It I-. i s DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BALWM, ... TTnnlTAIlV S. 100 1. - rmV TITESIJAX. '"" i.i.hi iinmiuiii .- . ' MrrM" " SPRING MERUHAJNLuoc OF THE NEWEST AND Bt!!l J""" UPON THE .s -.----i!-s .2, ::'s---i?''-,,,;9. HKKIilOPWI.VrKII,WW'V '"V. ""V,T;A,;rrM;V,Vrr,i. TMMHIOXMAKKHSOFTHKWOIWii'. - " "' . lwrEvT R roil IK i.Jmc" Tiiwna that must : iaib vi- hbpokb una oa, in, mi.. --- I KM V Mm VERY AS, TO ,VC- Ufldcn Mtislics WEDNESDAY ONLY ........... ......nrti- our VI'AlllKltll TrSSTSSW.-- tfftr ., cm- ton iii the noweflt mul Intcst atyles In MUSLIN. PETTICOATS will. luat ruffle of wlf material, l!iuic will, two roun of lace '''""v bottom Willi I..mh1I.1 quality lc Rnrnioi. t I lint l or I eicry penney of 91.B0 liut for thla wlo we offer tliom nt ll.e unusunllj low iirlcc of J No v.,,p nnlera nwlvd. Nono ftfHl " H.Q ... ,n, Wodn..l..y. Tho present assortment of do mestic underwear nro extremely varied und attractive, prcHontlnR an extended ran go for tho aoloc tlon of comploto outflta ot gar ment for spring- nnrt summer. Thoro Is n crlapnosa nnd dollcacy about tho trimming thnt nil worn on with ilnlntr tastes aclmlro. Tho shapes, jUkmi nnd workmanship aro oxcollent In every reaped. A full rnnuo of sizes Including odd niton rondy. CoYCft Jackets For Swing; Wear i Ycatordny's oxprcas liroiiRlit m a fino showing of tho nowost stylos In Covort Jackets. Each coiit la inndo of English Covort. twenty-live Inohoa lonx. collar trimmed with volvot of con trnatlng color, antln lined through out. Sizes rnnuo from Misses of 14 to tho rcuulnr 43 altea. $10 ""smssmsmssx'usTsuni Wash F Sib Acs A Splendid HIiowIiiri of New WiinIi Fabrics It la tho KroutoBt aelccotton In tho oily, showing ovory now and popular pattern nnd color, which Inauroa oholeo picking for all. You, too, will urow enthusiastic whon you aoo auoh protty mater ials for warm wonthor woarlng. Tho prlco, In ovory Instance, la much lownr than you would osx poet to pny. Early ohooaora cot host aaloo-tlona. Percales Just Received Tho finest lino of poroaloa ovor ahown In Balom nro now rondy for your choosing. All colors nro rep reaontcd, nlao thoso popular atrlpca, cherka and polltn dots In red, black nnd bluo. Dress Goods No other store pretonda to innko auoh a allowing of drcBB poods of tho nowoat wonvoa nnd colorings. Iloro can ho found everything thnt'a now and good nt JuBt thn prlco you wunt to pay. Our atecl: hna novor bun inoro cnrofully so looted offorlng tho nowoBt goods nt modoBt prlcoa. Spring Oxfords FOR WOMEN Tho now aprlng models an hnndsomor than ovor. Now ton turos add to tholr grnco, sorvlco ablonosa and good looka. The mnkea aro all tho boat, and na n graceful bIioo gives to no to n handaomo coBtumo, your footwonr la aB much n tnnttcr of attention na glovoa. In ovory Inatnnco tho atyloa horo nro choson to tho hour 4)t rei6&&i ltuJT.IoJ llr A 1 1 I'll rj Men's Stilts The greatest clothlnR value giv ing event in thin city continue with value that muat onmostly impross mon who want good, prac tical clothing. It la our annum olonrlng of all winter suits thnt'a the cauao of this gront reduction. Tho world's very boat ready to woar clothing Is Included In this gront movomont ovory popular fabric, stylo nnd pnttorn Is rcpro aonted. 8lzos rnnge from 35c to 40c. Values rnngo up to $22.50. $10 KB J CITY NEWS A flflHoUn of knwrHt Par. fur Ymmt 0wl4rNtlon 'JPrwihwi' Examinations Notice la hereby given that tho county achoul superintendent of Ma rlon county, OreRon, will hold the regular exaiulnnUon ot applloants for atntA nnd county paper at tho Htttiodlat church, beginning Wed ueaday, (Kobnury 13, 1007, nt I' o'clock n. m., nnd continuing until mturday, February 10th, at 4 o'clock p. m. K. T. Moorea, County Kchool Kuporlutendcnt. 