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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
' yipw i tt E I r DAILY CAPITAL JOCJINAL, 8ALEM, nnKflOW. THUnSDAY, JANUARY 31, 100 ---.--- "2 mmubmMWWMMRMMMM MMHHHnMiWnLii 7e Couah of Cm m cougu - - - bnsumption Sf Your doctor will tell you that (reih air and eood food are the real curca for consumption. But often tne i cauirh la verv hard. Hence, we aueeest that you ask your doctor COUNTY DIVISION BILLS Forest Reserves Sliall Mot Be Counted As Territory "To provide for tho organization qt countioa by direct, voto of the peoplo" la tho innocent npponrlng tlllo of n hill which was Introduced In tho houao yoalordny tiftornoon by Ilopn'Hontntlvo KiiowIob, of Wnuco county, hut which, In fnet, according to atntomenta inndft by cltlxonn from that section or tho stuto whom thoro la a violent onldoinlo of county di vision In full awing, Is londcd to tho tnusxlo with a chargo that U mini clontly powerful to blow tho Gnacudo county movement Into Rmlthorcona, If tho bill should liecomo n law, To tiso tho description of ono of lUi opponontH, "It Is a InrRo, Inno cent, blno-oycd nnd whltowlni?ed nngol." JndKltiK from tho wording of tho title, nnd from nil outwnrd np penrnnecs, hut whon ono cots right down Into tho "moat of tho thing" nnd got nil timtvrslnudlnK of tho geographical condltlona Involved the itiUohlovotia ayos of tho linplnh Jokor roncoalcd thoroln hIiIiiwj out lllco tho flaming oyoa of tho cat from tho depth of Inky dnrknwu. It la n very Innonlotisly contrived llttlo ploco of polltlrnl nrtlllco by which tho Iok lalatlvo doloKAtoa who stand ploditod hs nntl-dlvlslonlstfl hopo to bo nblo to koop tholr election pledRca to tholr ronatltutmta, nnd, nt tho aunio (lino convoy tho Idea to other Intcroats that thn wholu question la loft In tho fcanda of tho "dear peoplo" to (lo chia. Tho "load 'In tho hill, according to tho claims of thoso who arc fit wtllAr with tho dotalla nnd Inshlo of tho wholu stmirulo, la contained In tho ono section which provide that Hot to exceed 26 por cent of tho area of any proposed county shall bo situ ated within tho limits of nn Indian or forest rcsorvo. This provision, It la claimed, will put nn everlasting quietus upon tho prospects of tho Hood lllvor people of realliltiK any hopo they may havu entertained In (ho possibility or creating ChsmuU county omhraoliiK tho territory do slcned tipuit. aud It will nlso nerve to blast tho hopes of the sett lorn hi tho country continuous to the head waters of tho Deschutes river, who aro making n heroic flitht to create JHtsohulos county out of that portion of Crook county surrounding flend. and boiuo choice morsels from tho Pectoral. a.ArtrCo-,1 Lcwtll.HtMc corners of Lake nnd Klnmnth coun ties. The major portion of the tor iltorlcb embraced within tho llmlta of both those proposed now croa nona are sltuntod woll up In tho Can ondo rosorve. According to cuatom, which Is u nort of unwritten low, tho torrltory oiniiocd within tho contlnoH of any proposed now county crentlon must show a tuxablo valuation of nt lenst on million dollars, nnd herein lie the bone of contontlon botwodn tin proposod countlofl of Jefforaon nnd N'eamlth. Noamlth county, proposed, couslstH of n portion of tho southeast corner of Wnsco nnd a portlou of Northern Crook, nnd It Inns ovor Into tho territory of Jefferson coun ty, proposed, which la comprised of tho northern portion of Crook by olRbt lownshliw, roprnaentlng nn np proxlmnto valuation of ?000,000. Without this territory It will ho Im possible for Nosmlth county to he. como n ronllty, nnd with It thoy can show n n estimated tnxablo valua tion of $1,200,000. Jefferson coun ty, as It Ib now mapped out. allows n taxablo valuation of S 1,350,000, Including tho torrltory Bought by Nosmlth county, but, with tho 10 nvallnhle lownahlpH from Wnsco Ita valuations would be Incrensod to '!, 000,000. Tho