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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1907)
. "'r1'& r" ' T. 1 ATUHDAV, FKHnPAnVg,lP07L DAILY OAPfTAIi JOURNAL, BAL1M, OXHOOX, 8. H Jr t "4. I oiiiiiiinniiimnii I POLITICAL OPINION HHI IIUIIlHIIill MARKBT QUOTATIONS "Make UtAtm Ge& Heme Market." SALKM MARKET. r-liCUi ANH " FARMERS '.PROTEST Point In Its Favor. The fact Hint tho railroads oppose a commission will or coUrso bo taken m argument In fnvor of tho corn mission. Albnny Domocrat. The Marion Grnfl. Tho effort mado by Morion county legislators to havo tho Tuttlo rond law repealed brought out a lively dis cussion In tho sennto tho other day which showed thnt tho lawmaker ro wlso to tho exclusive bonofltfl reaped by Marlon county through building; of roads by convict labor. Tho Tuttlo road law provides for improvements of roods at oxponso of proporty owners within two mlloa of the road on olther sldo. Slnco Ore icon Is bulldlnR all of Marlon county' principal mad nt uxponsn of tho taxpayora of I ho stato Marlon coun ty wnnto tho Tuttlo law out of tho way so It will havo an oxcuao for workJiiK convicts on any road In tho county which othorwlso would bo tiHlIt under rouulremontn ot tho old law. An nccount of tho discussion winoii was a spirited ono, Is published olso whom and shows forth plainly tho contention tho Itoglstnr has rondo, namply, that convict labor on road's la this stalo its now conductod Is nothing tnoro nor loss thnn n big trratl liv Mnrlnn county. ondorMOd by !m trnvnrnnr. fill L which uhoilld 110 lonxor bo tolerated. In fact, such m. vltrnroiiB nrotost should bo sont UP from ovory other county jn tho stnto that it stop bo put to such method tit onco. Eugonn Register. Fcoplo Expect It. Orogon wants a railroad cnminls alon to bo nppolnlod by tho governor itnd It wnnts n reciprocal demurrage law. Tho ponplo of tho stato expect tho present legislature to puss mens Hros creating a railroad commission stail providing a reciprocal demur rage act, In order thnt rates through mt tho statu may bo regnlntod and that tho transportation companies may bo punished for fnlluru o fur nish earn noodod to hnndlo tho bust ewi offered them. Houso bill No S, Introduced by HcprosontnUvo Caapln rovers both of theso points Mri It is tho measuro which will probably bo passed. Astoria Iludgot. lis h 1'ood lllrtl, Etc. Tho Salem Juurnal roports tho Linn county meteor tho largest In ex Istonco. Air castles nro uonpritlly urotty largu affairs. Albany Demo crat. (The Coptlal Journal .not tho dl jnenstone of tho Linn county meteor ite from tho Albany Democrat, which was tho first paper to print an ac count of thu prennmonon. If there are any "air castles" In tho story the Democrat mnn Is responsible. The Albany Herald, however, bas vorflsd tho etory and It has since been print ed In all tho papers. If tho Demo crat told the truth about tho alio of tho tueteorlo sluno It U tho largest Meteorite known to bo In existence. Kd .Journal.) " O- ' ' Tho Worst Kind. After Piles havo existed for a lone tlmo and pawed through dtfTorent eiagt. thu suRerluE Is Intense pain, aching, throbbing, tumors form, till ed to bursting with blood. Symptom Indicating other trou ble may appear to a thoroughly Pllo atek person. This t when Dr. Lonhardt' Hem-Hold, tho only absolute Pile curt, brines the rv4Ulta that havo made Its lame. It will euro the moat stubborn caso a ad a guarantee to that effect goes with each paviaittt. $1.Q0 at tho druK store, or from Dr. Lonhardt Co., Niagara Falls, S. Y Proprietors. Bold by Dr. 8. a tkon. Salem. fX4cr'H Market. Dealers la flsb, gamo and poultry. Highest cash prica.pald for eggs, Prompt dollrory. Btato strpot. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 67c. Local wheat GGc Oats 35 c. liorloy $22. Flour $3.2G. Mill food Ilran, $18.00; shorts, $10 021. ' Hay Cheat and clovor, $7.00 por ton; timothy. $10.00 per ton. Eggs 30c. Hon lie; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; geeso, 8c; turkoys, 13010c. lluttor 37 lAc buttor fat, OG-J-ic. Onions $1.2G per cwt.; potatoes, fl.00 per cwt. Hops Cholco, 14c; primo to cholco, 13134c; medium to prime, 1001214c Chlttlm bark GH0Cc. Tropical Fruit. DanAnaa G4o per lb. Ornngos $2.7G $3.00. Lomons $4,000 $G.000. Retail Market. Flour $t por sack. Uran CG por snek; $10,00 0 $20 por ton; shorts, OOo per sack, $22 0 $24 por ton. irnv ti mnih v. CGo ner cwt; chont and olovor, 4Gc por cwt; $8.G0 por ton. Onts $1.26 per owt.; whoat, 7De: rolled bnrley, $20 $27 por ton. Hurs 3 Go. Apples GOo to $1.00, according to quality. lluttor Country, 2G027o; cream ery, 40c. Livestock. Cattle 110001200 lb steers, 3Uc Lighter stoors 23023HC. Cows and bolfors 90001000 lb, 3Mifj'4o. Btock tiogs CO 0 e, lloga 17G026O lb, fat, $6.00 $0.36. Bhoop 5 c. Iambs Go. ' Vral Dfoaaod, O08o. Hokb Dresaod, 8c. Ask Legislators to Enact Rate Law Fixing Maximum Schedule Anonl tho agitation for railroad legislation comos n sot of resolutions from tho Ashland Fruit Qrowors As soolatlon, citing tho rocont action of tho Southern Pacific In raUIng the schodulo of rates upon green fruit from 2G cents to 40 cents per 100 pounds In carload lots, and from 35 contB to GO cents por 100 pounds In loss thnn cnrlond lots, tho toxt of which follews: "Wheroas, Tho Southorn Pacific Hallway Company, oporntlng batwoon Portland, Orogon, nnd Ashland, Ore gon, has for more thnn ten years past cnrrlod green fruit from Ash lnnd to Portland at tho following ratofl, viz: "Twonty-flvo cents far 100 pounds In carload lots, "Thirty-flve conts por 100 pounds In loss than carload lots, and "Whoroas, Tho snld company has recently announced an increase In tho rates ns follews: "Forty contB por 100 pounds In carlond lots, and "Sixty contB por 100 pounds In loss thnn cnrlond lots, nnd "Whoroas, ThlB Increase from 2G conts to 10 conts nnd from 3G conts to GO conts is (loo mod unjust nnd ox- tortlonnto and will result In groat In K9C wg KING OF THROAT AND LUNG REMEDIES DR. KINGS NEW DISCOVER COUGHS AN COLDS CURES'" THROAT LUNI DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My con Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. Wi doctored some monthB without improvement. Then I began girbj Dr King'o New Discovery, nnd I soon noticed a change for the bett, t trVnt thlB treatment up for a few weeks and now my son isperfectlr well and works every day. mrs. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Jfe, 50c AND $,rJ SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. PERRY'S DRUG STORE Jury to tho fruit Industry now being devolopod In the vicinity of Ashlnnd, Oregon, nnd through tho Hoguo Rlv or valloy "Thorofore, Wo, mombors of tho Ashland Fruit nnd Produco Associa tion, of Ashlnnd, Orogon, composed of fruit growers, In mooting nssont bled, do respectfully memorialize tho Hon. LeelslnMve Assembly of the Stato of Oregon, that it do, without dolay, proceed to enact somo law at tho present session regulating tho rnllronds as to tho maximum charges it may mnko for tho transportation of freight. And wo respectfully urgo thnt tho sonntor nnd members from Jackson county, Oregon, uso their boat efforts for tho relief of their constituents in tho mnttor of securing Just nnd equitable : rates." When Freedom from the aa high, Unfurled hor Standard fori sec, fheso words appeared la bUai whlto, "Drink Rocky Mountain Ta.1 Dr. Stono'B Drug Store. HbbbBbbsbbbbbbbbbV jSL jVBLnfi Ji O ViiB 000 PORTLAND MARKHT. Wheat Club, OSo; valloy, 07c; bluo stem, 70. Oats Chotlco whlto, $20. Mlllstuff Ilran, $17. Hay Timothy, $14 0 $16; alfalfa $14. Vtch$7.6O0$B.OO. Potatoes I1.009S1.SS por cwt. Poultry Huns .and mlxod chick- ons. 13H01to; young rooster, 12 0 13o; dressed ohlokona, 14 01Ge: turkeys, live. 170 1 So; turkoys, dri'Hsed, 2O021o; gooso, llvo, 10 ducks, 1601Go; pigeons, $1,000 lie; ducks. 