itmiaiMi DAILY CAM WTj JOURNAL, SATjEM. ORHGON FRIDAY, FERRVARY 1, 1007. DIAE-PINKHAM'S WE8ETABLE COMPOUND towlcdffed to be the most sue bMrtme3y in the country for fSfpffiul : ailment peculiar to those p ? iDOamraatton, and Ulcera nch Tallin? nnd Displacements, Tro?en- , l.nn 30 years It has FOf,nHmr Female Complaints, tion. "" L" . finlnalW .nt C0n5eUVV -1..-1 n,lnntn,l i;""whe. and pe?v "" ".? m.iMii nf LilIO. rvniA t t-t--i.t-1 to 'nrfs show that It has cured " "'" c- rnAM -Teases of Female ins tnnu any ottier ono remedy known. more rrdia B. I'lnKiiaiun "-(juiumi: vumpouna dissolves ana expels nibrs at an early stage of development. Dragging Sensations causing Snwc!glt.and headache are relieved and permanently cured by Jta use ' . IrreirularlUes or Painful Functions. WeaVnesa of the I LJJik V-"" ST . .. -. J. .. ' i ctTmach Indigestion, Hloating, nervous l' li lvbillty; also, Dizziness. Fnintncss Ext: rostrntion. Headache. Uene- Extremo Lnssititdp, "Don't care Tt-mrrcets Irregularities or Painful L unctions, Weakness of the r l .I.i Iltnnfrr nTirrtif a Ti jnttnboleftalone" feeling, Irritability. Nervousness. Sleeplessness. Sli.n. Molnncholia or the "Blues." These are sure indications of fm,le weakness or some organic derangement r. KMnov Complaints of cither sex Lvdia E. Plnkham's Vciretable Compound is a most excellent remedy. Mrs. Plnkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of fcmnlo weakness nre invited to nrite Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Moss, for advice She is the Mrs. I'lnkhnm who has tieen nuvisingsicic women irue ox cuarge ior more man twenty l 1..,. ma lint clin naturwl lint htn riitt-1ti 1 wars, nni wn t ... v u.., .... ..-. ............. . In ars. n aw Lvdia E. Pinkhnm pt i mis sac i-j wen ijuuiiuuii 10 iruiuo sicic women oacic to lirndico is free nnd always helpful. wish to rlso to tho glory of poetry and song( feed tho provender to tho cnttlo and beef and pork to yourself. The hog is fouud highly developed among a high class people. lie is Impossible nmong low clnss people. In good environment tho hog and his twin, tho steer, are tho chief nlchem Ists of fortune, hi Kansas ho obtains his Eldorado. He makes iron nerves, cool brains nnd brave hearts. He put courngo into tho men at Manila and Santlgno bay, who placed Old Glory in the place of hated tyranny's flag. Ho makes peace and good will to men, not parndlso, but an Inviting approach. Nebraska Farmer. AIRWAS FULL OF SULPHUR derine ".VUJI ht4CC4044K-4'f4-C'Hr4tl COBURN'S CARICATURE OF 1 THE HOG ? t ... Humor of Kansas Hayseed After Dinner Orator ... BJ3'W4M3C44tW-4Hl0a;--MJl Uad.nn. r gln In Kansas uuy enily tuuhr the nuspices of the ;(e and Fork club, Hon. P. D. Co n, Becrctnry of agriculture for ,uu, talked on the subjoct, "Tho from a Friendly Viewpoint." expressions wero highly humor- anil well received, nnd boforo ho id finished the guests wore in nl st continuous uproar. Ho said: Jo reflection, hygienic or sanltnry, cut upon your city when I sny t (or tho hog, It Is the most un- Hhjr In the world. I can count I (1,000,000 of him that havo e to Kansas City and the records t ill dead. Therefore, as his t friend, and of his family, I come e to make a fow remarks and In- ate resolutions. om tho repulslvo antiquity, ough the long progress of years, has becomo civilized, is a debt or, a mortgage removor nnd a iitrcss of prosperity. Ho yields t luxury Ho must bo reckoned h br the luckless explorer of tho ion He is nn automatic reducer the corn supply and a ralsor of tho Bee. He Is a bucolic bond, whose ppons are large littors of pigs. He li a patent pig, n condonsor of nn. head cheese, glue, bristlea, ttMi. fertilizer, saddle covors and Dje. He Is a mint, nnd tho yol- ' corn is the bullion which he waits Into coin in nil homos ' on tho tables, hlirhbom. Hrh 4 wor. Ho is with tho soldlor In ' mp and the sailor on tho doop. 