X3 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNATi, SALEM, ORHGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY , 1907. tt 9 rTNewYork Fashions " li,.mMMimiiiiii iiiiim M !,. wrono.h but bdcomlngly long-wnlsted at tho h JS'aii and tho shops ; front plvlng Render wnlst lino It i.lsbave """ - lnok wlth only was imumra m uuj.uuudu UUiu.u.u 1, most lonesome , tooK thatopy on whlto satin. There was n mltntln3 to rem creatlous (novel llchu arrangement crossing at eire to do "-- Doucot and the bacK. nnu u was uniBiieu wuu IM creat-?to bb seen until gold buttons. feline are u- bJrdg mlgrat0 1 But af tor all It Is not tho made up dressmaker uoc tUolr noW jCOstumos that women aro looking at eMra vovprthelss this is Just now for sno Knows mat, excopt Irfcrea""-" . the nrac ir0l,nos out bargain hunt- linopi - t.a atock of model r.f.rhHtho! ua "" nrc sho soarcnes .. K" " .. nf too shop worn irjus?- -! ...rtlvo models tnm " " attractive n of th(J 'JS ."-?."" I.. .nnecther to DuywB " -.- L, (or sno kbu - - r'IU'. . .iiumver rare f the ypnr w -. - lis in materials and trim ittr i .uin.inusly small cost. H . . fnnov boleros. brolderea iuC, -- - . U bretel.es ana -- kiTfl adornments m - -. as will t"ra u" '"Dfc " . . .j make It look like now. A d clrdle with sash ends is in . .l- ....mi tnnmont and hion at mo ih- - klnlr goes lar m "-" ienrlie shabby gown iuuh. l .mart, so that tno mveaunuui .. U and effective buttons anu kles at this tlrao is certainly wiho prudent. fba new crepe uu uimw - bred silks aro more oenuuim ever. Thcso servlceauio goous . .- i.a fnfAfl in lin nrn- a DOOn iu niu i v" ileal woman, for thero aro bo hv different shades In the ono nndN perns In tho other as to mano it no means Impossible to havo an Ktlve gown without being sln- B; eitravagent. Flgurod not and a bit of handsomo lnco wuii boni and brlcht buttons comprise (the trimmings needed. Further- L-e, if thcro bo a silk lining that already dono duty, provided It i and banes well tho dressmaking of tho gown need not present lit difficulties. trie pompadour silks aro good In- (tments at tho present momont and odd shades aro to bo carefully hit, as they mnko up In a more lUsetlro effect than tho rnthor Ire ordinary designs. They aro guilt (or tho simple styles of ovon- r roiM to bo worn now and will sost useful In tho summer senson. they are In keeping with tho pic esque fashions that aro so rapidly Ib a hold on populnr favor. The new striped and chocked goods 'eh promises to bo as fashionable thejr wcro during tho pnst soason s soft and supple as tho woavor m mako them. Thoy will be N fir tho practical walking suits I inch suits often havo plain skirts n Halts nt the back and front to ii them flaro out well at tho hem. lt of this kind has a porfoctlnc i llttlo short-wnlsod coat trlm- 1 lth galloon embroldorod in Maui colors, A more dressy gown soon lately i' mouse grey wool batlsto check- i green This had a half om- b T1' 'nort'walsted at tho bnck, in case of need, this Is a bad, time to buy. It is at tho now cloths and cottons and tho first Importations of Bilks that Interest her most. The counters aro full of tho cotton fab rics and whllo no great dlfforonco Is to bo seen in tho staple goods tho coloring and designs aro more beau tiful than over. Linen It would soom haB como to stay and It is to have another season of extensive ubc, and coat and skirt suits of wnshabla materials aro to bo as much liked as thoy wero last year. Judging from tho washable suits being turned out for tho south, whlto will bo in advanco of colors in popular estimation. Thero are flowered organdies of now patterns selling at 25 cents u ynrd, printed voiles in delicate de signs ranging from GO to 90 cents a yafd. Thin cotton and silk mixtures for ovenlng wenr aro dotted with jacquared spots, striped or flowered, and cost from 20 to 50 cents. A now kimona material of thin silky wcavo is printed In JapaneBo designs. As tho season of warmth advances toward us, tho llngorio blouse shows every slBn of taking on now lifo and ousting tho tailored ones from tho field. Tho llrrons opening up this weok