rVTHEn: BAlX TONIGHT- " , " "J JOURNAL FIRST KD1TION, S P. IHCRSDAY. -' w V ' ,' -w- . . " M.t SECOND EDITION, 4 P. M. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY (, U)07. ,.xv". NO. 27. HAW JURY SECURED JAM ESTOWN FAIR BILL KILLED ALARIES OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS ite Officers Arc Also to Be Allowed Traveling Expenses LOBBY AGAINST LOCKS FIRST APPROPRIATION BILL GRAFT MEASURES MULTIPLY the lcfilslaturc continues with same degree of liberality ns dls cd by the wnjs and moans com ee In fixing the nmounts for the :rl and contingent expenses ' different state Institutions und jtments, as shown In tho general iroprlatlon bill which was aub- ed to tho house yesterday nftor- i thcro will havo to bo n mntorlnl esse In revenues In order to hnvo lugh money to go round, boforo tho Iratlon of tho ensuing biennial A comparison of tho Items those contained in tho official satM mado by former Secretary Elite Dunbar shows that tho ag- rtte amount of tho former ex hibit of tho latter by over $20,- the rand total amounting to M,W. It will easily provo a $3, 000,000 loglslnturo ngnlnst $2,275, 381 two-years ago. This ,howovcr, lncludos an nllow nnco of $800 for tho snlnry nnd cx penpf10 of the stnto dairy and food commissi itch will doubtless bo cast out whon taken up for consider ation slnco tho salary nnd expense of tho food 'nnd dairy commissioner Is provided for In tho Bpoclal act un dor which tho ofllco Is created. This bill docs not embrace tho rccommen dntloiiB for bimjcIhI appropriations for repairs and Improvements, additional buildings and betterments for tho different institutions, which will ag gregate oven a greater sum than tho gonornl approprinton bill Itself nnd which will bo set apnrt in another bill, now In courso of preparation and (Continued on pago flvo.) JAMESTOWN FAIR BILL KILLED Further Consideration of Hie Matter By State Senate Decided on THAW TRIAL DkAGS m 0 STOfE HI 4 Hit PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE $10,000 WORTH OP BEAUTIPUL lew Spring Goods NOW ON SALE I WE HAVK XO OLD GOODS TO SHOW YOU. THIS IS A PUR- MASK MAI)K ESPECIALLY rOU EARLY SPUING TRADE OP THE WEST PRODUCT OF THE BEST MANUFACTURERS IN AMKRI . TIIEV AHE ALL NEW. SNAPPY. UP TO DATE MEHCHAX- fSESOLl) AT LOWER PRICE THAN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR OLD MS KLSKWHERE. READ THE FOLLOWING: Tho bill, creating n Jamestown ex position commission and carrying an appropriation of $05,000, mot its Waterloo in tho stnto sounto today. Tho proposed bill has boon in com mlttoo for sovoral duys, and two ro ports wero made. The majority ro port recommended that tho bill do Sketch Artists Excluded From the Court Room IH18S. Johnson broucht In a mlnorl ty roport that it do not pnss. 1 duy. A hot discussion wns instantly pro 'voked the usual gossip, that now dlf- Ncw York, Jan. 30. At the open ing of tho Thnw trial this morning Justlco Fltzgornld nnnouncod that ho would no longor pormit Hkotching of principals In tho court room, nnd nBked tho nrtlstH prosont to lenve. May McKonzIo and Evelyn Thaw wore tho only mombors of tho Thnw contingent prosont at tho oponlng to- Tito nbsonco of tho others pro- foroncos hnd arlson In tho family. Previous to tho oponlng, Thaw, In tho prisoners' dock, tnlkcd n fow minutes with his wife nnd May Mc Kcnzlc. Harry C. Bronrty, nn advertising ngent, nged 30 nnd married, wns chosen as the tonth Juror at 11:40, to tako tho place or Fnlro. Mrs. Car negie and Edward Thaw ontorod the court room an hour after tho oponlng. :k ress Goods