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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1907)
spviwwsrf ' t DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALBM, ORgQON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1007. 3 REE LOCKS AND OPEN RIVER DEMANDED ARMERSASK PASSAGE OF JONES BILL fnTIMENT OF WESTERN OREGON IS U THE BARS copie'" ::.:. .r . Government unite to itemove ud staclcs to Transportation of Products. freight rated on all freight carried by rail. The Willamette valley farm ers have paid enough excess freight charges to havo built tho locks many times over made possible by private ownership of tho locks. W. W. PERCIVAL, Independence, Ore. OR FREE LOCKS AND CANAL Journal has received following h reply to the question DO YOU VAX iBnrJjnV CITY?" Tho Capital J v.i nrtrPsslons of opinion, and out of all tho replies only two ro I etnre8 nn opinion and ono says ho is opposed to free locks. I.. ,La f frno locks nuotcd bolow nro tho most intelligent fnrm- '"" ii...n nn.1 nlilntinrc In woalnrn Orptmn. Almost m fruit growers, uiuu" - im - --- ' m o nil Minlr rmlnlnna nm nlvnn rnpnrfllpsa nr one ol them are omuo uum. flllt" ..... ,. , .,IH.,1lr,1 in fill nnirnu nt 1llo nnwtnnlUP. lint These opinions couiu uu "i"'lu l" i'"- .. v...- ..-...,,...,...., -... m the first declaration that any toll system is Intolerable to tho 'last who expresses Indentlcally tho samo Ideas as aro now embodied l . , 1,111 tlipso aro tho unbiased expressions of taxpayers and u me junta ". roducers of western uregoii. t,rn u no menstire beforo tho logisinturo mat womu meet witn sucn nlversal approval beforo tho masses of tho producers and citizens of nil .. ....Lit. ..rifita1iltt nt ilin Innlra nnd pnnnl nt HrA. irtles ns one to seenru im. ,.. u.... . ..u ... .... . -. ,.. ot City nt tho earliest day possible Wullo somo wnnt stato ownorshlp, ad some wnnt federal ownership, nil want public ownership nnd freo, !nen and unrestricted competition between tho waterways and tho rail- Uds wherever that Is possible. Road tho opiniens: fill Tolls Intolerable ym. A toll road Is nn Intolerable Leanness at all times. Either buy he old locks or build new ones. Th-t iroduccrs of the stato would much ather pny their monoy in tnxo9 to mild public coaveyancos than pay , tontlnual dribbling of toll to prl- htte corporation. Give tho pro- Bscer and tho business public n f rco fcljluray to tho markets. Tho law yers of tho stato owo that much lo hungry humanity. H. C. LUTTRELL, Myrtle Point, Ore. Make Valley Prosperous Tho members of Winona Grange also brlofly discussed tho question of tho locks at Oregon City nnd, whllo from our location wo aro not ma terially affocted by them, yot wo renl Izo that tho prosperity of tho whole valley is to tho best Intorcst of nil thcrcforo wo aro in favor of free locks. First by tho assistanco of government aid if that can bo se cured and if not then by tho stato alono. J. U. HENRY, Sherman, Routo 5. Could Ik n Great Thing I think It would bo a good thing lor the people of tho Willamette val- r and Portland. O. MARTIN, Days Creek, Ore. he Slaldcn's Answer- Yes. F. GOODPASTURE, Eugene, Oro. Firors Joint Action ' Yes, purchased by tho Btnto nnd pept op by tho national government G. W. KUTHE, Jefferson, Oro. 0p to Free Xnvlgntlon Yes. I bellevo thoy should bo open to free navigation, and that wo Joold havo an appropriation from w government sufficient to keep tiera up. DWIOHT REED, Oakland,Oro. ft I lllght and Just think all nnvlcahln lrnnma ?ot to be free and unobstructed for i asportation. It u -ii,t a .. JMt we should havo freo locks at Oregon City. We havo a grand coun 7 hero and tho people of tho east uetoming to realize it, and wo tho ot Oregon should try and set !W )ll that tends to oppress tho In ;rU of tho people nt largo. If : . i ire to