$m& HOFER BROS., PM "" Proprietors THK JOUI," FOR PROGRESS. DEVELOPMENT. GOOD GOVERNMENT. AM) NO DKOICAUKU law"- UNAPPRECIATED. By Lucy Sherman Mitchell. Man, whom to please a woman strlvcth much, Doth aeom to prize the least her who for him Hath sacrificed the moeU A servant, such As ho mlsht hlro for gold 0110 strong of limb To wash and scrub, and cook a toothsomo meal At small oxponso--would serve his purpose well As doth tho faithful wlfo whoso woo or weal Ho senre consldor. Bho Is error foil Thrown strong deslro to make his burden light, And tnko her sharo In what ho counted III, Had rho Instead claimed homeago as hor right, Or, like a child accustomed to Its will, Jlulod strength by wenkness, alio had boon n quoon And ho hor willing subject foralitlmo. But ovon IntorchanBO Is seldom scon, And strango perversity calls lovo subllmo What so exists; and womon worthlor far Of worship, holding place na high above As o'rr tho earth Is yondor shining star, Atopp not to learn by art to win man's love. Tho doll, tho fashlon-plnlo, tho buttorlly, Tho wily ilaltoror, tho vino thr.t clings, Do to confuse his brain, ho looks not high Knough to sec thoso borno aloft on wings. ' o THE DEVELOPMENT OP OREGON. Tho editor of this paper has In tho past two years attended ton con ventions for tho dovclopmenl of Oregon. (At his own oxponso.) It pinkos him tired to boo moro dopnrtmonts of this stato government taxing tho stnto treasury for sums like twenty to fifty thousands dollars that DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING FOK TIIK DEVELOPMENT OP ORE GON. Wo supposo such thluga must bo but wo really bollovo It would bo wiser to cut down this ononnoun won of oniclallsm and do nomothlng for tho development of Oregon with public money. An Immigration bureau would bo worth spondlng a llltlo monoy up on IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER. Cnnndn In spondlng hundreds of thousands of dollars getting Immlgra tlcn from nbroad and right dlroot from the United States. Tho lower houso has voted down I ho bill to stop gambling at tho stato fair grounds mid should bo willing to LIST TIIK PROCEEDS OP TIIK POOL-HHLLING AND IIOIIHK RACES go to bring immigration Into the stato. o STEALING DEMOCRATIC TIIUNDKH. Bonfttors Tom Kay nnd I)r. Hmltli, of Mnrlori, have put some of the Dumoomtlo friends of tho taxpayer out of luminous. When men Ilka Caldwell nnd Miller, of Linn, will stand back and heel tnlo to follow In tho reform traoks whore tho Marlon county mtu lead SOMETHING HAH GONE WRONG. As ono of the reguuta of tho state university Ronntor Miller, of I. Inn, may have to stand for tho whole "Higher Education Program." In ordor to secure tho quarter of n million that thu U. of O. wants 1111 MAV IIAVK TO HWALIjOW ALL TIIK NORMAL KUHOOIi OHAPI'S. It will be funny to boo how Miller will hnndlu that and how men like Kay and Hmllh will iiinko n square stand for nil reforms. Indications nre that some more of the Demoorntlo senators hnve got thouisolvos TANGLED I'P IN TIIK LOGROLLING COM II INK. Jt Is certain that In fighting tho clerkship gratis nnd other grnfta so far tho Uopubllca,n senators from Mnrlon havo oujmntohed the Democrn tic reformers of the pest. KIIAItP ltlllll KK POIt WOMRN. ProMeUH" ap- tar -Htw M44ltl JWIMJltH TO Josephim Daskam ltaeon psr in i lit February hnmImv st Tilt auiher sharply reenh ; CO-OPKHATH. hu mtU the chief UihbUmsw erf -w lu the ootuitry." Here le ike coinrgs "Until women are willing m operate In aMlaw eacsa mtkm t find giuhl house-worker and the he-wrker to (led wi attastnona. and realUo thnt their prnsent totals pnthlng and bribing m4 eeoallng and deeelvtng nre bad IiuiInm as well as had morals, they wwsi oxveot to suffer the pmilthmenl reserved to setllih Individuals always and everywhere