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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1907)
' t ( j DAILY OAPITAIj JOURNAL, SALEM, ORJK30N, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1007. HHHI Mtm HIf iiilltHM SOCIETY Happenings of Interest on tnc Gay $ Side of Life in the Capital City. The latest and by far tho best melodramatic production of tho sea son Is E. J. Carpenter's "At Cripple Creek," to bo presented at tho Grand i4-Hht-t'wM,,l'c''l'lll'llte,l'''a 0Dera Il0U8 Monday night. It Is sam to be a beautiful Btory oi mo CRIPPLE CREEK MONDAY .!.., Hill "500" Club. .in tho Gaiety Mill C"b met at tho home o Mrs. c' 3"n ' .t. noonn.1 meeting of 1,TM"c-"BrdFr'; "".'..-. .t nf tho homo of S.A.T. Wain, on South Commer- j) Street mnm1inrn. rk elub has auum. - ..i.v.. xne emu p,h ad will meet nereaiiui - .... hnJn& ... ' v v -v Hminr of Mrs. Jameson. ....jnndnr afternoon Mrs. J. M. .. ropnntrpsB of Lausanno anew"! !-. nil, was plcnsantly suprlsed by i-e girls f tu0 na" nn 1 neiti. the party being In honor ( her birthday. .....i. ,i nnnvprsntlon was tho rlnclpal entertainment. Light ro- rejhmenU were scrveu uiruutsuuui he evening. Those present, besides uio wi ... iri. were tho wives of tho Ultr and Mrs. Mooros, Mrs. Wellor Ind Mrs. Sellcck. Frk'Hln Club Entertains. The Prlcllla Embroidery Club met Lit Thursday afternoon at tho homo hi Mrs. J. H. Brooks. Tho coming fk they will meet with Mrs. A. L. Brown. The members of tho Prlcllla Em broidery Club entortnlned their hus- ?nd5 very plensnntly last Wedncs Ijy cvcnlni; at tho homo of Mrs. J, L. Stockton, on Summer street. Ono of tho Interesting fenturos of tie evening was tho, sowing contest w the gentlemen, n prlzo bolng glv in to tho gentleman present who onld sew on tho greatest number of tnttons. Tho prlzo was enptured by Hr. D. 0. Mlnto. Fire hundred was played, Mrs. By- en winning tlip first ladles' prizo and Mr. Ramsey tho first gentlemen's. Ra pmhments wero served throughout fU crcnlng. Rabies Entlertnlncd. Friday afternoon Mrs. W. II. Ilob- oa entertained a number of moth er! and their babies nt her homo on outh Commercial street. Tho af fair was pleasantly Informal. m Five Hundred Club. The 1907 "500" club met Tuesday trenlng with .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Emmett, and a dollghtful ovonlng u spent Tho prizes wero won by Mr. and Mrs. It, D. Houston. m m "Addphlnn" Club. Wednesday evonliiK tho members il the Adelphlan club hold n pleas. Inl entertainment at tho homo of wrjrl Holt, on Onk streot. A short program was clvon hv ambers of tho club, after which luwi played aim" light refrosh fttentg served Those present wnm tim fioo0 I Emma Klein. Ruth nmi t.hpiio finiv Bosene and Wllda Slnpmnmi ,! J Rudolph. Ruth Ponton, Pearl .. urace Baker, Gertrude Cook, turn Symeg. AinMm i-.,in ni . - --- "uu, mtuiuu outer. Hazel Erixon, Hazol Mclntyre. - aniis. May Clarke, Vivian "odfelter. Graclo and Boryl Holt, 0 Messrs. Hnl lino- n..ii. .. orln Me Dowt-n, Harold Entrlkcn, vice rnorp nitin. tij -.... -.. -ivu, .uiunu oacKOii, Wallace Smnni.. u... .. P1...1.. """ ,ulur arnou.i hit. , re Ch08r Ynntls, Achlo a aipn Mason. Jones.Pn(ton. A Prettv him.. ...-j... . Blic xi wwumng iook ., nesday, January 31, "'. at thfl hnm .v.- . i ... . - t wiu unao s !EL"W:? Eva Jobm r, " ino br,de r Mr. W. A. n, JS- ? K'?t oBclatlng. flit Ze.,ma Patt0. Wlo John u w " er ot th0 Broom ncte u2 aval ..? wadlnB inarch Abon,; ": ."" Beatr,ce She- wUUvi- .lh M wero Present all Toe brM the yunc P60"10- UP0Dui. ' ia"n nd la koae. ine ' ke their future Oaeotthr,iantSurprlsc- mm,t 8cnxl district thla 144 AnzTtla& Partjr E,vo, oa. hJ I aor of Mr- Fred aai..r receny attained GU.Ma'r0, oro than sixty V 'hV.r kU PareaU. Mr. and i k W0B vh0 a wr ih Pop Corn school house and spent tho evening with games and music. Dur ing tho ovenlim a dainty luncheon was served and at a lato hour tho guests loft for their various homes expressing themselves as