'i it io per hundred ho is a plo- na we won't spoak to him wo mwt him on tho street i.!5 per hundred ho Is n isoiitln- ft and n QMwiirtH ii. ... . -- - 'umi. 110 BIODB nSSO- lSI lth the country and comos wn and becomes 'nn nrlatnom oo he faiu under harmful in . WU It in the neck at tho nj house and Is bled to death ;" 7 Deoniei the commorco iMtton. the ft of tho land. wing of making pork with si. i6 ",ay be othor f00ds. na J by the story told at the corner i remember." said tho phllos wr when mttiaanni. iiecouldn't raise corn." of so I "Whnt hnvo rattlesnakes to do with pigs?'1 was asked. "Why, tho pigs used to oat 'em," ho answorod. "How did they catch thorn?" "My sister," ho said, "put a hat with a stuffed bird on ovory pig. Tho snnko would try to charm tho bird and then tho pig would get him. That's tho way wo kept our pigs alive." Tho pigs get ono luxury dlBh wator. Dishwater contains preserves, molasses, popper, tomatoes, onions, sieuK, gravy, nuiK, picKies, grcaso, cheese and exiled dlshrags. It Is sour and swcot, wholcsomo and toothsome In Texas they hnvo tho razerbacl: hog. Ho Is mado up nftor SwIsb ar chitecture. Tho highest peak of this corrugated back Is six inches nbovo his tall. His tnil hnngs llko a dlah rag from a back window. Ho leaves tho Impression of a man starting late to his ofllco In tho morning. lie Hvos on roots and peanuts. Ho will holp his neighbor gather tho crop by crawling under tho fenco nt night. Crossing him with bluo blood givosH littlo Improvomont. Tho only of foctlvo way to cross him is with a railroad train. Then ho becomes n highbred Berkshire. His ham Is more Juicy than tho hind leg of an Iron dog or n pino knot. The city hog Hvos on tin cans and tropical fruits. His tall has boon ohowod off by dogs ho Is curtnllod His picturosquo back Is enhanced by a scnldlnir from tho cook. Ho enn hldo hlmsolf In n hnyijtnck whoro tho hnyknlfe has boon rammed In and pulled out. His sldo moat is somotlmos usod for window glass. Ho Is ImperiBhablo nnd can bo used for a post hole digger. Ono onthuslaBt says that tho pig would bo a bottor omblom of our na tion than tho englo. Tho pig Is thrif ty nnd pencoful, far moro representa tive of American charcator than tho rapacious eagle whoso beak and talons signify nothing but war. Na poleon lost Waterloo becauso his army had soup nud tho Russians bacon. Ingalls would hnvo gone back to tho Bonato If ho had not subsisted on oatmeal and baked apples. If you -CO' 1 your hhy tlun, wealr, fretful? Make Uby. him a Scott's Emtitsfon Scott's Etniutston U Cod Liver OU Hypophophite prepared to that it k digested by little folk. Con,equentIy Uby Ujit u f Ar Emulsion a .turdy, roty ed Utile fellow full of health akd vior. ' ALL DfiUOQISTSt BOe. and si.oe, House Turns Down Two Im portant Would-Be Laws During Yesterday After nuon's Session Almost tho entiro afternoon of yes tcrdny's session of tho houso was de voted to consideration of soma im portant bills, coming up for final action, principal nmong which were .InckBon's taxation of mortgages bills, which, dospfto his heroic light to preserve, was turned down by a vote of 1G nays nnd 28 ayes, 3 absent, on tho motion to Indefinitely postpone and tho moasttro introduced by, Itep'- rosontntivo Chnpln, of Multnomah, for tho protection of crodltors, which was lost by a helpless majority upon tho quos'tlon of its final passage. This latter measure, while ostonsi bly designed to protect merchants, particularly wholosalo merchants, from being chontod of tho monoy duo on (recounts was showed up to bo too drastic In Its provisions nnd would opornto to tho detriment of tho Biiinll or denier, and it wbb voted down by nn ,almost threo to ono voto. Sov- ernl important monsuros and roBolu tions wero Introduced which passed tho first reading and tho houso, nt 4 o'clock sharp, took a rocess until 10 o'clock