anarchy. dUoonleal a4 shameful PA 1 LURK INTHEHUSI. NIWH IN HAND. "I do not mean by eo-ottenUioo a gowsyal n (Table good will. "I Hteeu the ulHiniloHiHeHt of (( liwtlvMHel domestlo habits; the snort Use of a detlHttt; the willingness t. nV aoJ answer detailed questloan; the ntreugUi uf iHlml to forego certain prtrate advantage that would follow withdrawal front one's pledged wd le a eeHtwenlty and n class; the course h go without a great amenat et one might got by moro no oldunt to Ineor a fair amount of ease KUy certainly to a largo number. TAKK ONK PltACril'Ah INSTANt'H t)P WHAT I Mlit.N, "Ay eieau who ha austere. th 4tHtsmat of another woman 'who wlibes to jiUee n coed ervHf ami et taat woman In her home, has either had Tlllt ADVA.NTWUK OP A VAI.UAHhH CONPIiltKNOK WITH Hlttl and tiiMud a Etied servttui m Uttl to umber herself with an UftselUeJ tnw; r she has ftRtjwaUl timm t lo fix women on the n errawd. all ghtrliig at with UMt. c MMteUs for a ureaumptlve r aole wksr. -TUew to Wtior wxsy t get a ci sanmia. to mj oHalou; It siuwks wM fr wald aud mUtreM. -Het wn. that the mttHfwu &m m Urtkm 1 m lime, her house r4H ai4 her lntrRatla aa m)t of He ftutMr m her aud a KtHiU)e wtlyw whtMH JM l9H mt. know. IIOW MANY WOMItN DO ITT t4Asatal llfti " Msirk ' H fw psjMsr wion "Of svr tt a. -It w..w fteMintiitm of !. mi mOmm and aajtsKwwou. all aersar. f kmk Kitt. HHmi mn. U Uk aatwttolHMMU from Utmarls aaJ Blram ttMilcHt Um ana IH'N Clll'HCll PAlltS AND HMIVATII TIIK ShVitH AND TIUCIII TIIK INDIANS MCHWOUK aa4 the Bwv lkkertog-aaytMtoK, m titt,tt hM J tywyauw,. tie ef tke aU( m of vernss, wMth to U woret Managetl hesl h la the eeejory." Tnd of fate. o.nt... In j; jjjj m ?VITII TDK BftlL OP DESTIM. U IICH J time, and heavy, rtiiii.li x following in- Where they landed thoro Is now a bronze '". Gabrlel Arch. scrlptlen: "Near tins spoi lunueu """-' nnrthoIomow Gosnold, anu ded thoro is now a Dronj, - - gM Arch. this spot landed April -6, ltu, i w nnd or. Christopher Newport, Hon. Geo b. i w placo Cap(J Edward Wlngneld, wth WonW-nve ou.e, -- v VIUGlXU Henry and planted a cross April 2C, ICOi. CONDITA." . of chesepeake bay and After some weeks exploration of ho she os o Powhaten what is now called Hampton Hoods, tje h,J" "JJ futu'r0 homo an lsl- rlvor. christening It the James, and f aa tbfae' nnd which thoy called Jao :n Jrv0k T1II8 SKni TIIK INTBXTION HAD HKAMA KHhN IOU- d col. MHNT AT IIOANOKK ISLAND on he .It. e: ll.tolh JJ ,, ony but a violent orm drove ho shnortho C I whoro tho Inviting aspect of tho Bhore. P"3?"t0 , t horooa nameB Three hundred yoars havo passed away but mo anc.o are not forgotton. -o WVTPH WATEH, WATKK NKKDKD. . . omo.1".'rn;a1 . W. 0- - a mutator o, ralc, far moro than a railroad commission. rnn,iH nround the It is acknowledged that building t he portage all a J falls of tho Columbia HAS REDCKI) HATI-JJ I-OK ALL LA&TLK oiu. aThot cost the stato 3C5,000, and there has been no murmur on tho part of tho taxpayers. ..... n ntt Dut when tho stato Is asked to do something to take the tolls off a farming region that produces four times a . mucl, , frcdgl as Eastern Oro gon THEN THE HOWL A1I0UT HIGH TA.M.S GOES VI . Fifty cents a ton and 25 cents on each passenger Is the the toll now collected nt tho falls of tho Willamette by a prlvato corporation. When a ulll Is Introduced to make tho locks free all tho Portland dole gntlon howl "NO." Vet when Governor Chamberlain told the Portland Chamber of Com morco nt their annual banquet that an open Willamette was just as Im portant to Portland as to tho Wilinmotto valloy thoy howled their heads Tholr momorlos nro vory short. Portland is to havo water, water, wator. Tho fodoral govornmont can't do too much to GIVE PORTLAND DEEP WATEU TO THE OCEAN A.N I) A NAVIGAIILE COLUMUIA TO