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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
'I njt. U W'1" ' ft ...n TONIGHT ..,vm a : JOURNAL FIRST KD1TI0N, P. M.t iJBCOND KDlTIOSf, P. M. 5SAS0BXKB' AILY CAPITAL JOUEN AL. salmi, tmxaox, Friday, feiiuuauy j, 1007. .xni. no. 20. PANESE ULTIMATUM 'FRISCO MUST BACK DOWN NEW STATE OF LINCOLN . , Jvv -"f- EW STATE IS CALLED LINCOLN liticians of Ihree states rorni Movement to Create New Commonwealth - - ..a 1 n n hlnnltnit nt r trmtnnn fw try 4 1l intt Illticlansof L-nstcrn uruBuu iiuvu uiwiium ui u ,uu"ui u i"u "u Ly determined to cronto a now . Idaho from Baker City, leaving It to out of the rcclon enst of thn Bolso to select the secretary of Btate, ades, but parts of Washington Idaho will be Included in tho tor- The conferonco to mnko. appropriations for tho river im minent will bo tho occasion for a Ircnce of theso lntorosts. Tho mi bank railroad Is a factor in natter, and tho wholo railroad tlon has to do with tho now or bt things. A special tologram Balrcr City has tho follewing: biscasslng tho proposed now of Lincoln, to bo carved out of L Oregon and Washington, and be ttate of Idaho, to bo mndo bf Eastern Oregon, several poll Bt and business men yestordny i to use their Influence for tho "Notwithstanding tho statement made that tho principal objection of Baker to consolidation with Bolso is tho unfriendly attltudo of tho Idaho laws to railroads, necessitating the building, of tho Snnke rlvor road down tho Oregon sldo and tho mak ing of a big town nt Homestead, It is common property thnt objector has boon ono of tho principal howolcru in Oregon agninst rnilroads and it is thought by thoso who nro pushing for improvement thnt by knocking tho heads of Oregon Enstorn Ore gon nnd Southern Idaho together, both railroad building nnd mountain road building will bo furthered on (Continued on pngo oight). WE ARE ALL VERY WEALTHY According to the Statisticians at Seat of GoYerment 11ICAG0 H PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE $10,000 WORTH OF BEAUTIFUL lew Spring Goods NOW ON SALE IE HAVE NO OLD GOODS TO SHOW YOU. THIS 18 A PUR- HASE MADE ESPECIALLY FOK EARLY SPRING TRADE OP THE WEST PRODUCT OF THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN AMERI- L. THEV ARE ALL NEW, SNAPPY, UP TO DATE MJ3RCIIAN EB0U) AT LOWER PRICE THAN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR OLD D9 ELSEWHERE. READ THE FOLLOWING: Washington, Feb. 1. Have you got your $1-100 In personal property and cash, and your $800 worth of real estato? If not, you have either been cheated, have been proflignto, or else tho bulbous-browed statisti cian in tho United States census bu ronu has slipped a cog somewhere in his figures. This government sta tistician has figured out, to his own satisfaction at least, that tho Ur-'ted States Is tho wealthiest countrj In. tho world, nnd In consequence Its pcoplo nro tho most prosperous and tho happiest. According to tho census returns for 1904 it wns shown that on Juno 30th of thnt year tho total wealth of tho United States was $107,101, 211,017, an lncreaso alnco tho cen sus of 1900 of $18,592,905,142. On this basis tho ratio of lncrcnso during tho bIx years and six months from NORMAL , SCHOOL PUSH At the State Capitol in Tremendous Force State University, State Agri cultural College and Nop mals All Combine. The lnrgcst lobbies over mnln talncd nt Salem tor tno staio normal schools nnd tho Institutions of high er education aro horo and arriving every day. Thcro Is n clearly defined combination forming by which tho ropresontntlvos of tho Stato Univer sity and tho Stato Agricultural col logo will unlto tholr forcos with tho representatives In both houses from tho normal school countlos, nnd nil will be taken enro of. Tho atatomont mndo by Representative Jonos, tho champion of tho froo locks bill, made a center shot In his speech tho other THE WAR SPIRtT