mmiwr tf r$ Sk ; t f ff DAttT rtTAL JOtftNAL, BAI jEM, OREGOFRIDAVgi: Wfon the Hair Falls t L u nRffr?Li j Stop it! And why not? Fall ing hair is a disease, a regular germ disease; and Avers Hair Vigor J NEW IMPROVED FORMULA quickly and completely destroys these germs. Inc nair scops falling out, grows more rapidly, and dandruff disappears. An entirely new preparation. The New Kind Docs not change the color of the hair IT. C. AYER CO., Msnuftcturlng Chcmhti, Lowell, benefit of tho puttie. The m n n how thnt was given "-uu"; in WMpu.Wot theprjon Monday nlcht borore tho inmates A Voluntary contribution w taken up Wednesday evening and $78 was realized. This monoy Roes Into tho fund the convicts raised to purchase a piano and for music and such ihlnxii Tho piano In tiso at the prl 'n Purchased by tho convict, and Is moro than two thirds paid .- rrh,.., wn met all tho payments. There haB novor been an appropria tion for things of thlH Kinu. ThoBsands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out- MKSEl thug indicates an unhealthy con dition of the kid iievs; if it stain Watcr and leti rrrti VH-zrar 1 1 JUlf Pkft vour linen it evidence of kid ney trouble ; too freUeiii desire . Tl. , . . I k. ruiuiiiuuc Uld T Incubator BSBBBTnaBsV khZ- KE'tockTs nrm MEATS ARE . . - I.MnnvC . incinK prpo Um .,- Mm. PLEA FOR SMALLER LINES C, and E. Contends That Railroads Should Be Clas sified as to Demurrage "If llio propowil riillrttiiil Iritis IMIoit It Clllll-tHl hi lit prt'Miut form, oho of two tlilim "HI Imp pni) tho CiimilllN A Hnstoni will lutvo to Umiiy ln lumber off nt thu terminals iiikI tutu tho empty car Imrk to tho mill" or tho saw mills nlonu it lli must k out of IiuIihW--J. K. Wtwithcrfonl. A pica for tho smaller rnllronds wm mndo Innt night hoforo tho Joint rRllroatl coiniulttoo In tho nonnto chamber by Attorney J. K. Wenthor ford, of Albany, roprosonlliiK tho Corvallls & Knstorn railroad, Mr. Woathorford said Ills pooplc will not seriously object to tho pro posed bill If It U chanced In ono particular. Ho docs not bolluvo It In just and oqullablo to havo tho law on domurriiRu atlply to short Unci operating within tho state whuro cars nro dumatidcd for transcontinental or Ioiik hniili. Ho oiplnlnrd thnt his line posse ul about 100 freight ears and imiml Jy those were ample to carry on aP tho looal tratno Including tho Iok KliitC. There woro three ur four lartio mills nlonx tho lino of road At iirtmiMtt they uhtaln their cam fo idilpiimnts of ltimlur lo KSH1U ! LL.1 -SSL!" polnlB from tho blir railroads an J thoBo como Into tho C. & B. country omtpy. Tho mills shipped out from 10 to 15 cars dally. Mr. "Woathorford wont on to sny that umlor tho provisions of tho pro potted bill, tho mlllB could demnnd this numbor of enra from tho C. & K. In wlilch to ship lumber to ChlonK" or Now OrloanB and within n week tho road would bo atrlppod of Its rolling stock. H said It would re quire moro oars to opornlo and euro for tho forelBii shipments of lumlivr than tho roail will sell for today. Ho said that th road would be forced to unload all the lumber at Albany ur other terminals polnta and forco tho mills to pay for reloading or tho mills would havo to o out of Inislnotw and move to the tormlnal towns. In this way mioli places a Albany would bo built up while tho small mill towns along tho lino would bo ruined. Mr. Woathorford said that If the hill Is n in end oil olnsxlfylng tho roads and not favoring tho linos of tho smaller class to furnish cars to go out of their own Immediate territory, his road would not opposo It. no Raid ho bollovod this provision would ho