"- V. WWT?' t.,mihIAY. JAXUAKY 31 1007. - DAILY WTATi JOUKXAL, 8ALEM, PRECOX. 0 " "" , ! for tho observance or D - . 7 .m.' THAT ELI'lMbM' L'lil) Jiljiw"" HOFER BROS., PttUlMbttM njProprletor . 5fn XHB WHWAL BTANDH KM IMIOGBKHB, DKVv . ' ...... . . v tii.'nitADIil) ijAiKJii. (i()Vi:ii5' '' "" GOOD NO VIiACK FOIt IKlVS. What can a boy do. and whoro n a boy stay, if hn it Always told to cot out of the wn 7 . ca u h!w and ho urt not stand there Tho cushions that cover that fine rocking chair Avl "uuThero. of course, to bo -..and admired; A boy has no business to over bo tired Tho beautiful roses nnd flowers that bloom On I o "or of the darkened and delicate room So not made to walk on-at least not b boys, The house Is nO plnco, anyway for their notoo. , Yet boys must walk somowl.6ro; and what It tholr fool. Bent out of our housos, sent Into tho street, , 8 .o aid Iti around the corner and pkuno at tho door. V o other hoys' feet havo paused o ton beforo, Mould pass through tho gateway of gl tcrlng light, Whoro jokes that aro merry and songs that nro bright Itlng out ft warm wolcomo with flattering voice, And te mptlnKly W. "Ilbero'i a plaeo for tho boys." Ah, what If they shouldT What If your boy or mine Mould cross o'er the threshold which marks out tho lino Twlxt vlrtuo and vice, 'twlxt puronesH nnd sin, , And leavo all his Innocont boyhood within? '? , Oh. what If they should, because you and I, Whllo Uio days nnd tho months and the years hurry by, . Aro too busy with cares and with life's Meeting Joys To rnnko round our hearthstone n plaeo for tho hoys? The"o's n Plnro for tho boys. They will find It semewhere: And If our own homes nro too daintily fair For tho touch of tholr fingers, tho trond of tholr foet. t They'll find It, and llnd It, nlns, In tho street, Mid tho gildings of sin and tho glittering of vice! And with heartaches and longings wo pay a dear price For tho getting of gain that our llfetlmo employs If wo fall to provide n plnoo for tho boys. A placo tor tho boys, dear mother, I pray: As oarfrs settle down round our short onrthly way, Don't lot us forget by our kind, loving deods To show wo romombor tholr ploauures and needs; Though our souls may be voxed with tho probloms of life, And worn with bosutmonts nnd lolling and strlfo, Our ln'ftrt will keep younger your tlrod heart nnd mine If wo gtvo them n plnco In tholr Innermost shrlufll And to our life's latest hour 'twill bo ono or our Joy That wo kept a small oornor n pla-io for tho boys. Boston Transcript. Tho mayor and city council 8110 1 VJtOM TIICIK CALCCJjATIOXS. uhor by objections. Tholr opposition will bo manifested at a um . utlBat,on which by new propositions, or by litigation, or threats answer their purpose as well, If men w '1 listen i JjUTI0X TA3f Till: SAIjKM PAVING piioulkm is xumam KVKIt HEKOIIK. , u govornmont go' nhoad Lot the honest and progressive men In the city b and do tholr duty foarlossly. , d olty, Thnt U tho only wW to aP Jh W "Sj. ASU STATU This Is tho time to go ahead, WU in" BTASI) ItKAIY TO ASSIST. Thoro VIII never again bo such a favorable time to pa THI5HADKKCASK. A Live w nerve is a live wire I I'ltllUY liHOKY AXD UXlAJUICI.Y. and tho first 'wbo .. in a quarrel with his own organ, t.o and th r o is to revive tho story of tho Salem assault. J HA1 B MAIM. p Tl.AX TIIH MI8SL1NA010IKNT OK TIIK What Is the innimr with Friday? Is It really nn unliioky day after ull7 According Ho trnilltlon. Friday hi unlucky uianum It Wl on that day iimt rMit-ut wh nrtiolflnd. In nearly nil of the eouiitrloa of IMiope