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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1907)
rrffefaFWrtMLSV "JWISV- tITi! DAILY CAPITAF, MOMMI ALM, OWKMX, MOPAgjSS4gS " i-i -- 'sj i .Z . . ss i-u SPRING MERCHAINLuan. OF THE NEWEST AND BEST SORTS i GA8PINfl THKM AS SOON AS Til BY AltK KVOIiVKIl 1 Tins "iw ' "' "" " " " ' raIIK8IT IS A POTENT FAt ivtwitr tiih KVHtNCl AflfiOIlTMKNT NOW, AMI W loin uiiuuniau iio wmi ., ffOK IN liUYIMl TI!INH THAT MI'OT UK MADE Vl 1IKFOHK THBY CAN 1IK VShl). Under IWtttlins Tho prcsont nssortmont of do mestic widcrwonr nro cxtromoly varied afiil nttructlve, presenting Hit extended rnngo for tho soloc--tlon of comploto outHit of gnr pionU or spring nnd auminor. Tliuro la a crlapncss nml dollcncy nbotit Oio trimmings thnt oil wmn on with ilnlnty tnstos ndmlro. Tho ahnpos, sixes nml workmanship nro excellent In every respect. A full rnngo of fllto Including odd Bison ready. Govttt Jackets For Sprlag Wear Yesterday' express brought uu a flno showing of tho nowoit stylos In Covurl Jackets. Each coat Is mntlo of English Obvort, twonty-flvo Inches long, cJKlnr trimmed with volvot of con trasting color, satin lined through out, Bites rnngo from Misses of H to tho regular 43 sixes, $10 WEDNESDAY ONLY ISAIttiAlN SPECIAL HALE NmilEItttlH For our regular midweek spicllnl we offer nn cYcenllonnl Imrgiiln In llic iiewottt und latest styles In JIUBI JN. PETTICOATS Wtli diiHt nilTU of M'lf material, Houiico with tw rown of Inco Insertion. Iwltoiii trimmed with apendld quality Jnco n garment that N worth awry iieiincy of fft.tiO hut, for thlN mile we offer them nt the unusually low price of $1 . No phone onlem received. None hold iinlll 8;iH n. in. Wednesday. Wash Fabrics A Splendid Showing of New Wauli Fnbrks Jt Is tho grontcat solocotlon In tho city, showing ovcry now nnd popular pnttorn nnd color, which Insures cholco picking for nil. You, too, will grow enthusiastic whon you sco nuah pretty mntor Inltt for warm wenthor wonrlng. Tho prico. In ovory Imitnnce, Is much lower thnn you would ex pod to pny. Knrly choosors list host sslec-tlons. Dress Goods No othor atoro protends to mnko siioh n showing of dross goods of tho nowoat weaves and colorings. Hero enn ho found ovorythlng that's new nnd good nt just tho price you want to pny. Our stoel: hns never boon moro carefully se lected offering tho newest goods nt modest prlcos. Spring Oxfords Percales Just Received Tho finest lino of porcnlos ever shown In Rnlom nro now rondy for your ohooslng. All colors nro rop rosontcd, alio thoso populnr stripes, checks nnd polkn dots In red, bliick nnd bluo. FOR WOMH.Y Tho now spring modtls are hnudsoinor thnn ovor. Now foa tares add to their grnco, service nhlonosa nnd good looks. Tha mnkoH are nil tho boat, nnd ns n gruceful shoo gives tono to n hntidBomo costumo, your footwunr Is ns much n mnttor of nttontlnn ns gloves. In ovory Instnnco the styles hero nro chosen to tho hour mS rei&&&i Stiits II Personals Men's The grontest clothing value giv ing event In this city contlnuon with values that must onrnostly Impress nion who wnnt good, prnc tlcnt clothing. It Is our nnnuni during of nil winter suits Hint's tho emtio of this gront reduction. Tho world's very host rondy to woar olothlng'ls included in this gront movotnont ovory popular fabric, stylo nnd pnttorn Is repre sented. Slzos range from 3Cc to 40c. Valuos rango up to $22.50. $10 IN CITY NEWS Ol JffWjWWW'T'Tl Vm srWfpV" WW for Ymmt Otma tdtmtlow TfyKlHr' IkXttiiilHtttlon Notice Is hereby glvnn thnt tho county school superintendent of Mo rion county. Oregon, will hold tho regulur exetnlnntlon of applicants for tto nnd county papers nt tho NMho4Ut church, ticslantnc Wed n4y, February 13, 1007, at 0 'clock a. m., nnd continuing until ittunUy, February 10th, nt 4 o'clock p. hi. K, T. Moored, County Bchool hiporlntcudont. 