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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1907)
S-"- "rmm swim i - , JOURNAL, SALKM, ORMGON, ,mt,AY. FEimUARY S, IDOr. DAILY OAPIXAI CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGEj i t&fc N fx 14 IP '" '( . ft HOFER BROS., Pm " Proprietor. MIJB JOURNAL BTANP8 FOR PRO GRESB, DEVELOPMENT, OOVEHN5IENT. AN!) NO DEOKADEI) LAHOH. GOOD A KIND WORD FOR JONATHAN' HOUR.VH. It is easy to say kind things for the man who Is successful. To any tlio least, and with no design to offend nnyono Jonathan Bourne's" pIcturoB WILL REMAIN HANGING ON THE WALLS FOR feKMU TIME IN OREGON. A gront ninny peoplo find got ready to tear thorn down, not because thoy hod anything against him, hut hecniuo thuy were told ho would tiaror bo mado United States sonator. It Is true ho was n froo.colnage-or-sllvornnd-gold-nt-thoTatlo- -of- -slx-tcon-lo-one, WHICH WAH VOTKD AN ARO.MINATION. Ho managed tho freo sllvor campaign In 180C for tho three-barrelled, blmolnlllc, bltullchlp Uryan-Wntson ticket. II tho Republicans hadn't voted oceans of repeaters, hauling thorn by trnlnloads Into tho stnto and tip and down tho stnto to voto thorn at nny old plnco, AND KTEAMHOAT LOADH, UK WOULD HAVE CARRIER OKKGON FOR HRVAN. ' But those good old days aro past and gone, and wlthont retracting a single ono of tho 312 grains of sliver It then was believed would mnko A dollar, ho Is now tho Republican U. B. sonator for Orogon by tho graco of Mr. U'Ron and tho direct primary law. On top of all his political activities, and Mr. Hourno Is tho Boul of novcr-rostlng activity, Mr. llourno l at heart a mini of ability AND EVERLASTINGLY FIXER AND FIRM INTENTIONS. Iloforo getting Into high offlco ho had tho roputatlou of being A 8TAYEH- A MAN WHO NEVER AHANRONED A FRIEND whother ho was burned out of homo and business over night, or changed his par ty affiliations ovor n llttlo thnttor llko devotion to fiindamontnl financial principles. That reputation Mr. Hourno still possesses untarnished. Hut how ho will stand tho wear and tear of practical politics, tho pull and haul or those who want offlco, no mnn knowoth. It Is not bollcved thnt ho will be lacking In pollcal sagacity or general WELL-DEFINED IIOHHK SENSE AND COMMERCIAL RIPI.OMAOY. Vou won't find him selling out to tho Rockofollor crowd, OR ANY OTHER CROWD OF THAT CHARACTER. Mr nnuruo'M sympathies nro with tho common peoplo, tho farmorH, tho laborers, thu under dog In tho right gonornlly. As an employer of Inbor lie hnn had gront oxporlouco nil tho way from being tho president of u cotton mill ut Fall River, Mass., TO GRUIl HTAKING A MINER WITH A HACK OF REANK AND flACON. Tho llourno cotton mills of Massachusetts wore ono of tho first It not tho very tlrst to establish proilt-shuring with tho omployos. Next sununor for tho first time nil tho hands will recolvo a two.wook vncatlon on half pay, a Christmas present front tho president, Senator llourno. That kind of1 ait United Htutes sonutor will bo appreciated by all the people of Oregon, rich and poor, and mlddlO'Slzcd plutoornts, O " ' PRIISIRENT ROOSEVEIt' IS SIMPLY URVAN IN OFFICE. tho Normal Schools, and iienco wo are not dependent on any grafts what- (Bncrmuettto Hon, Hop.) It Is certainly to laugh nt tho antics of some Republican organs In con trasting Roosevelt and llryau. For Instance, ono ,)apor the other day had two udltorlals In adjoining columns, one lauding Hoosovoll to thu uklus, another snoorlng at llryau ns a "has boun." In ono editorial, tho ground