3-2-3t-wk2t ib tid Kiei-)(lilnj Karrlngton & Van I'nttun, In tholr ow Htato trtct market, handle not only frosh meata of all kind, grocer 1m and provlalous, but tegotabloa, frutta, SK, flak, Ramo and poultry. The Kind of Frames Glasses Right Good Sight To be u4 la very wuah a matter 4 Uate. It t Important though, Mtt tho frauiM tot properly on the imm and at tho right dlitanco from Thla la whoru you can got everything Itaco, lUc, ltaa for tho tnblo without going to more than ono atnro. l'hono S17. ('.night In tli YWh" At tho Kllngar Oraiul thenti) to night- MawimnMlc At tho Auditorium February 0. Wednesday, (uight by Cupid llrntMt L. ICnpphnhn ot Snluin. ngod 24 nnd Lyllla Andoraon, of this city, nged SO, hnvo beoji Uaued n murrlngo llconao by County Clerk Al tai). P. A. A ml arum noted as wit- Chnngo ut Tiny And njioolaltlea Monday, nnd Fri day at the Kllngor Grand thentro- lhm lUr, line Tonight nt llm AdmlMlou, lOo. Audtlorlum rink. WVU-Kmimi Mukloiau Hctunia Wtllla MaMlroy, the well-known Band mtr, arrival in tho city Initt Sunday ivnlHg from Sou KranoUco, whoro he baa ueon tar tho paat aovor al month. He recently accepted a poaltlon at the Hotvl Portland, and will inakt) tho motropollB hi homo. At tho Auditorium rink tomorrow night, 7:30 to 11. Mak will bo re moved and prlio awarded at 8:30, after whloh orcrybody can tkato un Hviwrt of A)lnu Tonight nt tho AdmlBBlon, 10c. Audtlorlum rink I'lirtmto Mutto In the matter ot Theodora Illat, deoeaaed, oatate, the lUtal account ot ftnllle Uhiiuu and Dnrbarn Wollk, na ttxeoutrlx, hua been nllowel nnd np proved. In the matter of the Riinr dlnnahlp ot tho oatato ot Frod Oiieb ler, n minor, upon motion of thu gunrdlan, F. N. Derby, H. V. Hazard, 1). W. Hyro nnd J. W. Wlllaon have boau nppolnted appraisers of tho wild OBtnto. Don't Full ti Sec "CauRht In tho Wob" tonlRht at thu Kllnger Grand thontre. Foxy (Jnmlm Yullow Kid, Alfonie and Gaston, nnd mnny; other character will be rettreaonted at tho rink tomorrow night. Admtaslou 2to. tlct In tho lUnw Wagon Tho Modern Woodmen of thla city hnve received notlco that no uwe mont will bo needed In Februar Last year tho ordo "aklpped" three naaoesmonta, and th)a your will equal It not "go ono hotter." Hotter get In the baud wagon and "Jlae." Krtlom Military limit) Will furnUh muslo for the ma Querado at tho Auditorium tomorrow night. Admission, SSo. ; Mm ey0i that tho leniea bo perfect ity centered, and how ore you to kuow wkea owo U guealag. WK NKVKU til 11 o'olook. New lMlor CHh1 Hex Paul Dlok, of Arlington. Mtn- ueaota, haa arcoptiHl the mlnlatry of tho Luthorau church, un Haat Btate at reel. U& come to tho city well rvcommonded, and wilt doubtle prtivo a valuable. cjulltlon to the 8aUm mluUtorlal olrclo. BARr?S JEWELRY STORE Munilug KcmIoiv 10 to 13 o'clock at the akatins rink am tapcolally for beginner. Two wmptitent liutructor at your aer viee. No admlwloa charged. MtVknHk . Ticket ou Ao,at the box offlco. The rojwrt of Superintendent Cat-. breath, tiled yetorday attornoon at the meeting of the govornlug toard of the atato Insane asylum, show the follewing: Payroll for January, $6,. 3.i9; improvement, fios; pa tlont admitted, 3Sj dlsobarged, IV; Htlent In Institution, 1435. Kimball liHtuiv Prof. Kimball will lecture o& tho life of John Wesley at Kimball eol lege tomorrow evonlng at 7:3 o'clock. Rev. W. H. Selleck will ren der a olo. Tho public cordially la vlted. No admission charged. W Xo4 n lteacuer Mr. Kolla Souuhlck, aot wanting some young Indies from In front of tho train last Friday evening. A tho roficuo occurred nenr Mr. South wick's place probably caused his nnmo to be mentioned. Anyway. Mr. Southwlck waa not among those present. Ki't) tlio Moving I'litun-s Ami llluatruted aonajs between acts nt the Kllngor Grand. Jilt. HAKBOHD DEAJ). Death Came nt Willamette Sanitari um nt 11 O'clock Todny. M G Hnrbord died at 11 o'clock this morning nt tho Willamette San itarium, after an illness of threes weeks He was coming homo from Texas whon stricken with paralysis, was Mlaced in a hospital nt Cheyenne and was brought home from there by his daughter. Miss Kittle Harbord, and, after lingering