constitutional and offered to pro paro n written brief on Its constitu tionality. Tho atatomont of Mr. Woathorford concludes tho taking of testimony bj tho committee and onrly next week, tho sonators and representatives ho llovo thoy will bo ready to report the hill to tho legislature for action. Another meeting of tho oommlttoe Is expected to bo hold Monday night. To tho Inumtt'H l'it-ftt. Many people do not understand that all tho entertainments that nro glvon nt tho atnto prison nro wIOkmm od first by tho Inmates and that a ro- nuUMoip'MUoii of tho allow Is given for the HTKT80S8' :I3,000 VSOhli TOM. Legislature Will Attend In a Hotly If They Are In Town. With what aro claimed to bo tho most beautiful stago sottlnBs and pictures ovor shown In this state, the Stetson revival of "Uncle Toms . immI tt Mil Cabin," that lamous cibio " American stage, comes to the Grand opera hous on Friday evening, Fob 1. The play has been on In every section of tills county and In almoat every vlllaco of tho north, oast nnd weet. It line had and haa retalnod b popularity never equalled nnd ne"er known by any other play and now come In the best nnd most complete setting over made for It. and Is played by'n compnny of moro thnn CO por sons. of whom 25 aro Southern dark les, whoso harmonious volcos blond In tho old plantation melodlos and the old southern slavo songs that long ago touched tho heart of a. nn tlon, making an offoctlvonoss and roHllam never before known In "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Tho compnny la said to bo fullv worthy the elaborate scenic settings of the piny. Ha members have been especially selected for their experi ence In life parts assigned them and from their adaptability to the chnr actera. The result hna boon n rarely harmonious whole, It Is claimed, and has done much to add to tho effec tiveness of the production. The scenery has been painted specially for this 135,000 rovlvnt nnd Includos a number of handsome sconos repro duced from photographs of tho local ities mentlonod In tho book, iib thoy woro In tho tlmo whon'tho groat au thorosB first wrote tho story, more than fifty yonrs ngo. 8omo of the most notnblo of those Bconos nro tho "Suwnnoo Hlvor" by moonlight, tho rnttonllelds In full bloom, tho Ohio river In wlntor nnd tho osoapo of Kllio, carrying hor child across the Hunting Ice, tho hncky pass In which Oeorgo Harris mndo his stand ugnlust tho men pursuing hi m and protects lila family; thu St. Clair home, tho levoo at Now OrloanB, showing a slavo auction; Legruo's plantation, and lastly, tho beautiful transforma tion scene, showing Hvu'h asconslon to tho cehwtlal city. Tho play has long since beou public property and has been played by many poor com panies until the publlu has come to reoognlse the fact thnt none but Mnn tiger Washburn has the one great un oqualleri organisation, and thnt Is why his production always brings the thwtter going crowd. The Stet son production Is Judicially consider ed an em In the history of Harriet Ileeoher Stuwe'a great nova!. ISerart of order, . TE" "." knowledge so There is conwo. . . - Kii)Cr's often Swsuip fulfills everv tht Dr. axpressem i.(,itlf.v remedy, .hlnrl.un.atlsni. c,. , ..-- ,.. ii.-r. niauuui P1," iM lv mrt oi ; I ruriiuiryS5aKc sud every 1 to . in nfrneuiiiQV'i .liver, bladder .-- - .,, iitar iiiiiiiuucwt 'v" ofb1 h compel d 'to go often E5 1 ?L .w. and1 to get up .naiiy atcr Imd or rink the day, .ml to ft --j times during the night. " "L Hoot Jh"x,i";Bry I BUiuls the highest i, soon realtseu. " ynok that lens -jLZUfiZZtl nlKiutll,U"v?