3-3-3t-wk2t Ttmltfht At Klluger flrniul- "Caught lu.tho Web" U offoreU, with an ontlro chnngo of spctilnltlei. Cimtl to OkUhotiw W. I). Albright, the local express wn, recoUcd a tolegram last even Ihs to tho effect thnt hla mother was The Kind of Frames Glies Right Good Sif ht To bo mod la very much a matter V, Ueto. It l Important though, that th frames sot properly on tho mmm sol at tk rlxbt dlstanco from m )Vl that taa lenw be i(ect ty rntiprd, aoit how aro you to know vow U gUlog; WB NKVKK dend, nnd loft last night for Wenthor ford, Oklahoma. Ho will roturn to his homo and business ns soon ns tho funeral Is over nnd luminous mutters nro nrrungod for thoro. Don't Titll to See . Tho groat deteatlve play, "Gnught In tho Web," ut tho Kllngur Grand. BARR'S JCWELRY STORE mm litiirt' $kf 5lcm MrtKluenu.. lrl Ono hundred dollars In vnlunblo prises will bo glvon away nt tho sknl Ing rink carnlvnl Wodnpaday, Febru ary 0th. On exhibition In Pnttou Uros. window. Ctutiigu of lMitj- Mondays nnd Fridays nt tho Kllng or arund Thentra. The Worhl Xvvdvtl It Tho world needed osteopathy, be- cauio It reuoho somo cases that uoth Ing olio cnn. nnd It Is bettor than any othor method In many othor oat. Perhaps you need It. and a talk with Dr. II. H. Whlto about your rano Is suggested. Hkntlug MMMuerde Wednosday. Februnrv B. Tlnknta on sale Monday at tho box onto. Oct your ucaeis nan reserve your skate m duvancvu Hull for Wrgv Tho time of tho court today Is oc cupied In the trial of tho .ult of Morrison axalust UtMley, to eolleet wages alleged to bo duo rtlalnllfr n foreman of tho hop ranoh of the de fendant. The trial la by Jurv. mui will occupy tho ontlro day. Muiumukt- At th Auditorium, Wednfeiday. February th. ( Itacts lUcts lUco- Tomorrow nluht at tha skating rink, Xldell and Luckey, one mtlo uiatcti raw at 9:15 o'clock. Admls. slon, 10a Atteutkw, (2. A. U All members of Brdgwlck Post and all old soldier, and all old trleuds and acquaintance of a a Uocken field, formerly of Coruiu&y 1. l?th rcglmont llllnoi Infantry, oro ur Kntlr rjuwtea to tteud hU fu- wl at U. A, K, kail, coraer of Can. tr and Commercial struts, on Tum. day, February Otb, at ltOO.p, w. Funernl services will bo under tlio auspices of tho a. A. It Informant In Ilurnl cemetery. Comrndo ItoQkQn llcld was C4 yonrs old. nnd lonvos n widows two brothora. one In Snn Frnnclsco nnd ono In Senttlo, nnd two sinters In Oinnhn, Nob., to mourn his Iom, JOHN P. HOUKItTSON, Post GomiHander. I). Webster, Adjutant. "Caught In the Web" Tonight nt tho Kllngor Grand. Will .Make Home nt Snlem W. K. llrook, late of Portland, ha8 taken n position with Mossrs. Huron & Hamilton, whoro ho will have charge of tho carpet department. Mr. Ilrock hns had extensive oxporlonco In this line, nnd w prove n good acquisition to our busltiotw olralos. MaMiuemdi At tho Auditorium, Wednwduy. February 0th. floipel Mrx-tlng ly tho Kfiluts of aod nt the W. C. T. U. hall ovory night, commenc ing Fobrunry 4th, nt 7:30 p. w. . Itncv, lUct Haco Tomorrow night at tho skating rluk, Zldoll and Luckey, one mile match rnco at 9:16 o'clock. Admls- slon, 10c. Tlmo of Funeral UinngrU . Tho hour or tho RockenlUdd fu noral has been ohnnged from 1:30 o'clock to 1 o'clock, on account of the Stalger funeral. No Train Nortli Owing to washouts In tho moun tains and high, water It has beon re ported that all northbound trains 8itcm Military lUiul Will furnish music for tho skating masquerado Wednesday evening. Ad mission, 35c City Cwuncll Toulght- The Salew city counoll moeta this evening in regular acwlou. It It ex Kted tvlng will come up again, and Alderman Radcllff win Introduce an ordlnauco to llconso and tax in surance companlea dolus bualne&i In thU city, so that agent win b n llr4 to iy S0 pr annusa. Among other inntters of Importanco to bo considered will bo tho crention of n commission to rovlso tho Salem cl.nrtor. o HIDDK.V DANdKHS. .Valine CIveM Timely Warning Thai No Salem Citizen Can Afford to Iguoix. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comos from tho kidney secretions. They will warn you whon tho kldnoys nro slok. Well kidueyB oxcroto n clear, amber fluid. Slok kidneys Bend out a thin, pail and foamy, or thick, red, 111 smelling urlno, full of sediment and Irrogular of passage. DANGKU SIGNAL NO. 2 comos from tho bnck. Hnck pnlns, dull nnd heavy, or shorn nnd nouto. ton you of sick kidneys and warn you of tno nppproach or dropsy, diabetes nnd Hrlght's disease Donn'H Kid ney puis cure slok kidneys nnd euro them permnnently. Heros Salem proef: A. J. Wood, of 260 Cottage St.. 8nlem, Oro., says: "Kldnoy and blnddor trouble became so bad with mo about two months ago that I vub oblldged to do something to case tho awttarlng. It bothered roe most In tho morning an dperhaps for two or thro ehoura after getting up. Too froquont action of tho kidney secretions was very annoying and em barraslng. I had known people who had received tho bt of result from Doan'a Kidney Pills and I procured a box of thorn at Dr. Stone's drug store. Before I had used one box I was completely free from every symptom of the trouble. The kid W wore resulaud atul my gonerft. health became bettw. I can hardly express In wonls the good opinion I have of Dean's Kidney Pjju f8r cases of kidney, complaint of backaohe" For sale by all dealers, prCe so cents, Foster Mtlbura Co.. uffaio, New ork, solo agoats for the United Statos, Remomber the name Doan aud take no othor. .1. Wolf, of SUvorton, Is in tho city on business. Mn. J.'R. Whitney went to Port land this morning. " Miss Agnes Lane, of Portland, came ! this morning. Mrs. J. T. Wontworth has reUtrnedf from a visit In Portland. George Rudolph left today for a business trip to Sllverton. Roy Gosnor, the violinist, nrrlved in the city Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lino left this morning for a visit in Yaqulna. Miss Edna Slmonton returned this morning from a visit in Portland. It. G. Hunter left this morning for a business trip In Southorn Oregon.: Misi Lena Mclntiro spend Sunday in Portland. Mrs. Jos. oFntaino, or Jefferson, is visiting W. T. Rigdon, of this city. , Den Tamplln worn to Portland this morning after an over-Sunday visit', here. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson left this morning for a short, visit in Portland. Rex Bishop, the hnrdwnro man, left this morning for Portland on- business. ' Representative F. M. Brown, of Brownsville, nrrlvod In the city this, morning. Mrs. F. E. Smith was among tho' Portland-bound pnssongors this morning. Miss L. M. Seelcy, or Oregon City, nrrlved In this city this morning to rosumo hor work In tho legislature Attorney George Morrow arrived in tho city from Portlnnd this morn ing. Miss Roso Schwlnnon, vfho Is ono d tho cloks of tho legislature, spent Sundny in Portlnnd. Murray Wade, tho cartoonist, is In the city, nnd will do somo sketching at tho loglslaturc. Roy Boon, after spondlng Sunday In tho city, loft this morning for Sllverton. Charles Dick, tho well-known hop man, 1 ft for a roundup down tho valley. Miss Ethel Hammer, who has been visiting Miss Gusslo Booth, of this city, left this morning for her homo in Portland. M. Br'demlor, tho well-known proprietor of the Yokohnmn Tea Store, wns among tho Portland pas sengers this morning. Mrs. D. Vnndorbllt, nttor visiting Mrs. Florcnco Mosher, of this city, hns returned to her homo near the reform school. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Howe, who hnve boon visiting hor sister, Mrs. W. Mc lntyro, loft this morning for "her homo In Portlnnd. W. II. Robhnm, tho medical stu dont, returnod this morning from an ovar-Sundny visit nt his homo nt Brovjnsvlllo. Mrs. E. S. Contos, who hns beon tho guest of .Mrs. T. J. Clark, ro turnod this morning to hor homo nonr tho roform school. o Notice to Odd Fellows. All membors of Chomeketa Lodgo No. 1, I. O. O. F., nnd all other Odd Follows, nro requested to meet at Odd Follows hall at 1 o'clock sharp, Tuesday, February 5th, to attend tho funernl or our Into brother, Jona than F. Stalgor, to bo held at his lato residence at 2 o'clock p. m. By order or Chomeketa Lodge. Tho santlam canal at Albany has overflowed its kv .., ' s ..v7."" ." ,."HU W of . .w .. uu unuw wat0r O BmmW M IH CH KBfl ftjgJJ &&c Sulpha and Lime Liquid Spray Our PHOENIX SPRAY Is cer tainly making frlonda. All who Investlgato buy. Better place your order now. We are making special prices on ndvanco orders. Remomber that you cannot make It as cheap or as good as wo cnn soil it to you. MILL FEED Our prlcos nro the lowost In tho city. FLOUR Wo are making somo very low prices on flour In barrel lota. We are suro that wo can sell it cheap er than any dealer In the city D. A. WHITE &SON Feedmcn and Seedmen. Poultry and Be Supplle Phono 160. 