IS ACTIVE Japanese Pride Will Not Permit Clas sification With Chinese and Coreans 1111111 4 ;; Taxpayers of Marion Ceunty: You arc invited to attend a public meeting pro- ; ; ; ; testing against extravagant court house improvements, : : I to be held at the city hall tonight at 8 o'clock. BE SURE TO COME:: 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ill 1 1 ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i H' e :k ess Goods fe show a beauUful stock of prlDE black Droas Goods in U latest designs and Btylea actss Cloth, Panamas. Voiles. alnej, Crepoa, French Batistes, tt de Almas, Silk Voiles, SIcI- BUk, and Warp Henriettas, :- Prices ranging from 49c to 15, olored fss Goods ttrnie of atyles you havo to m "om wonderful, in nearly tTJ Imasinablo ahado and de " Jne prices cannot bo beat; "c. c, 63c. 75c, 85c and tote Wool fess Goods Kh '?' panam. Princess C;e". French Batiste, J. Etamlnes, All nrd, 49c, 65c, 75c, 85,98c. PANKe 8 hnnrtr .... eta. , "" '"" Japanese White Linen Dress Goods Ono thousand yards to select from. This is a special bargain; yard, 25c. 35c. Domestics Wo show a wonderful stock of Domestics priced down to tho lowest notch. Dross Ginghams, Calicoes, Outing Flannels, Fancy Calicoes, Bleached and Unbloach ed Muslins, India Llnons, PorBlan Lawns, Long Cloth, Indian Head Dress Goods, Swisses, Crash, Toweling, Table Linons, Swan's Down Flannels, White Wool Flan nels, Wool, Bldordown, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Napkins, Sllkallnea, Cre tons, Llnon Tablo Cotots, Pillows, Cotton Bats, Sheeting, Pillow Tub ing, Fancy Lawns and Dimities, all at llttlo prices. White Lawn Waists Handsomely embroidered; sale price 49c, 65c, 75c. and 98c. Notions 8afety Pins, 2c per -dezen: Laces, 2 for lc; Darning Cotton, ball, lc; Pins, 1 e paper; 25c Hose Supporters, 14 c; Sans Silk, Ball, lc. !raFASTB8T GROWING BTORR. PVOYJRQS. Coriw of Cosffler cial and Cotrt Streets Juno 30, 1900, to December 31. 190G, Is approximated at $30,225, 000,000. Thcro aro somo 81,000, 000 people in this country, nnd It may easily bo scon that tho individ ual wealth should bo In tho neighbor hood of $1-100, Including rent estate. Figuring on tho samo plan tho statistician finds thnt In 1904 thcro wns in gold and silver coin an ln creaso in four yonrs of $1,077,379,- 829, a sum sufficient to lot ovoryono on Now Year's morning in 1907 jinglo $25.50 in his pocket. In the Bamo way this man of figures found that, becauso In 1904 tho value of real estato nnd farm proporty wns $02,341,492,134, everyone in tho United States should bo possessed of realty to tho amount of $800, provld ed nn equal distribution could be made. While this Juggling with figures is interesting and undoubtedly af fords much nmusoment to tho statis tician, It Is of real value in proving that the country's prosperity is es tablished on a firm bnsis. Tho onor mous gains In values, it is recognized nro due to tho reorganization of bus iness methodB. This reorganization brought In Its train many economic evils that had to bo dealt with. Great consolidation of business Interests, in somo cases, feeling their new found power, exorted this powor along lines that aroused popular dis content. Happily this tendoncy has passed away with tho reorganization days. The chief danger seen now to a continuation of tho present era of good times is tho tendency of. tho American people to wreck tardy ven gcanco on all forms of corporations becauso of tho action of tho few men tioned. Men of discernment In pub lic life and thoso Include President Roosevelt, Secretary Shaw, CommlB eloner of Corporations Garfield, Archbishop Ireland and scores of others havo joined In urging that this spirit of unrest bo curbed. The foreign trado of this country has been developed to a point wbero It offers almost certain aBsuranco of tho maintenance of prosperity, bo cduso It provides a market abroad for tho surplus