was taken thnt Roosevelt should bo for given whatever mistake ho might have mnde or might make, bdoause his purpose was to do right and ho had really uouonipllshod so muoh good. The other wnved Ilrynn away bt'Ottiuo ho "stood for Mr. Hearst" and Is now "lit favor of government ownorshlp." Tho organ of course put eaoh down as n fault, although the latter Is unmistakably a virtus. If ltniwevell is to ht laud! and akamnlnusjd for the good he hut doite, while nil his faults are forgiven, why not grunt the mine Jutttoe to Dry' nn7 For, what It Hnoserelt today but Uryttn In ollloe under another uniite? Laughable, U HT Let tit enquire Into thai: Years ago, Ilrynn advocated a federal Imiomo tax; Roosevelt as Preel dont now reeommuud It. Year ago. Ilrynn advocated publlolty ut campaign contributions and expenditures and n law forbidding corporation utjiitrUmtlons to nny polUU Cat partyi President Roosevelt recommends the sumo thing to congress. Year ago. Ilrynn urged the enforcement of the orlntlnnl oluuso of tho Sherman law against trusts; read President Haosevult's Inst genurnl mes sage bit thnt sutijyot, Years ago, llryau endorsed the licensing of eorporntluns; President Roosevelt Is In favor of controlling cornnratlnni liv a ftxlornl linemui law. "or In other fashion." Years ago, Hryn tippo! gwvrttmunt by Injunctions President Rooso vR deeUm Ittjunetlnus. m too freely in labor disputes, and would ro quire Judge to give due nptlee to the nderse panties before granting a Yar agu. llryau favored ait elght-hottr law; President UoosoveU rec ommends It In h message. Year ago, Nryan advocated eontuuUory erbltmllun of labor disputes, but not ixtntputiory newpUnco of the 'finding! President' Itoose velt urgw the appointment of fNUral eontmUsian of Invettlcatlun aud conollla tlon to deal ViltU strikes. Yr ago, Hryan Insisted that the Anterlvan navy should not be cm ployrd In the collection ot private 4bt; lrldent Hoooelt deprocatee such use or tho navy and Is In moral sympathy with the resolution adopt tfd at the Ulo onfreifes recommending that the question be submitted to A wind iww xifvrnc at Tho Hagne. Ywr ago, when tho supreme court reversed Itself on tho Income tax, llrjan a very sever ou the proposition that untrustworthy and trust owned judges were not nlnne erltleUm foe which he was bitterly assail ed by the organs uow supporting Roosevelt In everything; In a recent wesMga, Preldent ooevelt is very eausllo on cottrU who deeide glnst the mple ami reader good lav. inertectlve on teohuloalltlve. ami his laHguage U at strong as anything Jlrytin ever used. Jloatt B)e he favors governmeut uwnwshlp ot railroads if gavern tUfBt regulation will uot work; President Roosevelt says ho ihlnks gov watueni regulation wilt eventually win but. It it does net the naMon will haw to go to government ownership. Tfaeee fw puluta amen m,,y r refeeUuy ded(Mtd to tkese hlde.beud but blind Repuullea organs whieh are waitauUi lauding Itoosevwlt hh4 eeattRually aneeriug at lirya. ---. o i I... AN UNRKASONAHLK QIUKT. SoBie of tbe grafts twrferd the legislature have a little nor. a little scute ad a little JustlSeatleu, Hut the operation of the Nwwal SsJmmiI u the han.U.up nUn. it out Ude the pate ot raiou. The alitor of thl mfm 1 tWrfrst.mM wan alt kinds t iUlicat death M HIJ 1H1RH NOT HTAMI IN wlt i(te liwH higkr edufratlon mw Tke Cbju uverkxjke th faet tkat Te Capital Journal tuake4 its Ihl mWV 0W TNK 11U: WHO PAY THU HILLS, Ueludlas cvor Two yearn ago The Capital Journal and ether friend. .of htehor -rtucj tlon