Friday Is regarded as 'Hill llliAOK HUHHI !' Tll IIAVH OF Till? WHHK, alul It Is so Oitttemud by lluddhUU and llrnhmln. Tho old Unman willed It nefRsltu. from the utter overthrow of their nrmy at Oallla NnrboneiislK. In HiiKland It was ouee tfte ottitoni tooxjoula llie.HHtanfte of death nu ooudoniMod erliHluaU on Frhlay. wkloli. lkeofor, line been oouunon ly known AH "HANUSIA.VH HAY." Tliere l m Kurlleh proverb to the effect that a Friday weoM brings foul WDHlber. Many sailors rsfMs to go aboard a vmmI that la to start IU voyage on a Friday. On the other hand. vWUere Is nut waattMR that l'UIDAV IS OMI OF TIIK M10KIIIKT lAYH IS Tllll WltHK. Ohnrlea DlekeHesays that nearly all the tortunalo eveMU la kla life o ourrtHl mi thli day. .VHROTUM IMtlDAY 18 TIIK FAVOIUTII DAV FUlt WIIUN(1S. lloluw Is Mlven u list of sumo ItuparUiMl evneta that have, Qtourrd oa Friday: Moscow was burnet Friday. WasliluglOH was Imru Friday. 8haVspenru was horn Frldny. , ' A.MUItKU WAN niSroVHUHII IMtlllAV. Tho Hattlle wn dMtroytxl Friday. v Thtt Mayilower plUrlmi wre Inihled Friday, Qeu Vleinrla was marrlml Friday. ( KINO IMIAHI.IW I. WAS IIHIIHAIHtH IMtlllAV. " Nupulwm lloiwpurt was Ikh-h Friday. Julius OaeMr was uswiiMilaatwl FrUlay. Tho tattle of MnrettK was tuagbt Friday. The buttle of WaterkK) was tuHght FrWay. Tll UltOMIIATION OF IXDHI'H.VIUIXOU WAS 810XIIU lIUUhVY, The Uiilekture will ndJMru aa Friday. i. o TIIH HAl.ltM 1'AVIXO iMlOUI.liM. Tho case of Hev. Paul Under, promoter $ S this atate. who is now being stacked for mUmanament of that organization, shown a kno Md When ho started out on his crusaua . - sUWOSKW ,nadb the victim of a deadly assaul on tho part of someone TO IIK A PIIIK.VII OF TIII3 W"" not ur,B themselves on his biiBlnou. and ho has boon wb. '""'"" nnil Out now thing dono Thl :i Vh.ni.bioneM of human no other charges against nadcr there was no disposition to put tho or3t construction on tho nssnult Incident. iii'na in CSw that there aro other charges aga.nst Uader everybo, Hn to t:i: ..'will... to accept rtSdrSS!-l affairs In connect.,,,, with the league have .nothing to do with tho question whether tho Mioult on him was faked or not. Tho charges in regard to his financial affairs with ho league have been denied by some of tho managers at headquarters, and thoro is to bo A KUIih AXD COMPliKTH iXVKSTIflATIO.V. When that Is dono wo shall publlih the result. What wo nro discuss ing hero is for tho purpose of pointing out tho Injustice of bo loving one thing against a man became ho has been accused of something olso. WHAT SHAM. UK DOXI3 WITH TIIK XOIKIAIi SCHOOLS? Thnt is ono of tho most burning quOHtlons boforo tho legislature OUKOO.V HAS FOUK BO.OAIiLK CTATK XOItMAL HCllOOlA. Tho school nt Ashland Is the? only one located at a city thnt has a fully organlzod high soliool. .... IIlKh schools nro being ostnbllshed all oyor tho stato and tho domnnd for toaehors who can do high school work Ib very largo. , , . . HlKh school toaehors nro very much In demand. TIIK STATU IS NOT SUPPIA'IXd TIII9SI. Tho stato normal schools nro turning out too many poorly oqulppod teachers. If nil tho work dono In all tho normal schools of Orsgon woro of a high class of professional work thore would not be so much objection. Hut tho aystam wo huvo in Orogon Is NOT IMIODUCIXC AS MAXV HICII (IHADKTKAUIIHIIH AS AHK XKKDKD. OrHKon needs more first class normal ichool work. The four state schools aro not giving tho stato as many first grade high claas touchers as are needed In tho qtate. OIIKCOX XKKDS HiriTKIt XOHMAI, SCHOOUS. If