DAILY CAFITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1007. S JLST0CKT0N THFOLP WHI 1 1 LUKINtK. NgwSpring Goods ! riving in Every Department """ h floors nnd In ovory section you'll find tho newest creations wd the most novel Ideas. , Embroideries Tbls department has been un- Mually busy since Monday morn m, when we Placed on sale thousands of yards of fine Swiss. 'Cambric and Nainsook Embroid eries at a price far below anything ererpald for such beautiful goods Better coma lntodny before tho lot Is gone. I Worth up to 60c yard Sale Price 25c Torchon Laces Pretty patterns In wldo edgings with insertion to match. 4c yd New Purses Just Received Tho largest and finest assort ment we've ever shown reached us today. Collar Ruching Another lot Just received six collars In a box 25c Box Irani Opera House J.0. F. CORDRAY, Manager, F1UDAV, FEBRUARY 1. Stetson's original big doublo spec ular production of Incle Tom's Cabin The Barnum of thorn all. Undor he management of Leon W. Wash- urn. Moro grand novelties than er. Gorgeous sconory wun ueau-1 Mnl electrical effects. Two brass sadi. Two funny Marks, Two mls- tlevous Topslcs. Qonuino Southern itiralkcra. Duck and wing dancers lie and femalo quartet. Ponies, forties and bloodhounds. Wagons Inn by handsomo Shetland ponies. bml vision and transformation no. Eva and her golden chariot. p'ttca for tho big street parado. Prices 75c, 50c, 25c. Box ofllco ipen Friday at 9 a. in. tninmtiniuiiininn jj OPEN FORUM rrand Opera House JOHH F. COBDBAY, Mgr. MONDAY, FEB. 4 I'.J.C'UtPKNTKR OFFERS The (Jrvnt Western Piny X CRIPPLE CREEK W IXTKRKhTlXO STORY OF LIFE IX THE ASIOIS COLORADO (SOLI) CAMP Wilt EXCITING ACTS rices 75c, 50c. 25c. x office open Monday 9 a. m. JER GRAND THEATRE. Commencing tonight and with roS r matinee Saturday at 2:30 n. m. per Eckhardt presents ECKIURDT'S IDEALS. ' h th0 beautiful four-act drama DORA THORNE L tir.dfnaaMwUoa of tha M. ' nious novel. aW SDSe of "PMlaltles. lu?l0fIMt'Bee Satury at 2:30 WESDEAGB. v wBI Rnrnl.. Ullfl.i7. ' weaves wil . "a motor fn. . iu t noomn ana 4eacA .. p' m' Leaves Indo le. m' Phono Main ALPH BODLONO, Manager. 1 1 1 1 II It 1 11 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 I ; About Barber Asphalt. Editor Jeurnal: I havo trlod to follow tho intorost taken by different ones concerning tho dlfforent pave ments to bo used on tho streets of tho most beautiful city west of tho Cascades, in which I am now a ban ished citizen. I wish to glvo soma of my experiences with Bnrbor as phalt paving. About flftcon yenrs ngo tho Barber Asphalt company put down about threo mtlos of their fam ous paving In tho city of Wlchltn, Kan., nnd In their contract thoy woro to ninko all ropalrs for tho porlod of fivo years after tho completion and nccoptanco of tho sanio by tho city council of Wichita, which they did I bellovo very properly, but now lot us so ohow tho mnttor stands with tho city after fifteen years. Tho first flvo years was all sun 8hino as far as tho public was con cerned, oxcopt tho rathor heavy bur den of tnxos to pay off tho bonds thnt It cost to put It down which I think are not nil paid yot. But how for tho stato of affairs for tho Inst ten yoars since tho com panys contract run out. Tho com pnny kept ono man thoro to gunrd tholr proporty and to mako tho re pnlrsxas ordorod by tho city onglneer or stroot commlsslonor. Tho first two or threo yoars tho ropalrs woro light but lncronsod rapidly nnd for tho last flvo yoars It has cost a good many hundred dollars each year for re pairs, bosldes tho streets woro in n doplornblo condition nnd for wooks at a tlmo woro almost Impasslblo They woro flno for tho blacksmith and wagon maker, but how about tho other follow? I am informed by ono of tho coun cil that tho ropalrs have cost tho city nearly doublo tho first