tfATARRIiOFTHBSTC 11 JktlkueMG&onA ISA TODAY ONLY WKKKLV BARGAIN fil'KCIAT, NO. M7. Ik'glnninjr tlil Morning nt HsHO wo offer rich AMERICAN CUT GLASS Consisting f KflPl''" WnUr "0l,In, K"Bnr n"(1 Crcn,ncw,1 S,,"n iSnlklll. Our i.n.illr low rl on . ' null n lt of friend. Today "If 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT No telephone order received. None "! "'" H;t0- MEN'S CLOTHING AT LESS THAN HALF Wo luivn Vim on wile several Hiim of immi'h Mrlctly Al.h WOOI, liniiiMnlloml, t!c celebrated llnrl, Hchnifner & Marx mill Aider A. i . ....i. uIiimi riiiKio from IiinOl IIIIn- .-i.i r lift to 10. i ... .1 . ,.f - ll.lll oi Jiwro limn " " v ' Value range "P t S1KS.H0. An opportunity you can't nfforcl t overlook. AVIillo they last. ." . . . Spring Dress Goods Wo are showing nti unusually flno assortment of now dross kooiIs for spring Tlioy nro lit tho now oit weaves nnil colorings. New PlaW Silks New CliaHics Shirt Waists Undoubtedly ttio flnoit showing of now stylo wnlsts to bo shown In tills city. Every ono a liunuty. Well made nnd prices tiro unusu nlly lowlfor such good qualities. Many hnvo chosen tholr mintmar supply of wnlsts. There' still a host to cliooio from. All slxos from 33 (o 4(1. Hi:C()NI) FMMHI. CITY jNEWS A OeHVettoH t hvrtHt Pr fee Ysmr Ootumleratloa Xfnvo tlio Old Typewriter Mndo now by Mnrtln & Ruber, ox pert repairmen. Will be In tho city n iihort time only. Ienve orders nl Ullto Cafe. Phone 103. 31 Itrporl Condition National llnnk Kxamlner Clutch I notifying nil tho bunks In his district that tho comptroller of niirrouoy has Advised him Hint he hns nailed for tho condition of nil national bniiks Ht the close o( business, Juminry SO, WhIhk KtMoii At the skating rink are ospeolally for beginners. Two competent ln a-trurtor nt your service. No ad in Is. lon charged nt this amnion, 10 to IS. mw't Fnll to Hv Tho last performance of "Tho tlreat Northwest' 'toulght nt the Kllnger Oram). CLEANING GLASSES Is an Accompaulmont of their wear. Hut doa't mistake defective or non-mitablo lenm for meUteto or dust on them. If your (Idmm are iot the exact kind you nhould wvar, Ikejr will do more harm than good. Perhaps im would do well to call tm ujt anyhow, nnd nud out whether you have the H1QIIT Wusea vr not Well V honet with you we can't Jforxl'-to le vtherwUe and We Don'f Charge for Our Advtee BARR'S JtWtLKY STORE Ml Vhmiy 5U Sukjw $10 Spring Oxfords Wo nro Just In receipt of tho first shipment of Ladles' Spring Oxford h In the newost otylon. You'll like the new shnpos nnd tlio vnltiea nro up to our usual high standard. Embroideries Our Own Importation They nro tho ombrolderloH you wnnt right now nnd Intor. Mndo of Cninbrlo, Nainsook, Swiss nnd Mnilorlii. Tho host vuluoa nnd prettiest pnttorna over ahowlu this city. Thoro Is audi u host to ehooso from that you enn not holp 1. a. 4 II .I Mnittitttditt ltll tun n t Uilb HUM nuiiiuiiMiin ;uu utiiit m - Mellon Funeral This Morning Tho funorul of tho Into John Mc Hon, n woll'kuowu resident of tho llosoilnto district, wum held this mom lug nt 11 o'clock from tho Frlonda church nt Hosodiilo. Uealdua n. wlfo. tho decensed loiwos throw children, Mrs. Until McKunxlo, of Mill City: Mrs. Alice Murphy nnd Everett Mc Hen. both of Hosodnle. Hev. ChnrlM llnldwln olllclnted. I'nrnull llit'eptlou The Kulom Ministerial Union will glvo n furewell reeoptlou to Itev. and Mrs. K. W. Olirre In tho parlora of the First ilnptlst ohuroh this lUjor miun, besluuluK nt 3 o'olnok. Tlio ninny frlands of tho retiring pnstor nud his, wife nro naked to attend. Next A 1 1 met Inn At ttllngor Ornud, oommenelnR Thursdny, "Horn Thome," Hlttu.d t'lrot Mill (lovernur CUntMkerlaln tbla morn Inn uitUed his