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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
-."V 'tW J P1 k 1 1 it. I? !fi. H- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, THURSDA: IF YOU TOUCH your tongue t LEAGUE THREATENS TO ENJOIN w ? and look in the gIass--you will see the effect You can't help puclccnngit makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you lake this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, tnd ruin your stomach- AVOID AhVH Sap plainly- DAVAI BAKING If II I A I. POWDER ftnvnl ie nmrlr frnm mirA. rWinflrl Hr-inr Cream of Tnrfnr .frvcfc mnro I . a a I a A I 1 .uiay mum uui you nave mc prom ui quuuii uit piuui oi gooa ncauii. Says Court House Improve ments Are Species of Ex travagance That Is Useless Smiles Tho null-lobby boon puaiud. Mil lias not yot Dyo'a atroot oar bill dlod un un natural dutttli, i Whni does tho lumber trust want with n rnllrbud coinnilmlon anyway. a Novor put off tomorrow what enn ho put off tod y. a Yon generally auccecd In what you undortnko, whether It'is In niukliiK it ninn out of youranlf or u how. a President HaluoH In tho aunnlo novor tldduon a roll ua 1 1 aomg or tlio wennlora aoem to do port or tint 1 1 mo. . , It don't ooit anything to amlluntl iouh ihwiwiii nms 'uu nro n oom initio clerk. Then it vmU the fUUo ftvu n day. a a a Thoy my that la a lut or leeirie Ity running around Iuum all ovor town. HIiuaklHgl Preo look didn't ovou get frto Npoeah on the lint round. Johw Meno spoke abovo h whUpor. AwUtnnt Seorotnry or Stnto llrown ftX'lHirtnor r J. Ptarponl MorKnu nutl n tuntluinau or audi oxqultltu tnite that ho hna hi pituu inndo In dear old l.unnon. waa qulto auro there hnd boon no troublo In Klngatou, dnu ehor know. r a An oaitorn lnumr say lumtmr la and proHont nn npology In person for hla gross offront to Admiral Davis? a a a "Tho biggest holiday trndo on rec ord," which ineniia that nioro pooplo than ovor boforo woro presented with things that tlioy didn't wnut and (inn mnko po iibu or. , a a Whether Kansas la thu huat ngrl cultural atnto or not may bo disputed but alio certainly linn tho boss agri cultural ndvurtlaor; and ho far his rollnhlllty haa not boon Impoaohud. a a ll'a runny tho way members throat- un thu dufunt or good bills and tho pusaiiRO or bad onua with tho refer- uuduui. a Tho senate puiiaud a bill for nron- or ohaarvunoa or "Decoration" day. Thgro la no hiiciIi day. Memorial day la u loyal holiday. llejirHtntivo Newell wltl nut oppojo rn InoronHd npproprtaUou for (ha 8uu niHird or Uurtleultur. or mu-m. Ui bill to (ucrtNM th HPHroprbilloH fur the Orttou Ubrarr OommlwtoH want tkruuh with m rnah. w a SaniUor IIIiikIiuiu. rhHlnnun of Ui rntlrwid oomiiilltiw, ldnt)y ha m In kIvIiii; Hint ImportiiHt unit tor a mil hanrluK. U allow nil tha apattkara nil tho tlma tliay nak. It la tha moat Important mnttw batore thu laulalnturo. and thu Ijiuia onuniv laadar doaa not boltava In tnkliuj nnp JuilKinout. a OhU' $3 1 00 for tnivalln ftxpettaaa of htuta omeluW l "uolnic ama . whan Uiara Ima ban no kIkii yt that hnvo no in o bill up IiIb sloevo to at tack luvostod capital and tniiko na Hiiranco doubly uuro that no moro Hhall como Into IioIiik or bo brought Into tho Htatv. Ono bill proposes to conflscato nil oarnliiKa or any corpor ation over nlno per cont. Iowa hna illHlimoexI all otlior atatoa In proapor- ity. a a m From a modoat llttlo olllco Hint Htartud In nt 13000 tho '"dopartmont or attomoy-Konornl," na It lir now canon, hum Krowu to roqulru nn up proprlatlon or J22.B00, and othor blllB nro In to ttfvo tho nttornoy-gon-orul UHBlHtnuta, otc, otc. Tho nttor-noy-iwiornl la u niodost eontloninn, and you wouldn't think It or him. Whon the pooplo hnvo to mnko n bat tle ror anything thoy havo to tnko up a Qollttctlou and Hot Mr. U'llon nt It Tha othor rollowa get tho appropria tions. The Salem Taxpayora League mot in regular session last night In the offlco or William Drown & Company. and dUcussed tho foaslblllty or ro- Kortlng to injunction procoodlngs ,to stoji the proposed Improvements on