meet compeltlou our traus ; wuuon wants to bo tho best that a be bad. S. LINDLEY, Lebanon, Ore. to a Corporation- no w 1 producor and consumer tfJ2?.? exponse t0 pny and not C t0 & ct"npany or corporation. N. H. BATEMAN, it Shcdd, Ore. tK?f that th0 es of 50 dS chli v.Cnleinn,nB ot Bame Wlar , U S' Bve"ment, tOc Lif n,y way t0 lttBuro the for"C and reasonab,a CYLDE U KNAPP, Et City Ore. Tolls Rob the Farmer I am also in favor of freo locks ns tho tolls thoy havo to pay now Is robbing tho farmers of this valley of thousands of dollars, and no doubt if tho locks wero freo tho railroad compnny would make lower rates. O. 0. BOLTER, Parker, Oro. Own Them by All Mtoins Yes I think tho stato ought to own thoso locks by nil moans. J. A. COGHRAN, Amity, Yamhill Co. Open tho Markets Yes. To glvo tho people of tho uppor Wlllnmetto vnlley a freo and opon rivor to tho markets for their produce. To rollovo tho people from tho oxorbitant rates of tho railroads. As n matter of Justlco to tho people of tho Willamette valley tho federal govornmont should own and operate tho canal and lockB at Orogon City B. O. LEEDY, Lecturor State qrango, Sherwood, Oro. Freo Pnssngo Wny I am heartily in favor of nn open river from Portland to tho head of navigation of tho Wlllnmetto river; wo of Oreeon City feel that thoro should bo no toll placed upon goods by clthor private or public corpora tlons that pass from the lower to the uppor river, THOS. F. RYAN, Oregon City. Need All Wo Cna Get Yos. I am in favor ot the stato owning tho locks and canal at Oro gon City. As I think tho country needs all tho water competition It can get. A. J. WARNOCK, Nortons, Ore. Means Competition Yes as then we will havo compe tition. As it is now we havo very llt tlo for tho expense of going through the locks stops It. Should tho pres ent otrners ask too much I would bo in fa tor of buildine new ones. RICHARD SWIFT. Milwauklo, Ore; For tho General Good Yes, for tho general good of tho country. R. D. COOPER, Independence, Ore. i Live Stock EUtipper's Opialon Yes sir. It Is ono of the most im portant measures before the people today. We nqt only pay toll on all produce passing through the locks, but It makes It possible for the rail roads to add that mncn more to tbIr Make All Streams Fi I nm In favor of making freo' locks nnd cannl at Oregon City, In fact to make all navigable streams in tho groat state of Oregon free. ' WM. R. STEPHENS, Box 23, Dilley, Oro. . Purchase or Build I do if they can bo obtained at any prlco In reason, either by purchase of the present locks at n ronsonnblo price, or If that cannot bo done by building of 8epnrnto or other locks by the stato in tho most avnllablo lo cation for tho snmo under tho direc tion of tho stato. CHAS. N. WAIT, Canby, Clackamas Co., Oro. Plain and Emphatic Yes I do. D. II. WILLIAMS, Newport, Ore. Make Us More Independent Yos I fnvor freo locka and canals nt Oregon City. I thing It will mnko us as a pcoplo mora independent of tho ronlroad. C. B. GU1NN, Oakland. Short nnd Swnoi Yos. F. B. PHILLIPS, Cootngo Grove, Oro-. A Logical Argument I fnvor any public improvement whore It Is to benefit tho pcoplo by so doing I thcrcforo favor this im provement If it can bo dono within tho means of tho pcoplo to do tho work. Whllo directly it might not benefit mo personally, but indirectly it will benefit us all. Tho moro you can- lmprovo tho stato tho moro valu able It makes tho wholo stato and tho grcntor valuo tho caster tho taxes nro raised. C. E. EDWARDS, Allegany, Ore. Right to the Point Yes. J. P. LOGAN, Kings Valley, Benton, Co. All Producers Fnvor It I do favor froo locks and cnnnl nt Oregon City nnd I think all produc ers In this county fnvor tho samo, W. R. WARD, Arago, Coos Co., Ore. AVtints Government Ownership Yes. Bought or built by tho na tional government, By tho