this morning. Tho houso routine for yesterday afternoon follews: First Heading Hills. II. D. No. 317, Pike, creating 12th Judicial district. II. B. No. 318, Moore, annex part of Grant to Baker county. II. B. No. 319, Boyer, rolatlng to election school directors. H. B. No. 320, Gray (request), rO' latlng to gamo nnd forestry wnrdon. H. B. No. 321, Chase, "disposal of government land grants. i II. B. No. 322, Edwnrds, to provont fronting In snloons. II. B. No. 323, Woshburno, pdr tnlnlng to county ronds. II. B. No. 321, Connoll, portnlnlng to disposal of stnto lands. II. B. No. 32G, New-oil, rolatlng to poll taxes. II. B. No. 32C, Newell, to abolish road poll tax. II. B. No. 327, Newell, making gambling unlawful. II. B. No. 328, Morrymnn, doputy sheriff for Klamath county. II. B. No. 329. Perkins, rogulating nursery business. II. B. No. 330. Morrymnn. donutv county clork for Klamath. II. B. No. 381, Chns, to protect salmon. II. B. No. 333, Purdy, to convey pollco powor to rnllroad omployou. II. B. No. 333, Reynolds, to nmond code. II. B. No. 334, Reynolds (request) relntlng to superintendent nnd phyal clans at asylum. II. B. No. 335, Boverldgo (request) punishment of murdorers. 11. B. No. 336, Carter, relating to running of Block at large. II. B. No. 337, Upmoyer, relating to taxing dogs, H. B. No. 338, Freeman, relating to sheriffs deeds. H. B. No. 339, Northrup, appoint ment of notaries public. II. B. No. 340, Vawter, et a!., per-, taming to property In Douglas coun ty, ,..' Second Bending Bills. II. B. No. 88, Freeman, providing system for collecting taxes. Assess ment and taxation. II. B. No. 89. Freeman, to nrovldo system for assessment of taxable property. Assessment. II. B. No. 273, Barrett, Wash., county Judgo Washington county sal ary. Bead third time nnd passed. Third Heading Bills. II. B. No. 24G, Chapln, causing partnerships to reveal real parties In Interest. Passed. II. B. No. 32, Jackson, providing tax on mortgages, Called up by an- thor on motion to Indefinitely post pone. Motion carried. II. B, No. 244, Chapln, to regulate creditors. Failed to pass. Recess at 4 o'clock until 10 a. m. OWSHAIR AND WE CAN The crcnt rfnclencv ntut tctlnblllty of nnndcrlnc ns n linlr crower nnit acnlp rcucnerE'or linvc won the cntinrtf nee nnd pstrotiHKc at tnllllouM uml mllllotn of people tliroiiuliotit the I'nltnl State It lim nttniiiril n Intecr mile nmt In more Kcuctally ucd thiin niiv otlier nrtlcle toilet or itioilclnM-thnt linn eer lecn mild or linmlleil by tlie Driid (mile In llilii country. 1)A im.hi .lt mnkeii (lie ncnlp lienlthy nmt fertile ntut lee ps it no. Jt H the iirenttut iicnlp fcrtlllirr nml therefore the crentent linlr-proiliujiit- riueily the worlil hu cer Lnovrti It I n nntnrnl fooil nmt n vrliotennjnc medlcliie for both the Imlr ntnUcrtlp 13 imi n Ufto btittln r It ulll inn nturn uoiiuiiio 11 fo In ur hair tliiui u khIHiu of any itllivr liulr toiilu vvua iiiiiiiv v nnwMn iiiiii irtilll IIIU WTJT BHIrl NOW at nil druKgists in THREE SIZES, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. how how quickly Iliimtorlna nctn we will bcihI n Iiuhc nam free hy return tiinll to nnyoiie who neiiiU thin ndvertiiiemeiit ie ivnoMiKin iintiiiprino t'o.. Clilrniru. with ihclr tmnir nud udJros mid ten ccuti In silver or utawps to pay postauc, Mm. iNUW at an uruKgtst CV FREE JH (ivvat Immigration to Canada. Ottowa, Feb. 1. Tho annual to port of tho dopartment of tho Interior hns been issued today. Thoro was on increase of $097,439 in tho groB-i rovonuo of the, department ob com pared with tho previous year, and thi nrea of land disposed of by land com panies holding grants from tho crown was nearly doublo tho ucrcngo sold during 1901-05. Thcso results, tho report snys, should bu conBldorod tho strongest posslblo ground for proHocutlug with increased vigor the land and Immigration policy of tho