the court house. m, ...i.tant nf oxoondituro or monoy to mako tho improvements In the county hoime was thoroughly dis cussed by thoso prosent, and tho work was denounced ns a species or extravaganco that Marlon county cannot afford. Tho league will hnvo another mnnllntf WlltnV Jltctlt tit tllO City hall to hear tho report or tho special committee provided ror In tho reso lutions adopted, as follews: "Whereas, In vlow of tho univer sal rule or a rising rato or taxation In Mnrlon county, which was previ ously oxcosalvo and burdensome, and "Whoron8, Marlon county official dom Booms determined to mnko tho rate higher than has been heretororo known, by mnklng cortnln Improve ments to our court house, tho most part or which oxlsts only In his exotic Imagination, and "Whoroas, Appeals rrom tho tax payers got no consideration, bo it "Ilosolved, That a commltteo or threo bo appointed by tho chair to take legal counsel its to tho feasi bility of enjoining tho collection or the last assessment; becauso of Ille gality or assessment, lack or uni formity and consoquont Inequality and false representations inndo by said county officials In relation to rato of taxntlon. which ahoulil foljow audi raise In assessment." PILES SUf fTRER Snicd from Operation by n HnK Uov of the Pyramid Flic Cure-- You Cm Try It Free. "I cannot help writing to yon about your wonderrul cure for plies. When I wrote to you for a sample I was thinking or going through an operation. But 1 thought I would gtvo vour remedies a- trial. I am so happy that I did ror J am cured and only used hair a box. I write this for humanity's Bake. I hnd pilea in Mm vnnr 1891. I Wish 1'Otl would publish my name through tho Bulletin paror for I am wen Known i the mnrinn corns. Use my name the best way you know how. Thank I-- 1.1.11 tnr vnnr cnod advlco. Yours IllJi J" " OT-- m hivh-vrlOMl thut It -Iwvm ator. nillrtwd mmm Wv Iimu wlthdrnwH had lo 1 iurn fur fuul H ,,, uf MUW. Kli9 MBM1U, oawpl tmra In tha Mrthwt. un ammi mm imtl for th, tv nau.raiaMt o r tho iMbiutr of mil.o.uU to aincjmmwniloiw. tint waiihl wy" th How ouM It do for Klnc Wd wnrd'a uuvwuinaiu to onlar Htr Alox andar 8uulmui. Rovwnor of Ja- luala. to como to tho Uultcd titatw Risks i --i rn .. n j UaajiHo lln provuleneo or robbory, few ronllnuo to koep wono about tuotr liouin. In tliua doluir, they net only rUk tho low of utouy, but Uo thalr llvoa. (ov muciU rr ad Wttr U iia bo thww pwH woro to bring tMr woay to tb bank. Am you ronuiuis auy ueU rlV? Satlem State Bant L JC. PAGE, PrUt W.KAZ4JU,Ciifcatc whelo iut prtutlni: bill l tno etuu a tJtlMK to disturb. a a a T. T. Ooor la qmmmhmI to tka gev wrnor uppouiiinK Uw railroad oan mlatteH. He wnnta a pee om the Miiimlnion hlmaoir. a a Oni' 111 mon for want piat on the railroad fttWHUaoloit. a w luninie or lowa. to Kt j. rtwaa, iitod Iwnda by dtlia and tOUHttoa, voted subitdloi. votod tax- Uy euMe4 oltlo aad lowH.hlpa, lll all ktodi or atHHta tn nu tj,o UI with rallroada u.ut ronulatod thew attorwunla. OrKon moda u Imuiouao apndltnro or capital to nil tho wa.w iac. wUh 14,ttWl Qf tftMrHKUthm. QrofiAH ooatd ntt lo oxowpt all oUhhHq and atandawl JWhro railroad, fnmi tuxa flvo ywra In order to nil tho atato wtih iraR.pQnhuon llaoa. Oroon hi tROMdii of UHHtlllil wator flowow that ahoold bo eonvortoil loto wotlv IMKOfa for tmMHHM'liBi? nu. !....,!.- HilaiwaU. frnlt, and foot to market I lltWUUOW tO OOOOOmce o.nllnl ,lt -so P. w wmoo U tho tat would do dmn rr I feclaHl will dovotopmont uf th mt . aeu. -.., n.,v. v mm iq rHritrt opr j y oi eawtat now hwo and a ew t'apHail um oowljj fews. t otory lojsuutor ut to How lo Cure ChilbbiliiK. "To onjoy froodom from chlU IiIhIiih," wrltoa John Kornn. HaBt OtUlleld, Mo.. "I apply Iluoklon'a Ar nlen Salvo. Hnvo alio used It ror lt rheum with oxeallont rosults." OiiHrnntMttd to euro rover aoros. Indo lent uloora, plies, burna, wounds, frost bltoa and skin dlsensoa; 2Ec at J. C. l'urry's drug atoro -n lUm IMulo TmiiNfi'is. The tallowing deeds have' boon plnoed on reoprd In tho ollloo or tho Mnrlon county reuerder: 