FAVORED THU RILL TO PUT THE WHOLE 'OLV"'J HVHTE.M UNDER ONE HOARD OF REflENTS, on a bualneBS basis and connie them to professional courses cf study, which the state badly needs Tho Normal School push could not oppose that bill openly in me house, because Mr. Vawtor, chairman of the ways and means committee, was tho father of th rofnrm bill. Fo tnuy let It go tnrougu tho house without oP5oBon'',fltf k,"C.frJ In tho sennto, where the wholo combination FOUGHT A RILL IHLi DARED NOT OPPOSE OPENLY. Having defeated all efforta to put their schools on n business footing, and contlno them to their logltlmnto sphere of educational work, they are entitled to very llttlo consideration at tho hands of honest people. Wo copy and ondorso tho following editorial from tho Portland Jour nal, nnd ask all citizens to watch tho coUrso of this legislature on this Important matter: A problom for tho gentlemen nt Saloni to consldor with profound con corn Is tho normal school anomaly., Oregon Iiob per capita four times as ninny normals ns is the averago in tho country. Two states in the Union, Dolawnre and Novnda, havo nono NORMAL COURSES HEINO GIVEN IN THEHt STATE COLLEGES. Elovon states have but ono, among them Colorado, Utah, South Caro Una, Montana, Tonncaseo nnd Nebraska, some of theso states having bov orul times tho population ot Oregon. Wo havo as many normalB ns California, and California's population Is thrco times as great. Wo have as many ns Missouri, with a population six times ours, us many .IS IOWA WITH A POPULATION FIVE TIMES OURS as many as Ohio with moro than eight times our population, and lack but ono of having as many ns Illinois with a population ton times ours. Wo havo ono moro normnl than Michigan, nnd Michigan has bIx times as many people. Wo havo ono moro than Clcorgla and Kentucky, nnd each has fivo times our population. Now York lias four times ns many normals, but eighteen times ns many Inhabitants. Wo havo four times as many normals ns Kansas, but Knnsns has nearly four tlmos as many people. . Indiana has bIx tlmos nB ninny pcoplo ns wo have, HUT WE HAVE TWICE AS MANY NORMAL SCHOOLS. As tho llguros show, wo nro nor-mnl-rlddon, and still building. What wo havo dono has been bo ovordone as to bo nbsurd. Institutions havo been created and appropriations given without re gard to fltnoBS or necosslty, until wo havo passed fur beyond tho bounds of reason. It Is but a fow yonrs ngo thnt tho president ot Monmouth collogo knocked at tho door or tho loglelnturo and bogged tor thnt Institution to bo given tho uuuio "Orogon Stnto Norma School," declaring thnt no ap propriation wns wnnted, thnt USE OF THE STATE NAME WAS ALL THAT WAS DESIRED. Tho leglslnturo consented, nnd that was tho boglnnlng. Now tho domnuds of tho Oregon Stnto Normal, then created, and of the three similar Institutions, approach $300,000. When will It bo n million? Can tho gentlemen at Salem mnkonnswer? METOER SCARED THE POLE Afraid it Would Bring: Bad Luck and He Filled Up the Hole (Albany. Herald.) To toad about the Imminent nos- slhlllty of Mount Hood becoming an uotlvo olcnuo, and then to be almost tumbled out or bed by n terrific shook; to reel tho limine In which you were, tremble violently, nnd hour tho crash or railing orockory, would Jur the nervoe or the bravest mnn: yet suoh wns tho oxporlouco that lie- toll u Polander rosldlng on what Is Dyspepsia Don't think you csn cure your dyipepita In 'any other way than by strengthening and toning your stomach. Tbst Is weak and Inespable ot performing Its function, probably became yon hTO Impoeod upon It In ouo way or another orer and over again. You should take Hood's SarstptriUa It strengthen! and tonei the etomacb, end penuMtently ,, ayip,.p,a atMl all stomach trouble. Accept no substitute. Is Yoiir Money Idle ? . IT HAS AN EARNING POWER THAT IS TOO VALl'AllLK TO UIKH. DEPOSIT IX OUR SAVINGS RHPAHTMRVT WHHRH IT Wll.fc EARN THREE PER CKXT !. TH11KMT, AND RK AVAILAULK WHEN WANTED. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE CAN RE MADE AT ANY TIME. Sartags Dtpartajtat known ns tho old Douglas placo, six miles oast ot this olty, lust Sunday night. The (llsturbunco which frightonod this lone resident, wns not caused by the oruptlon ot Mount Hood, but by tin rnlllng or a hugo motoor In tho garden hardly lirty reot dlstnnt trotn the house wheroin he slept. Tho rone nlth which the heavenly visi tor struck the ground was so great thnt the i-arth wan shaken tor n dls- tnnra or threw miles aud more. The sound Is daecrlhed by those who heard It, us like that or a connon'a rert. The Polander, upon whose land tho meteor re, wns terrtnod groutly, ns ho had been roudlng about tho vol canic origin of Mount Hood but a tow mlnutoa bororo tho motoor roll. Ho had Just retired tor tho night, when tho great stono crushed Into tho onrth noar tho houso. He nt onco thought Mount Hood was In oruptlon and uccordlng to the title which he Inter related to John Ilurkhnrt, u nolghbor. Immediately rushed forth from the house, whoro ho wandered nrounu until day hronk. Ho dlscov ored a large hole In tho earth In the garden, perhaps IB feot across. At the bottom was an Immonso stone. Torrlflod at what he bolloved was a sign of III luck, the Polander 11111 the hole with earth, covering the me teor from sight. The hole tuade by the meteor was ubout ten fet dep Mond the story or his strunge exl porlence was told to John Ilurkhart and Charles l.uoht. nolghbors, who at one vued the old Douglas tartn mi w mo piaco that had been All. p oy mo owner of th, i.j (Hi Heallslng that a meteor or such larKe ixe would prove a valuable acquisi tion. Mr. Ilurkhart and Mr. Lucht bought the stone trom the S! .he land, and have secured his writ ten permission to remove the stono whenever they wUh. At nrM- ,k! eor la tho grouud aa it i8, but m later decide to 0ve . Mr. n"ri. hart tld yesterday that tho Jar oc oasloH! by the fa,u8g 8,ona C hoard by him. The w-u.r W twenty m.nutee ,t B09, p. cording to Mr. Ilurkhart. who had glaneed at hit wateh kW.l. aU to hearing tho sound. ikCH M.nl0 who 00 milk tor the Haxelwood Mm. " lor Portland in thl, vicing Ztl most ot tho milk whi. T. . t?.at ZV'ttT1 ' "onZ Z , V, Bajawnt where the meteor fell, was refuse ,- ir crwmery people on its .rrn. .! WHsWsSBBiSBBBSBSlSBeiee" I p - tfPJNCTsiS J.A-Folger&C95 Oopfite j A KrInf-l F) t NO ADULTERATION . v Pure Cream Tartar and , 'Pure Bicarhonate Soa Only ISOLD on .MERIT J. A.Folger&Co.snF.i i iliellHIHIHHIIIWWIMMsWHHHMHiHtoj, TAXPAYERS ANTI-GRAFT PROGRAM Advocated by the Capital Journal in the Campaign and Still Good. 1. HOLD ALL NECESSARY APPROPRIATIONS DOWjl TO THE LOWEST LIMIT. il 2. NO SQUANDERING OP MONEY ON USELESS CLEES SHIPS AND INVESTIGATIONS. fl. NO NEW COMMISSIONS OR INCREASED SAMIMES. I. SUPPORT CHOICE OP PEOPLE FOR U. S. 8EXAT0II 5. AROLISH ALL RUT ONE NOIULVL SCHOOL AM) ( PINE TO PROPESSIONAL WORK. . ENACT INDIRECT TAXATION LAWS AND A1J0L DIRECT STATE TAX. H 7. CUT OUT EVERY DOLLAR OP GRAFT IN XIinSTM GOVERNMENT. It Is n well known fact that milk will sour it subjected to nny sudden