stato no. S. B. SEELY, Sherwood, Routo G. As Ho Would Vote I do. ALBERT JOHNSON, Ashland ,Oro. Will Reduce Transportation Yes. By all means let us reduco transportation whorovor possible. Freo locks will have a tendency to do so for tho Willamette valley. GEO. MARSH, Looking Glass, Oro. His Voto the Same Yes. J. W. WOLFE, Brownsville, Oro. Good of All Producers Yes for tho good of all producers. Every man that I have talked to fav ors froo Jocks. C. P. Wells, Parker ,Ore. For an Open Rive I certainly am in favor of an open river. It would bo tho means to keeping rates of freight at reasonable figures. G. VALZ, Sublimity, Ore. State or United States The stato should own or tho United States. I could get a petition of any amount o'f names. O. M. Sanford. Yes. Peter Kurre, Yes. L. M. Butler, Yes. Henry Mott, Yes. AnioB B. Wysong, Yes. Independence, Ore. should bo owned and controlled by tho state. Witji Just as few public BervantB to bo paid and supported by tho taxpayer ns possible. H. M. GRAHAM. Routo 1, Grants PnBS, Oro. A Marion County Farmer-- I favor free locks and canal at Oro gon City provided they aro. bought at their presont value. If not, build new ones. But tho legislature should sco to It that thore Is no graft at tached as was tho case with tho Bar low toll road. J. D. RITTER, Routo 2, Aurora, Ore. Favors a Fair Price Yos. I favor froo locks and canal, but I do not fnvor buying tho old ono at no such price nt contemplated, for nt prosont tho rnllroad boats control tho river traffic and thoy nro tho ones that nro gotttnc ho benoflt of thj locks if freo locks will encourngo competition it will bo all right. If not thoy hnd bettor bo toll looks. W. O. MORROW, Independence, Oro. of tho AVlllamettto rivor. Inclosed plenso find 25 cents for your Dnlly Journal to March 1, 1907. W.- B. FLESHER, Sublimity, Oru. Absolutely Necessary Yes. I think It absolutely nocos sary for tho futuro wclfnro of tho stato for ninny reasons nnd I favor If government will not act, our great stato of Orogon as early as posslblo procure tho old locks, or build now ones. ED. HOLLOWAY, Brownsvlllo, Oro. Wants Federal Control If by tho government, yos; but by tho Btnto It will requiro a groat deal ot safo guarding of tho Vnllrond will roap tho bonoflt, whllo us farmors aro busy paying tho tnxes to purchaso said locks. If by tho Btato I would suggest onough toll to pay for oporat Ing tho looks. M. N. NICKELL, MoMlnnvlllo, Ore. A Vqlcoifroin Lincoln I do. D. TRAPP, Chltwood, Ore. Open tho Wholo River Yos, nnd nn open rivor ns far as Eugene, ns I think rivor competition will lower freight rntcs which aro oxcessivoly high. In fact so high that tho srowth of this part ot Oro gon in vory much hold bnck E. F. MEISSNER, Kerby, Oro. Unlto State and Nation Yes, If tho gonoral govornmont will bonr a good portion of tho expense. Not in fnvor of paying tho prlco the presont owners nsk for thoir plant. J. J. SWAN, Routo 2, Lobnnon, Ore. Costs $150,000 n Ycnr I nm In favor of freo locks nt Oro gon City ns I think it would bo n great saving to tho farmers and ship pers of tho Willamette valley. The $150,000 n year tonnngo paid by tho producors of tho Willamette valley would soon pay tho cost of construct ing locks at Orogon City. F. B. SIMPSON, Jefferson, Oro. Prefers Undo Sam - I favor froo looks and canal at Oro gon City but built by tho U. S. gov ernment. E. W. MANNING, Gorvnls, Oro. Pcoplo Hnvo Paid for It Many Times Well wo suroly do need somothlng bottor than that llttlo old sluco box down nt Oregon City and if them Rockofollors down thoro will not soil It to tho stato for whnt it Is worth lot tho stato with tho holp from Uncle Sam cut a canal around tho old Ind dor that tho people havo paid for many times whnt It cost. Sond mo tho paper. C. II. M'CLURE, Routo 4, Sherwood, Oro. A Reasonable Plea