1'. P. Twlklngton, ot ux., to tor C. Denlaon, lot a, hlook 10. Ilrooklyn add to Saloni. w (I , j Tho. Koeneoko. at ux., to SeJiool Dlatrlot No. 100, ono-hair noro In aoo. la, t a. r 8 o, w d J. C. Qroon. ot mx., to Uum . Itleo Iti norta, t I , r i w il J. C. Oroon, ot ux.. to Coor Tuylor, 10 noroa. t !,, r l w, w d J J. A. HNd W. Wholnn to A. U. Haton. tt 2, uitiak 4, (le. Joneo addition to Salem, w d X J. and K. llawora to C. I. Wntt, 1 noroa, t S a. r J w. w d Itcv. Carlisle, P. H.Mnrtln, L. L. D. or Wavorly, Tex., writes: "or a morning, whon first arising, I often find n troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and Is very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Unllnrd's Horohound Syrup will at onco dlBlodgo It, and tho troublo Is ovor. I know of no medlclno thnt is equal to It, and it Is so plensant to tnko. I can most c6r dlally recommond It to all persons needing a medlclno tar throat or lung trouble." Sold by D. J. Fry. COMPANIES ORGANIZE tollowliiK articles or Incornor- ar th 10 10 mo 1100 1000 Till- iillou wij. Hied (hla mornliiK in tho olllm or tho awretary or state: Albany Lodge, No. S59, llenevo lent and Protective Order or Hlks: truateea. J. It. Wyntt. C. G. Burkhart, Joseph Myers. Oregon Intarnmtlon Uureou Com pnny. or Portland; Incorporators, Htl Ilolmnn, John M. Camoron, Leo M. Clark. Thomna P. Thornton; rap Itul stock, $10,000. o Stoh and lloppy .Mcottugs. Don't tall to hoar Mr. Stoalu. the ovHtigollat. He la amoxoollent proneh or. The chorus la constantly Improv ing under Mr. Hoppy'a lendorshlp. Meeting continue In tho Proabyterl an church every night nt 7:30. ex cept Saturda Come tonight. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ft. Kind You Hav8 Always Bought (Z&& ours truly. Clcophns Forte, Marine uar racks, U. S. N. Training Station, San Francisco, Cnl. What should Induco this United Stntos seaman to wrlto ua in this mannor if not gratitude for being cured of a disease which had tor tured him for fifteen years? Mr. Forte was positively unknown to us until ho wroto for tho samplo of our wonderrul remedy. Possibly you too are driven nearly to madness with piles and have thought an operation tho only euro. Let us urco you beta going to this expense nnd suffering and submitting to this humiliation, wrlto us today for tho freo trial packago of tho Pyramid Pilo Cure. Its. action Is Im mediate and relief Is sure. Tho repu tation or its makers is a guaranteo or Its freedom from harmful Ingre dients. Thcro Is nothing in It but healing, soothing elements which work upon tho fevered tissues, bring now life to tho bowol and mnko its action painless nnd natural. Tho samplo wo send you contains oxnetly tho samo remedy as you buy at any druggists nt 50 cents per box. Send todny and soo whnt wonderful rosults this samplo will bring. It costs nothing to try. Pyramid Drug Co., 7S Pyramid Bldg., Marshall Mich. o THREAT TO REMOVE (Continued from pngo ono). Bears tha BUsmure o TOO Cnrrlo Nation . . Cortalnly amaincd ,m. i- .l. barroonn of but Hallard'a Horohound Syrup haa amaahed all rocorda aa a euro tar coughi. bro. chilli. Influent and all pulmonary JIMie. T. C. H-, Horton. Kan., wrltea: i have nover round a raod. olno that would cure a couch ao uulaklr aa lUllard'a llorehound Svr. up. I havo used It far mam o,. by D. J. Fry. Islnlors enn como nearer giving their wholo tlmo and attention to public mnttors, ns there nro not so many on tortnlnmonts nnd nmusoments to call them nwny rrom tho halls o! leglsln Hon. It would be a public mistar tuno In most states to romovo the state capitals to tho largost city In the stnto, and tho pooplo or Orecon hnvo ovory reason to bo satisfied with tholr oxperlonoo In having the atnto capltol and most or tho state Institutions locntod at n city of tho second class." Secretary of Stato nenson wiu aoen, nnd anld: "Tho noonlo of Oro. gon are very woll sntlsllod to have the state cnpltol In tho lntorlor or the state, where tho Influoncmt nf the merlcultiirni inmiini... .,.. inndo felt very nuicklv on nnv nmiinr Of DllllUc 1 111 hurt n n en Tim.. l.