aro as multifarious In stylo of woavo as ovor. Thoy could not bo moro so. Flowor patterns In a host of pronounced now designs aro plentiful enough among tho thin cottons to show tho courso that fash Ion will tako In that direction. Polka dots and discs aro also among tho favored motives in cottons. Cross-barred whlto dimities print ed with dainty floral patterns hnvo como In with tho now cottons. Among tho designs thero Is a tiny green shamrock that proclaims thorn. Irish, and roso garlands, sprays, sin glo flowers, and tiny figures all of tho daintiest nature. Tho dimity Is 25 cents a yard. A material that will bo popular this coming Benson is flowered cotton tullo In n great variety of pattorns on whlto and tinted grounds. An other Idea that allows of many n chango is a tullo over-dross in whlto with an under dross of flowered or gandy, which gives tho snmo effect as tno moro oxpouBlvo tulles 'that aro prlntod. With tho samo over-dress ono may wenr n Bilk slip, Indeed one may havo soveral Blips and thus ap parently havo soveral drosses. The Idoa Is a good ono when sovornl oven ing sowiib aro needed for llttlo nion oy. The silk slip will bo ns much in demand as it wns last summer for numbers of new goods aro thin and open-meshed or hnvo laco strips run ning through thorn nnd sometimes tho chocked goods hnvo their checks of open work. Groy In a variety of shades is a fnshtonnblo color and is becoming moro stylish all the time. There is X a queer stono grey that la extreme ly popular, but is rather frying for it has a cold hard tone to It. It Is however much softened when white trimmings are used with It. Thon thero aro tho lighter shades of groy in all varieties of shades that woro onco considered only appropriate for house or evening wenr; thoy aro to bo make with contsnntl skirts to match or olse the dress Is made In such wise as to bo smart and attractlvo with an extra coat of somo contrasting color The mouso groys nro soft and pretty and very fnshlouablo Just now. Black and whlto trimming on grey Is coming Into fashion again and whon Judiciously used it Is vory sat isfactory. It is, however, rather too striking to plenso everybody. Velvet trimming used on all sorts of growns is considered rathor more up to date than tho bias fold of satin or silk that until now havo been con sidered so effective. Tho amount of ombroldery that Is still required as trimming on tho moro claborato gowns is most intri cate In design and pattern and com bination of coloring. It might have beon thought that by this tlmo every posslblo design nnd finish of detail had boon worked out. but on tho contrary ovory day now Bets somo absolutely original rondcrlng of the samo old materials. Tho samo is truo In the combinations used with velvet nnd laco braiding. CATHERINE MANN-PAYZANT. o Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 20 years, and nm still hunting for troublo in tho way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprnltiB, or u enso of pllos that Bucklen's Arnica Salvo won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walt ers, of Alleghany, Slorra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Wnltors; it cures ovory caso. Guaranteed at J. C. Jerry's drug storo; 25c. . Tke Story of Medicine. Its name "Golden Mrdlcal Dlscovorr was suggested by ono of Its most import ant and Yaluablo Ingredients Golden Seal root. Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Plcrco dis covered that ho could, by tho uso of pure, trlplo-roflned glyccrlno, aided by a cor tain degreo of constantly maintained heat and with tho aid of apparatus and Appliances designed for that purpose, ox tract from our most valuablo nntlvo mo dlclnal roots their curatlvo properties much bettor than by tho uso of alcohol, so generally employed. So tho now world famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for the euro of weak stomach. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred derangements was tlrst made, m It ever slnqo has bVn, without a partlcla of alcohol In Its raattc-up. A glancoVthcJuU list of Its Ingredi ents, prlntcu tnjvOverv bottlo-wrappcr, will show that It is hiaOo from tho ruojt valuablo medicinal rooUVound growing in our American forests aii tucf? in grrdlent3 hay,e rccelvcdtW ii ronmflGafr gorsoineni .ffjm the.lcjjllng mcdtcltLwr Tho 11)07 Auto Rook. Tho association of Licensed Auto mobllo Manufacturers of America has Issued Its annual "Hand Dook of Gasolene Automobiles" for tho yonr 1007. It Is n book that soras Indls ponslblo to tho prospcctlvo purchaser or anyono othorwlso Interested in tho automobile. It contains Illustrations and specifications of 110 American built cars ns well as tho principal Im ported ones. This hand book Is pub lished by tho ASSOCIATION OF LI CKXSKI) AUTOMOIULK MANUFAC TURERS, 7 EAST llil) ST., NEW YORK CITY. "THE ONE CENT DAILY." 1 1 1 1 u i n t ii 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 ; .nil .H mum Special ration Daily Cap ital Journal by mail to any address over Legisla tive session until March 1 1907, for 25c. No pa pers sent after time paid for. i y Tt'MHn 1 1 ,1( fl ! . . . i, t j, j. n ii 1 1 1 I n 1 1 iiiiii HOFER BROS, PUBLISHERS. A Valuable Lesson. "Six yoars ago I learned a valu ablo lesson," wrltos John Pleasnnt, of Mngnolln Ind. "I then bognn tak ing Dr. KIns's Now Llfo Pills, and tho longor I tako thorn tho hotter r find them." Thoy plenso everybody. Guaranteed nt J. C. Perry's, druggist 23c. o Cliungu- Court of Study. Suporlntodont Ackcrman is con- tomplntlng changing tho courso of study In tho high schools of Oregon. Ho is Issuing n circular loiter to tho high school principals and teachers in tho stnto advising thorn of this fact nnd asking for suggestions re garding tho proposod changes. TIiobq suggestions must bo In his offlco by April 1. Mr. Ackorman also hopes to havo a conference of high school workorB boforo that tlmo. lIMtMiMtMlHlMltMMBMiMMMlMlBl I Wen Ate Well Dese H They Have Tfek Cloth Mafe By JOHN SHOLUND, Opera Howe MERCHANT TAILOR CI" Vtmm ul Rmiriaff. iwniiiiiiiiBaiiLiLAiaBaiiM . : l " mmmmmmmmmtmmmmtimmnmi Neighbors Got Fooled. "I was literally coughing myself td death, and had bocomo too weak to leavo my bed; and neighbors pre dicted that I would never leavo it allvo; but thoy got fooled, for thanks bo to God, I was inducod to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took Just four ono dollar bottles to cure tho cough and rostoro mo to good sound hoalth," writes Mrs. Eva Uncnphor, of Grovortown, Stark County, Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, Is guaranteed by J. C. Perry, Druggist. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottlo free. Mrs. J. W. Daggett, her seven year old son and two chickens woro killed at Lebanon a fow days ago by pto maine poisoning caused from eating canned corn. Even from tho Mountains. Ballard's now Liniment Is praised for tho good It does. A sure euro for rheumatism and all pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo, writes; "I used Ballard's Snow Lini ment, last winter, for rheumatism and can recommend it as tho best Liniment on tho market. I thought, at the tlmo I was taken down with this troublo that it would bo a week beforo I could got about, but on ap plying your Liniment several times during tho night, I was about in 48 hours and well in threo days." Sold by D. J. Fry. a BMMtt 3C4s93Rt.tCJa.a .. TM MM Wl MW thHt1 MQpi &&& PWfr wnvrrt..anti -a-ninn ,nn. iwmrrm JMffl'ft' who r,,r"T"TTi:"rt thf n lhpyiry nest ryipctiips Tor tnft til r8iffl or wnic -upiqen Mfig.i ni-mvprv" is A llttlo booK ol t stj8iiiaftttimim8iiiiiitiiittwi CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT tiati!iiitmisiitiiiiiiitiiiittB DRAYMEN. R. O. duHmhw Successor to White CuramlBS, expreM, dsllvery and transfer llae. Prompt service Is Our motto. Furniture and piano moving a spealalty. Stand at 156 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Residence phone 968. 8-i-tf FOR RENT. SriNVrf For Rent Soven-room hougo with basomont. Good well water, piped In and out. Inquire of A. Scurelb or, GG0 N. High street. 