reducing the num ber will nrcoinpllHh this result by nil means reduce the number. Tho stnte uulvorslty should do more of this nornml school work. (INK DISTIXCriVKIiY F1HST CLASS STATK XOItMAL SCHOOL wori.D hi: Kxoi'cii. T?. . .. connecting some. part of, thp uav w th the brain. Iney are so numerous that if you pene trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shock pain it is called. Aches and pains come from a pressure, strain or in jury to a nerve ; the more prom inent the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a large nerve it is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach, sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop pain, then, you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do satt Vi riin I'llls They dia mo, moro eSu,ac1M.eondCthorir use never leave- any bad after-effect BECTcmaN. 357 W. 4th St.. Erie, Pft. n. miim' Antl-Paln Plll are told by you 'duool.t. "ho will ouer-nte. that S'dosaS. M eeX' Never sold fn bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind worst kind of a grnft. Tho members who support bills for tho Biipport of all tho normnl schools do not ropro sont tho best Interests of tho state. Albany Democrat. for tho observance of Decorau Carried, 17 to9. U0l J: ?;-":..! A- SIo J acted. S.B.No. 89.Cole,reiatngl0j iy uuuna. Again referred i mlttco. l0 ' S. B No. 98, Wright, relaj nntnmntrv. Rnnrto.l ' S. D. No. 105, Smith, ot n. to establish boundary between i una anu union counties, gj. a. u. sso. 140, Hodson.tD, salary of sheriff of Column, ty. isnncieu. S. B. No. 141, Hodson.ton. salary of assessor of Columbia ty. Ennctca. tho commuteo on resolution! poricu iavorauiy on s, n, k0 hi structlng tho committee on ij,J means to mano approprlatou j only two norma) schools, 1 JIullt moved to amend by n tuung tour scuools. The. mont waB lost and the orlelailii lutlon adopted. Tho committee on agrlculturi i mlttcd a substitute for seuttl No. 82 which wns read for Uc j time. ThlB provides for thera zatlon of eastern Oregon agrlnbi soclotlcs. o . No Hope for Miners. Charleston, W. Va., Jan. JO.-n believed nt noon thnt thedeidqll mlno will number 75. H d , thought to bo possible that tad tho 'entombed men Is alive, it, bo night beforo tho rescuers on ter tho mlno. o- PILES CURED IN 0 TO It DH PAZO OINTMENT Is gu to euro any caso of Itching; 1 Blooding or Protruding Piles hli 11 dayB or money refunded, ik Watch Senator Illnnlmm. Sanntor Illngham seems to have satisfactorily answered tho question as to whoro ho stands on tho rnllroad Issue. Tho bill approved by tho Port land chnmbor of commorco for the rogulntlon of common carriers has boon fathorod by tho sonntor In the uppor house, nnd his critics should auletly subsldo Into tho back tier ot seats whllo ho doos business with the corporations. Kugono Quart!. M i 1 II I 1 It I I I I I I II I I I I I j POLITICAL OPINION I H-M-1 HIHHIIIIIIIIIII t'liiio Sam'N Job. If OrtKou takea thu job u( building Hew luekf. It will cont tho state over a million dollars bwforv It Rets through with tha Job. That $400,060 would nub be a starter. It Is tho ljuslneee uf Uncle Sum to mak tho Willamette unviable. Albany l)em otrut. Tlits SJalwt olty Munetl Was tieae reeon oaoHliMMely la favor ot l!rt olftM itataiHeaU tw tke pHuetiNit trMU. Tho tXHjtil m a number of tkeee slreei UAVH lMfVITIONHD KOU lMltfiT GuHA IMVtIIVfTS. Htatw (rt has (wn piltlea4 la- fr Urw Utoeka of ItltHlltkle. and ono far tea block ef UltajHtooe mar4rtB. All knew aat the bltulthle paweat to. It IIA8 l.ONC! Sl.NOK I'ASS. KID TIIK