having a Jolly good time and wishing Fred many returns of the day. o SUNDAY SERVICES United I'Jvangellcnl. Special meeting every evening this week at 7:30p. in., except Satur- jdny night. Rov. H. L. Pratt Is ex pected tho fore part of tho week, nnd will nsslst In tho meeting. Tuomo lor tho morning sorvlco nt 11 a. m : "EmjJty Nets;" 7:30 p. m.: "What Is Your Attltudo to tho Holy Spirit?" H. A. Deck, pastor. Tho Mlnsterlnl Union. Tho Rov. H. D. Klmbnll, of tho school of theology of Willamette Unl- .vorslty, will rend a paper before the I Ministerial Union at tho regular meeting. A full nttondanco is do Blred. II. A. Deck, secretary. First Presbyterian. Church streot near Chomokota, Rov. II. T. Babcock, pastor. Morn ing sorvlco nt 10:30 n. m. Preach ing by tho Rov. John N. Stcolo, ovnn gollst. Mr. Paul R. Hoppy will sing. Sunday school at 12 m. Christian Endeavor nt C:30 p. m. Evening sorvlco nt 7:30 p. m., In chnrgo of tho ovangollsts. All cordially Invit ed. Tho evangelistic meetings will bo continued through tho week, every night excopt Saturday, and will closo on Sunday night Fobrunry 10th. To nil of theso services you nro Invited. St. Paul's Episcopal. Chomokota and Church streets. Roy. Bnrr G. Leo, rector. Soxnges- Ima Sunday.' Sunday school at 10 a., m.; holy communion, with sermon, nt 1 la. m.; ovonlng prayer, with nd dress, 4:30 p. m. Tho night sorvlce will bo discontinued for tho present, nnd sorvlco will bo hold cvory Sunday at 4:30 p. m. All aro welcome nt nil sorvlces. W. O. T. U. Tho gospel temperance meeting will bo addressed by Rov. Weaver Sunday at 4 p. m.. nt W. C. T. U. hall. First Methodist Episcopal. Rov. W. II. Sollock will preach at 10:30 a. m. on "Enthusiasm in the Cnuso of Christ." At 7:30 p. m, Rov. W. C. Hnwloy will address the young men of Salem on "Tho Mak ing of n Ufo." Epworth Leaguo at C:1G. All aro cordially wolcomed. First Christian. Preaching by tho pastor, D. Errott, nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Re spective themes: "Elements of a Living Church" and "Tho First Cen tury Plea." Bible school at 12 m. Christinn Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. A cordial Invltntlon oxtended to strang ers and visitors. Central Congregational. Nineteenth and Ferry streets, P. S. Knight, pastor, preaching sor vles at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. ra. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Endeavor meeting at C:30 p. m. Bible study mooting Thursday evening. Strang ers welcome to all meetings. Gospel Clinpcl. Fifteenth and Mill streets. Sun dny school at 10 a, m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Testi mony service at 0:30 p.m. Prayor meeting Friday ovonlng. Blblo study Tuesday evening at 1456 Fer ry street. W. N. McCandllsh, pastor. Christian Science. First .Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemekota Btreet. Services; Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjoct of lesson sermen: "Spirit.' Sunday school at 11:45 a m. Tho Wednesday ovenlng meeting la held at 7:30 p. in. Reading room in tho church open each afternoon except Sunday. All aro cordially In vited to attend the services and tho reading room. First Unitarian. Sunday services at 7:30 p, m when Rev. W. O. Elliott, of Port land, will speak. All aro cordially Invited to attend. . o 11m Tcxm Wof, Gurea all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drag Klts, or tire Moath' trateaet by mm for $1. Dr. B. W. Sail, 22S OUT Mr, Ik. Lento, Mil. Sd tor tMtfaMNtM , oM Vf Mom's iw-lrr and ndventuro In a western mining town in tho early days when "Gold" was king. Tho piny abounds in strong dramatic situations nnd pow erful climaxes, all deftly nrrlved nt by lcgltlmnto means with tho nsslst- nnco of merchlncnl effects and stage 'carpentry. Tho story Is full of that olonlont of henrt intorest so neces sary to tho success of a play. It alms to Bottle no social questions, but pre sents n phase of Ufo as It exists, nnd