-.ITIIEBJ OCCASIONAL RAIN 2JSrt ASU FRIDAY. JOURNAL FIRST EDITION, S P. M. SMCOND KD1TION, -1 P. M. D AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAIiKSt,. OKgON, THURSDAY, JANUARY M, 1007. NO. 28. . xvn. iPPOSE MOVING CAPITOL THREAT TO DIVIDE STATE THAW JURORS LET OUT HRCAT TO REMOVE CAPITOL nator Whealdon Talks Seriously of Cutting off Eastern Oregon. CHAIRMAN BURTON GOES MORE DISTRICT FAIRS ' FREE LOCKS BILL IS NOT DEAD MtoM hcaldon this morning led the question of stnto division Ihe fight over nn Enstom Oregon appropriation, and n prominont Itlsml mnn openly declares thore b a well-organized movement ithe inltlatlvo and roforendum to ore the stnto capitol to Portland. lie itate division and cnpitol ro il are questions raised at each Iod, the persistency of thornovca. it nu caused serious goBSinjiii'tno" blM, tad the feeling is jbjjWig, fan- br agitators in both houses of UcUUturc. Tift) movement hnB tret teen consderc"dby'vtho pco- oaiue romance roan claims (Multnomah county would glvo, 15, 66o majority for removal of the cap itol, and enough votes would bo picked up in tho rest of the stnto to carry. Stnto Officers Oppose. Governor Chamberlain, the Domo crntic chief cxccutlvo of Oregon, says: "I am in favor of keeping tho stato capltols ns far away from the largo cities ns possible, especially whon tho legislative assembly is In session. Thcro is not tho snmo op "portunlty to uso unduo Infiuenco nnd Improperly control tho legislation in 1 tho interest of corporations. Tho log ' (Continued on Page 4.) mm sto PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE $10,000 WORTH OF BEAUTIFUL lew Spring Goods NOW ON SAI F i Behave xo old goods to show you. this is a run- HASE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR EARLY SPUING TRADE OP THE WEST I'ltODVCT OP THE nEST MANUFACTURERS IN AMF.RI- THEY AltE ALL NEW. SNAPPY. UP TO DATE SU3RCIIAN- 1SES0LI) AT IOWKR PRICE THAN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR OLD JIS ELSEWHERE. READ THE" FOLLOWING: rcss Goods iWeihow a beautiful stock of t spring black Dress Goodn in tU latest designs and styles- i Cloth, Panamas. Voiles, "". Crepes, French Batistes, fa de Almaa, Silk Voiles. Slcl- ou. and Warp Henriettas, Prices ranging from 49c to So olored rss Goods of styles you have to von u wonderful, In nearly "7 toatlnable shado and do- ' e prices cannot bo beat; ". c, 65c, 75c, 85c and fe Wool ssGooffc M fori. . Kh it,., . ranama8. Princess Sli x,?M' Batiste, rou.fi.7r"?'. famines, Al- ',4Sc, 65c, 75c, 85.98c. pANCSE hj hundred va,H. T W. all .w """ Japanese lLr Patte": Price. cents. White Linen Dress Goods Ono thousand yards to BOlect from. This is a special bargain; yard, 25c, 35c. Domestics We show a wonderful stock of Domestics priced down to tho lowest notch. Dress Ginghams, Calicoes, Outing Flannols, Fancy Calicoes, Bloachod and Unbleach ed Muslins, India Linens, Persian Lawns, Long Cloth, Indian Head Dress Goods, Swisses, Crash, Toweling, Tablo Linens, Swan's Down Flannols. Whlto Wool Flan nolB, Wool, Eiderdown, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Napkin, Silkallnes, Cre tons. Linen Tablo Covers, Pillows, Cotton Bats, Sheeting, Pillow Tub ing, Fancy Lawns and Dimities, all at little prices. WhRe Lawn Waists Handsomoly embroidered; sale prlco 49c, 65c, 75c, and 98c. Notions Safety Pns, 2c per dezen: Laces, 2 for lc; Darning Cotton, ball, lc; Pins, 1 c paper; 25c Hose Supporters, 14c; Sans Silk, Ball, lc WATCHDOG BURTON RETIRES From Rivers and Har bors Committee of House California Congressmen -See a New Light on Japan Washington, Jan. 31. It 1b nn nounced today that Burton, of Ohio, will not again accept tho chairman ship of tho rivers nnd harbors com mittco of tho sixtieth congress. Ill health and ovorwork nro glvon as tho cause. Congressmen who wcro nt the Whlto IIouso conferenco InBt night said this morning thnt they wore op posed to tho Prosidont's nttltudo on tho California school question, but now 'sco 8omo consideration that makes It advisable to show a spirit of compromise. Tho President this morning ac cepted an invitation to attond tho THAW JURORS RELEASED Several Are Let 'Out Alter Panel Is Full For Reasons That Are Best Known tu District Attorney ' Now York. Jan. 31. Hnrry C. Broarly, nn advertising agont, and Honry L. Klolnborgor, n silk mer chant, wero added to tho Thaw Jury Wodnosday, but othors woro oxcused. Jurors David S. Wnlkur nnd Louis Hiuts wcro exctiRod this morning upon the opening of court by Justice Fitzgerald. Sevtral times