-""'"-Kart:iSiitrUW"uw . . I A .1, lilfiO (If. Ul (P'1TT. by man. imw-'" tsswejiv Kihner ft to., iiiiig i..,i,if,n. N. Y. When ALWAYS TIIE BEST. For wo tako especial caro to buy none but tho best, and our cuatomoro can always depend upon getting tho best In tho market at right prices when they buy at our mnrkot B. O. CHOSS, State Street Market Phono 291 Home of Bwunp-Hoot . ,. t --...- rtw1 flnti't writing mention tins pupv ;:,; mako any mistske. but remember the SI. Dr. Kilmer'. Swainp-Root, and theaddrees, llinghanitott, N. . 3CteMe95 SAMvM 1'NDKKTAKIXO 1AUIX)HS e " S A complete Block of up-to-date funeral suppllos. Nowost methods omployed, nnd best wirvlce offered. Our rntoa aro reasonable, and wo havo had long oxperlence. Tho public 5 Invited to Inspect our parlors 2 and learn our mnnner of btiBl- J noes. J. W. HOLLEN, Mgr. S ttWIIMWMsmeM On the Stool of Repentance The OLD TRUSTY lncnw uiu uuw uiuenng on their fo, season. Thoy havo made a record i uii,u iiur cunt Hatching thy hovui uutu t-quaieu. Mo,, iiiuui ouiu uuring laoc thin omcr uranu. Aiinougn very modern j,...v., v..v ...4,ui una con nun uicvi iuu most exacting uuuuiui uuiiairucilun. Qnnnlnl nrlAno in Ai. .. ,,..w.. p.v iu ciuse tte jjj mouci oui; 100 egg incubator .... 200 egg Incubator Tho now model will soon t,i nnu is wunout uouot theflnejn cuoaior over ottered on thai ket. Romomber the above prl arc tor present stock. WHITE &S0N Feedrnen nnd Soedmen. Poultry and Bee Supply 1 i'nono ico. jl 255 Commercial Street. rOH JOIST AND FIX)ORlNa Tho best place to buy Ib whoro the host stock of lumber Is carried. Tho entlro building trndo know that thoro Is not n finer stock of lumbor thnn thnt carried by ub. Wo are" ready to fill tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't keop tho build er waiting. Thnt's a very Important point. Near S. P. passongor depot GOODALE LUMHHK CO. Phono C2 Main. vHNBRHHHsHbHBH Tka Kind You Havo Ahvny ltottiiliti nm which hiw htnm In ttso Air over IIO yenm, liurt borne, thu hlgimttiro of iiiul Iium lieou iiuulo iimUir hlH icr- HimuliMervllou nlneo ItKlnftincy. All m v no one to tlmlvo you lit thla. All OouHterAslttt, Imltntlon. nml " Just-na-mMut" nr- hub JKxxrimHU thui trlllo vlth mul omhiugor tho he a of iMAUut. hm1 Chllilnjn-KxiKirloiico ngitliiht Kxiwr) ciiU What is C ASTORIA ObwtorU U i linnulosa .uhstttuto Air Ciwtor Oil, lhu--Kwle, Drops uml Houthlnjf Byrupi. It In riesmit. It ttmtulurt neither Otihuti, Morphluo nor otlmr Xurcotla tHibstHiu It. uko I. iU inMruutvo. It riodtroyii Wurtus inil Hlhiy. VovorUhuMH It cHrv. Dlurrhwu Hiul Whul Outc It relieves TeothliiK Tmiihtt, vitro CoimtlrMitlou 4i FlutuleHcy. It UANlutlhiUvi tho lVuxl, rvgiilattv tho Uv uiuuh mul Itowcls, untngr lionllhynud natiiml alvtii. V V CUlhlrcu' I'jtuHccrt- Vho Jlothor'. 1'rlcmU K.VMHE CASTORIA ALWAYS yy JDoaru iu Slgnaturo of '.v 'tcucJ&ti T&e k!iiu You Haye Always Bougfet In Ut For Over 30 Yr. I , rr Mjut ouit. ufm err. Cripple Creek .Meiulay. "At Cripple Crek." a play of gen nine value and simple, homely qual ities, that are at oaew elevating and uplifting, will he perewnted at the tlraml opera houee Moaday, Keltru ary 4. ThU piece Is the beat work of Hal Held, a noted playwright, and has been uruiiounewd Uy leading irltla. U he Mr. HeUl'a maalerplete, and also the straaxeat aad moet In terwtlag tHtrtrayal or life in the HnektM that has been given to oar taf. It Is climatically hnadUnl: the motive are eleverly blended ami the heart Intereet U eHthralllng. The nteee watulna many seetiee of tiulret beaMty; aWonnd In whole some eowwly ami la replete with Btrlklng Wi aad stirring situs tlQiis. A oar load of handsome