products of Ameri can farms and the overproduction of American factories. Then tho ten- (Contlnued on Page 4.) dnyf"vh6n ho said thnt whllo n prl vato corporation wb allowed to ro tain ten por cent of Its earnings and doprivo tho common school fund, ro- gents of tho institutions of hlghor education wcro horo In tho lobby to defeat tho freo looks bill. Tho pres ent plnn of tho higher education push is to kill tho froo locks bill and lo cato tho Weston normal school at Pendleton, where it will domnud lnrgor appropriations thnu over. "Kastorn Oregon gotB whnt Bho goos after," said ono of tho push. Sonntor Carter and D. F. Mulkcy arrived ycBterday and attacked the situation with tho deftness of trained legislators, Mulkcy was a sonator onco. Wmtou Will Not Don ii. Tho people of Weston will not lie down and bo wiped off tho map with out a protest. Neither will little Drain. "Tho Monmouth school Is to bo removed to a high school city, and then thcro will bo throo large normal schools Instead of four small ones," said another momber of the combine. ThlB Is part of tho slato that Is being arranged, but Jones of Lincoln is still to bo reckoned with. Ills freo locks bill has Its placo on tho calendar, and can be brought in nnd put on Its passago at any tlnio. Ho cannot bo wiped out and havo tho Hlghor Ed. progrnm go through according to program. Tho pcoplo of Weston havo Issued a circular against being absorbed and moved bodily to Pendleton in which tho following gingery' paragraphs aro thrown into circulatien: Objections to Pendleton. "Before taking dpflnito action up on tho question of removing tho Eastern Oregon State Normal School from Weston to Pendleton, we, your constituents In Weston and vicinity, would respectfully request that you carefull consider tho following facts: "Wo would respectfully point out that no otjher consideration than tho above is urged in Pendleton's favor, and that much Is left unsaid which has an Important bearing upon tho question at Ibsuo. WIJ DEEM IT ONLY PROPER TO SUPPLY THE OMISSIONS. "Pendleton is supplied with water from tho Umatilla river, which, dur- (Contlnucd or page eight.) Washington, Fob. 1. Tho cnbinot slblo to avoid wnr. If war comes, it discussed tho Japnnoso situation for J "ittat not bo our own fault." , two hours today. SecrotarloB Root . m ,. ,1.,, ,. London, Feb. 1. DlplomntUts ro und Taft romnlncd somo tlmo uftor .... ... , . , , f igard th feeling of tho common pco- tno oinerB ion. Ipioof Japan na aroused by their vlo- Root is reported to havo Bald Ja- (tory over Ilussln as tho dnngorous olo pan had boon sounded In hor tender- mont In tho present situation. Ro ost spot, national prldo. Tho Jap- jcont travelers say tho wnr ongondorcd nnoBo regard thoniBolvos tho equal of tho lighting spirit, which tho pooplo any othor pcoplo on oarth, particu larly fooling themselves superior to tho Chinese, and anything which tends to placo ihom on n lovol with tho Chlncso In tho oyos of tho world Is degrading and humllltatlng. Tnct is necessary to remove tho Impres sion in Jnpan that this country Is domand shall bo satlplled. Tho poo plo think America Is n pygmn beside RubbIu. 'Frisco MiinC Hack Down. Washington, D. C, Fob. 1. It was learned today from n roproson tntlvo that Japanese Milliliter Aokl mndo to Root n reply, but ronlly tq not willing to treat hor as woll as tho tho nature of an ultimatum TMa most favored nation. Tho ndmlnls- govorumont wns Informed by Aokl tratlon bollovos tho Prosldont nnd that his government lusIstB thnt Ha tho board of education and BUporin- subjects bo treatod tho samo as thoso tondont of schools of San Francisco of tho most favored nation. Tho nc l.old tho solution In tholr own hnnds. knowledgomont of this principle was - jmndo a condition precedent to furth- Washington, Fob. 1. Tho Japan- or negotiations with tho United Statos oso war cloud will not blow ovor. A Jnpanoso subjects nt Snn