peoplo of Wnsoo county who are opposed to the Cascade county movement axe In favor of the Nos mlth Bohsmo. nlnco It only chops off the "stovepipe" end of tho county, whlolt la now practically uaolawt, nnd reduces tho area of Wnaco to such an extent that It will be Impossible to Hhavo off any moro. Hut tho con tost on botwoeu Jefferson nnd Nos mlth counties will hnvo n bearing upon tho enso to a cortnln cutout. In asmuch us Jefferson does not fool In clined to utvu up nny of tho torrltory upon which It haa doslcns. Then, nnnln, thoro Is n scrap on hotween tho towns of Mndras nnd Atitolopa for tho county sent of Jefferson coun ty, and this places another phase upon tho situation. It Is doubtful If tho agitators for Cascado county aro uwaro of tho ef fect of tho reservation area restric tion clause In tho proposed Knowlcn county organization law, elso thoy would ho (looking to Snlom In force, hut the eltlxons of Crook county, who nro behind tho proposod crentlon of Desohutes county nro fully wised up to the situation, and nro here with blooil In their eyes to fight the bill to the finish to have that restriction stricken oiit slnoo the greater por tion of tho urea of the proposed new eon nly, which consist of the Irrl gated portions of Crook, Klamath and Lake counties, lloa within tho borders of the Cascade rixwrvo. Rome Interesting developments nro expected to arise when the hill comes up for serious consideration. GOOD MINSTKEL SHOW. Inmates of the Stnto I'rNon Gave Splendid Kntcrtnlnmcnt Last K vcnlng. Bk jmmmmW m jBBRH .BM k BBrI iV IBBRLrI LbG Although thoy view tho liberty and happlnesB of this world through prison bars, somo of tho habltuos of tho Oregon state prlBon havo n large and vorsatlle lot of talont. Tho O, 8. P. mlnstrela gave tholr semi-annual show last ovenlng, and novor In tho history of tho organiza tion hnvo thoy over given a moro en joyable one. Ab oach half year goes by new fncoH apponr In the minstrels, and somo of the old familiar ones drop out. However popular a fnvorlte mny he, overybody la gmd to know that ho la no longer playing oheok ers with his noe on tho ten of dla mondB, nnd that his chair In tho mln Btrol circle Is vncant. Ah n largo number of tho motn hors of the leglslaturo wnB present a majority of the Jokee were on the lawmakers. Hponker Davoy, Dan Mnlarkoy, Dr. Smith, Senator Knv. Itei)rosenttlve Hones. Coko nnd Cole cnnie In for n lot of good-na-turod dlict. William J. Uryan got a few Jibes, and thoro woro n fow of the old stereotyped Jokes that bolong t'o all minstrel shows, Just ns does burnt cork and banjos. Tho porformnnco was ns good as most mluatro shows, and tho crowd wne very enthuslnstlc, Tho lnrg dining hall was actually packed. o - Whon Froodom from tho mountain high, Unfurled hor Stnndnrd for nil to BV9 fhese wo'rds apponred In black and white. "Drink Itooky Mountnln Ten." Dr. 8tone'fl Drug Storo. o-i Kiiiinii WcNtcott GetH Divorce. Yostordny afternoon Judgo Onllo- way granted n divorce In tho enso of Hmma Wostcott ngalnst William 11 Wostcott, on tho grounds of cruel and Inhuman trontmont. Tho plnln tiff was given tho custody of tho four children, who range In ngo from 9 to IS years. o Tho Texas Wonder. Curoa nil kldnoy, bluddor and rhoumntlo trouble; sold by all drug gUta, or two months' troatmont by mall for SI. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926 Oltro atroot, St. Louis, Mo. Bend for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug atoro. dw-lyr was on, nnlo were taking fever and dying ami ho wished there had been u,,Ub . .. . ... it, (.ml roculate a board men io ti affairs. The hill was enacted by a vote of 18 to 9. Mulkcy Swoni In. Senator Mulkey took the oath of office in the senate today. II : Is offl dally announced today that William Oliver will not bo awnrded tho con tract to build the cnnnl, hut will only be given a chance to get new partners. If the bid Is thon