Jar, such ns occurs during a scvoro thunder storm, and tho theory Is ad vanced that the violent tremor ot tho earth which wus occasioned when tho meteor toll, produced u similar offect n How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Ro wnrd ror nny enso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hnll's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Wo, tho tindorBlgnod, havo known P. J. Cheney tor tho lust 15 years, nnd boliovo him portoctly honorablo In all buslnoss transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Curo Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous aurtacos or tho system. Testimonials sent freo. Prlco 75 cents por bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tako Hnll'a Family Pills for con stipation. o EUGENE COLLEGE ATHLETIC. Question of Giving Gold Footballs to Mt'inbors of Football Team Drought Up Student Rody Refufces to Voto Money for tlwt Purpojo. Eugene, Fob. 2. .(Special.) Tho Student bodV of thn ui i a red hot mcetlm- vhn k ..., of giving gold rootballs to tho mom bors of the football team was brought before tho students. Tho athletic council recommended that fourteen man Ka t... it . . ...... u bun mo goia emblem nnd the oxocutlve council that only senior mombers bo nronntui .i,i. i. ,...- gold sphorolds. An attempt was first made to rush a motion to givo the emblems to all or tho rourteen men. but it was downed by the student hody refusing to givo any money to- "UUM uoioaus at all. Then a committee was appointed for popu lar subscriptions, which will probably bo successtul. Professor" Hammack. tho yell eoder. was tendered by tho student body a sweater with an "O" and a megaphono on the inside tor bis ser- th- .i Vlar motlon t0 Present the glee ciuh .uk !.... . .. flnnnclnl condition of the i body wns noxt taken up. Th!" showed thnt enro would bitei used to mnko ends hiecti. o -j Vlntr... Iili( IlptlU. i Thoro is much uneatlsei nmong tho farmers lest ti freezing wenthor has mstcrW1 Jurod tho grnln. Mngglo Lorenco Is quite IcM tho lnrant son or Andrew FU& Tho woddlng danco at Att W. hnll last Friday night vul nttended and a Jolly good tl1 hnd by nil who wero there.)- bride, Mlsa Lucy Rogers, U m our most popular young Wl Tm T lnli la Atnlnlv trt b4 fiSI moutcd unnn his choice t It Is always tho gun that inl od that is sure to go off and KSi ono nnd tho doga that areal at nights nro gonerally proJ tho ono that kills the sbWP appeared when a neljhbortJ which woro nlwavs tied ' went over to John King HI Slaivsl's and killed a ns ahecn for each. Tho dogs . killed by Mr. Slagcl and the m which was nssessed aboot nald by tholr owner. Capl flvo shcop for L. C. Grlflth Ml ilr,tnv '. m... ,....- r,. erhnflllM' ine vicior ruiut "" j for a threo weeks' vacatloa. H Tho open .meeting ot S r.r.i nr. tua. ieh inst.. "' nnrtilAr1 anri irnfl hOth S ' financial success. About J j rpntlro frnm the Sale Of t' tvhl.K rnfllAll Off AC S of nrticlea from the fish PfU ntillta ivnrA wnn bV Mr S' bort Mulkoy, of SllvereU ' Rut every body can t oa t tho nrHcles sent to the SS' Annonl hv MntthOW Gib9 thft nvtramn omftllneSS Of His assertion, that Toot tho quilt and was cheat" was wholly untrue as statement ho sent to tbe i .i il... . .nfucM to IN Jau luuw " ."r; ....! witness out of tno - M rnllnhln nnoa." which BO have proves that tho vto1 a falsehood. , . nnrn BJ Ttra T.AVATIVH B Tatilali rtrntrclsta re! Portland, having: become touf it falla to cure. K. W, sigature om ech ttr. 77 ,UUQ mocKing- birds of gold Waa ajso defeated. Tho