IIM'HUIMIVIWIj AlWOIt, The ttltMwtnMe maendam l h later Mai ao4 has not Wee trie! la Ore twu Vh4Utar (tajew la to to the tlNt atO' to tot It rowala to bo diaMwi. CUIw Uke PeoAloUti am) U Walla kavt w Jowa. Uw UUUtklo rMVMMMtt. Tka" M vtltw akooi tk tw t SaIow. am! 8TVHIMIINT8 IMIO.M Tin: imoriiiiTV owMiits ixtiiosk cmiis quriit to iiu sh, OlMtllD. The Mm aavii )ruorty abooi a valuable a $. U tky are , aaUNe4 wit bttMHOf wr ile IumM h abte to re Ha Ute eow rany Muut Uowa thai kM ej a atrat. We ar tun obiibsI to tUttf taaeUtaaalaesM msmoh4m It It eaa W diH wIllmMt ttM atarli rtek. lUviatf sm HHa reeonl as tavoraU to a Ural olaiM vweU at w kind the ) mm4 Hi)- ooaaetl kaW be anrasiKl to c aa4 and ratry thwlr dtrtalatl lat orfat. Tky should nt W tkait4 y ttmliKleallUee kk h) & few vm WII.I XKVMIt CXIXKIiXT Tt) AXV KINII OP IWVl.VU, Tar r few ire lu aay edtuMenlty who art happy so lang aa ta l$ ttotbtaa vchttvw itoae. Thtr aojulr eltU by rr cxBeftdlng aay. Taay terr employ la bor atttl r tHtsMltuttotitily of ptmd to patllua aay moaey Into circulation. Iuhip .Moving, ltae eouat)' eems to Uuva aa un usiully aetlv dtRatloH la tke leg (aluture this year. ! Ouartl. ronilug to tho I'rout. SIii'h olty oounell has orderod wywttl bloeks pav! at ohc. Thu OaIUtl City U movluK steadlU to tke front. liugaue Qttard. SjiIiiiii Pippin! the Shell. Tkr are enly two real etttea In Oregon Portland nad Pttadletoa. Sulvm has "plpptnl the skll" Ivy latitat; a rontraet tor seven blocks of trHt ivavlHK. but all otkor OrROU town are still wrapped In the mys ltrli'i;.t oiott'HA of Incubation. ISast tirei.i nlan. Xi'i'ditl Ailvirt. I Klfurea He about aa much as any thins. Mr. llryan didn't waste any of Oregon's time, not a oent's worth. I The laalsluturt has been having too I George mid William J. Governor Chamberlain bollevos In nn alectlvo govornor with powor to appoint all stato ofllcers. But Cham barlnlu can not bo much of n llryan Democrat, for Bryan In his rocont ad dresses, lu Oregon laid gront stroes upon the vlrtuo of the dlroct pri mary and Initiative, praising Ore gon's ejection ot senators by tho peo ple. The Nebrnikau set up as tho standard "a government ot tho peo ple by themselves" and not by ap pointive powor of the govornor. Kugene Ilegister. much time, lletter off If they had Bryan to apeak to them an hour ov ary day. Albany Democrat. Did tho Work. A bill providing for shutting up Iiokh was referred by Speaker Davoy to the committee on game. That ought to kltl IL I Tito Proper Wy. I Tho proeident ot tho sonato and tho speaker ot the houso will probably continue to be olected by tho bodlos 'over whloli thoy prosldo, which is probably propor, ovon though not nl ways satisfactory. Albany Demo crat. o by to- Tho Outing Magazine for Ft Tho Outing Magnzino for Feb Is nn ideal, bracing nild-wlnttta bor. Its articles nro filled wttJ wholesome, opcn-nlr spirit tht alwnya associated with Tho I Magazino. Us pictorial festcij ovor, nro noteworthy, pan tho drawlnss by N. C WjeQ a Oliver Korny. which are ioril ronl art. Two series of phots will clnim wido attention. Till oral pictures of winter coating miiBt renew tho youth of til s city-tired dweller, and p will bo tempted even front) ilrosldo by tho graphic story a turo of a winter's duck-boaJ nowor boat, by Thomas E Ma Caspar Whitney, tho editor J his host In the Fcbruirr i Point." Out of tlir traveliofs vonrB through SouMi VEcrtcsH plainly why" tho I nltrd SU'.mM lng Its rnce for commercial acy In tho Latin- mcrlcani nnd ho noints the way t0 condition of tho affairs m southorn half of the wwters t lihnrn. "Tho'Llttlo Outdoo' Storla' a group of opon-nlr sk-tcneit as Intorostlns In thrlr WU' ICondrv'B Idea." the serlsl, now flrnvln? to a close II' M... in..ia fnr ih rlover tie"1 uun luuibiB vr. .