administration. Tho totnl rovonuo from Dominion lands for tho punt do cado wnB $13,139,941 ns compnrod with $2,3 13,834 for tho procodlng ten yonrs. Tlio homostead ontrlos for 190C woro 41,809, compnrod with 30.S19 for 190G. In 1890 tho on trlos woro 18G7. Tho entrlos for tho past year roprosontB a total popula tion of 105,420 souls, ovor 05,000 of thoso Immigrants who enmo to Canada last year and sottlod on gov ernment lands. Tho roport Bnya that a contract was entered Into with tho IlobbiuB Immigration company, of London, England, for Jmmlgrntlon of 380,573 acres laying to tho woHt of Medicine lint. Tills will groatly nsalat n dlqtrlct which requires Irri gation to dovelop its full poHslbllltlon Tho averago prlco obtained for school lands In Alborta was $11.55 por aero nnd in Saskatchewan of $14',32 por aero. o XinVllKHGHHH WILL I'IY IIHHK. 1'Hclllc Collego VcraiiH Y. SI. O. A. In Ituhkefliall Tomorrow Xlghl. Saturday night tho people of 8a lom will havo a chunco to seo anoth or good bnskotliall gamo. Tho Pa cific Collogo toani of Nowhorg will Joumoy up to Salem nnd ongngo In ono of tho schodtilod Btato loagtio gnmos with tho locnl Y. M. C. A. TIiobo two toams havo already had ono gamo this sonson on tho collogo mon'H own floor, whoro Salem won by a score of 22 to 20, which bIiowh that it was a close content, and thut the ono tomorrow night will not bo lack ing In Intercut. Tho llno-ups of tho two tennis will ho tho snmo as In their former game. Jones Is again back In tho gntno with tho Y. M. C. A., aftor n novornl wooks' obsonco nursing a aprulnod wrist. Tho Snlom llnoup will bo Joiioh, contor; Rhodes and Basher, forwards; Slmonton and Stolnbneh, guards. Boforo. the bnBkotball gamo thoro will bo a preliminary Indoor hnso bull gamo hutwoon ICd. ThlolBon') and Charllo Rnth'H tennis, or bettor known nu tho 'HiibIi bank" and "Cen tral grocery" contingent." Tills will lie tho first match of tho Salem In door basobnll toams. Horseless carriages Wireless telegraphy Now hrfless cSk Improvement is the order of the age. There was a time when Lard was considered the only shortening. To-day, the only people who use lard for shortening and frying pur poses nre those who are not familiar with the virtues of Coltolene. It pays to be abreast of the times. Coltolene is not only superior to lard from a health standpoint, being a vegetable rather than an animal product, but it will make more palatable food than lard; and it is more economical than lard because, being richer, one third less is required than of lard or cooking butter. Lard cooked food is not digestible becauso lard is a hog-fat product. Coltolene makes food more digestible and healthful because it is es sentially a product of nature and contains only that which is digestible, healthful, and a real means of sustaining life. If your grocer is an up-to-date, progressive man, he will have Coltolene in stock. More than that, if he has ever used it in his own family, he will recommend it in preference to Inrd or cooking butter. If he does not do this, it is only because he is unfamiliar with the virtues of Coltolene, Prove our claims to your own satisfaction by giving the product a fair test. Give Coltolene a good, fair test, use it according to directions, and note the benefit to your digestion. You'll never go back to Lard. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (higheit poMible award) over all other cooking faU at the recent LouUiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. "Home lhlpt" a book of 300 choice rclpe$, edited by Mr. Rortr, k your for a 2 cent ttamp, if you addrti Thm N, K, Fairbank Company, Chicago. A NEW FEATURE Tke patent aJi-tlgkt top on tkl pil U for tfc purpoM of keeping COTTOLENE clean, fretk ead wltoleiomoj It abo prevent U from absorbing all c&Mgreeabh odon of the grocery, weh a flk, oil, etc Nature's Gift from the Sunny South