ft show a beautiful Btock of ; prlng black Dresa Goods in 1 tho latest deslens nnd utvina kern Cloth, Panamas, Voiles, ne, crepes, French Batistes, de Almas. Silk Voiles, Sici- . and Warp Henriettas, Prices ranging from 49c to 5 red fess Goods 2 W of styles you have to 'J. , a "wonderful, in nearly Py acinable shade and de- Tte prices cannot be beat; ,,f. c. 65c, 75c, 85c and teWool ress Goods U 8.. h iu" . ranamas, Princess i ?" French Batiste, JOII Olll, . ' -"-"""CO, Al- -c, o&e, 75c, 85, 98c. KHpE frES hundred ,,,,, t t all na "" -otJuueso 'aU. White Linen Dress Goods One thousand yards to select from. This Is a special bargain; yard, 25c, 35c. Domestics Wo show a wonderful stock of Domoatlcs priced down to tho lowest notch. Dress Ginghams, Calicoes, Outing Flannols, Fancy Callcoos, Bleached and Unbleach ed Muslins, India Llnons, Persian Lawns, Long Cloth, Indian Head Dress Goods, Swisses, Crash, Toweling, Tablo Linens, Swan's Down Flannels. Wnlto Wool Flan nels, Wool, Eldordown, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towol3, NapklM, Sllkallnea, Cre tans, Linen Table Covers, Pillows, Cotton Bats, Sheeting, Pillow Tub ing, Fancy Lawns and Dimities, all at llttlo prices. Whke Lawn Waists Handsomely embroidered; sale price 49c, 66c, 75e, and 98c. Notions Safety PJno, 2c per dozen; Laces, 2 for lc; Darning Cotton, ball, lc; Plnq, 1 cpaper; 25c Hose Supporters, Ho; Sana Silk, Ball, lc clpltnted. Kay of Marlon took the floor In opposition to tho appropria tion. Ho said that bills wero Intro duced, or would bo, asking for $5, 000,000 from this legislature, nnd urovloiiB to this no Oregon legisla ture had ever appropriated over $2, 600,000, and that was at n tlmo when thero was unusunl demands. Ho thought $2,225,000 was amplo to run tho stato. Ho considered this the most usolcss appropriation thnt had been asked for. Senator Beach, of Portland, de fended tho appropriation, and Buld, regardless of any obligation or senti ment, which Is not to bo considered, this was tho best opportunity 'flint Oregon lino over had to oxpond this sum of money judiciously. Ho snid it was true that flvo millions is bolng asked for, and ho reminded Sonator Kay that Marlon county is asking for four of this flvo millions. Further more, ho said Oregon is growing rap idly, and is now a $5,000, 000 stuto. Tho question came up on tho sub stitution of tho minority for tho ma jority report, and tho voto stood nH follews: Tho Jones freo locks bill wns mnde Ayes Bingham, Dowcrmnn, Coko, a special order at 10 a. in., and, Colo, Coshow, Hedges, Johnson, Kay, JONES LOCKS That $65,000 Exposition Job Killed Once But Will Reappear This loglalatlvo tiny wns opened mado to employ another page for the with at lenst threo or four aehomoa to carry awny tho almighty dollar, at. llttlo or no effort to tho fellow who would got It. Stockmon woro In the rotunda cursing tho monBuro to havo a Btato Rhcop inspection commission crontod. Houso bill No. 17, which commlsBlon selects n stnto shcop In spector, who nppolntB deputies nil ovor tho stato, and, whllo tho chief gots $4000 for Bnlary and cxpcnsoB state prlntor to curry tho bills up to tho houso nftor thoy nro printod. RoproBoutatlvo Rodgocs mado mlnco moat of It by Baying tho laws ro qulrod tho prlntor to dollvor whntov or printing tho house ordered at hln own oxponso. A mombor statod that the Btato prlntor wnn olrondy provid ed with two pagos. Tho Rodgors res olution provalled. The .Jamestown Graft. With apology to tho sonaltlvo thero la no telling what tho doputy houso mombor. Tho