signature to tho first hill that the present legislature on noliHl. It wn the bill rixlug tho bouudury Hue butwoeu Linn uod Iine Qttuntle. Personals Ow Heli' loft this morning fur Turner. W. W. Johntwu went te Weodbwrn this luurnlug. J. IJnibaugh. ef Maria, ks U the oily on luulne. U. Krvelaud went te lNtrUaud en huslNeM todny. Mrs. V. A. Outlek left thl wern- lug for iecferaou. lh It. M. Pnrvln, of Portland, cetuv up this morning. John r'Uht wnl to Portland o buln this morning. A. 1. Moore wwU to Portland thlt morHlng on Wel8s. Jtev. U. A. WatittM. at Portland, h visiting BAlem trUudi. Attorney Yank Qrimth. of Oregon City, U here on uuslnees. Mls Orae lwler and Mm. Cor Belles, of Turner, are vliltlng in the oily. ttugene Powe, the flax man. vent to Portland on uutinee this morn ing. 4. W. lUker, waster fish and game warden, arrived In the dty yesterday from Cottage drove. MIm Waoel Tyler, ot lleppner. Is tne gueet ot Mr. and Mr. IX W Keltter In thU city. t - inncft.IT PtPMTCnF HISTORICAJJOlRiil I ;: Compilcd by the Daily Journal for the Pdjod "t'l'I'I'I'Tl'I'l u i i Two anarchlata Imvo boon arrested . -.i.i in whnnn nnsucBRlon wns 111 V-ilH-.ih". ...-- found two pistols nnd plcturos of the President nnd omporoxs nnd prime mlnlHtors of other countries. JtUBBlan torrorlBta shot nnd killed tho governor of DnHll Island nnd the prison warJon. hey were nc; cused of Ill-treating the prisoners Sonntor Carter, of Montana, todntf nttnckod the order of the Interior, department that no more patontsj should Issue to public lands, unloss W. A. Meaner tho Independence morchnnt is In tho city an liJiBlmjas, for tho day. Mrs. Loateln, who Una i been vUltlng ' relntlves here, left' tlTl'mbrnlng for ; hor homo In Etigeno. i William Tattton, after a visit hen j with his son, Hymn, left today for his home in linrrlsburg. County School Superintendent Moores went to Woodburn tills morn Ing on otllclal business. Ilev. Illrnin qould, pastor of tip M. E. church at Forest Grove, visited tho University hero yesterday. II. U. Hendricks of Fossil, brother or Editor 11. J. UondrlckB, la making n visit In the city for n few dnys. Mrs. It. Carlson, who hns boon the gnost of Mrs. M. M. White, of tills city, left today fbr hor homo In QroHhum. Miss Hlldn Graham wont to Port laud yesterday for u brlof visit. She will Join the ICckhnrdt Compuny on her return. Mrs, I,. Wllklna, who hna been visiting her daughter, Mrs. h. Bor unrd, left this morning for liar home In Washington. Attorney Thomas, who has boon here, nn Intorosted spuctntor of the legislature, left this morning for his homo In Portland. Mrs. E. M. Vnndorvoort loft this morning for Sllverton, whoro she will attend n meeting of tho Good Templars' lodge. Miss Klttlo Hnrbord returned yes terday from Choyonno, nccoiupnnlod by her fathor, M. 0. llarbord, who Is much Improved In honlth. A. 11. Dovors, J. N. Tonl nnd C. N McArthur, prominent mou of Port laud, were horo yebtordny, watching tho progross of tho loglslnture. It. J. Klrkwood, ropresontntlve of the International Correspondence School, was a Salem visitor from Eu gene yesterday, lie left last even ing for Astoria. Mrs. Charles l'ltuwtrlck nnd Mr. C. W. Womaok, who have been vis iting the former's son, Charles Fits Patrick, of Salem, lenve this morning for their home In Losilne. Mr. nud Mrs. 0. 