For the Stomach No Humor In This Yea. G. D. HARRIS, Routo 4, Lebanon, Ore. Two Moii'h Opinien: I do not fnvor tho stato owning thorn. Thoy Bhould bo govorncd by tho United vStatos. C. T. LEEVER, G. R. TITUS, Lobnnon, Linn Co., Oro. Tho Wiitorwnys Aro Our Friends Yes becauso tho waterways aro our frlomlB; railroads do not convpoto with onch othor any moro but they still havo boco respect for freo water ways. Opon tho Wlllnmetto river free to tho people nnd put n heavy HconBO on ovory boat owned by a railroad company. I bollovo in this kind ot robnto. W. J. WIMER, Waldo, Oro. Open the Wholo Rive Certainly nnd nn opon rivor from Portlnnd to Euzono. CLARENCE KOON, Junction City, Oro. Favors Stato Ownership For froo locks nnd canal built and ' owned by tho Btnto. FRANJ5 KRAXBEROER, Aurora, Oro. More Locks and Less Tax I believed that all locks and canals No Monopoly of nn 0mii River Yos, by nil moans. Thoro Is noth ing that will do as much for ronson nblo rntos as a freo Willamette and n freo Columbln. Thoro enn bo no monopoly of nn open rivor. J. M. SETTLE, Lebanon, Oro. At Head of Navigation I am in fnvor of "froo locks' by all means. LEE GAETSCHINS, Eugene, Oro. Will EquuUzo Freight Yos, to equalize freights between tho 'Vyillnmetto valloy and other places. J. M. PRATHER, Buonn Vista, Oro. Fri tho WnU-rways Yes, and freo waterways wherovor posslblo and no obstruction or doflcc tlon of tho natural waterfalls. I look with very deep concorn nt tho ovl dont Intent to seize tho water by solf ish Interests by tho nllowanco of franchises which can only bo used for mining as stated mlnorB Inchos can not bo used for exploiting power or Irrigation or nnything else away from the people. A. P. TODD, Sherwood, Ore. Favors Stato and Nation I do, but I believed tho gonoral govornmont Bhould stand tho ox pen8o tho samo as harbors nnd other such Improvements If this cannot bo dono I would fator tho stato taking tho matter up. This would look llko taxing too many for tho benefit of th few, but a broad view of thoso matters is what is needed other parts of the stato may havo other wants at some other tjrao any way. LEWIS STRONG, Myrtlo Point, Oro. Owo Mom Opposes No, I don't htlnk Jt would benefit any or but few farmers as thoro Is a railroad running the entire' dletanco Wants Ktato itnllmad No, to this nlso first bocnuso the navigation of tho Wlllnmetto river Is Impractical. It la only for tho pur poEo of regulating frolght dates that It Is thought of; thoro aro othor ways to roach tho desired ond thnt nro moro practical and moro In keeping with progress of tho proa out ago, ono of tho best plans would bo for tho Btnto to parallol noino ot tho great railroads with another rond nnd run It nt n small profit to tho stato. J. M. PHILPOTT, Harrisburg, Oro. Casts Hli Voto on the People's rmio Yes. J. W. ELSTON, Amity, Oro. Pay a Fair Prjc I favor freo locks at Oregon City provided they can bo socurcd without paying an exorbitant prlco to tho presont owners. Tho competing freight lines thus established would result in substantial bonoflt to moro than hnlt tho pcoplo of Orogon. II. O. STARKWEATHER, Milwauklo, Oro. P. S. Incloso subscription to March 1, 1007. Favors Jones' Hill- Yob, but nm not In favor of state paying three times what thoy nro worth. Tho $300,000 appropriated by stato with aid of government will build now one. W. F. YOUNG, Sherwood, Oro, o A Stitch la Time Will savo nlno. So will a bottlo of Ballard's Horehound Syrup nlway kept on band savo many a spell ot sickness. A euro euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. Mrs. S , Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I keep a bottle of Ballard's Horohound Syrup In my modldno chest, and thank my forethought many times. It has prevented many Bevoro spells of slcknc." Bold by D. J. Fry. If Your Stomach Is