LEWISTON. It was Portland's domnnd that the state spond $306,000 to opon tho Columbia. Portland aska JG5.000 more to oxtond tho portago railroad on tho IMg Eddy. Thnt Is all right, but tho Willamette valley farmors and THE PEOPLE OP WKSTKHN OHKGON, HK D D. That Is tho munlfostntlon of tho Portland hog over und over. When will Portlnnd brondon out nnd cense asking tho wholo stato to light Portland battlos and iiinko Portland appropriations, nnd thon whon the bone and sinew of tho land that mnkes Portland what It is, asks for aid, TIIKV AUK GIVKN TIIK HOUSE LAUGH. Portland wants a railroad commlsilon to light tho bnttles of tho lum ber trust and thu Jobbors nnd mnnufartiirlug organizations with tho rail roads centering there. Would Portland uso that railroad commission POU ANYTHING KLSK HUT TO CLUIl SPECIAL PAVOHS OPT OP TIIK TUANSCONTINENTAL LINKS POK POUT LAND. H Portlnnd wnnta that kind of a club let Portlnnd roprosentntivos oeuse to light opening thu Willamette river. This Is a square deal, gentlemen, AND YOU MUST GIVE AND TAKE. You cannot hog tho wholo earth and at tho same time reftiso to let the other portions of the utato develop In a rational mannor and along the lines of the least ruslstnucu. NO CHANGES IN TKXTIIOOKS. Unless there is an absolute nocosslty there should be no laws nt this aeailon for free text-hooks In the public schools. There may bo one or two books could be chaored or droppod to ndvnn tuge out or thu present text-book adoption. lll'T NO GKNEIIAL CHANGE SHOULD DK'.MADK IIYTIIK LEGISLATl'HK. The children have barely got usedto the present school books. Tho families have barely got nil tho children supplied with them. The tonch rs of Oregon have barely got mod to thu hooks SO THAT TIIKY OAN TIUCH I'ltOM Til KM INTKLLIGKNTLY, when up Jump a lot of ohoap book agents and propose all kinds of changes In the text-book laws nnd In the text-books. If any large number of the teachers of the state llnd any of the present text-hooka Impractical and dliflciilt to teach aud hard for the children to get their lessons out of. IT MIGHT UK WOltTII WHILE Tt) HKAlt Til KM. Hut the school hook agents, the school machine that makes a living working the school machinery of the state from a political standpoint, should nut dictate the policies of the state. We all know what they did to tho state WHEN TIIKV WKHK IN CON TltOli. They sold the public schools for a moss of pottage TO A TKXT HOOK TIll'ST THAT .MADK TIIK LAWS, furnished inferior books at high prices, aud tyrannized over tho whole teaching profession. We want no more on that line, aud tho roprosentatlvoe of the people should be on their guard. Roller Skates Free For Boys A good pair ot Roller Skates fre withvery Boys aim sold. styles for boys from 3 to I6yca old. See our bargains and get a pair of skates tree. G. W. Johnson & Co, Smiles No Col. Compson, Gon. Eddy rail road commission nocd apply. Admiral Dewey ploads for tho pre servation of Admiral Parragut's llng shlp Hartford. Thoro should bo pat riotism onough In tho navy depart ment to savo thoso old vossols with out any protost from tho people. House of roprosontntlvos on Wod nosduy passed tho "Pork" bill carry ing $83,166, 13S for rlvors und har bors. This Is tho largest holo over made In tho treasury nt any tlmu for this purpose. Lieutenant Ponry ontortnluod nn nudlonce Thursday night by telling them thnt nt tho Noith Polo nil winds blow south. Ho might also hnvo nn nouucod thnt south wns tho only di rection one could look. "In unity thoro Is strength" The Grafters. The appropriation for tho oxeou tlve ollkje asked for by Govornor Chamberlain Is double what his pre deceesor receive. Capt. Wultor Lyon former private secretary to Gov. Gor. Well, like the old lady's but ter, Chamberlnln Is worth moro. No matter how tho rnllrond com mission Is crented, appointed select ed by the lcglslnturo or elected by tho peoplo thoro are a niEV gentlemen who will bo cttfi just from fprco of habit o Purity is our watchword.! lng only tho choicest herbii roots known to pharmicuti J apirfts or harmfull drajs. Et tor's Rocky Mountain Tea U( Itself. 