11. Hlulook, Into of Tillamook county, who have been visiting In Seisin for ten weeks, leave, todny for Qroflno. Idaho, where they have employment In the asylum work. o No Doll Walts Between eats at the Kllnger Grand thoatro this week, o To Fruit nnd Mop .Men Elmer Q. Heardsley will exhibit his steam sprayer Saturday, Febru ary 3d. nt 1:30 p. m., In front of the olty hall. it Seo tho .Moving Picture And other high class speolaUlea. iHitween aqts, at tho Kllnger Grand theutre this week. HvnugelUtlo Meeting In Pnsb)torlu Cluirrh. Services continue In Interest and nr attracting we eh attention. Mr. Stoele, the evangelist, speaks the truth In a olear, forceful manner. Mr. Hoppy sings the truth Into the hearts of his hearor. The meetings will continue through this wwk and naxt. Kvery night at 7. 30. Saturday. oxcetit TT ' Mght of Tho ixtt Northwtt" Tenlght will be the lat oniwrtunl ty to wltneea The Orewt Northwest" at the Kllnger Grand. ComMencIng tomorrow ovealn. and with regular matinee Saturday, at 3:30 p. iM , "Dora Thome" will be offro, wlih an -entire change of specialty be. tween nets. How to Cure Chilblains. To enjoy freedom from chll hlatns," writes John Kemp. East OUsaeld, Me.. apply i)uUcicas Ar nica Salve. Havo also uavd u for lt rheuia with excellent wults." Ouarauteed to cure feter sore. !-..- leat ulcere, pttee, burns, wounds. frot bites and akin disease. 35c t j, t perry'a drug store . ..i i.- norannnl InBPectlOtl of -were "" nvornmont offlclolB. . tne lunus vj " o Carnation day was ousorvou v Canton, Ohio, by the public 801.061 children In honor of President Moj Klnley. Fire damaged the Baldwin loeomo live works at Philadelphia one mil lion dollara, and 1000 men nro out of work. In all 18.000 aro employed The fuel famine In North Dakota Is so great people threaten to burn the railroad for fuel. Puny Children Need VINOL it builds them up, makes them strong and robust Rapid growth, overstudy, Insufllc lent nourishment, convalescence af ter chlldrens' dlsensos and fun-down conditions makea children thin nnd delicate and atops development. Because Vluol contains nil the medicinal, bone, tissue and body building elements of cod llvor oil act ually taken from frosh cods' llvors, the useless oil eliminated nud pupta nnto or Iron nddatl, It quickly restores rolniBt luNilth nnd chlldron lovo It. Wo refund monoy to those who buy Vlnol and rocelvo no bonoflt. G. W. Pntmnn Co., druggists. Noto. While wo nro sole ngonts for Vlnol In Snlom, it is now for snlo nt tho londlng drug store In nearly evory town and city In tho country. Look tor tho Vlnol ngoncy In your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxjtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its clcansinp, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities arc extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address Tbc It. l'axton Co., Boston, Mass. o- MISTAKEN FOB YKGGMKX. How tho Immaculate ,lo Teal Looked After Two Weeks' Outing. Apropos of Joe Ten I, his Immacu lnte linen and tailor-made clothes, few people know that once he was mistaken for a burglar nnd all around bad man. This was twenty years ago. Mr. Teal nnd some friends had been two weeks In the mountains hunting and ilshlng. During that time Tool had not changed his clothe or shaved. He looked tough, nnd no iglntuke. On their way home Teal wnb nlneed In a room nt a small country hotel that contained two bods. After he had retired, the landlord pat a drummer In the other bed." Mr. Teal feigned sleep, and wntohed the drummer out of tho eor nor of his eyo. Tho drummer looked at Tool and then hid his poeketbook under his pillow. Then he walked over to Teal's bed nnd took another good look at the hunter. Thon he placed his money under the mat treee. After another look nt the unshav en young barrister, the drummer seemed in a quandary what to do with hi wateh. Ho placed that under his pillow, then he removal It and put It In his shoe. He took it out took another look at Teal and held tho gold thee piec n Bjs j-j wny uont yon swallow it? cried out