lacking la Di gestive Power, Why Not Help . tho Stomach Do Its Work Especially When It Costs Nothing to Try? Not with drugs, but with a roln forcomont of dlgostlvo agents, such ns aro naturally at work In tlo stomach? Sclontlflc analysis shows that digestion requires pepsin, nt trogonouB formonts, nnd tho socro tlon of hydrochloric acid. When your food falls to digest, it is proof positlvo that somo of thoso ngonts aro lacking In your dlgcstlvo nppara ratus. - Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but thoso natural elomonts nocossnry to digc&tton nnd whon placed at work In tho weak stom ach and small intestines supply what theso organs need. They Btimulntn tho gastric glnnds and gradually bring tho dlgostiv i orgnns back to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets lmvo been subjected to critical chemical tosts nt homo nnd nbroad and nro found to coutnln nothing but na tural digestives. Gnomical laboratory. Telegraphic addro88, "Dlfitndo," London. Toio phono No. 11020 Central. 20 Cul lum St., Frenchurch, St. B, C. London, 0th Aug., 1005. I havo analyzed most carotnlly n box ot Stuart'B Dyspopsln Tablota (which I bought mysolf nt n city ohoinlata'a Bliop for tho purposo) manufactured by tho F. A. Stuart Co Tomplo Chnmbors, London, E. C. and havo to report that I cannot find any traco of vegotablo or min eral poisons. Knowing tho lngro dlonts ot tho tnbletfl, I nm ot tho opinion thnt thoy nro admirably adaptable for tho uurposc for which thoy aro Intended. (Signed) John R. Brooko, F. .1 C, F. C. S. Their Is no secret In tho prepa ration of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabids. Thoir composition Is commonly known among phyBlclnus, oh Ib shown by th orocommondntlons of 40,000 11 conaed physlclnns In tho Unltod States nnd Cnnnda. They are tho most popuhr of nil romodioB for In digestion ,dyBpopsln, wator brash, Insomnln, loss ot nppctlto, molon cholla, constipation, dysontory and kindred dlsaasoB originating from, lmpropor dissolution nnd assimila tion of foods, becnuso thoy aro thor oughly rellablo and harmless to man or child, Stuart's Dy8po;Bla Tablots aro at once, a snfo nnd powerful romody ono gralng of thoso tablots bolng strong enough (by tost) to dlgost 3, 000 grnlmi of Btoak, oggB nnd othor will dlgost your food for you whon your Btomnoh can't. Ask your druggist for u fifty cont packngo or Hcnd to us direct for n froo trlnl samplo packngo nnd you will be mir:rl88d at th result. F A. Stuart Co., 04 Stuart llldg,, Mar shall, Mich. William Young, of Sclo, hn bought 15 bushels of vetch seed. Ho will sond It to Idaho to bo sown ns an oxporlment In thnt state. "Hollo Girls." How to bo honlthy and happy and be n phono girl. Ring uh up for a pnokagn of Holllstor'a Rocky Mountain Tea with full par ticulars. 35 cents, Toa or Tablots. Dr. Stone's drug storo. Athena, Milton and Helix, on tho Umatilla river, are under wator. Groat InvcBtmont, absolutely safo, brings returns, giving surplus earn ing power of youth till old ago, so curing comfort nnd health In your declining years. That's what Hollls tor's Rooky Mountain Toa doop. Dr. Stono's drug store, o A Frenchman, called Joe, who had tho "Jlmmlw" at Pendleton, hold tho officers at bay with a double uxo for sovoral hours. A Uroad StatemcHt. This announcement is mado with out any qualification. Hom-Rold Is tho ono preparation In tho world that guaranteed It. Dr. Loouhardt'a Ilom-Rold will euro Plies, It Is In tho form of a tab nt. It Is tho only Pllo remedy used In ternally. It Is Impossible to euro an estab lished case of Piles with ointments. Bupporltorlcs, Injections or outward appliances, A guarantco Is Issued with every packago of Dr. Lconhardt'g Horn- Hold. Go and talk, to your druggist about It. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S. O Stone, Salem.