for ono week. died. , . Mr. Harbord moved to balem in 1 870 from Yamhill county. He was throo times olectod marshal of this city, sorvlug from 18S0 to 188G. In 1S88 ho moved to Spokane, where he has slnco roslded. He served on the police forco In that city, and was tho chief from 1890 for one term. Mr. Harbord Is survived by four children: Mrs. Ida M. Knapp, of Davenport, Washington; Holla C. Harbord, of Spokane; Miss KIttIo W. Harbord and Mrs; Danlol J. Fry, of this city. The exact date of tho funeral will bo announced later, but it will be from tho roslJenco ofD. J. Fry, COO South High Bt'root, and Rev. P. S. Knight will ofllclnto. assisted by Rev. F. E. Dell. Tho funornl may be held tomorrow or probably Thursday. Mr. Harbord will be bulled with Masonic honors, under tho ausplcos of Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. F.-&- A. M. M. Harbord was one of tho bost known nnd bost-llkod of tho older generation of 'Salem men, who nro fast pnsalng away. o Mrs. Geo. Collins Dend. Aftor nn lllnosa of only a fow hours, Mrs. Gcorgo Collins suc- cumbod this morning to nn attack of appondlcltls. She wns tnkon ill last orenlng, nnd summonod Dr. Byrd, rind wns soon, rostlng oaslor, but to ward morning tho complaint becamo worse, and death clalmod hor at 4:30 a. m. Mrs. Collins was born in Thuroll, Canada, in 184C, and moved to Ore gon lu 18C7, whore sho has slnco re sided. Sho has been ono of Salem's most prominent women, and was an actlvo mombor of tho Mothodlst church. - Sho has been subject to attacks of appendicitis, nnd her sudden death oj. this tlmo comos as a shock to tho family and mnny friends. o George Knight nnd wife, of Hub bard, nro Salem visitors. Miss Emma Muths loft this morn ing for a wook's buslnoss visit to Kugono. o Piles Quickly Cured at Instant Relief, Trial to Peminm. l'nckagc Mallea vj" All In Plain w1 Plies is a' fearful dlse cure if you go at it right J An operation Hftt with ,.i (langenous, cruel, humllUtJZ UUIlUlJVOZtUl J . m) Pf'l T7vrwim For Si utile Fill Honry B. Huud, one of the tempor ary Oregon commissioners to tho Yu-kon-Alnska-Paolflo fair at Sonttle nnd also secretary of the exposition, Ib In Salem, having como to appear before the legislature to discuss the proposed appropriation from this atato. Unlucky I.uckoj Leeter Luekey waa Inst evening de feated by Will Xldelt In n one-mile skating ruse nt the Auditorium rollor rink. This waa the tlrst rag of a ae rloa ot three and the time waa 3 minutes and 33 seconds. The sec ond ruoo of the aerios will take placo thla ovonlng. Siu for SUOu.DO Frank Holuoa ha filed an action In department No. 1 ot the circuit court against tho Stayton woolen mills to recover the sum of $1169.90 Whloh amount he claims la due him for prorosalonnl 8rvleoa rondered tho said company. Webster Holme, J. 11. and a U McNary appear lu tho caso as attorney for the plain-tiff. THAW'S LAWYERS DEFEND (Continued from pago ono.) ReerYa your tkatta and cot vour 'r" for heroic actios ke tierer br. ticket ta advance Adwlwloa, 3Jo ' formed, xplala that U w jwwo akatw, ase, oa lw who awlated la wsculas Wlllttuu'Mc Still HUlng. At noon today the Wlllawette stood at 56 fet above low water, having rleed two feet slnco daylight. The HpauldlHg mill have shut down and all hand aro busy aovlng lum ber to save It. The upper North Sau tlam began to tall at midnight, uui that effect wilKaot roach here before thla ovenlng. Tho McKonzle U re ported tho highest It has been since 1890. and still rblng this morning, ohlch wilt add to the Willamette hor until tomorrow Cht at least It ,1 now estimated that tho river cannot begin to fall before It reach about 30 feet, but, as the rains are 08 for the tlmo being, and tho air tarsia colder, that will probably be the limit. court of appeals lu opinion on hy pothetical Question which must ac cord with rules. Wlloy nnsworod ho belloved the act wns thnt of nn lnsano man. Again Joromo wont ut tho witness, nsklng him what ho bo lloved. "I bellovo ho was suffering from n delusion," snld Wlloy. "Ot what nature,' 'askod Jorome. "Thoy wore ImprosBlons ronched by forty conclusions," said Wiley. "Do you know anything about Christian Scl once?" asked Joromo. "I hnvo somo friends who bellovo In it." "Do you bollove thorn insane?" "No." Thon Joromo nnd tho witness wres tled with tho medical differences bo twoon pathological conditions nnd pervertod functions. Jerome Ikittern Kxpcrt. Jerome mado Wiley admit that his opinion that Thaw was Insane was based upon tho Btreot car Incident, but not until after ho read of the shooting, and further admitted that tho opinion was partly formed by what ho road In tho newspapers. Jo romo returned to tho question of pathological conditions and perverted functions, and asked Wlloy If he ap plied tho Romberg tost. "I don't know what tho Romberg test la," re plied Wiley. "What, you an export on mental nnd nervous diseases and don't know what tho Romberg test isi sharply asked Jerome. Have you read Hacktuck's book? Wit ness said ho had. but did not recall tho Romberg test. Jerome kept wlt- undor withering Are of medical questions, causing him to fret con tinually. He was still under Are at recess hour. Court asked if It would be very long. Jeromo said: "Yes, 1 find witness Interesting." Recess until 2 o'clock. I There 1b Just ono other turn to bo cured pnlnless, safemdlU privacy of your own homt-ij Pyramid PUo Cure. We mall a trial package fret tjii who write. it will give you instant td ahow you, tho harmless, palale&i i turo of this great remedy aadi you well on tho way toward tj cure. Thon you can get a fuMiali from any druggist for 50 cents,t ofton ono box cures. It tho drugggist tries to k!JtJ something Just as good, It U 1 causo ho makes more moneyotj substitute. Insist on having what you alii The euro boglus at onceuit tlmies rapidly until It Is cos nnd permanent. You can go right ahead with; work and be oasy and comfortiblu the time. It is well worth trying. Just send your name and iii to Pyrnmid Drug Co., 65 Building, Marshall, Mich., rf: celvo f reo by return mall lie I pnekngo in a plain wrapper Thousands have been cured hi easy, pnlnless and Incxpenslni In tho privacy of tho home, No knifo nnd Its torture. No doctor nnd his bills. All drimclsts. 50 cents. WnU day for a free package o The Von Jesscn Conctrt. Frldny evening at tho GraodOjs Houbo thoro will bo given onedS groatost musical programs everr ilerod In tills city. It will not bo n musical event par but n social quality attaches t3 whole program on account tltlai nort of tho most prominent i peoplo of tho Capital City. GraU torest is already manifested w tho city nnd In every musical M Vnn .Tixianti hnS OnlJ fl .... . w.. - onco before in this city In nnd was glvon unqualified PPJ Dr. Horltago nnd Mrs. Stniw"' .. ... , t.n0 tttl-J their nest lorm, aim n mnrn than local nf" tlons. Thoy aro each unsurpiW their parts. Moro detfJiw tlon nbout tho program will "' In our next Issue. DIED. MOSHER. At tho fomilr " t, .i thla TnnrnlCC ' ' o'clock, Mrs. Catherine Bias ' or. -wifA of Wm. Moshcr. Tho funeral will bo held fW residenco at 1:30 Thursday. ary 7. 1907. To UoncAt IJbrar' Tho Salem public library board will give a "500" card party at the residence ot Werner Breyman, Fri day attornoon at 2 o'clock, and tho public is Invited to attend. Tho tick eta may bo procured from arty mem- -v. iuj HDrary ooard or ot the commltteo of arrangements, con Utln of Mrs, A. N. Bush. Mrs. B. O. Shucking. Mrs. W. IL n.uN Mrs, E. E. Waters, Mrs. T. n. TUy- ..M0WEY TO LOAj 0Tr Laii A BusVs B. Nofwlci Ui V x ,. .,iMk ReUe' i.k Mm TtrOITB " UBiev irju n. -- 12$ CoamerelAl aret- NEW TODAY ho', ft'.f 344l ...... s turn . , &,l.lref3 A. "' larui ouiki cott 541 Mill street. For Sale. Nine-room bou, new, all furnished. 0 woodshed and Plent,J: t a horcaln It taken " qulro at turnkey's 'Js; JIDU11VUUAW laMW MWMSt mmtwzi viuu ana Mrs. A. M. Cannon. n