i mi, who suddenly wnke up. seemed to Cm rle Nation Certainly swashed a hele In the barrooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Horehound Syrup has smashed all records as a cure tor coughs, bron chitis, Influenxa and all pulmonary diseases. T. a H-. Horton. Kan . writes: "l have never found a medl cine that would cure a cough so quickly as Ballard's Horehound Syr up. I hare used It for years," Sold by D. J. Fry. The North Bend chamber of com merce has raised; hjoo for advri.. Ing purposes. It It Brooms i... ithUsum 500 BBflLLLkBW L;': k4 tf HHr UNDER ARREST Sheriffs Arrest Four Men Charged With Breaking into Stores Chester Larabeo, E. M. Began, James Stewart and R. W. Portcous were arrested In the railroad yards at Woodburn last ovonlng by Sheriff. Culver and Doputy Sheriff Mlnto. They wore brought back to Snlom, and are now confined In jail charged with breaking Into the Fairgrounds store Monday' night, and stealing n large lot of clothing and other goods. Charges will alio likely be proforred against these men for breaking into the second-hand store or Conrad Dlll mnn. on State street, the same night, nnd stealing various nnd sundry ar-i tides. Rutherford & Craig, proprietors' of the store at the Fairgrounds as certained yesterday morning that their store had boon brokon into nnd n largo lot of goods taken off. Tho Sheriff's ofllco wna at onco notified, and tho shorlff nnd his deputies soon located the stolen loot In the hop house on Prlnco Bym's place, near tho fair grounds. It was lenrned that four Btrnngo men had been hnnging out thore for some timo, and had beon slooplng In the hop house, it was nlso nscortalned that these men walked north on tho railroad trucks yostordny morning. Cuyror and Mlnto took the nftornoon trnlnl for tho north. Mr. Mlnto got offtao Gprvnls, nnd tho shorlff nt Hubbard. Both walked Into Woodburn nnd ex amined tho hobo camps along tho route without result. At Woodburn they arrested tho-four men In tho railroad yards, whoro It wns bcllovod thoy woro attempting to tnko tho train back to the fair grounds. Rognn was formerly n brakemnn on tho Northorn Pacific, and Larnbco was rocontiy uiscnnrgcu irom imo United Stntos marine corps nt Berke ley for physical disability. Stewart carries pnpors to show that he hns boon employed at Cherry Valley, Wash. The ovidenco in tho hands of tho olllcors Is said to bo sufllcicnt to sc euro the conviction of nt lonst two of the suspocts, nnd it Is bollcved thut all four men woro mlxod up in tho two robborlos, A dozen pairs of shoos, 10 pairs of gloves, 20 pnlrs of socks nnd 24 shirts were among tho goods stolon from the Fairgrounds, storo. Mr. Dlllmnu has been unablo to mako a complete Inventory of his losses. It Is probable that tho men will ue arraigned tomorrow boforo Jus tice Webster, and charged with tho robbery at the Fairgrounds store. c . KlrCMMiV "I'nclo Tom's Cabin" to lie Here. ino coming of Stetson's "Undo Tom's Cabin" on Friday. Fobrunrv 1st, to the Grand Oporn IIouso, ro- minds tho wrltor of tho firm hold tho old songs, as well as tho old may, nns on public favor. It also recalls an Incident. It was In n hotel parlor. A brll Hant pianist had Just rendered ono or ngnor's most difficult ploces and a murmur of woll-brod applause had followed. Then, very softly and ten Jerly, like n sweetly tremulous old ii reciung pathotlo memorlos, i'i ivory Keys Bent tho plaintive mel wjy or ".My Old Kentucky Home" Ighing through tho room. The idle chatter coased. Evory mind was busy with blttor-sweot momories, and the air was nueu with tho scent nf v Ished olover. the warm fragranco of --u.un nay ana tho echo of bob Ellin re mk, mi. " -....o u.UUfc0. ino simpi0 tun """"""i o uoor of evory heart and the ghosts of dead days came iruoiung lortn. m answer An almost forgotten poet, Robert Hinckley Messenger, quaintly wished . w.u uu io ourn, old books to He might havo addcd-oid songs to alng and old tunes to be played n the long twilight, while he dozed and Z?Tt ,U h'8 6a8y cha,r' " is a fact that none of the popular songa of late years survive "May Fly's- ox- nnt ,!