tho picture 1 a truo ono. Good com edy is furnished by tho amusing love affairs of Hollo nnd Joo, also by tho broad comody of Ben Whlto "nlwayo been black." whoso loyalty to Joo through all his vicissitudes form a splendid to tho treachery of Martin Masons. Seats on snlo Monday ut 9 a. m, "UNCLE TOM'S CAI1IN." Lurgo Crowd Witnessed Time-Honored Melodrama last Night. A halt century ngo, whon ono soc tlon of tho nation was at daggor's points with tho other, and anything that caricatured tho pcoplo of ono section was takon with nvldlty by tho othor, tho dramatization of Mrs. Stowo's romarkablo novol, wns con sidered a groat play, and many nctors of somo ability starred In "Undo Tom's Cabin' troupes. But tlmo is n great healer, and tho passing years that have cured tho nation's woundd has loft Its imprint on tho one-tlmo great play. Good actors no longor take tho parts of Lcgreo nnd Undo Tom, and tho personnel of thoso Itin erant troupes Is now mostly mnde up with disgruntled restaurant wait ers. No ono takes Undo Tom seriously now, nnd It Is well. Women nnd children attend the "play," and It is usually to laugh. Tho aggregation that played this at tho Grand Opera Houso last night was at a par with tho common run. Undo Tom acted as ho did In tho palmy days of yore; they had tho blood hounds; Eliza crossed on the Ico just as sho alwnys did, and Little Eva bad that samo old hectic smile. Of course, somo peoplo will still bo found to say that Mrs. Harriet Beechor Stowo's book was an Impor tant factor In bringing about a great fratricidal war a conflict that cost tho nation a million Hvcb and somo will Btlll bo found to say that the least of these lives was worth moro to civilization than all the negroes from tho days of Ham down to tho Brownsville regiment, but, as Rud yard Kipling would say, that Is an other Btory. Many peoplo went to Bee "Undo Tom 'last night, and thoy enjoyed It o Pleasant and Moat Effective. T J. Chambers. Ed. Vindicator, Liberty, Texas, writes Doc. 25, 1902: "With pleasuro and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to tho curative power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I hare used it In my family and can cheerfully affirm It Is tho most ef fective and best remedy for cough and colds I havo over UBed." Sold by D, J, Fry. A Keen Appetite and a healthy stomach indicate an active Liver, which is enjoyed by all who use Bcecham's Pills. They insure strong digestion, sweet breath and sound sleep. No other remedy is as good as Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and SSc. ALL HAVE DESIGNS ON TREASURE Ways and Means Committee Leading: the Strenuu:is Life During tho closing hours of this week's session tho Oregon legislature distinguished itsolf, nt least tho houso did, by adopting Knowlos' resolution providing for nn amend ment to section 28, of nrtlclo 4, of tho state 'constitution, to lucrenso their per diem compensation from $120 to $400 for tho regular session As origlunlly drafted tho resolution called for $500 per session but, true to tho spirit of retrenchment nnd uinngnnlmlty which has predominat ed Uhib far throughout tho session, tho representatives of tho "dear pco plo" finally decided to bo satisfied with $100 loss for tho tlmo bolng nnd olectod to soducc- their domnn'ds to this cxtont. This however, wns not ngrcod upon until nfter n great quantity of condensed logic wns ex pended In the effort on tho part of tho more modost to convert tho boI flsh olomont to tho consorvntlvo way of thinking. Another fenturo which dovolopcd beforo tho closo of tho third weok of tho session whb tho apparently pro domlnnnting deslro on the pnrt of tho stato institutions nnd somo of fta cltizouB to got an extra "dig" Into tho stato'B hoard of troasuro which Is tho bano of oxlstcnco of tho ways and means committees of both branches of tho legislature Prin cipal among tho nppllcnnts for n sllco of tho public funds that appear ed beforo tho wayB and menus