cost of tho paving. Now thoy had several blocks pnved wth vitrified brick put down 10 and 17 years ago and thoy have boon to no oxponso at all to koep thorn up, oxcopt where tho wntor or gas companys would cut through thorn and not leave them in propor repairs and in that caso tho oxponso was charged up to tho company that was at fault. I soo by my papers that I get from there that the cty la preparing to go over tho entiro paying again with new and It won't be Bnrbor asphalt cither. They are considering threo Our Optical Department Will resume Its normal condi tion again, and the best of atten tion will be given thoa who need our services. Wo are equipped with the latest Instruments for testing the eyes, and our prices are tho most reasonable. Chas. H. Hinges. Graduate Optician. different kinds as follews: 1. Vitrified brick for tho top courso with solid rock ono foot thick for tho bed with sand washed in tho ,crovIce3 with wntor nnd roller pressure with a threo inch sand cushion for tho brick to rqst on which has provod satis factory; (2) rock bottom ono foot thick with granite grouting filled in with cement, tho top courso a grade flnor than tho lower; (3) wood blocks with all sap removed and sot on end, bedded In snnd with rock bed under tho stand. Now Mr. Editor I do not known what kind of pavement this city will use, but ono thing you niny bet on with a desree of safety nnd that is If tho city does not hnvo a man right on tho spot watching every square yard put down the contractor will slight his work to tho amount of ton to twonty-ftvo cents on tho yard whorever an oppotrunlty offers and tho city is the looser to that amount and It will bo soveral years before you find It out. Very respectfully yours, C. L. IRISH. Working for Oregon. Washington, Jan. 24, '07. Editor Jeurnal: I am glad to seo by your letter that tho press of tho stato Is llnod up for mutual 6f forl nnd tho good of nil' tho stnto, 'na I bellovo thoro Is no stato liko tho Btato of Oregon if properly handled by its public men nnd properly ex ploited boforo tho whole United States. I think your plan to hold these waterway conventions during the winter is an cxcollont ono nnd ought to bo well attended by tho coast peo ple as well as by tho pcoplo of the Inland towns and cities. It looks now ns though Oregon Is going to como out nil right as far as federal appropriations nro conoorn cd if thoro Is no cutting down. Ore gon, as reported by tho committees, will got about $4,00,000. Coos Bay will get n now survey and now pro ject nnd $100,000 for a dredgo to bo used on tho Oregon harbors. Mr. Jones wants tho bill to rend a dredger for Oregon and Washington, but ns Oregon comos first It wns not snfo to fight hlnr In It. What I want them to do Is to glvo Orogon nnd Wash lugton onch a drodgor as thoy aro under two dlffcront Jurisdictions it would bo a bono of contention nnd might bo difficult to nrrango for both states satisfactorily as ono would hnvo to wait for tho othor and then thoro Is nlwnys danger In transport ing a dredger of that character, It having no propolllng power of Its own, thoroforo would hnvo to be towod by nn oxponslvo bont nnd wouldj entail oxtra cost as woll as tho danger of wrecking, should It moot uufnvorablo woathor. I do not think It wlso legislation to, hnvo ono Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes! WILL SAVE YOUR HEALTH 9 ANY DEALER CAN SELL SHOES, BUT NO OTHER SALEM DEALER CAN SELL DR. HEED'S OU9U- ION SOLES SHOES, AS THEY HAVEN'T GOT THE SHOES. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS WORLD X CELEBRATED SHOE IN SALEM, AND JUST HECEIVED A BIO SHIPMENT RIGHT PROM: THE FAC TORY, HENCE WE CAN GIVE YOU ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, SAVING ALL MIDDLEMEN'S PROFTS. WHY THEY ARE BETTER A THICK CUSHION OF FELT COVERED BY SOFT LEATHER, MA1CES A SOFT, LUXURIOUS RESTING PLACE FOR THE FOOT. THE SHOES ARE WELL MADE, BUT ANY DAMPNESS WHICH MIGHT PENETRATE, IS ABSORBED BY THE FELT, LEAVING THE FOOT WARM AND COMFORT ABLE. BESIDES THE CUSHION SOLE ACTS AS A SPRING, GIVING ELASTICITY TO THE STEP, AND AVOIDING HEAVY JAR ON THE SPINE. IT IS THE ONLY HEATTHY AND THE ONLY COMFORTABLE SHOE. ; CALL AND SEE THEM E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoemen. ! ffVffwfWWl Expert Repairing Our Specialty ( dredger for tho two otntcs under tho existing circumstances. I mn gtud to seo thnt Jonathan Boumo Is now n sonntor. for with such men as Fulton nnd Bourne working in harmony much good will result for Orogon, ns thoy aro both ablo men. I seo no sonntor hero thnt domnnds moro respect nnd fills' tho important sent of senator with moro honor to tho stnto ho represents thnn Charles Fulton, sonntor for Orogon, nnd from what I seo of Mr. Boumo ho will stand closo along sldo of Mr. Fulton as a sonntor In ovory way. Then ngaln If nny man In Oregon thinks thnt Blngor llormnun Ib not a power for tho good of Oregon In TWO AN OPEN congress ho knows not of tho stand ing nnd rospect that Congressman Ilormnnn carries with him in Wash ington whorovor ho goes, in tho houso or out. It would bo woll for his persecutors horo If tho cloud that Is over thorn had such a silver lining ns Is bohlnd tho artificial cloud thoy try to placo ovor him as will be Bhown, If his persecutors ovor got courago enough to glvo him his trial for what I bolqlvo novor hnpponcd ns thoy by tholr continual putting oft gooa to provo. With a delegation such.ns Orogon will now have, and with tho pross of Orogon giving them tho support thoy should havo In tho Intorost of Oro gon, no stato will bo hotter repre sented or havo moro to roprcsont than tho grand nnd horetoforo neg lected state of Oregon. As a citizen of Orczon I want to thank you for what you through your valuablo papor hnvo boon doing for tho whole stnto at nil times, tak ing n fnlr nnd manly stand for tho parts of Orogon that hnvo cortalnly boon neglected horetoforo, but I hopo will now In tho near future como to tho front whoro thoy bolong, making a groator Orogon nnd reflecting on you tho honors due you for Impar tially promoting In your papor tho rights of tho parts of tho stato that Boomed to you so nogloctod. I Again thnnklng you and hoping to hear from you I remain ! Yours respectfully, ' PETER LOOQIE. Salem Will Play Eugene. Tho Snlom high school basketball team loft this morning for Eugene, whoro thoy will muot tho tonm ot tho Eugene high school tonight. Both teams nro In good condition, nnd a lively gnmo in promised. Tho llnoup will bo ns follews: Eugene King, contor; Bonn nnd Burton, guards; Klstloy nnd Coch orlln, forwards. Sulom Porklns, contor, Schrnum nnd Mclntyro, gunrda; Mooros nnd Farm'or, forwards. Mluton, PnuliiB nnd Uttor, subs. Jones, roforoo. o A St Itch lu Time Will Bavo nine. So will a bottlo ot Dnllurd'B Horohouud Syrup alwaye kept on hand snvo many a spell ot BlcknoBS. A nuru 'euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough. MrH. S , Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I koop a bottlo of Ballard's Ilorahqund Syrup in my inocflclno ehost, nnd thank my forethought tunny times. It has provoutod many Hovoro spoils of sickness." Sold by D. J. Fry. 53 livCillJilitftvS Wall Paper A BROKEN LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS THAT WE WILL PUT ON SALE Saturday, Feb. 2nd. If you have a small 200m to pape you can pape it fo almost nothing. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW DIS PLAY fo pices. We have a few bunches that will covet quite a lage 200m, so come early and get yot pick of the lot House Furnishing Company. i 77 LIBERTY STREET I 2 ? ! J" flL J' TgB.--.tr wts.wfnB- a