Franclnco mombor of tho California delegation must bo accorded tho Hamo privllogos who nttondod tho conroronco Wed- of BubJoctB of Groat Ilrltnln, Gor nosdny night, Bays tho conferees mnny or any othor UrBt-cluBs powor. woro grcntly Burprlsod at tho PicbI This is why tho Prosldont sont for tho dent's serious vlow of tho situation j San Francisco offlclalH. A, majority Ho sayB thoy learned much that they of tho California delegation favors didn't know boforo. "Tho situation , tho President's nlnn of comnremlao: Is moro sorlous than you Imagine. Mayor Schmltz may think war with Jnpan is not going to amount to much, but wo nro ilcnllng with a proud, bravo pooplo. Wnr with Ja pan will ho nothing llko war with Spain. Whon Jnpan strlkos she Btrlkes quickly nnd without wnrnlng, nnd will not exhaust hor roflourcos In diplomatic preliminaries. Wo must dlsposo of tho San Francisco school question If posaiblo without nwnlt Ing tho courts. Wo must do nil pos- If ho can porsuado Chairmnu Walsh and City Superintendent Roncovorl to view tho situation in tho anmo ll,Vt, an nlarmlng crlslB will bo avortod. Tho President bollevos Snn Francisco Is wrong, nnd thorefaro tho nation could not suffor In prldo by acceding to the domnnds of tho Mlkndo. It is learned at tho navy depart ment that battleships In Japanese navy yards aro being thoroughly overhauled, LEGISLATORS GENEROUS SALARIES Introduce Joint Resolution Asking For Increase of Per Diem-Proposed Constitu tional Amendment However much rcsolvod tho mem bers of tho legislative assembly may bo along tho lino of retrenchment, so far us keeping down appropria tions Is concerned, it may bo said to their credit that they aro oven moro firmly resolved to bo kind and gen erous to thomselvcs, Tills disposi tion on tholr part Is moro strikingly pronounced lu a Joint resolution which wns Introduced by Reprosenta tivo Knowlcs, of Wnaco, which pro vides that tho members of tho logls lativo assembly shall receive for their services tho sum of $500 for each regular scbsIou, which shall bo In full of all compensation as por diem for such session ,and whon con vened in oxtra bcbbIou by tho gov ernor they shall recelvo $10 por day for a period of not to exceed twenty days. Fivo hundred dollars for tho ses sion would bo at tho rato of $12.50 por day, as against $3 por day undor tho present restrictions of tho consti tution, and tho compensation of $10 per day for tho extra session la un lncreaso of $7 por day ovor tho con Btllutlnnnl provision. Undor tho con stitution tho presiding oincors rocolvo additional compensation cqunl to twothlrtl of tholr por dlom allow nnco nB membors, or $5 por day, but If tho roBolutlon pronontcd yesterday, which must bo submitted to a vote of tho peoplo nt tho next gonornl oloc tjoti becomes of effect, thoy will ro colvo nddltlounl componHntion equal to two-fifths of their per dlom as mombors or $17.50 por day, Tho mllongo allownnco prescribed, $3 for ovory twenty miles traveled each ray, Is tho samo ns. Is now al lowed by tho constitution. Tni'iity-Tivo Xnv Hanks. Artlclos of Incorporation woro filed with tho secretary of stato this morn ing by F. N., H. 8. and M. 8. Myers, of San Francisco, for tho CHtnbllah mont of tho Lane County Ravings Bank at Cottage Grove; Ronton County Savings Bank at Corvallls; Polk County Savings Dank at Inde pendence; Medford Savings Bank at Medford and Ashland Savings Bank at Ashland. Each of theso proposed savings banks Is to bo capitalized at $5000. This makes a sum total of 22 bnnks tho Myers family havo In corporated In Oregon within tho past ton daysj Their plan seoms to bo to get JaTahoad of tho now stato bank ing law. Dr. J. F. COOK MOWN TO Sl LHSHRTY MTKKKT, WHKfUC HS WLL MM8TI ALL OLD AJf KKW. JfATIKXTS. FOR ANY MMUIM OALL ON DR. COOK. CONSULTATION FRJW. vvww.1 -as m- w m 2mgeQM Tjr. -y-r fc..a4.y.rtid KJKfcT "ftjij H -r- .3L- TSV "TOKSaHE'' yt T" 5 "wf; .t) 'UJ m: