Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 02, 1907, FIRST EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Ono way is to pay no attention to It: at
least, not until it develops into pneumonia,
or bronchitis, or pleurisy. Another way is
to ask your doctor about Aver's Cherrv
The Automatic Old Trusty
Pectoral. If he says, "The best thing fori
CUIUS, men iuc ii. uu as uc says, anyway.
thn rormuUa of all our preparation. IOTfrll. Mj
We nT no ieorei vy puoma J.CJLyrroo.,
i .
When You
fake Cold
IMA Dot? El MmMhrnZM
i mill 1.11 ilfw i
Sew Yorkn. 31.-Tho general
tE mrscly
Z mountain districts of Tenncs-othe.T;,nU-v.lmtthoolllclalsof
eoanaiv-.'" .
Lii U S. Internal iuo
,. u nraed this to " a '"'
, riht in o- nl,dat 11Hclt 8t,U"
and have been, working in full
il'ng Several stills have boon seized
md now the revenue oiucuib u.u .
' ... .i. .tioMiinra of sucnr mash
"hlskey, the "vodka" of tho Russian
!.! Austrian Hebrews, a most popu-
ar drink on the cast side. A recent
cliure of a still in urooiuju um
.loscd a remarkablo stato of facts.
IV flrty gallon sun " " "
jorklnK order with Its entire equip
nenl, Including authorities nnd large
applies of the spirit, tho nuinon
.. -. Hint tlinA f,ll
les are wen awiuu imn. mv.i -
mmlreds of stills worKing in uie
city and suburbs but though they nre
using every endeavor to locate thorn
itbelr efforts nppenr to be unsuccess
ful. The recent raids wore tho re
salt of information given by a man
Pho had n grudge against tho "moom
Shiners" and so well proparcd for
attack were they that two revolvers
and belts of cartridges aro amongst.-
the trophies of the raid. Tho spirit
is colored with burnt sugar and sold
to taloon keepers on tho Howory who
ratall It as Kentucky rye.
Yet another flail story. This one
s wippoted to be true for it is verl
SeJ by the editor of a stnld nnd
ancient New York papor. Condensed
the talc is ns follews: Miss Van
Gilder whllo fishing nt Mink Pond,
Pike county, had very good luck un
til about noon. Warm weather had
melted the Ico near tho contor of
uwpond where Miss Olldor wnH fish
ing and before she realized her posi
tion sho was standing on a shoot of
ice mtlrely sepernto from tho rest
Jt then she got n blto and holding
en to the lino was towod bv tho fish
t dWanco of hnlf a mllo to tho bank'
where sho waded nshoro only nnkla
leej) In water. Tho story, howovor,
us a sad winding tip for it states
hat Miss Gilder was safoly laudod
ad to was the fish.
Mih the question of stability of
ifookhn bridge Is being discussed.
t would be well to mention that Mr
toWvtlt. iinde of Presldont Rooio
M, more than 20 years ngo ro
fcned from the directorate of the
reoklyn bridge, owing to tho board
(directors voting to add 10,000 tons
Ura weleut to the superstructure,
' Increase its carrying capacity,
r. Roowvoit, n resigning, said ho
"wnotbr r. sponsible for a great
disaster if tho bridgo fell, ns Mr.
Roebllng, tho designer, had said tho
bridgo was then carrying all tho
weight it could safely support. Tho
10,000 tons were added with 10,000
more to tho superstructure nnd good
ness only knows how mnny addi
tional thousand tons weight in load
ed trolley and bridge cars and the
traffic tho bridgo Is now supporting.
Looking nt tho bridgo towers they
nppear much too Blender, nnd no
doubt Roobllng would havo made
them twice tho dimensions if ho had
supposed tho bridgo had to support
so great a weight ns is placed on
them now. Probably in six of every
24 hours dally If tho bridgo fell not
loss than n thousand people would
perish. Tho weight has now been
increased. "Tho last straw breaks tho
capiol back."
Tho little hamlet of Hazen, In Now
Jersey enjoys tho popular distinction
of being the most prolific bnby-town
in tho United Stntcs. Tho baby bring
lug bird has called Micro 18 times
within u year and at each call drop
ped a h u in an benediction. When it
Is considered thnt thero aro only 22
families and ISO persons all told in
tho hamlet, tho showing of 18 now
babies in 12 months is prodigiously
big for it means that a child has been
born for every ten Inhabitants, or
thnt IS of tho 24 families havo been
visited by tho stork bIiico last win
ter. Tho only trouble with tho nntl
raco suicldo situation in Ilnzon is
that so mnny of tho now babies hnvo
boon named nftor Presldont Roose
velt, In soino way or other, that when
they grow up tho postmaster is go
ing to bo awfully bothered sorting
out their mail. Tho President has
boon notified that Hazon Is tho gront
est baby-town in America and the
fnrmors and lnborers who make up
tho llttlo hamlot would llko him to
reward them by endowing a now
"Tonchorshlp" in tho pretty village
school. If ho does tho now instruc
tor will tench his namesakes mostly.
Tho Salvnton armies havo ngaln
mot in conflict ovor n profitable
stroot "pitch" on Third nvonuo nml
prcsonted nnythlng but nn edirying
spoctnhlo. Tho only weapons of wnr
faro, howovor. used on thlB occasion
woro tho drums nnd musical instru
ments nnd for n considerable time
tho rivnls tried to out toot each
othor to tho great nmusomont of thou
snnds of spectators. Intervention by
tho pollco prevented any moro seri
ous discord thnn this, nnd peace was
rostorod without cnsulatlos, except
tho loss of a small and inconsequen
tial lock of hair from tho head of a
bystnndor, which dopnrtod in tho
clasp of ono of tho womon ofllcors to
whom ho mndo a romnrk Intondcd to
bo Jocular. Thoro now npponrs very
llttlo chanco thnt tho rival armies
will bo reconciled or that a truco will
bo ngreed on.
Jokers" Lurk in the Bills
Governor Chamberlain Ve
toed Last Season
KlUll YOll IlavO AllVflV-H Rnntvli. fnwl il,tl. l.oo l.An
- "SO for nvr !?A ,...".. .. . " ""
,,v, j -.-ura, Has uorno mo siffimmro or
and Iins liccii mndo under his per
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
All n,...-,. v,'w"uo"l-,ccc,voyo -nuiiH.
Einori . ' inmatIO"s nml" Jiist-ns-frood'
Periiuents that triflo with nml ciulmiirer tho hea oi of
ums nnd Childron-Experlonco ngitlust Export . mU
What is CASTOR I A
Gwtori; Is n imrmless substitute for Castor OH, Fora
cou , "'l'"'"' Soothlns Syrups. It U Pleasant. It
subsUi.L t ,Cr lllim Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mid nii, "eo ls lls suarantec. It destroys Worms
Colin i? evrlsless. It cures Dlarrhoja and Wind
41 d Plutui . . Tectll,nff Troubles, cures Constipation
rftttuianii i iwsnniintca the Food, regulates the
l fliiM- . vcls BUinK "cnlthynml imtural sleep
muireu's Panacea-the Mother's Friend.
p Bears tho Signature of
kta You Have Always Bought
use For Over 30 Year.
Tho stnto sennto has mndo a spe
cial order for next Monday nt 2
o'clock to tnko up and consider tho
bills that wero vetoed by Governor
Chamberlain nt tho last session of
the legislature. Thoro nro nlno of
these nnd whllo It is believed tho
sennto will uphold tho govornor in
his vetoes, it is quito likely thnt thorn
may bo serious oftort to havo nt lenst
a fow of theso bills enacted.
None of theso bills woro refused
tho executivo sanction without good
reason and It ls generally believed
thnt sovernl of thorn nt lenst havo n
graft of some kind concealed nnd
most of tho others contniu a Joker.
Tho bills nre:
S. D. No. 13, relating to fish trnps.
This bill gave nn arbitrary power to
tho master fish warden to condemn
nnd dlstroy trnps nnd nots without
giving the owner a hearing. Tho gov
ernor very wisely considered that
this was too much power to glvo ono
S. 11. No. 17. entitled a bill for tho
protection of salmon. It cnrrled an
appropriation of $G000 for n gnso
llne launch and $11000 for Its main
tenance Of course thnt carries a
splendid reason for tho veto on Us
S. D. No. 124. providing for tho
superintendent of public instruction
to call n convention of county school
suorintondents at stato exponso. The
executivo considered this practically
to be an useless expense
S. B. No. 1GG. This bill wns en
acted for partisan political reasons
only. It provides for tho manage
ment of tho iienltentlnry nnd sol
ders' homo by tho Btnto board and
removed tho superintendent of pub
lic Instruction from tho management
of tho blind school nnd substituted
tho Btato treasurer. Tho reasons tho
govornor votood this bill nro numer
ous. Ono Is thnt tho constitution
clearly intended that tho oxocutlve,
in whom Is vested tho solo pardon
ing power, should bo responsible for
tho management of tho stnto prison
nnd tho Idea of taking tho school
superintendent off tho managing
board of tho blind school cortnlnly
scorns erratic. Dcsides tho enact
ment of tho bill wns for political
purposes only nnd tho govornor de
clined to become a party. There nro
othor objectionnl fenturos In tho
S. I). No. 191. This bill doflnos
frntornnl associations nnd provldOB
for controlling thorn. At tho time
this law wns enacted two sots of
lobbyists woro trying to got blllH
through tho legislature. Ono faction
won nnd worked this body through.
Tho govornor bolloved thnt when the
Insurnnco pcoplo cannot ngrco among
thomsolvoa ns to what kind of lnw
thoy need, It would bo hotter to wait
until nnothor sosslon nnd try to got
S. B. No. 209. This rolated to
condemning a public squaro in tho
cUy of La Qrando nnd wns pnroly a
local mattor. Thoro wns a strong
protest from La Grando against this
and tho governor bolloved It would
bo wlso not to grant tho roquoat until
moro of tho cltlzons doslrod tho mat
tor done.
S. B. No. 223. This rolntod to tho
boundary lino between Linn and Mar
lon and as many old plonoor cltlzons
living In tho townships offoctod ob
jected, tho executive thought It host
to wlthold action In tho matter for
nnothor legislative term.
S. B. No. 238. Providing for a
deputy constablo for tho Portland
district. Tho governor said this
would bo superfluous as tho law pro
vided for tho doputy sheriffs to do
any work of thlB kind that might
arlso and that tho county court had
full power to appoint and pay for this
S. B. No. 2G3. .Related to tho
graduatos from the normal schools.
Tho governor approved of tho pur
poses of this bill but vetoed It on
account of Irregularities In tho enrollment.
9 WH g'K-WBB
Tho Aristocrat nmong the
lilskics of the Old School.
Without a poor.
For salo by
A comploto stock of up-to-dnto
funornl supplies. Nowost
methods employed, nnd best
servlco offered. Our rates nro
reasonable and wo havo had
long oxporlonco. Tho public
Invited to Inspect our parlors
and lenrn our manner of busi
ness. J. W. BOLLEN, Mgr.
On the Stool
of Repentance
SW ll M KU
' V Vl.W ,
Is whoro n man finds himself that
takos his lluon to any laundry but
tho Salem Steam Laundry. If your
consclonco don't prick, your collars
and cuffs may nnd mnko you appro
ciato tho smooth dcos. soft button
holes and cxqulslto color nnd finish
that you can always rely on getting
at tho Salem Steam Laundry, nt low
Phono 25. laO-lOO S. Liberty St.
II. S. Giie & Co.
Wholesale Groecrs and Com
mission Merchants
In tho mhr it nil times for
For wo tnko especial caro to buy
none but tho best, and our customers
can always dopond upon getting tho
bost In tho mnrket nt right prices
when thoy buy at our mnrkot.
e. o. cnoss,
Stato Street Market Phono 201
Tho bost place to buy is whoro the
bost stock of lumbor Is cnrrlod. Tho
ontlro building trade know thnt
thoro Is not a flnor stock of lumbor
than that cnrrlod by us. Wo arc
ready to fill tho largost contract
promptly. Wo don't koop tho build
or waiting. Thnt'B n very Important
point. Near S. P. passongor dop'tf
Phono C2 Mnin.
dried t
Urm produco of all
f ior salo a fow applo par
ing ana slicing machines; equipment
for a largo dryer; will roako a low
2fi7 CoRuncrds! St.
Phone 179
Cash Purchasers of
Eggs, and
All Farm Produce.
It's Going Fast
Ami given perfect rmtlHfnctloii.