twolvo Jurors linvo been In tho box, but for various causes they woro again lot oft. Tho prisoner wnB surprised at tho announcement of tho court that It hnd excused tho jurors, but appeared satisfied with tho explanation of At torney Penbody, but Bhowcd irrltii tPJii at further delay. On leaving tho court Walker snld ho wiib sur prised that ho was over nccopted, ns Jones of Polk Got It Back Into His Com mittee and Will Renew His Efforts By sharp parllamontnry tnctics that members who woro horo to graft Jonos of Polk nnd Lincoln got his tho stnto for Bo-cnlled Institutions of froo looks bill back Into tho hands of hlghor education woro fighting this his commltteo ngnln, nnd tho sovon mombcrs of that commlttdo wilt on donvor to effect n compromiso monB tiro thnt will bo nccoptablo to all In terests. SUVON TIllTNlllllg Hill. Thoro woro hundreds of Westoru bill. "This Is n good measure" snld Joiioh. "It will Bnvo tho farmers' throBhlug bills every year. You wnnt sottlors to conio horo and build up tho country, but nsk thorn to pay tollB to a rich corporation on ovory bushel of wheat they rniso. I pro- Orogon fnrmors in ovUloiico whon tholdlct you will hoar from tho pooplo fro clocks bill was up on specla) or-jon tills bill." d,or at 10 o'clock. Thoro wns n good I Sponkor Davcy gnvo tho Jonoa-blll round of upphiuso from tho gnllorlcHiSomo support. Asldu from him thoro of tho Iioubo of representatives whon wns no ono to sponk for It. But It Mr. Jones concluded his appeal to will como up ngnln, and Mr. Jonos -111 . 1. . t.lll TT. .. .......1 I.. . !... A. n.An, , I. . .!. I ... ,... ' tlif.uf. tl.tm fnttnH n tttit neu .mna uro. . not kill tho hill. Ho poured In soma i hopes to hot Hhot, charged that tho common school fund wns being robbed, juid dedication of tho McKlnloy memorial monument at Canton, Ohio, during : ho wns acquainted with Whlto and tho Inst week of Soptembor. ifffASTHT GMWBK1 MORIC. ?V0Y BROS. C04TMT fit QMMtr- cil mi Dwirt Sttute THIRTY MILLION BONDS Such a Tiling Would Never Be Done at Salem Brooklyn, N. Y., Jnn. 31. Con troller Metz will offer for snlo tomor row $30,000,000 four per cont stock and bonds of tho city' of Now York. Tho stock and bonds nnd dates of maturing nro as follews: $23,000, 000 corporato stock, for various mu nicipal purpoBOB, maturing Novombor 1, 195C; $2,750,000, corporato stock, to provldo for thojBupply of water, Novomber 1, lQSCf $1,950,000 cor porate stock to provide for a water supply. 1926; $250,000 Now York public library, 195C; $1,500,000 as sessment bonds for street nnd park openings, 1910, and $1,000,000 as sessment bonds for street Improve ment, 1916. o Swimming Championships. Brooklyn, Mass., Jan. 31. The U. S. swimming championship will take place hero this afternoon In tho pub lic baths. Tho featuro ovont of tho program will bo the 25-yard Invita tion raco which will be scratch. Rich, Boyco, O'Noll and Herb Holm aro entered In this ovent, and tho standing record of 12 seconds, now holds by Daniels of Now York A. C, seems sure to go, as two of tho quar tet havo mado.better tlmo In practice Another Interesting ovent will bo tho plungo for distance. In which Al. McCorrnack, holder of the world's record two years ago, will meet Ar thur Smith, of Quincy. o '' Hugo Packs of Wolves. Quebec, Jan. 31. Northorn Quo bee Is overrun with huge packs of wolves. So daring aro they becom ing that they prowl through tho cities and towns at night. Bands of men are being organlrod to 'exter minate them, and this morning 10, 000 men met at Island Lake, and will camp there until they tiaVe got rid of the peris. Isomo with tho Thaw family. HaiiH I refused to discuss his dismissal. Joromo told tho court ho didn't think it ndvisabio to mnko known tho rea son for receiving tho two men. It was rumorod that boforo court oponod this morning Joromo would ask for tho dlsmlssnl of Jurors Wnlk or and Haas. Tjiaw's counsol, on hearing tho reports, said thoy would opposo and such movo. District At torney Joromo nnd his assistants consulted with tho Judge Jind coun sol for tho defonso Just previous to tho opening, whon tho oxcused woro announced. It was 11 o'clock boforo tho attorneys apppcared In court. It Is said that Thaw's lawyers fought hard to retain tho Jurors thnt Joromo ordered dropped. All tho Thaw fam ily wero In court whon court wns called to order and culled tho roll of a now panel. There was a friend ly greeting between tho Thaws and Evelyn, nn evidence of restored (uni ty. Thaw ontored smiling. Ho is In II MlUllgllUUI II1UUU IIM1U), JJU UlllU'l fully perused a pllo of letters and a number of newspaper clippings. MORE DISTRICT FAIRS Threats Made to Create Ma rion County District Fair Association tlon of n now stnto. Ho snld ho per sojially was opposed to stnto tllvlslon, hut ho Intimated thnt thoro was n limit to Eastern Oregon patlonco. Tho bill carried nn extra appropria tion of $2000, nnd on tho final voto was enacted with practical unanimi ty. S. I). 