1-7-lmo aUvKoj. heso endorsements OH been compiled by Dr. R. V. Plorco, ol Buffalo, N. Y and will bo mailed frte to any one asking samo by postal card, or letter addressed to tho Doctor as above From those ondorsomonts, copied from standard modlcal books of all tho d lifer ent schools! of practice, It will bo found that tho lngrodlont9 composing thoGold en Modlcal Discovery " aro advised ntft only for tho euro of tho nbovo mentioned diseases, but nlso for tho euro of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat ntfoctlons, accompalncd with catarrhal discharged, hoarseness, oro throat, lingering, or liiing-on-coiwlis, and all thoso wasting affoctlons which, If not promptly and properly tmatod nro liable to tcrtnlnato in consumption. Tako Dr. Plcrco's Dis covery In tlmo and nersovoro In Its uso until- you nlvn It a fair trial and it Is not likely to dlsupiolnt. Too much must not bo expected of It. It will not perform miracles. It will not euro consumption In Its advanced slnims. No mcdlclno will. It will euro the ntTcctlons that lead up to con.umnt.lon if toted n tlm. FHrnislicd Rooms Wltk or without board, phono, oloctrlo lights and bath room. J. Jay Cook. Phono 633. 1-12-lm FOR HAU5. (NiN Property for Sale. Twolvo houses and lots In different part of Sa lem by J. C. Schultz, 747 South Ml&CELLANBOUS. i DrcMRMkiRg - Fashionable and plain dressmaking, reasonablo rates, by Mrs. Munaey, of Portland. Call at 356 17th street. Phone 1171. l-29-lwk Concrete Werk. Get my prices oh etdewalks, curbs, septic tanks ami oomont work of any kind. AH work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phone G69, 1-11-tt BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro thaa any other bread, yot the price la ao higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas ft Cooloy, Props. 12th Btrcct, Salem, Or -l-3t For Bale. Ono McCorinick mowor, ono rovorslble Pitts harrow, one 14-lnch Oliver plow, all good as now, at a bargain. Call at offlco of Oregon Sienna Paint Company, Salem. 1-7-1 m Butto A Wettttorotk Fine wlaee, liquors and clears. We fcanala tae celebrated Kellogg and Oaatle whUkioa. Cool and refreaalag eeer constantly on drough. Heath Commercial street 9-3-lyr Ualom Iron Work. Founders, cktaleta and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds ef sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylag stoves, eta. Manufacturers ot the Salem Iron Worka Hop Preee. iiifyilKBl m Wmmm M'liJiE . 'rvit , t'."i trtwwi'Mvrr " v f ?v'(Sx..:-ifiS55t . . &P s Tno abovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar inteod gas- and dust proof. Econom ical and durable, for tho particulars Inquire at A. L. FRASER 258 Stnto Street. For Salo. A flvo and a Blx-room houBO, with from ono to six lota with each, well located in Bast Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 2lBt and Marlon Sts Salem. 1-28-tf For Salo. 34 acres ot cholco land, good 9-room houso and barn nnd outbuildings, good orchard and well; 10 acres of hops; situutod throo-quartors ot a mllo from car lino; land all In cultivation and will bo dlvidod It deslrod and sold In two lots. Addrosa W. A. Listen, 370 Court atroot, Salem. l-2G-lm For Salo. My 80-acro farm, four miles south o tho businoss contor ot Salem, at Llborty, will soil in small tracts to suit purchasor, or ontlro trnct at a bargain, or will rent to right party. Call on J. O. Johnson, at Salem, or addrosa J, II. Danlol, Eugene, Oregon. 1-17-lm Lincoln Ankvilty UbIoh. Blck, aeel dent and pension insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted, J, H. O, Montgomery, Bupreme organiser, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. It. R. Ryan, aocrectary, 546 State street. NEAV AND 8HOONTMIAND GOODft. New and SocoMU-llaml Ooe.- Bought and told, also raagea, stoves and cooking utensils, dlk es, granlto and tinwaro ot all kia4u ( Givo us a call. O. L. MoPeek, 179 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly SEEDS This la tho Bonson tor select' ng your Bccds. Wo havo a largo cargo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and mako a specialty of farm seeds, as well ns thoso for tho smaller cropt, abovo all wo Insist upon new and puro seeds, Get our list. I TILLSON &ICO. 151 High St xxmarcs. 