Every Hack In gunrimtoctl, nml that
nocoimtH for tho rapid Increase in
hIcm.. Al.so 11 Is still mndo of
nnd In thu best Hour nt any price.
Wild Rose
At all Unit cln.ss grocer;
". r uur rnuir. mcwtokk en.
Real Eiiuito Transfers.
Tho following deeds havo been
placed on record In tho office of the
Marlon county recerder:
Charles Morloy ot ux, to Jacob
Sergfried, land In lot 21,
South Village ot Sllvorton,
w d COO
A. L. West et ux, to J. V. Kon
worthy et ux, 18 aoroa In t
8 b, r 3 w, w d I
Voget Lumber & Fuel Co. to
Salem Box & Lumber Co.,
lots 3 and 4, block 3, Depot
addition, Salem, deed ..... 1
9m wiiaf
Gold Dust Flow J
XK COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon.
Mitde for family im, Ask your
groctr for it. Bran and shorts
always on band.
P. B. Wallace
f muimu urn a p i l l s.
A l.n, Cun.ur lUuu $$t Imuwi Monw.no,
f-yi' Mil. " wi t7i tutu.
Ui IWw m4 iwVtoi m u -
JJIf- ? IWMt 0.. ?' lAMCAMnH. PA.
SeUhSattm by Dr. 5. C Stotx
Corner of Seventh and Stark Street
Portland, Oregon.
The new and modern hotel of the eltj
Catere particularly to rceldcnta of Sa
tem and othor Oregon eitleo. Kuropeat
plan. Free bus. Hate (1.00 per daj
and upward. Ilamlaouioet grill la the
Weet, and prieee a low a in placw
lea attractive. Dally Capital Journal
ob slo.
Tho OLD TRUSTY Incubators
aro now onterlnu on thoir fourth
Thoy hnvo mndo n record for
high per cent hatching that has
nover boon equaled. Moro of
them sold durlnc 1900 than any
other brand,
Although very modcrato In
price, tho material and construe.
Hon moot tho most exacting In
cubator construction.
Special prices to closo tho 190C
model eut:
100 ogg Incubator 912
200 ogg Incubator $18
Tho now model will soon bo In
nnd ls without doubt tho finest In
cubator ovor offorod on tho mar
ket. Romoiuber tho nbovo prices
aro for present stock.
Feedmen nnd Sccdmon.
Poultry nnd Boo Supplies
Phono ICO.
25t Commercial Strcot.
Order a pnekago of this
famoiiB health and brain
building flour and enjoy
soino good old fashioned
New Knghuul Brown
Ilreud. A chanoo at A
right hot loaf will mnko
you think you aro in
BoBton. With Alien'
Holf-rlHlng H. B. 11. Flonx
you enn mnko broad JiiBt
llko tho Puritans usod to
!Ml Pnncnko Flour
Is also n puro food; oolf
rlslng nnd nil ready to
mix with wator and bake
on n hot griddle
Pacific Const Factory, San Jose,
Cal. l&tNtcrn Factory, Llttlo
Wolf Mills, Mnunwn, Wis.
(totxiri itio Rivi'a wlmt ovury woman
imiflt iluHirwi-a iitrfoot complexion
3 It lirlimw Hint iufl. amooth, freali.
ilwiir tint lu tlio rlirvk Hint diuotoi
youllifiilnpw. It wUI tirliiK licniity
in tliotif who lack It: It will retain
It far lima ulin already poHeaa It,
it will on.tilo you to BiicotMMfully
I'oinlmt tlio ravnKivt ot weather and
time Don't tloiibt lont nrKiio. Juat
try Hobortlno Your druKulat will
Klve you n free antnple. All drug
kImU keep Itubortlne.
Spont wisely Is tho sourco of much
satisfaction, Why not spond r little
of It wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Ilaxrltt & Lawrence.
The Fashion Stables
Formerly Simpson's Stables,
Up-to-date livery and cab line.
Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally
ho for picnics and excursions, Phons
44. C1IAB. W. YANNKB, Prop.
247 and 210 High Street.
Salem Fence Wire
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Hop WIro, Barb Wlro, Poultry
Nottlng, Pickets, Oatos, Shingles and
P. & D. Beady Roofing.
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
2 50 Cowl St. Salem, Ore,