com mittco of tho houso woro Jefferson Myers, who put In n claim for $3600 as compensation for his sorvlces ns commissioner for tho Lowls nnd Clnrk fair, at tho rato of $200 por month and two Portland ladles who naked tho committee to lncrcnso tho appropriation for tho Patton homo, from $4000 to $10,000, In ordor to provldo for somo oxtonslvo improve ments nnd additions to tho Institu tion which hnvo been mapped out. It was tho sonso of tho committee, howevor, to keop tho appropriations down to tho lowest mlnlmums and it is doubtful If tho desires of tho ap plicants will bo gratified. Among tho most importnnt actions of tho lcgiBlnturo boforo adjournment yesterday was the adoption of a Joint resolution by tho houso providing for a chnngo of tho tlmo of holding tho regular general election from Juno to November In ordor that tho state and federal elections will cqmo upon tho srtmo day and rcduco tho ex penses of snmc, nnd It Is proposed to hold the munlclpnl olectton upon the samo days to furthor rcduco tho elec tion oxponscs nnd bring nil cam paigns togothor. Tho houso also went on record ns being opposed to cutting down tho number of state normnl schools to two nnd decided to sup port nil of tho present Institutions by ndoptlng tho ndvorse report of tho wnys nnd means commltteo upon the Purely resolution, which wns lndofl nltoly postponed, providing for two normnl schools only. Tho commit too also decided to report favorably upon Vnwtor's bill providing for ono board of regents for all four normnl schools. This ls-n similar inensuro td that of Senator MUlor, of Leba non, which It lina boon decided tb sidetrack. The special committee to rovlso nnd present a now bill ns a substi tute for tho Jones' Wlllnmctto locks bill, nt Oregon City, reported u Bub stltuto mensuro providing for tho appropriation of $300,000 by tho stnto contingent upon tho npproprla Charcoal Stops Gas On Your Stomach Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char coal When Taken in the Form of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Trail Package Sent Free. Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, absorbs 100 times Its own volumo of gas. yhoro docs tho gas go to? It Is just absorbed by tho charcoal,- tho gas disappears and there la left n pure, fresh Bweot ntmosphoro, freo from nil Impurltlos nnd germs. That's what happons In your stom ach whon you tnko ono or two of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, tho most powerful purifiers sclonco has yet discovered. vou belch gas in company, some times, by neddont, greatly to your own humiliation. That Is becauso thcro Is n great amount of gas being formed In your Btomnch by ferment ing food. Your stomach is not di gesting your food properly. Gas l.i tlon of n liko amount by congress for . Inovltnblo. Whenever 4hls happons, tho building of now looks or con-' Jst tnko ono or two of Stunrt's Char domnntlon nnd purchnso of tho pros- coal Lozenges right after entlng, nnd ont ono from tho Portland aonornl'yo" will bo sunn-Wed how quickly Electric company. Tho legislature, almost ns a body, thoy will net. No more bolehlngs: no moro sour rlslncs. Eat all you of Representative Carter, of Ronton o V You notlco tho dlfferonco In your np putlto, gonornl good fooling, nnd in ,'OTKItS AT SCHOOL ELECTIONS tlio nurlly of your blood, right away. i You'll havo no moro bad tasto In Attorney General Hiiyn Such Voters Must Have Ansehsed Property. your mouth or bad breath, either from drinking, eating or smoking Other peoplo will notlco your bail breath quicker than you will your tho question wns recently put to Helf. Mako your breath pure, fresh Suporlntondont of Schools Acker- nnd swoot, so whon you talk to others man It n person could voto nt n school election if his proporty wns assessed In another person's name. Mr. Ackormnn has Issued a circular to tho county superintendents in which ho quotes tho following from a rccont opinion oti tho supremo ceurt: "Tho contention that tho statute Is satisfied if tho person offering to voto in fact owns proporty which is listed on tho nsBossmont roll, al though It may havo boon nssossod in you won't disgust thhm. Just ono or two Stuart Chnrcoal Lozongcs will make your breath swoot, and mako you fool bettor all ovor for it. You can cat nil tho onloim nnd odorous foods you want, and no ono can tolt tho difference. ncsldos, charcoal la tho best Ihxa tlvo known, You can take a wholo boxful and no hnrm will result. It Ih n wonderfully cnBy regulator. And thon, too. It filters your blood, ovory pnrtlclo of poison or Impur ity In your blood la destroy oil, and tho name of another. Is without yo ,)0R,n (o notco lho ,1fforon(.0 , uiurii. i uu rumiuuiiiuiiL ih mut iiu vn,, t,.n n..i must havo proporty 'as shown by the Inst county nssosscont.' Tho owner ship of tho proporty must npponr from tho assossmont and ennnot bo shown by ovtrlnslo ovldnoco." o Sermon on Noblo Life. Rov. Geo. Englo will deliver nn oulogy on tho Ufo of tho lato Rov. II. Losnor Sunday morning nt 10:30 n. m.. In tho Gorman Evangollcnl church, at tho corner of Fourteenth nnd Center streots. Rov. Mr. LoHBiior hns given tho host part of his life to tho work of holplng others, has lived a Ufo Of do- thing your clone- complexion. Stunrt's Chnrcoal Lozenges ant mndo from puro willow charcoal, nnd Just n llttlo honey la put In to mako thorn palatable, but not too Bwoot. Thoy will work wonders In your ntomauh, nnd mako you fool lino nnd froBh. Your blood nnd bronth will bo purified. Wo want to prove all thU to your ho Just Bend for n froo Rnmplo today. Thon nfter you got It nnd usn it, you will liko thorn ho well that you will r to your druggist and get n 2G cont box of theso Stuart's Chnrcoal Lo,-onges. Scud us your name nnd nddress to- votlon to tho lowly Nnzarlno, and hns led many Into tho sunshine of ChrU-; day and wo will nt onco sond you by tlnnity. Tho funornl BervlceB will bo I innll n camplo pnekngo freo. AddroBS hold Sunday at 3:15 p. m. from the IF. A. Stunrt Co.. 54 Stuart Bldg , church. ' Marflhnll, Mich. M( Mf I Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes i WILL SAVE YOUR HEALTH ANY DEALER CAN SELL SHOES, HUT NO OTHER SALEM DEALER CAN SELL DR. REED'S CUSH ION SOLES SHOES, AS THEY IIAVKNT GOT THE SHOES. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS WORLD CELEBRATED SHOE IN SALEM, AND JUST RECEIVED A DIG SHIPMENT 1HGHT FROM THE FAC TORY, HENCE WE CAN GIVE YOU ROOK HOTTOM PRICES, SAVING ALL JIIDDLEMEN'S PItOFTH. WHY THEY ARE BETTER A THICK CUSHION OF FELT COVERED 1IY SOFT LEATHER, MAKES A SOFJ LUXURIOUS f NESTING PLACE' FOR THE FOOT. THE SHOES ARE WELL MADE, HUT ANY DAMPNESS WHICH MIGHT PENETRATE, IS ABSORBED I1Y THE FELT, IA3AVINQ THE FOOT WAR.M AND COMFORT. Z ABLE. RESIDES THE CUSHION SOLE ACTS AS A SPRING, GIVING ELASTICITY TO THE STEP, AND AVOIDING HEAVY JAR ON THE SPINE. IT IS THE ONLY HEALTHY AND THE ONLY COMFORTABLE SHOE. CALL AND SEE THEM E. L. IRVIN & CO. Practical Stamen. Expert Rep4rwf 0r Specialty I IIIIIIIIIHIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIHHIItlHltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM after adjournment dopnrtod on n spo-! wnm and what you want, and thon call train provided for tholr convon- K thoro Ih ntiy gns going to bo form- ionco for Corvnllls to nccont tho In- cd, ono of theso wonderful llttlo nb- vltatlon of tho bonrd of rcgonts.of sorbors, a Stunrt Charcoal Lozongc, tho ngrlculturnl collogo to visit thnt ! will tnko caro of all tho gnB. Institution. This 1b n custom thnt' And It will do moro than that, Is followed nnnunlly and tho occasion Hvory particle of- Impurity hi your is uiwn) iiiuuu a Kiiui uno uy mu i;m- " ...... ....v.. ....., ... cv....n - zonB of Corvnllls nnd tho oluclnls enrriod nwuy by the chnrcoal. No one nnd students of tho college Tho "opiub to Know why it docs this, but trnin wns furnlBliod nt tho ronucBt t does nnd docs It wonderfully. - . ..... I t