- Chester Bailey Fcrnald Ruuntr Wwlmday Afternoon. The spaolal order In tho sonato yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Work for nu Opon lllvor. No matter what elae Is done tke UHteae commercial bodies ward advaaclns tke Interests ot this take up tho quostlon of Governor olty, tke open rtwr movement Chamberlain's votore was postponed should never be lost gkt of. Till until next Monday aftornoon nt 2 should be tke great object for which wo akoakl strive la seaaoa and out ot seaaoa. ami la tke fullueu of time oat efforts will be crowned with u' oeee. It la not km Impoeelijle arkleve ment. or evea a particularly difficult or expensive movement, compared wim ninnjr oteer Rovernmenu nro Jecta- and It may be made a govern-! Fulls. o'elock In ordor that somo of the senators who aro absent may have n chance to bo hoard In tho mattor. The senato then took up tho first reudlng of bills nnd the following' wero Intreduced: S. B. No. 1C0, Slchel, to amend tho codo In ordor to protect Multnomnh Is Your Money Idle ? IT HAS AX UAKXING POWHK THAT IS TOO VAUW1U.H TO J.OSK. lMlPOSIT IN Ol'U SAVINGS DHl'AJtTMKXT WltliltU IT Wlhl lUlt.V TlUtlHl l'JIU CBNT IX TKUKST, AN1 Hit AVAIMIIbK WHUN WANT' 111). DHIHWIIS OP O.VK DOI.UVII OU MOHH CVX HK MADK AT AXV TIMK. Savings Dfpaxtsuat CaylUl Ntioail Bfc mont project by sMMdently latereat- lag oar delegation In eoacreea to rah It atoac. tCugeae Quard. S. B. No, 161, Malarkoy. to amend the oode to roculato rights ot way. S. B. No. 162, Malarkoy, to amend the oode rolatlng to damagos for rights of way. S. B. No. 163, Coshow, regarding school suporlnteadent for Douglas m. t saam I ' il "IggMl!: ai .J I mSfo yl!! MulkvyV Gihm! lbniuplo. Seuttor Mulkey. of Qregoa. will Dorr Jwat hms eMousjk to naallf) klm is wrne mt nve Wanks' ltiri. Icouatv. once la tke Ualted Stats Senate." S. B. No. m, Nottingham, to nad to set a taste tkat my start htm awend the oode relating to procuring iHvrvM-v wmt sensn- temaiaa unuer age. tu Kkewlne tore waoe terms micttt k limited to ttv weeks wttk aJvaatage to Use country. Mngee Qwiurd. Kugmio Porglng Ahoad. Sakstn ami Albaay are atlll UIchm lag street jwvlag. Masene wui preb nbly be pmue down pavwueat on Willamette uh at aa early date. Kmrm Hegteter. Two Itnough. Two aormal MkooU to all a state ot tho population of Oregon should support. The faet Is the population ot the sUte calU tor only ono, but geographically tho wtaaUoa suggests two, An mora than that U tho S. B. No. 162, Coke, to amend the code relating to ileus on mines. The following Mile were road for ino second time and referred to var "" wmmiueea: 129. 133, 134, j, hi, m, ne, l66 Tke senate then wont Into tho third reading of bills and placing tkem on their final paasage. The fol lowing were censidered: S. B. No. 17. Beach, to fcmend the coue relating to test book commlB etonars. Bnaeted. S. B. No. si. Smith, ot Umatilla, provldlag for establishment of quar antine regulations. Enacted. S, B. No. 3S, Bingham, providing kM at I KMQ CA61 - tii sk I'! IB Jen ..... eltr oi IV - PROF. Pgj KING CAGTW mlhewentvujij :lealnaecar' Will out fc. IhAn.ull Of tC ... - ! ketplt oab"4,trU ! r ( cat. iprlu. lrone. -.1. MntH w" W(n WWMM-, . .fi KINQCACT08 0ILW" , fonaimeouoftholiw' M,,"d"4.,r:k. K.iiJhrdnit1B'' ti M ' OLHEYAKCDAIO.C a. w. roTNAit o DrHe nr NMth Oe sUXXK