35 cents, Tea or Mi Dr. Stono's Drug Store. TiirhlmM for English Nmy. London, Kelt. I. In marine engl neerlng nothing made gronter ad anoes recently than thu Parsons tur bine engine, nnd there will he Im portant developments In this line soon In the navy. In point ot faot the admiralty has resolved that In future all ltrltlsh warships will ho lilted with turbine engines. This has TIIK JAMIKTOWX HATOSlTION. Tim MtlftMtat M r UMjr lm w, xmtmt ikying U uto Ljreu Attaint btfcted va. 4l Urwrkt U nwtaH th RatkeM flnU twajr, ad eaw te imIsmh u w 4, ot Ohwfixwke Uuy. Tho wo Ww Um rol kmr, tor tM MUmat et an Mftgikfe eolony U the Jil f s. lsd by Om Ktaig aad la with thtf Al tit ?J. 4 Wlt 414 their Htgflau 4reaMt of that far -to? . Is Your Money Idle ? IT HAS AN KAUNING TOWHtl THAT IS TOO VALUAULH TO MWK. IIKfOHIT IN OUU SAVINGS HKlWUTAIItNT WIIHItU IT WILL KAUN Tlllllli: PHIt CKNT l.V THKHST, AND HK AVAIUV11LK WHEN WANTHD. DIU'OSITS OP ONH DOLIi.H OU MOUK aN 1IH MADU AT ANY TIME. L Savings Department Capital National Bamk been determined after tho most com plete Investigation and trial. The lact that turbines are bine Installed In the king's new yacht, now undir construction Indicates the drift .f admlrnllty feeling, nnd with the e- copuou or some unimportant cratt, such as river boats, etc., turbines will bo all powerful la the navy. Russia la reported to be laying down two hug turbine butUehlp. Hou's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars lie wurd for uny gage ot Catarrh thnt nnuot be eurod by Hall's Catarrh uuro. P. J. CHMNY & CO. Toledo. 0. Wt. the undonlcnwl. have known ". J. Cheney for the laat 15 years, and believe him iwrfectly honorable In all htMlnoat trunsoeUons and flnan dally able to carry not any obllga tloue made by hto Arm. WaWIng, Klnnan & Marvin. Wholesale lrnsUU, Toledo o Hall's Catarrh Cere to taken ln Urnally. acting dlreeUy upon tn bloo! and mneone tnrrneos of ue Wlm. TostlHUMtoto wot tre 1n?!ILe,U tt SOW b, all drnggtot. ' Tuke ,lau.8 jn, WUi stltwtlon. TIIIHTY .MILLION 1I0M& Yet Now Yorlc City Grous atodl pers Paster Thau Salra Now York, Feb. 1 -Con Mctz today Issued $30,000.llil cent stock nnd bonds ot tin Tho corporato stock to the ascd $23,000,000 will bo used fort municipal purposes and will! able on Novomhor 1, 1956. nto stock to tho amount of J 000 to provldo a water tvM bo' pnynblo on tho Barae ai!i pornto stock to tho aniouatel r.00.000 for tho sarao purpwl be naynblo on November 11 Corporato stock to the aw 52G0.000 for tho New orl library wklll bo playable In N nsBOssmont bonds to the a $2,2000,000 will be pavabUsJ All tho stock has bectj aubJ ! " " PILES CURED IN 0 TO ll PAZO OINTMENT li J to euro any caso of Itcnwfc i ninndlni? or Protruding PlKi" 14 days or money refondtil I w ere Goifl! To Move.... Oar New Machinery is Coming. Oar Bcs1' Growing. We Carry Big Stocks. TIIKSK ALL DI1MAXD MORK ROOM AND OV IXBR WK WILL RK DOING UUSINT.SS AT U7 COURT STItEEt. DOOR TO CLOUG1PS UNDERTAKING PARLORS I INDEK'i cut ntriM Jitr CAPITAL I1USINKSS COLLEGE OUR Xi:v MACHINERY WILL RL ESTABUSHBD flfl Ont UVRGE STOCK OP 1UCYCLES WILL RE IN AX VITK YOU TO VISIT US IN OUR NEW QUARTERS. .vnl UK.HHMIIER THE GROWING RIGYGLE STORK .""- t SHOP. tt Ftatik J. Moo! 2ttj. AU-'.risJjiSBBR .-. wwr- mm ue oW-rE-1 Jeteji$ ot hlte oaUUue atato Unda, left this moralnr rrt, "," '., , "$ WeSiiBBlil8HSBnt4 saMsL ., ST .. i 1 , I kreastej front with hr.Jsltke . 1 rwt 59i&it"'ll,0i3 JtblLalMXcaV 12 11