0S Foresters of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 10. Moots Tuosday In Hurst hall, Stato stroot U. S. Rider. C. R,; A. L. Drown, F. 8. OflTBOFATKS. Dr. B. II. Whlto, Graduate ot Klrka- vlllo, Mo., uader founder et Os teopathy. Room 21, BreymaH building. Commercial street. Phono 87. Resldeaoe 390 Summer stroot, corner ot Center. Pkeae 1210. Treats acute and ckroals dlaoasos. Examination free. ' 11-17-tt PLUM3SR8. Thco. M. Burr Plumbing, hot water and Btcam boating and tlnnlag, 104 Commercial stroot. Pkeae Mnln 192. 9-1-ly Central Lodge No. 18, It. of P. Cnatlo Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Llborty stroots. Tuesdny of each weok at 7 s 30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, C. 0.; W, I. Staloy, K, of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Oro gon Codnr Camp No. 6240. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0.; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. S.r P. L. Fruzlor, Clork. INDEPENDENCE STAGE, Dally oxcopt Sunday. Loaves Wil lamotto Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth nnd Dallas at 0:15 p, m. Loavos Inde pendence at 8 a. ra. Phono Main 179. RALPH BUDLONO, Manager. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER C0MPAIO OFFIOX CITY KA1X. For woUr service tpply t oflle Bills payable monthly in sdrinct Make all eomplilnts at tho office. HOtXIOTer.'a Rocky Meuntam Tea HiKjgi A Uuy MUolu for Ihsy Peopl. Zrlsji OoMto Health and Uu& Vigor. X v" l"o for O tiiBlifwttloo. linllKtMlon, l.lia ml Kiitory Tro.ill. l'l ipt Kfwif. Impiir UlntMi 111 Hrwilli. Mluifulhli Jk)irfU, HismImIui ami UacIuicU" Jl a U -sity Hitintnn Jvn, In lab. Irt form. 8t rtiM htK iii-uikiih ml r HmM-utku Ukim Cwmsy, Midi kid VI. udUOFM NU'lflfTS "" 5AU01V PE0P.- M. J, Fetsel Plumbing, etom aa-t gns fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phone Main 17. A, L. Froxor -Successor to Durrougki & Frnzor, plumber nnd tlnnor. Maao fncturor of conjmr and galvanized Iron cornice, and motnl skylights, 10S Stnto street. 'Phono 1611. PILES inswressa On44 ti. (U4WMBU, B.C.. rtu. tun "l tta Mf OE. tTOMB'8 DKUa BTOBB Does a strletly caih buelnew, owes no one, and no one 0)ves It) earrlee Urge itoek; ihelvef, eouotere and ehow easee are loaded with drugs, medielnM, otlon,B toilet artleloe, wlnea and liquors of all kinds or medical pur- pose. Vt. tooe I a regular graduate la medtelae and. has had many jeara of 1 erporlenso la tee practice. CoEtulta tivnt are freo. Prsriptlona are free, and only regular price for medlelae. Dr. Bten eta be feasd at ale dmg tore, Salem, &, frea 8 la tke mmiag sa(Il at aifki, u u tuiM tut it.A tt, a. if. !, uniif t a . I ktt l.4 M iwf u ul ..- TV, M Cwm. UuU riM. fuM f VrtMMX.'MARTIM HUOV. UNOIITC, r.-' $M In Sxkm by Dr. S. C. Slwx SAIL F9 FC SAMPLE O CHicHEigB;spj!a M IAfcf fcaaau L.L KlC3XwA la Ka 4 hum m PHYSIOrANS AjfD SURaKONS. Dr. 1), II. Grlfflu, the SiKjclalUt en Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho euros In 3 days. No monoy until curod, 214 Trade St., Salem, Oro, Phono 568, John Doyons, Business Manager, 8AllHl5rPPOO yAOTODjejr Frank K. Brown, Manufacturer ef laih, doors, moulding. All klade ef homo faith and hard wood werk, Front street, bet. State and Ceert. VBTMHKAXY aUBOMOX. Dr. B, J. TomtcVeterUary Burgee ..and dontlat, 33 years' ezpe'rleaee. All work guaraateed. DlMealt Me gleal operations a ipeeialty. Fkeae 681. Oilce at Club Stable. Facia 7, Salem, Oregoa. S-9-tf WAKT9D. Ttvo Boys WrhUh1To soil papors. Inquire at Journal otllco. 1-30-tf WniiUMl to Buy Heavy draft horses, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J, Connor, Wlllamotto hotel. 1-28-tf Wanted Stock bogs for feeding, chickens, ducks and all kinds ot poultry. Highest prico paid. Hog Leo Co., 181 Commercial street, Salem, Or. 12-B-tf O. C T. CO STEAMERS- pomona AND OREGONA LKAVK PORTLAND MONDAY, WKDNKS DAY AND FRIDAY AT to A. M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND HATURDAYM AT :O0 A. M. YOU COKVALW TUHM1AY, TMUMaWAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT 9 r, M WL P. BALDWIN, Aft