255 Commercial Street. A Prominent Edi DKCLARES V1NOL IS nf wu UIVJUK FRFIMin.V There has been a good i its of cod liver oil pJN whether or not p,i ,.. waM rmuilflinnn thnt . ..flil u'j; :: :, " roei lti .. ..j mt-uicinai virtue. u mo luuuwing letter fromSfl Cassidy, superintendent ?i Lexington. Ky., will be read t? terest: ,1 "I am pleased to state iui U.I..UH unvu iiuu tested the du,. cod liver oil prenaratir,. . .market, I And Vinol to b6 Z,1 liuiiu. iu mum uu, "Vlnnl Knin" . .... uuiii up mv , strengthened my nervr3 and Zjfi new man of me. and 1 hMrtl3J dorse It as tho most effleutt,.. ' agreeable cod liver oil nreparaitJ the mitt-lent U1i A member of the Q y. f Jj ou., wiieu uoueu nis oplnloah. gard to Vinol, renlipd "w. . nothing- better than Vinol (0 strength, euro stomach trnlLi chronic Incipient consumption,', mnKo growing cniidrcn robust i glvo strength and vigor to iu.. "It is for this reason tlnuti to return money in every crte, It falls," G. W. Putman. dr . NOTE While wonranoh. for Vinol In Salem, it Is now for, at tno leading drug stored every town nnd city In thV liUGk for tho Vinol agency' bj town. y. FASTIDIOUS WQKPC consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiaafci iincun in uic iivgicmc care ot t person and for local trcatmect i lemmine ins. as a wasn its den trermicldal. fleodorljlnif nnd V. qualities are extraordinary. Fori nt DruccristR. Snmnti, fri 1M The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Jlaa, . o - A poor man and his family i and scrimp to ralso fifty or i Is drcd dollars to send John or 1 to a business college or a set normal school. They get & equipment, which they pay for, a which tho tnxpayer docs not ptyi In fact tho business college asdji vnto normal school pays Uietl rich man sends his son or digs' to tho stnto endowed college (ma tho exponso of tho taxpayer. nro tho poor nnd who are the pors? 1b It the people who sacrifices and pny for tho life i ment or their offspring, or list wealthy wlio aro equipping their i spring nt public cost? . o PROSECUTION QF Tl (Continued from pagetr)' ! Dr. Lohnno said thcro wmi bral hemorrhages. No crow- nation. Thaw's counsel soujbtc to got Into record such actiut cats prlsonor'8 mental stat ' tlmo of tho shooting Dr. who saw tho shooting, said t to Whlto'B body nnd found nto? tlnct. Ho said ho noticed unusual In tho appearance oil faco boforo he hot. Policemul recalled, was naked as to cow tlon Thaw hold with his wilt heard her saying "Harry, w? you do this?" Thaw answered:' bo all right." "Tho peopH announced Gnrvln. Tho sUti sontod nnd rested Its casewiuW hours. Tho Judge ndmoDW' jury not to talk among tnea nnd ndtourned until 2 o'clock.! woB led away aa a man stuns!' state's brovlty had overwhelm' His wife and mother, who l offered to cheor him up. ..MONEY TO LO THOHJtf Over Laid & Bush's Bank Nocwkfr Ifofea Fife buroe v..u nxIHV Rssifiat . 0ce wltk Wm. Drowa 139 CoaimNr4al street- NEW TODA1 Till . I -1L WaHtcd To buy baled Connor, Wlllamotto bow. ut.....i .. nrk la 4r An Industrious acbool Wf tho place. Red Cro ".? . OAnmlOl' Kuoms xor hi w . .a Furnished and unfunu--. quire at 415 Court ",.f bii. mmmtmm w mi" iJ A Grmtier Not a PO""" aS but ono who tnoroBVL ji: stands grafting iru. . have fruit trees " ".J. ,ael with, have them oM-jr, on or addresa H. . State street, or phose . i $&&32u $$& w(. Hf0fr T M - kS -.fc. Z, r Jt , a4iirjng ffJJliiiiiTffil xraa-t-?"--