Journal must gots. Thero Is nlroady a stnto live stock commission nnd fodoral shoop inspectors, who have dono a great donl to oxtirpnto disease, A Llttlo Gimt Graft. Those who havo camped In tho mountains know tho llttlo, almost invlslblo gnat that got under tho akin nnd sucks Itsolf so full ho can't got out. Woll, thnt species appeared this morning, whon nn effort wni BILL Valley Shippers Making Redhot Fight For the Measure chronlclo tho death of tho Jnrnos town oxpoHltlon appropriation of $05,000, which was given short shrift in tho sennto against tho at moat unanimous voto of tho Multno mah delegation. Thoso mombors could not do otherwise nftor holding tho exposition in their rlty, nnd will fight to rovlvo tho Jnmostown grab, by hitching it onto tho Seattle appro prlatlon. Loughory, Laycock, Mlllor of Marlon Miller of Linn, Smith of Marlon, Smith of Umatilla, Schofleld, Wright and Mr. President 17. Noes Bailey, Beach, Caldwell, Hodson, Mnlarkoy, McDonald, Mullt, Nottingham, Slchel, Whealdon 10. Tho motion was then mndo to In definitely postpone further consider ation of tho mattor, and tho voto wns the same excopt that Smith of Uma tilla, voted "no" In this instance, making tho voto 15 to 12. Thero wero three absentees. Tho Multnomah delegation and I other friends of the bill aro "sore," to say tho least or it. As tho matter now stands It looks ns If tho result of this voto will havo n strong bear ing on all futuro appropriation bills. The Multnomah delegation are talk ing privately that Marlon county gets COOLIE PROBLEM SOLVED President and California Del egation Come toAgreement whllo tho Bhlppors of tho valloy nro strongly organized nnd bnckliiK tho bill, there Is a powerful lobby at tho ('ont ,m8 """J" " ohit!on of t -.n. !...-.-.i-r-. i'. J Jnpnneso coollo problem. Ho will unfold It to tho California delegation this ovonlng. It is undorBtood ho has reached on ngreomont with tho Jnp nneso ninbnssndor, Aokl, whereby tho Toklo sovornmont will provont laborers taking pnBsogo for this coun try. It la not likely to bo announced omclally. If Jt woro tho Mikado would bo nttnckod by tho opposition at home. Ho cannot mnko n treaty, but will nchiovo tho snmo results by oxorclslng power ovor tho steamship lines. STEERING HOUSE ALONG Speaker Davey Pushes the Busine s in Many Ways Speaker Davey Is Bteorlng tho Washington, Jnn. 30. Tho Prosl ,,I0IIH loK with grcnt expedition. tho i lAMxwet onownra eras. LV0Y BROS. Ctmr tf CMmtr dJl m Cmrt itnto tlons, and thoy think they can save Senator Kay at least $2,000,000 of tho flvo ho spoke of. Thero has also been some veiled threats of cutting the appropriation for tho Stato Uni versity, for normal schools and tho Agricultural college. If the Multno mah delegation continues In tho pres ent frame of mind, and can make good, they will probably kill any bills they see fit. Judge Alex. Sweek, of Portland, chairman of the Democratic state central committee. Is in tho city on business boforo tho supreme court. stato houso to dofeat tho measure. When Representative Jones called up tho bill, Campbell of Clackamas, moved that tho courtesies of tho Iioubo bo oxtonded to William Pntrlck Kendy, former spoakor of Uio house, who Is understood to bo the lender of tho lobby agalist tho bill. Ropresentatlvo Newell, of Wash ington, stuted that David B, Ogden, or tho United States corps of ongin eers, would bo up on tho noon train, and would havo Important informa tion to Impart, and he askod that the bill go ovor to 2 p. m. Colonel E. Hofer and Captain Waltor Lyon, nnd other members of