unsatis factory tho government will bo free to reject it. Somo discussion was had about the Smoot voto. Smoot stated that he waa perfectly willing to let It come to a vote without fur ther dtacHaelon. The order was made unanimous. Cured of LuiiR Trouble. "It is now olevon yonrs since I had a narrow escapo from consumption," writes C. O. Floyd, a loading business man of Kershnw. S. C. "I had run down In weight to 135 pounds, nnd coughing wbb constant both by day nnd by night. Finally I began tnk Ing Dr. King's Now Discovery, and continued this for about six months, whon my cough nnd lung troublo wore entlroly gono nnd I was restored to my normal woight, 1U) pounds." Thousands of persons healed every vonr. Guaranteed at J. C. Peory's .tnit- Bfnrn: 50c nnd $1.00. Trial hottlo froo. , OUIt SfJJATS AKE ALWAYS TIIE BEST. For wo tnko espcclnl caro to buy none but tho best, and our customers can always depend upon getting tho beat In tho market at right prices when they buy at our market. 13. O. CKOSS, State Street Market Phono 201 MMtMOMIMMMMMMM Akn for Wngi'M. An notion has boon tllod In de partment No. 1 of the Marlon coun ty olrcult court by Iver Chrlstonson against K. C. Knlpper for n Judg mout a Kill list the said defendant for $B I7.fi2, which the plnlntlff nllegeH Is due him for work performed by himself nnd others for tho Mild do fondant nt his snwmlll. The Might Name. Mr. August flherpo, tho popular ovorsoor of tho poor nt Fort Madison, la., says: "Dr. Kings's Now Llfo PIMs nro rightly nnmod; they net more ngrcenbly, do moro gooa nna mnko ono fool bettor thnn nny othor laxative." Guaranteed to euro bilious ness nnd constipation; 21c at J. C. Perry' drug store. 8ALKM uxdi:ktakixg PAItLOHS A complote stock of up-to-date funornl supplies. Nowost mothods omployed, nnd best service offered. Our rates nro reasonable and wo hnvo had long oxporlenco. Tho public Invited to Inspect our parlors nnd loarn our manner of busl- I nosa. J. W. nOLLEN, Mgr. WWw ffwf On the Stool of Repentance FOH JOIST I INI) FLOORING Tho best pluce to buy is whoro tho best stock of lumber Is carried. Tho ontlro building trndo know that thoro Is not a finer stock of lumber than that carried by us. Wo aro roady to All tho largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build er wnitlng. That's n very Important point Near S. P. paBsongor dopot GOODALE LUMI1ER CO. Phono 52 Main. o Xlntl Yott Hnvo AUvrtjTS Bought, nml which lm hoca Ih uso flr ovor 110 ymr, hn homo tho hljrnutnro of jJ9 ttfTA ,M" knH !,WMl ,M,ul ""tier hlrt IMiT- (jrLyttglfcfc, om Kupen hUnx tlnro Hh liilhncy. 7T ' Allow no ono to tlc'tlvo you In tlile, AH CMtcrlti, IiuHatloitiimul'JuaUna.;(M)tt"nr hub xrHteiti tlmt trlllo with nml euriiutKor tho Iim i of ''wfat imhI CklWrcn-llstpcrlonco nunlnst X-por) uU What is CASTORIA 04Wa U n hiiTHiloaii vnbstltuto Ibr Oiator Oil, ltre HPk, l)rtpa Mini Hootltinir Byrupa. It U lMwuuuit. It ottlH) Meltltvr Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo mrtMitMHce. U nuo I !U Ktmntnteu. It destroy AVunua 4 hWrjh FovorUltnoAu. It curoa Dlnrrhwn nml WlnU CWkj. It relieves Tovthlnir Trotihlw, minvi ConatliMitUm fcrt FlutHloney. It tualiull!ito tho Too!, nguhtiv tho Mi.mH;kmul llowoU, vltlntf limllliy iiml imttind Ioom V CklMrM litmvcon-rho Jlothcr'a Frloml. ..'im CASTORIA always Soars tli Signature of k tfttef f A v-.r Circuit Court Doings. Juditw llurnett held a sweeten of iir. ult cuHrt Ih detMrlmeat No. 1 tin niorHlRg, aad wade the following dtukut entrlee: lit the suit of the Stat of Oregon vs K U HemlnBtOH. defeiittaHt. n motion for a New trial waa ovtrrtiled. Tomorrow morning was sot as the time to pas sentence. In the suit of J. M. Morley -s Grant Davis and Lincoln DnvU a mo tion of the defendant to recall exo et)tta wne overruled. la the mottoa to caacol sattsfao tloN of Judttweat suit of CooUdge & McOtftlae x W. H. Smtth, the mo tion to oaaoel aatltfaeUoa of judge meat was overruled. Is whore a man finds himself that takoa his linen to nny laundry but tho Snlom Stonm Laundry. It your consolonce don't prick, your collars and cuffs may and mnko you appro elate tho smooth -dgea. soft button holes nnd exQiilsIte color nnd finish that you can always roly on gottlng nt tho Snlom Steam Laundry, nt low prlcos. KAIjKM STKAM LAUXIHIY, Phono 23. 1.10.1(10 8. Liberty St. H. S. Gilc & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants ' t ull times for produce of all It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every sack Is guaranteed, nnd that accounts for the rapid increase In sales.. Also it Is still mndo of OLD WHEAT and Is the best flour nt nny price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all first class grocers. In the dried Special or sale a few npplo par ing aim gllolng machines; equipment for a large dryer; will make a low prlco. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Conitr.erc.2! St. Phone 179 QIWUANTIXH UWV H.VAOTH1). v itf - - iiiiiimsW W M J jT JT V i The Hu You Have Always Boupi In Um For Over 30 Year. .... .1. 1"lll"'MMTfW. tlWMIW Hill rivaling Stat Hoard of Health (uimx1 14ly Wgbt. The enaotutoMt of senate Mil No. SI. Itunxlueed by Smith, of Umatilla. Mtt4Mt a ltvoly Isot la the eeaate yeatordai- afteraooa. U a geaeral way Ue bill brovtdee for the appoint iweat of a Mute Want of health and give the secretary power to enforce attoh ruled aa the hoard may adont. Th Quaraatlae laws of Ue state wore repealed two yar a to lareoir through the laaueaee of the Marlon coualy deleeatlon aad atae that tlmo Oregon ha had ao health lava. Smith, of X'waUlla, oxjdalaed tho bill whloh waa objocted to by Kay. K J. Miller, Coshow aad Cohe niBgham deeded tho bill and cited tho local 8sht at Kusvno over the water and aald while a local cran Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All farm Produce. Gold Dcst Flon ti Made bjr TIIB SYDNEY POW K COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for faadly u A,k Jour Btctr for ju Braa aad aaorta Iwfcys oa hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT wwsrenewajfrWBeajaMjaMj BIG FIR WOOD SAWED AND UNSAWED AT VOGET LUMBER AND FUEL i COMPANY I The Automatic 0l7? incubator a"2j?jB I rPtin AT 1 M..... aro now entorlns on thelS season. 'w Thoy hnvo made .... I high nor cent hatchlnr u33 "J,w """ sealed. uiuiu.Huiu aunns lsoc 41.1 tftf ItttnHrt .M3 Although very moilJ price, tho mnterlal and tJal "7'V " v"u u,0 exactlff iiiiTnT- nnn a . a i . ...uuvv.. 1.UUOU union. Jl Special prices to closo tf iiiuuuiuut: 100 ogg Incubator 200 egg incubator Tho now model will 8(0 umi 10 wimoui count the AM cubator ovor offered on Uji Koi. itcmemuer the aborew nro xor present stock. rJ J D. A. WHITE! &MJN Pcodmen and roa,i.. Poultry and Bee Suppid i'nono 160. 265 Commercial Street. B B B Trndo Mark Ordor n package c famous health aai building flour and Bomo good old fail New England Ilrcnd. A chanct right hot loaf irlll you think yoa 1 Boston. With Self-rising n. I). I you enn make bn liko tho Puritans mnko. 3-n Pancake is nlso a pure fo rising nnd all mix with water kJ on a hot griddle. rel ALLEN'S B B B FLOOR Pacific Const Factory, Sui Cal. Ea8tcrn Factory, Wolf MJlls, rnnnwa, Always "Rememier the Ftll I axat Rronij euiniiij ' Tablet! Cur a Cold in 0l Cure Grip in Two TroW lo-stX x ort' Suent wlaely la the aatlafactlon. Why noi of It wlaoly now buyla ua? Baker, Lawrence SoccesBen to Hantt ittiimitBtBMbtatMttg HOTELOREGON uor of Baryta a Stark trw Portland, Oregon. Th Mir aad modem botal of taa airy ! and other Oregoa IUe Eurowa, Pi IVebua Bata $1.00 pc J Pi. Handpon piU t, " d Pria ukwHh t4aM ThcFasitiofi. VvnmiH-lv SifflDSOa'l Up-to-dato livery Punwral turnout f ho for plcalca and e . CiiAa. w - 247 aad S49 Hig SaUm Fence nea44artc t Hon Wiro. Bar 1 Netting. PickeU. Gate. P. & B, JReady "u All at iowo Walter 250 C4ntSt 4 Mm 0