- ui u una novor boon a proposition to romovo the stato capltol that had any roal backing among tno ninssos or tho peo Pl. The talR usually arlsos out or a spirit or rovongo, growing out of somo controversy or a political or lo cal naturo. I do not bollovo that any such movomont would bo suc coesrul, or thnt tho pooplo at largo would bo bonoftttod by such a change." Stnto Tronsuror Stoel. who Is a former Portland man. and has somo nterosta there, asked to bo excused 18 8a,a o was now In the offlco, and thought tho out-going state offlcdrs would bo botto rnuallfloii n i. opinion. "" "" Other stato offlolnls ho sentiment Is unanimous for keep Ing tho stato capltol in Salem. "loro TlKtrno" Tonight. The ItMHUrul foMaot drama. lm Thoroe," win bo wodocod by Mokhara'a Ideote" at tka u-n.. ' Clrand thootre, ooHoim. tonight. iW.e w,' wwa Stunlay A miUro caaat-e of; ua Utrodocod be- o-A.irr-.T'y. .- Ready for New Year Now Wo aro always prepared tar any occasion and our lino or stock Is Junt aa sood and almost aa com. Plte aa It was for Qhrlstnus. At tfc Same Old Stand. A. L. Harvey's Cur. Court and High SUln g Phone aio Main. AH the World. Is a stago and Ballard's Snow Lin ment ploys a most prominent Part. Us haa no aupprlor for Rheu njatlani, stiff joints, cuts, sprains, and aU pains. Buy u. try It and you will always uso It. Anybody who haa used Ballard's Snow Liniment Is a iving proof of what It does. Buy a ? Kboe: 2Bc' 50c 91M. Sold by D. J. ;rry, INDEPENDENCE STAGE. mily oxcopt Sunday. Leayes w lameiu Hotel. Salem at 3 p. m., coa. nee s wlth motor tor Monmo galUi at 6:15 p. m. LeaTe3 Ind6. pendenco at S a. . Phono Maln 17- RALPH BUDLONO, Manager, CJlGHESTEKSmTS vW Want lin...i.T?T' Washington, Jan. 30.3 w a uboii. chairman onJ! ato commltteo on apPropara gently asking for an lucrew ono hundred thousand to i? dred and fifty thousand f0 m S nemtion-of Pear Harbor .V?1' waiiah islands. Tnft.'n tti: is every reason whv fn.n. Hnwnttn Hlin,,1,i i :"uctlov is believed thnt. h e. rei ty of war with .Tn,,.,.. . H,aal are now at tho mercy 0f the Cmintllnn Farmers for En iJl Ottawa, Jan. 31. -The mi3 tho interior has decided to Zl iriimber nf Dnim-in t5sal tho old country to lntPI.0., J,1 rlculturists there In Canada, (wa is especially In want of farmill ors, and it is thought ihe M canda detormlnmi nn .n, 1 1 " "u wnr rttA meeting the demand to a huW Theso men chosen tar the v0fk get $100 a month and expemj Biiuiiiu uAiiuruneni m caseol urn vuuuuu was irieu somefe' ngo, with magnificent rwnit. 1 missionaries from Manitoba v territories arousing tho keenesll toresi overywnero thoy went. The Foai That is whnt somo people! off their bevernges. It Is onltn leavening quality In It, uj, pastry that Is tho partpeoDl. want left. They don't blow it, but try to get moro into It way to do It to tho best m advantage, ns hundreds ol hci keepers will testily, U bythtli of i Eppley's Pcrfecttofl Baking Powder C M. EPPLEI Manufacturer Salem, OrcgM ; THE CENTlim A magazine which has tit stood for all that is best in life, has held fast by the traditions of literature, aided : tally in the development of i art bv educating popular putting work in the hands of i ising artists, and in season aaJa of season urged upon a f cncnYm-r! in business, nahieo and competency in public eJaj justice to authors, wholesale ditions in the crowded parts c the larger educational ppr for all. The Outlook. Stmt for full fr v tui tl ; sfttial efftr tt ttc.J tutstnim THE CENTURY Union Square V 60 Yl kTflol i Cct txAi Anrona tending a iketeh fg qulcklr Mcartnln our opinion InTantlon li pronaoir P"cj; tlouatrirtlfoonadatittai. KM nt trea. -oldest tamer tott WBteialiuttU4. wllhontcbarM, Wl SckNIitfc H A haaatoraetf lllactrat coUUon of anr fclentt Tear: tow noatu, U Ullatli rPnui mHfMMtl Oae r Bt, W 1 !JKal m u APPLES Tko finest Baldwin W1 market, Solocted and packei W ' grower. , it uriu iuu.w - ask for thorn. FOR IT IS NOT WHAT MIGHT GET, AS WS FEU TO SELL TH CHEAP AS WE CA Moir Groc Company 4S. StAto st. ' V .UJJto&k, jkT W