88, creating nn agricultural district of ailllam and Wheeler coun ties, and appropriating $1500, was enacted. -o- Whon tho hill appropriating mon oy for tho district fair nt Pendleton wns on Its final passage In tho sen ate this morning, it wns dttveJopivd that tho Oregon stato fal rnpproprlu tlon Is in grave danger, and that at any tlmo a project may bo sprung to do away with It ns a stato Institution, and create nn agricultural district with Salem at tho contor, and with appropriations accordingly. This is apparently ono of tho direct results of tho hurd fight for cutting out of othor largo appropriations by Senators Smith nnd Kay. Tho Mult- GARNISH SLOW-PAY OFFICIALS Tho only discussion of momont which nroso during tho Iiouho hoshIoh this morning was upon motion to indefinitely postpone Burn's bill making state nnd county ofllclals subject to garnishment fill. nnn.. I.. Mini. ....-,..!.. Inoninh senators favored tho bill on i.ii.. , ... t .ii.. jz t .! srs.-?- "r ""'' r-". " ?.".- ss 'r-J ,sns. ,;: uuw.vu, a u"u. .. .. viw.w. ininou mo roriianu uoiecnuon noiu n prlvato and informal mooting Inst night and decided to opposo tho bill crontlng tho Institution for the Juror at 12:15. Wilbur F. Steel, manufacturer, aged 53, was soloctcd ns tho thirteenth Juror ut 12:33. f erred for amendment to ovorcomo tho objections raised ns to Its swoop ing and drastic provisions, which Eleven aro In the box. would oporato to tho unlimited nn- twelfth and thirteenth men take tho places vacated by Walker and Hans. It Is now understood It was found that political afflllatlonB with Jerome might Interfere with finding an Im partial verdict. A new panel of 100 was ordered for tomorrow, ThU makes 500 called. Tho Jurors have dubbed tho fourth seat the "hoodoo," as Arthur Camp bell and David Wilkes occupied it previous to Oscar Pink, who was ex cused. D. J. T. Deemor, of Pittsburg, Pa., to testify that two brothers of Mrs. William Thaw wero weak minded, and that one was confined for a tlmo In nn asylum. It Is expected tho Thaw Jury will bo completed this afternoon. Qnr vln will make the opening state ment for the state. Tho present plans are that ho will not speak ovor 20 minutes, mako a plain statement of tho killing, with no reference to Evelyn Thaw or any of the minor characters. It developed this after noon that the defense will probably put Thaw's soother on the stand to testify as to his eccentricities, shows since Wrth. wh; . .. . . . ...... . wuum opuruio iu mo uniimiiou nn- Tlw foeh lo minded, tho bill to purchase noyuncQ Qf mb)o offlon n thop Q tho block of land oast of tho state house, and to fight tho spito fair ap propriation, and, If necessary, begin a movement to romovo tho stato capital. puclty as custodians of public funds and that it was against public policy. This 1b tho saino bill, In effect, that was enacted by tho session of 1905, but was put to tost iu tho courts am! i u.u u,uu,uu u, i,.o UUUiVuU ,10,d voId ,)y th0 anpmo court. A bill this morning Senator Bailey bI of tho 8nm0 nnU,ro wno roJectod made a very sarcastic speech, and his by tho 3cna(e yc8l0n,ay, Kav,ng boon threats of changing tho stato fair In- ,ntroducc(, ,jy Sonntor Kay, the au- to a district fair wero very thinly Ulor of tho for,nor BUtut0 wn!ch wn3 vo,,cd hold Invalid. After tho bill was read tho third ,. n.nilini ,,,- inn nt . ti.nn time, and Smith of Umatilla, ex plained It, Souators Kay and F. J. Miller Bpoko heartily in favor of It. It was then Bailey took tho floor and mado sarcastic references to Kay's chango of heart In ono night. Senator Whealdon went even farther, and intimated that Marion county nnd Western Oregon might drlvo Eastern Oregon Into tho forma- Dr. J. P. COOK! of tho houso was taken up by re ports of standing committees. ALASKA SIBERIA RAILROAD WTM T n UBimTlf HHWTi Vancouver! Jan, 31. Dawson ad irwmm MK WDLLgMrr AIA ! vices aro that Captain Joha Hoaiy MS X1W TATmttT. F0K AXt and party have started for the somxa MHUni CALL K Ml, CMC of the Whlto river on the first survey OOMMXEFATMMtf FMML ' of the tram-Alaska-Slberlaa railway.