tho Open Rlv or oxocutlve commltteo, hold a con ference with Reprcsontatlvo Jones, and consented that tho special order four-fltthsof all tho stato npproPrla.bo c,mugcd t0 2 0,c,ock th(J flftor. Skating Race First race of the season at the Au ditorium tonight. Race starts at 9 noon, when tho bill came up. o . Wjim Thmv Insane? William L, Clark, revlowlng editor of tho Cyclopedia of Law and Pro- ceeduro, discussing tho Thaw case, suys: "The Jury must decldo eololy upon evidence presented to tho court. It cannot convict unless convinced of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and reasonable dpubt as to sanity at tho time of tho killing will require acquittal. If Thaw was insano nt tho tlmo ho killed White ho not only can not bo punished, but was guilty of no crime." CENSUS CLERK ARRESTED Dr. J. F. COOK HOVa TO 34 LIBMtTY gTXBMF, MC WIMi MMfT AIA OX Aim JfSW rAHMNTf . FOK AXT AIiZi WR. COOK. HwcUy Has Gone. London, Jan. 30. Tho Globe says tho British government haB accepted Swottenham's resignation as gover nor of Jamaica, o Telegraphic Brkfs. Two men wero killed and 30 bad ly Injured by a cave-Is of the roof of tho 8hawmut raise, in THoIumne county, California, TMUy night. Washington, Jnn. 30. William C. Coploy, aged 35, a census clerk, was arrested this morning, folldwlng the discovery of lifs wlfo and C-monthB-old daughter dead with bullet holes In tholr heads.' Ho said his wlfo had killed he'rself and tho baby. Ho said ho was sitting In tho front room when ho heard tho shot. Ho rushed In and found his wlf,o dead. He called a doctor, and declared ho did not know tho baby was doad until tho doctor pulled down tho bed covors, A 3-year-old son, Raymond, was In tho eamo room, unmolested. Copley served In tho Philippines as a member of Thirty-fourth Iowa. wmior his guiding hnnd that body transacts nn Immonso voliimo of business. In ordor to clenr tho desk of son nlo bills. nftor flrst rondlng Speaker uavey suggested a suspension of rulos to road tho bills n second tlmo, nnd havo thorn roforrod. Campbell, of Clnckamns, objoctod on tho point thnt such n courso is In violation of section 19 of tho stnto constitution, which provides that, uiiIosh nn emergency exists all bills shall ho rend flrst, Boond nnd third tlmo on throo sopnrato days. Motion was finally mado nnd cnrrlod that thti rules bo suspended, whon Mr. Camp bell ngaln culled nttention to tho con stitutional requirements and Buggoat- ed tho motion declnre nn omorgoncy, but tho apenker ruled this proceed ing unprocodontod and unnecessary. Tho speaker callod attontion to dolay In delivering of printod mattor from tho printing ofllco, and asked for Instructions for a romody. Prlnt or Instructed, by motion of Rodgeru, to deliver all printed mattor to aor goant at arms.' Attorney Dan Tarploy, who has beea visiting In tho city, will leave today for Portland, He has recent ly been summoned as a wJtncw in the Hermann land fraud case, ad will lv this wk for Washington. Kcnato Wftfiu'Hday MoinIng., 8. B. U4, Cole, to glvo relief for wator users from tho Umatilla. S. B. 155, Cole, relating to paying wagos in script. S. I). 150, Mlllor or Linn nnd Ma rlon, relating to stock In Linn coun. ty. 8. n. 157, Marlon county dologa tlon, rotating to clerk of Marion county. S. B. 158, Mnlnrkey, to aid in con struction of military wagon road from Coos Bay to Bosoburg. Commltteo recommended that S. B. 115 do pass, Adopted, Commltteo recommended thnt If B, 90 do pass, Committee on agriculture recom mended that 8, H. 24, 8. B. 62 and 1, B. 88 do paw. Adapted.