and elaborate seeaery Is crriU for this production aad eaek of the four neti aro sinned In the most elaborate ami complete Pinaster, tha third aet In pnrtloular hetag the moat complicated and heaviest ever provided fee a drama to be taken oh toar. Walvo Hlghc Hour Day. Chicago. tjb. 1. The eaglneers on t)i estrn railroads have trad el an olght hour work day for a 10 per Mat (?3.6Q.0 incrMM in wages to take ffeot today About J7.Q60 men operating locomottvi anil 33 roads will profit by tli agree Hat oatret Into between the com mittees, wfalah wero In coaftrnce for thro woeks. With the advance girn to the swltohmon a month ago tho railroad roriHirations now have add hI approximately $10,600,000 to tholr annual pay rolls. This will not b tha end, ltowvr. for today rep rntatlv of &0.000 conductors and other trainmen will rtaev their wqutwta for substaatui Increases running Into tho millions .. Is whoro n mnn finds himself that takes his linen to any laundry but tho Salem Steam Laundry. It your consolonco don't prick, your collars und cuffs may and mako you appro elate tho smooth -dgos. soft button holes and exquisite color and finish that you onn always rely on getting nt the Snlem Stoum Laundry, nt low prices. HALKM BTKAM LAUNDRY, Phono t!3. JiKI-Kltl S. Liberty St. H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants In tho u..- it all times tor dried produce of all Special .ur sale a tew apple par ing aim siloing machines; eqnlpmont for a largo dryer: will make a low price. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Cemrr.crda! St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All farm Produce. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every sack Is guaranteed, iuid that accounts for tlio rapid Increase in sales.. Also it is still made of OLD WHEAT not is tho host Hour at nny price. USK ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all class grocers. B B Order a packagt c! ta famous health and I building flour and a eorno good old fasUa New Knglnnd Urvnd. A chanM iti right hot loaf villi you think you hi ! Boston. With Self-rising II. B.B.1 you can make bread ! llko tho Puritans nati mako. S-B Pancake Fl, Is also a puro food; i Trado rising and all rer I Mark mix with water anil on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S BBBfLOURi Pacific Const Factory, Ban . Cnl. EftstcrH Factory, Uh Wolt MJUs, Manawa, Wk Always 'Remember ths FJ I I axatiM Rromo Ouinine & Tablets - j Gold Past Flour j : i Made by THE SYDKTSY POW- I EX OOSIPAirr, Sidney, Oregon. ! Mado for fandlr sm. Ask jour ' ; gToctr i or u. uraa &i Hiorli ahvtiys oa haad. P. B. Wallace AGENT p.....M.1,1J sjajsjajaj ejasjsjfjwjajsjsjssj sjsjDpsj JBIG FIR WOOD SAWED AND UNSAWED AT VOGET LUMBER AND FUEL COMPANY I i ) aMfiisjBnasiaa Cure a Cold in Ow Cure Grip in Two J tr-enrf Fvwv HOTELOREGON Oorner of Sevtmtk and Stark Street 1'eruaad, Owgoa. The new and modern hotel of the city OaUra particularly to residents of Sa lem ami other Oregon eHSea. European pis. Free bos. Kstee $1.00 per day and upward. Handaomeet grill la the Wert, and prices aa low ta in dIum leas attractive. Daily Capital Jownall OH &!. WWaKT-DI01CEKOX MOTH, OO, a iuw u tho Boore' satlsfacUon. Why not H of it wisely now buylos U8T Baker, Lawrence' HaeceseoaB to Haxnn ' Tfi Fashion Stai Ferawly gtapson'i jj . . tki Up-to-date nverj LsM Funeral turnouts 'PTTi . . . j Tn no tot picnic -- .kI a a mrAfl f I AW ? 247 and M9 HiRkJ Salem Fence tf Hetrtr8 for V Fcifc op wire. "''- gnalf NOtttnp, Jfjcsri". --- - P. & B. Ready Kootot' .11 -f mwest P"11 Walter MofWf 250 CurtSt. : waaiww''"ii'ti'''i'j''WMi