1018c; pigeons, $10 Pork Dressed, 000 Ho. HMjf Drossod, S05Uo. Mutton 0 07c. Hops 11014o lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarso to medium, aOCtlo; eastern Orefion, 13018c Mohair 16038c. lluttor Fnnoy Creamery, 35c; stor buttor. 1OH017& OREGON STATE BANK Capi! $25,000 filUW tmakkijjt; fofd jjniU4M Jditciaa fat a good Hwn, tux od Off go. SUkBamk J. A AUPfnERXJEj JM.J. CAMPBELL, Vtuhtoi 5 Purity Is our watchword. Select ing only tho choice! herbs and roots known to pharmacists. No sptrlta or harmfuU drugs. Hollls tor'a Hooky Mountain Tea Is purity Itself. 36 peats. Tc or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Drug Storo, Kout4iWH rufWta Co, Ttw cat N. , cJCwMv Novwa ber 18. llttl a. m. $ l"r&wl, Ke. H SI1 a. ro., Orogoa tc pr. N. IS 8:31 a. u., Cottage a row axjr. No, 138:58 p. as., Orc ex prwuu No. 14 S:3t p. ta IHirtlantl s prw. No. 39311:03 a. m., departs at 11.-30 a. tuH PwtUnd fast frelgaL No, 33 lltSS a. w., Departs at 13; IS p. tH way (rtiKbt. Tawwrtl Sn IYmcAko. No. 13 U31 a. m., 8au FraneUco axprttut. No, 11 UI03 a, ., Callforata exprdsa. No, IT t33 p. m., Cottaga Grata exprea. No, 5 jfl p, w., CallloraU m- prtwa. No, 331 frvlaat. N. :s 11:31 a. ml. itMMbrU at lltll a. M war tnat -3;S3 a, M.t PrtUai fsM ..hhhmmwmhhhhhhhhhhmW hmmmB aHHHHHHHMMHHHMRiBMHHBHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHMHHB mMHHHHHHHHhV mmmmmuHmmmmI Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquette Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OKKCiON M'HKKUV CO., SAL1LM, OHKGOX. OKXTLKMKN: YOU ASH Mi: TO C1IVH YOU A ItKPOUT QV THK 1XCHKASH OV MY ritANQl'KTTK WALNUT THKliS SIXCK TI1KY 1UKU.V TO 1IKAH. HAPPILY I ll.WK THK PIOUHKS AT HAND. WHKN St YKAIUS OLD, 11)01 82 LBS WIIKX YUAItS OLD, 11)02 520 LUS WIIHX 5 Yi:.HS OLD, lOOit 3,700 LHS WllliX O YKA11H OLD, 11)0 1 (1,000 LDS WIIKX 7 YKAHS OLD, 1003 12,325 LHS WHKX H YKAItH OLD, 1000 2 1.SM LHS THK OUT-PUT HAS PltACTIOAI.LY DOUHLKD KVKHY YKAH SIXCK TDK TltKKS C'AMK INTO HKAHIXG. SIRS. K. M. VUOOMAX, WALXIT.MKUK SANTA ItOSA, CAL1K NOV. 22, '00. THIS CHOP COXTAIXS 55 ACUKS .VXD IS PLANTED WITH 1,000 P1HST OK.NKItATIQX OHAITKD lMLlXgUKTTE WAIiXUT TKHES. A1TKU FILLING ALL OnDKItS TO DATK. WK STILL HAVE A FKW TltKKS OF THK VHOOMAX STHAIX FllANQUBTTR WALNUTS. THESE AUK OXK-YKAH, SKCOXD (1KXKUATIOX FKOSI 1005 CROP OF NUTS. S.VMK AS OX UOUDKIl. INTKRKSTKD PAIITIKS SHOULD WHITK FOR FRKK HOOK ON WALNTT CUITURE OR CALL ATOUU OM'K U AXD SEE THIS STOCK FOR THEMSELVES. WK PAID .MRS. VROOMAX $0,110.55 FOR THK 1000 CROP OF SITS OVER $100.00 PER ACRE, THE 8TH YEAR FROM PLAST IXtt. THIS IS THK VARICTY THAT IS DICSTIXED TO LVKE THE WIUaMKTTK VALLKY FAMOUS AS A WALXUT SEOTIOX. GET STARTED RIGHT ITS MORE THAX HALF THE HATTLE AXD USUAL LY ALL THE PROFIT. CALL AT OUU OFFICE OX 12TH STREET OR ADDRESS oii,jj.x, Wl'l U T j . I1' m hw.iy )&1! Oregon Nursery Company SALEM, - - OREGON BMHHHHHHHHfliHBt9HHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHn& .HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHm. BBflBflBflBflBflBflMHBMUBflsVBHMHDBHHMHHHHHHHHHHHMMMkJ JT ABBflBMHMHMHkh. k W iiMHHHHHHHHHF BflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBMHBMHHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHBMBBBBflBflBflBflBM MMHBJMW !Ibmmmmmhh. mBkeJ MHHHHHHBBMBMMlS VbmmmmmHBbW