-.. J . J inoy aro " araea with the Joys and woes of the human race, s! 1 . A PLEASANT, SIMPi ht asm rrwi.-f.-i.... "lT 1-oniT. M. Costs Nothing to Trr ' .Catarrh of tho stotnach k Innhrnliln rp, . ' W! ...uu.u.b. .. UBHa, Mn.., -1 a bill or bloating sensaUoi J uub uuiiumiiiea 8omctlt8fia tmlir rn wntntut .!. 1 of gases, causlm: nroo... olt9 jKS neuri nnu ninga and difficult IrJ nit,, USUUUUUV9, iicKie anoj.thi' vousness and a general ni..' languid feclihg. I There is often a foul uf. ",UUi"' .uui.uu tuueue and rti terlor oEtho stomach cenU wT -r nnlli nnnl .1 .u " I It would show a slimy, nuW dition. , ? The euro for this common id'a stlnnto trouble 1b found .,J inoni wiuou. causes the food l .nnillt.r f linMmiHl.1 ,. . . luiiuuj, uiuiuuBuij mgested U it nns lime 10 icrmcnt an4 niu ituivuw tiiucUOUS BUrfj tho Btomncu. To secure k nnd healthy digestion Is thooy essary tiling to do and whcni digestion is nssurcd the cat- condition will havo disappears;? Accorumg to Dr. Harlaosot,'! saiesi nna oest ireatment Is fit after each meal a tablet, coma of DinstaBo; Aseptic Pepsin, j; Nux, Golden Seal and fmft These tnbiets can now be fnj nil drug stores under thenjsi, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nu being a patent medicine can bti with perfect safety and asses that henlthy appetite and thoi digestion will follow their rta uso after meals. ' Mr.. R. S. Workman, Tt. ...11 . 11-1 A ins., wnius; . aiarrn IS 1 1 condition resulting from a ne;le cold in tlio head, whereby thel mcmbrnnoof the noso becoaal flamed and the poisonous disc! therefrom pnsslng backward htil throat reaches tho Btomnch, Urt nuinormes presenncu for a) threo years for catarrh of ilt l.wuasajjcnro, out touay I ia9 MisBjHk men after using ctlja iTdxavVagajBaf nnrt's Dvsnonala Tilk I .cannolpiflnd appropriate crJ oxprcss my good feeling. I found flesMflnMlto nnd soasda from thirlfiaEsfi Stimrt's?EO'ae!sln Tablets J( i safest preparation as well h simplest and most convenient i for any3itmof indication,! orjjstorjJE biliousness, soar i achKheartburn and bloating nienlsr- ' ' Send your nnmo nnd address I for a freo trial package and yourself. Address F. A, StuiriO 58 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Xliti y State News Loander Dillon, a pioneer burned to death" in n wagon to" urday nt Prinovllle. Tho now north school onerfl host in tho atato has been d nt Medford. The O. A. R. will meet at Nn today and Thursday. Tho "TonKiies of Fire" Bl up their mission nt Albany as,' meeting nt n private resident. , Mrs. Mabel Young Warner. (m ton, has beon Indicted chariti! tho forgery of two wills to t tnto of thn Into J W JOWH undo and alleged father Tin' Is valued nt $40,000 and Mrs1 nor is made tho chief benenc i ' o BORN. RUEF. At their farm bomet' county, January 23, 1907. tl and Mrs. Geo. Ruef, a sea. .MONEY TO LOJ THOMAS K. I Over Ladd h Bush's Bank, aJ Noffwfcli Unloa Fire Insarafice Frank Meredith, I"! Office with Win. Brown 129 Commercial street. NEW TODAi '(..-. i.. u--..iTo sell inquire nt jouruui - Fbr IteHt. Two double .rooms, with telephone i&Jl Inquire at 477 High center. Wunted Geutloman or UiT nl fni. mni-MnlllB hOUSd el capital. If desirable tW w- .. ,.a nt he Weekly aalary of WJ and excesses. Aadra Alexaaier, Salem, Ore" i e v.