. Tho Judge, aftor Bowman had repoatcd tho more obnoxious names Whlto called Thaw, told tho ladles present If their boiibo of propriety was dis turbed they could havo an opportuni ty to leave tho room. Mrs. Carnoglo and the Countess of Yarmouth loft Out of a score of women spectators only three others left, Joromo cross examined and took Bowman over tho details of his life. Tho district attorney examined Bowman closely as to exact dotalls of Whito's threat, subsequent events, his connection with tho theatro and tho llfo ho was following. Jerome wanted to know If Bowman was giv en a promise of any reward for tes tifying. He said no. Yarmouth and Carnegie returned during Bowman's cross-examination. Tlww's Kyc Popped. WIIHeb O, Howard, piano dealer, j pleased, and the Jydgo m-dorcd tho mors iockc.i to permit no more to enter. A number of nuwBpnpor men and ono of Thaw's counsol woro shut out. Jeronio bogan tho nftornooiv BOHBlon With opinions of court of np ponls to tho effect that lay witnesses woro not competent to pass upon tho montnl condition of defendant, The court of appeals hold, howev er, that lay wltiiosnou could stnto whothor an act of defendant was ra tional or Irrational. Martin Grcon was recalled. Tho question, "was, In your opinion, defendant rational or Irratlonnll" wns propounded, and Joromo objected. Tho court over ruled tho objection. Orcon thon stated that, in his opinion, defoudnnt wns Irrational. SHI. SPEAKER CANNON HAS THE GRIPPE. IIoiino CmiMluVrlnic Hie Seventy Mil lion Dollar WalMrWHys Bill. . Washington, Feb, 0. Spent Cannon Is confined at homo with grip. Dnlzoll Ib presiding In houso commltteo of tho wholo, c sldorlng tho rivers and harbors propriatlon bill, Hglt School Term Clotted. Work at the hiah school for ' present term closed today nt n Tho students woro required to somblo at 1 o'clock, but no rogt elasBOB woro held, excopt Hint Writ ton tests woro given by a few of tho tenchors to some students. Work will open again In school Tuesday, while In tho meantime tho past term's standings and credits will be stralghtoned out, and tho now stu dents registered far tho coming torm. PoKtHwMer at Indepomk'Hce, Senator Fulton has secured tho ap polntmottt of Marsh Merwln as post master at Independence. Ho has served a term, and It was tho gen eral doslro of tho farmers and moat of tho town pcoplo that ho bo re appointed. Mr. Merwln has mado a very efficient postmastor. Dr. J. f . COOK MOm 4 LmiMtTY ffMMHrT, wmwtK mm wwuh mw all ox Aim warn FATMtfrf . worn awx IlliWAim CALL OH Ml. COK. ijQmWIMATtQm -JUl "NJ